Resolution 1998-273
HESOl.lJTIO:'i :'i0. 9K- ~
.\[;TIIORI7.I)I;(; Tilt: DEFERRAl. OF 1.II1RAR\"
S\"STDII~lrACT Ff:f:S.I'ARK5 A:'iD IU:C1U:,\TIO:'i.\1.
\\XJ'ER I~II',\CT FEES. SEWER FI.\II'.\CT n:r::s.
FEES. .\:'i1J EIlI.'C,\'1'I0:'i.\1. FACILITIES 5\"STI.,\1
I\II'ACT FEES FOJ( \\'IIISTI.ER'S con: .\P,\lfJ'.\IE,"TS.
..\ 240 I.'."IT AFFORIlABI.E IlE:'iTAI.1I01'SI:'iG
I'IW.IECT. A:'ill Sl'BORIlI.".\TIO:'i OF 1.1 E:'i.
WIIEREAS. ('11II](:r C\Hll1ty !J:IS rL'co~lli/l.:d .lIlt! ;Jll<.:mph:d 10 :tddrl.'~" 111\: 1;1(.:].., Ill' ;llkqUilk :Hld
4lrrordJbk lhJlhll\~ I;lf modcr;I:L'. 101,\. ;Illd n;ry 10\\ ll1COllh.: household.; 111 ('ollil'l' ('lllJlllY ;IIHIII1('
nl:cd {;if cn:;ll!'.'.... 01:\11 illIlO\-ati\'I..' prn::r;ltllS III ;ts<;is\ IJllhl.' prCl\-isioll llr"lIl'h hnIJ~I:I:-: hy inLllldillg
scn:ral jlW,iSl(\!1... inlhL' ('tlIJILT ("llll1Y (j((l\\Ih .\1;ll1;!b!I..'llll.'Jll PI;lI1. 11\(1\111111;.': nhlL'cli\\.' I,..L
policy l...l..l. t1hi\,.'L'11\l' 1.5. p\,lil'~ 15.2. polic.:y 1,5..~. p(dky 1.5.4. PIIIIl':Y 1.5,5. polii:Y J,:'ijl;
ohjCi:( 1.(1. pcdil'Y l.fl..~: oh.kcliH' ~.1. polic~ ~.I.1. Plllu.:y 2.1.:!. pohi:y \.), p.dit:y) ,:" :ll1d
policy :!.IJl oflh..: !li1LJ~in~ EJcllh.'llt: ,lIltl
\\'IIU<.I:..\~. ..\1"fnrdahk. \\'hl~lli.:r"s ("("1\\,:. Ltd. wl]1 lllllh:rtill\\.' 1111.: dl'\'l'!IlPIlli..'IH nf
\\'hlSll,.:r's (',I".... .\pilrlT11....11Is. a I',\ll hul1dr....d ;lllIl (ml> I~.JI)J lInit ;1i'I;lrd;Jhk 1I.'Illa1 11\lIlSill~
COrllflll1l111y un ;1 ,.,ill.' IIlL.lled in ('olliL'r ('(IUllly. [:lllriLla, (lr which :\ nimlid1k \\'l1istkr's ('m-l',
Ltd, is ll\\ncr~ ;!nd
\\'IIERL\S. nn IkcCI11IK'! l~. 11)')";-. ;111 ilpplj(,;tllllll ',\:IS lih:d Wlll1 tll\." ('Olll1IY
Administrillor JIlr Ihl.' (kli:rr;lllli" (.'Illk'f ('llUI1I~ i11\I'~ll'l r...,\."s f(lr 111.... \\'Ill,.,t!t:r., ("1\ \." l\par1lll\."1\1
<.'(lllsisl<.'1l1 \\ jlh tll"'. r...'<jlllr....I11....llIS lIf tll\.: ('11\l1\IY l!l1j1.\\.;t i'....l.. 111.dll1il:JI......:-: allt!
\\'JIER E:V";. III ;1(clmbnL"l.~ \\ illt Sl..CtJlll) \.J of Ill.... 1.lbrary SY"Ii:111 Imp:I...'1 1-...'.... ()nlln:llll.'l..
OrdiniH1i:"'. \:11. ~,"'_I)-. iI" .tIll....IHkd: S...'l'1Inn J,I15 11f Ih\,.' PMJ...s ;Ind 1(L'u....atlllll:l! [';I....jilli..'s J11l]1,ll'1
FcC' OrJlnan......... (Jrdltl,lIlCl' :-....0. ~S.f)(). as ,IIllClllkd~ Sl'l'lilll1 3.11J Dr LIlL.' [{(l;ld 1111p~ICI Fl',,'
OnJin;mcC'. ()rdlJ1,lIlCC :\'0, ')2.22. itS ,1Il1Clllkd: Colll..'r County ()rdlllallc..: :\(1 (HI,X(l, as
alll..'IHkd. 111,_' ('"liIL'r (',\tlnt~. \\',Ik'r Sy:-.ll'l11 Irnp,lI:l f-'l...' ()rdinilllC....: ('IIII'L'f' {'Olllll: ()rdil1.lnr:..'
:\'0. ')fJ-S~.;J~ dt11~'Jllkd, [h..' Colli...r C'Ulllll)' S~\\'....r Sy.~l\,.'11l1IllrilCt h'..' ()rdin;lIh'L': Sl'r:lllll1 .,.0:'
or Ill.: LrIlL'r:;....II...;. \kdlt:a[ SI'f"\'jeLos SYSIl'lI1 11l1pilLl !-....l.. Ordinance, Onlil1illll'l' "fl, f)I~71. iI~
.a1lll'lllkd; ;tnd S...TIIIIIl :..fJS or I Ill' hlucalJonal b(1I11l(.'~ SY....ll'lll II11p:!l'r h:lo ()rdlll;l!)(l'.
Ordinancc No, ')2-33. as amcndcd, an applicant may obtain a dcfcrrul of one hundred percent
(100%) of impact I~cs Ibr a period oFsix (6) years hy~ ualiffying for said deferral: and
XVtlH RI~..XS. Whistler's (.'ore ..Xpanmcnts has quali fled for
upon thc Ibiloxx m~ representations made b)' ,.~ flbrdable Whistler's ('o~ c. [.Id.'
,.M The D~elling Unit shall he thc permanent residence Ol'lhc
B. '[ hc household rcnting thc [)x~clling Unit must have a xcrv Iow or low income level.
at the commencement of the Ic~tschold nnd duration thcrcol~
thc .Appendices to thc rcspcctivc Impacl Fcc ()rdinanccs and the monthly rent must be
x~ithin thc al'fi)rdablc housin~ guidclh]cs established in thc ..~ppcndiccs to Iht
rc~peclixe Impact Fcc Ore inanccs.
('. -~ he [)~clling Unit shall remain aFfi~rdab~c lbr al le;t~t
thc cc[lil]cal~ ol'occtq~aHcy ~as issued.
1. m}]~ l~o~ll'[j off 'OLlIl[¥ ('oI11111~SSlOIl~'rg hcrchv ittllllori/cd the dclgrral by
al'tgrdablc h~msing units to bc developed by ,,Xflbrdablc'Whistlcr's ('~vc. lad. as idcntil]cd
l~xhibit ",,~":
a} l.ihrarv System llllpact Fees S IS5.52 5 43.324.g0
(I'22 - I & 2 Story [~llils)
( 48 - 3 Story t;nits) 935.00 227.r,64.~0
c) P:~rks & Recreation Impact Fccs
('Oml~tlnitv Parks 399.()(I
Regional Parks 1 7').ttc}
d) ffmcrgcncy Scr,'iccs Inil~aCI Fccs 2 t )
c) Scxvcr Impact Fees 1.340J)0 321
O Water Impact Fees 900.00 2 I
g) School Impact Fees S27.(~0 ~~()(M
TOT.,kl..ASI(}UNT I511).A(71' I:~iI'~S [}l';Fl';liRkil) S1.141.236.80
2. :X) In c()mplhmcc wifl~ Ibc provision of thc Collier Cotlllly illlpilcl I~'c ordillallCCS.
AfVordable/Whisller's Cove. Lid. has dcmonslralcd to thc Courtly lhat :t st~hordinalion ol'lhc
COLHIIy's rights, intcrcsls and lien is necessary Io obtain financing for thc Whistler's
Apamnems. an affordable houshlg projecl consisting oftwo hundred and tbrly muhi-
flintily dwelling units: and
B) In compliance with the provisions ol'fl~c Jlllp;icI Iku ordinances, the Owner will deliver to
thc County substitute collatend in thc Ibrm of cash ami ;I cash equivalent lin:mci:ti
inslrument payable to thc Cotmty which together will yield lo thc ('mlnly thc Full
of the del~cd impact tges. i.e., thc sum of One Million (/mac IhuMrcd I:orly-(lnc
Thousand. Two Itundrcd Thirty-Six Dollars ami 81)'l~]n 1SI.141.230,81~) m the
expirati~m of thc perind of the dcfc~al. Fcbruao, 15.21~15. ] I em. ;~ United Slates 'l rcasu~'
Zero Coupon Bond which ,aill mature at the end of the dclZ'mll pcri,M. Fchrua~' 15.
fees. ('oumv co~ cnanls and agrees that it ~ ill not negotiate ibc JlOIlO IIIIICSS alld Until thc
dcl~rrcd m~pact fccs become due add payable pursuant to thc terms o]'l]~c Agreement
If}m;. Deferral of ('oilier County Impact Fees amid that all moneys received hy
ncgotiatJ{m of the bond shall be upplied lo Ibc payment of said deferred impact Fee
ob]i~atim~ t~wing by Aflbrdahlc Whistler's Cove. Ltd.
C) Thc County hereby covenants nnd consents and agrees thru ils rights, interests and lien
pursuant Io the Agreement shall be subnrdhmtcd Io Ibc lien nf thc Morlgagc :md Security
Agrccnlcnt ("Mortgage") and other docttlllCllts cxccLlJcd by Ow~lcr i~ consklcralJon
thcrcwJlh 2om AFffordahlc,'Whisllcr's Cove, I,td. Io Collier County Ih)using Fhmncc
AtHhoritvorothcrprimarylcndcrsinthclwh~cipalanmunlot, up to Two .M il lkm Dollars
(S2.{)O0,OUOh and Florida l lousing Finance Corporation hi the principal amount of up
Thirlccn Million Two lhmdrcd Thousand Dollars (SI3.200.0UO) plus accrued interest
and all advances attthorizcd under thc provisions of such mortgages. Thc Cotmty will
eXCCLIIe StlCh st~bordination agreements as nlay bc reasonably required by said
~::, 3. Dct3md of said impact fees is subject to and contingent upon execution and rccordatinn
of an A~rccmcnt fi~r Del~rraI oFC'ollicr ('Otlllt3 Imnpact Fees '.~tnch shall hc entered intn
bctxvccn thc applicant and Coui}ty.
1 A2
This Rcsoludon adopted aflcr rr~otion, sccond and majority vole favoring same.
)/ // "' " BarbaXr, o B. Berry.
Attest as tv Chairman's
Approved as ~o fo~ and
legal sufficiency:
Assistant Courtly Attorney
jd'gm'c v, histlcrscove
Thc subject property being 24.00 acres, and {ocaletl ill Section 32. Township 50 Noulh. ami
Range 26 East. is described
All that pan oF Section 32, Township 50 South, Range 26 East. lying North ami East, of thc
Tamiami Trail (13,S. }lighway 411. ('oilier County. I:lorida. l,li~S ,XNI) fiX('iiWI' a parcel
described as {bllows:
Beginning at tho intersection of the No~h line of said Section 32 with thc Northeasterly r/ghl-of-
~'ay line of the Tanminmi Trail (U.S. }lighway 41), run No~h 89"57'30" Enst IS8.80 feet
thesa{dNo~hlineofScclion32; lhcncogot:th58018'30.. Wes{ 147.09 feetlolhcsnid
way line: thence North 30~31'30'' West lO0.00 feel along said right-of-way linc lo thc point
....... 2355964 0R: 2448 PG: 3460
I~?~0~HC~ 4~ ~L00t 0~/0~/~ ~t 02:UP~ D~IG~ ~. ~R0C£, CL~ HC ~H 42.00
This ^grccment t~r thc Deferral of Impact Fees entered into this ._//d
1998, by and between the Board of County Commissioners off Collier County, Florida,
hercinaficr rcfcrrcd to as "COUNTY" and Affordable/Whistler's Cove, l~td. hcrcinaftcr
referred to as ' O\\"NI{R".
WtIEI*,EAS. ('oilier County Ordinance:No. 88-97. tis amended, the C'otlicr ('t)unlv
Library System Impact Fcc Ordinance: Collier County Ordinance No. 88-)o, as amended, thc
Collier Counly Parks and Recreational Facilities hnpact Fee Ordinance: ('ollicr ('ounty
Ordinance No. 91-71. as amended, the Collier Counly Emergency Medical Services System
:~.,. Impact Fee Ordinance: ('oilier ('ounty Ordinance No. 92-22. as amended, lhe ('oilier County
~.. Road Impact Fcc Ordinance: ('oilier County Ordinance No. 9~-ST. asamcntlcd, thc
~,:,,, County Water System Impact Fcc Ordinance; ('oilier county Ordinance No. 90-87. as
amended, thc Collier county Sower System Impact Fee Ordinance; and Collier County
Ordinance No. 9_-_,o, as amended, the Collier Cotmty Educational Facilities System Impact
Fee Ordinance. as they may bo Further amended fi'om time to time hereinafter colic(lively
referred to as 'I rip(ct Fee Ordinance", provide lbr deFcn'als of impact /kcs lbr new
owner-occupied dwelling units qualifying as aflbrdablc housing; and
WHEREAS. Aflbrdablc/Whisllcr's Cove, IAd. is thc duly autlmrizcd with '['odd
,. Borck as President; and
-, WI-tEREAS, Aflbrdablc/Whistlcr's ('ovc. [,Id. has applied IBr a dclkrral off impact
foes as required by tho Impact Fcc Ordinance. a copy of said application is on file in thc
,;,., }lousing and Urban Improvement l)cpartmcnt; and
;';' ~VIIEREAS. the County Administrator or his dcsignec has reviewed thc OWNER's
,,,,,z/, application and has found that it complies with thc requirements fbr an af~brdablc housing
deferral; of impact fees as established in the Impact Fcc Ordinance; and
\VtlEREAS. thc impact Fcc deferral shall be presented in lieu oFpaymcnt oFthc
requisite impact t~cs subjcct to satisfaction oF all criteria in tl~c Impact Fcc Ordinance
qualifying thc project as eligible lbr an in]pact l~c cloistral; and
WItEREAS. thc COUNTY a~provcd a deferral of impact l~cs in thc amount oF
Million One tlundrcd Forty-One Thousand Two tlundrcd Thirty-Six l)ollars and 8(}100
(SI.141._~6.80) fi)r six years ICom date of ccniticatc of occupancy Ibr Whistler's ('ovc
)8-¢~ff~,. al its regular mcctin~
Apamncnts embodied in Resolution No. t ~ ~
WJlEREAS. I}1c Inlpact Fcc Ordhlancc requires lb'dj Iht ()WNIiR enter
Agreement with thc COUNTY.
NOW. TItI:REFORE, in consideration oFthc lbrcgoing recitals, thc parties covenant
and agree as ~bItows:
I. RECITALS INCOR['ORATED. Thc tbrcgoing recitals arc true and correct iliad shall he
inco~oratcd by reference herein.
2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Thc legal description of tho dwelling units (thc "Dwelling
Unit") is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by rct~rcncc herein.
3, TERM. OWNER aurces lhal thc I3wclline Unit shall remain aflbrdable and shall be
offcred lbr rent in accordance with thc standards set Ibrth in thc appendix to thc Impact
Fee Ordinance For a minimum of flacon (15) years commencing l?om thc dale a
cc~ificatc of occupancy is issued lbr thc Dwelling their.
4. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. OWNER represents and warrants thc
a) Thc Dwelling Unit shall bc thc pcrnmncnt residence of thc occup:mt/tcnant.
b) The hOtlSC]lo]d rCllling thC Dwelling Unit nlust have a very low or Iow inconlc level,
at thc commencement of thc leasehold and duration thcrcoL as that term is defined
the Appendices to tile rcspcctivc In]pact Fcc Ordinances and thc monthly rent must bc
OR: 2448 PG: 3462
,,r, withir~ Ih¢ af'Fordal'~l¢ hcmsin~ ~uicl¢lincs ~stahlishcd in lh~ Al~pcndic~s Io
. respective Impact Fcc Ordinances.
c) The l)wclling Unit shall remain affordahlc ibr at least titiccn (151 yc;u's Ii'om thc
thc ccmi ficatc el'occupancy was issued.
5. SUBSISQUI~NT Rt~N'I'AI. ()R TI{ANSFI'5R. If OWNHR runts thc l)wclling
subject to lbo impact I~c dclUn'al to a stlbSCClUCnt renter, Ibc Dwelling th}it shall bc rented
only to households moctinu thc criteria scl Ibrth in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance. Thc impact
fees deferred shall be immediately repaid to thc ('OUX'I Y upon thc discontinmtncc
use of tile Dwelling Unit as aflbrdable housin-. =. or six ,years t?om Iht date such impact
Fees are dcl~rrcd, xvhichcvcr occurs first. OWN[iR agrees that cron though thc impact
Fees have boon repaid to thc COUNTY, the OWNER will utilize thc Dwelling Unit
affordable housing fi)r at least fifteen (I 5) years From thc date thc ccrlificatc o(occupancy
~= was issued lbr tho Dwcllinu Unit.
6. LIEN. Thc dcl~rrcd impact floes shall be a lien upon thc properly which lion may
forccloscd Lq>Oil ill lbo cVC~lt of non-compliance with thc rcquircmcnts of this
Thc COUNTYacknowlcd,,cs= andagrecslhat:
(a) In compliance with thc provision of tho ('otlicr ('otmty Impact Fcc ()rdinanccs.
OWNER has demonstrated to thc COUNTY that a subordination of thc (;otullv's
rights, interests and lien is necessary lo ohlain tinancing lbr Whistler's
Apamncnts. an affordable housing project consisting of two hundred forty
. units; ami
. (b) In compliance with tiao provisions of the Impact Fcc Ordinances. the OWNER will
Ji'~ deliver to thc COUNTY sul, stitutc collateral in tim titan of cash and a cash equivalent
~ financial instrument payable to thc County which together wilt yield lo thc
"' thc filll amount of thc deferred impact IDes. i.e.. thc sum of One Million
Hundred Forty-One Thousand Two t ltmdrcd Thirty-Six Dollars iHld
( at the cxpin~tion of thc period of thc deferral. February 15, 2005. i.e..
.... OR: 2448 PG: 3463
16 2, i
~¥~/: a United States Treasury Zero CotlpOll Bond which will maturc at thc cml of thc
~,~ dcfemfl pcriod. Februa~ 15. 2005 and. upon maturhy, would yield an amotmt cqtm}
to the 2~;~ot~nt or thc tlct~ctl ~cs. COUNTY covcnants and agrccs that it will not
ncgotiatc ~'..,c ~ bond tmlcss alld until the dcfc~cd impact fccs bccomc duc and payablc
pursuant to Il]is agrccmcnt and that all moneys received by negotiation of linc b,md
._ shall hc applied to thc payment of said dcl~rrcd impact Fcc ~bligation owing hv
Affordal,lc.,'Whistlcr's Cove. 1,Id.
~:~' (c) Thc Cotmtv hcrcbv covcnzmls and consents and agrccs lhat its rights, intcrcsts and
?' lien pt~rst~ant lo this agreement shall bc subordinalcd to thc lien ()i' thc Mortgage and
Security ,,Xgrccmcnt (".Xlort~:t~c"} and olhcr documcnls cxccutcd I>x' OWNIZR
considcratitm thcrc%vith from zXl'tbrdahlc,'Whistlcr's Cove. I,kl. ti) ('oilier C't)unty
t tousing Finance Authorily. t~r othcr primary lenders in tl]c prh]cipal alllOttllt
~ Two Nlillim~ Dollars (S2.()0~).(}00). and Florida t lousing Fimmcc ('orporation in thc
~ principal alllotlnt ot' tip I(~ Thirtccn Xrlillion Two J lumlrcd '['lmusand l)oll:,'s
(S 13.200.0(1U). plus accrued intcrcst and all advanccs autimri/cd under thc pr(~visitms
oF such mm'tgagcs. Thc C()[JNTY will execute such subordin:ttion agrccmcnts as
may be reasonably rcquircd by said mortgages.
7. ANNUAL R[{P()RT. Am~ually. thc OWNER ol'lhc Dxvclting Unit shall provide to thc
; County Manager an aVl]davit of compliance with thc aFfimlabtc housing qualil~catitm
~,..; criteria and standards set tbrth in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance. Said affidavit must bc filed
within thirty (30) days o1' thc amfivcrsary date oF thc issuance of linc certificate
}~ occupancy. If flit income of any unit rcnlcr which originally qualificd as low income
~:~ Icvcl as dcfincd in the rcspcctix'c Appcndix to thc impact Fcc Ordimmcc h~crcascs hv
more than fi)fly pcrccnt (40%) above thc Imv income Icvcl dcscribcd in thc
;d[ . then thc pcr unit deferred impact lkc on thc non-compliance unit shall hccomc
_:. immediatclyducandpayablcbv OWNERor, in thc ahcmativc, thc()WNlSRshallhavc
OR: 2448 PG: 3464
ninety (90) days to comply with thc Affordable tfousing guitlclincs scl [brth in thc
rcspcc ti ye A p pc nd ices.
8. RELEASE OF I.II~N. Upon satisfimtorv complction of thc zkurcclllCllt requirements.
upon payment of thc defcrrcd impact ffccs, thc COUNTY shall, at thc expense of
COUN'FY, record any necessary documentation cviclcncing such payment, including hut
not limited to. a release o1' lien.
9. BINDING [[FFECT. This Agrccmcnt shall bc binding upon thc parties to this
Agreement. their heirs, successors alld assigns. In thc case of sale or tr:tnslkr 1~5' uifl o~
the Dwelling Unit, the original OWNER shall rcm:fin liable fi)r thc impact iLcs dcl~rrcd
until said impact Fccs arc paid in
10. RECORDING. This Agreement shall be recorded by OWNER ;tt the expcnsc
OWNER in thc OflScial Records of Collier County, [:lorid:t within sixty (6{)) days
execution of this Agreement by thc Chairman of thc Board o ffCotmty Commissioners.
II.DEFAULT. OWNER shallbeindefimltofthisAerccment(l) whereOWNl~R lhils
rent thc property in accordance with thc aftbrdablc housin,g standards and qualilScation
criteria established in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance and thereafter thils lo pity thc impact
dtlo within thirty (30) tlilVS oF notice o1' said non-complirmcc, or (2) where OWNIiR
violates one of thc aflbrdablc housing qt~alification criteria in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance
for a period of lSflccn (15) days after notice of violation. [[owcvcr, with respect to thc
Annual Report, O~VNER shall not he in defimlt of this A~rccmcnt until a fifteen (15) d~v
grace period from thc title date of thc report hits lapsed in thc event thc ()WNI~R is
d c ifa u 1 t.
12. REMEDIES. Should thc OWN[~R of thc property fail to comply with thc said
qualification criteria at ally time during the filicen (15) year period or should OWNIiR
violate any provisions oFthis Agreement. thc impact Fees dcl~rrcd shall bo paid in full hv
OWNER within thief (30) days of said non-compliance. OWNER agrees that thc impact
fees deferred shall constitute :t lien on lhe propcny commcncin,, on thc cfl~ctivc date
OR' 2448 PG' 3465
this agreement and continuing until paid. Except as set Rmh in Section 6. such lien shall
be superior and paramount to lhe interest in thc Dwelling Unit oF any ownc,'.
tcnant, mortgages, or other person except thc lien for County taxes and shall bc on parity
with thc lien of any such Cotmty taxes. Shottld thc OWNER bc in dcfimlt of this
Agreement and thc dcfimlt is not cured within thirty (30) days after written noticc to thc
OWNER. thc It{mrd mavbrinM:tcivilactiontocn2~rcctl~cAMrccmcnt. In addition, ti~c
licn may hc Foreclosed or off, cruise eriC, reed by tile COUNTY hv action or suit in equity
as for thc fi)rcclosurc ol'a mortgage on real property. This remedy is cunmlativc with
other right or remedy available lo ll~c (OU~ lb. Notwithstanding thc lbrcuoinu, thc
COUNTY shall realize upon thc collateral given to it by )%VNkR as described
6c prior lo cxcrcisinu any riuhts to recover ;t~ilillSt property. Thc [~o;trd shall bc cntitlcd
to recover all t~cs and costs, including allomcy's fees. plus i~llcrcsI
for judgments calculated on a calendar day basis until paid.
IN wI'rNESS WI IEREOF. thc parlics Jlavc executed this Agreement lbr dclQrral of Impact
Fees on thc date and year first above written.
(2) Witnesses: OWNER:
Print Name ~._~ /~Z/Z~& ltv: WfIISTI.ER'S COVE.
Its (}choral Parlncr
Print Namc__~..:U_>~',~_ i..- / w~:~ Todd l.. Borck. lh'csidcnt
- ,' COUNT'F:
DATED: ~/;.
ATTEST: t~O,,\RD 01: COL;N'["F C_7().~I.x. IISSIONI~R,%
~ -// '
Attest as to Chairman's
signature only.
,~,~ ' ,. OR: 2448 PG: 3466
:. Approved as to form and
· ¢;~" legal sufficiency
Heidi F. Ashton
Assistant Count,,' Attorney
Thc foregoing instrumcnt was acknov,'lcdgcd before rnc II'tis ,5:,"~,-,4~d:.ty o£
'JL'~. ,-[ . 1998 by Todd L. Borck, F'rcsidcnt of \Vhistlcr's Cm.'c. Inc., General Partner of'
Affordable/Whistler's'Cove. Ltd. on behalf of thc F'artncrship. !-I...~c~5. p_crsonally known to mc
or has produced ,' ,,,' ,'; (lvpc of identification) as identification.
Signature of pcrso, n ,u,!~ki~'~djX.~{mwicdgmcn!
t", t,D Con-t~ ss,of CCRM473!
Name of' Acknowlcdgcr Typed, Printcd or Stamped
jd/c/v,,'histl er'stove a,.:rccmcnt
?'~' '-', OR' 2448 PG: 3467
'~'~ 1 6
The subject propcr~y being 24.0/I acres, and located in
.,_, Township 50 South. and
Range 26 East. is described as:
Ail that part of Scction 32, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, lying North and East. of thc
Tamiami Trail (U.S. l fighway 41). C,olI~cr County. Florida. LESS AND EXCEPT a parcel
;,~¢. described as follows:
~v:~?~' Bcginning at thc intersection of the North linc of said Section 32 with thc Northeasterly right-
of-way linc of the Tamiami Trail (U.S, }{i~hwav_ . 41), run North 89"57"(_~ )" [~ast 188.80~ ' ' I~ct
. along thc said North linc of Secfion 32; thence Soulh 58°18'30'' XVest 147.09 Feet to the said
right-of-way line; ii, once Nonh 30'31 '30" West 100.00 feet along said right-of-way linc to
the pobt