AHAC Minutes 11/02/2020MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE November 2, 2020 8:30 A.M. Na ples, Florida LET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a HYBRID WORKING SESSION in the Human Resources Conference Room in Naples, FIorida, with the following Members present: Prese nt:Steve Hruby, Chair Mary Waller Jennifer Mitchell John Ha rney Litha Berger Commissioner Penny Taylor TOOl\A:Denise Murphy BetsiJones John Cowan Unexcused:Gary Hain Justin Emens ALSO PRESENT:Cormac Giblin, Manager, Housing & Grant Development - CHS Kristi 5on ntag, Director CHS Susan Golden, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS (Via ZOOM) Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS OTHERS PRESENT: Katina Lin, Clerk's Office; Sarah Shepherd, Quest and Deborah Forester were present via ZOOM. 1. CArL To ORDER Steve Hruby called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. He read the procedures to be followed and led in the pledge to the flag. 2. RorL CALL - CoMMrrrEE MEMBERS ANDSTAFF There were 8 active members present when the meeting started, either in person or through ZOOM, therefore a quorum was established. Commissioner Taylor arrived at 8:55 a.m. 3. APPRoVAI" oF AGENDA AND MINUTE a Mary Waller asked to add an item to the agenda about attendance and it was assignedTd 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 9 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - November 2, 2020 (14804 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - January 4, 2021) b. Mary Waller wanted to add another item regarding land for the homeless and it was assigned 7e. c. Denise Murphy made a motion to approve the agenda which was seconded by Mary Waller The motion passed by a vote of8-0. d. A motion was made by Mary Waller to approve the minutes from the meeting on October 5 and was seconded by Jennifer Mitchell. The motion was passed with a vote of8-0. 4, INFoRMAT|oNAL trEMs New AHAC members were introduced to the group. John Harney and BetsiJones were welcomed and each gave a short summary of their comm unity involvement. b. Collier Cares Update - Cormac reviewed the allocations from the CARES money. He told the group that the staff is working 12-hour days trying to get all of the applications through the system. All of the funding must be expended by the end of the yea r, so the push is on to help many people as possible. We received around 4,500 individualapplications and 576 business applications. We also have a hardest hit pro8ram that appropriates 55,000 to small business that had to close during the pandemic. They need only to show their reconciled bank statement to profit & loss. Steve Hruby asked how the program was going. Cormac said that we so far, in the past 3 months, we have paid out more money than we spend with the SHIP grant all year. Denise Murphy gave her kudos to the stafffor their work and asked what happens to the money if it is not all spent. Cormac said it will be returned to thegovernment. City of Naples CRA Update - The City of Naples is showing interest in getting more involved in Affordable HousinB. They are looking into the acquisition of the Gordon River Apartments. The CRA and the City Council are having encouraging and complex discussions. Denise Murphy said that the Wounded Warriors are asking for housing forVeterans. 5. PUBLIC CoMMENT 6. DtSCUSS|ON TTEMS Quest Communications Quarterly Presentation - Sarah Shepherd, Sr. Communications Manager gave a recap presentation on the progress made during the past quester and showed some media announcements. They have partnered with the Collier Health Department in a "Cover-Up Collier" Campaign, and with Johnson Engineering regarding housing options. There were 6,022 lotal visitors to the housing webpage in October, with 72yo of those being first time visitors. They are working on a twenty-year anniversarybook a c a 2 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - November 2, 2020 (14804 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - January 4, 2021) 7, STAFF AND GENERAT COMMUNICATIONS Housing Trust Fund Subcommittee Update -The Trust Fund has met and put together a list of possible donors. They are working with the Community Foundation to talk about getting outside donors. The next meeting is November 1Oth. John Harney said that Habitat buys land whenever they can and sometimes they end up with property they can't use. He said he would like to talk to Mary about a possible donation to the land trust. b. Project U pdates: Bembridge PUD - This is going to the Planning Commission this week. Groundbreaking is scheduled for this spring. There will be 82 units built on county-owned land. Golden Gate Golf Course - This item will go to the BCC on November 10. They are looking into public financing instead offinancing through the state. BCC Actions: Hammock Park has been approved by the BDD to be converted to rental housing. Rural Lands Stewardship - Public Hearings are scheduled through the end of 2020. The Planning Com missioner is going to recommend approval by the BCC at the meeting on November 10th. d. Attendance - Mary Waller asked about attendance policy for unexcused absences. Cormac said 2 unexcused absences in a row is cause for removalfrom any advisory board. Gary Hains has been absent twice now. Mary asked Cormac to reach out to Gary to see what his plans are with the committee. Litha Berger agreed with Mary. Cormac told the group that there will be no option for ZOOM in the future. All meetings will be held in person. John Harney asked for a copy of Mike Bosi's presentation from the last meeting. Cormac said he would send it to him. 8. ADJOURN There being no further business for the good of the County, commissioner Taylor motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:36 a.m.; Litha Berger seconded, and the group agreed with a vote of8-0. NExT MEETING: THE NExT MEETING WILt BE HELD DEcEMBER 7, 2O2O AT 8:30 A.M. Location: Training Room located in Building B, 3303 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida Coru CoM The foregoing Minutes were approved by CommitteeChair on submitted' f_l OR "os omended" I l. a C z R CouNw A ITTEE n man ?.oZl "os 3 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - November 2, 2020 (14804 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - January 4, 2021)