CCLAAC Minutes 09/24/2020September 24, 2020
Naples, Florida, September 24, 2020
LET IT BE REMEMBERED. the Conservation Collier Lands, Evaluation and Management
Subcommittee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on
this date at 2:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3'd Floor,
Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following
members present:
Bill Poteet
Michael Seef ( Excused)
Michele Lenhard
Hannah Rinaldi
ALSO PRESENT: Summer Araque, Conservation Collier Program Coordinator
Molly DuVall, Sr. Environmental Specialist
Christal Segura, Sr. Environmental Specialist
September 24. 2020
l'he meeting was held via Zoom and personol atlendance in the Board Room
Chairman Poteet called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. Roll call was taken and a quorum was
Approval of August l7 ,2020 m inutes
Ms. Lenhord moved to approve lhc minules of the Augusl 17,2020 mccling as presented. Second
by Ms. Rinaldi. Carried unanimously -1 - 0.
2. Old Business
a) Gore Memorandum of Understanding revisions
Ms. Araque and Shane DuffofCypress Cove Conservancy presented the "Memorandum of
understanding Bety,een Collier Coun0'and Cypress Cove Conservoncy, Inc" for consideration
noting the following:
o Ifthe Cypress Cove center is open after dusk, they will notify the County.
. Cypress Cove's use ofthe County's property will be limited to the hours the County
preserve is open.
. Cypress Cove has flled lbr a name change to Cypress Cove Landkeepers, which is
anticipated to be effective in approximately 30 days and their mailing address has been
During Committee discussion it was noted the agreement may be amended lrom time to time (if
necessary) or terminated by either party \4'ith a 30-day notiflcation.
Ms. Lenhard moved fitr the Corrservution Collier Lands Acquisiliott Ath'isor Committee
lo recommend lhe Bourd of Coutrt-t' Commissioners qppruve lha " Iemorundum of
Ilnderstanding Between Collier Count; und Cypress Cove Conservuncy, Inc" as presented by
Stuff subject to ony name chungefor Cypress Cove which mar occur subsequent to this
recommendution. Second h-t' Ms. Rinaldi. Curried unanimously -1 - 0,
3. New Business
a) Land Management Plans
i) Winchester Head Interim Management Plan Extension - Christal
Ms. Segura presented the 'lltinchester Head lnterim Managemcnl Plan Extension" for
consideration. She noted:
o The revisions include updating the number of parcels and acreage controlled by the
County within the boundaries ofthe project.
. The project is comprised of67 parcels totaling 93.56 acres to date (58 percent
. The changes include updating maps. dates, timelines. management activities. etc.
During Subcommittee discussion, it was noted there are privately owned improved
properties within the pro.iect which should be identified and an explanation provided on the
status of the parcels.
Ms. Lenhard move(l fot the Conservalion Collier Lands Acquisilion Advisory Committee
to recommen(l lhe Boartl of County Commissioners apProve lhe "lVinchester Head
Inlerim Management Plan Extension" subject to the developed parcels localed within the
targeled acquisilion area he identified on on-l maps necessor! has "hashed" areus and
adding a hrieJ explanotion on the stulus oJ suid properlies
Curried ununimousbt 3 - 0.
September 21.2020
Second by Ms. Rinuldi.
ii) Caracara Prairie Final Management I'lan update - Molly
Ms. I)uval prcscnted the "Carucuru l'ruirie Finol Manogemcnt l'lon updute" for
consideration. She noted the updatcs include changcs to maps. clatcs. listed species.
budgets. rcqu irements for the drilling ol'o il and gas and the lcascs lirr the propcrty .
Ms Rinuldi moted.for lhe Conserwlion Collier Lands Acquisition Advisory: Committee to
recommend lhe Board of Count)t Commissioners approve the "Curocoro Pruirie Final
Managemcnt Plun update" subjecl b the lunguage being umended in un! necessory lo
identifl- not onll' lhe Count!- empkt;ea required lo be contucted, but the information for
the Depurtmenl itt cuse the referent'ed emplol,ee is no longer ayuiluble. Second by Ms.
Lenhtrd. Curried unanimously -l - 0.
iii) Mcllvane Interim Management Plan Extension - Molly
Ms, Duval presented lhe "Mcllvune lnterim Munagement Plun Extension" for
consideration. She noted the updates include changes to maps. photos, dates, listed species,
cost estimates lbr services. management activities. etc.
During Subcommittee discussion it was noted it would be advantageous to revise Exhibit 5
"Estimatecl Table for Two Years" to provide an explanation ofthe estimated costs of
activities and the values services received.
iv) Red Maple Swamp Interim Management Plan Extension - Molly
Ms. Duval presented the "Retl Maple Sv,ump Interim Managemenl Plan Extension" for
consideration. She noted the updates include changes to maps. photos dates, listed species,
partnerships. cost estimates, invasive species monitoring, management activities. etc.
M* Lenhard moved for lhe Conserw ion Collier Londs Atquisition Advisory Commitee
to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the "Red Mople Swump
Interim Munugement Phn Extension" us presented b! Stalf. Seutntl by Ms. Rinuldi.
Carried ununimously 3 - 0.
4. Next subcommittee meeting - To be scheduled for 2021
Staff reported the next meeting will be scheduled fbr a date to be determined in 202 I
5. Adjou rnmcnt
During Subcommittee discussion it was noted it would be advantageous to revise the
"Reporting" Section to indicate a general contact in addition to the direct employee should
there be Stalf changes in the future and the listed contact cannot be located.
M* Rinaldi moled.ffu the Conserrution Collier Lands Acquisitiotr Atlvisory Committee to
recommend the Board oJ Coung Commissioners upprow lhe "Mcllyune Interim
Manugement Plun Extension" suhjact to revising Exhibit 5 to pro't'ide un explonolion of'
the eslimuled costs and reflecl lhe vuluc ol services received whcre reJbrenced in lhe
Seclion. Seconl hy Ms, Lenhurd. Curried unanimously 3 - 0.
Septerrber 24. 2020
There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting rvas adjourned by order
of the chair at 3:55 I'.M.
Conserv n Collier La u n Arlvisory (lommitteeq
I Poteet. ('hairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
tnar a/&pr"r"nt"d t/ o. as