Resolution 1998-270 10 F r>(j, RESOLUTION 98 - 270 RESOLUTION OF TIIF: BOARD OF COUNTY CO~1."ISSIONF:RS. COLUF:R COUNTY FLORfI)A. nF:CL.-\RING ITS INTENT. UPON APPROVAL BY VOTERS STATF:WIDE OF ..\'\' A~IENDMENT TO ARTICLF: V. SECTION 14 OF TilE FLORIDA CONSTITliTION. TO LOWER PROPF:RTY TAX RATES I'\' COLLlF:R COUNTY, \VHEREAS. since I f.J72. upon the cSlahlishmcnt of i.l unified state court system, the responsibility for funding of that system has increasingly fallen upon the shoulders of county property taxpayers; and WHEREAS. the rundil1~ hy the state of its court system hns not kepi pace \~'ith the tremendous population growth ..md increase in criminai i.lcti\'Il~': anu WHEREAS. Collier County has had littlc control. if any. over the cost or administration of the Slale's court SYSIl:n1 as IhlS :JrJthonly is srrcaJ among the Judiciary. 1cgislalUrc amJ the clerks of coun; and WHEREAS. In the allocation of la\Jng power. counlies 00 not have <.lCCCSS 10 ns many revenue sources as Ihe State I_cgisl<.lturc <.lnd county lax sources are capped as to rales or arc limited as to types ofprograrr,s and facilities that may be funded with each source; and WHEREAS. the property taxpayers of Collier County paid approximately 7 to 8 million dollars last year to fund ilnd support the st:Jlt: cOLIn system; and WHEREAS. the Constitution Revision Commission has approved a proposed amendment to Article V of the Florida Constitution which will shifllhe burden of funding the state court system from Ihe county proper1y ta.'I(payers 10 the state; and WHEREAS, Scctlon 14 of the amendment. with certain cxccrtions. states "Funding for the state couns system, SlalC <lliomcys' onic~s. rublic L1cfcmlcrs' orficcs. and court-appointed counsel.. shall he pnn-ided fmlll slale re\"l.;lllleS appropriated hy general litw :'-lOW. THEREFORE. ill: IT R[SOL VED BY THI' BOARD or COlJNTY COMMiSSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, rLORID,\, ,hat: 1'h.:- Board nf County CO!lHl1lSsioncrs dccl:.trcs its mtent to 10\\"L'r the property t:l.X ra\c ill Collier County, contin/;!t.:nl uron: 1 OF '.'" 1, Voters state-wide approving the amendment 10 Article V. Section 14 of the Slate Constitution. shilling much of the hurden of funding the state coun system from the shoulders of the county property taxpayers to the stille. 2. The Slate Legislature funds the slate courts system. state altomcys' offices. public defenders' offices. and court-apPointed counsel as provided from state revenues. This Resolution ;ldoptcd this ~ day of , 1998 after motion. second and majority \'ote fa\"oring same. DATED: ;-,,>/:.-, ATTEST: DWIGHT E, BROCK, Clerk (30ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA ) ,,"/ r. ./';;// . //'/-:;-. U' . ..../..' " Attest as tv Cr,afr~n's sIgnature only. BY~~~ B BARA . B R, haJ .,...., Approved as 10 foml and legal sufficiency: __:; .-- '7 -I /-.. Robert N. Zachary Assistam County Atton1cy II: ",he.... t<.",..ll.lllnn, AIII<.:k \ .1(,,1I11~d j'wf";r'\' r~, HJln