LAB Minutes 12/16/2020Naples, Florida, December 16, 2020 LET lT BE KNOWN that the LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD met on this date in session via hybrid in-person and video conference attendance at 10:00 a.m. in the Headquarters Library with the following members present: Connie Bettinger - District 3 Joan Hochschild - District 1 (absent) Joy White - District 4 (via Zoom) Marjorie H. Gagnon - District 5 Lynne Nordhoff - District 2 ALSO PRESENT.Tanya Williams, Library Director Karen Tibbetts, Library Administrative Assistant Connie Kindsvater, President, Friends of the Library Carla Grieve, Collier County Resident Dan Martin, Collier County Resident CALL TO ORDER 1) Grant LAB Member remote attendance (Motion & Approval). Quorum was met for this meeting. Mrs. Nordhoff moved to approve Joy White to remotely attend the LAB meeting via Zoom. Ms. Gagnon seconded and the motion was carried unanimously.o Ms. Williams explained that the governor's executive order allowing remote attendance for public meetings expired, however, pre-pandemic County protocols were eliended to allow government meetings to be attended remotely if in-person quorum is met, and a motion is made and approved. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ms. Bettinger asked for additions or corrections to the minutes of November 18, 2020. Mrs. Nordhoff moved to approve the minutes as written. Ms. Gagnon seconded and the motion was carried unanimously. REPORT OF OFFICERS - None REPORT OF COMMITTEES - None REPORT OF THE FRIENDS. Mrs. Kindsvater encouraged everyone to visit the new Friends of the Library website designed by RGB Web Design. Bobbi Skaggs headed the FOL team that met three times a week for four months to complete the website redesign project. o The FOL hired a Ft. Myers audio/visual company to provide the lectures in a virtual format. . The company will pre-record the FOL welcome at their studio and provide live feeds from each author, and provide the opportunity to ask questions at the end.. The cost for each Nick Linn Lecture Series ticket is $300.o Mrs. Kindsvater reported that Lew Paper, a local author, is heading the Non-Fiction Series, which is normally held at the Moorings Country Club. He is hoping to keep the same dates for the series and will be looking into providing them in a virtual format. CHAIR: VICE.CHAIR: SECRETARY: I 28.A.3 Packet Pg. 473 Attachment: LAB Meeting Minutes (signed) - December 16, 2020 (14803 : Library Advisory Board - January 20, 2021) o The Signature Series is doing well. Ms. Williams and Patti DeGroot, FOL Advisor, worked together to accommodate 40 people to attend these events in-person at the South Regional Library.. A separate Zoom license was purchased by the FOL to accommodate '100 virtual attendeeso The FOL office staff continue to work from home and are anticipating to return to the FOL office once the air conditioning system and duct work at the Naples Regional Library is completed.o Mrs. Kindsvater reported that a meeting was held yesterday by the FOL board, and it was decided to cancel this year's Member Appreciation Event.. She added that the FOL board voted to financially support the Library with $100k to purchase additional e-Books.. Ms. Bettinger asked about the Marco lsland Friends of the Library.. Ms. Williams reported that they recently funded the refitting of the lights at the Marco lsland Library to an LED lighting system. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS { ) Draft Policy for WiFi Hotspot Device Check-Out (Motion & Approval)o Ms. Williams handed out information on the specifics of the hot spot policy.o Ms. Williams explained that the devices would only be available for adults (17 years or older) to check out.. The Library's cunent ILS does not automatically flag if a device is currently checked out to a particular residence, so staff will need to check the system to ensure only one device is checked out per residence.o There will be a one-time renewal, unless a hold exists for the device.. The devices will need to be returned directly to a staff member to ensure that the device is in working order when returned.. The Library will establish a protocol to safely handle and process the return of the devices.. Staff can run a daily report to determine the shut-off date for any devices that are two days overdue.o Staff currently have instructions on how to use the devices, and will test them while the policy is being developed.. Damage will need to be clearly defined, apart from normal wear and tear.o After the LAB reviews the policy, it will need to be further reviewed by the County Attorney and BCC for approval, since it will involve possible fees.o No motion is currently needed as the draft policy has not been completed. 2) 2O2'l Library Advisory Board Meeting Dates/Locations. Ms. Williams asked if the draft schedule lor 2021 LAB meetings needed any revisions.o Ms. Gagnon stated that any meetings held at the South Regional or Marco lsland libraries would be a long drive for her.. Ms. Williams stated that many locations currently are using their meeting spaces to store excess furniture and quarantine materials, so there may not be room to have the meetings elsewhere. 2 28.A.3 Packet Pg. 474 Attachment: LAB Meeting Minutes (signed) - December 16, 2020 (14803 : Library Advisory Board - January 20, 2021) Discussion ensued, and members agreed to not schedule any meetings at other library locations at this time. A November meeting will not need to be considered until2022, when the next member terms end. NEW BUSINESS 1) Library Fines & Fees Schedule (Discussion/Recommendations)o Ms. Williams distributed the Library's current fines/fees schedule. She added that it has been four years since this information was reviewed.. Ms. Williams reported that staff were asking to have the overdue fine for DVDs reduced from $1/day to $.25lday, especially since more people are using streaming services.o Mrs. Nordhoff moved to reduce the overdue fine for DVDs to $.25 per day. Ms. White seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.. Play-away and Hot spot devices will need to be added to the current schedule.o Mrs. Nordhoff moved to add play-aways and hot spot devices to the fines and fees schedule. Ms. White seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.. Ms. Williams stated that microfilm services are still available at the Naples Regional Library in the Genealogy section, which is funded by the FOL.. Ms. Williams stated that the BCC approved the waiving of the $5.00 computer usage fee for patrons without a library card during the pandemic.o She added that staff are asking to remove this fee entirely.. Mrs. Nordhoff moved to remove the $5.00 computer usage fee from the fines and fees schedule. Ms. White seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.o Ms. Williams reported that she met with the new District 1 Commissioner Rick LoCastro. She mentioned to him that many library systems are removing all late fee charges from their system, as long as materials are returned.. The Library looks at five "siste/' library systems (Lee, Charlotte, Martin, Sarasota and Manatee counties) for comparison. Currently four of the five counties have eliminated late fees.. The Library would still need to process unrecoverable fines and fees collected for damage and loss charges.. Discussion ensued regarding cash transactions at the Library.o Ms. Williams stated that the Library would still need to handle money for the copy machines and payment for fines/fees.r The Library currently has an online payment system available through PayPal, however, there is a minimum amount of $10 in order to process the payment. o The Parks and Recreation Dept. no longer handles cash transactions, and all of their payments are processed via crediudebit card. The Library is currently seeking approval in line with County procurement policy to offer contactless payment through the Library's self-serve systems. DIRECTOR'S REPORTl) Staffing Update. Ms. Williams reported that.selections have been made for the Library's ten part{ime Library Assistant positions. . However, one applicant, Joan Guthier, a former Library employee' applied for more than one position, and each manager selected her as their first choice. 28.A.3 Packet Pg. 475 Attachment: LAB Meeting Minutes (signed) - December 16, 2020 (14803 : Library Advisory Board - January 20, 2021) . The paperwork has been submitted and HR will inform the Library once a decision is made as to which position Ms. Guthier accepts.. The Library posted one full{ime Library Assistant position at the lmmokalee Library last week, and it will close next week. Brisa Martinez resigned on December 10 to return back to school.. The Library currently is not bringing ln volunteers. Staff are comfortable working with each other, and at this time, the Library is not up to pre-pandemic volume to need additional help.o Ms. Williams may post the LEAP positions after the first of the year before bringing back any volunteers.o Ms. Williams reported that her boss, Steve Carnell, will be retiring at the end of the month.o Originally, Dan Rodriguez was selected to take over Mr. Carnell's position. However, when the current Deputy County Manager, Nick Casalanguida, submitted his resignation effective the end of the year, Mr. Rodriguez was selected for that position.o Mr. Jamie French will be the new Public Services Department Head at the beginning of the year.. Ms- Williams stated that he brings a fresh perspective to the PSD, and she will invite him to attend a LAB meeting.. The County Manager, Leo Ochs, announced his retirement at the end of May. The County is in the process of finding a new County Manager, and will employ a hiring agency if no suitable candidates are found. 2) Capital Projects Updateo Ms. Williams reported that the lT switches for the lmmokalee Library's security upgrades have been installed, however, they were not in place when that location was vandalized last night. Fortunately, the damage only occurred outside the building and was minor.o Ms. Williams met with Mr. LoCastro yesterday in Marco lsland, and he is aware of the humidity issues in Rose Hall. Ms. Williams will be checking with Facilities today to see what needs to be done.. The crew is almost done with painting the exterior of Headquarters Library. Once completed, they will move inside.. Quotes for the landscaping at Headquarters Library have been submitted. The Library will use the Shreve donation money to pay for the $29k landscaping, which will include lots of green space.o This will allow Facilities to allocate the money they would have contributed to the landscaping to cosmetically fix the landscaping at the Estates Library and other library locations.. Also, the landscaping at Headquarters will be maintained by Facilities with no additional special service fees.. Ms. Williams will work with Rose LaBarge, Headquarters Library Manager, to determine if picnic tables, benches, or stepping stones will be added to the landscaping.. Naples Regional's air conditioning project is slated for March 2021.o The lmmokalee parking lot is also slated to be done in 2021.. Mrs. Kindsvater asked if it would be possible to get a library road sign for the Everglades City Library, Roberta Stone has had that on her Library wish list for FOL funding. Ms. Williams will look into a sign.o Mrs. Nordhoff extended well wishes to everyone, as today would be her last FOL meeting as a board member at this time. 4 28.A.3 Packet Pg. 476 Attachment: LAB Meeting Minutes (signed) - December 16, 2020 (14803 : Library Advisory Board - January 20, 2021) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Library Advisory Board, the meeting was adjourned at 'l 1:35 a.m. Ms. Williams will update LAB members as to the format of the Library Advisory Board meeting which is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, January 20,2021 at the Headquarters Library, 2385 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109, (239) 252-7350. Approved by: Connie Bettinge r, Chan ( A Uctr*) Library Advisory Board ytu*#--L/"/4 t"' !, r'l #r' ? ;:i L!r*;iX 5 28.A.3 Packet Pg. 477 Attachment: LAB Meeting Minutes (signed) - December 16, 2020 (14803 : Library Advisory Board - January 20, 2021)