One Naples (242)EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email is from an external source. Confirm this is a trusted sender and use extreme caution when opening attachments or clicking links.
Dear Mr. LoCastro,
One Naples was brought to my attention on the Nextdoor app and I must say it is very concerning!
Since this project will not only disregard the current zoning, which should limit the intensity of this project. It would lead the way for the over development of Collier County.
We the people, the ones you are representing, would like to look out our windows and see green space and not a county full of towers blocking our view of the beautiful county that we
chose to live in.
This project would double the intensity and require the need for wider streets and cause more gridlock at intersections.
This should not be about money, but about preserving the charm of our community!
Anita Mangels
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