Resolution 1989-055 MARr.H 7. 19A', RESOLUTION NO. 89-55 A RESOLUTIor; PROVIDING FOR THE IMP';, ,ITION AND COLLEC~ION OF A LOCAL OPTION P'3 FOR PROVISION OF ENHANCED EMERGENCY "311" TELEPHONE SERVICE AND EQUIPME~T WHEREAS. Sect'on '65.171(13), Florida Stdtutes, provide. that a county may i;t,pose dnd collect a fJ~e for recucc.,19 char.'Jea foe the pcovis;on of "911" service an' equipment, t(1 be paid by the local exchange subsccibecs en an indivic... 13.1 exch~lnge line basis at a ["ate not to exceed Eifty cents (!,",.)<:) per 'nonth per line. WHEREAS. The BOHd of County Commisso ,ners of ColI er COUfl':Y, Plocida, deems it appropriate and in lJcthecance of the pub:; i.c health, safety and welfare to impe a fee for the pcoI'lsion of anchanc~d "911" telephone s(':vice within the County. NOW THERE,ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COl.:TY COMMJ3SIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FI.ORIDA. thai:: 1. There is hereby imr Jsed PUC,f,u,\n t to Sec,:ion 365.171(13). Florida Statutes, a local lption fee, <:'or cpcurring cl~rge5 foe the provision of enhanc'ed "911" emergerlcy '.elephone s~"evice and equipment in t.he Coun :',. Such man. Ily amount to ~e paid by local exchange sul)3cribees will be adjusted arnually to covee allowable expenses, foe the per Lod April 25, 1':>89 to September 30. 1989 the amount will be .25 pee subscrilJee line per month. 2. ':he County shall request that the telephone co..: .ny providing rnhanced t1911~ seevice and equi~ment to Col.iec county. Flurida, collect feom its subsc.. bees in ColJ lee County, FJ '.Jrida, the local option fee imposed by 'his resolution find to remit said fees to the County. (9~.3.tf- /1./ MARCH 7. In 3. The County is authorized to pay to the teleph 'e COIT'pany.pcoviding enh,lnced "911" ser-vice wit in the boundar es of 'oIlier County, Flor-ida, an administcativ~' fee, equal to ~% of c'e enhanced "911" fee collected by the telephone compan' This Resolution a<:),Jpted after motion, second and roll C III vat ~ as follows; Commissionec Shanahan M"tioned an,] Aye Commissioner Hasse Seconded a~1 Aye Commissionec Volpe Aye Commissioner Coounight Aye Commissioner Saunuers Aye DATED: March "7' 1989 ATT, .ST: ,JAM b C. ~ILES, CLERK BOARD OF Cf..NTY COMMISSION3RS COLLIER COI "TY, FLORIDA :.,;, / By :/...i~/.."",,..,~,/~;.... # .f!' (' Deputy Cler)< -- By A..>//~.// BURT L. ~AUNDERS, Chai~Man Approved as to Form and legal sufficiency: ~..~ . I{ . Assistant C~unty torney r9~.3~- ;T.~. MARCH i 1989 ., UNITED ~'ELEPHONE COMPANY OF FL "HIDA CONTnACT FOR TELEPHONE SERV r:: E The l,nde r signed SUBSCR J.BER reque s ts the UNITf::D TELEPHONE CO' .\NY OF 'LORIDA to provid,' and maintain telephone service at the add:.,ss specified b,!iow in accordance w.th the Telel :~one Coml ;JOY' S lawful rate, and regulations. The subscriber hereby recogn.izes that some terns of te1el hone equ.,'Jment to be installed by the Telephone C',mpany in rend, ing the :elephone service are provided only if t~. Subscriber ag'ees to ',',.tain such equipme:l.t for specified primary terms and tha~ the cond.tions attending such installations and thq duration ot the pri"..ry terms thereof shall be as specifj '(1 herein for the INI'!'.lAL INSTALLATION or CiS specified in s'JPl?liments to this contract, such supple~ents to be duly executad by the subscriber and the Telephone Company from time to time. If c part of the service is discontinued equj~ment coverpd by this contract and by to te disconnEcted. it is agreed that installed shall be considered as disconnected. ar~r: a portion o'~ the Sl.' l'lements he rete is th, equipment l~,!.est the equipment '.rst INITIAL INSTALLATION It is agreed that the primary term of the i,t.al install3:ion shall commence with the date the equipment i. placed in SE "ice. If within th~ primary term the service is orde~'l?d discontinut d or moved to different premises, this contract shall be terminated and tne Subscriber agrees to pay a terminatio;l charge determ.ned by applying to the total basic tern nation cha'ge the perce~tage which the unexpired por~.ion of the rimary te'"m bears to the ':u11 primary terr,. In the event of are: ocation or the same premi ,~es, the move sh ,:1 be handled on the ~ ,sis of the Subscriber pciing the actual "-'st of making the move. If within t'le primary term a part of the ':,'rvice is or'. discontinue,'-, the charge will be such proporti ..late amount 0 termination charge as the equipment bea,. to all of equipment. The Subscrioer agrees to pay any added cost incurred by the Telephone Cu~pany becuase of a change by the Subscriber 01 the location deisgnated for the equip~ent prior to the time j: is placed in service. ,red the the If this co.1tract is cancelled by the Subscriber prior to establishmell': of service, the Subscriber agrees to pay the lOSt incurred by :he Telephone Company in engineering, orderinr and providing t Ie equipment and disposing of it, less cridits obtained th:ough disposal; the charge in thi.s event will not exceed the tetal basic termination charge augl.1 nted by any a"'(lunt due by reas! f: of change in the Subscriber' soder as outlinl :l in the paragrar_' immediately preceding. pet ~-' 3~-;? , j -- Mft.RCH i 1qR9 PRIi1.\RY TERM OF THE INITIAL INSTALLATION: 1.~ months Desc:"'ption of F.:quipment Installation Monthly 2 'f('..eprinters 5100.00 5194.14 The l.otal basic termination charge shall be the total CO! of equ~.~)ment, cable wi re and/or miscellaneous _terns of equip' 3nt insUlled plus total labor costs involved L installation lnd dis('(lnnection less the recovernble value of such equipment, c. Jle wirE' and/or miscellaneous items of equipme'it at the time of disc:,nnection or move to another premise. Thi. instrument becomes a binding contract when executed b~ the Subs~riber and accepted by an official of th1 Telephone Com~any and shall remain iI, effect until proper:y terminated in acco~dance with the Telephone Company's lawful regulations. The terrr~ and conditions hereof cannot be varied r waived exce~t by written consent of said official of the Tele;none Company. ADDReSSES 3301 Tamiami. Trail E., Naples, Fla. da Goodlettc Ro~d, Naples, Florida SUBSC<IBER: ~~~..,4?R ~ ACCEPTED BY Burt L. Sa"r~lers - Bo~rd of County Commissioner" of Collier County, F."lorida TIT.E: Chairman DATE: .'/7/89 UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF FLORID" ACCEPTED BY: TITLE: DATE: NOTATION: r:"mmencement date of Primary Term \ lay be entered when service is established.) f . 1/1 Jol sufficiency os to orm 0: 1 -~ L to~~ 8~ 3~:"'n; fG MPIlCH 7 1989 illl UNITED TE' !:PHONE SvSTE.I,A FLOFIIOA ( ; OUP P.S.A.P. nVO-TIER AGREE: 'v1ENT Cotl.ier County Board o.f County Commission~r:R,' :UHomtr"j "Qu.m lh._._ J"1 tp-d -X.e..1...(';,hnnt:> C:::yc:r""l'"'1 tQU"Ir~"T u "sled 'r! :h, H!'KI'1'!'d EQI..';:Im<!!nf Schedule ..no rrq ,luIonl. InClud,nq lfH~ O'O'""on, V!f 10"" ner'!,f !":hl!' Comp<lny'.1 fO C' 'dr, at the ~d1rnl clfsiq'l"o bIIOW. ("'Ihl!! equipment") ;n Ice,)""n(. ....,In It'l. C.::mpiilny' . ...ful rltlS 1 TIl{ CompJlI"ly .....11 ma,n!,,,, and ,,'ovId. '~I'Cl!m"'nl comeon."n I" J enlt PlHlod 01 ~_ monti'll Irom It'll! dalt of t", c~mm,!nCl!mtM of the ,'lilla' lrrllce O&flOd, Upon l!IO:C 'Jl."" Of Ine bUll: elrlod, ~ Como,,,,, r,wrv!" In, rlt:jnf to r_,rc,,,, any .::li Tnll lotlowlnq ':10110"1: C0r11,nul! "',W"len~no::. 0' O'''t ai-contInued p,couel Ion,,!, di!'O""'~ -'1 on :n, ava,Ilolliry ':If ~pllcem'''t Plrll. S...O'l :Jarl1 1111 bit ,ubl.CI :0 charglt1 lupplemenllnq ,r !f,.n curr"n~ Tie# B rll!' b. lJuon r'~I~rm,,'~rIO." bv rl1, Com pan.,. Ihal '~I.actm.nl 01'" w,1/ III IImlled 10 r,tUII' 01 the COmPon,nll wtthrn In, C3\ CUSTcm,r 19'''1 to 110ld narml,n i"l! Company for any 14r ~btlit, I')! 'l'OI.a<:,ml!'r'l! oa,u. " 1'101 t,.slbl.,. .,,.,r,ol,. : Ilntenan.::. It V 01 In. Compan.,. to d' 10. Th. ,. I ouraq. OCCISIonld by 'p, non-.vlil. 2. T1'1I~ CUSIOm'!, Iqree1 :0 ~av Ih. Companv 'or eou,pmenl Ind I''''''''' Sc::htdlJl.', a T;,r ,1 mcn;nlv proce for 111<< ,ntllal "NICe :Jerrod; plu" tn. Tier B !TIor Th, T, A. prrc, 'or r1'l. EoUtpmlt"ll Ind """'CI1 WIll ,eml,n unchangl!d duror"} In. proc, , , ,bltct to cl1i1nge ", ,}Cco,nanc, .'O"n lanffl n loIWfullv ',II!-d Irom fll'Tl.. '0 : the '1'1' II Ti~r B pr,c. and lMI! ",,,,,1 ""'"Ct p""od Ir" IIHtd In m, bOll 11l!1'!ln btle, ducrltl'd ,1'1 :M. aftaeh'ld eouipm,nt ~ pr,c, ;or '1'1, Clurallon ')1 lh, 1.rv,e.. ,11111 ,......'c. p"rrOd wI'ltrU' 'n, Tie, B by :1'1, Company. Th. ii~r A priel. In I"" <r'O.nr Q! tl!rm,M<lllon "f ~II or pert of rh. In'lIal ",rvicI p"or 10 11I;"allon of In, Ti"r A "rVI'" u!riOCl. lh, CUSTomer ~q,tlt' to 01" ~t1'! 'JI'IPillrj balanr_" al lh, Tit. A cnarq" :n. 111, wl'O.qe valll!. S"Y'ql valu. Ih<lll bt (. .'mlned bV Ihe Company lHln'1 lucn '~(')rl a1. bUI no! liml"d to. r~u1lb,l,r" prOduct Ide. ;:b,'_ "'KtnCI. "tObUld,ry of '1" 'I. r"ntuH_ UIon and 'tit CQSll ,nc'd~nr l"t.'!!O S.lv.qe valli' Will not n'Clll'.,u,lv 0... book or nt" tiook 'Ialu'. Th. "-calc, 'lid unp.id bal.nct ''''all be paId t;\I ,"I! Cutlcme' ,1'1 ~cual rT'onl"fV IM1fall.-'@nr, ....1'I'ch He dt,"'..'1 b\l d'YI(lin~ Ih. 't-Call'jl,lllJ(j ba'.nee by :nt n' mDl!' 01 ~r:l"ln\ '..ma,n,''] '1'1 In.. 11'I II ,al Ti., A """ei :;e"od. Thl Cu,ro''l'!' mav. ,t 10 df1lrto. "a'l I"', ..<.Icu- lar.d unc,',d O<lIJr'lc' '1'1 Illf""lC lum ,n ....I'I';:h CUfI. Itm" v.lu, ot n'( IlI!V o:.tdn ....,11 0. 1'....1'1 'Nht'n ..auto,...enl 'I '''''I!d I,om "'TI' 10 Ilmot and I'f., "'111 b<l In" tOll'omen' 'lfU rj''KonnKrfld. fh,s provulon 'PP". d''KOnnKtrd. 'I 'J ~q"d 't1U :1'1. 'Ktuopm.n' Ht inlfalll'd 01'11'1' ...Pl.n 'ucPl ),.., tQUlpmtnt r.m"nt In 11 "c., .... Addi" 111 ..OUlomll!nl and flllurel all.red und on. 01 tn. 101l0W'''Q ';1)\101'1' rh. Company', 1-T,,, Tariff may b. pr 'dId under ~'1 Tl1, <ldd;llonll touiom.nt m.v be ,nclud.d und.r a........ ",r'JI 1.("I,e. 1=.',0<:1 comm.,' 1 -,Ntl" Ih. ~.' ."""7n"4rvICt dal. of ,uch ,ddl(lonal eoulpm.nt. QQ.!1.S . ~ ~ucl'l <ldd1!lon.1 "ou,pm.nl may be includtd und" In.: "fnl 19"'fm..nt OIl any Ii,..." . "or 10 Ih, ..~p" ,on of :1'I1Il' Till'r A 'nlflll Wlrvic, o,"Od :Jv prpga"'lI'Ig I" ame Jnr 'Qual !o 'h. monr"s I'~ red on rtl. prn." conTracl mullol,td Oy Ih, tll'CflY, To.r A monlPlly rll. :c.' :". addirrona' .!Qurpm.n! 4 CI'1"1~1 lor c!!nlrll ollice nunk1, '13llon1 and otMlIr m'ICIU,nP.Out '!'curpmlnl at prov,ded in lh" i4n,ral .nd Local e..chanq. T.rofr art ", .dd'!lon 10 Inou !Pltclli,d In oIllaCI'ttd EQulpmt"t :>c"'"dul.. 5. TI'1. =oJ,pm'!nr, !1l'1"phonlt. ,nd linll fu,nISl't..-t by the Complllnv on II', Custom.,', pr,mi'l "1 an, Ihall r.m,in 11'1. proPf'ry 01 In. C)'np.nv, In C.14 O. damag. ro, Ion 01, OInd ClutrUCllon of any 01 ~Id prCOfFly due to rh., n.gt ; !nCfI Ot "",ill- ful .ct at the CUUO"",I l)f orh" Pff10nl 'ulhoriz.d 10 uti ;"e ,.(""ca. and 1'101 due '0 o,,,-nary wur and !tit 0' CluSI t ~tyond lh. Cuttomll!"S control. I". Cuuomtr sl'I.1l be reQuirld to pay .11 ._p,nln Ineurr.d by 1M" Company In l:onr,':':I'O" " 'Ih 11'1. rl" plac,m.", of lh. pro, ,r'y lot!. dama9'td or df1tro.,..d or t"Oln1.1 ,"cutred bV Ih. Comp.ny in r'tltorinQ uid prOP'r~ ", iI, o"g;n.1 condllion. 6. ,",t t" applieabl, n'flon.l, II J l'ghtlng. ,nd condu" IQUloment .;In,/)n'lcd ,h.11 "SO "maIn clll' m'lI'I"n.ne,. .tomer ~al' provld.. 10 11'1. r,.,on.Orl lSl'ecdicalion1 01 In. Corr,::J.nv Ine: specifical,ons III ' rln Oy any t. Ind focllI building C0I1.1, fdeQuale and 10prOO""' ffoor ';Ole.'. cemm,'c.al cower !inclu Jllg outl.tsl. ..r 11'1, proc"r 'nIUIIII,on, op.""on, ,}nd ma'nttn.nc, .,1 :h. t~""Clm,nr. rll, If'. provide. I lor cert.in ,~, Ih. Com pan.,. 'n.lI bt ml1l'lUlntd by 11'1. CU1romer In. mCO,s.UFl and dust lrlf atmOSP"'t, Sa'd".. " ,II o01tacl", whl'Iby .d'Qu," work spact aroutld 1"1 'Qu, 'Inr will b, a'Oarl.ble for In I '!llIion and 7. The r: Hom" l/)rf!'U 10 pay In.,. addld COUI incurrtd by tl'1, Comp.n ~.(:IU" al , CPlanqe by Iht :utlom,r of fh. locar,on dl1'/)"'" 1 for tht E~ulpmtnl o"or 10 tnl I'''''' .1 11 placed on """'e. B. If ,,,, t-rrvll:. "Qunlll!d by lh. CU110lT1er '1 canCllild prlot 10 ,n ttlat"~"mtnl. Ih. Custom" '/)"" 10 p,y ttl. COU 'neur'lI!d by 'nl!' (.omoanv '1'1 I!nq1l'l.~ring. crd'''ng. ,nd p'oY,d,ng !I'Ie ecu.pmll!'" md OltOO1lng at rl, !"II CI! lit ObUined tnrauljJh dl'P01.l1. l_ 9 Th. C~'"om,r's p.dorm.nce undn In.' Agff~m'nr l:"'Iall conlatm !o all r'qu,r'!lm,nfS COl'lui,,1d '1'1 It. C.7:Impan.,.'1 larllf" II rh. 11m. .ff lil'd w'!h !he Florida PublIC Sarv.c. Commlulon, Ind Ctrr"du:aa" "'I.'td or suppl,mtnl.d. T1,i~ 'nttrumont 1h.U botcam. blnd,ng VVI'lll!n ...tculed bv lh, CuBo""r H'd acc,plld :lV In, C"moan.,. ,('1 ;hall r~m,jn In IUttel unlil ~''':Otrly IItm- IMated ,1'1 accordanc. Wllh 11'1. Comp.n.,.', r'gulatronl. Thf!' IIrrms ,nd COnojitlOn1l'1tr.ol Co. lH b' v~"..d Or wllved '"Cl'l: l by wrltlln conter'H Of Itle COmp.I"l',. 1'1:30200'5 t9~ -3.oV- ;t.-S- 7th EXECUTEt..> THIS DA Y OF. ADO""". 3301 Tazr.iami Tr. E. ISH"' Nvmber .nd N.m" MARCH i' 1989 1 Month 1 Time Pay 1"111.1 Service Plrlod: mon' , Ti" A monlhly prlU. nOI lubrl'Cl fa Chlnge S 93,743.95 '-;.r B morllhly ~mc.. luoj4'Ct fa Ct'llngl S 1,129.50 March 1 B, .9___... N~nlp~ . or. 11q~,-~q7' (City or ""'. .nd Stn.' CUS"TJMER: Collier County Board o( ::ountv Commi s:.. oner~ BY; A~J7' v ACCEPTED: NOTATION: Corn",,"eltmlnt dab , Initi.1 S.rvk. Period: (To bI :"lfr.d ~, seMel i. ,,".blish'dl '~h;;~?~" tjss. 'rCounry " ., \.\~ '. ' .\ 'TLE Chairrr.aJ.l. Coll;,::IT rnl,JI~ Board of County Commi'Bioners .19_.BV: T1TlE:__ .2- (lCt--;e- 3 'Sl- r9. { MARCH 7 1989 rOtJll'MLN I ~;CII[tJUL[ INITIAL cor.JTHACT UNIT UNIT TIER I' TIER B MONH: v I1ATE OUAN ~'T:!: DESCnlf' liON PRICE' PRICE" TIER A. TIER B 2 Basic 9-1-1 System 38,539.70 465.80 77 ,079. '\0 931. 60 6 Trunk Interface Cards 1,190.75 14.10 7,144,50 84.60 5 I.D.M Display Modules 1,712.05 20.40 8,56C.25 102.00 1 I/O S(~rial Card 959.80 11. 30 959.80 11. 30 'Ti., A prict not tu bjC'C I to change .0Ti., B prien II. subj.ct 10 chang. in conformilV wIlh lawlully filed lariffs. .,. rOt? ..... (!- ~4-~. 7