PBSD MSTBU Minutes 02/07/2018PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION BOARD REGULAR SESSION FEBRUARY 7, 2018 The Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Wednesday, February 7, 2016, at 1:00 p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida 34108. In attendance were: Pelican Bay Services Division Board Scott Streckenbein, Chairman Mike Shepherd, Vice -Chairman Joe Chicurel Torn Cravens Jacob Damouni Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Neil Dorrill, Administrator Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Ken Dawson Bohdan Hirniak Susan O'Brien Peggy Pinterich Gary Ventress Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Lisa Jacob, Associate Project Manager Barbara Shea, Recording Secretary Also Present Tirn Hancock, Stantec Dave Cook, Pelican Bay Foundation Jim Hoppensteadt, Pelican Bay Foundation Tim Corcoran, Pelican Bay Foundation Mary Johnson, Pelican Bay Foundation Tim Durham, County Manager's Office Robert Sanchez, PBPOA Dave Deem, Pelican Bay Foundation APPROVED AGENDA (AS PRESENTED) 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll call 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 01/03/18 Regular Session meeting minutes 5. Audience comments 6. Collier County Stormwater Utility Presentation (Tim Hancock, Stantec) 7. *Ad hoc Cost Saving Strategies Committee Report: PBSD ordinance changes a. Maintenance and replacement of walkways b. Terms of PBSD Board Chair c. Other ordinance changes d. Funding options e. Plan to approach the BCC 8. Administrator's report a. Bay Colony basic drainage survey b. Update on street sign and street light plans and specifications c. Sod replacement d. US 41 landscapehvall assessment and survey e. January financial report 9. Committee reports a. Clam Bay Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session February 7, 2018 U. Landscape & Safety c. Water Management d. Beach Renourishment 10. Chairman's report 11. Old business 12. New business 13. Adjourmnent ROLL CALL All members were present and a quorum was established Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Dawson secaxled to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF Ol/03/18 REGULAR SESSION MEETING MINUTES Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Shepherd seconded to approve the Ol/03/18 regular session meeting minutes as amended. The motion carried imanimousl . 11 AUDIENCE COMMENTS None COLLIER COUNTY STORMWATER UTILITY PRESENTATION Mr. Tim Hancock, Senior Associate with Stantec, provided a presentation on a proposed County Stonmvater Utility, to be funded by a new non -ad valorem special assessment, which is under discussion by the Collier County Board of Commissioners. Stantec will bring recommendations to the BCC at -their Feb. 13 board meeting. Highlights included: • To achieve flood control and property protection goals, the stormwater utility would provide a method of organizing and funding stormwater management, with dedicated revenues from user fees. • Single family parcel fees would likely be placed in tiers based on impervious area, to determine the fees charged. • A credit mechanism may be included in the program as follows: (1) up to a 25% credit for a stormwater control structure, (2) up to a 50% credit for direct discharge outside the County system, and (3) tip to a 100% credit for properties with specific agricultural permits. Pelican Bay residents would definitely qualify for the 25% credit, and possibly qualify for the 50% credit. • Stantec will recommend a fee of approximately $120 per ERU, and inclusion of the credit mechanism as described above. AD HOC CSS COMMITTEE REPORT: PBSD ORDINANCE CHANGES Mr. Sheckenbein provided asummary/history of discussions held over the past two years regarding the PBSD taking over PB sidewalk maintenance and replacement, and other possible changes to the existing PBSD ordinance, as amended. He emphasized that current discussions do not include widening of the pathways or replacing our asphalt pathways with concrete. Both the ad hoc Pelican Bay Seiwices Division Board Regular Session February 7, 2018 Cost Saving Strategies Committee and the Landscape & Safety Committee recommended that the PBSD take over pathway responsibilities. Mr. Shepherd provided his powerpoint presentation titled, "Pelican Bay Walkways," as presented at the January PBSD board meeting, which is posted on the PBSD website for review by residents. Mr. Dorrill commented on the issue of potential additional liability to the PBSD resulting from its takeover of pathway responsibility. He stated that (1) the PBSD is a dependent district under Collier County, (2) Collier County owns all of our assets, and (3) the state of Florida has granted sovereign immunity to its counties, which would include their dependent districts. Mr. Streckenbein invited the public to comment on this agenda item, as follows. Mr. Henry Bachman commented on the need to show Mr. Shepherd's "Pelican Bay Walkways" presentation to the Board of County Commissioners. I-Ie also questioned the accuracy of Mr. Shepherd's estimate for funding annual pathway maintenance. Ms. Sandy Doyle commented on (1) her opposition to the PBSD takeover of pathway maintenance as this is a County responsibility, (2) the cost to replace pathways could be greater than $3 million, and (3) her preference for PBSD chairmen to be rotated each year. Ms. Ann Shine commented on our dangerous PBSD sidewalks. Mr. Dave Cook commented on the County not meeting its obligation to maintain our pathways, and if it were to give up its responsibility to the PBSD, then it should provide the "base level of service dollars" to the PBSD. Ms. Linda Roth questioned (1) Would the PBSD be required to use County contractors for pathway maintenance? and (2) Is PBSD staff available and trained to supervise these contractors? Mr. Bob Sanchez commented that annual pathway maintenance will cost a lot more than the $16-22,000 estimated by Mr. Shepherd, and suggested that if the PBSD were to take on this responsibility, then it should be done properly. He also questioned why the PBSD is letting the County "out of its responsibility" to maintain our pathways. Mr. Bob Cohen commented on the importance of community reinvestment and suggested that the PBSD Board develops a pathway replacement plan. Mr. Bruce Korda suggested that this issue needs more thought and planning including (1) What if this PBSD pathway takeover does not work? and (2) What if there are excessive costs? Mr. Johan Domenic questioned whether the PBSD would be taking over responsibility for all pathways in the PUD, or only residential pathways. Ms. Mary Johnson commented on (1) the need to determine the appropriate language concerning our pathways/walkways/sidewalks, (2) whether the PBSD would be required to conform to pathway state standards, and (3) an unclear long-term vision for our pathways. Mr. Hamilton Fish suggested that (1) the PBSD pursue (more strongly) the County to fulfill their pathway maintenance responsibility, and (2) the PBSD modify our "Pelican Bay Walkways" presentation to be less "slanted." Mr. Frank Young suggested that the PBSD pursue (more strongly) the County to fulfill their maintenance responsibility. I-Ie also questioned the accuracy of the annual maintenance cost estimate provided in the presentation. Ms. Kate Henry commented on our damaged PB sidewalks and the need for additional PBSD research on repair costs. In response to public comments, Mr. Dorrill commented that (1) other Collier County MSTBUs are tasked with sidewalk maintenance responsibility within their designated taxing districts, and (2) the PBSD would be eligible to "bid out" our pathway maintenance projects, with our specific bid specs, to obtain our contractors. Discussion by the board, subsequent to public comments, included the following highlights: K Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session February 7, 2018 • Commissioner Solis is supportive of allocating County funds back to Pelican Bay for pathway maintenance; however, he is only one Collier County Commissioner out of five. • The safety issue of PB pathways in disrepair, needs to be addressed. o The County Attorney needs to weigh in on the appropriate language of either sidewalks, pathways, or walkways to be used in a future ordinance change. • A remaining question: IIave we adequately pursued requesting that the County repair our pathways, as it is their responsibility? o A remaining question: Have Ave considered the difficulty in securing a reasonable priced contractor for our asphalt repairs, in light of significant local demand for this service? o A remaining question: Can the PBSD temporarily take over pathway maintenance, in order to obtain a clearer understanding of the real costs of maintenance and contractor availability? By a show of hands, a majority of the board members were not prepared to move forward with a vote on the following motion: Mr. Shepherd motioned, Mr. Ventres seconded that the PBSD Board approach the Board of County Commissioners and ask that our• ordinance, as amended, be modified to include explicit responsibility for installation and maintenance of our walkways and that the specific language of that change be vetted through the County Attorney so that the sidewalk/walkway/pathway lexicon is appropriately vetted. After discussion by the board, Mr. Shepherd withdrew his rnotion, and Mr. Ventress withdrew his second. THE BOARD TOOK AN 18 MINUTE BREAK PROM 3:05 PM TO 3:23 PM MS. PINTERICH AND MR. VENTRESS DEPARTED THE MEETING AT 3:05 PM ADMINISTRATOR'SRFPORT PEB. 6 F EMA MEETING WITH STAFF/BAY COLONY DRAINAGE SURVEY Mr. Dorrill provided an update on a staff meeting with our FEMA Project Manager and a FEMA consultant, hired by the County to assist with FEMA reimbursement, which included: o We will explore eligibility to obtain FEMA finding to clear, restore and/or enhance waterways within the Clam Bay system and within our PBSD platted drainage casement such as those in Bay Colony. o FEMA site visits will begin on Thursday, Feb. 8. • We will explore FEMA reimbursement for replacement/re-grading the US 41 berm. FEMA will require high -resolution pre -hurricane aerial photos to quantify the number of linear feet that needs replacement. • We will explore using the County's Tetra Tech Inc. contract to clear vegetation within PB waterways. • We will explore FEMA reimbursement for re -sodding the eastern portion of the berm for erosion control. UPDATE ON STREET SIGN AND STREET LIGHT PLANS &SPECIFICATIONS Mr. Dorrill reported that om• stteet sign and street light plans and specifications for hurricane damage repairs/replacements, prepared by our civil engineers, are nearly complete. Staff will pursue C! Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session February 7, 2018 a new FEMA program, "advanced mitigation," whereby mitigation funds may be obtained to strengthen our damaged signs. SOD REPLACEMENT Mr. Dorrill reported that our sod replacement program began last week, and that the process will take a minimum of three months. In the first week, an entire load of sod was rejected due to poor quality. He commented that FEMA does not fund "landscape replacement." Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Dawson seconded to accept the January financial renort. The motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS CLAM BAY REPORT Ms. O'Brien provided her February 2018 Clam Bay update in the agenda packet and specifically highlighted: (1) the good news that the 2015 mangrove die -off area has stabilized and is not expanding, (2) the significant decrease in seagrass acreage in Outer Clam Bay, (3) the potential County support for Hurricane Irma debris removal in Clam Bay waterways and hand -dug channels, (4) the potential for a Rill maintenance dredge of Clam Pass in 2018, (5) Dr. Tomasko's annual water quality report, due on March 1, will be discussed at the next Clam Bay Committee meeting on March 8, and (6) the PBF Board's decision to appeal the administrative judge's decision to dismiss the PBF's appeal of FWC's rule on designated Manatee Protection Zones in Collier County. LANDSCAPE &SAFETY REPORT Dr. Chicurel reported that the Landscape & Safety Committee met on January 18, and the following items were discussed. 1. Cpl. Ron Turi, the Pelican Bay community policing liaison, informed the committee that (1) we should see stepped up traffic enforcement, (2) ATV patrols on the beach, and (3) enforcement of cyclists running stop sighs at PB Blvd. and Gulf Park Dr. 2. Discussion concerning different methods to apply sparrows on PB Blvd. and Gulf Park Dr. covered all possible methods. Mr. Dorrill will have test applications applied and the best method for our roads will be chosen. 3. Mr. Dorrill commented that the sod replacement effort is ongoing. 4. The exact terminology of what to call our sidewalks/pathways is still being researched. 5. Staff will research the incidence of accidents at the intersection of Hammock Oak & PB Blvd. Discussion of whether to place a 4-way stop there will follow. 6. It is the committee chairman's intention to ask the full board to plan on placing "allow 3 feet between cars & bicycle" signs on Oakmont Pkwy., Greentree, and Ridgewood. These roads do not have sharrows and are sub -standard in width as per Florida State statute for safe passing. 7. The committee asked PBSD Chairman Scott Streckenbein to ask the PB Foundation to address homeowner and association landscape overgrowth onto our sidewalks. Using "Today in the Bay" and the President's Council as vehicles for this was suggested. 8. The next committee meeting will be held on Feb. 15 at the Community Center. WATER MANAGEMENT REPORT Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session February 7, 2018 Mr. Cravens' Water Management Committee report included the following: 1. The Water Management Committee has not met since August; the committee currently has just two members. 2. Our two test lakes, Ridgewood Park lake and the Community Center lake each had 300 blue tilapia installed in July 2016 for a total cost of $750, to control algae and duckweed. 3. Currently, the Community Center lake is clear of algae; the Ridgewood Park lake has extensive algae. 4. The Ridgewood Park lake should be restocked with blue tilapia. 5. The solar powered aerator across from "The Commons" at the golf course has not been working since before Hurricane Irma. The PBSD has had multiple maintenance problems with its solar powered aerators over the years. Mr. Damouni volunteered to join the Water Management Committee, and Mr. Streckenbein accepted his offer. Mr. Dawson commented on a few specific aerators which have not been working for many months. Ms. O'Brien suggested performing an updated review of current research on aerator effectiveness, and obtaining opinions from our scientists on any possible negative impacts to our ecosystem from the installation of blue tilapia in our lakes. Mr. Dave Cook commented on the Club Pelican Bay lake aerator which has been out of service for almost a year, and suggested that the PBSD re -look at aerator maintenance. He reported that the installation of blue tilapia in the Crescent's lake resulted in the lake being algae -free for two years. I-Ie requested that the PBSD install blue tilapia in the lake next to the Crescent on the golf course. Ms. Mary Johnson expressed concern over the ammonia created from tilapia waste. Mr. Dorrill commented that (1) staff will contact Delicious Fishes to request a delivery of blue tilapia for restocking the Ridgewood Park lake, (2) lie will pull the Executive Summary off the Feb. 13 Board of County Commissioners agenda, which would have awarded the final phase of our aeration system project, and (3) he will pursue aerator warranty issues. BEACH RENOURISHMENT REPORT Mr. Streckenbein reported on attending the Presidents Council meeting on an. 19 where Mr. Gary McAlpin, Manager of Collier County Coastal Zone Management, reported that the County's beach restoration/resiliency program is tentatively scheduled for late 2019 with uo funding guarantee at this point. Mr. Streckenbein reported on attending a Collier County Commissioners Fund Raiser on Jan. 29 where Commissioner Solis commented that (1) there will not be any new construction of boardwalks to Clam Pass Park, and (2) he does not see any pressure for the general public to gain access to Pelican Bay beaches. However, the State of Florida may get more involved in these types of decisions. Ms. O'Brien commented on a recently completed County beach survey and requested that staff provide a link to the information, so that board members are able to review the widths of our PB beach. Mr. Jim Hoppensteadt, President of the PBF, questioned whether the PBSD could accelerate the timeline of dredging Clam Pass, and suggested that we "dovetail" with the County's current dredging projects in Wiggins Pass and Doctors Pass. Ms. O'Brien responded that the Clam Bay Committee will discuss this issue at the next committee meeting on Mar. 8. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT 6 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session February 7, 2018 Mr. Streckenbein commented on future discussions lie would like to have with PBSD committees on whether to reassign Water Management Committee responsibilities, partly to the Clam Bay Committee and partly to the Landscape & Safety Committee, OLD BUSINESS Ms. O'Brien thanked Mr. Streckenbein, the PBF, and the PBPOA for "getting the word out" regarding this PBSD Board agenda; Mr. Streckenbein thanked Mr. Hoppensteadt foil his assistance. NEW BUSINESS None The meeting was adiourned at 4:07 ��Yvcej/v Scott Streckenbein, Chairman -7 � Minutes approved '�Crs presented OR [_] as conended ON LJ'-7" / d7 1 date 7