GG Est. Land Trust Committee Minutes 09/23/2020Chairman: JeffCurl
Vice-Chairman: Pat Humphries
Member: Annette Kniola
Member: Carol Praft
Member: Angela Birks
Countv Staff
Michael Dowling: Collier County Real Property Management
Jessica Harrelson - Phase I
Rae Ann Burton Phase III
2. Approval of current agenda: Jeff asked if there were any questions or revisions, there were
no questions or changes, Jeffcalled for a motion to approve the agenda as submitted, Annette
made the motion to approve the agenda as written, Angela seconded, Jeff called for the vote,
all were in favor.
3. Approval of the Minutes for the June 24, 2019, meeting: Jeff asked if there were any
questions or revisions, there were no questions or changes, Jeff called for a motion to
approve the Minutes as submitted, Pat made the motion to approve the agenda as written,
Carol seconded, Jeff called for the vote, all were in favor.
4. Approval of Financial Report: There was no report.
5. Update for Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Association welcome signs: Michael said that
the GGACA submitted the invoices for the sign and the reimbursement was made.
6. Update for Termination Agreement of the 1983 Agreement: Michael said nothing more has
been done to terminate the agreement and that the County Attomey is in discussions with
Avatar's legal department.
Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee
Monday, September 23, 2019 - 5:30 p.m.
Greater Naples Fire Rescue District Station 7l - Community Room
100 13th Street SW, Naples, Florida
Committee Members
Invited to attend - applicants for Committee Vacancv
1. Calt to order: Jeff called the meeting to order at 5:32.
Packet Pg. 354 Attachment: GGELTC Minutes signed September 23, 2019 (14400 : Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee - November 16, 2020)
Page Two
7. Interviews for available seat
. Jessica Harrelson - Phase I
. Rae Ann Burton Phase III
Jeff called for a motion. Pat made a motion to recommend Jessica to the BCC for approval
to be appointment to the GAC Land Trust Committee, Michael asked each member for their
vote and each member cast their vote for Jessica.
9. EMS DeSoto 5.46-acre Purchase Funding: Michael advised that the funding was in place for
the request for the EMS station and that the transfer would be made to EMS prior to the
10. Other Business: Jeffthanked Pat Humphries for her time on and her committee to the GAC
Land Trust Committee and all wished her well.
I 1. Public Comment: None.
12. Next meeting - November l8 or 25, 2019: November 1Sth
13. Adjoumment: Pat made a motion to adjoum, Annette seconded the motion, Jeff called for
the vote, all were in favor. The meeting adjoum ed at 6:37 .
Approved by:November 16,2020
Jeffasked ifanyone had any questions for the candidates. There was minimal discussion.
Jessica provided her professional background and how her position at Davidson Engineering
could benefit in land issues with the committee. Rae Ann said she has an interest in the
community and the future development in the Estates.
8. Election of Vice-Chairman: Jeff called for a motion to nominate a committee member as
Vice-Chairman. Annette made a motion to nominate Carol, Pat seconded the motion, Jeff
called for the vote, all were in favor of Carol as Vice-Chairman.
Packet Pg. 355 Attachment: GGELTC Minutes signed September 23, 2019 (14400 : Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee - November 16, 2020)