Naples One Project (178)EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email is from an external source. Confirm this is a trusted sender and use extreme caution when opening attachments or clicking links.
Dear Commissioner LoCastro:
I am writing to ask you to enforce the current Collier County zoning and development standards in regard to the proposed Naples One development in the Vanderbilt Beach area. I am asking
you to vote against the current proposal as it is not consistent with the surrounding community, will create traffic problems all along Vanderbilt Beach Road and ultimately will have
a negative impact on our entire North Naples area. The thought of a 35 foot high wall for hundreds of feet all within 15 feet of the road is appalling. It will look more like a prison
than a high end development. And the proposed marina will just add more traffic to an already bad plan. Finally, there is no reason for the County to give away the alley and roadway
property that is within the proposed site.
I am asking you to send this project back to the drawing board so something more consistent with current standards may be proposed.
Edythe McCutcheon
Collier County Resident