correspondence 2i
February 25, 2021
Dear Ms. Penny Taylor,
�zoz 9 9 83J
We the Board of Village Walk of Naples, representing 850
homeowners, would urge you not to agree to the request from Stock
Development for variances at the March meeting.
Please do not accept the Stock request for One Naples to exceed the
allowable height, to diminish the allowable setbacks and to build
something that is incompatible and inconsistent with the area.
The number of proposed unit/occupants would have a negative
effect on all the neighbors wishing to use the beach and enjoy the
Vanderbilt Beach area. A building with 172 units, assuming 2 people
per unit would in all likelihood result in 344 cars. We have yet to see
anything re: parking allocation for homeowners, much less guests to
accommodate these numbers.
We agree with the idea of a residential use for the property, which is
preferable to the commercial use for which it is now zoned. A
smaller building, with proper setbacks and sufficient parking should
be the only thing considered. A compromise acceptable to the
County and the neighbors could and should be reached. We strongly
urge you not to accept the One Naples project as it is currently
Neil Blitz, President
Susan Hoffman, Director
Laurel ,Jura,Vice-President
Mary Goddard, Director
Diane Kelly, Director
Tom Pitser, Treasurer
Robert Roach, Director
Jim Warren, Director
Kathleen Adams, Secretary