CAC Minutes 04/08/2021April 8 , 2021 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Naples, Florida, April 8, 2021 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1 :00 P .M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples , Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: David Trecker VICE CHAIRMAN: Joseph Burke Steve Koziar Thomas McCann Jim Burke Robert Raymond Erik Brechnitz Robert Roth Raymond Christman ALSO PRESENT: Andy Miller, Principal Project Manager Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney April 8, 2021 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Chairman Trecker called the meeting to order at 1 :00 P.M. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Koziar moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9 -0. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. January 14, 2021 Mr. Raymond moved to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2021 as submitted. Second by Mr. Joseph Burke. Carried unanimously 9 -0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report The Committee reviewed the "FY 21 TDC Revenue Report" dated February 28 , 2021. Mr. Miller noted the data that indicates current revenue is above the projections for the Fiscal Year, slightly above the 2019 collections. VIII. New Business 1. USACE Update Mr. Miller provided an update on the timelines for the "Collier County Coas tal Storm Risk Management Feas ibility Study " being prepared by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USA CE) noting: • That the Agency decision milestone was met in December of 2020 . • Final Review is anticipated by July of 2021. • State and Agency reviews occurring in July and August of 2021. • Report signed by Chief in September of 2021. During Council discussion it was noted: • Representatives of the USA CE will be meeting the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to discuss the plan and potentially , related funding activities at a 4/27/21 BCC meeting. Representatives of the City of Marco Island and City of Naples may attend the gathering and provide comment. • Members of the Pelican Bay and Marco Island communities have concerns on the plan and the USACE was responsive by incorporating a "betterment" provision into the process whereby where changes may be made in the plan . The alternate projects would generally be at the expense of the County if they are chosen to be implemented. 2 April 8, 2021 • One concern with the City of Marco Island is many funding aspects of the plan are based on "beach access " when the protection of upland structures from storm events is the focus of the endeavor. • The County is ultimately responsible for which aspects of the plan will be implemented. 2. ES Renourishment Project (s) Recommendations • Renourishment Proje~t Area Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve the fall truck haul beach renourishment project for the Vanderbilt Beach and Naples Beach scheduled for Nov ember 2021 with a not-to-exceed project cost of $7,302,924.50; authorize all necessary budget amendments; and make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Projects #90066 and #90068) " noting: • That the project involves a 150 ,000 CY truck haul beach renourishment project for Vanderbilt Beach and Naples Beach segments for a not to exceed cost of $7 ,302 ,924.50. • The work includes engineering design, permitting, placing the sand on beaches, monitoring, inspections, etc. • The construction aspect of the project is anticipated to begin in November of 2021. • Funds allocated for Fiscal Year 2022 may be required to complete the project. During Committee discussion , the following was noted: • Concern the cost of the sand is valued at $48 /cy when previous projects yielded a cost of at a maximum of $22/cy. • The area in question has generally been on a 3 -4 year renourishment cycle with the work last completed in 2016. • The work required for the Pelican Bay beaches is paid for separately by the Pelican Bay entity and is anticipated to be approximately $2M. • The final analysis for the work will be completed in the near future and Mr. Miller will forward the preliminary report to the Members for information purposes. Mr. Koziar moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the fall truck haul beach renourishment project for the Vanderbilt Beach and Naples Beach scheduled for November 2021 with a not-to-exceed project cost of $7,302,924.50; authorize all necessary budget amendments; (Projects #90066 and #90068) and finds the item promotes tourism. Second by Mr. McCann. Carried unanimously 9 -0. 3. ES Renourishment Design Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to recommend approval to award an agreement to Coastal Protection Engineering, LLC for Requestfor Professional Services ("RPS ") No. 21-7828, "Design, Engineering and Permitting Services for Beach Re-Nourishment Projects " in the amount of $524,595.50 (Projects #90066, #90068 & #50126) and make a.finding that the se expenditures promote tourism)" noting the work is necessary for the upcoming beach renourishment project. Mr. McCann moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners award an agreement to Coastal Protection Engineering, LLCfor Request for Professional Services ("RPS'') No. 21- 7828, "Design, Engineering and Permitting Services for Beach Re-Nourishment Projects" in the amount of $524,595.50 (Projects #90066, #90068 & #50126)andfinds the expenditures promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Jim Burke. Carried unanimously 9 -0. 3 4. ES Beach Compatible Sand Supply 1TB No. 21-7827 • Bid Tabulation Sand Supply April 8, 2021 Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 21-7827 "Beach Compatible Sand Supply "for beach re-nourishment to Stewart Materials, LLC, and make a finding that this project and expenditure promotes tourism " noting Stewart Materials, LLC is recommended to supply the sand and has provided the material for past County projects . The truck haul routes are the same as previously utilized for the previous project and the trucks are monitored for compliance. Mr. Koziar moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners award Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 21-7827 "Beach Compatible Sand Supply"for beach re-nourishment to Stewart Materials, LLC and finds the expenditure promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Joseph Burke. Carried unanimously 9 -0. 5. ES CSA 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring • CSA Proposal Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve the proposal by CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. to continue the required post-construction hardbottom monitoring/or the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project in summer 2021 with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc.for Time and Material not to exceed $169,959.21 under Contract No. 17-7188 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism" noting: • That the work is required under the permits issued to the County and the costs are in line with previous years . • The work occurs annually to determine the impacts of the County 's renourishment projects on the ocean's hard bottom in the area. • The hard bottom is found just north of Wiggins Pass and extends southerly to an area just north of the Naples Pier. • To date, there have not been any negative impacts to the areas from the County's beach renourishment projects. Mr. Christman moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposal by CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. to continue the required post-construction hardbottom monitoring for the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project in summer 2021 with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc.for Time and Material not to exceed $169,959.21 under Contract No. 17-7188 andfinds the item promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Jim Burke. Carried unanimously 9 -0. 6. ES Bid No. 21-7867 Dune Restoration Project • Bid Tabulation Dune Restoration Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to recommend approval to award Invitation to Bid No . 21-7867 "Dune Vegetation Restoration Project -Grant Funded " to Cardno , Inc. in the amountof$106,4 72 .00 (Project #195-50154) and make afinding that this expenditure promotes tourism " noting: • That the work involves repair and restoration of the dune vegetation plantings throughout the upland dry beach portion of the recently renourished Naples beach shorelines between Monument Markers R-58A to R-61 at Doctors Pass. • Staff obtained a grant from FEMA to help fund the dune repairs and vegetation restoration work. 4 April 8, 2021 Mr. McCann moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners award Invitation to Bid No. 21-7867 "Dune Vegetation Restoration Project-Grant Funded" to Cardno, Inc. in the amount of $106,472.00 (Project #195-50154) and finds the expenditure promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9 -0. 7. ES Aptim Wiggins & Doctors Pass Dredge • Aptim Proposal -Wiggins & Doctors Pass Dredge Mr. Miller presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve a proposal with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure , Inc. to provide professional engineering services.for Doctors and Wiggins Passes Emergency Dredging under Contract No . 18-7432-CZfor time and material not to exceed $114,188.48, authoriz e the necessary budget amendment and make a finding that this item promotes tourism " noting: • That the proposal is to move forward with preparation of the design and bid package for the 2021-2022 Emergency Dredge projects for Wiggins and Doctors Passes . • The areas have begun to show signs of shoaling which may require dredging in the near future to ensure navigation of the Passes are safe . • The work will allow the County to institute the dredging work immediately should the Passes become unnavigable. During Committee discussion it was noted the sand excavated from the area is generally of beach quality and if so , will be placed on beaches just north or south of the Passes or at Lowdermilk Park. Mr. Joseph Burke moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a proposal with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. to provide professional engineering services for Doctors and Wiggins Passes Emergency Dredging under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ for time and material not to exceed $114,188.48, authorize the necessary budget amendment and finds the item promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Jim Burke. Carried unanimously 9 -0. IX. Old Business None X. Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion Mr. Christman queried on the status of the Committee's recommendations for enforcement of the County's Fertilizer Ordinance. Staff reported that the item may be heard by the Board of County Commissioners at the last meeting in April or sometime in May. Mr. Miller informed the Members for informational purposes , the limit of the width of the beach templates is 85 or l 00 feet depending on the locations in the County as established in 2003 . At the time , the widths generally correlated with the vegetation lines found on the beaches . Over the years , the area of plant growth has moved towards the water with some vegetation now located within the beach template, narrowing the sand areas utilized by beach goers. XII. Next Meeting Date/Location 5 April 8 , 2021 Mr. Miller noted the August meeting may be cancelled as historically no meeting ha s been held in this time period . The Committee noted the November meeting is scheduled for a Wednesday , not a Thursday when a meeting is typically held and Staff will confirm the date and notify the Committee on their findings. Next Meeting Date: May 13, 2021 -Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor ***** There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 2:08 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee These minutes approv¢by the Board/Committee on --'~=-,-1--/+J_·:3.c.. 1 +/_~=:....:._D_J.-_I _________ _ as presented--~✓----or as amended _______ _ 6