DSAC Notice 04/07/2021For more information please contact Trish Mill at (239) 252-8214 or Patricia.Mill@colliercountyfl.gov Development Services Advisory Committee Wednesday, April 7, 2021 3:00 pm 2800 N. Horseshoe Dr., Naples, FL 34104 Growth Management Building, Conference Rooms 609/610 NOTICE: As part of an ongoing initiative to promote social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, the public will have the opportunity to provide public comments remotely, as well as in person, during this proceeding. Individuals who would like to participate remotely should register any time after the agenda is posted on the County website which is 6 days before the meeting through the link provided, listing the topic they wish to address. Individuals who register will receive an email in advance of the public hearing detailing how they can participate remotely in this meeting. For additional information about the meeting, please call Trish Mill at (239) 252-8214 or register at: http://bit.ly/DSACSpeakerRegistrationApr072021 THIS LINK CAN ALSO BE USED FOR THOSE THAT WOULD LIKE TO VIEW THE MEETING BUT NOT SPEAK. CHOOSE THE FIRST OPTION “I DO NOT WISH TO SPEAK- VIEWING ONLY” AS YOUR AGENDA ITEM. Persons wishing to speak on any Agenda item will receive up to three (3) minutes unless the Chairman adjusts the time. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and speak into a microphone. State your name and affiliation before commenting. During the discussion, Committee Members may direct questions to the speaker. Please silence cell phones and digital devices. There may not be a break in this meeting. Please mute your audio if you have not been recognized by the Chairman to speak or to conduct any personal business. All parties participating in the public meeting are to observe Roberts Rules of Order and wait to be recognized by the Chairman. Please speak one at a time and into the microphone so the Hearing Reporter can record all statements being made.