CAC Minutes 04/12/2007 R
April 12, 2007
Naples, Florida, April 12,2007
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Committee in and
for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date
at 1:00 PM in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building F, 3rd
Floor, Collier County Government Center, Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
Chairman: Ron Pennington
Gerald Camiener
Murray H. Hendel
Heidi Kulpa
Ronald Minarcini
Anthony Pires
John Sorey, III
Paul Sullivan
E. Glenn Tucker (Excused)
Gary McAlpin, Coastal Projects Manager
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Coordinator
Mama Kraus, Parks and Recreation
Collier County: April 12, 2007
Page 1 of2
April 12, 2007
THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2007 - 1:00 P.M.
W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County
Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. Mi!rch_lI, 2002
VI. Staff Reports
1. Rev.el)ll!! Reoort - Garv M~lpil)
2. Pn,je_ctStatlls /l.eDort -<ii!rY..McAIDtn
3. 1_1l Year Plan Reviewa_l'!d~Ful)dA~~js
VII. New Business
1. HUmiston.8o MQQ!'e. Chang!LOrder_N.o.21!LWQrk 06c03 Proiecl.!!O.5.001
2. COi!staLJ>lal)l)ina Wark O.rd."" 07-04 Bei!ch.B!!.nourlsbment/SmallSand. Sourc.!LStu.d.Y
3. fY-JUlJ)J1Budaet and .GraD1.ARP.U~ation
a. Grallt.ADDlicatio_ns_
4. Summer Me.etiIlllSche.d.ule
5. CAC Appllc_ations
VIII. Old Business
1. ProjectulHlate
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
a. May 07 Agenda Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. May 10, 2007 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, 1801
April 12, 2007
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at I :00 PM.
II. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
"VII, New Business, Item 5, CAC Applications," was moved to Item 1 and all other items
were moved down one.
Mr. Sullivan moved to approve the Agenda with the above change. Seconded by
Mr. Pires. Carried unanimously 8-0.
IV. Public Commeuts
Mr. McAlpin recognized Mr. Pennington's outstanding performance and contribution to
the City of Naples and to the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee over the years
and presented Mr. Pennington with a plaque representing the thanks of the community.
V. Approval ofCAC Minutes
1. March 8, 2007
Chairman Pennington stated Page 3, "Public Comments", "Steve Cozier" should be
"Steve Kozier", "Jeffrey Foster" should read "Geoffrey Foster", "Ralph Sontag" should
read "Ralph Sonntag"; Page 4, undcr "Public Comments" at the end of Mr. McAlpin's
statement the words "if not approved by the Collier County
Board of County Commissioners as being in the public interests" should be added.
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the March 8,2007 minutes with the suggested changes.
Seconded by Mr. Sullivan. Carried unanimously 8-0.
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin presented the Revenue Report for FY 2006-2007 (see attached) and noted
the following:
. Tourist Tax Revenuc for March was $2,338,801
. Tourist Tax Revenuc was $83,90 lover what was projected for March
. Tourist Tax Revenuc for year-to-date was $7,132,673, $259,273 over the
projected amount
. All appropriated projects are being accomplished
2. Project Status Report - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin presented the Project Status Report. (See attached)
. Clam Bay sea grass study is currently ongoing and should be completed within
four months
April 12, 2007
3. Ten-Year Plan Review and 195 Fund Analyses
Mr. McAlpin presented the Evaluation/Approval Guidelines for TDC Category "A"
Yearly Grant Requests by the Coastal Advisory Committee, FY07/08 195 Fund Budget
and Analysis and TDC Category "A" 195 Fund Projections. (See attached)
. Mr. McAlpin will get requirements on permits re monitoring sea turtles
. County is discussing building a pier off of Vanderbilt Beach Road to be funded
from Category "D" funds
. Major objectives are to look at how monitoring is done to see if combining all
monitoring programs and projects would result in savings to Collier County and
working with DEP to get more Collier County beaches designated as critically
eroded so that Collier County would be eligible for more DEP funding
VII. New Business
1. CAC Applications
Mr. Hendel moved to recommend Heidemarie Kulpa to the Collier County Board of
County Commissioners for reappointment to the Coastal Advisory Committee.
Seconded by Mr. Sorey. Carried unanimously 8-0.
2. Humiston and Moore Change Order No.2 to Work Order 06003 Project
Mr. McAlpin recommended approval of Change Order No.2. (See attached)
Mr. Sorey moved to recommend approval of Change Order No.2 to Work Order
HM-FT-3902-06-03 for a total additional budget of $9,040 and future change orders
that are necessary for the completion of this project. Seconded by Mr. Hendel.
Carried unanimously 8-0.
3. Coastal Planning Work Order 07-04 Beach Renourishment/Small Sand Source
Mr. McAlpin recommended approval of Work Order CPE-FT-3902-07-04. (See
. Sand sources in Florida are becoming scarce
. Reserves arc significant off of Sanibellsland and will be a source of sand for
next major beach renourishment
. Sand is very expensive
. Study would identify sources of sand off of Naples/Collier County coast when
modest amounts of sand were needed
Mr. Sorey moved to recommend approval of Work Order CPE-FT-3902-07-04 with
Coastal Planning & Engineering for scope of services to provide engineering
support for Bcach Renourishment/Small Sand Source Desk Top Study for time and
material not-to-excccd $4,500. Scconded by Mr. Pires.
Passed unanimously 8-0.
4. FY-07-08 Budget and Grant Application
a. Grant Applications
Mr. McAlpin recommended approval of the Tourist Development Category "A"
grant applications and requests in the amount of $5,445,933 and all necessary
grant agreements per County Attorney's approval. (See attached)
. Requests will be reviewed individually and voted on next month by the
Coastal Advisory Committee
April 12, 2007
5. Summer Meetiug Schedule
Mr. Sorey moved that the Collier Couuty Coastal Advisory Committee take the
month of July 2007 off. Seconded hy Ms. Kulpa. Carried unanimously 8-0.
VIII. Old Business
1. Project Update
Mr. McAlpin discussed thrce open projects as follows: (See attached)
. Clam Pass Beach renourishment/pass dredging project should be
complete by April 10
. Dune plantings were completed as of April 6, 2007, five properties that
received sand opted out of plantings
. Artificial reef, anticipated completion is in June of 2007
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcement
a. May 2007 Agenda Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Ms. Kulpa requested information regarding Wiggins Bay modeling program.
Mr. McAlpin will provide the requested information.
Mr. Minarcini asked about the timeframe for Hideaway Beach decision on whether project
is considered in public interest.
Mr. McAlpin stated issuc has been postponed indefinitely. Hideaway Beach needs to
provide more information.
Being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order
of the Chair at 2:50 PM.
Chairmau Ron Peunington
These Minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
or as amended
, as presented