CAC Agenda 04/08/2021April 8, 2021 Meeting Agenda and Notice Coastal Advisory Comm itee (CAC) Thursday, April 8, 2021 - 1:00 P.M. Collier County Board Chambers Collier County Government Center 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Third Floor, Naples, FL Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions 2021 CAC MEETING DATES I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes January 14, 2021 VII. Staff Reports Expanded Revenue Report VIII. New Business 1. USACE Update 2. ES Renourishment Project (s) Recom m Endations o Renourishment Project Area 3. ES Renourishment Design o Renourishment Design Statement of Work o Renourishment Design Cost Proposal 4. ES Beach Compatible Sand Supply ITB 21-77827 o Bid Tabulation Sand Supply_ 5. ES CSA 2021 Hardbottom Monitoring o CSA Proposal 6. ES Bid No. 21-�867 Dune Restoration Project o Bid Tabulation Dune Restoration 7. ES Aptim Wiggins & Doctors Pass Dredge o Aptim Proposal - Wiggins & Doctors Pass Dredge IX. Old Business X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location May 13, 2021 at 1:oo p.m. XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Andrew Miller at (239) 252-2922. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-838o• Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. January 14, 2021 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Naples, Florida, January 14, 2021 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE CHAIRMAN: David Trecker Joseph Burke Steve Koziar Thomas McCann Jim Burke Robert Raymond Erik Brechnitz Robert Roth (Excused) Raymond Christman ALSO PRESENT: Andy Miller, Principal Project Manager Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Amy Patterson, Director, Capital Project Planning 1 January 14, 2021 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Chairman Trecker called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken, and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Koziar moved to approve the Agenda subject to addition of Item VII.2 — Update on 2021 projects. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 8 — 0. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. October 8, 2020 Mr. Raymond moved to approve the minutes of the October 8, 2020 as submitted. Second by Mr. Joseph Burke. Carried unanimously 8 — 0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report The Committee reviewed the "FY21 TDC Revenue Report" dated December 31, 2020. The Committee expressed concern on the Board of County Commissioners action to utilize approximately $33M in reserve funds to finance cost overruns at the newly constructed Sports Complex. Ms. Patterson reported the goal is to "pay back" the funds and she will forward the details on the funding allocation to the Committee for their review. 2. Update on 2021 Projects Mr. Miller noted the following activities are slated for 2021: • Beach and inlet monitoring. • Renewing the Sand Supply Contract. • Design for the Fall truck haul renourishment project. • Review of the 10-year plan and budget — May. • LGFR grant applications (Local Government Funding Requests). • Fall truck haul renourishment for Naples and Vanderbilt beaches — November. • US Army Corps of Engineers Collier County Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study - Agency decision milestone completed December 2020. Next steps: • Final Approval by USACE anticipated in September 2021. • Forwarded to Congress for approval and appropriation. • Updates to the County website reflecting status. • County responsible for 35 percent of projects funding — commitment timeline TBD. • Possible workshop with City of Marco Island representatives. 2 January 14, 2021 VIII. New Business 1. ES FDEP 21COI Agreement • FD. EP 21COI Agreement Mr. Miller presented Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve Agreement No. 21 CO] with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Beach Management Funding Assistance Program for funding reimbursement and support for Collier County Beach Renourishment and Inlet Management Projects" for consideration noting that the grant provides for partial cost -share reimbursement of 42.38% for the construction and monitoring costs of the Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples beaches with a total FDEP participation of not to exceed more than $5,888,065.00 (from 1/l/2019 to 12/31/2023). Mr. Brechnitz moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners Agreement No. 21 COl with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Beach Management Funding Assistance Program for funding reimbursement and support for Collier County Beach Renourishment and Inlet Management Projects. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 8 — 0. 2. ES FDEP 20003 Amendment 1 • FDEP 20003 Amendment 1 Mr. Miller presented Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve Amendment No. I to Agreement 20003 with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Beach Management Funding Assistance Program for Dredging of Wiggins Pass, and make a finding that this item promotes tourism " for consideration noting: • That FDEP Agreement No. 20003 was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on September 24, 2019. • The purpose of the Agreement is to enter into a cost share reimbursement agreement with FDEP for implementing the Inlet Management Plan for Wiggins Pass as approved by FDEP. • Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement increases the amount of funding available monitoring reimbursement from $76,500 to $204,530.00 and adds Task 2 (construction) in the amount of $719,040.50. • The additional reimbursement is for the interim dredging of Wiggins Pass completed in the Spring of 2020 and the pass monitoring. Mr. McCann moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve Amendment No. I to Agreement 20003 with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Beach Management Funding Assistance Program for Dredging of Wiggins Pass and finds the item promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Jim Burke. Carried unanimously 8 — 0. 3. ES Collier Creek Work Order • APTIM Collier Creek Work Order Mr. Miller presented Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve a Work Order under Contract #18-7432-CZ to provide engineering services for Collier Creek Final Permitting, Design, and Construction Services for time and material not to exceed $179,837.97 to APTIM January 14, 2021 Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC. and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism " for consideration noting: • That the proposal is for obtaining professional engineering services and moving forward with the design of Collier Creek Dredge and Erosion Control Structures project. • The work requires a major modification to the existing permit and lengthens the dredge cycle in the area from 2 — 3 years to approximately 8 years. Mr. Brechnitz moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a Work Order under Contract #18-7432-CZ to provide engineering services for Collier Creek Final Permitting, Design, and Construction Services for time and material not to exceed $179,837.97 to APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC and finds the expenditure promotes tourism. Second by Mr. McCann. Carried unanimously 8 — 0. 4. ES FDEP 20002 Amendment 1 • FDEP 20002 Amendment 1 Mr. Miller presented Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve Amendment No. I Agreement 20002 with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Beach Management Funding Assistance Program for South Marco Island Beach Nourishment and make a finding that this item promotes tourism " for consideration noting that the increase in funding for the monitoring is in relation to the oversight during the design and construction of the project which was completed in the spring of 2020. Mr. Koziar moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve Amendment No. 1 to Agreement 20002 with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Beach Management Funding Assistance Program for South Marco Island Beach Nourishment and finds the item promotes tourism. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 8 — 0. IX. Old Business None X. Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion Chairman Trecker reported that in February, the Board of County Commissioners will be hearing the three recommendations proposed by the Committee to aid in addressing water quality issues in the County as follows: 1. Improve compliance with the County Fertilizer Ordinance. 2. Form a working group to meet with lawn/landscape maintenance companies that work in Collier County to ensure the necessary training and certification to comply with the fertilizer ordinance. and the understanding to adjust fertilizer levels when using recycled water for irrigation. 3. Make a recommendation as to the cost -benefit of installing Advanced Wastewater Treatment to reduce nutrient levels in recycled irrigation water. El January 14, 2021 XII. Next Meeting Date/Location February 11, 2021— Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 1:50 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee David Trecker, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX REVENUE FY 21 TDT Collections Report 28-Feb-2021 Fund Reporting Fund Adopted Budget Updated Annual Forecast Budgeted YTD YTD Actual Variance to Budgeted YTD Beach Park Facilities 183 184 193 194 195 196 198 758 894,000 926,923 275,764 328,747 52,983 TDC Promotion 8,383,100 8,691,824 2,585,862 3,082,036 496,174 Non -County Museums 477,000 494,566 147,136 175,121 27,985 TDC Admin Beach Renourishment 9,734,100 10,092,577 3,002,593 3,578,807 576,214 Disaster Recovery County Museums 1,917,900 1,988,530 591,598 705,454 113,856 TDC Capital 3,566,000 3,697,325 1,099,973 1,311,464 211,491 Gross Budget 24,972,100 25,891,745 7,702,926 9,181,629 1,478,703 Less!%Rev Res 1,248,600 3.68% %Over/Under Bud 19.2% Net Budget 23,723,500 Collections Month Reported Actual Cum YTD % Budget Collected to Date % Variance FY20 Collections % Variance FY19 Collections % Variance FY18 Collections Nov 1,186,011 1,186,011 4.75% -15.14% 21.239/. 4.16% Dec 1,586,810 2,772,821 11.100/0 -23.28% 32.63% -3.20% Jan 2,872,083 5,644,904 22.60% -10.449/6 54.120/. 9.250/6 Feb 3,536,725 9,181,629 36.77% -22.11% 19.250/. -6.111/6 Mar - 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a Apr 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a May 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a June 91181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a July 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a Aug 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a Sept 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a Oct 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a Total 9,181,629 9,181,629 YTD 18.12% 31.09% -0.98% 25.891.745 Budget Comparison 5 Yr History -Cum 5 Yr History- Monthly Budgeted Collections Actual Collections Budget to Actual Variance Updated Forecast Nov 4.2% 4.2% 1,058,305 1,186,011 127,705 1,186,011 Dec 9.60/6 5.40/. 1,347,809 1,586,810 239,001 1,586,810 Jan 18.1 / 8.5% 2,113,016 2,872,083 759,067 2,872,083 Feb 30.80/6 12.7% 3,183,796 3,536,725 352,930 3,536,725 Mar 45.1%1 14.3% 3,562,928 3,384,782 Apr 63.6% 18.5% 4,609,137 4,378,680 May 75.60/6 12.00/6 3,009,090 2,858,635 June 82.20/6 6.6% 1,636,491 1,636,491 July 87.20/6 5.00/6 1,249,990 1,249,990 Aug 92.10/6 5.00/6 1,241,200 1,241,200 Sept 96.30/6 4.10/6 1,025,231 1,025,231 Oct 100.0% 3.7% 935,107 935,107 Total 100.0% 100.0% 24,972,100 9,181,629 1,478,703 25,891,745 %over/(under)budget 19.2% 3.683% Tourist Development Tax Collection Curve $5,000,000 $4,500,000 $4,000,000 $3,500,000 �ARual Colle4ons $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 z o LL Q ¢ N O Month Reported 3/8/202112:01 PM H:\Revenue Report\TDC 2 Receipts FY19 and Forward COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX REVENUE FY 21 TDT Collections Report 28-Feb-2021 Fund Reporting Fund Adopted Budget Updated Annual Forecast Budgeted YTD YTD Actual Variance to Budgeted YTD Beach Park Facilities 183 184 193 194 195 196 198 758 894,000 926,923 275,764 328,747 52,983 TDC Promotion 8,383,100 8,691,824 2,585,862 3,082,036 496,174 Non -County Museums 477,000 494,566 147,136 175,121 27,985 TDC Admin - - - - - Beach Renourishment 9,734,100 10,092,577 3,002,593 3,578,807 576,214 Disaster Recovery - - - - - County Museums 1,917,900 1,988,530 591,598 705,454 113,856 TDC Capital 3,566,000 3,697,325 1,099,973 1,311,464 211,491 Gross Budget 24,972,100 25,891,745 7,702,926 9,181,629 1,478,703 Less 5% Rev Res 1,248,600 3.68% % Over/(Under Bud 19.2 % Net Budget 23,723,500 Collections Month Reported Actual Cum YTD % Budget Collected to Date % Variance FY20 Collections % Variance FY19 Collections % Variance FY18 Collections Nov 1,186,011 1,186,011 4.75% -15.14% 21.23% -4.16% Dec 1,586,810 2,772,821 11.10% -23.28% 32.63% -3.20% Jan 2,872,083 5,644,904 22.60% -10.44% 54.12% 9.25% Feb 3,536,725 9,181,629 36.77% -22.11% 19.25% -6.11% Mar - 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a Apr - 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a May - 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a June - 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a July - 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a Aug Sept - - 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a Oct - 9,181,629 36.77% n/a n/a n/a Total 9,181,629 9,181,629 YTD -18.12% 31.09% -0.98% 25,891,745 3/8/202112:02 PM H:\Revenue Report\TDC 2 Receipts FY19 and Forward COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX REVENUE FY 21 TDT Collections Report 28-Feb-2021 Budget Comparison 5 Yr History -Cum 5 Yr History- Monthly Budgeted Collections Actual Collections Budget to Actual Variance Updated Forecast Nov 4.2% 4.2% 1,058,305 1,186,011 127,705 1,186,011 Dec 9.6% 5.4% 1,347,809 1,586,810 239,001 1,586,810 Jan 18.1% 8.5% 2,113,016 2,872,083 759,067 2,872,083 Feb 30.8% 12.7% 3,183,796 3,536,725 352,930 3,536,725 Mar 45.1% 14.3% 3,562,928 - - 3,384,782 Apr 63.6% 18.5% 4,609,137 - - 4,378,680 May 75.6% 12.0% 3,009,090 - - 2,858,635 June 82.2% 6.6% 1,636,491 - - 1,636,491 July 87.2% 5.0% 1,249,990 - - 1,249,990 Aug Sept Oct 92.1% 5.0% 1,241,200 - - - - 1,241,200 96.3% 4.1% 1,025,231 - 1,025,231 100.0% 3.7% 935,107 - 935,107 Total I 100.0% 100.0%1 24,972,100 9,181,629 1 1,478,703 25,891,745 % over/(under) budget 19.2% 3.683% $5,000,000 $4,500,000 Tourist Development Tax Collection Curve $4,000,000 -Budgeted Collections $3,500,000 $3,000,000 -Actual Collections $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 > Month Reported 3/8/202112:02 PM H:\Revenue Report\TDC 2 Receipts FY19 and Forward I1W40119I1WAA/ ''UJ lu/_X; Al Recommendation to approve the fall truck haul beach renourishment project for the Vanderbilt Beach and Naples Beach scheduled for November 2021 with a not -to -exceed project cost of $7,302,924.50; authorize all necessary budget amendments; and make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Projects 90066 and 90068). OBJECTIVE: To obtain a recommendation approving the project and funding for the 2021 truck haul beach renourishment project. CONSIDERATIONS: Staff is seeking project approval and authorization for a budget amendment for a 150,000 CY truck haul beach renourishment project for Vanderbilt Beach and Naples Beach segments for a not to exceed cost of $7,302,924.50, which shall include but not be limited to the following cost estimates: • Engineering design, permitting, inspections and project certification - $157,789 ❑ Sand purchase by the County - $2,343,000 • Construction ➢ Mobilization- $100,000 ➢ Transportation, distribution, and placement of beach sand - $3,550,000 ➢ Maintenance of Traffic - $100,000 ➢ Construction surveys - pre, post, and record survey - $202,135.50 ❑ Staff inspectors and inspections ➢ Turbidity monitoring - $80,000 ➢ QA/QC inspections of delivered sand and truck chain -of -custody control - $120,000 ➢ Geotechnical sampling and analysis - $25,000 ❑ Shorebird monitoring - $25,000 • Contingency - $600,000 The cost estimate is based on recent historical pricing to support an anticipated construction start date of November 1, 2021. Placement of this sand is expected to renourish these sections of the beach for a design life of three (3) years, assuming no exceptional storms, hurricanes, or unexpected weather conditions. All individual project expenditures as estimated above will be presented and approved by the BCC prior to execution of funds. Pelican Bay also intends to renourish their beaches coincident with the Vanderbilt Beach Renourishment under the same County approved contract as Vanderbilt and Naples beaches. The County's itemized costs do not include expenditures for Pelican Bay Beach. All costs associated with Pelican Bay's beach renourishment will be funded through the Pelican Bay Services Division. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this renourishment is provided in the Tourist Development Tax, Fund (195) Beach Renourishment, projects 90066 and 90068, and is being requested of both the Tourist Development Council (TDC) and Board of County Commissioners (BCC) for FY2021. An FY 21 budget amendment will be required to realign project budgets within the Tourist Development Tax Fund (195) Beach Renourishment to fund a contract with Coastal Protection Engineering, LLC to provide professional engineering services for the Vanderbilt Beach and Naples Beach segments. The Partial reimbursement of this work may be provided by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will be reviewed and approved by the CAC on April 8, 2021 and by the TDC on April 26, 2021 prior to this item being presented to the BCC for approval on 05/11/2021. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve the fall truck haul beach renourishment project for the Vanderbilt Beach and Naples Beach scheduled for November 2021 with a not -to -exceed project cost of $7,302,924.50; authorize all necessary budget amendments; and make a finding that this item promotes tourism (Projects 90066 and 90068). Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division G i.. M CC r. ppO2i Au,a.� key [ �� I � = L-H�i.S• � ->i�1y' 14 TA any t �... ;� �� r� >i•;o- 1` �i �' 4 •.�lC 1 �." 1 • AIL' "• .k "�al'! � i I,s��� Miksri RAO, q. is ,� ,•.'��1ii I ` -[[y. _ �{ LL_ aS a N k.: m I1W40119I1WAA/ ''UJ lu/_X; Al Recommendation to recommend approval to award an agreement to Coastal Protection Engineering, LLC for Request for Professional Services ("RPS") No. 21-7828, "Design, Engineering and Permitting Services for Beach Re -Nourishment Projects" in the amount of $524,595.50 (Projects 90066, 90068 & 50126) and make a finding that these expenditures promote tourism. OBJECTIVE: To obtain professional engineering services for FY2022 Collier Beaches Renourishment project. CONSIDERATIONS: The Coastal Zone Management Section is responsible for maintaining critically eroded beaches of Collier County. Annual beach renourishment projects range in size and scope at the critically eroded reaches of Vanderbilt, Pelican Bay, Naples, and South Marco Island beaches. The Coastal Zone Management FY20-21 10-year planning document, approved by the Board of Collier County Commissioners on September 22, 2020 (Item 16.A.8), budgeted for renourishments to Vanderbilt, Pelican Bay, and Naples beaches. On February 23, 2021, the Board accepted the selection committee ranking and authorized staff to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked firm, Coastal Protection Engineering LLC, for RPS No. 21-7828, "Design, Engineering and Permitting Services for Beach Re -Nourishment Projects" (Agenda Item 16.A.15). Consistent with the Section 287.055 of the Florida Statutes, the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act, staff negotiated and reached a proposed agreement with Coastal Protection Engineering LLC. for a contract in the amount of $524,595.50 for all professional services. The total contract amount negotiated subject to the Board's approval is for Design, Engineering and Permitting services for beach renourishment at Naples, Vanderbilt, and Pelican Bay Beaches. (Pelican Bay Foundation will reimburse the County for its share of these services.) FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this contract, in the amount of $524,595.50, are available from the following: Naples Beach: 195-90068 $245,441.50, Vanderbilt Beach 195-90066 $203,466.00 Pelican Bay Beach: 322-50126 $75,688.00 Partial reimbursement of this work may be provided by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management impact associated with this Executive Summary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will be reviewed by the CAC on April 8, 2021 and by the TDC on April 26, 2021 prior to this item being presented to the BCC for approval on 05/11/2021. RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation to recommend approval to award an agreement under RPS No. 21-7828, "Design, Engineering and Permitting Services for Beach Re -Nourishment Projects" to Coastal Protection Engineering, LLC in the amount of $524,595.50 (Projects 90066 and 90068) and make a finding that these expenditures promote tourism. Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division, Growth Management Department. SCHEDULE A Statement of Work 21-7828 Design, Engineering and Permitting Services for Beach Re -Nourishment Projects Introduction CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant will provide all labor and equipment to complete the engineering and survey services described in this statement of work to support Collier County's (County) next beach renourishment project. The beach renourishment project is anticipated to include placement of approximately 150,000 to 250,000 cy of sand along beaches in Naples Beaches (R- 60 to R-79), Vanderbilt Beach (R-22 to R-30), and/or Pelican Bay (R-31 to R-37), depending on beach conditions and County goals. The scope of services described herein is organized by project area assuming a 60-day construction period for Vanderbilt and Naples beaches and includes options for an extended construction period at each of those reaches and Pelican Bay for an additional 30 days in total. The following assumptions apply to the construction phases of work: • The project will be built via truck haul methods. • The County will bid and construct project reaches concurrently. • Construction deliverables may be provided as joint deliverables for project areas as practical. • Construction duration estimates: o Naples & Vanderbilt beaches ■ Base Construction Period: 60 days ■ Extended Construction Period: 20 days o Pelican Bay Option ■ 10 days • County inspectors will collect weight tickets, observe delivered sand quality and beach construction, and reconcile sand mine records with weight tickets collected at the beach. • The following monitoring tasks and related coordination are not part of this scope of work: o Turbidity Monitoring o Shorebird Monitoring o Marine Turtle Monitoring o Biological Monitoring (hardbottom, SAV, etc.) Surveys o Post -Construction (2021 and beyond) Countywide Physical Monitoring Task Description 1 Naples - Design for Beach Renourishment: CONSULTANT engineers will review the physical monitoring results and perform engineering analysis to refine project reach extents and estimate volumes needed. Project reaches will be selected for design in consultation with the County based on the beach width conditions measured by the January 2021 physical monitoring surveys. The goal of the design will be to place material including advanced nourishment so 1 that the project area will be able to absorb typical erosion over the County's desired design life. After review of the preliminary volume estimates, an analysis will be conducted to optimize placement areas and volumes. CONSULTANT will finalize the quantities and fill areas based on consultation with Collier County. Once the County has reviewed and approved CONSULTANT's proposed design including project reach extents and approximate fill quantities, CONSULTANT will work to prepare construction documents including technical specifications, detailed construction plans, and bid form. The CONSULTANT engineering team will work with CONSULTANT specialists to prepare construction plans that will include survey control provided and reviewed by CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant, cross sections illustrating project design details including elevations, slopes, and tolerances, and plan view drawings indicating staging areas, construction access points, fill placement areas, construction baseline and project stationing, and relevant environmental resources or restrictions. The construction plans and volumes for bidding will be based on the 2021 annual physical monitoring surveys previously conducted by others. Technical specifications to accompany the construction plans will integrate the Sediment QA/QC plan, environmental standards, and permit conditions into the work. CONSULTANT will provide draft construction plans and specifications to the County for their review and input. While Collier County staff are reviewing the draft construction plans and technical specifications for this project, CPE will contact construction contractors who have successfully constructed projects of similar scope. Based on feedback from contractors, truck hauling distances from the County's selected sand supplier to the project reaches, previous bid prices, and sound engineering judgement, CONSULTANT will finalize the opinion of probable construction cost including allowances or as required by County procurement. The opinion of probable cost will include project features as itemized on the bid form and detail the assumptions made. CONSULTANT is committed to supporting the County in constructing this project as early as possible, without impact to sea turtle nesting and will work to have construction plans, specifications and bidding documents prepared by 7/1/2021, or earlier, provided that required documentation such as survey data and executed contract documents are received in a timely manner. Deliverables: For Task 1, CONSULTANT will submit to the County an engineer's opinion of probable construction cost and two reproducible 11" x 17" engineering scaled sets of signed and sealed construction drawings along with one electronic copy of both AutoCAD and Adobe PDF files, and two reproducible sets of technical specifications along with Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF electronic copies of files for the County to assemble the bid documents. These construction documents will be provided as a combined set covering Naples, Vanderbilt, and/or Pelican Bay beaches. 2 Naples - Bid Process and Contract Procurement CONSULTANT will support the County in their bidding of the project and provide technical support to the County during the construction contract procurement process. CONSULTANT will attend and present at the pre -bid meeting, assist the County in issuing addenda, if needed, to interpret, clarify or expand upon the bid documents, and make a recommendation for award to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder in accordance with County procurement policies. 2 Deliverables: For Task 2, CONSULTANT will submit a written recommendation for award to the County for this construction contract. 3 NaDles - Construction Administration CONSULTANT will serve as Engineer of Record in a support role to the County assisting in administering the construction of this beach renourishment project. To allow for construction commencement in late 2021, CONSULTANT will support the County in coordinating with the County's selected sand supplier for stockpiling and production testing of beach sand and their selected biological monitoring firm for a pre - construction hardbottom survey during the summer of 2021. Based on pre -construction surveys, CONSULTANT will coordinate with the County to refine the project design and planned fill volumes for contracting. Immediately prior to construction, based on before - placement surveys on 200-ft stations collected by CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant, CONSULTANT will review and discuss the current conditions with the County to confirm contracted quantities. CONSULTANT will then provide a fill placement table by 200-ft stations to assist the County in tracking construction progress and assist the Contractor in proper distribution of contracted project fill quantities. CONSULTANT will plan to submit NTP required items in sequence, as soon as they are available, to aid in timely agency reviews. The NTP request will be finalized once the construction contractor has been awarded and provides turbidity monitoring qualifications and an Environmental Protection Plan for the project. During the pre -construction phase, CONSULTANT will review the contractor's work plan and submittal forms including those needed for the agency NTP request prior to submitting to the permitting agencies. This will include up to one round of work plan revisions from the contractor. CONSULTANT will coordinate with agency representatives, the County, construction contractor, marine turtle permit holder, and sand supplier to schedule the permit required pre -construction conference based on the anticipated construction commencement date. To meet permit requirements, CONSULTANT professional staff will be prepared to present and discuss relevant permit conditions and support the County in presenting project goals and details. CONSULTANT will assist the County during the contractor pre -construction meeting immediately following or immediately before the agency pre -construction meeting to discuss contract obligations, chain of communication expectations and points of contact, and to clarify project details and logistics. A CONSULTANT engineer will attend weekly construction progress meetings with the County and Contractor to cover work progress and schedule, conformance to plans and specifications, and other relevant issues for discussion. Once fill sections have been completed by the contractor, CONSULTANT engineers and surveyors commit to working together for quick measurement and analysis of the placed material to support recommendations to the County for acceptance or rejection of fill sections throughout construction. CONSULTANT will review the contractor's pay applications monthly, reconcile and/or review the progress pay volumes/tonnage based on weights tickets collected and recorded by the County at the beach and physical surveys. CONSULTANT team will remain in contact and available to County staff for tracking project progress, reporting volume placed as measured by the construction surveys, reviewing contractor submittals, and 3 providing technical advising as it relates to project design or permit conditions. CONSULTANT will review daily contractor reports and submit turbidity monitoring reports to appropriate agency contacts throughout construction. As the need arises, CONSULTANT team will assist the County in preparing field changes, change orders, or contract modifications, and making determinations on non -conforming or unauthorized work. Once the County has deemed a project reach substantially complete, the engineer will work with County staff to develop a punch list of items needing completion or correction prior to final acceptance of the project and provide written recommendations to the County concerning acceptability of the work done. Proposed fees are separated into a base construction period and extended construction period in Schedule B. Extended construction period will only be activated if necessary, in consultation with the County Project Manager. Deliverables: For Task 3, CONSULTANT will provide: • Permit required Notice to Proceed items. • Meeting minutes for the pre -construction conference and construction progress meetings. • Recommendations to the County for acceptance or rejection of fill sections throughout construction. • Recommendations to the County for payment of invoices to the Contractor. • Substantial completion punch list. 4 NaDles - Pre -Construction. Construction, and Post -Construction Surve Work under Task 4 will be performed by CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant. Subcontractor/Subconsultant will collect pre -construction beach surveys within 90 days of the anticipated construction start date in compliance with the project permits. During construction, Subcontractor/Subconsultant surveyors will be onsite performing surveys in coordination with CONSULTANT engineers to track daily progress. Following completion of construction, CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant will perform post -construction surveys of the full project area as required by the permit's Physical Monitoring Plan. All surveys and reporting will be conducted in accordance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Monitoring Standards for Beach Erosion Control Projects. Proposed fees are separated into a base construction period and extended construction period in Schedule B. Extended construction period will only be activated if necessary, in consultation with the County Project Manager. Deliverables: For Task 4, CONSULTANT will provide the following in coordination with Subcontractor/Subconsultant: • Pre -construction ASCII/FDEP data files and signed and sealed/survey report. • During -construction: Daily ASCII data files and plan view drawings. • Post -Construction ASCII/FDEP data files and signed/sealed survey report. 4 5 Naples - Construction Observations and Project Certifications In order to certify the project as required by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), a CONSULTANT Professional Engineer or their engineering observer, will visit the construction sites once per week on average and during key construction milestones. During engineering site visits, CONSULTANT staff will be focused on observing fill placement activities to evaluate the project being constructed in accordance with the construction plans, technical specifications, and project permits, and will com m Lnicate findings to the County staff. Once the County has deemed a project reach substantially complete, a CONSULTANT professional engineer will conduct a comprehensive review of the project reach during a walk through with County staff. These observations will be used to prepare the punch list under Task 3. In accordance with permit requirements, a CONSULTANT Professional Engineer will prepare the project completion statement and certifications within 30 days. The certifications will be based on during construction surveys and satisfies FDEP General Condition #11. In accordance with the project's Physical Monitoring Plan, CONSULTANT will prepare a post -construction engineering monitoring report. The post -construction report will be based on pre- and post -construction project surveys and include key project details, volumes placed by reach, summarize the results of post - construction sediment testing performed by the County's selected geotechnical laboratory, and document environmental compliance tasks performed during construction. This report will be finalized and submitted to agencies within 90 days of the post -construction survey. Proposed fees are separated into a base construction period and extended construction period in Schedule B. Extended construction period will only be activated if necessary, in consultation with the County Project Manager. Deliverables: For Task 5, CONSULTANT will provide the following • Project completion statement and certification within 30 days of project completion. • Post -construction Engineering Monitoring Report within 90 days of post -construction survey. 6 Vanderbilt - Design for Beach Renourishment: CONSULTANT engineers will review the physical monitoring results and perform engineering analysis to refine project reach extents and estimate volumes needed. Project reaches will be selected for design in consultation with the County based on the beach width conditions measured by the January 2021 physical monitoring surveys. The goal of the design will be to place material including advanced nourishment so that the project area will be able to absorb typical erosion over the County's desired design life. After review of the preliminary volume estimates, an analysis will be conducted to optimize placement areas and volumes. CONSULTANT will finalize the quantities and fill areas based on consultation with Collier County. Once the County has reviewed and approved CONSULTANT's proposed design including project reach extents and approximate fill quantities, CONSULTANT will work to prepare construction documents including technical specifications, detailed construction plans, and bid form. The CONSULTANT k, engineering team will work with CONSULTANT specialists to prepare construction plans that will include survey control provided and reviewed by CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant, cross sections illustrating project design details including elevations, slopes, and tolerances, and plan view drawings indicating staging areas, construction access points, fill placement areas, construction baseline and project stationing, and relevant environmental resources or restrictions. The construction plans and volumes for bidding will be based on the 2021 annual physical monitoring surveys previously conducted by others. Technical specifications to accompany the construction plans will integrate the Sediment QA/QC plan, environmental standards, and permit conditions into the work. CONSULTANT will provide draft construction plans and specifications to the County for their review and input. While Collier County staff are reviewing the draft construction plans and technical specifications for this project, CONSULTANT will contact construction contractors who have successfully constructed projects of similar scope. Based on feedback from contractors, truck hauling distances from the County's selected sand supplierto the project reaches, previous bid prices, and sound engineering judgement, CONSULTANT will finalize the opinion of probable construction cost including allowances or as required by County procurement. The opinion of probable cost will include project features as itemized on the bid form and detail the assumptions made. CONSULTANT is committed to supporting the County in constructing this project as early as possible, without impact to sea turtle nesting and will work to have construction plans, specifications and bidding documents prepared by 7/1/2021, or earlier, provided that required documentation such as survey data and executed contract documents are received in a timely manner. Proposed fees are separated into a base construction period and extended construction period in Schedule B. Extended construction period will only be activated if necessary, in consultation with the County Project Manager. Deliverables: For Task 6, CONSULTANT will submit to the County an engineer's opinion of probable construction cost and two reproducible 11" x 17" engineering scaled sets of signed and sealed construction drawings along with one electronic copy of both AutoCAD and Adobe PDF files, and two reproducible sets of technical specifications along with Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF electronic copies of files for the County to assemble the bid documents. These construction documents will be provided as a combined set covering Naples, Vanderbilt, and/or Pelican Bay beaches. 7 Vanderbilt - Bid Process and Contract Procurement CONSULTANT will support the County in their bidding of the project and provide technical support to the County during the construction contract procurement process. CONSULTANT will attend and present at the pre -bid meeting, assist the County in issuing addenda, if needed, to interpret, clarify or expand upon the bid documents, and make a recommendation for award to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder in accordance with County procurement policies. Deliverables: For Task 7, CONSULTANT will submit a written recommendation for award to the County for this construction contract. 11 8 Vanderbilt - Construction Administration CONSULTANT will serve as Engineer of Record in a support role to the County assisting in administering the construction of this beach renourishment project. To allow for construction commencement in late 2021, CONSULTANT will support the County in coordinating with the County's selected sand supplier for stockpiling and production testing of beach sand and their selected biological monitoring firm for a pre - construction hardbottom survey during the summer of 2021. Based on pre -construction surveys, CONSULTANT will coordinate with the County to refine the project design and planned fill volumes for contracting. Immediately prior to construction, based on before - placement surveys on 200-ft stations collected by CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant, CONSULTANT will review and discuss the current conditions with the County to confirm contracted quantities. CONSULTANT will then provide a fill placement table by 200-ft stations to assist the County in tracking construction progress and assist the Contractor in proper distribution of contracted project fill quantities. CONSULTANT will plan to submit NTP required items in sequence, as soon as they are available, to aid in timely agency reviews. The NTP request will be finalized once the construction contractor has been awarded and provides turbidity monitoring qualifications and an Environmental Protection Plan for the project. During the pre -construction phase, CONSULTANT will review the contractor's work plan and submittal forms including those needed for the agency NTP request prior to submitting to the permitting agencies. This will include up to one round of work plan revisions from the contractor. CONSULTANT will coordinate with agency representatives, the County, construction contractor, marine turtle permit holder, and sand supplier to schedule the permit required pre -construction conference based on the anticipated construction commencement date. To meet permit requirements, CONSULTANT professional staff will be prepared to present and discuss relevant permit conditions and support the County in presenting project goals and details. CONSULTANT will assist the County during the contractor pre -construction meeting immediately following or immediately before the agency pre -construction meeting to discuss contract obligations, chain of communication expectations and points of contact, and to clarify project details and logistics. A CONSULTANT engineer will attend weekly construction progress meetings with the County and Contractor to cover work progress and schedule, conformance to plans and specifications, and other relevant issues for discussion. Once fill sections have been completed by the contractor, CONSULTANT engineers and surveyors commit to working together for quick measurement and analysis of the placed material to support recommendations to the County for acceptance or rejection of fill sections throughout construction. CONSULTANT will review the contractor's pay applications monthly, reconcile and/or review the progress pay volumes/tonnage based on weights tickets collected and recorded by the County at the beach and physical surveys. CONSULTANT team will remain in contact and available to County staff for tracking project progress, reporting volume placed as measured by the construction surveys, reviewing contractor submittals, and providing technical advising as it relates to project design or permit conditions. CONSULTANT will review daily contractor reports and submit turbidity monitoring reports to appropriate agency contacts 7 throughout construction. As the need arises, CONSULTANT team will assist the County in preparing field changes, change orders, or contract modifications, and making determinations on non -conforming or unauthorized work. Once the County has deemed a project reach substantially complete, the engineer will work with County staff to develop a punch list of items needing completion or correction prior to final acceptance of the project and provide written recommendations to the County concerning acceptability of the work done. Proposed fees are separated into a base construction period and extended construction period in Schedule B. Extended construction period will only be activated if necessary, in consultation with the County Project Manager. Deliverables: For Task 8, CONSULTANT will provide: • Permit required Notice to Proceed items. • Meeting minutes for the pre -construction conference and construction progress meetings. • Recommendations to the County for acceptance or rejection of fill sections throughout construction. • Recommendations to the County for payment of invoices to the Contractor. • Substantial completion punch list. 9 Vanderbilt - Pre -Construction, Construction, and Post -Construction Surveys: Work under Task 9 will be performed by CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant. Subcontractor/Subconsultant will collect pre -construction beach surveys within 90 days of the anticipated construction start date in compliance with the project permits. During construction, Subcontractor/Subconsultant surveyors will be onsite performing surveys in coordination with CONSULTANT engineers to track daily progress. Following completion of construction, Subcontractor/Subconsultant will perform post -construction surveys of the full project area as required by the permit's Physical Monitoring Plan. All surveys and reporting will be conducted in accordance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Monitoring Standards for Beach Erosion Control Projects. Proposed fees are separated into a base construction period and extended construction period in Schedule B. Extended construction period will only be activated if necessary, in consultation with the County Project Manager. Deliverables: For Task 9, CONSULTANT will provide the following in coordination with CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant: • Pre -construction ASCII/FDEP data files and signed and sealed/survey report. • During -construction: Daily ASCII data files and plan view drawings. • Post -Construction ASCII/FDEP data files and signed/sealed survey report. 10 Vanderbilt - Construction Observations and Proiect Certifications In order to certify the project as required by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), a CONSULTANT Professional Engineer or their engineering observer, will visit the construction sites once per week on average and during key construction milestones. During engineering site visits, CONSULTANT staff will be focused on observing fill placement H., activities to evaluate the project being constructed in accordance with the construction plans, technical specifications, and project permits, and will communicate findings to the County staff. Once the County has deemed a project reach substantially complete, a CONSULTANT professional engineer will conduct a comprehensive review of the project reach during a walk through with County staff. These observations will be used to prepare the punch list under Task 8. In accordance with permit requirements, a CONSULTANT Professional Engineer will prepare the project completion statement and certifications within 30 days. The certifications will be based on during construction surveys and satisfies FDEP General Condition #11. In accordance with the project's Physical Monitoring Plan, CONSULTANT will prepare a post -construction engineering monitoring report. The post -construction report will be based on pre- and post -construction project surveys and include key project details, volumes placed by reach, summarize the results of post - construction sediment testing performed by the County's selected geotechnical laboratory, and document environmental compliance tasks performed during construction. This report will be finalized and submitted to agencies within 90 days of the post -construction survey. Proposed fees are separated into a base construction period and extended construction period in Schedule B. Extended construction period will only be activated if necessary, in consultation with the County Project Manager. Deliverables: For Task 10, CONSULTANT will provide the following • Project completion statement and certification within 30 days of project completion. • Post -construction Engineering Monitoring Report within 90 days of post -construction survey. 11 Pelican Bav - DesiRn for Beach Renourishment: CONSULTANT engineers will review the physical monitoring results and perform engineering analysis to refine project reach extents and estimate volumes needed. Project reaches will be selected for design in consultation with the County and Pelican Bay Services Division based on the beach width conditions measured by the January 2021 physical monitoring surveys. The goal of the design will be to place material including advanced nourishment so that the project area will be able to absorb typical erosion over the County's desired design life. After review of the preliminary volume estimates, an analysis will be conducted to optimize placement areas and volumes. CONSULTANT will finalize the quantities and fill areas based on consultation with Collier County. Once the County has reviewed and approved CONSULTANT's proposed design including project reach extents and approximate fill quantities, CONSULTANT will work to prepare construction documents including technical specifications, detailed construction plans, and bid form. The CONSULTANT engineering team will work with CONSULTANT specialists to prepare construction plans that will include survey control provided and reviewed by CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant, cross sections illustrating project design details including elevations, slopes, and tolerances, and plan view drawings indicating staging areas, construction access points, fill placement areas, construction baseline and project stationing, and relevant environmental resources or restrictions. M The construction plans and volumes for bidding will be based on the 2021 annual physical monitoring surveys previously conducted by others. Technical specifications to accompany the construction plans will integrate the Sediment QA/QC plan, environmental standards, and permit conditions into the work. CONSULTANT will provide draft construction plans and specifications to the County for their review and input. While Collier County staff are reviewing the draft construction plans and technical specifications for this project, CONSULTANT will contact construction contractors who have successfully constructed projects of similar scope. Based on feedback from contractors, truck hauling distances from the County's selected sand supplierto the project reaches, previous bid prices, and sound engineering judgement, CONSULTANT will finalize the opinion of probable construction cost including allowances or as required by County procurement. The opinion of probable cost will include project features as itemized on the bid form and detail the assumptions made. CONSULTANT is committed to supporting the County in constructing this project as early as possible, without impact to sea turtle nesting and will work to have construction plans, specifications and bidding documents prepared by 7/1/2021, or earlier, provided that required documentation such as survey data and executed contract documents are received in a timely manner. Deliverables: For Task 11, CONSULTANT will submit to the County an engineer's opinion of probable construction cost and two reproducible 11" x 17" engineering scaled sets of signed and sealed construction drawings along with one electronic copy of both AutoCAD and Adobe PDF files, and two reproducible sets of technical specifications along with Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF electronic copies of files for the County to assemble the bid documents. These construction documents will be provided as a combined set covering Naples, Vanderbilt, and/or Pelican Bay beaches. 12 Pelican Bav - Bid Process and Contract Procurement CONSULTANT will support the County in their bidding of the combined project and provide technical support to the County during the construction contract procurement process. CONSULTANT will attend and present at the pre -bid meeting, assist the County in issuing addenda, if needed, to interpret, clarify or expand upon the bid documents, and make a recommendation for award to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder in accordance with County procurement policies. Deliverables: For Task 12, CONSULTANT will submit a written recommendation for award to the County for this combined construction contract. 13 Pelican Bay - Construction Administration CONSULTANT will serve as Engineer of Record in a support role to the County assisting in administering the construction of this beach renourishment project. To allow for construction commencement in late 2021, CONSULTANT will support the County in coordinating with the County's selected sand supplier for stockpiling and production testing of beach sand and their selected biological monitoring firm for a pre - construction hardbottom survey during the summer of 2021. Based on pre -construction surveys, CONSULTANT will coordinate with the County to refine the project design and planned fill volumes for contracting. Immediately prior to construction, based on before- 10 placement surveys on 200-ft stations collected by CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant, CONSULTANT will review and discuss the current conditions with the County to confirm contracted quantities. CONSULTANT will then provide a fill placement table by 200-ft stations to assist the County in tracking construction progress and assist the Contractor in proper distribution of contracted project fill quantities. CONSULTANT will plan to submit NTP required items in sequence, as soon as they are available, to aid in timely agency reviews. The NTP request will be finalized once the construction contractor has been awarded and provides turbidity monitoring qualifications and an Environmental Protection Plan for the project. During the pre -construction phase, CONSULTANT will review the contractor's work plan and submittal forms including those needed for the agency NTP request prior to submitting to the permitting agencies. This will include up to one round of work plan revisions from the contractor. CONSULTANT will coordinate with agency representatives, the County, construction contractor, marine turtle permit holder, and sand supplier to schedule the permit required pre -construction conference based on the anticipated construction commencement date. To meet permit requirements, CONSULTANT professional staff will be prepared to present and discuss relevant permit conditions and support the County in presenting project goals and details. CONSULTANT will assist the County during the contractor pre -construction meeting immediately following or immediately before the agency pre -construction meeting to discuss contract obligations, chain of communication expectations and points of contact, and to clarify project details and logistics. A CONSULTANT engineer will attend weekly construction progress meetings with the County and Contractor to cover work progress and schedule, conformance to plans and specifications, and other relevant issues for discussion. Once fill sections have been completed by the contractor, CONSULTANT engineers and surveyors commit to working together for quick measurement and analysis of the placed material to support recommendations to the County for acceptance or rejection of fill sections throughout construction. CONSULTANT will review the contractor's pay applications monthly, reconcile and/or review the progress pay volumes/tonnage based on weights tickets collected and recorded by the County at the beach and physical surveys. CONSULTANT team will remain in contact and available to County staff for tracking project progress, reporting volume placed as measured by the construction surveys, reviewing contractor submittals, and providing technical advising as it relates to project design or permit conditions. CONSULTANT will review daily contractor reports and submit turbidity monitoring reports to appropriate agency contacts throughout construction. As the need arises, CONSULTANT team will assist the County in preparing field changes, change orders, or contract modifications, and making determinations on non -conforming or unauthorized work. Once the County has deemed a project reach substantially complete, the engineer will work with County staff to develop a punch list of items needing completion or correction prior to final acceptance of the project and provide written recommendations to the County concerning acceptability of the work done. Deliverables: For Task 13, CONSULTANT will provide: • Permit required Notice to Proceed items. • Meeting minutes for the pre -construction conference and construction progress meetings. 11 • Recommendations to the County for acceptance or rejection of fill sections throughout construction. • Recommendations to the County for payment of invoices to the Contractor. • Substantial completion punch list. 14 Pelican Bav - Pre -Construction. Construction. and Post -Construction Survevs: Work under Task 14 will be performed by CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant. Subcontractor/Subconsultant will collect pre -construction beach surveys within 90 days of the anticipated construction start date in compliance with the project permits. During construction, Subcontractor/Subconsultant surveyors will be onsite performing surveys in coordination with CONSULTANT engineers to track daily progress. Following completion of construction, Subcontractor/Subconsultant will perform post -construction surveys of the full project area as required by the permit's Physical Monitoring Plan. All surveys and reporting will be conducted in accordance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Monitoring Standards for Beach Erosion Control Projects. Deliverables: For Task 14, CONSULTANT will provide the following in coordination with CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant: • Pre -construction ASCII/FDEP data files and signed and sealed/survey report. • During -construction: Daily ASCII data files and plan view drawings. • Post -Construction ASCII/FDEP data files and signed/sealed survey report. 15 Pelican Bay - Construction Observations and Project Certifications In order to certify the project as required by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), a CONSULTANT Professional Engineer or their engineering observer, will visit the construction sites once per week on average and during key construction milestones. During engineering site visits, CONSULTANT staff will be focused on observing fill placement activities to evaluate the project being constructed in accordance with the construction plans, technical specifications, and project permits, and will communicate findings to the County staff. Once the County has deemed a project reach substantially complete, a CONSULTANT professional engineer will conduct a comprehensive review of the project reach during a walk through with County staff. These observations will be used to prepare the punch list under Task 13. In accordance with permit requirements, a CONSULTANT Professional Engineer will prepare the project completion statement and certifications within 30 days. The certifications will be based on during construction surveys and satisfies FDEP General Condition #11. In accordance with the project's Physical Monitoring Plan, CONSULTANT will prepare a post -construction engineering monitoring report. The post -construction report will be based on pre- and post -construction project surveys and include key project details, volumes placed by reach, summarize the results of post - construction sediment testing performed by the County's selected geotechnical laboratory, and document environmental compliance tasks performed during construction. This report will be finalized and submitted to agencies within 90 days of the post -construction survey. 12 Deliverables: For Task 1S, CONSULTANT will provide the following • Project completion statement and certification within 30 days of project completion. • Post -construction Engineering Monitoring Report within 90 days of post -construction survey. rn.,on+ CONSULTANT proposes to provide these services as summarized above with the support of CONSULTANT'S Subcontractor/Subconsultant. Although this proposal is detailed by separable items and estimated with specific tasks and subtasks, it is anticipated that CONSULTANT staff and Subcontractor/Subconsultant will be used as needed to achieve the scope of services and to meet the stated objectives and timelines. Should the County desire additional services beyond this scope, CONSULTANT will be available to discuss adjustments as appropriate. 13 ■IIIIIIIIIYIIIIIIIIIIIII NI�IIIMIIIIIIIIII liul�il�l�lllnllll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 21-7827 "Beach Compatible Sand Supply" for beach re -nourishment to Stewart Materials, LLC, and make a finding that this project and expenditure promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: To acquire sand sourcing for upcoming beach re -nourishment over the next five (5) years. CONSIDERATIONS: In order to perform maintenance re -nourishment projects of the County's beaches it is expected that approximately 75,000 tons/year (-50,000 Cubic Yards (CY) per year) will be needed for the next five (5) years. The intended plan is to perform annual or bi-annual (every other year) truck haul renourishment with sand being purchased by the County directly from the supplying sand mine. The fill material must come from a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) approved sand source. Only three FDEP sand mines are located within a practical hauling distance from Collier beaches: Stewart Materials in Immokalee, Vulcan Materials in Witherspoon, and Cemex in Lake Wales. A separate contractor will be selected by the County for pick-up, delivery and placement of fill material for each maintenance project. This approach will be advantageous to the County by ensuring that material is available and ready to meet their project needs. The sand supply contract is to supply approximately 75,000 tons/yr (-50,000 CY's per year) for three (3) years with two (2) one (1) year renewal options for a total placement over a 5-year period at approximately 375,000 tons (250,000 CY). The bids were received for an "At -Beach" pricing utilizing a mine price per ton plus a specified transportation price of $.20 per ton per one-way haul miles. The average mean -grain size of 0.38mm is desired. Yearly sand supply will be authorized by a purchase order and a Notice to Proceed (NTP) will authorize sand manufacturing timing. On November 18, 2020, the Procurement Services Division released notices of Invitation to Bid 21-7827 "Beach Compatible Sand Supply" to three thousand nine hundred and nineteen (3,919) vendors, thirty- five (3 5) bid packages were viewed and three (3) bids were received by the due date of January 8, 2021. The bid period was extended an additional three weeks during which staff conducted vendor outreach. Vulcan Materials Company was deemed responsive and responsible with minor irregularities. Cemex was deemed non -responsive for failing to provide the entire bid package. Staff recommends award to Stewart Materials, LLC as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder as determined by both dollars per ton and dollars per ton delivered Vendor Total Bid Price For award purposes only Stewart Materials, LLC $1,549,500.00 Vulcan Materials Company $1,950,000.00 Cemex Non -Responsive FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is available in Fund 195 for beach renourishment. The Pelican Bay Pelican Bay Services Division MSTBU will reimburse Collier County for the renourishment of the Pelican Bay beaches. Grant reimbursement funding will be available through the FDEP Cost Share program for the renourishment of the Vanderbilt, Park Shore, Naples, and South Marco Island beaches. ADVISORY COMMITTEES: This item will be presented to the Coastal Advisory Committee at their April 8, 2021 meeting for approval. It will also be presented to the Tourist Development Council for approval at their April 26, 2021 meeting. [21-PRC-045 8 6/ 1606945 / 1 ] GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for Board approval. —SAA RECOMMENDATION: To award ITB No. 21-7827 — "Beach Compatible Sand Supply" to Stewart Materials, LLC, and make a finding that this project and expenditure promotes tourism. Prepared by: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division, Growth Management Department [21-PRC-045 8 6/ 1606945 / 1 ] o ; ; ; ; f ; E § , I1W40119I1WAA/ ''UJ lu/_X; Al Recommendation to approve the proposal by CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. to continue the required post -construction hardbottom monitoring for the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project in summer 2021 with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. for Time and Material not to exceed $169,959.21 under Contract No. 17-7188 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: To continue to conduct post -construction hardbottom monitoring of Collier County's coast as required by regulatory permits and accept a proposal dated 2/4/2021 to perform biological monitoring in 2021. CONSIDERATIONS: The Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the United States Army Corps of Engineers require nearshore hardbottom monitoring to be performed on a yearly basis to assure that beach renourishment sand has not migrated onto the nearshore coral outcropping off the coast of Collier County. This work is required to be performed during the spring and summer of each year when underwater visibility in the Gulf of Mexico is greatest. Field work must be completed, according to permit, by September 30, 2021. On May 8, 2018, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved contract 17-7188. A work order will be released against the master contract identifying specific scope of work, schedule, and pricing for the summer 2021 nearshore hardbottom monitoring the workorder for 2021 is for a not to exceed time and material amount of $169,959.21 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will be reviewed and approved by the CAC on April 8, 2021 and by the TDC on April 26, 2021 prior to this item being presented to the BCC for approval. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this work is available in the Tourist Development Tax Beach Renourishment Fund (195) project 90033. RECOMMENDATION: To approve the proposal by CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. to continue the required post -construction hardbottom monitoring for the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project in summer 2021 with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. for Time and Material not to exceed $169,959.21 under Contract No. 17-7188 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division f _ + _.-. .F3i S2 ♦ hAil- It. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Collier County 2021 Nearshore Hardbottom Biological Monitoring Submitted to: Cover Count y Collier County Coastal Zone Management Section Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division 2685 South Horseshoe Drive Unit 103 Naples, Florida 34104 Submitted By: *'o CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 8502 SW Kansas Avenue Stuart, Florida 34997 Office: 772-219-3000 Z!:71 TRACE /OpF�! ��:�' SafeGulf CERTIFIED AUTHORIZED PRDVIDew The content of this document is the exclusive property of CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. It has been provided for the purpose for which it is supplied and is not for general release or disclosure. The recipient of this document should take all measures to ensure that the contents are only disclosed to those persons having a legitimate right to know. The recipient should also note that this document is provided on the express terms that it is not to be copied whole or in part or disclosed in any manner to third parties without the express authority in writing from CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. Collier County; Coastal Zone Management Section Andrew Miller, P.E. Director Collier County Coastal Zone Management Tel: 239-252-2966 Andrew.Miller(a-bcolliercountyfl. gov CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. Lystina Kabay Project Scientist Ports, Harbors and Beaches Group Tel: 772-219-3048 1 Cell: 724-316-4225 lkabay(&conshelf com The following version(s) of this proposal have been issued: 1 Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction.............................................................................................. 2.0 Scope of Work......................................................................................... Task 1: Administration, Travel, Mobilization, and Demobilization ................. Task 2: Field Monitoring Survey.................................................................... Task 3: Analysis, Reporting and Deliverables ................................................ Task 4: CSA Diver and Vessel Support .......................................................... 3.0 Deliverables............................................................................................. 4.0 Project Schedule....................................................................................... 5.0 Rates, Resources, and Billing Schedule ................................................... 6.0 HSSE Overview....................................................................................... 7.0 Proposal Terms........................................................................................ 8.0 Literature Cited........................................................................................ Attachment — Labor Rate Schedule...................................................................... ............. 1 ............. 1 ............. 1 ............. 2 ............. 3 ............. 3 ............. 4 ............. 4 ............. 4 ............. 6 ............. 7 ............. 8 ......... A-1 2 Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. 1.0 INTRODUCTION CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) is submitting this price estimate to conduct post -construction hardbottom monitoring for the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project and Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging and Navigation Improvement Project in summer 2021. This estimate was prepared at the request of Chris D'arco, Project Manager, Coastal Zone Management, for a pending work order from Collier County under Professional Services for Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring, Contract #17-7188, and is based on the scope of work for the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project Final Hardbottom Biological Monitoring Plan (BMP; Revised 2018). This project will conform to all associated Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) permits, which include: Collier County Beach Renourishment FDEP Permit No. 02222355-001-JC and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) Permit No. SAJ-2004-08754; Doctors Pass Maintenance Dredging FDEP Permit No. 0235740-001-JC and USACE Permit No SAJ-2004-09754; Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging and Navigation Improvement FDEP Permit No. 0142538-001-JC and USACE Permit No. SAJ-2004-07621. The price estimate for 2021 post -construction nearshore hardbottom monitoring includes an in -water survey of 34 previously established monitoring transects and mapping of the nearshore edge of hardbottom from Wiggins Pass to Naples. The survey will be conducted according to the 2018 BMP by experienced marine biologists using similar methods as those utilized in previous surveys for this project. A report of the 2021 results and comparison with previous surveys will be compiled. Per the BMP, the survey will be conducted between May 1 and September 30, 2021 and all data deliverables will be provided within 270 days of NTP issuance date. CSA will provide two American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS)-certified marine biologists from our Ports and Coastal Sciences group to join the Collier County field team as subject matter experts who will guide field activities and the data collection processes. CSA has built in conservative estimates of levels of effort to decrease the likelihood of change orders or additional approvals from Collier County, and utilizing best management practices, we anticipate being able to complete the below tasks within or under the costs provided in Table 1 (Section 5.0). Mobilization, administration, travel, field work, analysis, and reporting comprise Tasks 1-3, and a CSA staffed field effort is presented as an optional Task 4, in the event Collier County CZM is unable to staff the field team during optimal conditions in summer months. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK TASK 1: ADMINISTRATION, TRAVEL, MOBILIZATION, AND DEMOBILIZATION CSA will provide project administration including oversight, coordination, and management of the 2021 nearshore hardbottom monitoring program. CSA's Project Manager will be responsible for supervising all managerial aspects of the project and will have oversight of all team personnel, including field scientists (i.e., subject matter experts), authors, editors, and technical and support staff. CSA will plan and execute project activities to meet required deadlines and/or client needs for the project. CSA will hold a kickoff meeting with Collier County staff to review the scope of work and confirm project logistics prior to beginning mobilization efforts for the monitoring survey. After coordination with Collier County on acceptable weather and sea state conditions, CSA will mobilize a two -person scientific dive team and required equipment during ideal sea -state and weather windows to perform surveys. It is assumed that Collier County will provide a vessel, captain, and two divers to support the survey. Several mobilizations and demobilizations may be necessary to complete all tasks depending on weather and sea conditions. Therefore, Task 1 includes provision for up to three round trips for the CSA team and Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. associated per diem. Additional trips to and from Collier County will be billed on a Time and Materials basis under the agreed upon rates as needed with prior approval from Collier County. CSA will confirm visibility of nearshore waters with Collier County staff prior to mobilization to minimize travel back and forth during the monitoring due to poor sea state and water visibility. Travel to and from Collier County is anticipated to take one half -day each way and includes appropriate per diem according to Class B travel. TASK 2: FIELD MONITORING SURVEY A total of 34 permanent monitoring transects (50-m length) established in 2006 by Coastal Planning and Engineering (CP&E) during the original baseline pre -construction survey and those installed in 2018 for the Wiggins Pass nearshore hardbottom monitoring will be surveyed in 2021. The transects are located among five beach segments: Wiggins Pass, three transects (R-18+900, R-19+400, and R-20); Vanderbilt, seven transects (R-21+080 to R-29+700); Pelican Bay, six transects (R-31+480 to R-38+380); Park Shore, nine transects (R-43+550 to R-55); and Naples Beach, nine transects (R-58+300 to R-65). The nearshore hardbottom monitoring survey is estimated to take 24 field days. The transect endpoints supplied by Collier County as listed in Table 1 of the BMP will be utilized to re -survey all transects. Each transect will be re -occupied by extending a 50-m tape along the transect length and aligning it with permanent markers installed on the seafloor and maintained during previous monitoring surveys. The field team will maintain and replace permanent markers as necessary during the field survey. Transect Monitoring Along each 50-m transect, the team will conduct line -intercept and interval sediment depth measurements, survey of 11 benthic quadrats (state area of quad), collect coral photo quadrats, and conduct a coral census as described in the BMP. Quantitative video of each transect will be recorded at 40-cm height off bottom at a slow 4 m/min speed for archival purposes. A high definition (HD) video camera with video lights and two lasers mounted to converge at a point 40 cm from the camera will be used in the survey to ensure that divers maintain the appropriate height off the bottom. Sediment depth measurements will be made at 1-m intervals along the entire length of the transect, with a marked stainless -steel ruler inserted up to 30 cm into the sediment. A delineation of hardbottom and sand cover will be made by meter of coverage along the transect, and the maximum height of hardbottom at the start of each transect will be recorded. A 0.5 m x 0.5 m quadrat (0.25 m2 area) will be sampled at 11 individual hardbottom locations spaced every 5 m along the transect, in the same locations as those established and surveyed during the pre -construction monitoring survey. Quadrats containing 100% sand due to cover by sand will be surveyed and included in the dataset. Within each quadrat, percent cover by major benthic taxonomic groups including macroalgae (total percent cover of the dominant species), coralline algae, turf algae, sponges, hydroids, wormrock, octocorals, stony corals, bryozoans, and tunicates will be visually estimated, as well as percent cover of various abiotic substrate types. Maximum and average height of the thalli will be measured for the two dominant macroalgae species in each quadrat. Within each quadrat, sediment depth will be measured at five haphazardly selected positions and the maximum vertical relief of hardbottom will be measured. Still digital photographs of each quadrat will be collected at the time of survey. Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Nearshore Hardbottom Edge Surveys The nearshore hardbottom edge (landward edge of hardbottom) seaward of the equilibrium -toe -of -fill (ETOF) of each beach segment will be mapped during the survey. Two divers will swim the nearshore hardbottom edge located immediately west of the ETOF, recording video of the edge and associated benthic community. The team will tow a DGPS buoy on a short tether (taut line), which transmits continuous buoy/diver positions to Hypack® hydrographic survey software on board the vessel. The HD video camera will be held at an oblique angle and filming will occur simultaneously with the DGPS buoy to allow geo-referencing. If the continuous nearshore hardbottom edge crosses east of the ETOF toward land, the mapping will continue until the edge of hardbottom ends. TASK 3: ANALYSIS, REPORTING AND DELIVERABLES Data deliverables and reports will be provided to Collier County and the FDEP, with conformance to requirements and schedules set forth in the 2018-approved BMP. A comprehensive raw data deliverable will be provided on an external hard drive within 270 days of NTP issuance date and will include all video and photo data, Excel spreadsheets of quadrat data, draft GIS shapefiles, and *.pdf copies of field data sheets, as applicable. Notification of survey completion will be made by letter or email to the FDEP Joint Coastal Permit Compliance Officer. As per Contract #17-7188, nearshore hardbottom monitoring results will be compiled into a report within 270 days of NTP issuance. The report will discuss the results of the 2021 Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring Survey and include comparisons with annual monitoring survey results from the 2018 (CSA Ocean Sciences Inc., 2019a), 2019 (CSA Ocean Sciences Inc., 2019b), and 2020 (CSA Ocean Sciences Inc., 2020) nearshore hardbottom monitoring reports. The 2021 monitoring report will include graphs, tables, and statistical analyses of collected data. Geo-referenced maps showing hardbottom along transects and the nearshore hardbottom edge will be included. All reports will be provided in electronic format with a hardcopy upon request. TASK 4: CSA DIVER AND VESSEL SUPPORT Tasks 1 through 3 assume that the required 4-person dive team will consist of two CSA divers/marine biologists and two Collier County Coastal Zone Management divers working from a Collier County vessel. In the event Collier County divers are unable to participate in the survey, CSA will provide additional scientific divers as necessary. CSA will also provide a suitable survey vessel and operator in the event the Collier County vessel is unavailable. Task 4 consisting of CSA vessel, operator, and four scientific divers is also included in this cost estimate, as an option if Collier County staff and/or vessel is unavailable and survey conditions necessitate fieldwork. This task comprises 3 days of a full CSA dive team including 4 divers, one vessel operator, CSA vessel, and all necessary equipment normally provided by Collier County, as well as travel to and from Collier County. Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. 3.0 DELIVERABLES Task 2: Data Deliverables, within 270 days of NTP: • All video and photo data; • Excel spreadsheets of quadrat data; • Draft GIS shapefiles: pipeline corridors, nearshore hardbottom edge, and transects; and • *.pdf copies of field data sheets. Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring Report, within 270 days of NTP: • Graphs, tables, statistical analyses, and results/discussion of collected data; • Geo-referenced maps showing hardbottom along transects and the nearshore hardbottom edge; • Selected qualitative imagery of transects and nearshore hardbottom edge; and • Provided in electronic format, pdf, with hardcopy on request. 4.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE The survey will be conducted between 1 May and 30 September 2021 with the final report and conclusion of all related work within 270 days of NTP. The project schedule will be updated twice per month by the Project Manager with input from Collier County and the FDEP (as appropriate) to provide status of task activities and track critical milestones and precedent activities. This bi-weekly update will identify any problems early and enable corrective action to be taken quickly. The updated schedule may be provided to Collier County on request. CSA will convene a project kickoff meeting with Collier County staff and field survey participants to ensure that all necessary personnel, field equipment, and monitoring standard operating procedures are in place prior to initiation of the survey. To minimize mobilization and travel costs, CSA will endeavor to conduct the monitoring survey in its entirety as weather permits 5.0 RATES, RESOURCES, AND BILLING SCHEDULE The project costs listed in Table 1 by task are on a Time and Materials Not -to -Exceed basis and will be billed monthly once notice to proceed is given. The labor and equipment rates found in Table 2 are based on the Professional Services for Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring Contract #17-7188 between CSA and Collier County, April 2018. CSA's 2021 labor rate schedule is also provided in the Attachment. Table 1. Cost breakdown of CSA hours, survey days, and travel by task. # ProjectTask Schedule Administration, Travel, Monthly; Task 1 Mobilization, and T&M $16,419,50 1 $16,419.50 net 30 Demobilization Task 2 Field Monitoring Survey T&M $3,223.05 24 $77,353.20 Monthly; net 30 Task 3 Analysis, Reporting, and T&M $43 478.09 1 $43 478.09 Monthly; Deliverables net 30 Task 4 CSA Diver and Vessel T&M $32,708.42 3 $32,708.42 Monthly; Support net 30 T&M = time and materials. Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Table 2. Estimated fees, based on the agreed -upon labor and equipment rates in Table 1. and Demobilization I $ 1 Labor $ 15,291.10 PS2 86 $ 111.57 $ 9,595.02 Psi 42 $ 99.83 $ 4,192.86 PM1 4 $ 184.97 $ 739.88 APM 6 $ 82.21 $ 493.26 T1 4 $ 67.52 $ 270.08 Travel $ 1,128.40 Vehicle Rental 8 $ 63.00 $ 504.00 Fuel 96 $ 3.15 $ 302.40 Meals 7 $ 46.00 $ 322.00 2 Field Monitorin urvey $ 77,353.20 Labor $ 60,883.20 PS2 288 $ 111.57 $ 32,132.16 PS1 288 $ 99.83 $ 28,751.04 Travel $ 10,650.00 Vehicle Rental 24 $ 63.00 $ 1,512.00 Fuel - Vehicle 120 $ 3.15 $ 378.00 Lodging 48 $ 136.50 $ 6,552.00 Meals 48 $ 46.00 $ 2,208.00 Equipment $ 5,820.00 Underwater Video Camera (2) 48 $ 35.00 $ 1,680.00 Digital Camera (2) 48 $ 55.00 $ 2,640.00 Dive Equipment (2) 48 $ 25.00 $ 1,200.00 EDL Telemetry System 10 $ 30.00 $ 300.00 ysis, Reportin Labor , and Deliver $ 43,244.99 $ 43,478.09 SS1 40 $ 182.03 $ 7,281.20 PS3 10 $ 146.80 $ 1,468.00 PS2 176 $ 111.57 $ 19,636.32 PS1 72 $ 99.83 $ 7,187.76 GISD 16 $ 129.18 $ 2,066.88 GISA 24 $ 96.88 $ 2,325.12 OM 1 $ 202.59 $ 202.59 TE2 10 $ 117.44 $ 1,174.40 DP 24 $ 79.28 $ 1,902.72 Reimbursables $ 233.10 Digital Media 2 $ 78.75 $ 157.50 FedEx 2 $ 37.80 $ 75.60 Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Contingency - 4 CSA Divers, Vessel, & Operato $ 32,708.42 Labor $ 24,045.75 PS3 45 $ 146.80 $ 6,606.00 PS2 45 $ 111.57 $ 5,020.65 PSI 45 $ 99.83 $ 4,492.35 T3 45 $ 108.63 $ 4,888.35 T1 45 $ 67.52 $ 3,038.40 Travel $ 4,348.67 Fuel - Truck 54 $ 3.15 $ 170.10 Fuel - Vessel 90 $ 4.20 $ 378.00 Dockage 3 $ 61.69 $ 185.07 Lodging 20 $ 136.50 $ 2,730.00 Meals 19.25 $ 46.00 $ 885.50 Equipment $ 4,314.00 Survey Vessel 3 $ 550.00 $ 1,650.00 CSA Truck (2) 6 $ 150.00 $ 900.00 GoPro Video Camera (2) 6 $ 35.00 $ 210.00 Digital Camera (2) 6 $ 55.00 $ 330.00 Hypack Survey Software 3 $ 100.00 $ 300.00 Laptop Computer 3 $ 50.00 $ 150.00 Dive Equipment (4) 12 $ 25.00 $ 300.00 EDL Telemetry System 3 $ 30.00 $ 90.00 Dive tanks 48 $ 8.00 $ 384.00 rpm' 11 TOTAL7U. $ 169,959.21 Labor Categories and Equipment rates in Table 2 have been updated for 2021, as agreed upon in the Collier County Professional Services Contract #17-7188 with CSA Ocean Sciences, dated April 2018. 6.0 HSSE OVERVIEW As a leading international marine environmental consulting firm, CSA attaches great importance to its Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) Management System to protect human health, avoid and prevent incidents and injuries, and minimize impacts to the environment. CSA emphasizes the importance of HSSE for every activity and provides the resources, knowledge, and training necessary for staff to meet HSSE objectives, including Stop Work Authority for all staff if a safety uncertainty arises. CSA's commitment to safety is reflected in the daily activities of its personnel as well as the personal involvement from management in support of the HSSE Management System. stauey� In recognition of this commitment to safety, CSA was the recipient of the prestigious AmerlcWs "America's Safest Companies Award" by EHS Today magazine (November 2019). This corporate award honors companies that clearly demonstrate their commitment to employee safety and health, environmental management, and risk control and have been deemed America's Safest. To be considered one of America's Safest Companies, a company must demonstrate transformational EHS leadership in the form of support from management and employee involvement; innovative solutions to safety challenges; injury and illness rates significantly lower than the average for their industry; comprehensive training programs; evidence that prevention of incidents is the cornerstone of the safety process; excellent communication internally and externally about the value of safety; and a way to substantiate the benefits of the safety process. Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. VIUNIVERSITY of CSA is also a recipient of the "Sunshine State Safety Recognition Award" Z/— SOUTH FLORIDA from the University of South Florida for employee and management emphasis on safety (March 2017). The Sunshine State Safety Recognition Award serves as validation of a company's achievements and track record. Achieving Standards • PEC Safety Authorized Provider for SafeGulf, SafeLandUSA, and 1­12S Clear —provides trained, professional safety personnel for offshore environmental monitoring and marine activities; • Organizational Member of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) and the Scientific Boating Safety Association (SBSA); • CSA utilizes a Safety and Environmental Management System (SEMS) approach to safety program administration; • CSA is implementing ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 conformance standards; • ISNetworld Member Contractor for environmental consulting; • Extremely low Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) (rolling TRIR is 0.0) and Experience Modifier Rate (currently at 0.76); and • CSA's HSSE Director is Lead Auditor -certified. CSA's corporate HSSE policy statement and HSSE Manual are available upon request. 7.0 PROPOSAL TERMS CSA's commercial proposal price calculations were based upon our professional services contract with Collier County as well as "Project -Specific Terms," which are outlined below. If Collier County (Client) has issues with any of these items, CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. reserves the right to modify its original proposal price in order to meet any cost increase arising from any modifications requested by the Client. This proposal contains privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. CSA is certified by TRACE International Inc. and conducts business ethically and in compliance with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, U.K. Bribery Act, and other anti -bribery legislation. CSA has implemented and strictly adheres to anti -bribery, anti -corruption, and third -party risk management corporate policies and procedures(https://www.traceintemational.ora_ . CSA holds these standards in high regard and expects the same from its clients and subcontractors. Project -Specific Terms Field days for the environmental sampling are estimated and assume that the vessel, operator, navigation, and two divers will be provided by Collier County. Actual costs charged will be based on the actual number of field days spent by CSA personnel based on rates listed in Table 1. The field survey operations cost estimate assumes 24 survey days within three separate survey efforts, any additional costs incurred due to weather and sea conditions, vessel/equipment, and/or other delays will be charged at the agreed upon Equipment and Labor Rates as T&M. Tasks 1 through 3 assume that the following will be provided by Collier County at no cost to CSA: o Vessel & captain; 0 2 field team divers; o Scuba tanks; o DGPS buoy with telemetry; Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. o Hypack navigation; o Transect maintenance equipment and supplies; and o A vessel log of daily activities. Reporting • Project technical details, pertinent information necessary for the Project Description section of the report, and other requirements will be provided to CSA in a timely manner. • Price for preparation of deliverables is based on a single draft and final document addressing a single set of comments for each deliverable. 8.0 LITERATURE CITED Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2018. Collier County, Florida Hardbottom Biological Monitoring Plan for permits: Collier County Beach Nourishment Project, FDEP permit no. 0331817-004-JM and Wiggins Pass Navigation Channel Expansion and Maintenance Project, FDEP permit no. 0142538-008-JC. July 2018. Tallahassee Florida. 17 pp. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2019a. Collier County Beach Nourishment Project 2018 Pre -Construction Hardbottom Monitoring Report. Jan. 16, 2019. 114 pp. Submitted to Collier County CZM and FDEP in fulfillment of permit required monitoring for Collier County Beach Nourishment Project FDEP Permit No. 0331817-004-JM and the Wiggins Pass Navigation Channel Expansion and Maintenance Project FDEP Permit 0142538-008-JC. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2019b. Collier County Beach Nourishment Project 2019 Hardbottom Monitoring Report and Supplemental Post Red Tide Survey. Nov. 25, 2019. 70 pp. Submitted to Collier County CZM and FDEP in fulfillment of permit required monitoring for Collier County Beach Nourishment Project FDEP Permit No. 0331817-004-JM and the Wiggins Pass Navigation Channel Expansion and Maintenance Project FDEP Permit 0142538-008-JC. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2020. Collier County Beach Nourishment Project 2020 Hardbottom Monitoring Report. Dec. 16, 2020, 140 pp. Submitted to Collier County CZM and FDEP in fulfillment of permit required monitoring for Collier County Beach Nourishment Project FDEP Permit No. 0331817-004-JM and the Wiggins Pass Navigation Channel Expansion and Maintenance Project FDEP Permit 0142538-008-JC. Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. ATTACHMENT - LABOR RATE SCHEDULE A-1 Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. CSA OCEAN SCIENCES INC. (CSA) Total Labor Rate Schedule for Collier County Effective 1 January 2021 through 31 December 2021 Labor Categories Abbreviations HourlV Rate Senior Scientist 2 SS2 $ 220.20 Senior Scientist 1 SS1 $ 182.03 Project Scientist 3 PS3 $ 146.80 Project Scientist 2 PS2 $ 111.57 Project Scientist 1 PS1 $ 99.83 GIS Manager GISM $ 146.80 GIS Developer GISD $ 129.18 GIS Analyst GISA $ 96.88 GIS Technician GIST $ 85.14 Project Manager 2 PM2 $ 184.97 Project Manager 1 PM1 $ 129.18 Assistant Project Manager APM $ 82.21 Operations Manager OM $ 202.59 Operations Supervisor 2 OS2 $ 164.42 Operations Supervisor 1 OS1 $ 135.05 Technician 3 T3 $ 108.63 Technician 2 T2 $ 93.96 Technician 1 T1 $ 67.52 Technical Editor 2 TE2 $ 117.44 Technical Editor 1 TE1 $ 91.02 Document Processor DP $ 79.28 Clerical CLR $ 58.72 Field Equipment and Supplies: CSA field equipment is billed on a time -rate basis according to CSA's Field Equipment Rate Schedule (1-2). Travel and Per Diem: Billed according to Section 112.061 Florida Statutes Subcontracts and Consultants: Billed at cost plus 5%. Other Expendable Supplies. Materials. and Services: Billed at cost plus 5%. Prices are firm only when signed by an authorized company representative or when taken from current Rate Schedules. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 8502 SW Kansas Avenue, Stuart, Florida 34997 Tel: (772) 219-3000, Fax: (772) 219-3010 e-mail: csa@conshelf.com web: www.csaocean.com 24-Hour Response Line: (844) 272-8320 1-1a (2/3/21) A-2 REGIONAL OFFICES 11953-A FM 529, Houston, Texas 77041 Tel: (772) 219-3000 2261 Denley Road, Houma, Louisiana 70363 Tel: (772) 219-3000 Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. 1 W4 011911 tTAAA''UJ lu /_X ffl Recommendation to recommend approval to award Invitation to Bid No. 21-7867 "Dune Vegetation Restoration Project — Grant Funded" to Cardno, Inc. in the amount of $106,472.00 (Project 195-50154) and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: To repair and restore the dune vegetation plantings throughout the upland dry beach portion of the recently renourished Naples beach shorelines between Monument Markers R-58A to R-61 at Doctors Pass. CONSIDERATION: In the year of 2017 Hurricane Irma caused excessive amounts of damage and destruction to the frontal dune systems throughout Collier County. Field evaluations were performed by staff and engineering consultants to assess the total damages and financial impacts sustained. Staff utilized the results of the evaluations and applied for a FEMA Grant to obtain financial reimbursements to restore the dune system. Staff was ultimately successful in securing a grant from FEMA for the dune repairs and vegetation restoration work. The prescribed work is also consistent with the Coastal Zone Management annual dune maintenance program. On February 19, 2021, the Procurement Services Department posted Invitation to Bid No. 21-7867 for construction of the "Dune Vegetation Restoration Project — Grant Funded". The County sent 15,155 notices to vendors, and 76 bid packages were viewed. On March 12, 2021, the County received three bid responses as summarized below. RESPONDENTS: Company Name City County ST Bid Amount Responsive/ Responsible Cardno, Inc. Englewood Arapahoe FL $106,472.00 Yes/Yes EarthBalance Corp. North Port Sarasota FL $135,410.26 Yes/Yes A+ Environmental Restoration, LLC Arcadia Desoto FL $157,547.74 Yes/Yes Staff determined that all three bidders to be responsible and responsible and found that Cardno, Inc., an Arapahoe County company, is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Staff determined the lowest bid was fair and reasonable and recommend awarding the contract to Cardno, Inc. The Principal Project Manager evaluated references and deemed them acceptable to determine experience of similar work magnitude judged within the last five years prior experience, skill and business standing and of its ability to conduct the work as completely and as rapidly as required under the terms of the Agreement. The bid is 87% below the County's $200,000.00 internal opinion of probable cost. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: The CAC will review this item for approval at their April 8, 2021 meeting. The TDC will review this item for approval at their April 26, 2021 meeting. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This project has no impact on the Growth Management Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: The funds were budgeted and are available in Fund 195-110406-50154. Reimbursement for this work will be submitted under FEMA PW5367 (Project # 35018). LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation to recommend approval to award Contract #21-7867 to Cardno, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $ 106,472.00 for the Dune Restoration Vegetation Project benefiting Collier County beaches and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. Prepared By: Clint Perryman, Project Manager, Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning Fees and Program Management Division of Growth Management 1 W4 011911 tTAAA''UJ lu /_X ffl Recommendation to recommend approval to award Invitation to Bid No. 21-7867 "Dune Vegetation Restoration Project — Grant Funded" to Cardno, Inc. in the amount of $106,472.00 (Project 195-50154) and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: To repair and restore the dune vegetation plantings throughout the upland dry beach portion of the recently renourished Naples beach shorelines between Monument Markers R-58A to R-61 at Doctors Pass. CONSIDERATION: In the year of 2017 Hurricane Irma caused excessive amounts of damage and destruction to the frontal dune systems throughout Collier County. Field evaluations were performed by staff and engineering consultants to assess the total damages and financial impacts sustained. Staff utilized the results of the evaluations and applied for a FEMA Grant to obtain financial reimbursements to restore the dune system. Staff was ultimately successful in securing a grant from FEMA for the dune repairs and vegetation restoration work. The prescribed work is also consistent with the Coastal Zone Management annual dune maintenance program. On February 19, 2021, the Procurement Services Department posted Invitation to Bid No. 21-7867 for construction of the "Dune Vegetation Restoration Project — Grant Funded". The County sent 15,155 notices to vendors, and 76 bid packages were viewed. On March 12, 2021, the County received three bid responses as summarized below. RESPONDENTS: Company Name City County ST Bid Amount Responsive/ Responsible Cardno, Inc. Englewood Arapahoe FL $106,472.00 Yes/Yes EarthBalance Corp. North Port Sarasota FL $135,410.26 Yes/Yes A+ Environmental Restoration, LLC Arcadia Desoto FL $157,547.74 Yes/Yes Staff determined that all three bidders to be responsible and responsible and found that Cardno, Inc., an Arapahoe County company, is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Staff determined the lowest bid was fair and reasonable and recommend awarding the contract to Cardno, Inc. The Principal Project Manager evaluated references and deemed them acceptable to determine experience of similar work magnitude judged within the last five years prior experience, skill and business standing and of its ability to conduct the work as completely and as rapidly as required under the terms of the Agreement. The bid is 87% below the County's $200,000.00 internal opinion of probable cost. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: The CAC will review this item for approval at their April 8, 2021 meeting. The TDC will review this item for approval at their April 26, 2021 meeting. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This project has no impact on the Growth Management Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: The funds were budgeted and are available in Fund 195-110406-50154. Reimbursement for this work will be submitted under FEMA PW5367 (Project # 35018). LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation to recommend approval to award Contract #21-7867 to Cardno, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $ 106,472.00 for the Dune Restoration Vegetation Project benefiting Collier County beaches and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. Prepared By: Clint Perryman, Project Manager, Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning Fees and Program Management Division of Growth Management \ Uic m m B kkk\\kk\ § §§|||||q § A■aA-=2 k 4} §-Z-§! ) _; \ §» \,\o / k\k |E»� !a §f�!`% !>|d� § �°G�( ` 233E ! [ƒa$`�)±\;� / ®lo �E1 ME C, �&!fa{!§�■f2!!# �!§a! §&§=a;I§a 1 W4 0119riYrj►� Recommendation to approve a proposal with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. to provide professional engineering services for Doctors and Wiggins Passes Emergency Dredging under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ for time and material not to exceed $114,188.48, authorize the necessary budget amendment and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: To move forward with preparation of the design and bid package for the 2021-2022 Emergency Dredge projects for Wiggins and Doctors Passes. CONSIDERATIONS: Boaters entering and leaving both Wiggins Pass and Doctors Pass have reported shoaling in the vicinity of the inlets and near grounding incidents. Soundings taken at both locations show both locations to be very shallow and requiring channel dredging to maintain navigation. APTIM was directly involved with creating the permitted dredge templates and can quickly assess the conditions of the passes, make recommendations for solutions, and assemble plans and bid documents to be advertised quickly should either or both inlets become impassable. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the proposed work order, in the amount of $114,188.48, is available in the Tourist Development Tax Fund (195), Project No. 80288 Wiggins Pass Dredging, and 90549 Doctors Pass Dredging. A budget amendment will be required to reappropriate funds within Fund (195). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will be presented to the Coastal Advisory Committee on April 8th, 2021 and the Tourist Development Council on April 26th, 2021 prior to being presented to the BCC on May 11, 2021. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. — CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve a proposal with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. to provide professional engineering services for Doctors and Wiggins Passes Emergency Dredging under Contract No. 18-7432-CZ for time and material not to exceed $114,158.48, authorize the necessary budget amendment and make a finding that this item promotes tourism. Prepared By: Andrew Miller, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division APTIM April 1, 2021 Andrew Miller Collier County Coastal Zone Management 2685 S. Horseshoe Drive, Unit 102 Naples, FL 34104 Re: Doctors and Wiggins Pass Emergency Dredging — Proposal Dear Andy: APTIM 6401 Congress Avenue, Suite 140 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Tel: +1 561 361 3150 Cell: +1 717 578 0242 Nicole.sharp@aptim.com This letter is in response to Collier County's (County) request for a proposal for Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC (APTIM) to support the County in the design, bidding, performing during and post - construction construction professional engineering services for the emergency maintenance dredging of Doctors Pass and Wiggins Pass. APTIM will conduct a dredge analysis and design to determine dredge areas, dredge volumes and disposal areas, produce construction plans and technical specifications, coordinate with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for Notices to Proceed, provide bidding assistance to the County, and serve as the engineer of record to certify these projects. A detailed scope of work is attached in Exhibit A. A fee proposal is included as Exhibit B, and a rate schedule is provided as Exhibit C. We propose to perform these services on a time and material basis not to exceed $114,188.48 under the terms and conditions of the Contract No. 18-7432-CZ dated March 1, 2020 and as amended between the County and APTIM. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, all work will be completed and submitted to the County within 365 days of our receiving the County's Notice to Proceed. Any questions, please feel free to contact Nicole Sharp. Very truly yours, Beau C. Suthard, P.G. Program Director Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC cc: Nicole Sharp, P.E., APTIM Steve Keehn, P.E., APTIM ' APTIM Exhibit A Scope of Work EXHIBIT A - SCOPE OF W K DOCTORS AND WIGGINS PASSES EMERGENCY DREDGING COLLIER COUNTY, FL APRIL 2021 Introduction This scope of work is at the request of Collier County (County) for Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC (APTIM) to provide the engineering services described below to support the County in designing, bidding, performing construction services and obtaining notices to proceed from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for the emergency maintenance dredging of Doctors Pass and Wiggins Pass. This proposal contains the tasks necessary to bring the project from design through the construction and regulatory reporting based on existing permit authorizations. APTIM will assist the County in preparing for construction by conducting a dredge analysis to determine dredge areas, dredge volumes and disposal areas, producing construction plans and technical specifications, coordinating with the FDEP for a Notice to Proceed (NTP), providing bidding assistance and during and post -construction engineering services to the County. The work is an emergency dredging project targeting bathymetric highs and shoals that are impeding navigation, with a post -project goal to delay the need for major dredging for another two to three years or more. Background This scope of work is based on the experiences from recent dredging of the two (2) inlets, as described below: In 2015, an emergency dredging of Wiggins Pass occurred. Mechanical dredging was used as a means to remove 9,400 cy from the ebb shoal channel, disposing of the sand in nearby disposal areas. The project was relatively inexpensive but took 153 days (22 weeks) to complete, not counting major downtime. In 2018, a moderate size dredge was used for a full maintenance dredging event of both inlets. The construction event took I I I dredging days (16 weeks) to remove 127,000 cy from both channels. A review of shoaling patterns shows that the majority of the shoaling occurs in the ebb shoal or settling basin channels for Wiggins and Doctors Passes, respectively. These shoaling areas have the greatest impact on navigation. This scope of work assumes that dredging will occur in these locations and at a narrower channel width and depth. Assuming about half the historic shoaling needs to be dredged (approximately 42,000 cy), it will take eight (8) weeks of actual dredging. The transition between the two (2) project areas took four (4) weeks in 2018. This description will be the basis for this scope of work, but will be updated for the plans and specifications. Based on recent smaller dredge performance, the specifications may need to be formulated for a moderate size dredge. APTIM will consult with the County during the design phase on the construction method and timing desired. 1. Design & Coordination The design will be based on the 2021 annual monitoring survey and report completed for the County by a third party. After review of the preliminary volume estimates using the permitted dredge templates, an engineering analysis will be conducted to adjust dredge areas, dredge volumes, and disposal areas where practicable to optimize the project. The design will not dredge the entire permit template but will be sized APTIM ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC to remove the bathymetric highs and shoals to sustain navigation for approximately two to three more years, until the next major dredging event. At Doctors Pass, the maintenance dredging will likely be focused on the settling basin and inlet throat, where navigation is most impeded by the combined impact of waves and shoals. Dredging will be designed to avoid any material that requires special handling and disposal (ex: rock substrate, silt or clay) to the maximum extent practicable. At Wiggins Pass, dredging will be similarly focused on the inlet Gulf opening where the combined effect of waves and shoals impedes navigation. The disposal areas at both inlets were recently used and their existing capacity will be calculated. An economical disposal plan will be developed. Any inlet management goals may need to be addressed with the Florida Park Service or be delayed until a major dredging in the future, in order to formulate the most economical plans for this emergency dredging project. APTIM will finalize the quantities and disposal areas based on consultation with permitting agencies, consideration of concurrent County projects, capacity remaining in the disposal areas, updated calculations and approval from the County. Pre -construction coordination will be conducted with the Florida Park Service, the City of Naples, and FDEP by the County with support from APTIM. 2. Construction Plans & Specifications With the target quantities and disposal areas approved by the County, APTIM will conduct engineering design work to prepare the inlet dredging and disposal construction templates. The plans and specifications will be based on the documents used for the 2018 project, but modified for a smaller dredge area and volume suitable for an emergency project. The design will most likely concentrate on the seaward channels and settling basin of both inlet and the most economical disposal areas. The disposal areas south of Doctors Pass, including all of Lowdermilk Park and the three (3) seaward disposal areas at Wiggins Pass will be considered. APTIM's GIS/CAD professionals will work directly with APTIM engineers to update the inlet dredging plans including plan views and cross -sections of dredge and disposal templates, beach access, equipment storage areas, environmental protection areas and other information required for execution of these inlet dredging projects. The plans will identify previous areas where the rock substrate and rocky sand matrix are known to exist and require the Contractor to avoid these areas. APTIM will prepare a combined set of construction plans and specifications with the intent of awarding the work to dredge both inlets under one contract. The construction plans and dredge quantities for bidding will be based on the 2020 annual physical monitoring surveys and report using the 2018 contract format. Technical specifications developed for the project will integrate the QA/QC plans, turbidity standards, and permit conditions into the work. It will require the Contractor to provide the turbidity monitoring while the County will conduct required sea turtle and shorebird monitoring. The technical specifications and construction plans will be prepared to address nearshore and/or beach disposal based on the design analysis and coordination with the Park Service regarding Delnor Wiggins State Park. 3. Bidding Announcement and Request for FDEP Notice to Proceed Once the construction plans and technical specifications are completed, APTIM will compile and submit the items necessary to request the NTP from FDEP and provide the County with a bid package containing: construction plans, technical specifications, project permits, bid form, and contractor questions integrated into the specifications. An engineer's opinion of probable costs will be prepared. After the County bid announcement is published, APTIM staff will participate in the pre -bid meeting and assist the County in answering technical questions as needed during the bidding process. APTIM ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC 4. Pre -Constructing Period Once the bids have been opened, APTIM will assist the County in reviewing the bids and preparing a recommendation for award based on a review of the bids deemed responsive by County procurement. After selection of the Contractor, APTIM will assist the County with a pre -construction meeting (in person if feasible), covering technical and environmental topics. During this period, APTIM will provide the selected Contractor with pertinent data and documents needed for construction, including the latest survey data and reports. We will coordinate with the FDEP on the NTP and address any questions they may have. We will assist the Contractor and County with surveys and mobilization via teleconference. 5. Construction Services During construction, APTIM will support the County's inspection efforts and will perform weekly site visits to observe the work and coordinate on a regular basis with County staff and inspectors to include daily reviews of Contractor and County reports. An APTIM engineer will attend the periodic -construction meetings and maintain oversight during construction by reviewing daily reports from the Contractor and County in addition to periodic site visits. APTIM will track and coordinate the use of the various disposal area options. As needed, APTIM will assist with work scope Change Orders to direct the Contractor to adapt the work or switch amongst the permitted disposal areas. The Contractor will be required to perform pre -dredge and as -built (pay) surveys as part of the construction contract. APTIM will review and approve the final construction templates and volumes. APTIM will use these surveys to calculate and verify the Contractor's pay volumes, and pay applications, and then recommend approval for payment as appropriate based on the progression of the work. The Contractor's survey results and data will also be used to assess dredge progress and monitor permit compliance. Each week, APTIM will review the results of the environmental monitoring, such as turbidity monitoring, and submit reports to regulatory agencies as required for permit compliance. Based on estimated quantities, past performance and conditions known at this time, it is expected that active construction will take approximately eight (8) weeks, during which APTIM will perform one (1) site visit per week, and that mobilization/demobilization will add up to two (2) additional site visits. Our enclosed fee estimate is based on these assumptions and assumes a total construction period not to exceed 15 weeks. The emergency dredging is based on the assumption previously described above. 6. Engineer of Record & Post -Construction Report As the engineer of record, APTIM will conduct pre-, during- and post -construction tasks necessary for certification of the project. The engineer of record will assist the County in conducting the post -construction walkthrough and preparing a punch list for project demobilization. Based on surveys, daily reports and observations made by the dredge contractor, APTIM's observations and those of the County inspectors, APTIM will prepare a post -construction certification to meet permit requirements. APTIM will prepare and submit the post -construction completion and certification reports and the monitoring data to the FDEP and the USACE within 90 days or 60 days respectively following completion of the project and as -built survey. The report will summarize construction, discuss the data and the performance of the maintenance dredge projects. Appendices will include plots of as -built survey profiles and graphical representations of volumetric and channel position changes for the monitoring area. In accordance with the Physical Monitoring Plan, post -construction topographic and bathymetric surveys of the inlets and disposal areas will be collected by the Contractor or as part of the County's annual monitoring surveys. APTIM ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC ,> APTIM Exhibit B Fee Proposal O O 0 W O CO CO O CO N U F O O Cn W U Z W IL d W 00 N 00 uO v, W N O O CO CO CD coI CO t N d N N N N p Cn N N N 'T In Q CM _ W to 7 m rL U) O O lY d V CO CD (O O LO tfi 00 V G M M M M M V N n W = 69 U d) c 5 d) Q c 0 M U) N N 'IT O U d Ef3 H CA O U p V V O N N� N N CC) O CDN d = C cL � V3 CA U G� M W W m O CM 2 N M 7 V V CO N W N Efl � ❑ U c W N > U Z N y C _ U W 7 N O Lo CDQp N O 00 - V CO N N N N j q M W U 0 0 = C CO 69 O O w Z !L' lbLL 0 U m U y C J O N O p N 0O1 e+i 0 U 0) C O H m W Ca WO N ad D 69 LU w z LL C) ❑ U y ` co w M C y M Cn Lo co tn �� y (n co Ce) uf a N O O U W M >>> ff3 w H U O 0 _ O OD co •V M coN M co It coao O O V N = _ M 07 ll ElT N N O O O Go� co 7 O M N c;O w y 00 aD N M cn cn coY O O co 0 R li U r r cq Le Cn co 4 G � » w w J F N N N O O C H F d N a X W c o = c CL .d N s @ C6 o 0 ° K m C C "O 16 _ N U C 0 i V tC O d 7 O O on.n 'U a U £ 4 E U U a0i a o ur F y .d. c .6 .6 O- U U U °ZS H Z 0) a O 0) U U i O IL a. Y O C C N otf C C [A C 01 C N ` c Z o O OW W p❑ _q FL a c W m m c m m V U j a owcocm N N N d N N M N N N C - w N M w- N N N d N N d ll !L d ll MM d d U ll O ll y d ` O ll O LL atfc Qc �0% N Cirns UON rn NO UN rn'a UN 01 rn cN O ON tT ON U 01 UO ❑ c ❑ _ 3: a O ❑ ❑ _rnOrncO c ❑ _ O '- ❑ O m a U Cd a m m a a 6 .d v m a w cd a N M a �f9 CO ,> APTIM Exhibit C Rate Schedule DocuSign Envelope ID: 80B82885-B471-4CCC-BC63-021FDAD6CE8B SCHEDULE B-ATTACHMENT 1 RATE SCHEDULE Title Hourlly Rate Principal $231 Senior Project Manager $203 Project Manager $160 Senior Engineer $177 Engineer $130 Senior Inspector $126 Inspector $93 Senior Planner $150 Planner $120 $140 Senior Designer Designer $105 Environmental Specialist $120 Senior Environmental Specialist $167 Scientist/Geologist $115 Senior Scientist/Geologist $153 Marine Bioio ist/H dro eolo ist $120 Senior Marine Biolo ist/H dro eolo ist $145 Senior GIS Specialist $155 GIS Specialist $115 Clerical/Administrative $73 Senior Technician $103 Technician $83 Surveyor and Mapper $125 CADD Technician $107 Sw-vey Crew - 2 man $145 Survey Crew - 3 man $180 Survey Crew - 4 man $215 Senior Architect $160 Architect $125 The above hourly rates are applicable to Time and Materials task(s) only. The above list may not be all inclusive. Hourly rates for additional categories required to provide particular project services shall be mutually agreed upon by the County and firm, in writing, on a project by project basis, as needed, and will be set forth in the Work Order agreed upon by the parties. ® Grant Funded: The above rates are for purposes of providing estimate(s), as required by the grantor agency. Page 2 of 3 First Amendment to Agreement # 18-7432-CZ Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC