Agenda 01/26/2021 Item #16D 6 (10 yr update for Conservation Collier We Woods Preserve Management Plan)01/26/2021
Recommendation to approve the Conservation Collier Wet Woods Preserve Management Plan 10-
year update under the Conservation Collier Program.
OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval from the Board of County Commissioners (Board) for the 10 -year
update to the Wet Woods Preserve Management Plan.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Conservation Collier Ordinance, No. 2002-63, as amended, Section 14(3),
requires that a Final Management Plan be prepared and updated for each property every five (5) years,
with review and input by the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee (CCLAAC).
The Wet Woods Preserve, comprised of 26.77 acres, is located in North Naples and was acquired in 2005.
A Final Management Plan was developed and approved by the Board on May 27, 2008, Agenda Item
#16E10. The approved plan has been operational for the Wet Woods Preserve since that time.
Changes in this plan include updated maps, updated property status information, additions to the plant or
animal lists, the status of exotic plant and animal infestations, and streamlining of text. Tracked changes
have been made so that Board members can quickly see the proposed changes.
Each 10-year update requires a public meeting, which was held on September 17th, 2020, to allow for
community input on the updated draft plan. Members of the public attended the hybrid Zoom and in-
person meeting and provided the following feedback:
• Neighbors expressed the desire for the preserve to remain in Resource Protection status with
no public access citing concerns over impacts to the natural resources of the preserve.
• Neighbors inquired about the status of the bald eagle nest located within the preserve and
shared concerns over recent pine mortality and impact to available nesting habitat as a result
of increasing saltwater inundation and transition of pine flatwood plant communities to
mangrove/intertidal within the preserve.
• Neighbors expressed concerns over encouraging kayaker access along the western boundary
of the preserve adjacent to Grand Canal Drive due to the narrow nature of the waterway and
potential conflicts with motorboat navigation within the channel.
• A neighbor requested that the preserve be opened for public access, citing that District 2
contains three (3) existing Conservation Collier Preserves, 1 designated for public access
(Cocohatchee Creek Preserve), 1 designated for future public access (Railhead Scrub
Preserve), and 1 designated for Resource Protection (Wet Woods Preserve). The neighbor
expressed a desire to have more public access opportunities through Conservation Collier
Preserves in District 2.
• Neighbors requested information regarding the history of funding availability and
expenditures on capital projects and infrastructure for public access on Conservation C ollier
Preserves, with a focus on funding availability for capital projects at Wet Woods Preserve.
Public access could be considered in the future if that is the pleasure of the Board. As per the
Conservation Collier Ordinance, No. 2002-63, Section 14.8, “The program will also make the acquired
sites available, with minimal risk to the environmental integrity of the site, to educate Collier County’s
school-aged population and the general public about the uniqueness and importance of Collier County’s
subtropical ecosystems and natural communities.” Access to the 26.77-acre site would require a
boardwalk due to the wet conditions. Staff has not yet done a full analysis of costs as funding has not
been available for capital projects in recent years. The CCLAAC may review current and proposed public
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access amenities at all Conservation Collier preserves in 2021 and provide future public access project
recommendations to the Board.
The CCLAAC reviewed and approved the updated plan on October 12th, 2020. Subsequently, the practice
has been to update the plant survey along with the 10-year update. This survey was completed in
September 2020 and is attached as Appendix 2.
FISCAL IMPACT: Annual costs are estimated at $4500-$7000 per year for the next five (5) years. This
is primarily for invasive exotic plant treatment and vegetation fuel reduction. Funds are available within
the Conservation Collier Land Management Fund (174) to accomplish these activities.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no specific Growth Management impact associated
with this item.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Conservation Collier Ordinance (No. 2002-63, as amended), in
Section 14, provides a legal framework for the development of management plans and for use of
environmentally sensitive lands. This item is approved for form and legality and requires a majority vote
for Board action. - JAB
RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached proposed 10-year Final Management Plan for Wet
Woods Preserve and direct staff to implement the updated plan.
Prepared By: Molly DuVall, Senior Environmental Specialist, Parks and Recreation Division
1. (linked) Wet Woods Preserve_10YrUpdate_Management Plan_clean copy (PDF)
2. (linked) Wet Woods Preserve_10YrUpdate_Management Plan_strikethrough-underline (PDF)
Packet Pg. 682
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.D.6
Doc ID: 14622
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the Conservation Collier Wet Woods Preserve
Management Plan 10-year update under the Conservation Collier Program.
Meeting Date: 01/26/2021
Prepared by:
Title: Operations Analyst – Parks & Recreation
Name: Matthew Catoe
12/30/2020 9:38 AM
Submitted by:
Title: Division Director - Parks & Recreation – Parks & Recreation
Name: Barry Williams
12/30/2020 9:38 AM
Approved By:
Operations & Veteran Services Kimberley Grant Additional Reviewer Completed 01/04/2021 5:54 PM
Public Services Department Todd Henry Public Services Deapartment Completed 01/06/2021 10:47 AM
Public Services Department James C French PSD Dept Head Review Completed 01/08/2021 2:20 PM
County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 01/12/2021 2:06 PM
Public Services Department Melissa Hennig Additional Reviewer Completed 12/30/2020 12:38 PM
Parks & Recreation Barry Williams Additional Reviewer Completed 12/30/2020 1:07 PM
Parks & Recreation Summer BrownAraque Additional Reviewer Completed 12/31/2020 11:19 AM
Parks & Recreation Ilonka Washburn Additional Reviewer Completed 01/04/2021 7:55 AM
Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 01/12/2021 3:06 PM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 01/12/2021 3:40 PM
Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 01/13/2021 12:57 PM
County Manager's Office Dan Rodriguez Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 01/14/2021 9:41 AM
Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 01/26/2021 9:00 AM
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Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 1
Wet Woods Preserve
Land Management Plan
Managed by:
Conservation Collier Program
Collier County
May 2020 –May 2030 (10 yr plan)
Updated: December 2020
Prepared by:
Collier County Parks and Recreation Division
Conservation Collier Staff
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 2
Wet Woods Preserve
Land Management Plan Executive Summary
Lead Agency: Collier County Board of County Commissioners, Conservation Collier
Property included in this Plan: Wet Woods Preserve (Folio #: 00154880008)
Acreage Breakdown:
General Vegetative Communities Acreage
Wetlands (58%) 15.53
Uplands (42%) 11.24
TOTAL 26.77
Management Responsibilities:
Agency: Collier County - Conservation Collier Program
Designated Land Use: Conservation and natural resource-based recreation
Unique Features: saltwater and freshwater marshes, mangrove forests, pine flatwoods,
active bald eagle nest, seven listed plant and two listed animal species detected to date
Management Goals:
Goal 1: Significantly reduce human impacts to indigenous flora and fauna
Goal 2: Continue monitoring of vegetation
Goal 3: Control populations of invasive, exotic or problematic flora and fauna to
restore and maintain natural habitats
Goal 4: Use mechanical treatments to decrease woody invasion resulting from fire
Goal 5: Restore native vegetation
Goal 6: Facilitate uses of the site for educational purposes
Goal 7: Provide a plan for security and disaster preparedness
Public Involvement: Public meeting(s) were held in the summer of 2020 with invitations
being sent to residents and businesses from surrounding lands.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 3
Table of Contents
Land Management Plan Executive Summary ................................................................ 2
List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... 4
List of Figures .................................................................................................................... 4
List of Appendices ............................................................................................................. 5
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Conservation Collier: Land Acquisition Program and Management Authority .............. 7
1.2 Purpose and Scope of Plan ..................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Location of the Wet Woods Preserve .................................................................................... 7
1.4 Regional Significance of the Wet Woods Preserve .............................................................. 9
1.5 Nearby Public Lands and Designated Water Resources ..................................................... 9
1.6 Public Involvement ............................................................................................................... 13
2.0 Natural Resources...................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Physiography ......................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Topography and Geomorphology ..................................................................................... 13
2.1.2 Geology ............................................................................................................................ 13
2.1.3 Soils .................................................................................................................................. 14
2.1.4 Hydrology/Water Management ........................................................................................ 17
2.2 Climate ................................................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Natural Plant Communities ................................................................................................. 17
2.3.1 Wetlands: Mangrove Swamps .......................................................................................... 20
2.3.2 Wetlands: Tidal Marsh ..................................................................................................... 21
2.3.3 Wetlands: Freshwater Marsh ............................................................................................ 21
2.3.4 Uplands: Mesic Pine Flatwoods ....................................................................................... 22
2.4 Native Plant and Animal Species ......................................................................................... 23
2.4.1 Plant Species ..................................................................................................................... 23
2.4.2 Animal Species ................................................................................................................. 23
2.5 Listed Species ........................................................................................................................ 26
2.5.1 Listed Plant Species .......................................................................................................... 26
2.5.2 Listed Animal Species ...................................................................................................... 29
2.6 Invasive, Non-native and Problem Species ......................................................................... 30
2.6.1 Invasive and Problem Plant Species ................................................................................. 31
2.6.2 Invasive and Problem Animal Species ............................................................................. 32
3.0 Previous and Current Use of the Preserve; Adjacent Land Uses ......................... 37
3.1 Previous and Current Use .................................................................................................... 37
3.2 Cultural, Historical and Archeological Resource Protection ........................................... 37
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 4
3.3 Adjacent Land Uses .............................................................................................................. 37
3.4 Major Accomplishments during Previous Years ............................................................... 40
4.0 Future Use of the Wet Woods Preserve including Management Issues, Goals and
Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 42
4.1 Management Plan Framework ............................................................................................ 42
4.1.1 Preserve Manager: Contact Information ........................................................................ 42
4.2 Planned Uses and Assessment of their Impacts ................................................................. 42
4.2.1 Identification of Public Uses Consistent with Preservation, Enhancement, Restoration,
Conservation and Maintenance of the Resources ............................................................. 42
4.3 Desired Future Conditions ................................................................................................... 43
4.4 Goals for the 10 year period 2008-2018 .............................................................................. 43
4.5 Establish an Operational Plan for the Wet Woods Preserve ............................................ 55
4.5.1 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 55
4.5.2 Estimated Annual Costs and Funding Sources ................................................................. 55
4.5.3 Potential for Contracting Restoration and Management Activities by Private Vendors .. 58
5.0 Literature Cited ......................................................................................................... 59
List of Tables
Table 1: Acquisition History and Status of Wet Woods Preserve .................................................. 6
Table 2: Public Lands Located near the Wet Woods Preserve ....................................................... 9
Table 3: Summary of Natural Communities in the Wet Woods Preserve .................................... 18
Table 4: Bird Species Recorded at the Wet Woods Preserve ....................................................... 24
Table 5: Breeding Bird Species Recorded in the Bonita Springs Quadrangle in the Vicinity of the
Wet Woods Preserve .............................................................................................................. 25
Table 6: Listed Plant Species Detected at the Wet Woods Preserve ............................................ 26
Table 7: Invasive Plant Species at Wet Woods Preserve .............................................................. 31
Table 8: Major Accomplishments Since the Acquisition of the Wet Woods Preserve ............... 40
Table 9: Invasive, Exotic Plant Species Control Plan for the Wet Woods Preserve Category I
species .................................................................................................................................... 46
Table 10: Estimated Annual Land Management Budget ............................................................. 57
Table 11: Potential Contracting for Restoration and Management Activities .............................. 58
List of Figures
Figure 1: General Location of and Directions to Wet Woods Preserve. ........................................ 8
Figure 2: Conservation Collier Preserves and Designated State and Federal Land or Conservation
Easements Existing in Collier County ................................................................................... 10
Figure 3: Preserves and Protected Lands in the Vicinity of Wet Woods Preserve ....................... 12
Figure 5: Soil Units at the Wet Woods Preserve .......................................................................... 16
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 5
Figure 6: Distribution of Main Natural Communities (based on SFWMD FLUCCS Codes) in the
Wet Woods Preserve .............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 7: Historical Aerial Photographs courtesy of the State of Florida University System of
Florida website ....................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 8: Areas Contiguous to the Wet Woods Preserve ............................................................ 39
Figure 9: Exotic Removal Partnership Areas............................................................................... 41
Figure 10: Photo Point Locations Within Wet Woods Preserve................................................... 46
Figure 12: Option 3 - Wet Woods Conceptual Site Plan .............................................................. 54
List of Appendices
Appendix 1: Legal Description of the Wet Woods Preserve
Appendix 2: Preliminary Floristic Inventory of the Wet Woods Preserve
Appendix 3: Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) Managed Area Tracking Record and
Element Occurrence Summary; FNAI ranking system explanation
Appendix 4: Bald Eagle Protection Acts
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 6
1.0 Introduction
The Wet Woods Preserve is a 26.77-acre natural area within the urban boundary of Collier County,
Florida. The preserve contains various native plant communities, including pine flatwoods,
mangrove forests, and both saltwater and freshwater marshes.
A site assessment to determine compliance with the Conservation Collier initial screening criteria
was conducted in July 2004 and the Conservation Collier Program purchased the property on
August 19, 2005. Previously known as the “Watkins-Jones” property, for the previous owners, it
was renamed Wet Woods Preserve by local schoolchildren in November 2006. The County holds
fee simple title to the Wet Woods Preserve. The Conservation Collier program manages these
lands under authority granted by the Conservation Collier Ordinance 2002-63 as amended (2007-
65) and Ordinance 2011-38 (available from Initial acquisition activities are
summarized in Table 1.
The preserve consists of approximately 58% (±15.53 acres) wetland habitats and approximately
42% (±11.24 acres) upland habitat. Conservation, restoration and natural resource-based recreation
are the designated uses of this property. Management activities allowed include those necessary
to preserve, restore, secure and maintain this environmentally sensitive land for the benefit of
present and future generations. Public use of the site must be consistent with these management
This is the Final Management Plan for the Wet Woods Preserve. This 10-year management plan
will be submitted to the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) for its approval.
When approved, this plan will replace the Final Management Plan that was approved by the BCC
on December 8, 2015.
Table 1: Acquisition History and Status of Wet Woods Preserve
Year Benchmark
2003 Environmental Assessment Report prepared by Southern Biomes, Inc.
2004 Property nominated to the Conservation Collier Program
2004 Initial Site Assessment by Conservation Collier Staff
2004 Acceptance of Initial Criteria Screening Report by the Conservation Collier Land
Acquisition Advisory Committee
2005 Phase I Environmental Assessment Conducted by ASC geosciences for Collier County
2005 Approved for purchase by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC)
2005 Purchase of the Watkins-Jones Property
2005 Developed Interim Management Plan
2006 BCC approved the Interim Management Plan
2006 Watkins-Jones property renamed Wet Woods Preserve
2007 Conducted Initial exotic plant treatment and removal (grant funded)
2008 Completed Final Management Plan
2015 Updated Final Management Plan
2020 Updated Final Management Plan
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 7
1.1 Conservation Collier: Land Acquisition Program and Management Authority
The Conservation Collier program was originally approved by voters in November 2002 and
subsequently confirmed in the November 2006 ballot referendum. Both voter-approved
referendums enable the program to acquire environmentally sensitive conservation lands within
Collier County, Florida (Ordinance 2002-63, as amended). Properties must support at least two of
the following qualities to qualify for further consideration: rare habitat, aquifer recharge, flood
control, water quality protection, and listed species habitat. The Collier County Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) appointed a Land Acquisition Advisory Committee to consider any
selected or nominated properties that an owner has indicated a willingness to sell. The committee
recommends property purchases for final approval by the BCC.
Lands acquired with Conservation Collier funds are titled to “COLLIER COUNTY, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida, by and through its Conservation Collier program.” The Board
of County Commissioners of Collier County established the Conservation Collier program to
implement the program and to manage acquired lands. As such, Conservation Collier holds
management authority for the Wet Woods Preserve.
1.2 Purpose and Scope of Plan
The purpose of the plan is to provide management direction for Wet Woods Preserve by identifying
the goals and objectives necessary to eliminate or minimize any threats to the resources and
integrity of the preserve. This text is a working document that establishes the foundation of the
ten-year plan by identifying the appropriate management techniques necessary to preserve and/or
restore the resource.
This plan will balance resource restoration and protection with natural resource-based recreational
and educational use while looking at restoration needs, listed species protection and maintenance
of the site free of invasive, exotic plant and animal species. This plan is divided into sections that
incorporate an introduction, descriptions of the natural and cultural resources, projected uses of
the property, management issues, and goals and objectives.
1.3 Location of the Wet Woods Preserve
Wet Woods Preserve is located at 12815 Tamiami Trail N. in Naples, Florida (See Figure 1; legal
description in Appendix 1). It is in Collier County’s northwest corner, immediately west of U.S.
Highway 41, south of Wiggins Pass Road in Section 16 Township 48 Range 25.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 8
Figure 1: General Location of and Directions to Wet Woods Preserve.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 9
1.4 Regional Significance of the Wet Woods Preserve
To date, approximately 67% (more than 868,040 acres) of Collier County is protected in
conservation areas (Figure 2) and managed by private organizations and by local, state and federal
agencies. Collier County’s Conservation Collier Program manages the 26.77-acre Wet Woods
Preserve. This natural area contains saltwater and freshwater marshes, mangrove forests, and pine
flatwoods. The wetlands buffer and protect the Wiggins Pass Estuarine System, designated as an
Outstanding Florida Water, and support two listed plant and animal species. The uplands support
an active Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nest and five listed plant and animal species.
Specific information on the wetlands and uplands found on the Wet Woods Preserve may be found
in section 2.3 (Natural Plant Communities) of this document.
1.5 Nearby Public Lands and Designated Water Resources
Currently, the closest preserved, natural area to Wet Woods Preserve is Railhead Scrub Preserve,
another Conservation Collier Program property approximately 0.69 miles to the northeast. Other
preserves, in order of increasing distance, are provided in Table 2. Figure 3 shows the locations
of these preserves.
Table 2: Public Lands Located near the Wet Woods Preserve
Name Distance
(miles) Direction Type
Railhead Scrub Preserve 0.69 NE Conservation Collier
Delnor-Wiggins State Park 1.28 W State
Barefoot Beach Preserve 1.36 W/NW County
Cocohatchee Creek Preserve 1.70 SE Conservation Collier
Milano Property 5.81 SE Conservation Collier
Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed 9.00 N/NW State
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 10
Figure 2: Conservation Collier Preserves and Designated State and Federal Land or
Conservation Easements Existing in Collier County
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 11
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 12
Figure 3: Preserves and Protected Lands in the Vicinity of Wet Woods Preserve
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 13
1.6 Public Involvement
Neighborhood involvement will be sought through direct mailing notices for public meetings to
residents and businesses within the surrounding area and to owners of properties that border the
preserve; official public notices will be posted on the County website. Staff will seek to coordinate
management actions, such as exotic removal and prescribed fires with owners of adjoining lands.
Staff will also involve the North Naples Civic Association and the Boy and Girl Scout groups from
within the County. Additionally, volunteers will be sought from all contacts listed above.
2.0 Natural Resources
2.1 Physiography
Wet Woods Preserve lies within the Floridian section of the Coastal Plain. The Coastal Plain
extends from New Jersey to Texas and was formed mainly from sedimentary rocks deposited in
marine environments (USGS 2004).
2.1.1 Topography and Geomorphology
The site is located in the Southwestern Slope region of the South Florida Water Management
District. According to the Bonita Springs, Florida USGS Topographic Map, the topography of the
area is relatively level with an average elevation of five feet above sea level and slopes gently
westward toward the Gulf of Mexico. Surface water percolates directly into the uncovered ground
or it collects in natural depressions and manmade ponds on adjacent properties.
2.1.2 Geology
The geology of northern Collier County, where the Wet Woods Preserve is located, is characterized
by complex sequences of interbeded sands, clays, and limestone. Closest to the surface is the
Holocene aged Pamlico Sand Formation, approximately ten feet thick and composed primarily of
unconsolidated quartz sand and some silt. The Pamlico Sand unconformably overlies the
Pleistocene aged Fort Thompson and Caloosahatchee Formations, which vary from a few feet to
more than twenty feet in thickness and are characterized by shelly and sandy limestone with vugs
and solution cavities (Miller 1986).
Below the Fort Thompson and Caloosahatchee Formations are the Ochopee and Buckingham
Members of the Pliocene aged Tamiami Formation, which are at least 200 feet thick in the
surrounding areas (Oaks & Dunbar 1974). The Ochopee Limestone unconformably overlies the
Buckingham Limestone and/or the equivalent Cape Coral Clay. This unconformity marks the
bottom of the surficial aquifer separating it from the brackish underlying aquifer below. Then the
Hawthorn Formation, rich in phosphate and other heavy minerals (Scott 1988), overlies the
Oligocene age Suwannee Limestone and Eocene age Ocala Limestone that form the Floridan
Aquifer System in Southwestern Florida. Figure 4 provides a current aerial view of the Wet Woods
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 14
2.1.3 Soils
According to Liudahl et al. (1990), soils mapped at the Wet Woods Preserve include (in descending
order by extent) Durbin and Wulfert Mucks, Basinger Fine Sand, and Immokalee Fine Sand
(Figure 5).
Durbin and Wulfert Mucks are level, very poorly drained hydric soils that are found in tidal
mangrove swamps. They are very permeable and have a water capacity availability that is
moderate to high. The water table beneath the soils fluctuates with the tide and is within a depth
of twelve inches for most of the year (Liudahl et al. 1990).
Basinger Fine Sand is a nearly level and poorly drained hydric soil. It is found in sloughs and
poorly defined drainage ways. Under natural conditions, the seasonal high water table is within a
depth of twelve inches for 3-6 months during most years. During the other months, the water table
is below a depth of twelve inches, and it recedes to a depth of more than forty inches during
extended dry periods. During periods of high rainfall, this soil is typically covered by shallow,
slow-moving water (Liudahl et al. 1990).
Immokalee Fine Sand is non-hydric, nearly level and poorly drained. It is typically found in pine
flatwoods. Under natural conditions, the seasonal high water table is at a depth of 6-18 inches for
1-6 months during most years. During the other months, the water table is below a depth of
eighteen inches, and it recedes to a depth of more than forty inches during extended dry periods
(Liudahl et al. 1990).
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 15
Figure 4: General View of the Wet Woods Preserve - Existing Conditions
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 16
Figure 5: Soil Units at the Wet Woods Preserve
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 17
2.1.4 Hydrology/Water Management
Near the surface, the aquifer is highly permeable and the groundwater flows toward the west.
However, permeability decreases downward from a porous limestone into poorly indurated
sandstone cemented by micrite. The aquifer grades from freshwater downward into brackish water
due to the proximity of the Gulf of Mexico to the west and the brackish water in the intermediate
aquifer made primarily of Miocene aged sediments. Below that, the Hawthorne formation
typically marks the upper boundary of the Floridian aquifer, which is contained within the
underlying Oligocene age Suwannee Limestone (Lodge 2005).
Groundwater levels have gone down during the recent decades due to drainage on a regional scale
and water management for development purposes. This trend may be very difficult to control and
will gradually reduce the extent of the preserve that floods during the summer months and reduce
the period of time the preserve wetlands are flooded during the year.
2.2 Climate
The Wet Woods Preserve is located in an area of Florida where humid subtropical and tropical
savanna climatic patterns overlap, with temperatures moderated by winds from the Gulf of Mexico
and the Atlantic Ocean. Sharply delineated wet and dry seasons and average monthly temperatures
greater than 64º Fahrenheit characterize a tropical savanna climate. Monthly rainfalls may exceed
ten inches during the wet season. On the other hand, humid subtropical climates typically show
less extreme rainfall fluctuations between wet and dry seasons and average monthly temperatures
is less than 64º Fahrenheit in some months.
The average annual temperature for the coastal portion of Collier County is approximately 75º
Fahrenheit. The warmest months are usually July and August. The humidity is high during these
months but frequent afternoon thunderstorms prevent excessively high temperatures.
Two-thirds of the annual rainfall occurs in the wet season from May to October. Thunderstorms
are frequent during the wet season, occurring every two out of three days between June and
September. Rainfall records for the area indicate that there is not significant variation in the annual
rainfall throughout much of the county; however, large variations often occur during a single year.
The hurricane season extends from June through November with peak activity occurring in
September and October when ocean temperatures are highest.
2.3 Natural Plant Communities
A plant community refers to the suite of plant species that form the natural vegetation of any place.
In addition to anthropogenic influence, the combination of factors such as geology, topography,
hydrology, underlying soils and climate determine the types of plants found in an area. These
plants, in turn determine the animal species that may be found in an area.
The Florida Land Use, Land Cover Classification System (FLUCCS) notes two plant communities
on the preserve: mangrove swamps and pine flatwoods. A site visit by Southern Biomes in
September of 2003 revealed that the Wet Woods Preserve consists of approximately 58% (±15.53
acres) wetland habitat and approximately 42% (±11.24 acres) upland habitat. Collier County Staff
noted that freshwater marshes and tidal marshes made up portions of the wetland habitat.
Therefore, the wetland habitats extant on the Wet Woods Preserve consist of mangrove swamps,
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 18
tidal marshes and freshwater marshes. The upland habitat may be characterized as mesic pine
flatwoods. See Figure 6. The vegetation classification scheme of the Florida Natural Areas
Inventory (FNAI) and the Florida Department of Natural Resources (FDNR) (1990) are presented
in table 3. This table is based on the plant communities observed and mapped on the Wet Woods
Table 3: Summary of Natural Communities in the Wet Woods Preserve
FNAI Natural
Community Type Acres Global
Rank Comments
Mangrove Swamps 11.85 G3 S3 Also called Tidal Swamp
Tidal Marsh 3.02 G4 S4 Also called Saltwater Marsh
Freshwater Marsh 0.66 G4 S4
Pine Flatwoods 11.24 G4 S4 Also called Mesic Flatwoods
G3: Either very rare and local throughout its range (21-100 occurrences or less than 10,000 individuals) or found
locally in a restricted range or vulnerable to extinction from other factors;
G4: Apparently secure globally (may be rare in parts of range);
S3: Imperiled in Florida;
S4: Apparently secure in Florida (may be rare in parts of range).
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 19
Figure 6: Distribution of Main Natural Communities (based on SFWMD FLUCCS Codes)
in the Wet Woods Preserve
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 20
2.3.1 Wetlands: Mangrove Swamps
Mangrove Swamps are also called tidal forests, tidal swamp forests, mangrove communities, and
mangrove ecosystems (FNAI & FDNR 1990). This plant community primarily occurs in the
central and southern portions of the Wet Woods Preserve (Figure 6) and contains small areas of
tidal marsh. The mangrove swamps on the preserve are dominated by native canopy species
including red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), black mangrove (Avicennia germinans), white
mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) and buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus). Native midstory
species include saltbush (Baccharis angustifolia) and indigo berry (Randia aculeata) while ground
cover species include: giant leather fern (Acrostichum danaeifolium) and black needle rush (Juncus
roemerianus). Durbin and Wulfert Mucks comprise the majority of the substrate for this
community on the Wet Woods Preserve.
True mangrove species are viviparous (i.e., “live birth” - in the case of mangroves, the seed
germinates within the fruit, producing within the plant an established seedling that then falls into
the sediments) and have some physiological degree of root modification (such as aerial roots) to
deal with saturated, saline soils (Tomlinson 1986). Based on these definitions, three species of
true mangroves exist within the Wet Woods Preserve: red mangrove, black mangrove and white
mangrove. The buttonwood is often referred to as a “mangrove associate” because it is associated
with these species along the upland fringe of the mangrove ecosystem, but it lacks root
modification and viviparity.
Mangroves are facultative
halophytes; they are able to grow in
freshwater environments but
because of their inability to compete
well with other flora found in
freshwater systems, they grow in
brackish waters. In addition to the
saline environments in which they
are found, the tidal fluctuation
enables mangroves to dominate
shorelines. Not only do the roots of
these tropical species protect
shorelines from erosion, they trap
sediments and recycle nutrients from
upland areas and tidal import. This
is part of the succession process of
island formation in south Florida
(FNAI & FDNR 1990).
Mangroves are valued for their high productivity and serve as important nursery and refuge areas
for a wide variety of terrestrial and aquatic organisms including mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and
invertebrates. Consequently, these forests are extremely important to the nutrient budgets of
adjoining estuaries and other coastal waters (Rey & Rutledge 2006). In fact, mangrove species
shed so many leaves and other plant parts that they can produce up to 80% of the total organic
material available in the aquatic food web (FNAI & FDNR 1990).
Mangrove Swamp just south of the Wet Woods Preserve. Photo by Christal Segura.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 21
2.3.2 Wetlands: Tidal Marsh
Tidal Marshes are interspersed
within the mangrove swamps of the
Wet Woods Preserve. Also known
as a salt marsh, brackish marsh,
coastal wetland, coastal marsh and
tidal wetland (FNAI & FDNR
1990), this plant community thrives
in areas of low wave energy that are
at least occasionally inundated with
saltwater. Herbaceous, salt-tolerant
plants characterize these marshes.
The salt marshes within the Wet
Woods Preserve are dominated by
sea oxy daisy (Borrichia
frutescens), Christmas berry
(Lycium carolinianum), black
needle rush (Juncus roemerianus)
and cord grass (Spartina spp.). Buttonwood is scattered among the herbaceous plants. Durbin and
Wulfert Mucks comprise the substrate for this community on the Wet Woods Preserve.
Just as in mangrove swamps, tidal fluctuation in tidal marsh communities is an extremely
important ecological factor and makes this community one of the most biologically productive
systems on earth. A wide array of invertebrates and fish rely on these areas for parts or all of their
lives. A number of mammals, reptiles and avian species also rely on this plant community.
Additionally, tidal marshes are valued by humans for their ability to buffer storms and to filter
pollutants within them. While tidal marshes do not compose a large portion of the Wet Woods
Preserve, their presence is an essential component to the landscape.
2.3.3 Wetlands: Freshwater Marsh
The freshwater marsh is the third type of wetland plant community found within the Wet Woods
Preserve. These marshes are scattered among the upland, pine flatwoods community and may
therefore be referred to as flatwoods marshes. Saw grass (Cladium jamaicense), swamp lily
(Crinum americanum), giant leather fern (Acrostichum danaeifolium), and native wetland grasses
dominate the freshwater marshes; Basinger Fine Sand comprises the substrate of these marshes in
the preserve. Pond apple (Annona glabra) was also detected within these marshes.
Like tidal marshes, freshwater marshes are wetlands dominated by herbaceous flora. In Florida,
these marshes are influenced by their subtropical location, fluctuating water levels, frequency and
intensity of fire, organic matter accumulation and hard water (Kushlan 1990). These factors,
combined with the dominant species found within a marsh, dictate the category within which the
marsh is placed. Six major categories of freshwater marshes are recognized in Florida. The
marshes in the Wet Woods Preserve are within the “saw grass marsh” category. These marshes
usually have a moderate (flooded for 6-9 months) hydroperiod, a moderate (about once in ten
years) frequency of fire and moderate to high (< 1 meter to > 1 meter) accumulation of organic
material (Kushlan 1990).
Tidal Marsh found in the Wet Woods Preserve. Photo by Christal Segura.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 22
Many animal species may be found within or around the perimeter of marshes. Invertebrates make
up an important part of the food web and many avian species, especially wading birds, rely on the
invertebrates as a primary source of food. The freshwater marshes within the preserve make-up a
small portion of the total area but are valuable for the suite of species found there.
2.3.4 Uplands: Mesic Pine Flatwoods
Pine flatwoods are one of the most wide-ranging terrestrial plant communities in Florida and
consequently one of the most influenced by anthropogenic activities (Abrahamson & Hartnett
1990). Fire strongly influences the community structure and composition of these communities.
The term pine flatwoods is a general
categorization of areas that are
dominated by various species of
pine (Pinus spp.) trees. Pine
flatwoods may be found in mesic
flatlands where the landscape is
made up of flat, moderately well
drained sandy substrates with a
mixture of organic material, often
with an underlying hardpan layer.
An open canopy forest of widely
spaced pine trees with little or no
understory but a dense ground cover
of herbs and shrubs characterize
natural, mesic flatwoods that have
been burned regularly (FNAI &
FDNR 1990). The USDA Soil
Conservation Service classification
system refers to these areas as South
Florida flatwoods. South Florida flatwoods are typically savannas, a type of plant community
intermediate between forest and grassland.
Mesic pine flatwoods are also called mesic flatwoods, pine savanna, cabbage palm savanna, and
pine barrens. On the Wet Woods Preserve, mesic pine flatwoods occupy the northern and eastern
portions of the property (Figure 6) and contain small areas of freshwater marshes. Immokalee
Fine Sand comprises the majority of the substrate and Basinger Fine Sand is a minor component
of the flatwoods areas on the preserve. Native canopy species in the mesic pine flatwoods areas
of the preserve are dominated by South Florida slash pine (Pinus elliotti var. densa) and cabbage
palm (Sabal palmetto); native midstory species include: saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), galberry
(Ilex glabra), sumac (Rhus copallinum), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) and rusty lyonia (Lyonia
fruticosa.). Native grasses and herbaceous plants dominate the understory.
Mesic flatwoods provide essential forested habitat for a variety of wildlife species including
Neotropical migratory birds, wide-ranging large carnivores, mid-sized carnivores, ground-nesting
vertebrates, tree-cavity dependent species, tree-nesting species and non-aquatic plant life. “At the
current rate of habitat conversion, the mesic pine flatwoods, once the most abundant upland habitat
Mesic pine flatwoods in the Wet Woods Preserve. Photo by Christal Segura.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 23
in South Florida, is in danger of becoming one of the rarest habitats in South Florida” (USFWS
2.4 Native Plant and Animal Species
Mangrove swamps and mesic flatwoods comprise the majority of the 26.77 acre Wet Woods
Preserve. Small pockets of tidal marshes and freshwater marshes are also located within the
preserve. This section discusses the flora and fauna found within and close to the preserve. The
next section (2.5) discusses all listed species in more detail.
2.4.1 Plant Species
To date, 188 plant species have been recorded at the preserve (Appendix 2). A comprehensive
plant survey was conducted in 2008 by botanist Keith A. Bradley of the Institute of Regional
Conservation. Of these 188 species, 163 (87%) are native to the site and 25 are exotic (13%). Of
the 25 exotic species, 14 are listed by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (13 Category I and 1
Category II).
2.4.2 Animal Species
Due to the dearth of specific surveys for the occurrence of animal species (in contrast to plants)
and the lack of on-site staffing, little is recorded for actual occurrences of animals at the Wet
Woods Preserve. Occurrences of fauna at the preserve are based on direct visual and aural
observations by staff during site visits or evidence of activity such as spoor, scat, or burrows, and
from the site information available in documents such as:
• the site’s initial criteria screening report;
• the property’s interim management plan;
• anecdotal information from persons with knowledge of the site.
Mammal species known to occur or individuals and/or evidence of activity directly observed
within the preserve include: Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), nine-banded armadillo
(Dasypus novemcinctus), marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris), and raccoon (Procyon lotor).
Reptile and amphibian species observed at the preserve include: brown anole (Anolis sagrei),
southern black racer (Coluber constrictor priapus), ring-necked snake (Diadophis punctatus), box
turtle (Terrapene carolina) and the green treefrog (Hyla cinerea).
Invertebrates observed include the following butterfly species: the gulf fritillary (Agraulis
vanillae), the white peacock (Anartia jatrophae), the zebra long wing (Heliconius charitonius),
and the cloudless sulphur (Phoebis sennae).
Several different bird species have been observed perching, foraging, or exhibiting nesting
behavior at the preserve (See Table 4).
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 24
Table 4: Bird Species Recorded at the Wet Woods Preserve
Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name
Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus Reddish Egret Egretta rufescens
Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus Yellow-crowned
Night Heron Nyctanassa violacea
Brown Pelican Pelecanus
occidentalis Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius
Hawk Buteo lineatus Mourning Dove Zenaidura macroura
Osprey Pandion heliaetus Red-bellied
Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus
leucocephalus Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor
Black Vulture Coragyps atratus Gray Catbird Dumetella
White Ibis Eudocimus albus Northern
Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata
Great Egret Ardea alba Blue-gray
Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea
Snowy Egret Egretta thula Yellow-rumped
Warbler Dendroica coronata
Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea Palm Warbler Dendroica palmarum
Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis
Green Heron Butorides striatus
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 25
The Florida Breeding Bird Atlas lists 26 bird species that have been recorded as confirmed,
probable, or possible breeding in the vicinity of the site (in the Bonita Springs USGS quadrangle
Block 6; Table 5). The Breeding Bird Atlas documents breeding distributions of all bird species
in Florida between 2011 and 2016. Some of these species may breed at the Wet Woods Preserve.
Table 5: Breeding Bird Species Recorded in the Bonita Springs Quadrangle
Block 6 in the Vicinity of the Wet Woods Preserve
Common Name Scientific Name
Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata
Mottled Duck Anas fulvigula
Eurasian Collared-Dove Streptopelia decaocto
Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura
Common Gallinule Gallinula galeata
Killdeer Charadrius vociferus
Least Tern Sternula antillarum
Green Heron Butorides virescens
Osprey Pandion haliaetus
Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis
Red-bellied woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus
Loggerhead Shrike Loggerhead Shrike
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata
American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos
Fish Crow Corvus ossifragus
Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus
Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos
European Starling Sturnus vulgaris
House Sparrow Passer domesticus
Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus
Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula
Boat-tailed Grackle Quiscalus major
Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis
Second Florida Breeding Bird Atlas (BBAII),
Other wildlife species that have not yet been recorded undoubtedly occur at the Wet Woods
Preserve. During migration periods, transient bird species would be expected to utilize this area
for short periods of time. The developed character of the adjacent areas may inhibit transient use
by many mammal, reptile, and amphibian species, thus limiting the utilization of the preserve to
resident individuals or inhibiting the dispersal of many species to and from the preserve.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 26
2.5 Listed Species
Official lists of rare and endangered species are produced at the federal level by the United States
Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service and at the State level by the
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Florida Department of Agriculture
and Consumer Services. FNAI produces a list of rare and endangered species and maintains a
database of occurrences of these species in Florida. The Institute for Regional Conservation (IRC)
also ranks native plant species by conservation status in the 10-county area of South Florida. The
following subsections (2.5.1 and 2.5.2) discuss the listed, rare and protected plant and animal
species found within and close to the Wet Woods Preserve in detail.
2.5.1 Listed Plant Species
There are seven (7) listed plant species at Wet Woods Preserve that are listed by the Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), two (2) as Endangered, four (4) as
Threatened, and one (1) as Commercially Exploited. There are no species listed as Endangered or
Threatened by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service within Wet Woods. In total there are
seven (7) plant species listed by FDACS at Wet Woods Preserve (Table 6). A brief description of
these species and their status is included in the following paragraphs.
E: Endangered, T: Threatened, C: Commercially Exploited
The Cardinal Airplant, also known as the Common Wild Pine or Stiff-leaved
Wild Pine (Tillandsia fasciculata), is an epiphytic bromeliad recognized by
many common names and is listed as an endangered plant by the State of Florida.
Wunderlin and Hansen reported this species in 24 counties throughout Florida as
of 2004 (Wunderlin & Hansen 2004). Like most of the other bromeliads in
Florida, this species is often referred to as a “tank” bromeliad because the leaf
axils and central stems form a “tank” or reservoir at the base of the plant. These
reservoirs capture and hold water, dead and decaying plant matter (leaves, seeds
twigs, etc.), and dead and drowning non-aquatic insects; these trapped items
provide nutrients for the plant (Larson et al. 2006).
Table 6: Listed Plant Species Detected at the Wet Woods Preserve
Scientific Name Common Name(s) State
Acrostichum aureum Golden leather fern T
Lilium catesbaei Catesby’s Lily T
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis Royal fern C
Tillandsia balbisiana Reflexed wild-pine, Northern needleleaf T
Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica Stiff-leaved wild-pine, Cardinal airplant E
Tillandsia flexuosa Banded wild-pine, Twisted airplant T
Tillandsia utriculata Giant wild-pine, Giant airplant E
Cardinal Airplant
Photo by Rodger L.
Hammer Courtesy of
the Institute for
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 27
The Giant wild pine (Tillandsia utriculata) is the largest epiphyte and is
relatively common in hammocks and swamps in South Florida. It can reach
12-30 inches in height and its flower spike may be more than six feet in height.
It is also listed by the State of Florida as endangered.
The Reflexed wild pine (Tillandsia balbisiana) and the Banded
wild-pine (Tillandsia flexuosa) are also fairly common epiphytes in
South Florida. Both species prefer moist forests and swamps and are
state listed as threatened. The reflexed
wild pine is equally well-adjusted to deep
shade where leaves grow long or to bright
sunlight where they are contorted and highly
colored from gray-green to blue-bronze or
red. The banded wild pine usually grows in the
tops of trees in fairy sunny situations. They can
grow up to sixteen inches in length and are
strongly recurved and twisted (
Even though the four species listed above are fairly common in the state they are listed due to
illegal collecting and the destruction of the habitats in which they are found. Additionally,
infestation by the introduced Mexican bromeliad weevil (Metamasius callizona) has been
implicated in the decline of many air plant populations around the state. Currently, there are no
control measures in place however, close research and monitoring is taking place.
Golden Leather Fern (Acrostichum aureum)
This large fern grows in wet areas along the coast of Florida in
tidal swamps and marshes. The fronds can reach about six feet
long and can be as broad as it is tall. It prefers wet to moist,
poorly drained to inundated organic brackish soils. It can be
found in the wet, marshy areas in the Wet Woods Preserve that
surround the mangrove swamps.
Catesby’s Lily (Lilium catesbaei)
Reflexed Wild Pine Photo by Melissa E. Abdo
Courtesy of the Institute for
Regional Conservation
Banded wild-pine
Photo courtesy of
Golden Leather Fern
Photo by Shirley Denton courtesy of the
Institute of Regional Conservation
Giant Wild Pine
Photo by Rodger Hammer
courtesy of the Institute for
Regional Conservation website
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 28
This herb is endemic to the U.S. southeastern coastal plain and is listed
as a threatened species in the State of Florida. It is found nearly
throughout Florida and has been recorded in 50 counties (Wunderlin &
Hansen 2004). In Collier County, it has only been recorded at Wet
Woods Preserve, Railhead Scrub Preserve, Big Cypress National
Preserve, Collier Seminole State Park, Florida Panther National Wildlife
Refuge, and Picayune Strand State Forest. Christal Segura and Annisa
Karim found it on the preserve on September 13, 2007. Christal Segura
also detected this species in two different locations on the property in late
September of 2007. All specimens were sighted in mesic pine flatwoods
areas of the Wet Woods Preserve.
Royal Fern (Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis)
The royal fern can be found in the eastern US and throughout
Florida. It grows in swamps and similar moist to wet sites. It can
reach heights of up to six feet and grows with a thick creeping
rhizome. The roots can form a mass up to 60 cm tall. It is listed by
the State of Florida due to its commercial exploitation.
FNAI maintains a database of occurrences of rare, threatened, and endangered species in Florida.
An element is any exemplary or rare component of the natural environment, such as a species,
natural community, bird rookery, spring, sinkhole, cave, or other ecological feature. An element
occurrence is a single, extant habitat that sustains or otherwise contributes to the survival of a
population or a distinct, self-sustaining example of a particular element.
These element occurrence data are built into biodiversity matrices. Each matrix encompasses one
(1) square mile and includes all species and natural communities tracked by FNAI, including all
federal listed species. None of the plant species reported by FNAI have been detected within the
preserve. The golden leather fern (Acrostichum aureum) was documented within FNAI’s
Biodiversity Matrix Unit 38350 and four (4) species were reported within FNAI’s Biodiversity
Matrices 38350 and 38351 as likely (rare species likely to occur on the site based on suitable
habitat and/or known occurrences in the vicinity) including the nodding pineweed (Lechea cernua)
and pine-woods bluestem (Andropogon arctatus). Twelve (12) species were reported within
FNAI’s Biodiversity Matrices 38350 and 38351 as potential occurrences (site lies within the
known or predicted range of species) including the many-flowered grass-pink (Calopogon
multiflorus) and the Celestial lily (Nemastylis floridana). Appendix 3 provides the FNAI Managed
Area Tracking Record and Element Occurrence Summary as well as the Biodiversity Matrix
Photo by George D. Gann courtesy of the Institute for Regional Conservation
Lilium catesbaei, an endemic lily
detected on the Wet Woods
Photo by Christal Segura.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 29
Report. Global and state rankings are provided for each species as well as their federal and state
2.5.2 Listed Animal Species
Listed wildlife species observed onsite or immediately adjacent include wood stork (Mycteria
Americana), brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) and gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus).
A bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nest is also present within the preserve.
The Wood stork (Mycteria americana)
This bird species, sighted on the property by Southern Biomes, Inc. in 2003 and by staff in 2007,
is listed as endangered by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and by the
United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Also known as the wood ibis or flint head, this species
is one of the largest wading birds found in Florida and the only stork in the United States. The
wood stork is a tactile feeder and may be found in fresh, brackish, and saltwater habitats. Because
of its dependence on naturally functioning hydrologic systems, the National Audubon Society
refers to this wading bird as the “barometer of the Everglades”. For this reason, the wood stork is
an excellent environmental indicator of wetland health (Mazziotti 2002).
The Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
Currently, there is an inactive bald eagle nest in the northwest corner of the property. The nest is
located within a large, leaning slash pine that died in 2018. According to Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission, it was active for many years including 2003- 2006, 2008, 2010, 2014,
2016, and 2018. The nest is designated by the agencies as nest Co-0001. In the 2006-2007 nesting
season, the eagle pair built a new nest on the adjacent property to the northeast and fledged three
young. In late 2007, a pair was observed back on the Wet Woods Preserve nest tree building up
the nest; and the active nest was verified in February 2008, 2010, 2014, 2016, and 2018.
EagleWatch reported that a vulture killed an eaglet in 2018. No nesting
activity has been observed at the nest since 2018. It is unknown if the new
Germain parking lot that was built on the adjacent lot has had an impact
on where the pair chooses to nest.
This species was reported within FNAI’s Biodiversity Matrices 38350 and
38351. On June 29, 2007, the Bald Eagle was officially delisted and
removed from the Endangered Species List in the lower 48 states.
However, according to the USFWS Division of Migratory Bird
Management, this bird of prey will continue to be protected by the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, the Lacey Act and the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act (See Appendix 4 for a fact sheet on remaining levels of
Juvenile Bald Eagle on the
Wet Woods Preserve Nest
Photo taken by:
R. L Caron on 3-23-08
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 30
Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
This bird – a species of Special Concern in Florida - is
a permanent resident of the coastal marine environment
from central North America southward to northern
South America. Brown Pelicans are found in shallow,
warm coastal marine and estuarine waters, particularly
on sheltered bays (Shields 2002). These birds were
observed just south of the site along the mangrove edge
and most likely frequent the canal along the western
boundary of the preserve.
Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) This
medium-sized, native land turtle is listed by the State
as a Threatened Species. Gopher tortoises are typically
found in dry, upland habitats including scrub, xeric oak
hammock, sandhills, and dry pine flatwoods. Burrows
are created for protection from weather, fire, and
predators; they also provide refugia for more than 300
other species of animals. Active burrows exist within
the preserveand on the adjacent property to the north.
County staff, with input from Florida Forest Service
staff, has determined that it would not be safe to burn
the site due to its close proximity to the urban area and US 41.
Nine (9) species were reported within FNAI’s Biodiversity Matrices 38350 and 38351 as likely
(rare species likely to occur on the site based on suitable habitat and/or known occurrences in the
vicinity) including: black-whiskered vireo (Vireo altiloquus) – a bird of conservation concern, the
mangrove fox squirrel (Sciurus niger avicennia), and the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus).
Seventeen (17) species were reported within FNAI’s Biodiversity Matrices 38350 and 38351 as
potential occurrences (site lies within the known or predicted range of species) including: the
eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi), the gopher frog (Rana capito), the red-cockaded
woodpecker (Picoides borealis), and the Florida bonneted bat (Eumpos floridanus). Appendix 3
provides the FNAI Managed Area Tracking Record and Element Occurrence Summary as well as
the Biodiversity Matrix Report. Global and state rankings are provided for each species as well as
their federal and state status.
2.6 Invasive, Non-native and Problem Species
In an ecological context, an invasive species is one that is aggressive in growth and expansion of
range and tends to dominate others; its establishment and dominance can cause widespread harm
to an ecological system by altering the species composition, susceptibility to fire and hydrology of
an area. Non-indigenous species (a.k.a. non-native species, exotic species) are those that have
been purposefully or accidentally introduced to an area outside their normal range. The
characteristics of some of these species (high rate of growth/reproduction, no natural predators,
easily dispersed, able to out-compete native species) make them invasive. Some indigenous
Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Photo by Christal Segura
Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus)
Photo by Valerie Chartier, URS
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 31
species (a species whose natural range included Florida at the time of European contact circa 1500
AD or a species which has naturally expanded or changed its range to include Florida) may also
become invasive. Invasions by native and non-native species often follow an alteration to
ecosystem function, disruption of the food web, large scale fragmentation of an ecosystem and/or
disturbance (e.g., clearing, fire, drought, etc) of an area. While some native species may become
invasive, the establishment and dominance of non-native species is of particular concern.
The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC) maintains a list of exotic plants that have been
documented to (1) have adverse effects on Florida’s biodiversity and plant communities, (2) cause
habitat loss due to infestations and (3) impact endangered species via habitat loss and alteration.
To date, twenty-five invasive, non-indigenous plant species are known to occur within Wet Woods
Preserve. Although Florida does not have an official exotic, invasive animal species list, at least
400 exotic fish and wildlife animal species have been reported in Florida, and approximately 125
species are established. While only two invasive, non-indigenous animal species have been
documented within the preserve, other species also have a potential to occur in Wet Woods and
will be discussed in section 2.6.2.
2.6.1 Invasive and Problem Plant Species
To date, twenty-five (25) introduced plant species have been found at the Wet Woods Preserve,
accounting for 13% of the plant species recorded there (Table 7). Twelve (13) of the twenty-five
exotic, invasive species are considered Category I exotic, invasive species by FLEPPC and one (1)
is listed as Category II. FLEPPC defines Category I plants as those that alter native plant
communities by displacing native species, change community structures or ecological functions,
or hybridize with natives. Category II plants have increased in abundance or frequency but have
not yet altered Florida plant communities to the extent shown by Category I species. These
definitions do not rely on the economic severity or geographic range of the problem, but on the
documented ecological damage caused (FLEPPC 2007).
Table 7: Invasive Plant Species at Wet Woods Preserve
Scientific Name Common Names
Acacia auriculiformis Earleaf Acacia I
Ardisia elliptica Shoebutton Ardesia I
Bischofia javanica Bishopwood I
Casuarina equisetifolia Australian Pine I
Colocasia esculenta Wild taro, Dasheen, Coco-yam I
Dioscorea bulbifera Air-potato I
Ficus microcarpa Laurel fig, Indian laurel I
Lygodium microphyllum Old World Climbing Fern I
Melaleuca quinquenervia Melaleuca, Punk Tree, Paper Bark I
Momordica charantia Balsam Apple II
Nephrolepis multiflora Asian Sword Fern I
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Downy Rose Myrtle I
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 32
Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian Pepper I
Syzygium cumini Java Plum, Jambolan I
Urena lobata Caesarweed I
The most problematic exotic, invasive plant species at Wet Woods Preserve are earleaf acacia
(Acacia auriculiformis), downy rose myrtle (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa ) and old world climbing
fern (Lygodium microphyllum). Downy rose myrtle and earleaf acacia are the most prevalent in
the upland area in the northwest quadrant. Old world climbing fern is prevelant throughout the
In September 2007, all invasive species received initial treatment. The dense exotic vegetation
along the eastern boundary that is visible from U.S. 41 was cut, stumps treated and the debris was
removed. Because the remainder of the site is difficult to access, the remaining exotic vegetation
throughout the property was treated in place using foliar, basal bark or frill and girdle herbicide
treatment techniques. The majority of the exotics in the upland area in the northwest quadrant
were cut up into small pieces and the bases were treated with herbicide. The entire removal project
was funded by the DEP Bureau of Invasive Plant Management ($57,000).
Following initial treatment, contractors returned to the site twice to retreat the remaining exotics.
County approved contractors treated the preserve bi-annually from 2008 – 2010. The most recent
treatment occurred in March 2020. Treatment will continue to occur every 2 years, or as needed.
Under certain conditions, especially following soil disturbance or drainage, some native plant
species can become invasive. There are no native plant species at Wet Woods Preserve that are
currently a management problem on the site. Management actions may cause some species to
become problematic (see section 4.5.7).
2.6.2 Invasive and Problem Animal Species
Two (2) non-indigenous, invasive animal species have been documented on the preserve: red
imported fire ants and brown anoles. Based on the natural communities found within the preserve,
proximity to residential areas and geographic location, several more species (native and non-
native) have the potential to impact the Wet Woods Preserve to varying degrees. Brief descriptions
of documented and undocumented but potentially problematic species are provided in the
following paragraphs.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 33
Red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta): documented within
the Wet Woods Preserve
These social insects were introduced into the U.S. from Brazil into
either Mobile, Alabama or Pensacola, Florida between 1933 and
1945 (Collins & Scheffrahn 2005) and have been detected in the
Wet Woods Preserve. Red imported fire ants (RIFA) have been
documented to cause harm to humans and wildlife as well as
economic harm (Stimac & Alves 1994; Collins & Scheffrahn
2005; Willcox & Giuliano, 2006). RIFAs are omnivorous, but
they prefer insects as their primary food source (Willcox &
Guiliano 2006). RIFAs have a number of impacts on wildlife; in
many areas, they have eliminated native ant populations through
competition and predation and have eradicated food sources
utilized by some wildlife species. Ground-nesting wildlife is especially susceptible to RIFAs.
Within the Wet Woods Preserve, RIFAs have the potential to affect ground-nesting birds; small
mammals; reptiles such as gopher tortoise, native lizard and snake species, and native invertebrates
(Willcox & Giuliano 2006). Additionally, members of the public that come into contact with
RIFAs may be harmed if stung. Many people have anaphylactic reactions to the toxins released
from RIFA stings.
Brown Anole (Anolis sagrei): documented within the Wet Woods
Also known as the Cuban anole, the brown anole is native to Cuba, the
Bahamas, and neighboring islands (Schwartz & Henderson 1991). Like
other anoles from the islands, this species is a small, tropical, diurnal,
arboreal, territorial, and insectivorous lizard (Campbell 2001). The
brown anole was first documented in the Florida Keys in the late 1800s
(Lee 1985) and has since spread throughout Florida, into Georgia and
into two other southeastern states (Campbell 1996). The brown anole
is a habitat generalist and generally prefers the fairly open areas of
disturbed sites. In Florida; it feeds on a wide variety of insects,
amphipods, and isopods. Brown anoles also prey on other small
vertebrates including the hatchlings of the native green anole (Anolis
carolinensiis; Campbell 2000). Campbell (2000) showed that, in the
absence of the exotic brown anoles, native green anoles occupy
perches from ground to the canopy of vegetation. However, in the
presence of the exotic anole, native anoles move higher in trees,
occupying only the trunk and crown of trees. Dietary overlap is high
between both species, but the overall affects of the brown anole on
the green anole are still undetermined.
Coyote (Canis latrans): undocumented within the Wet Woods Preserve
Coyotes were introduced in very small numbers to Florida during the 1920’s for sport hunting with
domestic dogs. This introduction did not lead to the establishment of coyote populations in
Solenopsis invicta, an invasive, non-indigenous arthropod documented within the
Wet Woods Preserve. Photo courtesy of the
Anolis sagrei, an invasive, exotic
reptile documented in the Wet Woods
Preserve. Photo courtesy of the
Anolis carolinensiis, an indigenous reptile documented
in the Wet Woods Preserve.
Photo courtesy of the USGS.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 34
Florida. Concurrently, these canids expanded their range eastward across the United States and
Canada as a result of nonspecific needs in habitat and food, decreased competition from other
predators, large litter sizes and anthropogenic changes to the landscape. Since many species
naturally expand or change their home ranges in response to climate and resource availability, the
coyote may be considered native to Florida. This crepuscular (active mostly at dawn and dusk)
species is elusive and may travel individually or in groups of two or three (Coates et al. 1998).
Evidence of the presence of coyotes has been observed at the nearby Railhead Scrub Preserve.
Coyotes commonly enlarge burrows made by other animals such as armadillos or gopher tortoises
to use as dens or use dense vegetation for cover. Coyotes may have a negative influence on
indigenous wildlife as direct predators or as potential competitors with predators that may occur
at the preserve such as foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) or bobcats (lynx rufus floridanus);
however, this species may prove beneficial in controlling potential problem species such as feral
Cuban tree frog (Osteopilus septentrionalis): undocumented within
the Wet Woods Preserve
Like the Cuban anole, the Cuban tree frog is native to Cuba, the
Bahamas, and neighboring islands. The first Cuban tree frogs
probably arrived in the Florida Keys as stowaways in shipping crates
originating from the Caribbean in the 1920’s. Today, they have
established breeding populations as far north as Cedar Key on
Florida's Gulf Coast, Jacksonville on the Atlantic Coast, and
Gainesville in north-central Florida. These hylids are the largest tree
frog found in Florida and because of their ability to invade natural
areas and prey on native invertebrates and small vertebrates
(including native tree frogs) they are considered an invasive species.
Additionally, the tadpoles of this species inhibit the growth and development of the tadpoles of the
native southern toad (Bufo terrestris) and green tree frog (Hyla cinerea). Cuban tree frogs thrive
in residential and natural areas such as pine forests, hardwood hammocks, and swamps. In
residential settings, they are most commonly found on and around homes and buildings, and in
gardens and landscape plants. They are known to get into transformer boxes and electrical
switches causing power outages (Johnson 2007). Due to the natural communities that are found
within the Wet Woods Preserve and its proximity to residential areas, this species has the potential
of occurring in the preserve.
Osteopilus septentrionalis, an invasive, exotic reptile that has the potential to
occur at the Wet Woods Preserve. Photo
courtesy of the USGS.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 35
Giant Marine Toad or Cane Toad (Bufo marinus): undocumented within the Preserve
The cane toad is a tropical species native to the Amazon basin in South America, and its range
extends through Central America to extreme southern Texas along the Rio Grande River. They
are used as a as a control agent for insects that damage sugarcane and consequently, are one of the
most introduced amphibian species in the world. In 1936, an attempt was made to introduce this
species into Palm Beach County, FL. This attempt failed as did two subsequent efforts. Ironically,
in 1955, an accidental release by an importer at the Miami International Airport in Miami-Dade
County, FL proved successful. They have since been deemed an invasive species in Florida and
are currently found in urban areas of south and central Florida, and are rapidly expanding
northward (Brandt &
Mazziotti 2005). Many of
this species’ characteristics
enable it to do well in south
Florida. Beetles, bees, ants,
winged termites, crickets
and bugs are a large part of
the diet of the adult marine
toad. Additionally, they
consume arthropods,
mollusks, small vertebrates,
plant matter, pet food,
carrion, household scraps,
marine snails, smaller toads and native frogs, small snakes, and even small mammals. Marine
toads are prolific breeders and females can lay tens of thousands of eggs in a single breeding
season. They prefer forested areas with semi permanent water nearby (Churchill 2003). The cane
toad looks very similar to the native, southern toad, but there are some distinct differences. The
most obvious distinction is adult body size (length of body not counting the legs). Adult marine
toads can reach lengths of 6 -9 inches while the native southern toads only reach a length of 3.6
inches. Like other true toads, both possess poisonous, parotid glands. The parotid glands of the
cane toad are angled downward behind their head to their shoulders. The southern toad has a
kidney-shaped parotid gland behind each eye positioned close to the spine. The southern toad also
possesses cranial crests that start between the eyes and often end in big knobs. While the parotid
glands of all toads contain bufotoxins (poisonous, milky fluids exuded as a defense mechanism),
the chemicals released by the exotic, cane toad are much more harmful to wildlife, pets and people
(Brandt & Mazziotti 2005). Due to the natural communities that are found within the Wet Woods
Preserve and its proximity to residential areas, this species has the potential of occurring within
the preserve. Adjoining residents of the preserve should be encouraged to keep pet food and water
containers indoors or empty at night.
Feral domestic cat (Felis catus): undocumented within the Wet Woods Preserve
Domestic cats originated from an ancestral wild species, the European and African wildcat (Felis
silvestris). Humans facilitated the global distribution of cats due to their highly efficient predatory
skills. Egyptians took cats with them on shipping vessels to keep rodent populations down, and
they likely introduced domestic cats to Europe. Subsequently the expansion of the Roman Empire
and European missionary missions facilitated the spread of domestic cats into Asia and beyond
Bufo marinus, an invasive, exotic amphibian that
has the potential to occur at the Wet Woods Preserve. Photo courtesy of the USGS.
Bufo terrestris, a native toad that looks similar to
the exotic, invasive cane toad. Photo courtesy of the USGS.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 36
(Masterson 2007). Today, the impact of feral cats on wildlife is difficult to quantify; however,
literature (FFWCC 2001; Karim 2007; Masterson 2007) strongly indicates that they are a
significant factor in the mortality of small mammals, birds (including migratory birds), reptiles,
and amphibians in Florida. Because free-ranging cats often receive food from humans, they may
reach abnormally high numbers. An increase in the population of feral cats may lead to increased
predation rates on native wildlife. While no cats have yet been observed on the Wet Woods
Preserve, there exists a high probability of their future presence on the preserve due to the
proximity of Wet Woods to human residential areas. Adjoining residents of the preserve should
be encouraged to keep their cats indoors and staff should monitor the preserve for the presence of
feral cats.
Feral pig (Sus scrofa): undocumented within the Wet Woods Preserve
Hogs were first brought to Florida in the mid 1500’s to provision settlements of early explorers.
Over the next four centuries, these animals were raised in semi-wild conditions and rounded up
only when needed. Their high rate of reproduction and their ability to adapt to Florida’s natural
areas has led them to populate every county in the state. Today, Florida is second only to Texas
in its feral hog population (Giuliano & Tanner 2005a; 2005b). While feral pigs are able to survive
in a variety of habitats, they prefer large forested areas interspersed with marshes, hammocks,
ponds, and drainages; cover in the form of dense brush; and limited human disturbance (Giuliano
& Tanner 2005b). Dense cover is used as bedding areas and provides protection from predators
and hunters. Feral pigs are omnivorous, opportunistic feeders consuming grasses, forbs, and
woody plant stems, roots, tubers, leaves, seeds, fruits, fungi, and a variety of animals including
worms, insects, crustaceans, mollusks, fish, small birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and
carrion. Their propensity for digging for foods below the surface of the ground (rooting)
destabilizes the soil surface, resulting in erosion and exotic plant establishment. Additionally, this
behavior uproots or weakens native vegetation (Giuliano & Tanner 2005a; 2005b). Due to the
natural communities that are found within the Wet Woods Preserve, this species has the potential
of occurring within the boundaries. As these animals are highly visible outside of natural plant
communities, adjoining residents of the preserve may be useful in the early detection of this
nuisance animal. Given the location of the preserve and its proximity to residential areas, trapping
would be the only viable solution if feral hogs were to invade Wet Woods.
Burmese python (Python bivittatus): undocumented within the Wet Woods Preserve
The Burmese python is a large nonvenomous constrictor that is an invasive species in Florida.
Burmese pythons have heavily impacted the wildlife and the food chain in South Florida. These
predators have contributed to major declines in animal populations and pose a major threat to
endangered species. Although pythons have not been observed within Wet Woods Preserve, its
natural communities could support their presence. If a python is identified within the preserve,
efforts should be taken to remove it for humane euthanization. The presence of a python should be
reported to FWC with the following information: a photo identifying the snake as a python, the
date of capture, and the gps location of capture.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
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3.0 Previous and Current Use of the Preserve; Adjacent Land Uses
3.1 Previous and Current Use
Aerial photography taken in 1944, 1953, 1962, 1975, 1985, 1994 and recent physical visits to the
site show that development has never occurred on the site. The photographs are available in the
public records and available at the Collier County Property Appraisers Office and online from the
State University System of Florida website (see Figure 7). A Phase I Environmental Site
Assessment was conducted on the site by ASC geosciences dated May 25, 2005, before the
property was purchased by the Conservation Collier Program. This report revealed that no
evidence of recognized adverse environmental conditions exist on the property and is this report
is available as public county record.
Currently, there is no sanctioned public use of the site. The closest public road to the property is
US Hwy 41 (Tamiami Trail North). A drainage ditch running north and south is located on the
eastern edge of the property and separates the preserve from US Hwy 41. This ditch makes the
preserve virtually inaccessible from US 41.
3.2 Cultural, Historical and Archeological Resource Protection
The Wet Woods Preserve is not within an area of historical and archaeological probability, and no
historical or archaeological sites appear to be present on the property. The County will notify the
Division of Historical Resources immediately if evidence is found to suggest any archaeological
or historic resources are discovered. If such resources are identified on-site, staff shall cordon off
the area, and a professional survey and assessment shall be instituted. The archaeologist shall
prepare a report outlining results of the assessments and issue recommendations to County staff
about management of any sites discovered, per provisions of the Land Development Code Section
2.2.25. This report shall be sent to the Division of Historical Resources. The County shall
cooperate fully with direction from the Division of Historical Resources on the protection and
management of archaeological and historical resources. The management of these resources will
comply with the provisions of Chapter 267, Florida Statutes, specifically Sections 267.061 2 (a)
and (b).
3.3 Adjacent Land Uses
The Wet Woods Preserve is adjacent to residential areas, undeveloped areas, commercial lands,
conservation easement lands, a canal, and a major thoroughfare- U.S. Highway 41 (Figure 8). Two
parcels are located along the northern boundary of the preserve. The Future Citizens, Inc. parcel
is located along the western portion of the northern border, while the Germain car dealership lot is
located along the eastern portion of the northern border. Currently, the Future Citizens, Inc. parcel
is largely undeveloped pine flatwoods used as a camping area for a number of youth organizations
including girl scouts and boy scouts. The Germain parcel was developed in 2007 into a paved
parking lot and a small conservation easement mapped as pine flatwoods was preserved along the
western boundary of the Germain property. A drainage ditch running north and south is located
along the eastern edge of the preserve property and separates it from US Hwy 41. Mangrove
swamps, under conservation easement, are located along the southern border of the preserve and
are owned by the Old Collier Golf Club. The Cocohatchee Nature Center is located just south of
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 38
the conservation easement lands. The Gulf Harbor canal, running north and south, is located along
the western boundary of the property and separates the preserve from the Gulf Harbor Moorings
Figure 7: Historical Aerial Photographs courtesy of the State of Florida University System
of Florida website
1944 aerial-
Land remained natural
wooded & undeveloped
1962 aerial –
Development started to occur
on the land surrounding the
preserve. Canal to the west
was constructed.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 39
Figure 8: Areas Contiguous to the Wet Woods Preserve
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 40
3.4 Major Accomplishments during Previous Years
Since the acquisition of the Wet Woods Preserve in August 2005, key accomplishments have been
achieved (Table 8). The facilitation of a partnership between the Partners for Wildlife Program
(USFWS) and Future Citizens, Inc. for the removal and treatment of invasive, exotic plant species
on the Future Citizens, Inc. parcel furthered the relationship between Collier County and the
owners of this parcel while taking steps to eradicate the potential seed sources of invasive, exotics
from adjacent lands. Staff also facilitated a relationship between USFWS and the Fire Department
to help fund the exotic removal on a one-acre piece of land embedded in the northern portion of
the Future Citizens Property. Staff will also work with the County Stormwater Department to
assist them in exotic removal on their properties that exist along Wiggins-Pass Road including
removal of exotics along a small creek flowing into the Future Citizens Property (Figure 9).
Table 8: Major Accomplishments Since the Acquisition
of the Wet Woods Preserve
Accomplishment Year(s)
Developed an Informal Partnership with Future Citizens, Inc. 2006 - 2007
Acquired grant from the Bureau of Invasive Plant Management (BIPM)(FDEP)
for the initial removal and treatment of invasive exotic plant species 2006
Removed and treated the invasive exotic plants species from 14 acres of the
site- (implemented the BIPM Grant) 2007
Facilitated a Partnership Between U. S. Fish and Wildlife, Future Citizens,
Inc., and the Collier County Fire Department for the Removal and Treatment
of Exotic Invasive Plant Species on adjacent properties to the north
Contracted Services of Keith Bradley for a Complete Plant Inventory
Acquired grant from the Invasive Plant Management Section (IPMS)(FWC)
for the maintenance of invasive exotic plant species 2015
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 41
Figure 9: Exotic Removal Partnership Areas
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 42
4.0 Future Use of the Wet Woods Preserve including
Management Issues, Goals and Objectives
This section describes the main management issues, goals, and objectives for Wet Woods Preserve
as well as the overall management framework. Central to the management of the Preserve is the
mission of the Conservation Collier Program, and the goals and objectives set forth in this
management plan.
4.1 Management Plan Framework
Each property purchased by Conservation Collier shall have its own management plan. The
Conservation Collier Ordinance at the time the property was purchased required that an “Interim”
Management Plan be developed within 60 days of closing. Interim plans include basic items such
as removal of invasive exotics and trash, establishing site security, developing management
partnerships and planning for public access. The interim plan for this site was officially approved
in January 2006. The ordinance then requires a “Final” management plan covering 10 years be
developed within two years. Subsequently, the property management plan must then be reviewed
every five years. Final management plans, however, are considered living documents and can be
updated at any time. Review of all management plans start in the Lands Evaluation and
Management subcommittee and must be approved by both the Conservation Collier Land
Acquisition Advisory Committee (CCLAAC) and the Board of County Commissioners (BCC).
4.1.1 Preserve Manager: Contact Information
The Site Manager for Wet Woods Preserve will be a designated Collier County Environmental
Specialist who may be contacted through electronic mail:
4.2 Planned Uses and Assessment of their Impacts
Future planned use will be consistent with the primary goals of conservation, preservation,
restoration and maintenance of the resource. Official public use of the site will not be possible
because there is no current access points. However, citizens that desire to visit, can do so by
signing a waiver which will allow them access at their own risk and releases the liability of the
County. Details of planned uses for the Wet Woods Preserve and an assessment of their potential
impacts are provided in the following sections.
4.2.1 Identification of Public Uses Consistent with Preservation, Enhancement, Restoration,
Conservation and Maintenance of the Resources
The Conservation Collier Ordinance 2002-63 constrains the use of this property to “primary
objectives of managing and preserving natural resource values and providing appropriate natural
resource-based recreational & educational opportunities.” Natural resource-based recreation shall
mean all forms of uses, which are consistent with the goals of this program, and are compatible
with the specific parcel. Such uses may include, but are not limited to: hiking, nature photography,
bird watching, kayaking, canoeing, swimming, hunting and fishing (Ord. No. 02-63, as amended§
5, 12-3-02). Additionally, no dumping, use of unauthorized vehicles, or removal or destruction of
natural or historical/archaeological resources will be permitted within the preserve. The goal is to
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 43
allow limited, non-destructive public access to native plant communities and animal species. The
preserve rules are those identified in Collier County Ordinance 2011-38 (available from
The following are consistent uses for this particular site: hiking, nature photography, bird
watching, kayaking / canoeing and fishing. Inconsistent uses include swimming, hunting and off-
road vehicle use (ORV).
In addition, there are no existing easements, concessions, or leases at the Wet Woods Preserve. In
accordance with the management goals of the preserve, no future easements, concessions, or leases
are appropriate in association with this site, other than conservation related easements.
4.3 Desired Conditions
This section includes a description of the proposed conditions for the site’s natural areas.
Management techniques to achieve these conditions are outlined in section 4.4.
After managers complete recommended management actions, Wet Woods Preserve will consist of
mangrove forests interspersed with tidal marshes and mesic pine flatwood habitats interspersed
with freshwater marshes; these communities will have a similar structure and composition to those
that existed before non-indigenous people settled the region and before the exclusion of fire. The
site will be vegetated with appropriate native flora that will provide suitable cover for a variety of
wildlife species.
• Mangrove forests interspersed with tidal marshes will be comprised of native canopy
species such as red mangrove, black mangrove, white mangrove, and buttonwood.
Native midstory will include: saltbush while ground cover species will include marsh
elder, sea oxy daisy, Christmas berry, black needle rush, cordgrass, giant leather fern,
and swamp fern.
• Mesic pine flatwood habitats interspersed with freshwater marshes will be comprised
of native canopy species such as slash pine and cabbage palm. Native midstory species
will include: saw palmetto, galberry, sumac, wax myrtle, rusty lyonia, and tarflower
(Befaria racemosa). The understory will be comprised of saw grass, swamp lily, giant
leather fern, umbrella sedge (Fuirena spp.), a wide variety of grasses (Agrostis,
Andropogon, Aristida, Dichanthelium, Eragrostis, and Panicum spp., etc.), pawpaws
(Asimina spp.), gopher apple (Licania michauxii), legumes (Cassia, Crotalaria,
Galactia, Rhynchosia, Tephrosia spp., etc.), milkworts (Polygala spp.), blueberries
(Vaccinium spp.), milkweeds (Asclepias spp.), composites (Aster, Chrysopsis, Emilia,
Eupatorium, Liatris, and Solidago spp., etc.) and native wetland grasses that dominate
the freshwater marshes (Distichlis spp. & Paspalum spp.).
4.4 Goals for the 10 year period 2020-2030
A set of goals and objectives for Wet Woods Preserve were developed in conjunction with the
drafting of this Management Plan. The goals and objectives in this plan are tailored specifically
for Wet Woods Preserve based on the purposes for which the lands were acquired, the condition
of the resources present, and the management issues for the property. On-site managers should be
familiar with this entire Management Plan. Goals and objectives from the first 10-year land
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 44
management plan for the Wet Woods Preserve were reviewed to determine whether they should
be included in this plan. The goals and objectives presented here reflect programmatic goals and
ideas of Conservation Collier personnel in charge of managing and protecting the area. These
goals shall not be modified, but specific application of management techniques may take into
consideration input by user groups and other stakeholders from outside the program,
accommodating user needs and desires where practicable and where overarching management
goals are not violated.
Management issues are discussed below in separate sections. Within each section, approaches for
dealing with these issues are described. The ability to implement the specific goals and objectives
identified in this plan is dependent upon the availability of funding sources. The following goals
have been identified for Wet Woods Preserve:
Goal 1: Significantly reduce human impacts to indigenous flora and fauna
Goal 2: Continue monitoring of vegetation
Goal 3: Control populations of invasive, exotic or problematic flora and fauna to restore and
maintain natural habitats
Goal 4: Use mechanical treatments to decrease woody invasion resulting from fire exclusion
Goal 5: Restore native vegetation
Goal 6: Continue to explore options for public access
Goal 7: Provide a plan for security and disaster preparedness
Action Item 1.1 Identify locations of rare and listed native plant species.
The location of these species will be identified using a global positioning system (GPS) device
and mapped to allow staff to monitor them. Future public trails will be constructed to avoid
areas where rare and listed species exist.
Action Item 1.2 Enforce regulations prohibiting trash in or near the preserve.
Staff will monitor the preserve on a regular basis and if excessive dumping or littering start to
occur, enforcement actions will be sought through the County Sheriff’s Department.
Action Item 1.3 Identify actual and potential locations of resident animal life and take
steps such as locating future visitor amenities away from animal nesting sites.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 45
Action Item 1.4 Avoid non-target damage to native plants and animals, especially rare
species, during invasive exotic plant treatments.
Staff will prohibit the use of Imazapyr containing herbicides such as Arsenal. This type of
herbicide has potentially caused a great deal of non-target damage throughout the state.
Licensed County or State contractors will be monitored closely to ensure the proper herbicide
applications are being utilized while treating the site. Also, close attention will be taken to
look for Tillandsia sp. (listed in Table 6) that may be attached to invasive trees being cut
down or removed. Plants of these species should be relocated prior to removal.
Action Item 1.5 Note and research all site development occurring adjacent to Wet
Woods Preserve to determine that the proper site development permits have been
obtained and that the site development complies with the permits.
Activities on adjacent lands may have an impact on the indigenous plant and animal life on the
Wet Woods Preserve. As such, all existing local, state, and federal regulations should be strictly
followed and enforced during any site development adjacent to the Preserve. It shall be the
responsibility of the developer to establish erosion control measures and vegetation protection
measures (i.e., protective fencing or barriers). If any site developer working in areas adjacent
to the preserve does not take the necessary control measures, construction shall be immediately
halted until control measures are put into place and mitigation and/or remediation will be the
sole responsibility of the developer.
Action Item 2.1 Continue long-term vegetation monitoring program and conduct
additional wildlife surveys.
Long-term management of the preserve should be based on biological data. Changes following
baseline conditions should be assessed as negative or positive, and management strategies
changed appropriately. This section discusses information needs and long-term monitoring
Keith Bradley from the Institute for Regional Conservation (IRC) conducted a thorough floristic
inventory of the Wet Woods Preserve in 2008. His findings along with those of Conservation
Collier staff comprise the baseline floristic data on which future actions will be based. The site
should be inspected by Conservation Collier Staff at least twice a year and thoroughly
inventoried at regular intervals (ca. 5-10 years) to detect new invasions (by natives or exotics)
and extinctionsAreas undergoing extreme restoration should be assessed more frequently.
While some wildlife data has been collected, additional baseline data should be collected when
possible, especially on invertebrates, small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. The site
manager may contract this work out or enlist the assistance of local educators to coordinate
student research projects. Wildlife sampling, like plant sampling, should take place at regular
intervals (ca. 5-10 years) to detect long-term trends.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 46
Currently, four (4) photo points have been established within upland portions of the preserve,
and four (4) photo points have been established within the mangrove fringe portions of the
preserve, (Figure 10). Locations of photo points have been recorded with a GPS and all
photographs taken at these locations have been taken at a standard height and angle of view.
During photo documentations, one
photo is taken in each of the cardinal
directions (north, east, south and
west) and a 360-degree panoramic
photo is taken. These photos will
help to monitor exotic plant removal
and native plant recruitment over
time. Additionally, the four photo
points located within the mangrove
fringe will assist with documentation
of the effects of sea level rise to the
vegetation within the preserve. If
necessary, more photo points will be
established to aid in management
decision activities.
Figure 12: Photo Point Locations Within Wet Woods Preserve
Action Item 3.1 Acquire services of licensed and qualified contractor(s) for the removal
of invasive, exotic or problematic plant species.
The following (Table 9) describes recommended controls of the majority of the Category I,
invasive, exotics by Langeland and Stocker (2001) as well as staff recommendations. These
recommended control methods may be altered by site managers dependent on new information
and products available on the control of these species.
Table 9: Invasive, Exotic Plant Species Control Plan
for the Wet Woods Preserve Category I species
Scientific Name Common
Name(s) Description and Recommended Control(s)a
auriculiformis Earleaf acacia Basal bark application of 10% Garlon 4 or cut-stump treatment
with 50% Garlon 3A.
Ardisia elliptica Shoebutton
Basal bark treatment with 10% Garlon 4 or cut stump
application of 50% Garlon 3A. Hand pull seedlings.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 47
Bischofia javanica Bishopwood Basal bark treatment with 10% Garlon 4 or cut stump
application of 50% Garlon 3A. Hand pull seedlings.
equisetifolia Australian pine
Basal bark treatment with 10% Garlon 4 is very effective, as is
a cut-stump treatment with 50% Garlon 3A or 10% Garlon 4.
When basal bark treatment is used on trees greater than 1 foot in
diameter it may be necessary to slough off loose bark in the
application area to prevent the bark from trapping the herbicide.
Broadcut or 4-6 lb Velpar ULW may be used when appropriate.
esculenta Wild taro
Usually found in aquatic habitats where only aquatic herbicides
should be used. Large corms make control really difficult. Less
than 2 feet tall resembles alligator flag and elephant ear. Has a
large tuberous root. Can manually dig up root and remove from
site or treat with foliar application 1-1.5% aquatic glyphsate
(Rodeo) with an aquatic approved surfactant
bulbifera Air-potato
A basal stem application of Garlon 4 is recommended although
cut-stem treatments with 50% Garlon 3A or 10% Garlon 4 are
also effective. If bulbils are present on vines, a basal bark
treatment should be used because it will translocate into the
bulbils. Collect bulbils from the ground and remove from site.
Apply 10% Garlon 4 to stems emerging from tubers. Hand
pulling followed by treatment of re-sprouts has also been
effective. For foliar applications, use Garlon 1%-2% 3A.
Several applications throughout the growing season may be
Ficus microcarpa Laurel Fig Basal bark application of 10% Garlon 4. Invade the interior and
ensure herbicide doesn’t come into contact with host tree or
Old world
climbing fern
The most serious natural area weed in Florida. Control
immediately upon sighting. Thoroughly spray foliage to wet
with 1.25% Garlon 4 (4 pt per acre), 0.6% Roundup Pro
(maximum 5 pt/acre), 1.0%-3.0% Rodeo (maximum 7 pt per
acre). Only Rodeo can be used if plants are growing in aquatic
site. Plants growing high into trees cut vines and treat lower
portions. Do not apply when plants are under environmental
stress. The poodle cut method may also be used.
Melaleuca, Punk
tree, Paper bark
For seedlings and saplings: (1) hand pull, being sure not to break
plant off of root system and remove or place in piles to help
reduce the chance that they will re-root or; (2) Treat with foliar,
low volume spot application of 5% Rodeo. For mature trees: (1)
Fell large trees with chain saw leaving a level surface, or fell
small trees with machete and treat with triclopyr or glyphosate
products according to frill and girdle directions on SLN. Use
aquatic versions where standing water is present. Monitor for
resprouting and retreat as necessary. (3) Mature trees are very
difficult to control with foliar applications.
multiflora Asian Sword Fern Foliar treatment of 1.5% glysophate
Downy rose
myrtle Basal bark application of 10%-20% Garlon 4.
terebinthifolius Brazilian pepper
Cut-stump treatment with 50% Garlon 3A, 10% Garlon 4 or a
basal bark application of 10% Garlon 4. Foliar application of
Garlon 4, Garlon 3A, Roundup Pro, Roundup Super
Concentrate, or Rodeo, according label directions may be used
where appropriate. Glyphosate products are less effective when
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 48
used alone in spring and early summer. Use Rodeo where plants
are growing in aquatic sites.
Syzygium cumini Java plum,
Mature trees may take up to 9 months to die. Cut-stump
treatment with 50% Garlon 3A or 10% Garlon 4, or use a basal
bark treatment with 10% Garlon 4.
Urena lobata Caesarweed 1-2% Garlon 3A + .25% surfactant foliar treatment quarterly
In mesic pine flatwoods, vines - particularly muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia) - may become
abundant after mechanical treatments or exotic plant removal. This native vine, already present
in mesic flatwoods in low densities, can become invasive after disturbances - forming dense
colonies, killing hardwoods and palms, climbing into pines, and persisting for years. Vitis sp.
should be controlled with herbicides if its populations start to grow.
Action Item 3.2 Acquire services of licensed or qualified contractor(s) for the removal of
invasive, exotic or problematic animal species.
To date, two (2) introduced animal species have been documented on the Wet Woods Preserve,
the RIFA and the brown anole. It is doubtful that the total eradication of these species can be
achieved. However, staff and/or contractors should take measures to remove RIFA populations
close to or on any future public access trails.
If feral cat colonies are found near the preserve, the elements that sustain the undesirable
population(s) should be identified and efforts made to ask property owners to eliminate them
(i.e., refuse bins, dumpsters, and supplementary feeding by humans). If any feral cats remain,
they will be trapped and taken to Collier County Domestic Animal Services.
If feral hog populations are found on the preserve, services of licensed or qualified contractor(s)
will be acquired to trap and remove these populations. If pythons are found on the preserve,
their presence will be reported to FWC and staff, with the assistance of partner agencies, will
attempt to remove them.
Action Item 4.1 Utilize mechanical treatment to mimic natural fires within upland areas
of the Preserve, when possible.
Much of Collier County is comprised of plants that are dependent on fire to maintain species
composition and diversity. These species are the same ones that are prone to lightning strike
wildfires, and the controlled reduction of those fuels will prevent catastrophic wildfire damage.
Prescribed fires: reduce fuel loads and consequently decrease the threat of wildfires; create open
areas for wildlife to travel within; stimulate food and seed production; recycle nutrients; alter
the composition and density of forested areas; and aid in the control of invasive plant species.
The structure and composition of the mesic pine flatwood community is dependent on periodic
fires. Fire probably occurred every 1 to 8 years during pre-Columbian times. A majority of the
flora and fauna found within this community are adapted to periodic fires; several species
depend on fire for their continued existence. Without relatively frequent fires, mesic pine
flatwoods succeed into hardwood-dominated forests whose closed canopy can essentially
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 49
eliminate herbaceous groundcover and shrubs. Additionally, the dense layer of litter that
accumulates on unburned sites can eliminate the reproduction of pine trees that require a mineral
soil substrate for proper germination (FWC 2002).
Fire is the ideal ecological tool for achieving a sustainable mesic pine flatwood community.
However, due to the proximity of the Wet Woods Preserve to residential and commercial areas,
access issues, and the size of the parcel, alternate manual or mechanical treatments will be used
in lieu of managing the lands through the use of fire. Heavy machinery access will be limited
due to inundation in some areas. When possible, and if funds allow, one half of the uplands
should be mechanically mulched every 2 years, so that all uplands will be treated every 4 years.
Mechanical treatment must occur outside of eagle nesting season, after the nest is deemed
inactive, or after any known eaglets fledge. A gopher tortoise burrow survey should be
conducted prior to any mechanical treatment. Burrows should be flagged and avoided during
Action Item 5.1 Maintain a revised GIS map and description of FNAI natural
communities and disturbed areas on the property.
Maintaining updated maps will help to guide restoration efforts
Action Item 5.2 Plant native plant species in their appropriate habitats
Periods following exotic removal are essential to the recruitment of native plants. If native plant
recruitment is not sufficient from the surrounding, intact seed source, efforts will be made to plant
indigenous flora in appropriate habitats. Natural area restoration of Wet Woods Preserve should
include only site-specific native plant material that has been determined to be non-problematic at
the site and whenever possible, site-specific seed sources should be utilized. In addition,
hardwoods that may invade the natural areas (unforested wetlands: freshwater marsh, tidal marsh)
should not be planted.
Action Item 6.1 Develop access and required facilities for intended public uses
Staff will work closely with adjoining property owners to negotiate areas for the general public
to access the preserve. A parking lot is not planned to be constructed on the site due to the
amount of wetlands present. Three options are listed below that would facilitate public access
and use.
Option 1: A trail network access point could be created off of U.S. 41.
A trailhead into the preserve off of US 41 could be created. A few options have potential to
facilitate access from this area. The first is a footbridge connecting the sidewalk from US 41,
across the drainage ditch and into the preserve. This option of access into the preserve would
lead citizens into a trail network that would start with an information kiosk and a raised
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 50
boardwalk leading to a hiking trail through the upland area in the northwest corner. A bike rack
will be placed at the entrance to the trail-head off of US 41.
Figure 11 is based on FLUCCS and soil information from the South Florida Water Management
District. While this information is generally reliable, a site-specific wetland survey will need
to be done before the installation of any trail system. Permits from the County, State and Federal
Government would have to be obtained. The Wet Woods Preserve contains uplands,
jurisdictional wetlands, hydric soils and non-hydric soils (See Figure 11). The upland areas
with non-hydric soils would be the first choice for a trail or a boardwalk. Upland areas with
hydric soils may accommodate a walking trail to provide visitors a view of the wetland areas.
A raised boardwalk over some wetland areas similar to the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary may
be appealing to many; however, this would also be the most ecologically impactful and costly.
Potential access features are depicted in the conceptual level master plan (Figure 12). The site
shall adhere to guidelines and standards set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
for the footbridge and the raised boardwalk. As permitting for each component of the preserve
goes forward, a review of ADA compliance should be done by the County. The proposed raised
boardwalk in the conceptual plan is approximately 550 ft-long and it would follow existing
trails and cleared areas previously infested with exotics to the extent possible. The elevation of
the boardwalk would allow for fluctuation of water levels within the upland marshes and the
movement of small animals. Additionally, the end of the boardwalk and the beginning of the
walking trail will include benches for wildlife viewing.
The proposed walking trail is approximately 1,100 ft-long. Portions of this upland hiking trail
may have to be closed to public access during times of high water. The property also contains
one bald eagle nest, and any future trail system would have to take associated rules and
regulations (buffer zone, etc.) into account when designing and installing any public access
system. USFWS and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) would
have to be consulted in regard to the bald eagle nest tree(s) in the vicinity. Any and all trails
must comply with the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines. The following has been
taken from these guidelines:
“Category F. Non-motorized recreation and human entry (e.g., hiking, camping, fishing,
hunting, birdwatching, kayaking, canoeing). No buffer is necessary around nest sites
outside the breeding season. If the activity will be visible or highly audible from the nest,
maintain a 330-foot buffer during the breeding season, particularly where eagles are
unaccustomed to such activity.” (USFWS 2007)
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 51
Figure 11: Option 1 - Conceptual Site Plan
To date, one bald eagle nest has been documented on the preserve; a 330-ft buffer will be
maintained around this nest. As the nest continues to be active, portions of the trail system
within a 330-ft buffer of the nest(s) will be cordoned off during breeding season. The breeding
season for these raptors in Florida is defined by the USFWS (2007) as September through May.
An engineering firm would be contracted to plan the design and would be requested to do so in
the least impactful way possible. The consulting, planning and permitting would be very
expensive as well as the costs to build a boardwalk. This process will also be very time
consuming. It is estimated that at least a year will be needed to complete the planning and
permitting process. Option 1 is currently not a valid option because of budget constraints.
Should matching funds become available, grants could be applied for to assist in the costs
associated with this option.
Attempts were made to possibly lease a few parking spots from the Germain dealership or from a
parking lot across of U.S. 41 however, the Collier County Planning Division had confirmed that
his would not be a legal option per County Land Development Code.
Option 2: Develop a partnership with the Cocohatchee Nature Center for Canoe and Kayak
The Cocohatchee Nature Center has expressed interest in partnering with the Conservation Collier
Program. The Nature Center is located immediately to the west of US 41, south of the Wet Woods
Preserve at 12345 Tamiami Trail N. (See Figure 8). Their lot has 22 parking spaces, and the Nature
Center has a parking agreement with the Pewter Mug Restaurant located directly to the east of
U.S. 41. The Pewter Mug property can accommodate parking for approximately 84 vehicles and
allows Nature Center patrons to utilize their lot anytime before 4 pm everyday. A walkway exists
under the adjacent U.S. 41 bridge which connects the Pewter Mug property to the Nature Center.
The Nature Center rents out canoes and kayaks to citizens and tourists. Staff will develop a
working agreement with the Nature Center to assist citizens who wish to access the preserve via
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 52
canoe or kayak. The Nature Center would facilitate them by renting equipment, and they would
receive information about the preserve and the program and a brochure and map on how to access
the site from the center. The Nature Center is currently for sale however, so the future owners
will have to agree with the partnership as well.
There is one access point to the Wet Woods Preserve from the Nature Center (See Figure 11). This
area is only easily accessible at high tide. This access point would lead people into the mangrove
wetland area. Due to the sensitivity of the mangrove wetlands, no trailheads will be constructed,
people will be able to view the property from their kayaks or canoes only. There is great
opportunity for bird-watching and nature photography while using this access option.
If Option 1 above were to ever occur, the public would also be able to walk from the Nature Center
to the boardwalk area via the sidewalk on the west side of U.S. 41; however, this highway is very
busy and this may not be the safest option. There would be an approximate 0.4 mile walk to the
A kayak trail was initially proposed that would allow citizens to paddle up into the canal system
that exists around the Gulf Harbor Moorings Community, which would lead paddlers along the
western border of the preserve property. A public meeting was held on March 20, 2008, and a
number of citizens from the Gulf Harbor Moorings Community attended to give their concerns
with this option. The concerns expressed included safety issues such as there is only one way out
of their canal system and paddlers have almost been hit by boats on several occasions. The canal
is also very narrow and it is hard for them to navigate around paddlers who already use their canal.
Also, the amount of crime has already increased in their neighborhood and encouraging additional
paddlers to come in would increase the amount of people who would be able to see into the back
of their homes. One other legal issue discussed at this meeting and later verified by County staff
is that the tidally influenced water of the canal is controlled by the State; however, the land on both
canal banks is owned by the Gulf Harbor Moorings Community. If a person were to step off his/her
watercraft onto either canal bank that the water touches, he/she would be trespassing. The County
would most likely need to obtain an easement in order to pursue any type of dock or haul out area
in this canal. The CCLAAC Lands Evaluation and Management Subcommittee met on March 26,
2008 to discuss the results of the public meeting and voted unanimously not to pursue the paddling
trail into the canal system or for any type of haul out area.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 53
Figure 12: Option 2 - Wet Woods Canoe and Kayak Access Points
Option 3: Create a partnership agreement to schedule tours/nature walks
An agreement could be created between Collier County and the Future Citizens Inc. property
owners that would allow Collier County staff to utilize their property to facilitate tours of the Wet
Woods Preserve. Citizens or school groups scheduled for tours could park on the Future Citizens
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 54
Property and could be lead by Collier County staff or designated volunteers to the established trails
on the preserve property. All tours would be scheduled to avoid any conflicts with the Scout
Program schedules. Tours would be scheduled during the week or during non-camping season.
Access waivers may be required in advance to eliminate any liability issues concerning the Future
Citizens Property use. The County Attorney’s office will be consulted as to the legality of this
option. If access option #1 is ever developed then this option could be utilized mainly for school
groups. Staff will continue to maintain a working relationship with the owners of the Future
Citizens Property to keep all possible access options open. See Figure 12.
Figure 12: Option 3 - Wet Woods Conceptual Site Plan
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 55
Action Item 7.1 Enforce regulations prohibiting trash and landscape debris dumping in
or near the preserve.
Currently, there is no vehicular access and dumping is not a problem. Monthly inspections will
determine if dumping becomes a problem. Staff will work with the Collier County Sheriff’s
Office to address dumping if it becomes a problem.
Action Item 7.2 Survey trees along the perimeter of the property annually for damage
Staff, or a certified arborist will survey the perimeter of the property to determine whether
there are any diseased, weak, or damaged trees/limbs that should be removed for safety reasons
and prior to hurricane season.
Action Item 7.3 Visit preserve within 48 hours after a storm event to assess damage.
Staff will take photos of damage and fill out appropriate Collier County Risk Management
Division forms.
Action Item 7.4 Promptly clear storm debris from preserve.
If necessary, a Collier County emergency debris removal contractor will be contracted as soon
as possible after the storm to schedule clean-up. Downed trees and limbs that do not appear to
be a public safety hazard will be cleared at the discretion of the Preserve Manager.
4.5 Establish an Operational Plan for the Wet Woods Preserve
This section provides management recommendations for operation of the Wet Woods Preserve. It
discusses maintenance and budgeting needs, the possibilities for contracting the restoration
activities, coordination, and other management issues.
4.5.1 Maintenance
The primary maintenance activities for the preserve will include control of dumping and littering
within and around the preserve. Particularly important are the security measures to keep intruders
out and the fencing and signage in good conditions. Signs that effectively convey the desired
message provide an opportunity for increasing environmental education and awareness.
4.5.2 Estimated Annual Costs and Funding Sources
Preliminary budget estimates for Wet Woods Preserve include cost breakdowns associated with
resource restoration and management. The funding source identified for the restoration and
management activities is the Conservation Collier Program Management Trust Fund. Table 10
shows the activities planned for the next ten years and the annual cost estimate of each activity.
Private conservation organizations may also provide funding for specific projects.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 56
Funding already secured for management activities at Wet Woods Preserve includes a grant from
the state FDEP Bureau of Invasive Plant Management ($57,500) to conduct the initial exotic
removal and/or treatment and a grant from FWC Invasive Plant Management Section ($7,000) to
conduct exotic plant maintenance in 2015. Additional grants will be sought to supplement existing
management funding to possibly fund trail construction and signage. Staff will also utilize the
Collier County Sheriffs’ Office weekenders program for certain labor projects and may also
separately involve the County Scout programs for trail creation and enhancement. Sheriff’s
workers will be limited to the eastern two-thirds of the property along the trail system and right-
of-way and will be kept out of the bald eagle nesting buffer area and especially in areas where
children may be present.
The budget in Table 10 represents the actual and unmet budgetary needs for managing the lands
and resources of the preserve. This budget was developed using data from Conservation Collier
and other cooperating entities and is based on actual costs for land management activities,
equipment purchase and maintenance, and for development of fixed capital facilities. The budget
below considers available funding and is consistent with the direction necessary to achieve the
goals and objectives for Wet Woods Preserve.
3rd DRAFT Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program
Table 10: Annual Land Management Budget
Assumptions for Cost Estimates:
1. Remove exotics - $7,000 per treatment; FY19-20 cost was lower than usual
2. Plant survey- $3,100 total for each survey
3. Reduce fuel loads: mechanical fuel reduction in pineland if no fire is used, access is
available, and funds allowed
Item QTY Cost ($)2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 Total
Resource Restoration/Monitoring
Establish photo points recurring n/a
Remove exotics (acres)6 $7,000 $4,766 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $39,766
Plant survey 2/ 2 $3,100 $3,100 $3,100 $6,200
Regular Maintenance
Reduce Fuel Loads 3/4 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $18,000
Grand Total $4,766 $3,100 $7,000 $4,500 $7,000 $4,500 $7,000 $4,500 $7,000 $4,500 $10,100 $63,966
Table 10: Annual Land Management Budget (Amounts in $)
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 58
4.5.3 Potential for Contracting Restoration and Management Activities by Private Vendors
A significant number of Wet Woods Preserve management operations and restoration activities
can be considered for outsourcing. Restoration and management activities that can be considered
for outsourcing to private entities are listed in Table 11.
Table 11: Potential Contracting for Restoration and Management Activities
Activity Approved Conditional Rejected
Prescribed fire and/ or mechanical treatment application X
Minor fireline installation X
Fireline, fence, and trail maintenance X
Fence installation X
Plant and wildlife inventory and monitoring X
Listed species mapping and needs assessment X
Restore/enhance encroachment and ruderal areas X
Reduce exotic species X
Law enforcement and patrol X
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 59
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Brandt, L. A. and F. J. Mazziotti. 2005. Marine toads (Bufo marinus). University of Florida
Cooperative Extension Service Document WEC11. 4pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS
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Campbell, T. 2001. The brown anole. Institute for Biological Invaders: Invader of the Month.
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Campbell, T. S. 1996. Northern range expansion of the brown anole, Anolis sagrei, in Florida
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Lodge, T. E. 2005. The Everglades handbook - Understanding the Ecosystem. 2nd edition.
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Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 63
Appendix 1. Legal Description of the Property
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 64
Appendix 2. Floristic Inventory Conducted by Keith Bradley, Institute for
Regional Conservation January and August, 2008 and Maureen S. Bonness September 2020.
2008 2020 Scientific Name
(prior name) Common Names Native Not Native State FNAI FLEPPC x x Acacia auriculiformis Earleaf acacia √ I
x Acer rubrum Red maple N
x x Acrostichum aureum Golden leather fern N T S3
x x Acrostichum danaeifolium Giant leather fern N
x Aletris lutea Yellow colicroot N
x Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligatorweed √ II
x Ammannia latifolia Pink redstem, Toothcups N
x Amphicarpum
Blue maidencane N
x x Andropogon glomeratus var.
Purple bluestem N
x x Andropogon glomeratus var.
Bushy bluestem N
x x Annona glabra Pond-apple N
x x Ardisia elliptica Shoe-button ardisia √ I
x Aristida stricta (=A.
beyrichiana )
Southern wiregrass N
x x Avicennia germinans Black mangrove N
x Baccharis angustifolia Saltwater falsewillow N
x x Baccharis glomeruliflora Saltbush N
x x Bacopa monnieri Water hyssop, Herb-of-grace N
x x Boehmeria cylindrica False nettle, Bog hemp N
x x Callicarpa americana American beautyberry N
x Canavalia rosea Baybean, Seaside jackbean N
x Carphephorus corymbosus Florida paintbrush, Coastalplain
x x Cassytha filiformis Lovevine, Devil's gut N
x x Casuarina equisetifolia Australian-pine, Horsetail casuarina √ I
x Centella asiatica Coinwort, Spadeleaf N
x Ceratopteris thalictroides Watersprite √
x Chamaecrista nictitans var.
Sensitive-pea N
x x Chiococca alba (=C.
Pineland snowberry N
x Chromolaena odorata Jack-in-the-bush N
x Chrysobalanus icaco Coco plum N
x Cissus verticillata (=C.
Possum grape N
x x Cladium jamaicense Sawgrass N
x x Colocasia esculenta Wild taro, Dasheen, coco-yam √ I
x Commelina diffusa Common dayflower √
x x Conocarpus erectus Buttonwood N
x x Crinum americanum Swamp lily N
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 65
x Crotalaria pallida var.
Smooth rattlebox √
x Crotalaria rotundifolia Rabbitbells N
x Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrotwood √ I
x Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass √
x Cyperus brevifolius
(=Kyllinga pumila)
Shortleaf spikesedge √
x Cyperus odoratus Fragrant flatsedge N
x Cyperus ovatus (=C.
Pinebarren flatsedge N
x Cyperus polystachyos Manyspike flatsedge, Texas sedge N
x Dactyloctenium aegyptium Crow's-foot grass, Durban
√ II
x x Dalbergia ecastaphyllum Coinvine N
x Desmodium incanum Beggar's-ticks √
x x Dichanthelium ensifolium
var. unciphyllum
Cypress witchgrass N
x x Dichanthelium portoricense Hemlock witchgrass N
x x Dichanthelium strigosum
var. glabrescens
Roughhair witchgrass N
x x Dioscorea bulbifera Air potato √ I
x Diospyros virginiana Common persimmon N
x Drosera capillaris Pink sundew N
x Eclipta prostrata False daisy N
x Edrastima uniflora
(=Hedyotis uniflora)
Clustered mille graine N
x x Eleocharis baldwinii Baldwin's spikerush, Roadgrass,
x Eleocharis cellulosa Gulf coast spikerush N
x Eleocharis geniculata Canada spikerush N
x Emilia fosbergii Florida tasselflower √
x Eragrostis elliottii Elliott's lovegrass N
x x Erechtites hieraciifolius Fireweed, American burnweed N
x Erigeron vernus Early whitetop fleabane N
x x Eugenia axillaris White stopper N
x x Eupatorium capillifolium Dogfennel N
x Eupatorium serotinum Lateflowering thoroughwort N
x x Eustachys petraea Pinewoods fingergrass N
x x Euthamia caroliniana Slender flattop goldenrod N
x x Ficus aurea Strangler fig, Golden fig N
x Ficus microcarpa Indian laurel √ I
x x Fimbristylis cymosa Hurricanegrass √
x Fimbristylis spadicea Marsh fimbry N
x Fuirena scirpoidea Southern umbrellasedge N
x Funastrum clausum
(=Sarcostemma clausum)
Whitevine, White twinevine N
x Hamelia patens Firebush N
x Hydrocotyle verticillata Whorled marshpennywort N
x Hydrocotyle sp. Marshpennywort N
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 66
x Hypericum cistifolium Roundpod St. John's-wort N
x x Hypericum tetrapetalum Fourpetal St. John's-wort N
x x Ilex cassine Dahoon holly, Dahoon N
x x Ilex glabra Gallberry, Inkberry N
x Imperata cylindrica Cogongrass √ I
x Ipomoea alba Moonflower; Tropical white morning-
x Ipomoea sagittata Glades morning-glory N
x x Juncus roemerianus Needle rush, Black rush N
x Kosteletzkya pentacarpos
(=K. virginica)
Virginia saltmarsh willow N
x x Lachnocaulon anceps Whitehead bogbutton N
x x Laguncularia racemosa White mangrove N
* Lilium catesbaei* Catesby's Lily N T
x Limonium carolinianum Saltmarsh-rosemary, Carolina
x Ludwigia maritima Seaside primrosewillow N
x Ludwigia microcarpa Smallfruit primrosewillow N
x Ludwigia octovalvis Mexican primrosewillow N
x Ludwigia peruviana Peruvian primrosewillow √ I
x x Ludwigia repens Creeping primrosewillow N
x x Lycium carolinianum Christmasberry, Carolina desertthorn N
x x Lygodium microphyllum Small-leaf climbing fern √ I
x x Lyonia fruticosa Coastalplain staggerbush N
x Macroptilium lathyroides Wild bushbean √ II
x x Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay N
x x Melaleuca quinquenervia Punktree √ I
x Melothria pendula Creeping-cucumber N
x x Mikania scandens Climbing hempweed, Climbing
x Mitreola sessilifolia Swamp hornpod N
x Mollugo verticillata Indian-chickweed, Green carpetweed √
x Momordica charantia Wild balsam-apple, Balsampear √
x x Morella cerifera (=Myrica
Wax myrtle, Southern Bayberry N
x x Myrsine cubana (=Rapanea
Myrsine, Colicwood N
x Nephrolepis biserrata Giant boston fern N T
x x Nephrolepis brownii (=N.
Asian sword fern √ I
x Nephrolepis cordifolia Tuberous sword fern √ I
x Oeceoclades maculata African ground orchid, Monk orchid √
x x Osmunda regalis var.
Royal fern N
x Panicum hemitomon Maidencane N
x x Panicum virgatum Switchgrass N
x x Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia-creeper, Woodbine N
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 67
x Passiflora suberosa Corkystem passionflower N
x x Persea palustris Swamp bay N
x Persicaria hydropiperoides
Mild waterpepper; Swamp smartweed N
x x Phlebodium aureum Golden polypody N
x Phyllanthus urinaria Chamber bitter √
x Physalis angustifolia Coastal groundcherry N
x Pilea microphylla Artillery plant N
x Piloblephis rigida Wild pennyroyal N
x x Pinus elliottii var. densa South Florida slash pine N
x Pleopeltis michauxiana
(=Pleopeltis polypodioides
var. michauxiana)
Resurrection fern N
x x Pluchea baccharis
(=Pluchea rosea)
Rosy camphorweed N
x Pluchea carolinensis Cure-for-all N
x x Pluchea odorata Sweetscent N
x Pouzolzia zeylanica Poulzolz's bush √
x x Psilotum nudum Whisk fern N
x Pteridium aquilinum var.
Tailed bracken fern N
x Pterocaulon pycnostachyum Blackroot N
x Ptilimnium capillaceum Mock bishopsweed, Herbwilliam N
x Ptychosperma elegans
(=Archontophoenix elegans)
Alexandra palm √ II
x x Quercus laurifolia Laurel oak, Diamond oak N
x x Quercus minima Dwarf live oak N
x x Quercus pumila (=Quercus
Running oak N
x x Quercus virginiana Virginia live oak N
x x Randia aculeata White indigoberry N
x x Rhabdadenia biflora Rubbervine, Mangrovevine N
x x Rhizophora mangle Red mangrove N
x x Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Downy rose myrtle √ I
x x Rhus copallinum Winged sumac N
x Rhynchospora colorata Starrush whitetop N
x Rhynchospora divergens Spreading beaksedge N
x Rhynchospora fascicularis Fascicled beaksedge N
x Rhynchospora globularis Globe beaksedge N
x Rhynchospora microcarpa Southern beaksedge N
x Ruellia blechum
(=Blechumn pyramidatum)
Green shrimp-plant, Browne's
x x Sabal palmetto Cabbage palm N
x Sacciolepis indica Indian cupscale √
x Sagittaria lancifolia Bulltongue arrowhead N
x Salicornia ambigua
(=Salicornia perennis)
Perennial glasswoart N
x Salix caroliniana Coastal Plain willow N
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 68
x Sambucus nigra subsp.
American elderberry N
x Samolus valerandi subsp.
Pineland pimpernel N
x x Schinus terebinthifolia Brazilian pepper √ I
x Schizachyrium rhizomatum Rhizomatous bluestem N
x x Scleria ciliata Fringed nutrush N
x Scleria reticularis Netted nutrush N
x x Serenoa repens Saw palmetto N
x Setaria parviflora (=S.
Knotroot foxtail, Yellow bristlegrass N
x x Sideroxylon celastrinum Saffron plum, Bumelia N
x x Sideroxylon salicifolium Willow-bustic, White bully N
x x Smilax auriculata Earleaf greenbrier N
x x Smilax bona-nox Saw greenbrier N
x Solanum americanum American black nightshade N
x Solidago sempervirens Seaside goldenrod N
x Solidago stricta Narrow-leaved goldenrod, Wand
x x Spartina patens Marshhay cordgrass, Saltmeadow
x Spermacoce remota
(=Spermacoce assurgens)
Woodland false buttonweed N
x x Spermacoce verticillata Shrubby false buttonweed √ II
x x Spirodela polyrhiza Common duckweed N
x Swietenia mahagoni West Indian mahogany N T S3
x Symphyotrichum tenuifolium
(=Aster tenuifolius)
Perennial saltmarsh aster N
x x Syzygium cumini Java plum √ I
x x Telmatoblechnum
serrulatum (=Blechnum
Swamp fern N
x Thelypteris interrupta Interrupted maiden fern, Hottentot
x x Thelypteris kunthii Southern shield fern N
x x Tillandsia balbisiana Reflexed wild-pine, Northern
x x Tillandsia fasciculata Stiff-leaved wild-pine, Cardinal
x x Tillandsia flexuosa Banded wild-pine, Twisted airplant N T S3
x x Tillandsia recurvata Ball-moss N
x Tillandsia setacea Thin-leaved wild-pine, Southern
x x Tillandsia usneoides Spanish-moss N
x x Toxicodendron radicans Eastern poison-ivy N
x x Triglochin striata Arrowgrass N
x Typha domingensis Southern cat-tail N
x x Urena lobata Caesarweed √ I
x Vaccinium myrsinites Shiny blueberry N
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 69
x x Verbesina virginica Frostweed, White crownbeard N
x Vigna luteola Cow-pea, Hairypod cowpea N
x x Vitis rotundifolia Muscadine, Muscadine grape N
x Vittaria lineata Shoestring fern N
x Ximenia americana Hog-plum, Tallowwood N
x Xyris ambigua Coastalplain yelloweyed grass N
x Xyris brevifolia Shortleaf yelloweyed grass N
x Xyris elliottii Elliott's yelloweyed grass N
x Xyris jupicai Richard's yelloweyed grass √
x Zeuxine strateumatica Soldier's orchid, Lawn orchid √
126 163 160 39 7 3 22
* found by Conservation Collier staff
State Codes: E=Endangered, T=Threatened
FNAI Codes: S1=critically imperiled; S2=imperiled because of rarity; S3=very rare in Florida or restricted range
FLEPPC Codes: Category I = species has altered native plant communities; Category II = species with increasing
abundance or frequency
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 70
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 71
Appendix 3. FNAI Report
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 72
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Conservation Collier Program 78
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Conservation Collier Program 82
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 83
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 84
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 85
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 86
Appendix 4. Division of Migratory Bird Management Fact Sheet on Laws Protecting the
Bald Eagle
The Bald Eagle: Other Protection following
Delisting under the Endangered Species Act of 1973
November 5, 2004 draft (revised January 4, 2007)
The Bald and Golden
Eagle Protection Act
The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act will continue to
protect the bald eagle following delisting under the
Endangered Species Act. Originally passed in 1940 to
protect bald eagles, the Eagle Act was amended in 1962 to
protect golden eagles as well, by prohibiting the take,
possession, sale, purchase, barter, offer to sell, purchase or
barter, transport, export or import, of any bald or golden
eagle, alive or dead, including any part, nest, or egg, unless
allowed by permit (16 U.S.C 668(a); 50 CFR 22). “Take”
includes pursue, shoot, shoot at, poison, wound, kill, capture,
trap, collect, molest or disturb (16 U.S.C. 668c;
50 CFR 22.3).
A violation of the Eagle Act can result in a fine of $100,000
or imprisonment for one year, or both, for a first offense. An
organization may be fined $200,000. Penalties increase for
additional offenses. A second violation is a felony and can
result in two years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to
$250,000 for an individual— or $500,000 for an
organization. People who provide information leading to an
arrest and conviction are eligible for a reward of up to half of
the fine.
The Lacey Act
Congress originally passed the Lacey Act in 1900 to help
States protect resident species by making it a Federal
violation to transport illegally taken wildlife across State
lines. Later amending the law, Congress extended its
prohibitions to importing, exporting, selling, acquiring, or
purchasing fish, wildlife, or plants taken, possessed,
transported or sold in violation of U.S. or Indian law or State
or foreign law. Prohibitions of the Lacey Act (16 U.S.C.
3371-78) will continue to apply to the bald eagle including its
feathers, parts, nests, and eggs—as well as its products—
following delisting under the Endangered Species Act. The
Lacey Act also prohibits making false records, labels, or
identification of shipped wildlife; importing injurious
species; and shipping fish or wildlife in an inhumane manner.
Penalties include a maximum of five years in prison and a
$250,000 fine for felony convictions, a maximum $10,000
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 87
fine for civil violations, and a $250 fine for marking
violations. The maximum criminal fine for an organization is
$500,000. People who provide information leading to an
arrest, criminal conviction, civil penalty, or forfeiture of
property are eligible for a reward. Fish, wildlife, and plants
involved in violations are subject to forfeiture. Vessels,
vehicles, aircraft, and other equipment used to aid in
importing, exporting, transporting, selling, receiving,
acquiring, or purchasing fish or wildlife or plants in a
criminal violation are subject to forfeiture upon a felony
conviction involving commercialization.
The Migratory Bird
Treaty Act
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is a Federal law that carries
out the United States’ commitment to four international
conventions— with Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Russia. The
conventions protect migratory birds as an international
resource. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S. C 703-
712) and its implementing regulations (50 CFR 21) provide
authority to conserve bird species such as the bald eagle,
even if Endangered Species Act protections are removed.
Except as allowed by permit (50 CFR 21.11), the Migratory
Bird Treaty Act makes it unlawful to pursue, hunt, take,
capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, offer for
sale, sell, offer to purchase, purchase, deliver for shipment,
ship, cause to be shipped, deliver for transportation,
transport, cause to be transported, carry or cause to be
carried, receive for shipment, or export any migratory bird—
including eggs, parts, and nests. In addition, the Act
authorizes and directs the Secretary of the Interior to
determine if, and by what means, the take of migratory birds
should be allowed and to adopt regulations permitting and
governing take—for example, hunting seasons for ducks and
Penalties include a maximum of two years’ imprisonment
and a $250,000 fine for a felony conviction and six months’
imprisonment and $15,000 fine for a misdemeanor
conviction. A commercial activity is a felony, just as is take
with intent to sell. Maximum fines are doubled for any
organization convicted of a felony violation.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 1
Wet Woods Preserve
Land Management Plan
Managed by:
Conservation Collier Program
Collier County
May 2008 2020 –May 2018 2030 (10 yr plan)
Updated: December 2015Apri Decemberl 2020
Prepared by:
Collier County Parks and Recreation Division
Conservation Collier Staff
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 2
Wet Woods Preserve
Land Management Plan Executive Summary
Lead Agency: Collier County Board of County Commissioners, Conservation Collier
Property included in this Plan: Wet Woods Preserve (Folio #: 00154880008)
Acreage Breakdown:
General Vegetative Communities Acreage
Wetlands (58%) 15.53
Uplands (42%) 11.24
TOTAL 26.77
Management Responsibilities:
Agency: Collier County - Conservation Collier Program
Designated Land Use: Conservation and natural resource basedresource-based recreation
Unique Features: saltwater and freshwater marshes, mangrove forests, pine flatwoods,
active bald eagle nest, seven listed plant and two listed animal species detected to date
Management Goals:
Goal 1: Eliminate or Ssignificantly reduce human impacts to indigenous flora and
Goal 2: Continue monitoring of vegetationDevelop a baseline monitoring report
Goal 3: CRemove or control populations of invasive, exotic or problematic flora and
fauna to restore and maintain natural habitats
Goal 4: Continue to implement aUse mechanical treatments schedule to decrease
woody fuels invasion resulting from fire exclusion
Goal 5: Restore native vegetation
Goal 6: Facilitate uses of the site for educational purposes
Goal 767: Provide a plan for security and disaster preparedness
Public Involvement: Public meeting(s) were held in early springthe summer of 2008 2020
with invitations being sent to residents and businesses from surrounding lands.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 3
Table of Contents
Land Management Plan Executive Summary ................................................................ 2
List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... 4
List of Figures .................................................................................................................... 4
List of Appendices ............................................................................................................. 5
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Conservation Collier: Land Acquisition Program and Management Authority .............. 7
1.2 Purpose and Scope of Plan ..................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Location of the Wet Woods Preserve .................................................................................... 7
1.4 Regional Significance of the Wet Woods Preserve .............................................................. 9
1.5 Nearby Public Lands and Designated Water Resources ..................................................... 9
1.6 Public Involvement ....................................................................................................... 131412
2.0 Natural Resources.............................................................................................. 131412
2.1 Physiography ................................................................................................................. 131412
2.1.1 Topography and Geomorphology ............................................................................. 131412
2.1.2 Geology .................................................................................................................... 131412
2.1.3 Soils .......................................................................................................................... 141513
2.1.4 Hydrology/Water Management ................................................................................ 171816
2.2 Climate ........................................................................................................................... 171816
2.3 Natural Plant Communities ......................................................................................... 171816
2.3.1 Wetlands: Mangrove Swamps .................................................................................. 202119
2.3.2 Wetlands: Tidal Marsh ............................................................................................. 212220
2.3.3 Wetlands: Freshwater Marsh .................................................................................... 212220
2.3.4 Uplands: Mesic Pine Flatwoods ............................................................................... 222321
2.4 Native Plant and Animal Species ................................................................................. 232422
2.4.1 Plant Species ............................................................................................................. 232422
2.4.2 Animal Species ......................................................................................................... 232422
2.5 Listed Species ................................................................................................................ 262725
2.5.1 Listed Plant Species .................................................................................................. 262725
2.5.2 Listed Animal Species .............................................................................................. 293028
2.6 Invasive, Non-native and Problem Species ............................................................. 30322930
2.6.1 Invasive and Problem Plant Species ......................................................................... 313230
2.6.2 Invasive and Problem Animal Species ..................................................................... 323331
3.0 Previous and Current Use of the Preserve; Adjacent Land Uses ................. 373836
3.1 Previous and Current Use ............................................................................................ 373836
3.2 Cultural, Historical and Archeological Resource Protection ................................... 373836
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 4
3.3 Adjacent Land Uses ...................................................................................................... 373836
3.4 Major Accomplishments during Previous Years ....................................................... 404139
4.0 Future Use of the Wet Woods Preserve including Management Issues, Goals and
Objectives ................................................................................................................. 424341
4.1 Management Plan Framework .................................................................................... 424341
4.1.1 Preserve Manager: Contact Information ................................................................ 424341
4.2 Planned Uses and Assessment of their Impacts ......................................................... 424341
4.2.1 Identification of Public Uses Consistent with Preservation, Enhancement, Restoration,
Conservation and Maintenance of the Resources ..................................................... 424341
4.3 Desired Future Conditions ....................................................................................... 43494742
4.4 Goals for the 10 year period 2008-2018 .................................................................. 43504742
4.5 Establish an Operational Plan for the Wet Woods Preserve ................................ 57645456
4.5.1 Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 57645456
4.5.2 Estimated Annual Costs and Funding Sources ..................................................... 57645456
4.5.3 Potential for Contracting Restoration and Management Activities by Private Vendors
............................................................................................................................... 60675759
5.0 Literature Cited ............................................................................................. 61685860
List of Tables
Table 1: Acquisition History and Status of Wet Woods Preserve .................................................. 6
Table 2: Public Lands Located near the Wet Woods Preserve ....................................................... 9
Table 3: Summary of Natural Communities in the Wet Woods Preserve ............................ 181917
Table 4: Bird Species Recorded at the Wet Woods Preserve ............................................... 232523
Table 5: Breeding Bird Species Recorded in the Bonita Springs Quadrangle in the Vicinity of the
Wet Woods Preserve ...................................................................................................... 252624
Table 6: Listed Plant Species Detected at the Wet Woods Preserve .................................... 262725
Table 7: Invasive Plant Species at Wet Woods Preserve ...................................................... 313231
Table 8: Major Accomplishments Since the Acquisition of the Wet Woods Preserve ....... 404139
Table 9: Invasive, Exotic Plant Species Control Plan for the Wet Woods Preserve Category I
species ............................................................................................................................ 475446
Table 10: Estimated Annual Land Management Budget ..................................................... 596658
Table 11: Potential Contracting for Restoration and Management Activities ...................... 606759
List of Figures
Figure 1: General Location of and Directions to Wet Woods Preserve. ........................................ 8
Figure 2: Conservation Collier Preserves and Designated State and Federal Land or Conservation
Easements Existing in Collier County ........................................................................... 111210
Figure 3: Preserves and Protected Lands in the Vicinity of Wet Woods Preserve ............... 121311
Figure 5: Soil Units at the Wet Woods Preserve .................................................................. 171715
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 5
Figure 6: Distribution of Main Natural Communities (based on SFWMD FLUCCS Codes) in the
Wet Woods Preserve ...................................................................................................... 192018
Figure 7: Historical Aerial Photographs courtesy of the State of Florida University System of
Florida website ............................................................................................................... 383937
Figure 8: Areas Contiguous to the Wet Woods Preserve .................................................... 394038
Figure 9: Exotic Removal Partnership Areas....................................................................... 414240
Figure 10: Photo Point Locations Within Wet Woods Preserve......................................... 475346
Figure 12: Option 3 - Wet Woods Conceptual Site Plan ..................................................... 556254
List of Appendices
Appendix 1: Legal Description of the Wet Woods Preserve
Appendix 2: Preliminary Floristic Inventory of the Wet Woods Preserve
Appendix 3: Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) Managed Area Tracking Record and
Element Occurrence Summary; FNAI ranking system explanation
Appendix 4: Bald Eagle Protection Acts
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 6
1.0 Introduction
The Wet Woods Preserve is a 26.77-acre natural area within the urban boundary of Collier County,
Florida. The preserve contains various native plant communities, including pine flatwoods,
mangrove forests, and both saltwater and freshwater marshes.
A site assessment to determine compliance with the Conservation Collier initial screening criteria
was conducted in July 2004 and the Conservation Collier Program purchased the property on
August 19, 2005. Previously known as the “Watkins-Jones” property, for the previous owners, it
was renamed Wet Woods Preserve by local schoolchildren in November 2006. The County holds
fee simple title to the Wet Woods Preserve. The Conservation Collier program manages these
lands under authority granted by the Conservation Collier Ordinance 2002-63 as amended (2007-
65) and Ordinance 2011-38 (available from Initial acquisition activities are
summarized in Table 1.
The preserve consists of approximately 58% (±15.53 acres) wetland habitats and approximately
42% (±11.24 acres) upland habitat. Conservation, restoration and natural resource-based recreation
are the designated uses of this property. Management activities allowed include those necessary
to preserve, restore, secure and maintain this environmentally sensitive land for the benefit of
present and future generations. Public use of the site must be consistent with these management
This is the Final Management Plan for the Wet Woods Preserve. This 10-year management plan
will be submitted to the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) for its approval.
When approved, this plan will replace the Final Management Plan that was approved by the BCC
on May 27, 2008December 8, 2015.
Table 1: Acquisition History and Status of Wet Woods Preserve
Year Benchmark
2003 Environmental Assessment Report prepared by Southern Biomes, Inc.
2004 Property nominated to the Conservation Collier Program
2004 Initial Site Assessment by Conservation Collier Staff
2004 Acceptance of Initial Criteria Screening Report by the Conservation Collier Land
Acquisition Advisory Committee
2005 Phase I Environmental Assessment Conducted by ASC geosciences for Collier County
2005 Approved for purchase by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC)
2005 Purchase of the Watkins-Jones Property
2005 Developed Interim Management Plan
2006 BCC approved the Interim Management Plan
2006 Watkins-Jones property renamed Wet Woods Preserve
2007 Conducted Initial exotic plant treatment and removal (grant funded)
2008 Completed Final Management Plan
2015 Updated Final Management Plan
2020 Updated Final Management Plan
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 7
1.1 Conservation Collier: Land Acquisition Program and Management Authority
The Conservation Collier program was originally approved by voters in November 2002 and
subsequently confirmed in the November 2006 ballot referendum. Both voter-approved
referendums enable the program to acquire environmentally sensitive conservation lands within
Collier County, Florida (Ordinance 2002-63, as amended). Properties must support at least two of
the following qualities to qualify for further consideration: rare habitat, aquifer recharge, flood
control, water quality protection, and listed species habitat. The Collier County Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) appointed a Land Acquisition Advisory Committee to consider any
selected or nominated properties that an owner has indicated a willingness to sell. The committee
recommends property purchases for final approval by the BCC.
Lands acquired with Conservation Collier funds are titled to “COLLIER COUNTY, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida, by and through its Conservation Collier program.” The Board
of County Commissioners of Collier County established the Conservation Collier program to
implement the program and to manage acquired lands. As such, Conservation Collier holds
management authority for the Wet Woods Preserve.
1.2 Purpose and Scope of Plan
The purpose of the plan is to provide management direction for Wet Woods Preserve by identifying
the goals and objectives necessary to eliminate or minimize any threats to the resources and
integrity of the preserve. This text is a working document that establishes the foundation of the
ten-year plan by identifying the appropriate management techniques necessary to preserve and/or
restore the resource.
This plan will balance resource restoration and protection with natural resource-based recreational
and educational use while looking at restoration needs, listed species protection and maintenance
of the site free of invasive, exotic plant and animal species. This plan is divided into sections that
incorporate an introduction, descriptions of the natural and cultural resources, projected uses of
the property, management issues, and goals and objectives.
1.3 Location of the Wet Woods Preserve
Wet Woods Preserve is located at 12815 Tamiami Trail N. in Naples, Florida (See Figure 1; legal
description in Appendix 1). It is in Collier County’s northwest corner, immediately west of U.S.
Highway 41, south of Wiggins Pass Road in Section 16 Township 48 Range 25.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 8
Figure 1: General Location of and Directions to Wet Woods Preserve.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 9
1.4 Regional Significance of the Wet Woods Preserve
To date, approximately 67% (more than 868,040 acres) of Collier County is protected in
conservation areas (Figure 2) and managed by private organizations and by local, state and federal
agencies. Collier County’s Conservation Collier Program manages the 26.77-acre Wet Woods
Preserve. This natural area contains saltwater and freshwater marshes, mangrove forests, and pine
flatwoods. The wetlands buffer and protect the Wiggins Pass Estuarine System, designated as an
Outstanding Florida Water, and support two listed plant and animal species. The uplands support
an active Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nest and five listed plant and animal species.
Specific information on the wetlands and uplands found on the Wet Woods Preserve may be found
in section 2.3 (Natural Plant Communities) of this document.
1.5 Nearby Public Lands and Designated Water Resources
Currently, the closest preserved, natural area to Wet Woods Preserve is Railhead Scrub Preserve,
another Conservation Collier Program property approximately 0.69 miles to the northeast. Other
preserves, in order of increasing distance, are provided in Table 2. Figure 3 shows the locations
of these preserves.
Table 2: Public Lands Located near the Wet Woods Preserve
Name Distance
(miles) Direction Type
Railhead Scrub Preserve 0.69 NE Conservation Collier
Delnor-Wiggins State Park 1.28 W State
Barefoot Beach Preserve 1.36 W/NW County
Cocohatchee Creek Preserve 1.70 SE Conservation Collier
Milano Property 5.81 SE Conservation Collier
Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed 9.00 N/NW State
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
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Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
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Figure 2: Conservation Collier Preserves and Designated State and Federal Land or
Conservation Easements Existing in Collier County
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
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Figure 3: Preserves and Protected Lands in the Vicinity of Wet Woods Preserve
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 13
1.6 Public Involvement
Neighborhood involvement will be sought through direct mailing notices for public meetings to
residents and businesses within the surrounding area and to owners of properties that border the
preserve; official public notices will be posted on the County website. Staff will seek to coordinate
management actions, such as exotic removal and prescribed fires with owners of adjoining lands.
Staff will also involve the North Naples Civic Association and the Boy and Girl Scout groups from
within the County. Additionally, volunteers will be sought from all contacts listed above.
2.0 Natural Resources
2.1 Physiography
Wet Woods Preserve lies within the Floridian section of the Coastal Plain. The Coastal Plain
extends from New Jersey to Texas and was formed mainly from sedimentary rocks deposited in
marine environments (USGS 2004).
2.1.1 Topography and Geomorphology
The site is located in the Southwestern Slope region of the South Florida Water Management
District. According to the Bonita Springs, Florida USGS Topographic Map, the topography of the
area is relatively level with an average elevation of five feet above sea level and slopes gently
westward toward the Gulf of Mexico. Surface water percolates directly into the uncovered ground
or it collects in natural depressions and manmade ponds on adjacent properties.
2.1.2 Geology
The geology of northern Collier County, where the Wet Woods Preserve is located, is characterized
by complex sequences of interbeded sands, clays, and limestone. Closest to the surface is the
Holocene aged Pamlico Sand Formation, approximately ten feet thick and composed primarily of
unconsolidated quartz sand and some silt. The Pamlico Sand unconformably overlies the
Pleistocene aged Fort Thompson and Caloosahatchee Formations, which vary from a few feet to
more than twenty feet in thickness and are characterized by shelly and sandy limestone with vugs
and solution cavities (Miller 1986).
Below the Fort Thompson and Caloosahatchee Formations are the Ochopee and Buckingham
Members of the Pliocene aged Tamiami Formation, which are at least 200 feet thick in the
surrounding areas (Oaks & Dunbar 1974). The Ochopee Limestone unconformably overlies the
Buckingham Limestone and/or the equivalent Cape Coral Clay. This unconformity marks the
bottom of the surficial aquifer separating it from the brackish underlying aquifer below. Then the
Hawthorn Formation, rich in phosphate and other heavy minerals (Scott 1988), overlies the
Oligocene age Suwannee Limestone and Eocene age Ocala Limestone that form the Floridan
Aquifer System in Southwestern Florida. Figure 4 provides a current aerial view of the Wet Woods
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 14
2.1.3 Soils
According to Liudahl et al. (1990), soils mapped at the Wet Woods Preserve include (in descending
order by extent) Durbin and Wulfert Mucks, Basinger Fine Sand, and Immokalee Fine Sand
(Figure 5).
Durbin and Wulfert Mucks are level, very poorly drained hydric soils that are found in tidal
mangrove swamps. They are very permeable and have a water capacity availability that is
moderate to high. The water table beneath the soils fluctuates with the tide and is within a depth
of twelve inches for most of the year (Liudahl et al. 1990).
Basinger Fine Sand is a nearly level and poorly drained hydric soil. It is found in sloughs and
poorly defined drainage ways. Under natural conditions, the seasonal high water table is within a
depth of twelve inches for 3-6 months during most years. During the other months, the water table
is below a depth of twelve inches, and it recedes to a depth of more than forty inches during
extended dry periods. During periods of high rainfall, this soil is typically covered by shallow,
slow-moving water (Liudahl et al. 1990).
Immokalee Fine Sand is non-hydric, nearly level and poorly drained. It is typically found in pine
flatwoods. Under natural conditions, the seasonal high water table is at a depth of 6-18 inches for
1-6 months during most years. During the other months, the water table is below a depth of
eighteen inches, and it recedes to a depth of more than forty inches during extended dry periods
(Liudahl et al. 1990).
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
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Figure 4: General View of the Wet Woods Preserve - Existing Conditions
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Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
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Figure 5: Soil Units at the Wet Woods Preserve
2.1.4 Hydrology/Water Management
Near the surface, the aquifer is highly permeable and the groundwater flows toward the west .
However, permeability decreases downward from a porous limestone into poorly indurated
sandstone cemented by micrite. The aquifer grades from freshwater downward into brackish water
due to the proximity of the Gulf of Mexico to the west and the brackish water in the intermediate
aquifer made primarily of Miocene aged sediments. Below that, the Hawthorne formation
typically marks the upper boundary of the Floridian aquifer, which is contained within the
underlying Oligocene age Suwannee Limestone (Lodge 2005).
Groundwater levels have gone down during the recent decades due to drainage on a regional scale
and water management for development purposes. This trend may be very difficult to control and
will gradually reduce the extent of the preserve that floods during the summer months and reduce
the period of time the preserve wetlands are flooded during the year.
2.2 Climate
The Wet Woods Preserve is located in an area of Florida where humid subtropical and tropical
savanna climatic patterns overlap, with temperatures moderated by winds from the Gulf of Mexico
and the Atlantic Ocean. Sharply delineated wet and dry seasons and average monthly temperatures
greater than 64º Fahrenheit characterize a tropical savanna climate. Monthly rainfalls may exceed
ten inches during the wet season. On the other hand, humid subtropical climates typically show
less extreme rainfall fluctuations between wet and dry seasons and average monthly temperatures
is less than 64º Fahrenheit in some months.
The average annual temperature for the coastal portion of Collier County is approximately 75º
Fahrenheit. The warmest months are usually July and August. The humidity is high during these
months but frequent afternoon thunderstorms prevent excessively high temperatures.
Two-thirds of the annual rainfall occurs in the wet season from May to October. Thunderstorms
are frequent during the wet season, occurring every two out of three days between June and
September. Rainfall records for the area indicate that there is not significant variation in the annual
rainfall throughout much of the county; however, large variations often occur during a single year.
The hurricane season extends from June through November with peak activity occurring in
September and October when ocean temperatures are highest.
2.3 Natural Plant Communities
A plant community refers to the suite of plant species that form the natural vegetation of any place.
In addition to anthropogenic influence, the combination of factors such as geology, topography,
hydrology, underlying soils and climate determine the types of plants found in an area. These
plants, in turn determine the animal species that may be found in an area.
The Florida Land Use, Land Cover Classification System (FLUCCS) notes two plant communities
on the preserve: mangrove swamps and pine flatwoods. A site visit by Southern Biomes in
September of 2003 revealed that the Wet Woods Preserve consists of approximately 58% (±15.53
acres) wetland habitat and approximately 42% (±11.24 acres) upland habitat. Collier County Staff
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 18
noted that freshwater marshes and tidal marshes made up portions of the wetland habitat.
Therefore, the wetland habitats extant on the Wet Woods Preserve consist of mangrove swamps,
tidal marshes and freshwater marshes. The upland habitat may be characterized as mesic pine
flatwoods. See Figure 6. Some of the transition zones between the wetlands and uplands on the
site have been invaded by non-indigenous species discussed in section 2.6. The vegetation
classification scheme of the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) and the Florida Department
of Natural Resources (FDNR) (1990) are presented in table 3. This table is based on the plant
communities observed and mapped on the Wet Woods Preserve.
Table 3: Summary of Natural Communities in the Wet Woods Preserve
FNAI Natural
Community Type Acres Global
Rank Comments
Mangrove Swamps 11.85 G3 S3 Also called Tidal Swamp
Tidal Marsh 3.02 G4 S4 Also called Saltwater Marsh
Freshwater Marsh 0.66 G4 S4
Pine Flatwoods 11.24 G4 S4 Also called Mesic Flatwoods
G3: Either very rare and local throughout its range (21-100 occurrences or less than 10,000 individuals) or found
locally in a restricted range or vulnerable to extinction from other factors;
G4: Apparently secure globally (may be rare in parts of range);
S3: Imperiled in Florida;
S4: Apparently secure in Florida (may be rare in parts of range).
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 19
Figure 6: Distribution of Main Natural Communities (based on SFWMD FLUCCS Codes)
in the Wet Woods Preserve
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 20
2.3.1 Wetlands: Mangrove Swamps
Mangrove Swamps are also called tidal forests, tidal swamp forests, mangrove communities, and
mangrove ecosystems (FNAI & FDNR 1990). This plant community primarily occurs in the
central and southern portions of the Wet Woods Preserve (Figure 6) and contains small areas of
tidal marsh. The mangrove swamps on the preserve are dominated by native canopy species
including:including red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), black mangrove (Avicennia germinans),
white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) and buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus). Native
midstory species include:include saltbush (Baccharis angustifolia) and indigo berry (Randia
aculeata) while ground cover species include: giant leather fern (Acrostichum danaeifolium) and
black needle rush (Juncus roemerianus). Durbin and Wulfert Mucks comprise the majority of the
substrate for this community on the Wet Woods Preserve.
True mangrove species are viviparous (i.e., “live birth” - in the case of mangroves, the seed
germinates within the fruit, producing within the plant an established seedling that then falls into
the sediments) and have some physiological degree of root modification (such as aerial roots) to
deal with saturated, saline soils (Tomlinson 1986). Based on these definitions, three species of
true mangroves exist within the Wet Woods Preserve: red mangrove, black mangrove and white
mangrove. The buttonwood is often referred to as a “mangrove associate” because it is associated
with these species along the upland fringe of the mangrove ecosystemecosystem, but it lacks root
modification and viviparity.
Mangroves are facultative
halophytes; they are able to grow in
freshwater environments but
because of their inability to compete
well with other flora found in
freshwater systems, they grow in
brackish waters. In addition to the
saline environments in which they
are found, the tidal fluctuation
enables mangroves to dominate
shorelines. Not only do the roots of
these tropical species protect
shorelines from erosion, they trap
sediments and recycle nutrients from
upland areas and tidal import. This
is part of the succession process of
island formation in south Florida
(FNAI & FDNR 1990).
Mangroves are valued for their high productivity and serve as important nursery and refuge areas
for a wide variety of terrestrial and aquatic organisms including:including mammals, birds,
reptiles, fish, and invertebrates. Consequently, these forests are extremely important to the nutrient
budgets of adjoining estuaries and other coastal waters (Rey & Rutledge 2006). In fact, mangrove
species shed so many leaves and other plant parts that they can produce up to 80% of the total
organic material available in the aquatic food web (FNAI & FDNR 1990).
Mangrove Swamp just south of the Wet Woods Preserve.
Photo by Christal Segura.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 21
2.3.2 Wetlands: Tidal Marsh
Tidal Marshes are interspersed
within the mangrove swamps of the
Wet Woods Preserve. Also known
as a salt marsh, brackish marsh,
coastal wetland, coastal marsh and
tidal wetland (FNAI & FDNR
1990), this plant community thrives
in areas of low wave energy that are
at least occasionally inundated with
salt watersaltwater. Herbaceous,
salt-tolerant plants characterize
these marshes. The salt marshes
within the Wet Woods Preserve are
dominated by sea oxy daisy
(Borrichia frutescens), Christmas
berry (Lycium carolinianum), black
needle rush (Juncus roemerianus)
and cord grass (Spartina spp.). Buttonwood is scattered among the herbaceous plants. Durbin and
Wulfert Mucks comprise the substrate for this community on the Wet Woods Preserve.
Just as in mangrove swamps, tidal fluctuation in tidal marsh communities is an extremely
important ecological factor and makes this community one of the most biologically productive
systems on earth. A wide array of invertebrates and fish rely on these areas for parts or all of their
lives. A number of mammals, reptiles and avian species also rely on this plant community.
Additionally, tidal marshes are valued by humans for their ability to buffer storms and to filter
pollutants within them. While tidal marshes do not compose a large portion of the Wet Woods
Preserve, their presence is an essential component to the landscape.
2.3.3 Wetlands: Freshwater Marsh
The freshwater marsh is the third type of wetland plant community found within the Wet Woods
Preserve. These marshes are scattered among the upland, pine flatwoods community and may
therefore be referred to as flatwoods marshes. Saw grass (Cladium jamaicense), swamp lily
(Crinum americanum), giant leather fern (Acrostichum danaeifolium), and native wetland grasses
dominate the freshwater marshes; Basinger Fine Sand comprises the substrate of these marshes in
the preserve. Pond apple (Annona glabra) was also detected within these marshes.
Like tidal marshes, freshwater marshes are wetlands dominated by herbaceous flora. In Florida,
these marshes are influenced by their subtropical location, fluctuating water levels, frequency and
intensity of fire, organic matter accumulation and hard water (Kushlan 1990). These factors,
combined with the dominant species found within a marsh, dictate the category within which the
marsh is placed. Six major categories of freshwater marshes are recognized in Florida. The
marshes in the Wet Woods Preserve are within the “saw grass marsh” category. These marshes
usually have a moderate (flooded for 6-9 months) hydroperiod, a moderate (about once in ten
years) frequency of fire and moderate to high (< 1 meter to > 1 meter) accumulation of organic
material (Kushlan 1990).
Tidal Marsh found in the Wet Woods Preserve. Photo by Christal Segura.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 22
Many animal species may be found within or around the perimeter of marshes. Invertebrates make
up an important part of the food web and many avian species, especially wading birds, rely on the
invertebrates as a primary source of food. The freshwater marshes within the preserve make-up a
small portion of the total area but are valuable for the suite of species found there.
2.3.4 Uplands: Mesic Pine Flatwoods
Pine flatwoods are one of the most wide-ranging terrestrial plant communities in Florida and
consequently one of the most influenced by anthropogenic activities (Abrahamson & Hartnett
1990). Fire strongly influences the community structure and composition of these communities.
The term pine flatwoods is a general
categorization of areas that are
dominated by various species of
pine (Pinus spp.) trees. Pine
flatwoods may be found in mesic
flatlands where the landscape is
made up of flat, moderately well
drained sandy substrates with a
mixture of organic material, often
with an underlying hardpan layer.
An open canopy forest of widely
spaced pine trees with little or no
understory but a dense ground cover
of herbs and shrubs characterize
natural, mesic flatwoods that have
been burned regularly (FNAI &
FDNR 1990). The USDA Soil
Conservation Service classification
system refers to these areas as South
Florida flatwoods. South Florida flatwoods are typically savannas, a type of plant community
intermediate between forest and grassland.
Mesic pine flatwoods are also called mesic flatwoods, pine savanna, cabbage palm savanna, and
pine barrens. On the Wet Woods Preserve, mesic pine flatwoods occupy the northern and eastern
portions of the property (Figure 6) and contain small areas of freshwater marshes. Immokalee
Fine Sand comprises the majority of the substrate and Basinger Fine Sand is a minor component
of the flatwoods areas on the preserve. Native canopy species in the mesic pine flatwoods areas
of the preserve are dominated by South Florida slash pine (Pinus elliotti var. densa) and cabbage
palm (Sabal palmetto); native midstory species include: saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), galberry
(Ilex glabra), sumac (Rhus copallinum), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) and rusty lyonia (Lyonia
fruticosa.). Native grasses and herbaceous plants dominate the understory.
Mesic flatwoods provide essential forested habitat for a variety of wildlife species including
Neotropical migratory birds, wide-ranging large carnivores, mid-sized carnivores, ground-nesting
vertebrates, tree-cavity dependent species, tree-nesting species and non-aquatic plant life. “At the
current rate of habitat conversion, the mesic pine flatwoods, once the most abundant upland habitat
Mesic pine flatwoods in the Wet Woods Preserve. Photo by Christal
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 23
in South Florida, is in danger of becoming one of the rarest habitats in South Florida” (USFWS
2.4 Native Plant and Animal Species
Mangrove swamps and mesic flatwoods comprise the majority of the 26.77 acre Wet Woods
Preserve. Small pockets of tidal marshes and freshwater marshes are also located within the
preserve. This section discusses the flora and fauna found within and close to the preserve. The
next section (2.5) discusses all listed species in more detail.
2.4.1 Plant Species
To date, 188 plant species have been recorded at the preserve (Appendix 2). A comprehensive
plant survey was conducted in 2008 by botanist Keith A. Bradley of the Institute of Regional
Conservation. Of these 188 species, 163 (87%) are native to the site and 25 are exotic (13%). Of
the 25 exotic species, 14 are listed by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (13 Category I and 1
Category II).
2.4.2 Animal Species
Due to the dearth of specific surveys for the occurrence of animal species (in contrast to plants)
and the lack of on-site staffing, little is recorded for actual occurrences of animals at the Wet
Woods Preserve. Occurrences of fauna at the preserve are based on direct visual and aural
observations by staff during site visits or evidence of activity such as spoor, scat, or burrows, and
from the site information available in documents such as:
• the site’s initial criteria screening report;
• the property’s interim management plan;
• anecdotal information from persons with knowledge of the site.
Mammal species known to occur or individuals and/or evidence of activity directly observed
within the preserve include: Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), nine-banded armadillo
(Dasypus novemcinctus), marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris), and raccoon (Procyon lotor).
Reptile and amphibian species observed at the preserve include: brown anole (Anolis sagrei),
southern black racer (Coluber constrictor priapus), ring-necked snake (Diadophis punctatus), box
turtle (Terrapene carolina) and the green treefrog (Hyla cinerea).
Invertebrates observed include the following butterfly species: the gulf fritillary (Agraulis
vanillae), the white peacock (Anartia jatrophae), the zebra long wing (Heliconius charitonius),
and the cloudless sulphur (Phoebis sennae).
Several different bird species have been observed perching, foraging, or exhibiting nesting
behavior at the preserve (See Table 4).
Table 4: Bird Species Recorded at the Wet Woods Preserve
Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name
Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus Reddish Egret Egretta rufescens
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 24
Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus Yellow-crowned
Night Heron Nyctanassa violacea
Brown Pelican Pelecanus
occidentalis Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius
Hawk Buteo lineatus Mourning Dove Zenaidura macroura
Osprey Pandion heliaetus Red-bellied
Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus
leucocephalus Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor
Black Vulture Coragyps atratus Gray Catbird Dumetella
White Ibis Eudocimus albus Northern
Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata
Great Egret Ardea alba Blue-gray
Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea
Snowy Egret Egretta thula Yellow-rumped
Warbler Dendroica coronata
Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea Palm Warbler Dendroica palmarum
Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis
Green Heron Butorides striatus
The Florida Breeding Bird Atlas lists 44 26 bird species that have been recorded as confirmed,
probable, or possible breeding in the vicinity of the site (in the Bonita Springs USGS quadrangle
Block 6; Table 5). The Breeding Bird Atlas documents breeding distributions of all bird species
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 25
in Florida between 2011 and 20161986 and 1991. Some of these species may breed at the Wet
Woods Preserve.
Table 5: Breeding Bird Species Recorded in the Bonita Springs Quadrangle
Block 6 in the Vicinity of the Wet Woods Preserve
Common Name Scientific Name
Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata
Mottled Duck Anas fulvigula
Eurasian Collared-Dove Streptopelia decaocto
Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura
Common Gallinule Gallinula galeata
Killdeer Charadrius vociferus
Least Tern Sternula antillarum
Green Heron Butorides virescens
Osprey Pandion haliaetus
Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis
Red-bellied woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus
Loggerhead Shrike Loggerhead Shrike
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata
American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos
Fish Crow Corvus ossifragus
Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus
Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos
European Starling Sturnus vulgaris
House Sparrow Passer domesticus
Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus
Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula
Boat-tailed Grackle Quiscalus major
Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis
Second Florida Breeding Bird Atlas (BBAII), Florida Breeding Bird Atlas,
Other wildlife species that have not yet been recorded undoubtedly occur at the Wet Woods
Preserve. During migration periods, transient bird species would be expected to utilize this area
for short periods of time. The developed character of the adjacent areas may inhibit transient use
by many mammal, reptile, and amphibian species, thus limiting the utilization of the preserve to
resident individuals or inhibiting the dispersal of many species to and from the preserve.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 26
2.5 Listed Species
Official lists of rare and endangered species are produced at the federal level by the United States
Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service and at the State level by the
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Florida Department of Agriculture
and Consumer Services. FNAI produces a list of rare and endangered species and maintains a
database of occurrences of these species in Florida. The Institute for Regional Conservation (IRC)
also ranks native plant species by conservation status in the 10-county area of South Florida. The
following subsections (2.5.1 and 2.5.2) discuss the listed, rare and protected plant and animal
species found within and close to the Wet Woods Preserve in detail.
2.5.1 Listed Plant Species
There are seven (7) listed plant species at Wet Woods Preserve that are listed by the Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), two (2) as Endangered, four (4) as
Threatened, and one (1) as Commercially Exploited. There are no species listed as Endangered or
Threatened by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service within Wet Woods. In total there are
seven (7) plant species listed by FDACS at Wet Woods Preserve (Table 6). A brief description of
these species and their status is included in the following paragraphs.
E: Endangered, T: Threatened, C: Commercially Exploited
The Cardinal Airplant, also known as the Common Wild Pine or Stiff-leaved
Wild Pine (Tillandsia fasciculata), is an epiphytic bromeliad recognized by
many common names and is listed as an endangered plant by the State of Florida.
Wunderlin and Hansen reported this species in 24 counties throughout Florida as
of 2004 (Wunderlin & Hansen 2004). Like most of the other bromeliads in
Florida, this species is often referred to as a “tank” bromeliad because the leaf
axils and central stems form a “tank” or reservoir at the base of the plant. These
reservoirs capture and hold water, dead and decaying plant matter (leaves, seeds
twigs, etc.), and dead and drowning non-aquatic insects; these trapped items provide nutrients
for the plant (Larson et al. 2006).
Table 6: Listed Plant Species Detected at the Wet Woods Preserve
Scientific Name Common Name(s) State
Acrostichum aureum Golden leather fern T
Lilium catesbaei Catesby’s Lily T
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis Royal fern C
Tillandsia balbisiana Reflexed wild-pine, Northern needleleaf T
Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica Stiff-leaved wild-pine, Cardinal airplant E
Tillandsia flexuosa Banded wild-pine, Twisted airplant T
Tillandsia utriculata Giant wild-pine, Giant airplant E
Cardinal Airplant
Photo by Rodger L.
Hammer Courtesy of
the Institute for
Regional Conservation
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 27
The Giant wild pine (Tillandsia utriculata) is the largest epiphyte and is
relatively common in hammocks and swamps in South Florida. It can reach
12-30 inches in height and its flower spike may be more than six feet in height.
It is also listed by the State of Florida as endangered.
The Reflexed wild pine (Tillandsia balbisiana) and the Banded
wild-pine (Tillandsia flexuosa) are also fairly common epiphytes in
South Florida. Both species prefer moist forests and swamps and are
state listed as threatened. The reflexed
wild pine is equally well-adjusted to deep
shade where leaves grow long or to bright
sunlight where they are contorted and highly
colored from gray-green to blue-bronze or
red. The banded wild pine usually grows in the
tops of trees in fairy sunny situations. They can
grow up to sixteen inches in length and are
strongly recurved and twisted (
Even though the four species listed above are fairly common in the state they are listed due to
illegal collecting and the destruction of the habitats in which they are found. Additionally,
infestation by the introduced Mexican bromeliad weevil (Metamasius callizona) has been
implicated in the decline of many air plant populations around the state. Currently, there are no
control measures in place however, close research and monitoring is taking place.
Golden Leather Fern (Acrostichum aureum)
This large fern grows in wet areas along the coast of Florida in
tidal swamps and marshes. The fronds can reach about six feet
long and can be as broad as it is tall. It prefers wet to moist,
poorly drained to inundated organic brackish soils. It can be
found in the wet, marshy areas in the Wet Woods Preserve that
surround the mangrove swamps.
Catesby’s Lily (Lilium catesbaei)
Reflexed Wild Pine
Photo by Melissa E. Abdo
Courtesy of the Institute for
Regional Conservation
Banded wild-pine
Photo courtesy of
Golden Leather Fern
Photo by Shirley Denton courtesy of the
Institute of Regional Conservation
Giant Wild Pine
Photo by Rodger Hammer
courtesy of the Institute for
Regional Conservation website
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 28
This herb is endemic to the U.S. southeastern coastal plain and is listed
as a threatened species in the State of Florida. It is found nearly
throughout Florida and has been recorded in 50 counties (Wunderlin &
Hansen 2004). In Collier County, it has only been recorded at Wet
Woods Preserve, Railhead Scrub Preserve, Big Cypress National
Preserve, Collier Seminole State Park, Florida Panther National Wildlife
Refuge, and Picayune Strand State Forest. Christal Segura and Annisa
Karim found it on the preserve on September 13, 2007. Christal Segura
also detected this species in two different locations on the property in late
September of 2007. All specimens were sighted in mesic pine flatwoods
areas of the Wet Woods Preserve.
Royal Fern (Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis)
The royal fern can be found in the eastern US and throughout
Florida. It grows in swamps and similar moist to wet sites. It can
reach heights of up to six feet and grows with a thick creeping
rhizome. The roots can form a mass up to 60 cm tall. It is listed by
the State of Florida due to its commercial exploitation.
FNAI maintains a database of occurrences of rare, threatened, and endangered species in Florida.
An element is any exemplary or rare component of the natural environment, such as a species,
natural community, bird rookery, spring, sinkhole, cave, or other ecological feature. An element
occurrence is a single, extant habitat that sustains or otherwise contributes to the survival of a
population or a distinct, self-sustaining example of a particular element.
These element occurrence data are built into biodiversity matrices. Each matrix encompasses one
(1) square mile and includes all species and natural communities tracked by FNAI, including all
federal listed species. None of the plant species reported by FNAI have been detected within the
preserve. The golden leather fern (Acrostichum aureum) was documented within FNAI’s
Biodiversity Matrix Unit 38350 and four (4) species were reported within FNAI’s Biodiversity
Matrices 38350 and 38351 as likely (rare species likely to occur on the site based on suitable
habitat and/or known occurrences in the vicinity) including the nodding pineweed (Lechea cernua)
and pine-woods bluestem (Andropogon arctatus). Twelve (12) species were reported within
FNAI’s Biodiversity Matrices 38350 and 38351 as potential occurrences (site lies within the
known or predicted range of species) including the many-flowered grass-pink (Calopogon
multiflorus) and the Celestial lily (Nemastylis floridana). Appendix 3 provides the FNAI Managed
Area Tracking Record and Element Occurrence Summary as well as the Biodiversity Matrix
Photo by George D. Gann courtesy of
the Institute for Regional Conservation
Lilium catesbaei, an endemic lily
detected on the Wet Woods
Photo by Christal Segura.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 29
Report. Global and state rankings are provided for each species as well as their federal and state
2.5.2 Listed Animal Species
Listed wildlife species observed onsite or immediately adjacent include:include wood stork
(Mycteria Americana), brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) and gopher tortoise (Gopherus
polyphemus). A bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nest is also present within the preserve.
The Wood stork (Mycteria americana)
This bird species, sighted on the property by Southern Biomes, Inc. in 2003 and by staff in 2007,
is listed as endangered by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and by the
United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Also known as the wood ibis or flint head, this species
is one of the largest wading birds found in Florida and the only stork in the United States. The
wood stork is a tactile feeder and may be found in fresh, brackish, and saltwater habitats. Because
of its dependence on naturally functioning hydrologic systems, the National Audubon Society
refers to this wading bird as the “barometer of the Everglades”. For this reason, the wood stork is
an excellent environmental indicator of wetland health (Mazziotti 2002).
The Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
Currently, there is an inactive bald eagle nest in the northwest corner of the property. The nest is
located within a large, leaning slash pine that died in 2018. According to Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission, it has beenwas active for many years including 2003, 2004, 2005,-
2006, 2008, 2010, and 2014, 2016, and 2018. The nest is designated by the agencies as nest Co-
0001. In the 2006-2007 nesting season, the eagle pair built a new nest on the adjacent property to
the northeast and fledged three young. In late 2007, a pair was observed back on the Wet Woods
Preserve nest tree building up the nest; and the active nest was verified in February 2008, 2010,
and 2014, 2016, and 2018. EagleWatch reported that a vulture killed an
eaglet in 2018. No nesting activity has been observed at the nest since
2018. It is unknown if the new Germain parking lot that was built on the
adjacent lot has had an impact on where the pair chooses to nest.
This species was reported within FNAI’s Biodiversity Matrices 38350 and
38351. On June 29, 2007, the Bald Eagle was officially delisted and
removed from the Endangered Species List in the lower 48 states.
However, according to the USFWS Division of Migratory Bird
Management, this bird of prey will continue to be protected by the Bald
and Golden Eagle Protection Act, the Lacey Act and the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act (See Appendix 4 for a fact sheet on remaining levels of
Juvenile Bald Eagle on the
Wet Woods Preserve Nest
Photo taken by:
R. L Caron on 3-23-08
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 30
Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
This bird – a species of Special Concern in Florida - is
a permanent resident of the coastal marine environment
from central North America southward to northern
South America. Brown Pelicans are found in shallow,
warm coastal marine and estuarine waters, particularly
on sheltered bays (Shields 2002). These birds were
observed just south of the site along the mangrove edge
and most likely frequent the canal along the western
boundary of the preserve.
Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) This
medium-sized, native land turtle is listed by the State
as a Threatened Species. Gopher tortoises are typically
found in dry, upland habitats including scrub, xeric oak
hammock, sandhills, and dry pine flatwoods. Burrows
are created for protection from weather, fire, and
predators; they also provide refugia for more than 300
other species of animals. Active burrows exist within
the preserveon theand on the adjacent property to the
north. One burrow was observed in the pineland in the
northwest corner of the preserve; however, it is unknown if it is active or not. Now that the dense
exotics have been cut and treated on site, and the thick fuels mechanically reduced,
it is likely that tortoises will start to increase in numbers in the preserve.County staff, with input
from Florida Forest Service staff, has determined that it would not be safe to burn the site due to
its close proximity to the urban area and US 41.
Nine (9) species were reported within FNAI’s Biodiversity Matrices 38350 and 38351 as likely
(rare species likely to occur on the site based on suitable habitat and/or known occurrences in the
vicinity) including: black-whiskered vireo (Vireo altiloquus) – a bird of conservation concern, the
mangrove fox squirrel (Sciurus niger avicennia), and the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus).
Seventeen (17) species were reported within FNAI’s Biodiversity Matrices 38350 and 38351 as
potential occurrences (site lies within the known or predicted range of species) including: the
eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi), the gopher frog (Rana capito), the red-cockaded
woodpecker (Picoides borealis), and the Florida bonneted bat (Eumpos floridanus). Appendix 3
provides the FNAI Managed Area Tracking Record and Element Occurrence Summary as well as
the Biodiversity Matrix Report. Global and state rankings are provided for each species as well as
their federal and state status.
2.6 Invasive, Non-native and Problem Species
In an ecological context, an invasive species is one that is aggressive in growth and expansion of
range and tends to dominate others; its establishment and dominance can cause widespread harm
to an ecological system by altering the species composition, susceptibility to fire and hydrology of
Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Photo by Christal Segura
Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus)
Photo by Valerie Chartier, URS
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 31
an area. Non-indigenous species (a.k.a. non-native species, exotic species) are those that have
been purposefully or accidentally introduced to an area outside their normal range. The
characteristics of some of these species (high rate of growth/reproduction, no natural predators,
easily dispersed, able to out-compete native species) make them invasive. Some indigenous
species (a species whose natural range included Florida at the time of European contact circa 1500
AD or a species which has naturally expanded or changed its range to include Florida) may also
become invasive. Invasions by native and non-native species often follow an alteration to
ecosystem function, disruption of the food web, large scale fragmentation of an ecosystem and/or
disturbance (e.g., clearing, fire, drought, etc) of an area. While some native species may become
invasive, the establishment and dominance of non-native species is of particular concern.
The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC) maintains a list of exotic plants that have been
documented to (1) have adverse effects on Florida’s biodiversity and plant communities, (2) cause
habitat loss due to infestations and (3) impact endangered species via habitat loss and alteration.
To date, twenty-five invasive, non-indigenous plant species are known to occur within Wet Woods
Preserve. Although Florida does not have an official exotic, invasive animal species list, at least
400 exotic fish and wildlife animal species have been reported in Florida, and approximately 125
species are established. While only two invasive, non-indigenous animal species have been
documented within the preserve, other species also have a potential to occur in Wet Woods and
will be discussed in section 2.6.2.
2.6.1 Invasive and Problem Plant Species
To date, twenty-five (25) introduced plant species have been found at the Wet Woods Preserve,
accounting for 13% of the plant species recorded there (Table 7). Twelve (13) of the twenty-five
exotic, invasive species are considered Category I exotic, invasive species by FLEPPC and one (1)
is listed as Category II. FLEPPC defines Category I plants as those that alter native plant
communities by displacing native species, change community structures or ecological functions,
or hybridize with natives. Category II plants have increased in abundance or frequency but have
not yet altered Florida plant communities to the extent shown by Category I species. These
definitions do not rely on the economic severity or geographic range of the problem, but on the
documented ecological damage caused (FLEPPC 2007).
Table 7: Invasive Plant Species at Wet Woods Preserve
Scientific Name Common Names
Acacia auriculiformis Earleaf Acacia I
Ardisia elliptica Shoebutton Ardesia I
Bischofia javanica Bishopwood I
Casuarina equisetifolia Australian Pine I
Colocasia esculenta Wild taro, Dasheen, Coco-yam I
Dioscorea bulbifera Air-potato I
Ficus microcarpa Laurel fig, Indian laurel I
Lygodium microphyllum Old World Climbing Fern I
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 32
Melaleuca quinquenervia Melaleuca, Punk Tree, Paper Bark I
Momordica charantia Balsam Apple II
Nephrolepis multiflora Asian Sword Fern I
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Downy Rose Myrtle I
Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian Pepper I
Syzygium cumini Java Plum, Jambolan I
Urena lobata Caesarweed II
The most problematic exotic, invasive plant species at Wet Woods Preserve are melaleuca
(Melaleuca quinquenervia), Brazilian-pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius)earleaf acacia (Acacia
auriculiformis), downy rose myrtle (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa ) and old world climbing fern
(Lygodium microphyllum). Downy rose myrtle and is earleaf acacia are the most prevalent in the
upland area in the northwest quadrant. OMelaleuca and old world climbing fern are the most dense
in the southwestern quadrant, andis prevelant throughout the preserve. Brazilian pepper is present
in all areas excluding the southwest quadrant.
In September 2007, all invasive species received initial treatment. The dense exotic vegetation
along the eastern boundary that is visible from U.S. 41 was cut, stumps treated and the debris was
removed. Because the remainder of the site is difficult to access, the remaining exotic veget ation
throughout the property was treated in place using foliar, basal bark or frill and girdle herbicide
treatment techniques. The majority of the exotics in the upland area in the northwest quadrant
were cut up into small pieces and the bases were treated with herbicide. The entire removal project
was funded by the DEP Bureau of Invasive Plant Management ($57,000).
Following initial treatment, contractors returned to the site twice to retreat the remaining exotics.
County approved contractors treated the preserve bi-annually from 2008 – 2010. The most recent
treatment occurred in March 2020. Treatment will continue to occur annuallyevery 2 years, or as
Under certain conditions, especially following soil disturbance or drainage, some n ative plant
species can become invasive. There are no native plant species at Wet Woods Preserve that are
currently a management problem on the site. Management actions may cause some species to
become problematic (see section 4.5.7).
2.6.2 Invasive and Problem Animal Species
Two (2) non-indigenous, invasive animal species have been documented on the preserve: red
imported fire ants and brown anoles. Based on the natural communities found within the preserve,
proximity to residential areas and geographic location, several more species (native and non-
native) have the potential to impact the Wet Woods Preserve to varying degrees. Brief descriptions
of documented and undocumented but potentially problematic species are provided in the
following paragraphs.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 33
Red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta): documented within
the Wet Woods Preserve
These social insects were introduced into the U.S. from Brazil into
either Mobile, Alabama or Pensacola, Florida between 1933 and
1945 (Collins & Scheffrahn 2005) and have been detected in the
Wet Woods Preserve. Red imported fire ants (RIFA) have been
documented to cause harm to humans and wildlife as well as
economic harm (Stimac & Alves 1994; Collins & Scheffrahn
2005; Willcox & Giuliano, 2006). RIFAs are omnivorous, but
they prefer insects as their primary food source (Willcox &
Guiliano 2006). RIFAs have a number of impacts on wildlife; in
many areas, they have eliminated native ant populations through
competition and predation and have eradicated food sources
utilized by some wildlife species. Ground-nesting wildlife is especially susceptible to RIFAs.
Within the Wet Woods Preserve, RIFAs have the potential to affect ground-nesting birds; small
mammals; reptiles such as gopher tortoise, native lizard and snake species, and native invertebrates
(Willcox & Giuliano 2006). Additionally, members of the public that come into contact with
RIFAs may be harmed if stung. Many people have anaphylactic reactions to the toxins released
from RIFA stings.
Brown Anole (Anolis sagrei): documented within the Wet Woods
Also known as the Cuban anole, the brown anole is native to Cuba, the
Bahamas, and neighboring islands (Schwartz & Henderson 1991). Like
other anoles from the islands, this species is a small, tropical, diurnal,
arboreal, territorial, and insectivorous lizard (Campbell 2001). The
brown anole was first documented in the Florida Keys in the late 1800s
(Lee 1985) and has since spread throughout Florida, into Georgia and
into two other southeastern states (Campbell 1996). The brown anole
is a habitat generalist and generally prefers the fairly open areas of
disturbed sites. In Florida; it feeds on a wide variety of insects,
amphipods, and isopods. Brown anoles also prey on other small
vertebrates including the hatchlings of the native green anole (Anolis
carolinensiis; Campbell 2000). Campbell (2000) showed that, in the
absence of the exotic brown anoles, native green anoles occupy
perches from ground to the canopy of vegetation. However, in the
presence of the exotic anole, native anoles move higher in trees,
occupying only the trunk and crown of trees. Dietary overlap is high
between both species, but the overall affects of the brown anole on
the green anole are still undetermined.
Coyote (Canis latrans): undocumented within the Wet Woods Preserve
Coyotes were introduced in very small numbers to Florida during the 1920’s for sport hunting with
domestic dogs. This introduction did not lead to the establishment of coyote populations in
Solenopsis invicta, an invasive, non-
indigenous arthropod documented within the
Wet Woods Preserve. Photo courtesy of the
Anolis sagrei, an invasive, exotic
reptile documented in the Wet Woods
Preserve. Photo courtesy of the
Anolis carolinensiis, an
indigenous reptile documented
in the Wet Woods Preserve.
Photo courtesy of the USGS.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 34
Florida. Concurrently, these canids expanded their range eastward across the United States and
Canada as a result of nonspecific needs in habitat and food, decreased competition from other
predators, large litter sizes and anthropogenic changes to the landscape. Since many species
naturally expand or change their home ranges in response to climate and resource availability, the
coyote may be considered native to Florida. This crepuscular (active mostly at dawn and dusk)
species is elusive and may travel individually or in groups of two or three (Coates et al. 1998).
Evidence of the presence of coyotes has been observed at the nearby Railhead Scrub Preserve.
Coyotes commonly enlarge burrows made by other animals such as armadillos or gopher tortoises
to use as dens or use dense vegetation for cover. Coyotes may have a negative influence on
indigenous wildlife as direct predators or as potential competitors with predators that may occur
at the preserve such as foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) or bobcats (lynx rufus floridanus);
however, this species may prove beneficial in controlling potential problem species such as feral
Cuban tree frog (Osteopilus septentrionalis): undocumented within
the Wet Woods Preserve
Like the Cuban anole, the Cuban tree frog is native to Cuba, the
Bahamas, and neighboring islands. The first Cuban tree frogs
probably arrived in the Florida Keys as stowaways in shipping crates
originating from the Caribbean in the 1920’s. Today, they have
established breeding populations as far north as Cedar Key on
Florida's Gulf Coast, Jacksonville on the Atlantic Coast, and
Gainesville in north-central Florida. These hylids are the largest tree
frog found in Florida and because of their ability to invade natural
areas and prey on native invertebrates and small vertebrates
(including native tree frogs) they are considered an invasive species.
Additionally, the tadpoles of this species inhibit the growth and development of the tadpoles of the
native southern toad (Bufo terrestris) and green tree frog (Hyla cinerea). Cuban tree frogs thrive
in residential and natural areas such as pine forests, hardwood hammocks, and swamps. In
residential settings, they are most commonly found on and around homes and buildings, and in
gardens and landscape plants. They are known to get into transformer boxes and electrical
switches causing power outages (Johnson 2007). Due to the natural communities that are found
within the Wet Woods Preserve and its proximity to residential areas, this species has the potential
of occurring in the preserve.
Osteopilus septentrionalis, an invasive,
exotic reptile that has the potential to
occur at the Wet Woods Preserve. Photo
courtesy of the USGS.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 35
Giant Marine Toad or Cane Toad (Bufo marinus): undocumented within the Preserve
The cane toad is a tropical species native to the Amazon basin in South America, and its range
extends through Central America to extreme southern Texas along the Rio Grande River. They
are used as a as a control agent for insects that damage sugarcane and consequently, are one of the
most introduced amphibian species in the world. In 1936, an attempt was made to introduce this
species into Palm Beach County, FL. This attempt failed as did two subsequent efforts. Ironically,
in 1955, an accidental release by an importer at the Miami International Airport in Miami-Dade
County, FL proved successful. They have since been deemed an invasive species in Florida and
are currently found in urban areas of south and central Florida, and are rapidly expanding
northward (Brandt &
Mazziotti 2005). Many of
this species’ characteristics
enable it to do well in south
Florida. Beetles, bees, ants,
winged termites, crickets
and bugs are a large part of
the diet of the adult marine
toad. Additionally, they
consume arthropods,
mollusks, small vertebrates,
plant matter, pet food,
carrion, household scraps,
marine snails, smaller toads and native frogs, small snakes, and even small mammals. Marine
toads are prolific breeders and females can lay tens of thousands of eggs in a single breeding
season. They prefer forested areas with semi permanent water nearby (Churchill 2003). The cane
toad looks very similar to the native, southern toad, but there are some distinct differences. The
most obvious distinction is adult body size (length of body not counting the legs). Adult marine
toads can reach lengths of 6 -9 inches while the native southern toads only reach a length of 3.6
inches. Like other true toads, both possess poisonous, parotid glands. The parotid glands of the
cane toad are angled downward behind their head to their shoulders. The southern toad has a
kidney-shaped parotid gland behind each eye positioned close to the spine. The southern toad also
possesses cranial crests that start between the eyes and often end in big knobs. While the parotid
glands of all toads contain bufotoxins (poisonous, milky fluids exuded as a defense mechanism),
the chemicals released by the exotic, cane toad are much more harmful to wildlife, pets and people
(Brandt & Mazziotti 2005). Due to the natural communities that are found within the Wet Woods
Preserve and its proximity to residential areas, this species has the potential of occurring within
the preserve. Adjoining residents of the preserve should be encouraged to keep pet food and water
containers indoors or empty at night.
Feral domestic cat (Felis catus): undocumented within the Wet Woods Preserve
Domestic cats originated from an ancestral wild species, the European and African wildcat (Felis
silvestris). Humans facilitated the global distribution of cats due to their highly efficient predatory
skills. Egyptians took cats with them on shipping vessels to keep rodent populations down, and
they likely introduced domestic cats to Europe. Subsequently the expansion of the Roman Empire
and European missionary missions facilitated the spread of domestic cats into Asia and beyond
Bufo marinus, an invasive, exotic amphibian that
has the potential to occur at the Wet Woods
Preserve. Photo courtesy of the USGS.
Bufo terrestris, a native toad that looks similar to
the exotic, invasive cane toad. Photo courtesy of
the USGS.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 36
(Masterson 2007). Today, the impact of feral cats on wildlife is difficult to quantify; however,
literature (FFWCC 2001; Karim 2007; Masterson 2007) strongly indicates that they are a
significant factor in the mortality of small mammals, birds (including migratory birds), reptiles,
and amphibians in Florida. Because free-ranging cats often receive food from humans, they may
reach abnormally high numbers. An increase in the population of feral cats may lead to increased
predation rates on native wildlife. While no cats have yet been observed on the Wet Woods
Preserve, there exists a high probability of their future presence on the preserve due to the
proximity of Wet Woods to human residential areas. Adjoining residents of the preserve should
be encouraged to keep their cats indoors and staff should monitor the preserve for the presence of
feral cats.
Feral pig (Sus scrofa): undocumented within the Wet Woods Preserve
Hogs were first brought to Florida in the mid 1500’s to provision settlements of early explorers.
Over the next four centuries, these animals were raised in semi-wild conditions and rounded up
only when needed. Their high rate of reproduction and their ability to adapt to Florida’s natural
areas has led them to populate every county in the state. Today, Florida is second only to Texas
in its feral hog population (Giuliano & Tanner 2005a; 2005b). While feral pigs are able to survive
in a variety of habitats, they prefer large forested areas interspersed with marshes, hammocks,
ponds, and drainages; cover in the form of dense brush; and limited human disturbance (Giuliano
& Tanner 2005b). Dense cover is used as bedding areas and provides protection from predators
and hunters. Feral pigs are omnivorous, opportunistic feeders consuming grasses, forbs, and
woody plant stems, roots, tubers, leaves, seeds, fruits, fungi, and a variety of animals including
worms, insects, crustaceans, mollusks, fish, small birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and
carrion. Their propensity for digging for foods below the surface of the ground (rooting)
destabilizes the soil surface, resulting in erosion and exotic plant establishment. Additionally, this
behavior uproots or weakens native vegetation (Giuliano & Tanner 2005a; 2005b). Due to the
natural communities that are found within the Wet Woods Preserve, this species has the potential
of occurring within the boundaries. As these animals are highly visible outside of natural plant
communities, adjoining residents of the preserve may be useful in the early detection of this
nuisance animal. Given the location of the preserve and its proximity to residential areas, trapping
would be the only viable solution if feral hogs were to invade Wet Woods.
Burmese python (Python bivittatus): undocumented within the Wet Woods Preserve
The Burmese python is a large nonvenomous constrictor that is an invasive species in Florida.
Burmese pythons have heavily impacted the wildlife and the food chain in South Florida. These
predators have contributed to major declines in animal populations and pose a major threat to
endangered species. Although pythons have not been observed within Wet Woods Preserve, its
natural communities could support their presence. If a python is identified within the preserve,
efforts should be taken to remove it for humane euthanization. The presence of a python should be
reported to FWC with the following information: a photo identifying the snake as a python, the
date of capture, and the gps location of capture.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 37
3.0 Previous and Current Use of the Preserve; Adjacent Land Uses
3.1 Previous and Current Use
Aerial photography taken in 1944, 1953, 1962, 1975, 1985, 1994 and recent physical visits to the
site show that development has never occurred on the site. The photographs are available in the
public records and available at the Collier County Property Appraisers Office and online from the
State University System of Florida website (see Figure 7). A Phase I Environmental Site
Assessment was conducted on the site by ASC geosciences dated May 25, 2005, before the
property was purchased by the Conservation Collier Program. This report revealed that no
evidence of recognized adverse environmental conditions exist on the property and is this report
is available as public county record.
Currently, there is no sanctioned public use of the site. The closest public road to the property is
US Hwy 41 (Tamiami Trail North). A drainage ditch running north and south is located on the
eastern edge of the property and separates the preserve from US Hwy 41. This ditch makes the
preserve virtually inaccessible at this time from US 41.
3.2 Cultural, Historical and Archeological Resource Protection
The Wet Woods Preserve is not within an area of historical and archaeological probability, and no
historical or archaeological sites appear to be present on the property. The County will notify the
Division of Historical Resources immediately if evidence is found to suggest any archaeological
or historic resources are discovered. If such resources are identified on-site, staff shall cordon off
the area, and a professional survey and assessment shall be instituted. The archaeologist shall
prepare a report outlining results of the assessments and issue recommendations to County staff
about management of any sites discovered, per provisions of the Land Development Code Section
2.2.25. This report shall be sent to the Division of Historical Resources. The County shall
cooperate fully with direction from the Division of Historical Resources on the protection and
management of archaeological and historical resources. The management of these resources will
comply with the provisions of Chapter 267, Florida Statutes, specifically Sections 267.061 2 (a)
and (b).
3.3 Adjacent Land Uses
The Wet Woods Preserve is adjacent to residential areas, undeveloped areas, commercial lands,
conservation easement lands, a canal, and a major thoroughfare- U.S. Highway 41 (Figure 8). Two
parcels are located along the northern boundary of the preserve. The Future Citizens, Inc. parcel
is located along the western portion of the northern border, while the Germain car dealership lot is
located along the eastern portion of the northern border. Both of these parcels are mapped as pine
flatwoods areas. Currently, the Future Citizens, Inc. parcel is largely undeveloped land pine
flatwoods used as a camping area for a number of youth organizations including girl scouts and
boy scouts. The Germain parcel was developed in 2007 into a paved parking lot and a small
conservation easement mapped as pine flatwoods was preserved along the western boundary of
the Germain property. A drainage ditch running north and south is located along the eastern edge
of the preserve property and separates it from US Hwy 41. Mangrove swamps, under conservation
easements, are located along the southern border of the preserve and are owned by the Old Collier
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 38
Golf Club. The Cocohatchee Nature Center is located just south of the conservation easement
lands. The Gulf Harbor canal, running north and south, is located along the western boundary of
the property and separates the preserve from the Gulf Harbor Moorings subdivision.
Figure 7: Historical Aerial Photographs courtesy of the State of Florida University System
of Florida website
1944 aerial-
Land remained natural
wooded & undeveloped
1962 aerial –
Development started to occur
on the land surrounding the
preserve. Canal to the west
was constructed.
Wiggins Pass Road
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 39
Figure 8: Areas Contiguous to the Wet Woods Preserve
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 40
3.4 Major Accomplishments during Previous Years
Since the acquisition of the Wet Woods Preserve in August 2005, key accomplishments have been
achieved (Table 8). The facilitation of a partnership between the Partners for Wildlife Program
(USFWS) and Future Citizens, Inc. for the removal and treatment of invasive, exotic plant species
on the Future Citizens, Inc. parcel furthered the relationship between Collier C ounty and the
owners of this parcel while taking steps to eradicate the potential seed sources of invasive, exotics
from adjacent lands. Staff also facilitated a relationship between USFWS and the Fire Department
to help fund the exotic removal on a one-acre piece of land embedded in the northern portion of
the Future Citizens Property. Staff will also work with the County Stormwater Department to
assist them in exotic removal on their properties that exist along Wiggins-Pass Road including
removal of exotics along a small creek flowing into the Future Citizens Property (Figure 9).
Table 8: Major Accomplishments Since the Acquisition
of the Wet Woods Preserve
Accomplishment Year(s)
Developed an Informal Partnership with Future Citizens, Inc. 2006 - 2007
Acquired grant from the Bureau of Invasive Plant Management (BIPM)(FDEP)
for the initial removal and treatment of invasive exotic plant species 2006
Removed and treated the invasive exotic plants species from 14 acres of the
site- (implemented the BIPM Grant) 2007
Facilitated a Partnership Between U. S. Fish and Wildlife, Future Citizens,
Inc., and the Collier County Fire Department for the Removal and Treatment
of Exotic Invasive Plant Species on adjacent properties to the north
Contracted Services of Keith Bradley for a Complete Plant Inventory
Acquired grant from the Invasive Plant Management Section (IPMS)(FWC)
for the maintenance of invasive exotic plant species 2015
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 41
Figure 9: Exotic Removal Partnership Areas
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 42
4.0 Future Use of the Wet Woods Preserve including
Management Issues, Goals and Objectives
This section describes the main management issues, goals, and objectives for Wet Woods Preserve
as well as the overall management framework. Central to the management of the Preserve is the
mission of the Conservation Collier Program, and the goals and objectives set forth in this
management plan.
4.1 Management Plan Framework
Each property purchased by Conservation Collier shall have its own management plan. The
Conservation Collier Ordinance at the time the property was purchased required that an “Interim”
Management Plan be developed within 60 days of closing. Interim plans include basic items such
as removal of invasive exotics and trash, establishing site security, developing management
partnerships and planning for public access. The interim plan for this site was officially approved
in January 2006. The ordinance then requires a “Final” management plan covering 10 years be
developed within two years. Subsequently, the property management plan must then be reviewed
every five years. Final management plans, however, are considered living documents and can be
updated at any time. Review of all management plans start in the Lands Evaluation and
Management subcommittee and must be approved by both the Conservation Collier Land
Acquisition Advisory Committee (CCLAAC) and the Board of County Commissioners (BCC).
4.1.1 Preserve Manager: Contact Information
The Site Manager for Wet Woods Preserve will be a designated Collier County Environmental
Specialist who may be contacted through electronic mail:
4.2 Planned Uses and Assessment of their Impacts
Future planned use will be consistent with the primary goals of conservation, preservation,
restoration and maintenance of the resource. Official public use of the site will not be possible
because there is no legal current access points. However, citizens that desire to visit, can do so by
signing a waiver which will allow them access at their own risk and releases the liability of the
County. Details of planned uses for the Wet Woods Preserve and an assessment of their potential
impacts are provided in the following sections.
4.2.1 Identification of Public Uses Consistent with Preservation, Enhancement, Restoration,
Conservation and Maintenance of the Resources
The Conservation Collier Ordinance 2002-63 constrains the use of this property to “primary
objectives of managing and preserving natural resource values and providing appropriate natural
resource-based recreational & educational opportunities.” Natural resource-based recreation shall
mean all forms of uses, which are consistent with the goals of this program, and are compatible
with the specific parcel. Such uses may include, but are not limited to: hiking, nature photography,
bird watching, kayaking, canoeing, swimming, hunting and fishing (Ord. No. 02-63, as amended§
5, 12-3-02). Additionally, no dumping, use of unauthorized vehicles, or removal or destruction of
natural or historical/archaeological resources will be permitted within the preserve. The goal is to
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 43
allow limited, non-destructive public access to native plant communities and animal species. The
preserve rules are those identified in Collier County Ordinance 2011-38 (available from
The following are consistent uses for this particular site: hiking, nature photography, bird
watching, kayaking / canoeing and fishing. Inconsistent uses include swimming, hunting and off
roadoff-road vehicle use (ORV).
In addition, there are no existing easements, concessions, or leases at the Wet Woods Preserve. In
accordance with the management goals of the preserve, no future easements, concessions, or leases
are appropriate in association with this site, other than conservation related easements.
4.3 Desired Future Conditions
This section includes a description of the proposed future conditions for the site’s natural areas.
Management techniques to achieve these conditions are outlined in section 4.4.
After managers complete recommended management actions, Wet Woods Preserve will consist of
mangrove forests interspersed with tidal marshes and mesic pine flatwood habitats interspersed
with freshwater marshes; these communities will have a similar structure and composition to those
that existed before non-indigenous people settled the region and before the exclusion of fire. The
site will be vegetated with appropriate native flora that will provide suitable cover for a variety of
wildlife species.
• Mangrove forests interspersed with tidal marshes will be comprised of native canopy
species such as red mangrove, black mangrove, white mangrove, and buttonwood.
Native midstory will include: saltbush while ground cover species will include marsh
elder, sea oxy daisy, Christmas berry, black needle rush, cordgrass, giant leather fern,
and swamp fern.
• Mesic pine flatwood habitats interspersed with freshwater marshes will be comprised
of native canopy species such as slash pine and cabbage palm. Native midstory species
will include: saw palmetto, galberry, sumac, wax myrtle, rusty lyonia, and tarflower
(Befaria racemosa). The understory will be comprised of saw grass, swamp lily, giant
leather fern, umbrella sedge (Fuirena spp.), a wide variety of grasses (Agrostis,
Andropogon, Aristida, Dichanthelium, Eragrostis, and Panicum spp., etc.), pawpaws
(Asimina spp.), gopher apple (Licania michauxii), legumes (Cassia, Crotalaria,
Galactia, Rhynchosia, Tephrosia spp., etc.), milkworts (Polygala spp.), blueberries
(Vaccinium spp.), milkweeds (Asclepias spp.), composites (Aster, Chrysopsis, Emilia,
Eupatorium, Liatris, and Solidago spp., etc.) and native wetland grasses that dominate
the freshwater marshes (Distichlis spp. & Paspalum spp.).
4.4 Goals for the 10 year period 20082020-2018 2030
A set of goals and objectives for Wet Woods Preserve were developed in conjunction with the
drafting of this Management Plan. The goals and objectives in this plan are tailored specifically
for Wet Woods Preserve based on the purposes for which the lands were acquired, the condition
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 44
of the resources present, and the management issues for the property. On-site managers should be
familiar with this entire Management Plan. Goals and objectives from the interim first 10-year land
management plan for the Wet Woods Preserve were reviewed to determine whether they should
be included in this plan. The goals and objectives presented here reflect programmatic goals and
ideas of Conservation Collier personnel in charge of managing and protecting the area. These
goals shall not be modified, but specific application of management techniques may take into
consideration input by user groups and other stakeholders from outside the program,
accommodating user needs and desires where practicable and where overarching manag ement
goals are not violated.
Management issues are discussed below in separate sections. Within each section, approaches for
dealing with these issues are described. The ability to implement the specific goals and objectives
identified in this plan is dependent upon the availability of funding sources. The following goals
have been identified for Wet Woods Preserve:
Goal 1: Significantly reduce human impacts to indigenous flora and fauna
Goal 2: Continue monitoring of vegetationDevelop a baseline monitoring report
Goal 3: Remove or cControl populations of invasive, exotic or problematic flora and fauna
to restore and maintain natural habitats
Goal 4: Use mechanical treatments to decrease woody invasion resulting from past fire
Goal 5: Restore native vegetation
Goal 6: Continue to explore options for public access
Goal 86:7: Provide a plan for security and disaster preparedness
Action Item 1.1 Develop a Memorandum of Understanding with Future Citizens, Inc.
organization for access to Wet Woods Preserve by groups visiting the Future Citizens,
Inc. parcel.
The Future Citizens, Inc. parcel is located along the western portion of the northern border of
the Wet Woods Preserve (Figure 8). Groups including children’s groups often visit and camp
on their parcel. Under the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), access to the Wet
Woods Preserve could be granted to these groups after they have signed a land access request
and release form. This form will serve as a liability waiver and will specifically include
verbage to indemnify, release and discharge the CCLAAC, the Collier County Parks and
Recreation Division and the BCC, their officers, agents, and employees against and from any
and all liability, claims, and right of action for the death, or injury to the signator or their
property. This MOU will also indemnify, release and discharge the above mentioned parties
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
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for any other type of damage, which may occur at any time arising out of the granting of this
request whether or not any such damages are due to alleged negligence of any agent,
employee or other worker of the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee,
the Collier County Parks and Recreation Division or the Collier County Board of County
Commissioners and the County of Collier. Furthermore, the rules and regulations of the Wet
Woods Preserve will be included in the MOU. Finally, the MOU will contain information on
general preserve rules and regulations and information about specific listed or protected
species documented on the preserve. County legal staff will be involved in the approval of the
A 4 ft. high field fence exists along the Future Citizen’s and Wet Woods Preserve boundary. A
locked gate along the fence-line was installed to allow access to the Wet Woods Preserve by
authorized County staff, the fire department, and possibly groups visiting the Future Citizens,
Inc. parcel.
Action Item 1.3 Install signs encouraging people to stay on any future public access trails
situated on the Wet Wood Preserve.
Action Item 1.4 1 Identify locations of rare and listed native plant species.
The location of these species will be identified using a global positioning system (GPS) device
and mapped to allow staff to monitor them. Future pPublic trails will be constructed to avoid
areas where rare and listed species exist.
Action Item 1.5 2 Enforce regulations prohibiting trash in or near the preserve.
Staff will monitor the trails preserve on a regular basis and if excessive dumping or littering
start to occur, enforcement actions will be sought through the County Sheriff’s Department.
Action Item 1.6 3 Identify actual and potential locations of resident animal life and take
steps such as locating future visitor amenities away from animal nesting sites.
Action Item 1.7 4 Avoid non-target damage to native plants and animals, especially rare
species, during invasive exotic plant treatments.
Staff will prohibit the use of Imazapyr containing herbicides such as Arsenal. This type of
herbicide has potentially caused a great deal of non-target damage throughout the state.
Licensed County or State contractors will be monitored closely to ensure the proper herbicide
applications are being utilized while treating the site. Also, close attention will be taken to
look for Tillandsia sp. (listed in Table 6) that may be attached to invasive trees being cut
down or removed. Plants of these species should be relocated prior to removal.
Action Item 1.8 5 Note and research all site development occurring adjacent to Wet
Woods Preserve to determine that the proper site development permits have been
obtained and that the site development complies with the permits.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
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Activities on adjacent lands may have an impact on the indigenous plant and animal life on the
Wet Woods Preserve. As such, all existing local, state, and federal regulations should be strictly
followed and enforced during any site development adjacent to the Preserve. It shall be the
responsibility of the developer to establish erosion control measures and vegetation protection
measures (i.e., protective fencing or barriers). If any site developer working in areas adjacent
to the preserve does not take the necessary control measures, construction shall be immediately
halted until control measures are put into place and mitigation and/or remediation will be the
sole responsibility of the developer.
Action Item 2.1 Establish aContinue long-term biological vegetation monitoring
program and conduct additional wildlife surveys.
Long-term management of the preserve should be based on biological data. Changes following
baseline conditions should be assessed as negative or positive, and management strategies
changed appropriately. This section discusses information needs and long-term monitoring
Keith Bradley from the Institute for Regional Conservation (IRC) conducted a thorough floristic
inventory of the Wet Woods Preserve in 2008. His findings along with those of Conservation
Collier staff comprise the baseline floristic data on which future actions will be based. The site
should be inspected by Conservation Collier Staff at least twice a year and thoroughly
inventoried at regular intervals (ca. 5-10 years) to detect new invasions (by natives or exotics)
and extinctions. An updated floristic inventory of the preserve will be completed prior to the
next update of this management plan, Areas undergoing extreme restoration should be assessed
more frequently. While some wildlife data has been collected, additional baseline data should
be collected when possible, especially on invertebrates, small mammals, reptiles, and
amphibians. The site manager may contract this work out or enlist the assistance of local
educators to coordinate student research projects. Wildlife sampling, like plant sampling,
should take place at regular intervals (ca. 5-10 years) to detect long-term trends.
Currently, four (4) photo points have been established within upland portions of the preserve,
and four (4) photo points have been
established within the mangrove
fringe portions of the preserve,
(Figure 10). Locations of photo
points have been recorded with a
GPS and all photographs taken at
these locations have been taken at a
standard height and angle of view.
During photo documentations, one
photo is taken in each of the cardinal
directions (north, east, south and
west) and a 360-degree panoramic
photo is taken. These photos will
help to monitor exotic plant removal
and native plant recruitment over
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 47
time. Additionally, the four photo points located within the mangrove fringe will assist with
documentation of the effects of sea level rise to the vegetation within the preserve. If necessary,
more photo points will be established to aid in management decision activities.
Figure 1012: Photo Point Locations Within Wet Woods Preserve
Staff will also attempt to work with the Florida Audubon and Florida Fish and Wildlife on
setting up an Eagle Camera. This will allow the County, all interested agencies, and Collier
County school children to remotely view the eagles nest. Grants could be sought to help to
cover the costs of the project as an educational and research based tool.
Action Item 3.1 Acquire services of licensed and qualified contractor(s) for the removal
of invasive, exotic or problematic plant species.
The following (Table 9) describes recommended controls of the majority of the Category I,
invasive, exotics by Langeland and Stocker (2001) as well as staff recommendations. These
recommended control methods may be altered by site managers dependent on new information
and products available on the control of these species.
Table 9: Invasive, Exotic Plant Species Control Plan
for the Wet Woods Preserve Category I species
Scientific Name Common
Name(s) Description and Recommended Control(s)a
auriculiformis Earleaf acacia Basal bark application of 10% Garlon 4 or cut-stump treatment
with 50% Garlon 3A.
Ardisia elliptica Shoebutton
Basal bark treatment with 10% Garlon 4 or cut stump
application of 50% Garlon 3A. Hand pull seedlings.
Bischofia javanica Bishopwood Basal bark treatment with 10% Garlon 4 or cut stump
application of 50% Garlon 3A. Hand pull seedlings.
equisetifolia Australian pine
Basal bark treatment with 10% Garlon 4 is very effective, as is
a cut-stump treatment with 50% Garlon 3A or 10% Garlon 4.
When basal bark treatment is used on trees greater than 1 foot in
diameter it may be necessary to slough off loose bark in the
application area to prevent the bark from trapping the herbicide.
Broadcut or 4-6 lb Velpar ULW may be used when appropriate.
esculenta Wild taro
Usually found in aquatic habitats where only aquatic herbicides
should be used. Large corms make control really difficult. Less
than 2 feet tall resembles alligator flag and elephant ear. Has a
large tuberous root. Can manually dig up root and remove from
site or treat with foliar application 1-1.5% aquatic glyphsate
(Rodeo) with an aquatic approved surfactant
bulbifera Air-potato
A basal stem application of Garlon 4 is recommended although
cut-stem treatments with 50% Garlon 3A or 10% Garlon 4 are
also effective. If bulbils are present on vines, a basal bark
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 48
treatment should be used because it will translocate into the
bulbils. Collect bulbils from the ground and remove from site.
Apply 10% Garlon 4 to stems emerging from tubers. Hand
pulling followed by treatment of re-sprouts has also been
effective. For foliar applications, use Garlon 1%-2% 3A.
Several applications throughout the growing season may be
Ficus microcarpa Laurel Fig
Basal bark application of 10% Garlon 4. Invade the interior and
ensure herbicide doesn’t come into contact with host tree or
Old world
climbing fern
The most serious natural area weed in Florida. Control
immediately upon sighting. Thoroughly spray foliage to wet
with 1.25% Garlon 4 (4 pt per acre), 0.6% Roundup Pro
(maximum 5 pt/acre), 1.0%-3.0% Rodeo (maximum 7 pt per
acre). Only Rodeo can be used if plants are growing in aquatic
site. Plants growing high into trees cut vines and treat lower
portions. Do not apply when plants are under environmental
stress. The poodle cut method may also be used.
Melaleuca, Punk
tree, Paper bark
For seedlings and saplings: (1) hand pull, being sure not to break
plant off of root system and remove or place in piles to help
reduce the chance that they will re-root or; (2) Treat with foliar,
low volume spot application of 5% Rodeo. For mature trees: (1)
Fell large trees with chain saw leaving a level surface, or fell
small trees with machete and treat with triclopyr or glyphosate
products according to frill and girdle directions on SLN. Use
aquatic versions where standing water is present. Monitor for
resprouting and retreat as necessary. (3) Mature trees are very
difficult to control with foliar applications.
multiflora Asian Sword Fern Foliar treatment of 1.5% glysophate
Downy rose
myrtle Basal bark application of 10%-20% Garlon 4.
terebinthifolius Brazilian pepper
Cut-stump treatment with 50% Garlon 3A, 10% Garlon 4 or a
basal bark application of 10% Garlon 4. Foliar application of
Garlon 4, Garlon 3A, Roundup Pro, Roundup Super
Concentrate, or Rodeo, according label directions may be used
where appropriate. Glyphosate products are less effective when
used alone in spring and early summer. Use Rodeo where plants
are growing in aquatic sites.
Syzygium cumini Java plum,
Mature trees may take up to 9 months to die. Cut-stump
treatment with 50% Garlon 3A or 10% Garlon 4, or use a basal
bark treatment with 10% Garlon 4.
Urena lobata Caesarweed 1-2% Garlon 3A + .25% surfactant foliar treatment quarterly
In mesic pine flatwoods, vines - particularly muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia) - may become
abundant after mechanical treatments or exotic plant removal. This native vine, already present
in mesic flatwoods in low densities, can become invasive after disturbances - forming dense
colonies, killing hardwoods and palms, climbing into pines, and persisting for years. Vitis sp.
should be controlled with herbicides if its populations start to grow.
Action Item 3.2 Acquire services of licensed or qualified contractor(s) for the removal of
invasive, exotic or problematic animal species.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 49
To date, two (2) introduced animal species have been documented on the Wet Woods Preserve,
the RIFA and the brown anole. It is doubtful that the total eradication of these species can be
achieved. However, staff and/or contractors should take measures to remove RIFA populations
close to or on any future public access trails.
If feral cat colonies are found near the preserve, the elements that sustain the undesirable
population(s) should be identified and efforts made to ask property owners to eliminate them
(i.e., refuse bins, dumpsters, and supplementary feeding by humans). If any feral cats remain,
they will be trapped and taken to Collier County Domestic Animal Services.
If feral hog populations are found on the preserve, services of licensed or qualified contractor(s)
will be acquired to trap and remove these populations. If pythons are found on the preserve,
their presence will be reported to FWC and staff, with the assistance of partner agencies, will
attempt to remove them.
Action Item 4.1 Develop aUtilize mechanical treatment plan to mimic natural fires
within upland areas of the Preserve, when possible.
Much of Collier County is comprised of plants that are dependent on fire to maintain species
composition and diversity. These species are the same ones that are prone to lightning strike
wildfires, and the controlled reduction of those fuels will prevent catastrophic wildfire damage.
Prescribed fires: reduce fuel loads and consequently decrease the threat of wildfires; create open
areas for wildlife to travel within; stimulate food and seed production; recycle nutrients; alter
the composition and density of forested areas; and aid in the control of invasive plant species.
The structure and composition of the mesic pine flatwood community is dependent on periodic
fires. Fire probably occurred every 1 to 8 years during pre-Columbian times. A majority of the
flora and fauna found within this community are adapted to periodic fires; several species
depend on fire for their continued existence. Without relatively frequent fires, mesic pine
flatwoods succeed into hardwood-dominated forests whose closed canopy can essentially
eliminate herbaceous groundcover and shrubs. Additionally, the dense layer of litter that
accumulates on unburned sites can eliminate the reproduction of pine trees that require a mineral
soil substrate for proper germination (FFWCC 2002).
Fire is the ideal ecological tool for achieving a sustainable mesic pine flatwood community.
However, due to the proximity of the Wet Woods Preserve to residential and commercial areas,
access issues, and the size of the parcel, alternate manual or mechanical treatments will be used
in lieu of managing the lands through the use of fire. Heavy machinery access will be limited
due to inundation in some areas. When possible, and if funds allow, oOne half of the uplands
will should be mechanically mulched every 2 years, so that all uplands will be treated every 4
years. Mechanical treatment must occur outside of eagle nesting season, after the nest is deemed
inactive, or after any known eaglets fledge. A gopher tortoise burrow survey should be
conducted prior to any mechanical treatment. Burrows should be flagged and avoided during
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 50
Action Item 4.2 Delineate rescue access routes, and provide this information to the police
department and emergency services.
Access routes to and within the preserve will be provided to the police department and
emergency services.
Action Item 5.1 Maintain a revised GIS map and description of FNAI natural
communities and disturbed areas on the property.
Maintaining updated maps will help to guide restoration efforts
Action Item 5.2 Plant native plant species in their appropriate habitats
Periods following exotic removal are essential to the recruitment of native plants. If native plant
recruitment is not sufficient from the surrounding, intact seed source, efforts will be made to plant
indigenous flora in appropriate habitats. Natural area restoration of Wet Woods Preserve should
include only site-specific native plant material that has been determined to be non-problematic at
the site and whenever possible, site-specific seed sources should be utilized. In addition,
hardwoods that may invade the natural areas (unforested wetlands: freshwater marsh, tidal marsh)
should not be planted.
Action Item 6.1 Develop access and required facilities for intended public uses
Staff will work closely with adjoining property owners to negotiate areas for the general public
to access the preserve. A parking lot is not planned to be constructed on the site due to the
amount of wetlands present. Three options are listed below that would facilitate public access
and use.
Option 1: A trail network access point could be created off of U.S. 41.
A trailhead into the preserve off of US 41 could be created. A few options have potential to
facilitate access from this area. The first is a footbridge connecting the sidewalk from US 41,
across the drainage ditch and into the preserve. This option of access into the preserve would
lead citizens into a trail network that would start with an information kiosk and a raised
boardwalk leading to a hiking trail through the upland area in the northwest corner. A bike rack
will be placed at the entrance to the trail-head off of US 41.
Figure 11 is based on FLUCCS and soil information from the South Florida Water Management
District. While this information is generally reliable, a site-specific wetland survey will need
to be done before the installation of any trail system. Permits from the County, State and Federal
Government would have to be obtained. The Wet Woods Preserve contains uplands,
jurisdictional wetlands, hydric soils and non-hydric soils (See Figure 11). The upland areas
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 51
with non-hydric soils would be the first choice for a trail or a boardwalk. Upland areas with
hydric soils may accommodate a walking trail to provide visitors a view of the wetland areas.
A raised boardwalk over some wetland areas similar to the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary may
be appealing to many; however, this would also be the most ecologically impactful and costly.
Potential access features are depicted in the conceptual level master plan (Figure 12). The site
shall adhere to guidelines and standards set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
for the footbridge and the raised boardwalk. As permitting for each component of the preserve
goes forward, a review of ADA compliance should be done by the County. The proposed raised
boardwalk in the conceptual plan is approximately 550 ft-long and it would follow existing
trails and cleared areas previously infested with exotics to the extent possible. The elevation of
the boardwalk would allow for fluctuation of water levels within the upland marshes and the
movement of small animals. Additionally, the end of the boardwalk and the beginning of the
walking trail will include benches for wildlife viewing.
The proposed walking trail is approximately 1,100 ft-long. Portions of this upland hiking trail
may have to be closed to public access during times of high water. The property also contains
one bald eagle nest, and any future trail system would have to take associated rules and
regulations (buffer zone, etc.) into account when designing and installing any public access
system. USFWS and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) would
have to be consulted in regard to the bald eagle nest tree(s) in the vicinity. Any and all trails
must comply with the National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines. The following has been
taken from these guidelines:
“Category F. Non-motorized recreation and human entry (e.g., hiking, camping, fishing,
hunting, birdwatching, kayaking, canoeing). No buffer is necessary around nest sites
outside the breeding season. If the activity will be visible or highly audible from the nest,
maintain a 330-foot buffer during the breeding season, particularly where eagles are
unaccustomed to such activity.” (USFWS 2007)
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 52
Figure 11: Option 1 - Conceptual Site Plan
To date, one bald eagle nest has been documented on the preserve; a 330-ft buffer will be
maintained around this nest. As the nest continues to be active, portions of the trail system
within a 330-ft buffer of the nest(s) will be cordoned off during breeding season. The breeding
season for these raptors in Florida is defined by the USFWS (2007) as September through May.
An engineering firm would be contracted to plan the design and would be requested to do so in
the least impactful way possible. The consulting, planning and permitting would be very
expensive as well as the costs to build a boardwalk. This process will also be very time
consuming. It is estimated that at least a year will be needed to complete the planning and
permitting process. Option 1 is currently not a valid option because of budget constraints.
Should matching funds become available, grants could be applied for to assist in the costs
associated with this option.
Attempts were made to possibly lease a few parking spots from the Germain dealership or from a
parking lot across of U.S. 41 however, the Collier County Planning Division had confirmed that
his would not be a legal option per County Land Development Code.
Option 2: Develop a partnership with the Cocohatchee Nature Center for Canoe and Kayak
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 53
The Cocohatchee Nature Center has expressed interest in partnering with the Conservation Collier
Program. The Nature Center is located immediately to the west of US 41, south of the Wet Woods
Preserve at 12345 Tamiami Trail N. (See Figure 8). Their lot has 22 parking spaces, and the Nature
Center has a parking agreement with the Pewter Mug Restaurant located directly to the east of
U.S. 41. The Pewter Mug property can accommodate parking for approximately 84 vehicles and
allows Nature Center patrons to utilize their lot anytime before 4 pm everyday. A walkway exists
under the adjacent U.S. 41 bridge which connects the Pewter Mug property to the Nature Center.
The Nature Center rents out canoes and kayaks to citizens and tourists. Staff will develop a
working agreement with the Nature Center to assist citizens who wish to access the preserve via
canoe or kayak. The Nature Center would facilitate them by renting equipment, and they would
receive information about the preserve and the program and a brochure and map on how to access
the site from the center. The Nature Center is currently for sale however, so the future owners
will have to agree with the partnership as well.
There is one access point to the Wet Woods Preserve from the Nature Center (See Figure 11). This
area is only easily accessible at high tide. This access point would lead people into the mangrove
wetland area. Due to the sensitivity of the mangrove wetlands, no trailheads will be constructed,
people will be able to view the property from their kayaks or canoes only. There is great
opportunity for bird-watching and nature photography while using this access option.
If Option 1 above were to ever occur, the public would also be able to walk from the Nature Center
to the boardwalk area via the sidewalk on the west side of U.S. 41; however, this highway is very
busy and this may not be the safest option. There would be an approximate 0.4 mile walk to the
A kayak trail was initially proposed that would allow citizens to paddle up into the canal system
that exists around the Gulf Harbor Moorings Community, which would lead paddlers along the
western border of the preserve property. A public meeting was held on March 20, 2008, and a
number of citizens from the Gulf Harbor Moorings Community attended to give their concerns
with this option. The concerns expressed included safety issues such as there is only one way out
of their canal system and paddlers have almost been hit by boats on several occasions. The canal
is also very narrow and it is hard for them to navigate around paddlers who already use their canal.
Also, the amount of crime has already increased in their neighborhood and encouraging additional
paddlers to come in would increase the amount of people who would be able to see into the back
of their homes. One other legal issue discussed at this meeting and later verified by County staff
is that the tidally influenced water of the canal is controlled by , the State; however, the land on
both canal banks is owned by the Gulf Harbor Moorings Community. If a person were to step off
his/her watercraft onto either canal bank that the water touches, he/she would be trespassing. The
County would most likely need to obtain an easement in order to pursue any type of dock or haul
out area in this canal. The CCLAAC Lands Evaluation and Management Subcommittee met on
March 26, 2008 to discuss the results of the public meeting and voted unanimously not to pursue
the paddling trail into the canal system or for any type of haul out area.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 54
Figure 12: Option 2 - Wet Woods Canoe and Kayak Access Points
Option 3: Create a partnership agreement to schedule tours/nature walks
An agreement could be created between Collier County and the Future Citizens Inc. property
owners that would allow Collier County staff to utilize their property to facilitate tours of the Wet
Woods Preserve. Citizens or school groups scheduled for tours could park on the Future Citizens
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 55
Property and could be lead by Collier County staff or designated volunteers to the established trails
on the preserve property. All tours would be scheduled to avoid any conflicts with the Scout
Program schedules. Tours would be scheduled during the week or during non-camping season.
Access waivers may be required in advance to eliminate any liability issues concerning the Future
Citizens Property use. The County Attorney’s office will be consulted as to the legality of this
option. If access option #1 is ever developed then this option could be utilized mainly for school
groups. Staff will continue to maintain a working relationship with the owners of the Future
Citizens Property to keep all possible access options open. See Figure 12.
Figure 12: Option 3 - Wet Woods Conceptual Site Plan
Actions Item 7.1 Develop interpretive signage to educate preserve visitors.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 56
Once a trail system is complete, site-specific signage will be developed to educate visitors on
plant identification and ecosystem information. Kiosks or large signs with a map of the trails
will be installed at each trailhead.
Action Item 7.2 Coordinate with Future Citizens Inc. to allow the children camping on
their site to access the Wet Woods Preserve for educational opportunities.
Conservation Collier staff will coordinate with the Future Citizens property owners to
encourage use of the preserve by children’s groups that come to camp on their site such as boy
scouts, girl scouts and church groups. A small sign and brochures will be placed at the Wet
Woods Preserve gate that will direct the children’s groups to the trail system and preserve rules
will also be posted.
Action Item 7.3 Provide preserve brochures in rainproof box on site.
A brochure outlining the native plant communities and wildlife present at the preserve will be
created by County staff and kept in rainproof boxes near the preserve entrance and also at the
Cocohatchee Nature Center. These boxes will be inspected monthly by the Preserve Manager
and refilled as necessary.
Action Item 8.1 Discourage visitation to the park at night.
A sign designating park hours as dawn to dusk will be installed at the entrance to the preserve
and adjacent landowners will be given an emergency phone number if they detect human
activity on the preserve after hours. If problems arise, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office will
be contacted to patrol the area and site on a routine basis.
Action Item 87.2 1 Enforce regulations prohibiting trash and landscape debris dumping
in or near the preserve.
Currently, there is no vehicular access and dumping is not a problem. Monthly inspections will
determine if dumping becomes a problem. Staff will work with the Collier County Sheriff’s
Office to address dumping if it becomes a problem.
Action Item 87.3 2 Survey trees along the trail and the perimeter of the property annually
for damage
Staff, or a certified arborist will utilize the services of a certified arborist to determinesurvey
the perimeter of the property to determine whether there are any diseased, weak, or damaged
trees/limbs surrounding the trails and kiosks that shouldthat should be removed for safety
reasons and prior to hurricane season. This activity is intended to reduce the risk of visitor
Action Item 87.4 3 Visit preserve within 48 hours after a storm event to assess damage.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 57
Staff will take photos of damage and fill out appropriate Collier County Risk Management
Division forms. If damage is extensive, the preserve will be closed until public safety hazards
are cleared.
Action Item 87.5 4 Promptly clear storm debris from preserve.
If necessary, a Collier County emergency debris removal contractor will be contracted as soon
as possible after the storm to schedule clean-up. Removal of debris and damaged or downed
trees along the trail system may be needed. Downed trees and limbs that do not appear to be a
public safety hazard will be cleared at the discretion of the Preserve Manager. As much
hurricane debris as possible will be chipped and retained on-site – to be used as mulch for the
4.5 Establish an Operational Plan for the Wet Woods Preserve
This section provides management recommendations for operation of the Wet Woods Preserve. It
discusses maintenance and budgeting needs, the possibilities for contracting the restoration
activities, coordination, and other management issues.
4.5.1 Maintenance
The primary maintenance activities for the preserve will include control of dumping and littering
within and around the preserve and trail. Particularly important are the security measures to keep
intruders out and the fencing and signage in good conditions. Signs that effectively convey the
desired message provide an opportunity for increasing environmental education and awareness.
4.5.2 Estimated Annual Costs and Funding Sources
Preliminary budget estimates for Wet Woods Preserve include cost breakdowns associated with
resource restoration and management. The funding source identified for the restoration and
management activities is the Conservation Collier Program Management Trust Fund. Table 10
shows the activities planned for the next ten years and the initial and annual cost estimate of each
activity. Private conservation organizations may also provide funding for specific projects.
Funding already secured for management activities at Wet Woods Preserve includes a grant from
the state FDEP Bureau of Invasive Plant Management ($57,500) to conduct the initial exotic
removal and/or treatment and a grant from FWC Invasive Plant Management Section ($7,000) to
conduct exotic plant maintenance in 2015. Additional grants will be sought to supplement existing
management funding to possibly fund trail construction and signage. Staff will also utilize the
Collier County Sheriffs’ Office weekenders program for certain labor projects and may also
separately involve the County Scout programs for trail creation and enhancement. Sheriff’s
workers will be limited to the eastern two-thirds of the property along the trail system and right-
of-way, and will be kept out of the bald eagle nesting buffer area and especially in areas where
children may be present.
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 58
The budget in Table 10 represents the actual and unmet budgetary needs for managing the lands
and resources of the preserve. This budget was developed using data from Conservation Collier
and other cooperating entities, and is based on actual costs for land management activities,
equipment purchase and maintenance, and for development of fixed capital facilities. The budget
below considers available funding and is consistent with the direction necessary to achieve the
goals and objectives for Wet Woods Preserve.
3rd DRAFT Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program
Table 10: Annual Land Management Budget
Assumptions for Cost Estimates:
1. Remove exotics - $7,000 per treatment; FY19-20 cost was lower than usual
2. Plant survey- $3,100 total for each survey
3. Reduce fuel loads: mechanical fuel reduction in pineland if no fire is used, access is
available, and funds allowed
Item QTY Cost ($)2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 Total
Resource Restoration/Monitoring
Establish photo points recurring n/a
Remove exotics (acres)6 $7,000 $4,766 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $39,766
Plant survey 2/ 2 $3,100 $3,100 $3,100 $6,200
Regular Maintenance
Reduce Fuel Loads 3/4 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $18,000
Grand Total $4,766 $3,100 $7,000 $4,500 $7,000 $4,500 $7,000 $4,500 $7,000 $4,500 $10,100 $63,966
Table 10: Annual Land Management Budget (Amounts in $)
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 60
4.5.3 Potential for Contracting Restoration and Management Activities by Private Vendors
A significant number of Wet Woods Preserve management operations and restoration activities
can be considered for outsourcing. Restoration and management activities that can be considered
for outsourcing to private entities are listed in Table 11.
Table 11: Potential Contracting for Restoration and Management Activities
Activity Approved Conditional Rejected
Prescribed fire and/ or mechanical treatment application X
Minor fireline installation X
Fireline, fence, and trail maintenance X
Fence installation X
Plant and wildlife inventory and monitoring X
Listed species mapping and needs assessment X
Restore/enhance encroachment and ruderal areas X
Reduce exotic species X
Literature development and printing X
Interpretive signs development and installation X
Trail and boardwalk installation X
Law enforcement and patrol X
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 61
5.0 Literature Cited
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in R. L. Myers and J. J. Ewel editors. Ecosystems of Florida. University of Central Florida
Press; Orlando, Florida.
Brandt, L. A. and F. J. Mazziotti. 2005. Marine toads (Bufo marinus). University of Florida
Cooperative Extension Service Document WEC11. 4pp. University of Florida, UF/IFAS
Extension Digital Information Source (EDIS) Database. Available from (accessed November 2007).
Campbell, T. 2001. The brown anole. Institute for Biological Invaders: Invader of the Month.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. Available from (accessed November 2007).
Campbell, T. S. 1996. Northern range expansion of the brown anole, Anolis sagrei, in Florida
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Campbell, T. S. 2000. Analyses of the effects of an exotic lizard (Anolis sagrei) on a native
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Churchill, M. 2003. Giant marine toad (Bufo marinus) - Introduced Species Summary Project.
Columbia University, New York, NY. Available from
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Coates, S. F., M. B. Main, J. J. Mullahey, J. M. Schaefer, G. W. Tanner, M. E. Sunquist, and M.
D. Fanning. 1998. The coyote (Canis latrans): Florida’s newest predator. University of
Florida Cooperative Extension Service Document WEC124. 5pp. University of Florida,
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Collier County Environmental Services Department. January, 2006. Conservation Collier
Watkins-Jones Interim Management Plan
Collins, L. and R. H. Scheffrahn. 2005. Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren
(Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae). 9pp. Featured Creatures from the
Entomology and Nematology Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service
Document EENY-195. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
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Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC). 2007. List of Florida’s invasive plant species.
Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council. Available from (accessed October 2007).
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC). 2001. Impacts of feral and free-
ranging domestic cats on wildlife in Florida. Tallahassee, FL. Available from (accessed October 2007)
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC). 2002. A conceptual management
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1990. Guide to the Natural Communities of Florida. Florida Natural Areas Inventory and
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Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI). 2006. Managed Area Tracking Record and Element
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Gann, G. D., K. A. Bradley, and S. W. Woodmansee. 2002. Rare Plants of South Florida: Their
History, Conservation, and Restoration. The Institute for Regional Conservation, Miami,
Giuliano, W. M., and G. W. Tanner. 2005. Control and management of wild hogs in Florida.
Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Publication WEC 192. 7pp. Florida
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University of Florida. Available from (accessed December
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Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Publication WEC 191. 7pp. Florida Cooperative
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Florida. Available from (accessed December 2007).
Johnson, S. 2007. The Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) in Florida. Department of
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Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), University of
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Karim, A. 2007. Status and use of tropical hardwood hammocks and forested residential areas as
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Ecosystems of Florida. University of Central Florida Press; Orlando, Florida.
Langeland, K. A., and R. K. Stocker. 2001. Control of non-native plants in natural areas of
Florida. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Document SP 242. 34pp.
University of Florida, UF/IFAS Extension Digital Information Source (EDIS) Database.
Available from (accessed December
Larson, B. C., J. H. Frank, G. M. Allen, M. B. Main. 2006. Florida’s native bromeliads.
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Lee, J. C. 1985. Anolis sagrei in Florida: Phenetics of a colonizing species I. Meristic characters.
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Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 63
Lodge, T. E. 2005. The Everglades handbook - Understanding the Ecosystem. 2nd edition.
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Luidahl, K., D.J. Belz, L. Carey, R.W. Drew, S. Fisher, and R. Pate. 1990. Soil survey of Collier
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Odum, W. E. and C. C. McIvor. 1990. Mangroves. Pages 517-548 in R. L. Myers and J. J. Ewel
editors. Ecosystems of Florida. University of Central Florida Press; Orlando, Florida.
Odum, W. E., C. C. McIvor, and T. J. Smith III. 1982. The ecology of mangroves of South
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Florida Cooperative Extension Service document ENY-660 (IN195). 5pp. University of
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Schwartz, A. and R. W. Henderson. 1991. Amphibians and reptiles of the West Indies:
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United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1999. Mesic pine flatwoods. South Florida
multi-species recovery plan – a species plan…an ecosystem approach. USFWS Southeast
Region, Compact Disk.
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from http.//
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 65
Appendix 1. Legal Description of the Property
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 66
Appendix 2. Floristic Inventory Conducted by Keith Bradley, Institute for
Regional Conservation January and August, 2008 and Maureen S. Bonness September 2020.
2008 2020 Scientific Name
(prior name) Common Names Native Not Native State FNAI FLEPPC x x Acacia auriculiformis Earleaf acacia √ I
x Acer rubrum Red maple N
x x Acrostichum aureum Golden leather fern N T S3
x x Acrostichum danaeifolium Giant leather fern N
x Aletris lutea Yellow colicroot N
x Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligatorweed √ II
x Ammannia latifolia Pink redstem, Toothcups N
x Amphicarpum
Blue maidencane N
x x Andropogon glomeratus var.
Purple bluestem N
x x Andropogon glomeratus var.
Bushy bluestem N
x x Annona glabra Pond-apple N
x x Ardisia elliptica Shoe-button ardisia √ I
x Aristida stricta (=A.
beyrichiana )
Southern wiregrass N
x x Avicennia germinans Black mangrove N
x Baccharis angustifolia Saltwater falsewillow N
x x Baccharis glomeruliflora Saltbush N
x x Bacopa monnieri Water hyssop, Herb-of-grace N
x x Boehmeria cylindrica False nettle, Bog hemp N
x x Callicarpa americana American beautyberry N
x Canavalia rosea Baybean, Seaside jackbean N
x Carphephorus corymbosus Florida paintbrush, Coastalplain
x x Cassytha filiformis Lovevine, Devil's gut N
x x Casuarina equisetifolia Australian-pine, Horsetail casuarina √ I
x Centella asiatica Coinwort, Spadeleaf N
x Ceratopteris thalictroides Watersprite √
x Chamaecrista nictitans var.
Sensitive-pea N
x x Chiococca alba (=C.
Pineland snowberry N
x Chromolaena odorata Jack-in-the-bush N
x Chrysobalanus icaco Coco plum N
x Cissus verticillata (=C.
Possum grape N
x x Cladium jamaicense Sawgrass N
x x Colocasia esculenta Wild taro, Dasheen, coco-yam √ I
x Commelina diffusa Common dayflower √
x x Conocarpus erectus Buttonwood N
x x Crinum americanum Swamp lily N
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 67
x Crotalaria pallida var.
Smooth rattlebox √
x Crotalaria rotundifolia Rabbitbells N
x Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrotwood √ I
x Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass √
x Cyperus brevifolius
(=Kyllinga pumila)
Shortleaf spikesedge √
x Cyperus odoratus Fragrant flatsedge N
x Cyperus ovatus (=C.
Pinebarren flatsedge N
x Cyperus polystachyos Manyspike flatsedge, Texas sedge N
x Dactyloctenium aegyptium Crow's-foot grass, Durban
√ II
x x Dalbergia ecastaphyllum Coinvine N
x Desmodium incanum Beggar's-ticks √
x x Dichanthelium ensifolium
var. unciphyllum
Cypress witchgrass N
x x Dichanthelium portoricense Hemlock witchgrass N
x x Dichanthelium strigosum
var. glabrescens
Roughhair witchgrass N
x x Dioscorea bulbifera Air potato √ I
x Diospyros virginiana Common persimmon N
x Drosera capillaris Pink sundew N
x Eclipta prostrata False daisy N
x Edrastima uniflora
(=Hedyotis uniflora)
Clustered mille graine N
x x Eleocharis baldwinii Baldwin's spikerush, Roadgrass,
x Eleocharis cellulosa Gulf coast spikerush N
x Eleocharis geniculata Canada spikerush N
x Emilia fosbergii Florida tasselflower √
x Eragrostis elliottii Elliott's lovegrass N
x x Erechtites hieraciifolius Fireweed, American burnweed N
x Erigeron vernus Early whitetop fleabane N
x x Eugenia axillaris White stopper N
x x Eupatorium capillifolium Dogfennel N
x Eupatorium serotinum Lateflowering thoroughwort N
x x Eustachys petraea Pinewoods fingergrass N
x x Euthamia caroliniana Slender flattop goldenrod N
x x Ficus aurea Strangler fig, Golden fig N
x Ficus microcarpa Indian laurel √ I
x x Fimbristylis cymosa Hurricanegrass √
x Fimbristylis spadicea Marsh fimbry N
x Fuirena scirpoidea Southern umbrellasedge N
x Funastrum clausum
(=Sarcostemma clausum)
Whitevine, White twinevine N
x Hamelia patens Firebush N
x Hydrocotyle verticillata Whorled marshpennywort N
x Hydrocotyle sp. Marshpennywort N
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 68
x Hypericum cistifolium Roundpod St. John's-wort N
x x Hypericum tetrapetalum Fourpetal St. John's-wort N
x x Ilex cassine Dahoon holly, Dahoon N
x x Ilex glabra Gallberry, Inkberry N
x Imperata cylindrica Cogongrass √ I
x Ipomoea alba Moonflower; Tropical white morning-
x Ipomoea sagittata Glades morning-glory N
x x Juncus roemerianus Needle rush, Black rush N
x Kosteletzkya pentacarpos
(=K. virginica)
Virginia saltmarsh willow N
x x Lachnocaulon anceps Whitehead bogbutton N
x x Laguncularia racemosa White mangrove N
* Lilium catesbaei* Catesby's Lily N T
x Limonium carolinianum Saltmarsh-rosemary, Carolina
x Ludwigia maritima Seaside primrosewillow N
x Ludwigia microcarpa Smallfruit primrosewillow N
x Ludwigia octovalvis Mexican primrosewillow N
x Ludwigia peruviana Peruvian primrosewillow √ I
x x Ludwigia repens Creeping primrosewillow N
x x Lycium carolinianum Christmasberry, Carolina desertthorn N
x x Lygodium microphyllum Small-leaf climbing fern √ I
x x Lyonia fruticosa Coastalplain staggerbush N
x Macroptilium lathyroides Wild bushbean √ II
x x Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay N
x x Melaleuca quinquenervia Punktree √ I
x Melothria pendula Creeping-cucumber N
x x Mikania scandens Climbing hempweed, Climbing
x Mitreola sessilifolia Swamp hornpod N
x Mollugo verticillata Indian-chickweed, Green carpetweed √
x Momordica charantia Wild balsam-apple, Balsampear √
x x Morella cerifera (=Myrica
Wax myrtle, Southern Bayberry N
x x Myrsine cubana (=Rapanea
Myrsine, Colicwood N
x Nephrolepis biserrata Giant boston fern N T
x x Nephrolepis brownii (=N.
Asian sword fern √ I
x Nephrolepis cordifolia Tuberous sword fern √ I
x Oeceoclades maculata African ground orchid, Monk orchid √
x x Osmunda regalis var.
Royal fern N
x Panicum hemitomon Maidencane N
x x Panicum virgatum Switchgrass N
x x Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia-creeper, Woodbine N
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 69
x Passiflora suberosa Corkystem passionflower N
x x Persea palustris Swamp bay N
x Persicaria hydropiperoides
Mild waterpepper; Swamp smartweed N
x x Phlebodium aureum Golden polypody N
x Phyllanthus urinaria Chamber bitter √
x Physalis angustifolia Coastal groundcherry N
x Pilea microphylla Artillery plant N
x Piloblephis rigida Wild pennyroyal N
x x Pinus elliottii var. densa South Florida slash pine N
x Pleopeltis michauxiana
(=Pleopeltis polypodioides
var. michauxiana)
Resurrection fern N
x x Pluchea baccharis
(=Pluchea rosea)
Rosy camphorweed N
x Pluchea carolinensis Cure-for-all N
x x Pluchea odorata Sweetscent N
x Pouzolzia zeylanica Poulzolz's bush √
x x Psilotum nudum Whisk fern N
x Pteridium aquilinum var.
Tailed bracken fern N
x Pterocaulon pycnostachyum Blackroot N
x Ptilimnium capillaceum Mock bishopsweed, Herbwilliam N
x Ptychosperma elegans
(=Archontophoenix elegans)
Alexandra palm √ II
x x Quercus laurifolia Laurel oak, Diamond oak N
x x Quercus minima Dwarf live oak N
x x Quercus pumila (=Quercus
Running oak N
x x Quercus virginiana Virginia live oak N
x x Randia aculeata White indigoberry N
x x Rhabdadenia biflora Rubbervine, Mangrovevine N
x x Rhizophora mangle Red mangrove N
x x Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Downy rose myrtle √ I
x x Rhus copallinum Winged sumac N
x Rhynchospora colorata Starrush whitetop N
x Rhynchospora divergens Spreading beaksedge N
x Rhynchospora fascicularis Fascicled beaksedge N
x Rhynchospora globularis Globe beaksedge N
x Rhynchospora microcarpa Southern beaksedge N
x Ruellia blechum
(=Blechumn pyramidatum)
Green shrimp-plant, Browne's
x x Sabal palmetto Cabbage palm N
x Sacciolepis indica Indian cupscale √
x Sagittaria lancifolia Bulltongue arrowhead N
x Salicornia ambigua
(=Salicornia perennis)
Perennial glasswoart N
x Salix caroliniana Coastal Plain willow N
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 70
x Sambucus nigra subsp.
American elderberry N
x Samolus valerandi subsp.
Pineland pimpernel N
x x Schinus terebinthifolia Brazilian pepper √ I
x Schizachyrium rhizomatum Rhizomatous bluestem N
x x Scleria ciliata Fringed nutrush N
x Scleria reticularis Netted nutrush N
x x Serenoa repens Saw palmetto N
x Setaria parviflora (=S.
Knotroot foxtail, Yellow bristlegrass N
x x Sideroxylon celastrinum Saffron plum, Bumelia N
x x Sideroxylon salicifolium Willow-bustic, White bully N
x x Smilax auriculata Earleaf greenbrier N
x x Smilax bona-nox Saw greenbrier N
x Solanum americanum American black nightshade N
x Solidago sempervirens Seaside goldenrod N
x Solidago stricta Narrow-leaved goldenrod, Wand
x x Spartina patens Marshhay cordgrass, Saltmeadow
x Spermacoce remota
(=Spermacoce assurgens)
Woodland false buttonweed N
x x Spermacoce verticillata Shrubby false buttonweed √ II
x x Spirodela polyrhiza Common duckweed N
x Swietenia mahagoni West Indian mahogany N T S3
x Symphyotrichum tenuifolium
(=Aster tenuifolius)
Perennial saltmarsh aster N
x x Syzygium cumini Java plum √ I
x x Telmatoblechnum
serrulatum (=Blechnum
Swamp fern N
x Thelypteris interrupta Interrupted maiden fern, Hottentot
x x Thelypteris kunthii Southern shield fern N
x x Tillandsia balbisiana Reflexed wild-pine, Northern
x x Tillandsia fasciculata Stiff-leaved wild-pine, Cardinal
x x Tillandsia flexuosa Banded wild-pine, Twisted airplant N T S3
x x Tillandsia recurvata Ball-moss N
x Tillandsia setacea Thin-leaved wild-pine, Southern
x x Tillandsia usneoides Spanish-moss N
x x Toxicodendron radicans Eastern poison-ivy N
x x Triglochin striata Arrowgrass N
x Typha domingensis Southern cat-tail N
x x Urena lobata Caesarweed √ I
x Vaccinium myrsinites Shiny blueberry N
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x x Verbesina virginica Frostweed, White crownbeard N
x Vigna luteola Cow-pea, Hairypod cowpea N
x x Vitis rotundifolia Muscadine, Muscadine grape N
x Vittaria lineata Shoestring fern N
x Ximenia americana Hog-plum, Tallowwood N
x Xyris ambigua Coastalplain yelloweyed grass N
x Xyris brevifolia Shortleaf yelloweyed grass N
x Xyris elliottii Elliott's yelloweyed grass N
x Xyris jupicai Richard's yelloweyed grass √
x Zeuxine strateumatica Soldier's orchid, Lawn orchid √
126 163 160 39 7 3 22
* found by Conservation Collier staff
State Codes: E=Endangered, T=Threatened
FNAI Codes: S1=critically imperiled; S2=imperiled because of rarity; S3=very rare in Florida or restricted range
FLEPPC Codes: Category I = species has altered native plant communities; Category II = species with increasing
abundance or frequency
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Scientific Name Common Names Native Status State FNAI FLEPPC
Acacia auriculiformis Earleaf acacia Introduced I
Acrostichum aureum Golden leather fern Native Threatened S3
Acrostichum danaeifolium Giant leather fern Native
Aletris lutea Yellow colicroot Native
Andropogon glomeratus var. glaucopsis Purple bluestem Native
Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus Common bushy bluestem Native
Annona glabra Pond-apple Native
Ardisia elliptica Shoe-button ardisia Introduced I
Aristida beyrichiana Southern wiregrass Native
Aster bracei Brace's aster Native
Avicennia germinans Black mangrove Native
Baccharis angustifolia Narrowleaved groundsel, Saltwater Falsewillow Native
Baccharis glomeruliflora Silverling Native
Bacopa monnieri Water hyssop, Herb-of-grace Native
Blechnum serrulatum Swamp fern, Toothed midsorus fern Native
Boehmeria cylindrica Button-hemp, False nettle, Bog hemp Native
Borrichia frutescens Silver sea-oxeye-daisy, Bushy seaside oxeye Native
Callicarpa americana American beautyberry Native
Canavalia rosea Beach-bean, Baybean, Seaside jackbean Native
Carphephorus corymbosus Florida paintbrush, Coastalplain chaffhead Native
Cassytha filiformis Lovevine, Devil's gut Native
Casuarina equisetifolia Australian-pine, Horsetail casuarina Introduced I
Chiococca alba Common snowberry, Milkberry Native
Chiococca parvifolia Pineland snowberry Native
Cladium jamaicense Saw-grass, Jamaica swamp sawgrass Native
Colocasia esculenta Wild taro, Dasheen, Coco-yam Introduced I
Conocarpus erectus Buttonwood Native
Crinum americanum Swamp-lily, Seven-sisters, String-lily Native
Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass Introduced
Cyperus odoratus Fragrant flatsedge Native
Cyperus retrorsus Pinebarren flatsedge Native
Dactyloctenium aegyptium Crow's-foot grass, Durban crowfootgrass Introduced
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum Coinvine Native
Dichanthelium ensifolium var. unciphyllum Cypress witchgrass Native
Dichanthelium portoricense Hemlock witchgrass Native
Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens Glabrescent roughhair witchgrass Native
Dioscorea bulbifera Common air-potato Introduced I
Drosera capillaris Pink sundew Native
Eclipta prostrata False-daisy Native
Eleocharis baldwinii Baldwin's spikerush, roadgrass Native
Eragrostis elliottii Elliott's love grass Native
Erechtites hieracifolia Fireweed, American burnweed Native
Erigeron vernus Early whitetop fleabane Native
Eugenia axillaris White stopper Native
Eupatorium capillifolium Dog-fennel Native
Eustachys petraea Common fingergrass, Pinewoods fingergrass Native
Euthamia caroliniana Slender goldenrod Native
Ficus aurea Strangler fig, Golden fig Native
Ficus microcarpa Laurel fig, Indian laurel Introduced I
Fimbristylis cymosa Hurricane sedge, Hurricanegrass Introduced
Fimbristylis spadicea Marsh fimbry Native
Hedyotis uniflora Clustered mille graine Native
Hydrocotyle verticillata Whorled marshpennywort Native
Hypericum tetrapetalum Fourpetal St. John's-wort Native
Ilex cassine Dahoon holly, Dahoon Native
Ilex glabra Gallberry, Inkberry Native
Juncus roemerianus Black needle rush, Needle rush, Black rush Native
Lachnocaulon anceps Whitehead bogbutton Native
Laguncularia racemosa White mangrove Native
Lilium catesbaei *Catesby's Lily Native Threatened
Limonium carolinianum Saltmarsh-rosemary, Carolina sealavender Native
Ludwigia repens Creeping primrosewillow Native
Lycium carolinianum Christmasberry, Carolina desertthorn Native
Lygodium microphyllum Small-leaf climbing fern Introduced I
Lyonia fruticosa Coastalplain staggerbush Native
Magnolia virginiana Sweet-bay Native
Mangifera indica Mango Introduced
Melaleuca quinquenervia Punktree Introduced I
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Scientific Name Common Names Native Status State FNAI FLEPPC
Mikania scandens Climbing hempweed, Climbing hempvine Native
Mollugo verticillata Indian-chickweed, Green carpetweed Introduced
Myrica cerifera Wax myrtle, Southern Bayberry Native
Nephrolepis multiflora Asian sword fern Introduced I
Oeceoclades maculata African ground orchid, Monk orchid Introduced
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis Royal fern Native Commercially Exploited
Panicum hemitomon Maidencane Native
Panicum virgatum Switchgrass Native
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia-creeper, Woodbine Native
Persea palustris Swamp bay Native
Phlebodium aureum Golden polypody Native
Physalis angustifolia Coastal groundcherry Native
Piloblephis rigida Wild pennyroyal Native
Pinus elliottii var. densa South Florida slash pine Native
Pluchea odorata Sweetscent Native
Pluchea rosea Rosy camphorweed Native
Psilotum nudum Whisk-fern Native
Pterocaulon pycnostachyum Blackroot Native
Ptilimnium capillaceum Mock bishopsweed, Herbwilliam Native
Quercus laurifolia Laurel oak, Diamond oak Native
Quercus minima Dwarf live oak Native
Quercus pumila Running oak Native
Quercus virginiana Virginia live oak Native
Randia aculeata White indigoberry Native
Rapanea punctata Myrsine, Colicwood Native
Rhabdadenia biflora Mangrove rubbervine, Mangrovevine Native
Rhizophora mangle Red mangrove Native
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Downy myrtle, Rose myrtle Introduced I
Rhus copallinum Winged sumac Native
Rhynchospora fascicularis Fascicled Beaksedge Native
Sabal palmetto Cabbage palm Native
Salicornia perennis Perennial glasswort Native
Sarcostemma clausum Whitevine, White twinevine Native
Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian-pepper Introduced I
Scleria ciliata Fringed nutrush Native
Serenoa repens Saw palmetto Native
Sideroxylon celastrinum Saffronplum Native
Sideroxylon salicifolium Willow-bustic, White bully Native
Smilax auriculata Earleaf greenbrier Native
Smilax bona-nox Saw greenbrier Native
Solidago stricta Narrow-leaved goldenrod, Wand goldenrod Native
Spartina patens Marshhay cordgrass, Saltmeadow cordgrass Native
Spermacoce verticillata Shrubby false buttonweed Introduced
Spirodela polyrhiza Common duckweed Native
Syzygium cumini Jambolan-plum, Java-plum Introduced I
Thelypteris kunthii Southern shield fern Native
Tillandsia balbisiana Reflexed wild-pine, Northern needleleaf Native Threatened
Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica Stiff-leaved wild-pine, Cardinal airplant Native Endangered
Tillandsia flexuosa Banded wild-pine, Twisted airplant Native Threatened S3
Tillandsia recurvata Ball-moss Native
Tillandsia usneoides Spanish-moss Native
Tillandsia utriculata Giant wild-pine, Giant airplant Native Endangered
Toxicodendron radicans Eastern poison-ivy Native
Triglochin striata Arrowgrass Native
Urena lobata Caesarweed Introduced II
Vaccinium myrsinites Shiny blueberry Native
Verbesina virginica Frostweed, White crownbeard Native
Vitis rotundifolia Muscadine, Muscadine grape Native
Vittaria lineata Shoestring fern Native
Xyris ambigua Coastalplain yelloweyed grass Native
Xyris brevifolia Shortleaf yelloweyed grass Native
Xyris elliottii Elliott's yelloweyed grass Native
Xyris jupicai Richard's yelloweyed grass Introduced
Zeuxine strateumatica Soldier's orchid, Lawn orchid Introduced
* observed by Conservation Collier staff in 2007
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Appendix 4. Division of Migratory Bird Management Fact Sheet on Laws Protecting the
Bald Eagle
The Bald Eagle: Other Protection following
Delisting under the Endangered Species Act of 1973
November 5, 2004 draft (revised January 4, 2007)
The Bald and Golden
Eagle Protection Act
The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act will continue to
protect the bald eagle following delisting under the
Endangered Species Act. Originally passed in 1940 to
protect bald eagles, the Eagle Act was amended in 1962 to
protect golden eagles as well, by prohibiting the take,
possession, sale, purchase, barter, offer to sell, purchase or
barter, transport, export or import, of any bald or golden
eagle, alive or dead, including any part, nest, or egg, unless
allowed by permit (16 U.S.C 668(a); 50 CFR 22). “Take”
includes pursue, shoot, shoot at, poison, wound, kill, capture,
trap, collect, molest or disturb (16 U.S.C. 668c;
50 CFR 22.3).
A violation of the Eagle Act can result in a fine of $100,000
or imprisonment for one year, or both, for a first offense. An
organization may be fined $200,000. Penalties increase for
additional offenses. A second violation is a felony and can
result in two years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to
$250,000 for an individual— or $500,000 for an
organization. People who provide information leading to an
arrest and conviction are eligible for a reward of up to half of
the fine.
The Lacey Act
Congress originally passed the Lacey Act in 1900 to help
States protect resident species by making it a Federal
violation to transport illegally taken wildlife across State
lines. Later amending the law, Congress extended its
prohibitions to importing, exporting, selling, acquiring, or
purchasing fish, wildlife, or plants taken, possessed,
transported or sold in violation of U.S. or Indian law or State
or foreign law. Prohibitions of the Lacey Act (16 U.S.C.
3371-78) will continue to apply to the bald eagle including its
feathers, parts, nests, and eggs—as well as its products—
following delisting under the Endangered Species Act. The
Lacey Act also prohibits making false records, labels, or
identification of shipped wildlife; importing injurious
species; and shipping fish or wildlife in an inhumane manner.
Penalties include a maximum of five years in prison and a
$250,000 fine for felony convictions, a maximum $10,000
Wet Woods Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 90
fine for civil violations, and a $250 fine for marking
violations. The maximum criminal fine for an organization is
$500,000. People who provide information leading to an
arrest, criminal conviction, civil penalty, or forfeiture of
property are eligible for a reward. Fish, wildlife, and plants
involved in violations are subject to forfeiture. Vessels,
vehicles, aircraft, and other equipment used to aid in
importing, exporting, transporting, selling, receiving,
acquiring, or purchasing fish or wildlife or plants in a
criminal violation are subject to forfeiture upon a felony
conviction involving commercialization.
The Migratory Bird
Treaty Act
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is a Federal law that carries
out the United States’ commitment to four international
conventions— with Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Russia. The
conventions protect migratory birds as an international
resource. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S. C 703-
712) and its implementing regulations (50 CFR 21) provide
authority to conserve bird species such as the bald eagle,
even if Endangered Species Act protections are removed.
Except as allowed by permit (50 CFR 21.11), the Migratory
Bird Treaty Act makes it unlawful to pursue, hunt, take,
capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, offer for
sale, sell, offer to purchase, purchase, deliver for shipment,
ship, cause to be shipped, deliver for transportation,
transport, cause to be transported, carry or cause to be
carried, receive for shipment, or export any migratory bird—
including eggs, parts, and nests. In addition, the Act
authorizes and directs the Secretary of the Interior to
determine if, and by what means, the take of migratory birds
should be allowed and to adopt regulations permitting and
governing take—for example, hunting seasons for ducks and
Penalties include a maximum of two years’ imprisonment
and a $250,000 fine for a felony conviction and six months’
imprisonment and $15,000 fine for a misdemeanor
conviction. A commercial activity is a felony, just as is take
with intent to sell. Maximum fines are doubled for any
organization convicted of a felony violation.