09/21/2020 Minutes The Quarry Community Development District
Inframark,Infrastructure Management Services
210 N.University Drive,Suite 702,Coral Springs,Florida 33071 Tel.(954)603-0033•Fax(954)345-1292
DATE: February 17, 2021
Mr. Derrick Johnssen
Finance Department
FROM: Alison Bruce
Recording Secretary
RE: Minutes of the September 21, 2020 Regular Meeting approved
at the October 19, 2020 meeting
Enclosed for your records is a copy of the minutes of the above referenced meeting of the The
Quarry Community Development District, which are to be kept on file for public access.
Cc: Mr. Wes Haber
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Quarry Community Development District
was held Monday September 21, 2020 at 1:01 p.m. via ZOOM pursuant to Executive Order 20-69 and
Section 120.54(5)(b)2, Florida Statutes.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Stanley T. Omland Chairman
Lloyd Schliep Vice-Chairman
Timothy B. Cantwell Assistant Secretary
William Flister Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
Bob Koncar District Manager
Wes Haber District Counsel
Albert Lopez District Engineer
Brett Sealy MBC Capital
Number of Residents
The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the September21,2020 Quarry
Community Development District's Board of Supervisors Meeting.
• Mr. Koncar called the roll and a quorum was established.
• Mr. Omland requested any additions, deletions,or corrections to the agenda.
On MOTION by Mr.Schliep seconded by Mr. Cantwell with all in favor the
meeting agenda was approved as presented. 4-0
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment on Agenda
• No public comments were received on the agenda.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Manager's Report
A. Update on Action Items on Meeting Notes
• Mr. Koncar asked the Board to refer to the email he sent on Friday as it summarizes the items
which they need to follow-up on before the action items.
September 21,2020 Quarry CDD
• Discussion was had regarding the trash in the pond area. Mr.Omland asked Mr. Koncar to target
this as an action item to resolve the responsibility for the clean-up and to ensure it is a CDD
responsibility and work with CES to get it as an add-on to their contract for an instant by instant
clean up.
• Mr. Koncar informed the Board as of July a new legislative has been put in place where only the
agenda page has to be posted to the website versus the agenda package. The question is, does
the Board want to continue to post the entire agenda package or just the agenda page. Mr.
Koncar reminded the Board of the original contractual agreement which was for 750 pages for
the first year and after which there will be charges per pages over that amount which they will be
responsible to pay as it will be a charge per page to convert them to ADA compliant.
• Mr. Omland stated in discussion with Mr. Koncar, he was informed if they post the agenda page
they can notate to reach out to Mr. Koncar if they wish to receive a copy of the agenda package.
However, Mr.Omland feels there is a deterrence to not have the entire agenda package available
on line but until they can evaluate the cost to have the entire agenda package posted they cannot
really evaluate what the correct choice is.
• Mr. Koncar stated they did the Campus Suite contract in March of this year,so what he suggests
for the next meeting (October meeting)to post the entire package by which time he will be able
to get all of the numbers and find out how many pages they have already used, what is left and
the cost per page.
• Mr. Koncar stated they had the discussion at the last meeting to get the Board members on
District emails, so the Board is not using their personal email. There were four options,the best
option is with GoDaddy for$1,708.56 which is for a three-year maintenance of the email system.
This is the lowest price as the first two do not include security and backup and back up is needed
especially for records request. GoDaddy is looking for a payment of$1,700 and have waived the
$8.56, and the$600 migration fee.
• Mr. Cantwell asked if they are speaking of migrating their legacy accounts from their personal
accounts into this system. Mr. Koncar stated what they do is take existing emails in the system
and migrate them to the new system so everything could be found under the new district email
sign in. Mr. Cantwell stated what is in their system which may have been to and from Inframark,
would be migrated. It would not be incumbent upon them to segregate personal emails from
District emails or go through those themselves in order to get it to them for migration. Mr.Koncar
explained the process.
September 21,2020 Quarry CDD
• Mr. Koncar stated it shows six emails because they need five for the Board members and one as
an administrative email.
• Mr. Schliep recommended they go with the abbreviated agenda but there may be members of
the QCA who may wish to have a designated supervisor added to the distribution list. Mr.
Cantwell agreed with Mr. Schliep on this and mentioned the Dropbox.
• Mr. Koncar explained how they use the Dropbox and stated once they reached the two gigabytes
there would have to pay to increase the storage at a cost of$115 a year. Mr. Cantwell believes
to have the ability to access all of their records answers the problem of hosting more than 750
pages a year. He feels they need to get their emails set up and the Dropbox setup and direct
people to the Dropbox should they require more than just the simple agenda and they keep the
posting to a minimum and use the Dropbox for the backup for everything.
• Mr. Flister stated it sounds reasonable. Mr. Omland requested Mr. Koncar set up a Dropbox and
post the full agenda packages in the Dropbox.
• Mr. Omland moved to have the email system set up subject to confirmation of the migration and
add the Dropbox for additional documents.
• Mr. Cantwell stated as per Mr. Schliep after the October meeting to post the agenda and posting
a notification should anyone require or desire an entire agenda package.
On MOTION by Mr. Cantwell seconded by Mr. Flister with all in favor
authorization to establish for the District Board members a contract for
an email system for three years at a cost of$1,700 which includes backup
and migration and waiving the $600 migration fee. Posting of the full
agenda package on the website for the October meeting and thereafter
post the agenda page only and create a Dropbox for the District was
B. Approval of the August 17,2020 Meeting Minutes
• Mr. Omland asked if there were any deletions, corrections, or changes to the minutes. There
being none,
On MOTION by Mr. Cantwell seconded by Mr. Flister with all in favor the
minutes of meeting of August 17,2020 were approved. 4-0
C. Acceptance of the Financial Report,and Approval of the Check Register and Invoices for August
• Mr. Koncar presented the financial report for August 2020.
September 21,2020 Quarry CDD
On MOTION by Mr. Cantwell seconded by Mr. Flister with all in favor the
financial report for August 2020 was accepted and the check register and
invoices for August were approved. 4-0
D. Acceptance of the Financial FY2020 Audit Engagement Letter
• Mr. Koncar presented the financial FY2020 audit engagement letter from Berger,Toombs, Elam,
Gaines& Frank. They have an independent auditor each year and their engagement for the 2020
audit is$4,900 which they have budgeted in this years' budget.
On MOTION by Mr. Schliep seconded by Mr. Cantwell with all in favor
the FY2020 audit engagement letter from Berger,Toombs Elam, Gaines
& Frank was accepted.4-0
E. Consideration of the Underwriting Agreement with MBC Capital Markets
• Mr. Koncar stated he was tasked with getting in touch with financial firms to look at the Districts
current debt structure and see if there is any financial advantage to refunding given the current
state of the market. He reached out to Brett Sealy of MBC Capital Markets who is the principle
there and with whom they have worked with for years. Mr. Koncar and Mr. Haber had an
opportunity to review the slide show which was sent via email on Friday to the Board.
• Mr. Sealy introduced himself to the Board and stated in order for them to comply with current
regulation before they provide any advisory to the Board, pursuant to a specific transaction and
for them to maintain their underwriters' exemption their goal would be to engage with the
underwriter for the transaction they first have to be engaged by the District to give specific advice.
• They provided a form of their investment banking agreement which essentially supplies for their
engagement of this meeting at no cost and immediately terminating their engagement after the
presentation. Following the engagement, they can make the presentation and go ahead and
make specific advisory to the Board as it relates to its refunding options.
• Mr. Sealy provided a quick background of his firm which specializes in Community Development
District finance and have been doing this for the better part of 25 years. They have completed
about 15 billion dollars of CDD financing representing about a thousand separate transactions in
the last ten years. Since they transitioned their group from their prior firm Prager Sealy, they
underwrote the original series of bonds issued by the District. They have completed about 170
refinancing for Community Development Districts including the transaction done for this District
in 2015. Before proceeding, Mr.Sealy stated he would be happy to answer any questions related
September 21,2020 Quarry CDD
to his firms' experience or the necessity for an engagement prior to making the presentation. He
will respectfully request they engage them for the purpose of being able to make the presentation
and then the Board can decide whether they wish to proceed or not proceed.
• Mr. Omland stated on the second page of their agreement where they talk about fees on their
execution of this agreement today in terms of a presentation does not align them to the fees that
they have published. Mr. Sealy stated this was correct to the extent they wished to terminate
their arrangement following their engagement and presentation at the Board meeting they have
no liability toward this agreement.
• Mr.Omland questioned their typical fee of 1.25%of the principle amount of the bonds, if he were
to do a survey of the market place would he see a standard rate of 1.25%or would he see a range
of that placement fee. If they were to refinance all three of the bonds it would amount to 18 to
20 million dollars. How negotiable is the 1.25%? Mr. Sealy stated what they have gone ahead
and done was reduce the fee to be consistent with what they charged the District back in 2015,
generally they charge on refinancing somewhere between a point to a point and half depending
on the underlying dynamics, the complexities of the transaction, the number of series of bonds
that may need to be refinanced but all of the fees that are charged in conjunction with refinancing
is a matter of public record as you can imagine. The 1.25%is representative of the fee which they
previously charged and the discounted fee to the typical 1%%they may charge for a transaction
similar to this in which there are three separate series of bonds outstanding.
• For the purposes of todays' discussion Mr. Omland is comfortable executing this agreement
knowing the issue of the equitable fees still is put on the bonds but they are not committing to
that published in the proposal, but they need to execute this in order to commence with the next
rounds of discussions.
• Mr. Schliep asked Mr. Sealy if his fee is negotiable. Mr. Sealy answered the second part first, it is
representative of the current market, the discounts is what they typically charge in terms of a
direct response whether it is negotiable their preference is to be engaged at this fee level with
the understanding that there is some complexity with three series of bonds. Further discussion
ensued as it relates to the fee.
• Mr.Sealy stated while contemplating for todays' meeting, is that the CDD signs the agreement so
they can hear the presentation and ultimately if they are unhappy with the presentation,they can
terminate the agreement. If they do not terminate the agreement, then the agreement the
District is signing has that typical fee to the extent that MBS moves forward so if they do not
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terminate the agreement it has the 1.25% in the agreement and it does say the fee will be paid
on the proceeds of the bonds, but if the bonds are not issued there is no fee.
• To the extent Mr. Sealy or MBS is moving forward with the transaction because they do not
terminate because the District is interested in Mr. Sealy's company doing more work, he thinks
that both parties should come away with this meeting with the Districts' understanding is with
the fee.
• Further discussion ensued on this matter.
On MOTION by Mr. Schliep seconded by Mr. Cantwell with all in favor
engaging MBS for the purpose of establishing the validity of refinancing
the Districts' debt and execute the underwriting agreement was
• Mr.Omland asked if they needed to sign the agreement or having the motion was agreeable. This
was agreeable with Mr.Sealy.
• Mr.Sealy shared the presentation with the Board. Mr.Sealy stated as mentioned they have done
15 billion of CDD transactions and about 1,000 separate transactions over the course of 30 years.
This is not part of what they do,this is the only thing they do.
• Mr. Sealy reviewed each section of the slide presentation with the Board.
o Outstanding bonds
o There are three series of bonds that are outstanding which are 2015, 2018 and 2019.
o The part outstanding on the 2015 is$13,335,000 average interest rate is less than 4%the
bonds are currently callable and final maturity at the end of May 2036.
o The 2018 series is outstanding in the amount of$3,308,000 average interest rate is also
actually callable at this point in time and final maturity 5.1.33
o The 2019 bonds will be outstanding following November 1 redemption in the amount of
$2,341,000 under that assumption that$850,000 is repayment as discussed earlier in the
Board meeting does in fact occur as plan on November 1. The average interest rate is
there is 4, 7 and 8. These bonds are also callable at this time final maturity May 1, 2029.
• Further discussion ensued on this presentation and questions were asked and responded to.
• Mr. Omland thanked Mr.Sealy for the time and effort put into the presentation and the time and
work provided by his firm. He stated he heard the tone of the Board and they are inclined to
consider an approach they just do not know which approach it is they should do and he thinks by
September 21,2020 Quarry CDD
delaying a decision it is hurting themselves but he believes they need certain answers. What he
would like to do is invite Mr. Sealy to attend next month's meeting to do a new contract to re-
engage them.
• Further discussion on this matter.
• Mr. Koncar questioned whether the Board wanted staff to get proposals with other underwriters
based on the Board's concern of cost, and since this takes up at the Board he suggested they
schedule a continued meeting a week before the regular meeting and have this as the only topic
unless the governor does not extend the EO it will have to be an in person meeting, but his point
is they will have one meeting to focus on this issue opposed to tying up the week after with regular
as they do have regular agenda items to also discuss.
• Mr. Omland stated that was a good point and asked if the Board was okay with a continuance,
the Board was in agreement.
• Mr. Cantwell stated Mr. Koncar had two questions along with the continuation he asked about
whether they should ask another source and again as he stated to Mr. Sealy this was nothing
personal against him in his own business he has to compete every single day and he expects the
same thing with the people he works with which is demanded of him every time he has to deal
with a customer. At the last meeting, they had based this upon today's market conditions that it
would probably be a good thing to investigate for refinancing the bonds because of the structure
of the Sunshine laws this has escalated tremendously. Mr. Cantwell stated he believes they
should make sure what Mr. Sealy is proposing is market place they do not necessarily have to go
with the low bid.
• Mr. Sealy stated he understood 100% and they are happy to continue the efforts regardless of
efforts that they put in this point if it would help he would be happy to provide them with their
fee with every refinancing that they have undertaken over the last 24 months in conjunction the
provision that the information will be helpful to the extent they elect another contract.
• Mr. Haber stated there is no obligation for this service to have multiple bids,but they are certainly
entitled to do so.
• Mr. Omland stated if they drop the fee to 1% he would support Mr. Sealy's firm pursuit of this to
whatever direction they ended up going and asked if this is something his firm would consider.
Further discussion ensued on this matter.
September 21,2020 Quarry CDD
On MOTION by Mr. Cantwell seconded by Mr. Schliep with all in favor to
continue the process of refinancing the bonds with MBS Capital and
authorization to execute the credit package documents was approved.4-
• Further discussion ensued regarding assessments as it relates to the bond well as FEMA
reimbursement funds use.
F. Consideration of and 0&M Methodology Proposal
• Mr.Omland stated last November, December,January former Chairman Cingle had been meeting
with the Golf Club and an assessment methodology expert in the interest of re-establishing their
assessment. The proposal has been provided in the agenda package and it is a tried and tested
approach to CDD assessment based on storm water impacts and improvise coverage. Mr. Cingle
contacted this firm and he has continued the discussion and he has the new proposal which is
included in the agenda package. There was an option in there to include the HBUA which they
are not to include but will discuss at another time. This has been budgeted in their budget and
he asked the Board to take a look. He would ask the Board authorize the execution of this
proposal subject to any questions or comments the Board would have.
• Mr. Cantwell wished to clarify if what they would be approving is just Quarry
Community Development District at$7,500. Mr. Omland clarified this.
On MOTION by Mr. Cantwell seconded by Mr. Flister with all in favor the
methodology study proposal prepared by Real Estates Econometrics in
the amount of $7,500 for the Quarry Community Development District
was approved.4-0
G. Consideration of Lakes Maintenance RFP
• Mr. Koncar stated this was previously distributed to the Board and Mr. Flister may wish to make
some comments on this.
• Mr. Flister stated his recommendation that they separate the lake contract from the preserve
contract and his reason for this is if you combine the two, it will be a very large RFP and will
require a lot more work sending out the request to everybody rather than limiting it to just three
contractors which they could do because the total would be less the $195,000. His
recommendation is to separate the two and have three contractors come in and have them
review the work to be done and break it down to level 1 which is the immediate stuff which has
September 21,2020 Quarry CDD
to be done then they do the next level next year which would cover the levels 2 and 3 work which
has to be done to the conservation area. He can make those modifications to the RFP so when
they get it out, get the contractors in sit them down, get their opinions that way at the next
meeting (October) hopefully he can come back and have the three contractors identified and get
their proposals to give them a cost of what it will be to do this work and then go for an approval
in November and start the work in January.
• Mr. Haber stated these are two separate projects and having two separate contracts makes sense,
for flexibility if they are happy with the contractor with one part and not the other they can
On MOTION by Mr. Schliep seconded by Mr. Cantwell with all in favor
issuance of the modified RFP for the removal of exotic plants in the
District was approved.4-0
A. Attorney's Written Report
• Mr. Haber provided his written report to the Board and indicated there were no additional items
to be added. He did however, have conversation with the Chair and Michael Traficante regarding
the proposed deposition which was discussed at a prior meeting and then with regards to todays'
conversation on the refinance of the bonds, he is happy to answer any questions.
A. Engineer's Written Report
• Mr. Lopez stated there have been no additional variance requests in the last month. There have
been no homeowners' issues either. The only pending contract they have is the water quality
B. Discussion of CPH Project No Q0502.1 and Q0504
• Mr. Lopez stated this is an issue which was brought to them by Inframark based on one of their
invoices. Mr. Faircloth stated he was asked to review all invoices coming in for the District and
this invoice is related to a project which should have been in the construction fund. This invoice
was received after the totals were given of this project at this time he did not feel he had the
authorization to pay this out of the general fund and felt the Board needed to make a
determination whether they wanted to object to this invoice or pay it out of the general fund
since the construction fund has been closed.
September 21,2020 Quarry CDD
• Mr.Omland stated to Mr. Lopez that they have closed it out and tried to terminate the assessment
of fees and invoices so they can return funds to the bond and get the community back some
• Mr. Omland questioned Mr. Lopez regarding this invoice dated July 17, 2020 as it relates to Mr.
Satfield's two-hour conference call. Mr. Lopez stated it was an internal conference call which is
part of their final certification form and this could have been an oversight on his end or his
accounting team for not getting this out in a timely manner but he also knows they were trying to
wrap things up at the same they were certifying the completion of the project so that is the
explanation for those two hours. Mr. Omland cannot imagine how he spent two hours on what
was a form that needed adjustments in language which Mr. Haber drafted and provided to Mr.
Satfield to sign. Mr. Lopez was asked to do more research and provide a little more explanation
as to what was going on that date and those two hours. Mr. Omland does not accept the two-
hour charge and would like more details on this. This invoice will be tabled until further
information can be provided to the Board.
A. FEMA Update
• Mr. Omland indicated they have several more levels to go in the approval process. They are
currently at the environmental historic preservation review after that it goes to Final review then
it goes to a large project review and then it goes to the State review. He asked for a timeline and
was told it might be early to mid-next year or could be sooner or could be later. There is no
definitive answer on timing, but they are still in a positive trend and they have now elevated their
reimbursement amount upward to a number that is very pleasing.
• Cheryl from QCA asked about the dollar amount for FEMA, Mr. Omland stated it is currently over
the 2 million dollar amount, she thought at the previous CDD meeting that he indicated the offer
was 2 million and that was publicly stated she is wondering if they are still in that realm.
• She discussed the ongoing lawsuit and a deposition taking place and someone from the CDD will
be deposed but there was some discussion on this during her deposition which took place a week
ago and was asked about the status of the FEMA and she told them what she knew at the time.
September 21,2020 Quarry CDD
A. Update on CD101 Book
• Mr. Omland has finished his review and he needs to meet Mr. Lopez or get copies of the large
plans with his comments. There are a lot of mapping issues that are a little bit confusing and he
will resolve this with Mr. Haber, himself and the Board. He would also make note, he found out
from the Golf Club they are also doing their own mapping of the Golf Club and have spent
considerable amount of time doing so. Perhaps duplicating what Mr. Lopers' firm has done he
wishes he had known about this because each of their entities and respective engineers are doing
a lot of work which could have been saved had they shared information.
B. Resident Inquiry
• Mr. Koncar stated they received one inquiry before the meeting which they are following up on
but he is not aware of any other questions or inquiries which have not been responded to.
• Mr.Omland asked that this item to be removed from the agenda as the items were covered earlier
in the meeting.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Request/Report
A. Chairman's Report: Mr. Omland
o Mr. Omland did not issue a report as it was a quiet month other than FEMA and the items discussed
today, he has nothing else to add.
B. Lake&Preserve: Mr. Flister
o Mr. Flister reported one issue which popped up recently with the heavy rain and everything else, he
went out and checked all the weirs and they seem to be functioning fine. The only one he had a bit
of a question on was the weir in the commons which runs out to the Cocohatchee the water flow
seems to be a little light and he is worried about a blockage issue somewhere in there. He does not
know if Albert has taken a look at that particular weir. Further discussion ensued on this matter.
C. Liaison:
o Mr.Cantwell emailed his report to Mr. Koncar. It was an interesting meeting the members which
consisted of the commercial properties. The focus of the agenda was to make clear what the
September 21,2020 Quarry CDD
requirements of the pod was and the priorities for maintaining the pod and the various common
areas, preserves and storm water drainage system. The first conclusion or discussion revolved
around collection of HBUA assessments from the commercial properties the folks from the
commercial side reviewed the documents and felt and was interpreted by the HBUA Board with
all the members present that they are really are not under any obligation to pay dues to the
HBUA and then have them in return back to the association for maintenance. Laura presented
the budget figures from the Heritage Bay CDD and Quarry CDD for the reparation of Hurricane
Irma and discussed sharing these expenses, but Ed Hubbard stated he does not think it is
appropriate for the commercial properties to share in these costs and quite a bit of discussion
ensued. The end result of the meeting was the HBUA Board and all those who were on the call,
him as a representative of Quarry CDD and Ed Hubbard a representative of Heritage Bay CDD all
supported the fact they should not be faced with paying for out representative reparation from
Irma but the upshot is the commercial properties fully understand their obligation to maintain
the stormwater drainage and their portion of preserves and they all, as a group, are going to
work together to ensure they are properly maintained and inspections are being done, Vicky
who is the Manager of the HBUA is submitting a request for proposal to have an engineering
firm take a look at the infrastructure and make sure they are doing their part to uphold their
obligations under the pod.
o Laura from the HBUA reiterated what Mr. Cantwell stated and indicated the commercial
properties have not taken full responsibility for their portion of the permit. They are looking at
CPH to do the exact same engineering baseline that both Heritage Bay CDD and Quarry CDD is
doing with future interaction with FEMA so they have that baseline consistent throughout the
year in the whole pod and the outflow which has been the biggest concern and this has been
approved to be taken care by the commercial properties. They will be putting forward a new
resolution to clarify all of these new roles to ensure they are maintained per the permit as they
need be.
TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS QCA Modification Committee/C DD Easement
A. New and Pending Approvals
• No audience comments were received.
September 21,2020 Quarry CDD
There being no further business,
On MOTION by Mr.Cantwell seconded by Mr chliep with all in favor the
meeting adjourned.
. l
Secretary/Assistant Secretary irper on/Vice " .erson