CAC Minutes 03/08/2007 R
March 8, 2007
Naples, Florida, March 8, 2007
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Committee in and for the
County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1 :00 p.m., in
REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor, Collier County
Government Center, Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
Chairman: Ron Pennington
Gerald Camiener (Excused)
Murray H. Hendel
Heidi Kulpa
Ronald Minarcini (Excused)
Anthony Pires (Excused)
John Sorey, III
Paul Sullivan
E. Glenn Tucker (Excused)
Gary McAlpin, Coastal Projects Manager
Coleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Maura Kraus, Parks and Recreation
Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Coordinator
Collier County: March 8, 2007
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March 8,2007
THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2007 - 1:00 P.M.
W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County
Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. fJ;!bn.l!!lry8,~Oj)7
VI. Staff Reports
1. Reyenue RJ;!Rort ...~rYMcAlRilln
2. erojec:t;Statl.lS__ReROrt_...G!!IrYM~~lpj-"
VII. New Business
1. Hideaway Beach Erosion_Concersn8,,-CACLTDCReS~rt$ibUities
2. $25-1_000 ReqJ.te~j:f(u:HldeCLWay I'feUmlnary Englne_erlngand permlttlngFunds
VIII. Old Business
2. Clam Pass Beach_~arkRemu!rishme_ntlCl!!lm Pass_Dredging
3. ArtIfi<::ial ReeUnf!>Lma_tkm!,Jpdate
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
1. AdvisonBo!!lrdParkir,-g
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. April 12, 2007 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any,
in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable.
March 8, 2007
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :00 PM.
II. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
No changes
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. February 8, 2007
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the minutes of February 8, 2007. Second by Mr. Hendel.
Motion carried unanimously 5-0.
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin (See attached)
Mr. McAlpin noted the following:
. There has been a positive cash flow
. Projections for the month have been exceeded
. $1,835,999 has been collected for the month of February, almost $11,000 over projection
. There has been a total collection for the fiscal year of$4,793,872, which is $175,372
cumulative above proj ection for the year
. Revenue was collected with the same ratio split between Collier County, Marco Island
and Naples as last month
2. Project Status Report
Mr. McAlpin presented FY 2006/2007 TDC Category "A" Beach Maintenance Projects (See
. Proposal was received from Coastal Planning and Engineering on the major beach
renourishment to do a first year biological survey and physical survey at $150,000 over
what was anticipated
. End of this month is the due date for the submittal of applications for grants; all grants
will be in front of the Board at next meeting alol1g with a summary of the 195 Account
. Great Lakes has a claim for approximately $800,000; the County has rejected it as being
without merit
. Florida DEP will audit parking spaces at the end of the month
VII. New Business
1. Hideaway Beach Erosion Concerns & CAC/TDC Responsibilities
Mr. McAlpin discussed responsibilities of the County as follows: (See attached)
. Every year a monitoring report must be done and sent to the DEP
March 8, 2007
. County agreed to provide erosion control structures; the City of Marco Island agreed to
provide the sand and is to be reimbursed by Hideaway Beach Homeowners Association
. Erosion control structures County placed are performing very well, the jetty is the same
. Disintegration of Coconut Island has led to beach erosion
. Sand Dollar Island continues to grow
. Hideaway Beach residents are concerned that an active storm season could sever the
road, isolating 400 residents on the north half of Hideaway Beach
Public Comments
Richard Freeman, Chairman, Special Tax District for the City of Marco Island, stated his views
are in accord with those to be expressed by Dr. Robert Rhode, the next speaker.
Dr. Robert Rhode, Royal Marco Point, stated there is substantial erosion of the area in question
with the formation of a sand bar off the beach; stated there is a cause-and-effect relationship
between the two events. Fauna and manmade structures are in danger. Would like to see area of
beach restored before this year's hurricane season.
Steve Coziar, Hideaway Beach resident, endorsed Dr. Rhode's comments. Closing of the
channel would deprive the public of an excellent boating venue.
Jeffrey Foster, President, Hideaway Beach Homeowners Association, stated renourishment has
only been a partial success, requested installation of T -groins; water is four feet from the
vegetation line, requested support and swift action.
Ralph Sontag, 336 Sea Breeze, agrees with all previous speakers, mentioned there will be
unintended negative economic and environmental effects.
Norman Blake, Hideaway Beach resident, stated after hurricane Coconut Island was gone.
Land bridge is expanding. Sand to form land bridge is coming from our beach.
Mr. McAlpin proposed the problem be attacked in phases as follows:
. Engage Hummiston and Moore to do a study, will need authorization
. County needs to come up with designs in depth
. County needs to deal with erosion in middle section first
. $25,000 should be enough funding to get started
. Hideaway Beach Homeowners through the City of Marco Island will reimburse the CAC
for the TDC for use of those funds
Mr. Pennington commented beach renourishment could not be funded with TDC funds, but
would have to be funded by Hideaway Beach Homeowners Association or the City of Marco
Island. The question he asked was whether they want to make a recommendation to the Board of
County Commissioners that they feel it is in the public's best interest that they make the
determination to put erosion control structures there.
Mr. Hendel questioned whether beach residents will share in costs and will money come from
the CAC or TDC.
March 8, 2007
Mr. Pennington responded the County Commissioners would make the determination on costs;
the recommendation will go directly from the CAC to the Board of County Commissioners for
their determination.
Mr. McAlpin responded the position from the State would most likely be if erosion control
structures are permitted, sand renourishment would be required. Ifbeach renourishment is
required, Hideaway Beach and City of Marco Island would pay.
Mr. Sorey stated the issue is beach access. Hideaway Beach is not a public beach and public
funds should not be used to renourish a non-accessible beach. Hideaway Beach should fund the
project initially and get reimbursed from the County and TDC later.
Ms. Kulpa stated she supported the project as it is in the public good.
Mr. Pennington stated this agenda item concerns whether the project is in the public interest and
does the Committee wish to make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners that
the project is in the public interest.
Mr. Sullivan moved that the Coastal Advisory Committee recommend to the Board of
County Commissioners that putting additional structures on the Beach at Hideaway would
be in the public interest. Second by Mr. Hendel. Motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Sorey
Mr. Sorey moved to amend the prior motion to incorporate the "Fiscal Impact" cited in the
Executive Summary. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Motion carried unanimously 5-0.
2. $25,000 Request for Hideaway Preliminary Engineering and Permitting Funds
Mr. McAlpin stated if the request is approved the project can move forward immediately.
VIII. Old Business
1. Wiggins Pass Dredging Update
Mr. McAlpin discussed the following:
. Work at Wiggins Pass is completed
. Work is satisfactory
. Funds will be recovered from ECA
. Channel needs to be marked
2. Clam Pass Beach Park Renourishment/Clam Pass Dredging
Mr. McAlpin discussed the following:
. Approximately 10,000 cubic yards of sand have been put on the beach
. Project should be complete by May 1,2007; there is still a need to dredge back out from
the shoal
. Energy Resources has been performing very effectively
. There is some clay content in a portion of the material; the material is being hand raked
and the clay disposed of. Contractor is assuming responsibility for removing the clay
March 8, 2007
. Refurbishment of beach access at Horizon Way is City of Naples' responsibility
3. Artificial Reef Information Update
Mr. McAlpin discussed the following points:
. Source of material has been identified; there will be sufficient quantity of material
. Approximately 90 boulders have been placed, boulders will be filled in with material
. There has been good control of the placement of buoys
. Approximately 1,000 to 2,000 boulders will be placed in total; project will be done in
approximately two to three months
. City of Naples will receive daily reports on progress
. Mooring buoys can be left or removed, as preferred, local government has authority
1,000 feet out
. Mooring buoys should be lighted
. There is no monitoring requirement for artificial reef
. Artificial reef is over one acre in size
Mr. McAlpin stated the dunes plantings would start at Wiggins Pass and work southward; it will
be a three-week project with a ten-acre wide area to be replanted. Plantings will protect beaches
naturally by creating new dunes.
Maura Kraus - Parks and Recreation reported:
. A $132,000 grant has just been received to change the lights at the beach access
. Sea grapes will be planted at beach accesses
. Fifteen turtle strandings have been reported with no apparent reason
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
1. Advisory Board Parking
Gail Hambright stated that reserved parking spaces for Advisory Board members have been
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Hendel expressed appreciation for the talent ofMr. McAlpin.
Mr. Pennington stated Mr. McAlpin now oversees the beach parks budget.
Mr. Sullivan expressed the appreciation of the people of Marco Island for work of Parks and
Recreation department.
Mr. Pennington announced his term expires May 22,2007, and he will not be seeking another
term. Advertising for the position will start in the middle of March 2007.
Ms. Greene stated she would be working with Mr. McAlpin and his staff on the issue of
Hideaway Beach.
Mr. Sullivan pointed out that emails are documents that should be kept on file and forwarded to
Ms. Hambright for the public record.
March 8, 2007
Being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the
Chair at 2 :43 PM.
Chairman Ron Pennington
These Minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
, as presented
or as