Resolution 1998-296 1 2 C 3 II.~ RESOLUTION NO. 98- 296 A RESOLUTION OF COLLIER COUNTY, FI.ORlDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-19, COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 96-6, AS AMENnED, APPROVING TilE TRANSFER OF WASTEWATER COLLECTION SVSTF.M AND WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA FROM ROOKERY BAY SF.RVICES, INC. TO COI.LlER COUNTY. SUBJECT TO SUBSEQUENT APPROVAL OF TII F. AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE OF WASTEWATER ASSF.TS BY A"D BETWF.F.N ROOKERY BAY SERVICES, INC. AND TilE COLLIF.R COUNTY BOARD OF CO:\II\IISSIONERS AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COI.LIER COUNTY AND EX-OFFICIO TilE GOVERNING BOARD FOR TilE COI.LlER COU"T WATF.R-SEWER DISTRICT. WIIF.REAS, Resolulion No. 96-104 excluded Collier County from Ihc provisions of Chapter 367, Florida Stalules, thereby assuming certain subject mailer jurisdiction over non.cxcmpt water and wastewater utilities operaling in unincorporated areas of Collier Couniy; and \\'IIERF.AS, Ordinance No. 96-6, as amended, established the Collier counly Waler and Wastewater Anthorily (AUTHORITY) and specific powers and dUlies: and \\'IIEREAS. on March 10, 1998, the Board ofCoullty Commissioners (BOAIW) arrro\'ed thc transfer of Certificate No. 06S and salc ofwaslcwater assels from Rookery Bay l:tilily Company, Inc. 10 Rookery Bay Services, Inc. for Ihe continued provision of W3S!Cwalcr treatment service in specilic unincorporated 3tCas of Collier County; and WIIEREAS. Ordinanec No. 96-6, as amended. pro\'ides a proccss for ulilities untler local jurisdiction to file an application for lransrcr ofw31cr and/or wastewater ccni ficalc. facilities. or control; and \\'11 ERF.AS. on July 7, 1998, an application for transfcr ofwastcwaler colleclion system and wastewater service area was filed by Rookery Bay Services. Inc. (TRA:-':SFERORJ 10 effeclthe transfer oflhe wastewater collection systcm and wastewalcr scrvice area to Collier Counly (TRANSFEREE); and WHEREAS. on July 27, 1998,Ihe AUTHORITY held a duly adveniscd puhlic hearing 10 consider said applicalion, the record, staITrcpon. tcslimony oflhe TRA:-':SFEROR and TRANSFEREE represenratives, and public comment; and WHF.REAS, the AUTHORITY issued ils Preliminary Order No. 98.2, incorporated herein as attachment "A", recommending that subject to evidence and argumenl, ifany. admitted at a public hearingeonduetcd by the BOARD. adopt findings of facl and conclusions of law, essentially as were found by the AUTHORITY,that Collier Counly's Iransfer and purchase oflhe Rookery Bay Services, rnc. certificaled waste\\'atcr service area, facilities. and control of said facilities is in the public interest. WII EREAS, the AUTHORITY'S Preliminary Order No. 98-2 further r.commends BOARD approval of Collier County's transfer and purehase of the Rookery Bay Ser....ices. Inc. wastewater service area and wastewater collcction system, more ranieularly dcscribed by Ihc appliealion for transfer and the record. '-;OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIfE Board of County Commissioners of Cotlier County, Florida, that: I. The AUTHORITY'S Preliminary Order No. 98-2, including the findings of fact and conclusions oflalV, is hereby approved and adopted by thc Board of County Commissioners. '''t.1o:':r..:' " '..~'.""..i' <. :<<.". I': '_ ";'~., "" ,",_.' .,~;;".,' - ~ ~.; , ,. r f' f' I I, ..,~ ~ f , '. 12C3 ~'" 2. Pursuant to Section 1-19, Ordinance No, 96-6, as amended, and Section 125.3401, Florida Slatutes, the transfer of the Rookery Bay Services, Inc. wastewater collection system and wastcwater service area to Collier County is approved. 3. This action shall be effective on the dale of closing. This Rcsolution adopted this.2!!.. day of r0:? second and majority vote favoring same. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK / -~.._-' .-. by' ~/ . ./. . .' / /' . / , "?n. ___ ". ,J:,$'" . ReiJlity Clerk 7 A e>t as to Chafnaan's A~~~t~\fGs P& !-Inn I . and legal suffictencr 50\\\ reu1~ Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney , 1998, after motion, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA by: B '.~~'I,r'L . ., . .- ",.->" ;,wt';c,,~ "\""';-,.~ ;-,;:.,", ,~,f"t..~ ;....... ,~ <.."c', ,..': ':;.'- '."~.t' ."",'.'."-",' /' . /.:-~, .' t';..,; ". "~.'.. " ....... ,"t~ \: i\< .' '.i" :_,v'~, , '","i-' ,.a .,..~