HAPB Minutes 03/19/2021November 20. 2020
Naples, Florida, March 19, 2021
LET lT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Historical/Archaeological
Preservation Board in and for the County of Col1ier, having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 9: 15 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Conference
Room #610, Collier County Growth Management Division - Planning and
Regulation Building, 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida, with the following
members present:
CHAIRMAN: Eugene (Gene) Erjavec
Austin Be11-(Z)
Barry O'Brien- (Z)
Elizab eth P er di chizzi - (Z)
George Thompson
ALSO PRESENT: Ray Bellows, Planning Manager, Zoning Selices
Timothy Finn, Principal Planner, Growh Management
Amanda Townsend, Collier County Museums
Roll Call/Attendance
Chairman Eugene Erjavec called the meeting to order at 9: 15 A.M.
November 20. 2020
Addenda to the Agenda
Approval of the Agenda
George Thompson made motion to approve. Eugene Erjavec olfered second in support of the
motion. Carried unanimously 5-0.
Approval of the minute from November 20, 2020.
George Thompson made motion to approve. Eugene Erjavec olfered second in support ofthe
motion. Carried unanimously 5-0.
5. Old Business
A. Marco Island Historical Society Letter
- They received vote to submit letter, and it u,ill be signed by Austin Bell and proper
offices, il will then be submitted.
- Austin Bell asked what the next steps would be.
- Mr. Ray Bellows stated the City's Attorneys olfice will start on it.
B. Goodlette/ Pine Ridge Road
- Amanda Townsend stated there is no real movement, but she has had
conversations with the City Attorney.
- Amanda Townsend also stated they would consider a quick claim xo transfer
the property-
- Amanda stated the county owns Plot B, and are trying to get ownership of
Plots W and N.
C. Horse Creek Historical Marker Update
- Mr- Erjavec said he reached out to the management company and thev were
going to reach out to their board and get back to him. Mr. Erjavec stated he will
make another call to them.
6. New Business
A. HAPB Vacancy Status
- Mr Thompson advised he has reyiewed the applications-
Mr.Thompson made motion to accept Gladivette Benarosch. Mr. Bell olfered
a second in support of the motion. Carried unanimously 5-0.
B. Solar Farm Cultural Assessment
- Mr. Erjavec asked Mn Bellows if some of the property goes over into Hendry
- Mr. Bellows stated the county application only pertains to Collier County
Roll call was taken and a quorum established.
(Five memhers were present in person)
November 20. 2020
- Mr. Thompson advised they had a tentative motion to approve it last month,
But could not because of the new rales with zoom and the quorums.
- Tim Finn stated that the land is only in Collier Countlt. Hendry County and
Lee Couttty were contacled, they reviet',ed attd had no comment.
- Mr. Finn staled Barron Collier is the owner of the property, and FPL is the
contract pLtrchaser.
Mr. Thompson made motion to approve- Betsy offered second in support of lhe
motion. Carried unanimously 4-0.
C. Seminole Trail Government Center Trail Cultural Resource Survey
- Mr. Erjavec stated the report is very good and said every board member should
D. Certificate of Appropriateness for Mar-good Park
- Amanda Townsend promised she will not put this off any longer and she has
emailed the architect plans oyer. Ms. Townsend will have more infomation
at the next meeting.
- Mr. Erjavec said they will vote on it next month.
- Ms. Townsend said Mar-Good Park was purchased in 200. The particular
project includes three small cottages that need to be restored.
- Ms. Townsend stated the museum should be open Thursday- Saturday once
sta/J member is onboarded.
Review ofProject and Activity Log
- Mr. Erjavec promised to have more information on Horse Creek next meeting.
- Mr. Erjavec went over lndian Hill Site Project. They are attempting to organize
what thev can do with the status. Mr. Erjavec said there is a lot of activiq, and it
is getting bigger. He steted the damage is done and now theJ,need to decide how
to proceed wilh pleservation.
- Mr. Etjavec said there is money available. It will remoin until theyrtnd a
8. I'u blic Comments:
9. HAPB Comments:
- Betsey asked if Austin has gotten information in acquiring thefishing boat
Mr- Erjavec made a motion to approve. Mr. O'Brien olfered seconded in-favor.
Carried unanintous ly 4-0.
Novembcr 20, 2020
- Mr. Bell stated he was contacted by the curator oJ the museunt in
Tallahassee that had an 11ft long skip the1, had no usefor.
- Mr. Bell went to Tallahassee and brought the boat back Io Marco
Island Historical Museum Campus.
10. Adjournment: The next HAPB meeting will be held on April 16, 2021 at 9:75
There being no further business for the good of the County, George Thontpson
moved to adjourn. Seconded by Eugene Eriavec. Motion passed, 6-0. The
meeting was adjourned by the order of the Chair at 9:45 A.M.
Historical/Arch Pre tion Board
Chairman, Eugene E r aYec
Thesc rninutes rv
as presented
ommittee on zo?