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Agenda 01/26/2021 Item #16D 7 (US Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Grant Award)
01/26/2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to accept a U.S. Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Grant award (award amounts not yet announced) to be determined and approve an after-the-fact execution of the award terms as a condition of funding acceptance, authorize two temporary full- time staff and allow the County Manager or his designee to sign any additional documents upon arrival; and authorize the necessary Budget Amendment. The funding will provide rental and utility assistance to Collier County residents. OBJECTIVE: To provide grant funding to Collier County residents unable to pay rent and utilities due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. CONSIDERATIONS: On January 5, 2021, the U.S. Department of Treasury announced funding available to state and local governments to provide funding to residents that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Collier County is eligible for this funding since our resident population exceeds 200,000 and per the Consolidated Congressional Act of 2021. The Emergency Rental Assistance Program makes available $25 billion to assist nationwide. The allocation amount is unknown at this time. A memorandum will be distributed to notify the Board members of the awarded amount once released. Individual Assistance (Rental, and Utilities Payment) Residents are eligible to receive these payments based on the following US Treasury and County criteria: 1. Resident qualifies for unemployment or has experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or must have had a loss of employment or reduced hours due to COVID-19; or experienced a financial hardship due to COVID-19; • Priority is given to households that include an individual who has been unemployed for 90 days prior to application for assistance and households with income at or below 50 percent of the area median 2. Resident demonstrates a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability; and 3. Resident has a household income at or below 80 percent of the area median. • Household income is determined as either the household’s total income for calendar year 2020 of the household’s monthly income at the time of application. Household income determined monthly must be re-determined every three months in order to remain eligible for assistance; • Payments will be made directly to landlord, and/or utility company; • Applicants must be Collier County residents or may be a Landlord on behalf of an eligible household; • At least one person in the household must be a US citizen or an eligible non-citizen • Eligible households may receive up to 12 months of assistance, plus an additional 3 months if the County determines the extra months are needed to ensure housing stability and funds are still available. Households that are at risk of eviction will take payment priority. • Assistance must be provided to reduce an eligible household’s rental arrears before the household may receive assistance for any future rent payments. • Once the rental arrears are reduced, the County may only commit to future assistance for up to three months at a time and a household may reapply for additional assistance at the end of the 3 month period Staff anticipate offering an offsite application center and opening the application portal in March. 16.D.7 Packet Pg. 684 01/26/2021 Implementation of a program of this magnitude and complexity requires additional staff to oversee and administer. In addition to the administrative accounting and processing for internal costs, high demand is expected for any external assistance programs that are implemented. Since activating a similar program through CARES staff had received thousands of applications for assistance. As such, the award allows for administrative expense. Two (2) temporary full time employees are being proposed to provide oversight and fiscal support, in addition to utilizing a temporary staffing contract. Payroll expenses for employees whose services are necessary to administer and account for this program are fully reimbursable, and will be used to expedite and track any payments and compliance measures necessary and will only be necessary for the time period that funding is available. The team will be composed of: • (1) Grant Coordinator • (1) Accountant • Temporary Contracted Staff, as needed Following completion of the availability of funds of this grant, these positions will be eliminated. The US Treasury announcement was made on January 5, 2021. Staff timely submitted the executed award terms by the deadline of January 12, 2021. Due to the short turnaround, CMA#5330 authorizes the County Manager to approve the submittal of grant applications, acceptance of funding and related documents. The County Manager approved the submittal of the award terms as a condition to accept funding on January 11, 2021. It is attached as back-up to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The funding amount for Collier County from the US Treasury was not available at the time this executive summary was drafted. The State of Florida has received a maximum allocation of $1,441,188,973. The methodology to allocate funding to local government entities will be based primarily on population. Staff will provide the County Manager further communications to share with the Board once the County’s funding allocation has been released. A budget amendment will be required to appropriate the U.S. Department of Treasury funding within the Housing Grant Fund (705) , Project 33734. There is no match required for this grant program. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this Item. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This Item is approved for form and legality and requires a majority vote for Board action. -JAB RECOMMENDATION: To accept a U.S. Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Grant award (award amounts not yet announced) and approve an after-the-fact submittal of the award terms as a condition of funding acceptance, authorize two temporary full time staff and allow the County Manager or his designee to sign any additional documents upon arrival; and authorize the necessary Budget Amendment. The funding will provide rental and utility assistance to Collier County residents. Prepared By: Joshua Thomas, Operations Analyst, Community & Human Services Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. AWARD TERMS DOCUMENT (PDF) 2. CM-MEMO (PDF) 3. Emergency-Rental-Assistance-Data-and-Methodology-1-11-21 (PDF) 4. Guidance - DOT - ERA Data-and-Methodology 1.11.21 (PDF) 16.D.7 Packet Pg. 685 01/26/2021 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.D.7 Doc ID: 14690 Item Summary: Recommendation to accept a U.S. Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Grant award (award amounts not yet announced) and approve an after -the-fact execution of the award terms as a condition of funding acceptance, authorize two temporary full -time staff and allow the County Manager or his designee to sign any additional documents upon arrival; and authorize the necessary Budget Amendment. The funding will provide rental and utility assistance to Collier County residents. Meeting Date: 01/26/2021 Prepared by: Title: Operations Analyst – Community & Human Services Name: Joshua Thomas 01/11/2021 2:01 PM Submitted by: Title: Manager - Federal/State Grants Operation – Community & Human Services Name: Kristi Sonntag 01/11/2021 2:01 PM Approved By: Review: Community & Human Services Kristi Sonntag CHS Review Completed 01/11/2021 2:41 PM Community & Human Services Leslie Davis Additional Reviewer Completed 01/11/2021 2:43 PM Community & Human Services Tami Bailey Additional Reviewer Completed 01/11/2021 3:13 PM Operations & Veteran Services Kimberley Grant Additional Reviewer Completed 01/11/2021 5:44 PM Public Services Department James C French Public Services Deapartment Completed 01/11/2021 5:51 PM Public Services Department James C French PSD Dept Head Review Completed 01/11/2021 6:24 PM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 01/12/2021 3:51 PM Grants Erica Robinson Level 2 Grants Review Completed 01/15/2021 8:07 AM Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 01/15/2021 8:43 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 01/15/2021 9:30 AM Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 01/15/2021 12:08 PM Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 01/15/2021 2:14 PM County Manager's Office Dan Rodriguez Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 01/16/2021 4:48 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 01/26/2021 9:00 AM 16.D.7 Packet Pg. 686 16.D.7.aPacket Pg. 687Attachment: AWARD TERMS DOCUMENT (14690 : US Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program) Ā² ³ǚSHT#1lHIǚ nëǚżïCǚŽ1C#Jp1qǚ Clê1íHIçqǚ1HIû#ðǚ#J kúÿôGCǚ ÔÏ pǚ ĐǚìƷcǚ - ǚ2ǚ ǚǚ ǚħǚĠǚ K 9ǚ"ǚ 'ĬǚNJ( ǚǚ ǚǚě"ǚǚ 9 ǚ:ǚĜ"ǚ ĭǚJ*ǚ ÝÐǚ!ǚjdž*Įǚmǚ!ǚǚG[ # žszǚ #ǚ ǚTa ´ǚñgǚI µǚi<f<ǚ;é¶ǚáǚ 0ǚ ;ſĘ9ƀǚ ǚ(ǚǚ `*ũ 60 Øg oŵǓŢǚǚ\E į ǚ !ǚġ· r¸-+ ǚƁǚǚƂ ǚNǚĢǚǚ F ǚ}ǚ:Ĩǚ%ǚǚ%ǚ ǚ&İ. ǚ"(ǚ 5ƃ.ǚ&ǚ *ǚQŖ/b¹ǚ uǚ >ǚ\ǚ ǚ=ǚ$ǚ3'ǚŪƄǚ ǚuǚ ǚ +ǚDLǚ ǚǚ ƅǚ3'ūǚJ &ţ "ǚP¡ǚi¢ǚǚǚ ǚǚ ǚü"ǔº Ą»ǚ ]Yǚ !ǚģǚ ƟLJǚ ǚ ı ǚ60ǚ'Řǚ ǚ@=zǚ Ǖǚ)^ǚ ]]ǚ ǚ5 ŕ_ǚ& ǚǚ,ʼnE $[Ʀǚ!ǚĤǚǚ5ǚ$%¼ Ù½ #LjŊř ŋŚ4ǖǚUǚĖDŽO ā¾-IJ ǚ A\ǚ£ǚ (ǚ ǚ 7ǚQ/¤ǚėDžŬǚ 2*ǚ>Ɔǚ'ǚA)Č śǚ(%7ǚ,+ ŗǚ ǚ3Ƈ yǚS% ƈǚÚÑdǚ¥ǚƸ>Y¦ǚijǚ'ǚǚ!ǚǚE Ĵ Ťǚ ǚ ?ƹ(ǚ ƺƉǚ 4 ǚ +ǚ 6Zdǚ ù {ǚ ƊMƻǚ ǚ Ƌ,ǚ ğ = 2ǚǚ$ ǚ!ǚ ǚǚãǚO ą¿ #ǚ Ƽvǚ2Mǚĝ)ǚǐ ǚƥLDǚ ǚ ?,Xǚ8ǚvǚ V)ǚ ǚwǚ|tLǚW }.Ğƌ=Ƨ8 ǚ ǚý2ǚ%ǚ)MFƍh ĈÀ å= ǚ ǚ N ǚ ǚ -$ ǚ ǚ@>ǚ7ĩǚ 8 ŭǚ 6ǚ 'LŜǚ ǚ ĵǚ: )FƎǚĶǚ'ǚťǚ +ęǚ ǚ29Á Û #$,ǚ à rh Rķ"ĸ,ǚN ǚ!ǚ-K Ĺǚ%Ǘǚ ǚƏǚǚ(ǚ:§ǚ ƨǚ-Ō 4ǚ%ǘǚ 3 ƐǚXōƠǚ :ǚ a>ǚ &ǚĥǚ ,ĺčǚǚǚNjƑ¨ǚǚ-Ŏ K.ǚǚ 4ǚ D 7ǚ 4+ǚĻļƒǚǚƓƩǚǚ4ǚA)Ä ĆÅ ǚ aǚ!ǚ'ǚ ǚ UǚWǚAƔĎǚǑ ǚǚx8ǚ`Ă $[~ƪǚ ƕ,Ľĉǚ9 ǚ ľ ǚ ÞZB/PBǚ Ůǚ xǚ ǚ đǚWǚ nj(ǚ ǒ ǚ ǚ Ŀơƫŀǚ @Ł ǚǚ 3$ůǚ6;B;6ǚǚŰ ƬǚNǚǚ 2ƭǚ !ǚ'ǚ _YǚǍ?Æ ßÇ -Ŷ)ƮĦe È o ǚ9ǚǚ% ǚǎ&ĪǚǚƖ 47.ǚ `łűǚ ŏǚ ǚþƽ© ǚyǚƗ5ƘǚnĒĚǚ !ǚkŷ?ǚîªǚǚƙ&ǚǚ'ŃǚǏƚ«ǚŝ5ńŲ ǚų &ǚŐ%ǚäǚ/Bǚ )>ǚ!ǚV@ ǚǚ ǚFǚ ǚ""ǚ ǚ= EǚA*wǚ$ ƾ *ǚ" (+ǚ Ş8: ǚǚ* ǚ6Z/ǚăǚő70ǚǚƛ ^ƯKǚǚƜFǚ ǚ ÷sŦǚ1 ǚ# ƿ |şǚè %&ưǚǚǚ ǚŹ+?ǚ ^ǀ4ǚ: Ċ3ǚQÕ0/0ǚŴUǚSŒljŅǚæǚēǚǚG@ .$(ǚR¬ǚ1E!ǚǚC %8ǚ ǁƢƱǙ #&ǚ/øǂ ÉǚòÊǚm ËǚÖ<±ÒP<B®ǚǚŧďǚ ǚ ņǚâǚĔǚj*,ǚöǚ ĕǚ3ǚG 8Ʋ R Ÿ( Ɲ$.ǚ#¯ǚ ǚ;T cǚóÌǚõ °ǚ×<f<0Íǚ 1 3ǚ.ADǚī_ǚǚċ V9+ ǚ?ź57)ǚ ǚ ǚ2 @&ǚ 5ǚǚ ƳŇǚt ǚǚ ǚ Šœšǚ~D Î O -* {.ƴǚ"ǚ ǚ +ǚƵǚ "$,ǚǚ ǃ)ňǚƞŻŔƣŨ&ǚǚ"M5Ƥǚćǚ ƶX àÓ;0/Übe 16.D.7.a Packet Pg. 688 Attachment: AWARD TERMS DOCUMENT (14690 : US Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program) Ô5 í njĀnjnj njnj&R ¤& ģ nję;nj@,9 nj njnjč rŊnjţ Y njƵĊ njnjZ"'njŗ"Őx ĤƟnj( ĥ+nj<ŋI nj L njqnj28A02njnjmnjmƶþ5 0%=nj= ƷD$nj ñċnj1nj ç+ 'njã nj nj nj i[ nj Ƹ#nj òČ njű : nj ŤŲANjnjųQŴG[Knj O;njnjnj 93nj 1nj njnjE nj \Ō Dnj+ Ơnjānj/ nj njŵnjnj Z nj ơnjnjŶnj ĦBŝ¥ %/njĚ{őnjnjħnj#nj7Ĩ"8njĐ njnjŷnj1njĎnj<Jnj$njąƴFnj2NnjĆnjnDŽ nj4ŧnj njUYnj3nj='Ɨ$5 g¦nj(T ė§nj njnjnjPƢ ?ĩnjĂnj njnjŸsŹnjnjnj Īnj#nj7,¨ Ö©ŘŨōī njnj ũŪ2ŀ 0;njënj nj&ĘĬ _ ª& 8M .njźnjnj "y#njAonjnjůVnj1nj(ƣtnj<dnj njóŻ$nj:, ż. r~nj SŽ9nj njCĭTŞ«nj *uB njnj njnj û"z#nj :ěnj Onj |x Ŏnjćž;njnj ƹĮnj nj4įnj nj nj7LQ .njĜnjſ đnjƺ nj 2Ł nj nj #nj} nj v,nj nj @nj Ƥ?nj nj " nj NW njnjİ ¬ njƀnj"QŒł Nnjnjnj njı ;njƻWnjXnj nj>œŔIJ Ù %l:ĒƁřnjw ijnj&ŰƘ Knjnj) "nj njÚĴnj/CƼƙnj> Ƃnj ÿnj!nj`®*Ânj) nj!nj 3nnj ?njnjūĵ njnj=ƃƚ#nj# FP9 nj nj{ njnjƥĢ8njdž nj nj 0Ň njƦnj nj4"HĶşnjnj$nj Eķnj nj#njôƄ'$¯nj (njnj ¢Ûwnj&Cƽ ƛ 3nj1njHnjöēD iY njŬ nj,pnj(ĸ2njunjKnjpŕŖnj$njƧnjĝĹnj % 6 lŠ9Unjåƨ ďnj+nj($ŚnjĔVnjnjî .nj\(knj!nj°%*6nj)ƩnjÏÓnj FƾGnjƪnjĺnj nj nj nj njăťDƫ?nj@nj Ü4njnjƬnj!nj±_/Ãnj)njÐ<njt Ğ$nj Fƅƭnj#njƆĈƇ ü% ŃMń6 & nj(ƿ0 nj nj á4 nj šnjæĕƈPAnjÑnj²³*Änj-Ɖ3njcg HnjƮnjLJğ njnjLjƊnj nj .nj>Hnjnj ""NJnjnjnj!nj´%/µnj-'njdÕnjB Ġ $njĻ 'Ɯ,nj0#nj Ƌ1' ¶ [·ÉïÝnj jŅ+nj nj nj nj äDžEśŢ .ļnj ßúƌ nj nj (ǀŭ J nj!nj ¸a*Ånj)Ưnj ÊhnjInjnjƍC '}njnjv ýznjnj, njƎ Bnjnjy|njnj @Unjnj + nj I3Snjnjǁ+Gnj Ə: Ľnj!nja%&Ænj -GnjËh^nj njÞJnjo,nj nj Tnj8njň njnj!nj¹º*%nj)'nj e×nj+ õ #njŮưnjǂO njWnjfenj65*»nj-ƐnjÌؼ b & ľnjèƝņ$nj nj-Ė njkƱƑ]njZnjnjnjġnjSnjXƒŜnj. 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Overlapping Jurisdictions. Some local governments (for example, a city) may be entirely within the boundaries of a larger local government (for example, a county or parish). The larger local government may include, for purposes of determining whether it meets the 200,000 threshold for eligibility, the population of the smaller, constituent local government. The population used to calculate the larger local government’s payment amount will depend on whether any smaller, constituent local government that is eligible to receive a payment provides a certification for payment: • If the smaller, constituent local government does not provide a certification for payment, the entire population of the larger local government (including the population of the smaller local government) will be used for purposes of calculating its payment amount. • If the smaller, constituent local government provides a certification for payment, the population of the smaller local government will be subtracted from the population of the larger local government for purposes of calculating its payment amount. The following examples illustrate these points. • County A has a total population of 250,000, comprised of 75,000 in City B (the incorporated part of the county within the borders of County A) and 175,000 in the unincorporated part of the county. o County A is eligible to receive a payment, because its total population (including both the incorporated City A and the unincorporated part of the county) is greater than 200,000. o County A’s payment amount will be calculated based on a population of 250,000. o City B is not eligible to receive a payment because its population is less than 200,000. • County C has a total population of 400,000, comprised of 300,000 in City D (the incorporated part of the county) and 100,000 in the unincorporated part of the county. o Both County C and City D are eligible to provide a certification, because their total respective populations exceed 200,000. o If County C provides a certification but City D does not, County C’s payment amount will be based on a population of 400,000. o If both County C and City D provide certifications, County C’s payment amount will be calculated based on a population of 100,000 (total population less the population of City D). City D’s payment amount will be calculated based on its population of 300,000. 16.D.7.c Packet Pg. 693 Attachment: Emergency-Rental-Assistance-Data-and-Methodology-1-11-21 (14690 : US Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance 2 Census Data The Consolidated Appropriation Act, 2021 (the “Act”) directs Treasury to use U.S. Census Bureau data for the most recent year for which data are available for population calculations for the Emergency Rental Assistance program. States and Local Governments Treasury will use data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program for determining the populations of States and local governments: • Treasury will use 2020 data from the 2020 Vintage for States and the District of Columbia. The 2020 Vintage for States is the most recently available estimates of state population, and is available at https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/technical- documentation/research/evaluation-estimates.html. • Treasury will use 2019 data from the 2019 Vintage to determine the local governments’ relative population share of each state. The 2019 Vintage is the most recently available estimates of the relative population share of each local government’s population to the state population. The 2019 Vintage data for States, Counties, and units of local government below the county level are available at https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/data/tables.2019.html. The table below includes the population for each State and the District of Columbia, the State’s share of the total population of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, and the State’s allocation (which takes into account the statutory requirement that no State receive less than $200,000,000). State State Population, 2020 State Share of Total Population Maximum State Allocation Alabama 4,921,532 0.0149 $326,358,801.20 Alaska 731,158 0.0022 $200,000,000.00 Arizona 7,421,401 0.0225 $492,131,217.20 Arkansas 3,030,522 0.0092 $200,961,311.80 California 39,368,078 0.1195 $2,610,593,356.20 Colorado 5,807,719 0.0176 $385,124,024.50 Connecticut 3,557,006 0.0108 $235,873,751.10 Delaware 986,809 0.0030 $200,000,000.00 District of Columbia 712,816 0.0022 $200,000,000.00 Florida 21,733,312 0.0660 $1,441,188,973.40 Georgia 10,710,017 0.0325 $710,207,372.20 Hawaii 1,407,006 0.0043 $200,000,000.00 Idaho 1,826,913 0.0055 $200,000,000.00 Illinois 12,587,530 0.0382 $834,709,842.60 Indiana 6,754,953 0.0205 $447,937,423.40 Iowa 3,163,561 0.0096 $209,783,452.70 Kansas 2,913,805 0.0088 $200,000,000.00 Kentucky 4,477,251 0.0136 $296,897,443.50 Louisiana 4,645,318 0.0141 $308,042,376.60 Maine 1,350,141 0.0041 $200,000,000.00 Maryland 6,055,802 0.0184 $401,575,013.80 16.D.7.c Packet Pg. 694 Attachment: Emergency-Rental-Assistance-Data-and-Methodology-1-11-21 (14690 : US Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance 3 State State Population, 2020 State Share of Total Population Maximum State Allocation Massachusetts 6,893,574 0.0209 $457,129,720.30 Michigan 9,966,555 0.0302 $660,906,592.10 Minnesota 5,657,342 0.0172 $375,152,158.50 Mississippi 2,966,786 0.0090 $200,000,000.00 Missouri 6,151,548 0.0187 $407,924,164.80 Montana 1,080,577 0.0033 $200,000,000.00 Nebraska 1,937,552 0.0059 $200,000,000.00 Nevada 3,138,259 0.0095 $208,105,615.30 New Hampshire 1,366,275 0.0041 $200,000,000.00 New Jersey 8,882,371 0.0270 $589,011,704.40 New Mexico 2,106,319 0.0064 $200,000,000.00 New York 19,336,776 0.0587 $1,282,268,820.90 North Carolina 10,600,823 0.0322 $702,966,451.50 North Dakota 765,309 0.0023 $200,000,000.00 Ohio 11,693,217 0.0355 $775,405,764.40 Oklahoma 3,980,783 0.0121 $263,975,438.50 Oregon 4,241,507 0.0129 $281,264,683.40 Pennsylvania 12,783,254 0.0388 $847,688,778.80 Rhode Island 1,057,125 0.0032 $200,000,000.00 South Carolina 5,218,040 0.0158 $346,020,970.50 South Dakota 892,717 0.0027 $200,000,000.00 Tennessee 6,886,834 0.0209 $456,682,774.50 Texas 29,360,759 0.0891 $1,946,983,603.80 Utah 3,249,879 0.0099 $215,507,410.00 Vermont 623,347 0.0019 $200,000,000.00 Virginia 8,590,563 0.0261 $569,661,203.50 Washington 7,693,612 0.0234 $510,182,193.10 West Virginia 1,784,787 0.0054 $200,000,000.00 Wisconsin 5,832,655 0.0177 $386,777,591.50 Wyoming 582,328 0.0018 $200,000,000.00 Total 329,484,123 1.0000 $23,785,000,000.00 U.S. Territories Section 501(b)(3)(A)(ii) of Division N of the Act provides discretion to the Secretary to determine each Territory’s share of the total population of all Territories. Treasury will use 2019 data from the 2019 Vintage from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program for determining the population of Puerto Rico. The 2019 Vintage data are available at https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/data/tables.2019.html. Treasury will use data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s International Programs’ International Data Base for determining the populations of USVI, Guam, CNMI, and American Samoa. International Programs 16.D.7.c Packet Pg. 695 Attachment: Emergency-Rental-Assistance-Data-and-Methodology-1-11-21 (14690 : US Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance 4 updated its population estimates and future population projections for the U.S. Territories in December 2020. The December 2020 update caused the population estimates for 2019 to be revised from previous releases. Treasury will use the 2019 population projections from International Programs’ December 2020 population estimates and projections for USVI, Guam, CNMI, and American Samoa. These data are available at https://www.census.gov/data-tools/demo/idb/#/table. These Census data provide the most accurate estimate available of the current population of each of the Territories. In addition, this approach is consistent with the approach taken for the population data of States and local governments. The table below includes the population of each Territory, the share of the Territories, and the allocation for each Territory (which takes into account the statutory requirement that the sum of the amounts allocated for payments to all the Territories other than Puerto Rico shall not be less than $75,000,000). Population, 2019 Share of Total Population Allocation American Samoa 48,456 0.0136 $9,682,885.60 Guam 168,149 0.0471 $33,600,948.00 Northern Mariana Islands 52,048 0.0146 $10,400,669.30 Puerto Rico 3,193,694 0.8948 $325,000,000.00 Virgin Islands 106,669 0.0299 $21,315,497.10 Total 3,569,016 1.0000 $400,000,000.00 16.D.7.c Packet Pg. 696 Attachment: Emergency-Rental-Assistance-Data-and-Methodology-1-11-21 (14690 : US Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance 1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY EMERGENCY RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Data and Methodology for State, Local Government, and Territory Allocations January 11, 2021 Eligibility of Local Governments A unit of local government eligible for receipt of direct payment includes a county, municipality, town, township, village, parish, borough, or other unit of general government below the State level with a population that exceeds 200,000. Overlapping Jurisdictions. Some local governments (for example, a city) may be entirely within the boundaries of a larger local government (for example, a county or parish). The larger local government may include, for purposes of determining whether it meets the 200,000 threshold for eligibility, the population of the smaller, constituent local government. The population used to calculate the larger local government’s payment amount will depend on whether any smaller, constituent local government that is eligible to receive a payment provides a certification for payment: x If the smaller, constituent local government does not provide a certification for payment, the entire population of the larger local government (including the population of the smaller local government) will be used for purposes of calculating its payment amount. x If the smaller, constituent local government provides a certification for payment, the population of the smaller local government will be subtracted from the population of the larger local government for purposes of calculating its payment amount. The following examples illustrate these points. x County A has a total population of 250,000, comprised of 75,000 in City B (the incorporated part of the county within the borders of County A) and 175,000 in the unincorporated part of the county. o County A is eligible to receive a payment, because its total population (including both the incorporated City A and the unincorporated part of the county) is greater than 200,000. o County A’s payment amount will be calculated based on a population of 250,000. o City B is not eligible to receive a payment because its population is less than 200,000. x County C has a total population of 400,000, comprised of 300,000 in City D (the incorporated part of the county) and 100,000 in the unincorporated part of the county. o Both County C and City D are eligible to provide a certification, because their total respective populations exceed 200,000. o If County C provides a certification but City D does not, County C’s payment amount will be based on a population of 400,000. o If both County C and City D provide certifications, County C’s payment amount will be calculated based on a population of 100,000 (total population less the population of City D). City D’s payment amount will be calculated based on its population of 300,000. 16.D.7.d Packet Pg. 697 Attachment: Guidance - DOT - ERA Data-and-Methodology 1.11.21 (14690 : US Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program) 2 Census Data The Consolidated Appropriation Act, 2021 (the “Act”) directs Treasury to use U.S. Census Bureau data for the most recent year for which data are available for population calculations for the Emergency Rental Assistance program. States and Local Governments Treasury will use data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program for determining the populations of States and local governments: x Treasury will use 2020 data from the 2020 Vintage for States and the District of Columbia. The 2020 Vintage for States is the most recently available estimates of state population, and is available at https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/technical- documentation/research/evaluation-estimates.html. x Treasury will use 2019 data from the 2019 Vintage to determine the local governments’ relative population share of each state. The 2019 Vintage is the most recently available estimates of the relative population share of each local government’s population to the state population. The 2019 Vintage data for States, Counties, and units of local government below the county level are available at https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/data/tables.2019.html. The table below includes the population for each State and the District of Columbia, the State’s share of the total population of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, and the State’s allocation (which takes into account the statutory requirement that no State receive less than $200,000,000). State State Population, 2020 State Share of Total Population Maximum State Allocation Alabama 4,921,532 0.0149 $326,358,801.20 Alaska 731,158 0.0022 $200,000,000.00 Arizona 7,421,401 0.0225 $492,131,217.20 Arkansas 3,030,522 0.0092 $200,961,311.80 California 39,368,078 0.1195 $2,610,593,356.20 Colorado 5,807,719 0.0176 $385,124,024.50 Connecticut 3,557,006 0.0108 $235,873,751.10 Delaware 986,809 0.0030 $200,000,000.00 District of Columbia 712,816 0.0022 $200,000,000.00 Florida 21,733,312 0.0660 $1,441,188,973.40 Georgia 10,710,017 0.0325 $710,207,372.20 Hawaii 1,407,006 0.0043 $200,000,000.00 Idaho 1,826,913 0.0055 $200,000,000.00 Illinois 12,587,530 0.0382 $834,709,842.60 Indiana 6,754,953 0.0205 $447,937,423.40 Iowa 3,163,561 0.0096 $209,783,452.70 Kansas 2,913,805 0.0088 $200,000,000.00 Kentucky 4,477,251 0.0136 $296,897,443.50 Louisiana 4,645,318 0.0141 $308,042,376.60 Maine 1,350,141 0.0041 $200,000,000.00 Maryland 6,055,802 0.0184 $401,575,013.80 16.D.7.d Packet Pg. 698 Attachment: Guidance - DOT - ERA Data-and-Methodology 1.11.21 (14690 : US Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program) 3 State State Population, 2020 State Share of Total Population Maximum State Allocation Massachusetts 6,893,574 0.0209 $457,129,720.30 Michigan 9,966,555 0.0302 $660,906,592.10 Minnesota 5,657,342 0.0172 $375,152,158.50 Mississippi 2,966,786 0.0090 $200,000,000.00 Missouri 6,151,548 0.0187 $407,924,164.80 Montana 1,080,577 0.0033 $200,000,000.00 Nebraska 1,937,552 0.0059 $200,000,000.00 Nevada 3,138,259 0.0095 $208,105,615.30 New Hampshire 1,366,275 0.0041 $200,000,000.00 New Jersey 8,882,371 0.0270 $589,011,704.40 New Mexico 2,106,319 0.0064 $200,000,000.00 New York 19,336,776 0.0587 $1,282,268,820.90 North Carolina 10,600,823 0.0322 $702,966,451.50 North Dakota 765,309 0.0023 $200,000,000.00 Ohio 11,693,217 0.0355 $775,405,764.40 Oklahoma 3,980,783 0.0121 $263,975,438.50 Oregon 4,241,507 0.0129 $281,264,683.40 Pennsylvania 12,783,254 0.0388 $847,688,778.80 Rhode Island 1,057,125 0.0032 $200,000,000.00 South Carolina 5,218,040 0.0158 $346,020,970.50 South Dakota 892,717 0.0027 $200,000,000.00 Tennessee 6,886,834 0.0209 $456,682,774.50 Texas 29,360,759 0.0891 $1,946,983,603.80 Utah 3,249,879 0.0099 $215,507,410.00 Vermont 623,347 0.0019 $200,000,000.00 Virginia 8,590,563 0.0261 $569,661,203.50 Washington 7,693,612 0.0234 $510,182,193.10 West Virginia 1,784,787 0.0054 $200,000,000.00 Wisconsin 5,832,655 0.0177 $386,777,591.50 Wyoming 582,328 0.0018 $200,000,000.00 Total 329,484,123 1.0000 $23,785,000,000.00 U.S. Territories Section 501(b)(3)(A)(ii) of Division N of the Act provides discretion to the Secretary to determine each Territory’s share of the total population of all Territories. Treasury will use 2019 data from the 2019 Vintage from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program for determining the population of Puerto Rico. The 2019 Vintage data are available at https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/data/tables.2019.html. Treasury will use data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s International Programs’ International Data Base for determining the populations of USVI, Guam, CNMI, and American Samoa. International Programs 16.D.7.d Packet Pg. 699 Attachment: Guidance - DOT - ERA Data-and-Methodology 1.11.21 (14690 : US Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program) 4 updated its population estimates and future population projections for the U.S. Territories in December 2020. The December 2020 update caused the population estimates for 2019 to be revised from previous releases. Treasury will use the 2019 population projections from International Programs’ December 2020 population estimates and projections for USVI, Guam, CNMI, and American Samoa. These data are available at https://www.census.gov/data-tools/demo/idb/#/table. These Census data provide the most accurate estimate available of the current population of each of the Territories. In addition, this approach is consistent with the approach taken for the population data of States and local governments. The table below includes the population of each Territory, the share of the Territories, and the allocation for each Territory (which takes into account the statutory requirement that the sum of the amounts allocated for payments to all the Territories other than Puerto Rico shall not be less than $75,000,000). Population, 2019 Share of Total Population Allocation American Samoa 48,456 0.0136 $9,682,885.60 Guam 168,149 0.0471 $33,600,948.00 Northern Mariana Islands 52,048 0.0146 $10,400,669.30 Puerto Rico 3,193,694 0.8948 $325,000,000.00 Virgin Islands 106,669 0.0299 $21,315,497.10 Total 3,569,016 1.0000 $400,000,000.00 16.D.7.d Packet Pg. 700 Attachment: Guidance - DOT - ERA Data-and-Methodology 1.11.21 (14690 : US Department of Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program)