AHAC Minutes 09/14/2020M IN UTES OF THE COLLIER COUNry AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 14, 2020 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida tET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Colller County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a HYBRID WORKING SESSIO/V in the Health Building 2"d Floor Conference Room in raples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present: Mary Waller ZOOM:Denise Murphy Jen nifer Mitchell Justin Emens Mary Waller John Cowan Litha Berger Steve H ruby Sheryl Soukup Unexcused:John Cowan Christina Apostolidis AtSO PRESENT:Cormac Giblin, Manager, Housing & Grant Development - CHS Kristi Sonntag, Director CHS Susan Golden, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS (Via ZOOM) Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS OTHERS PRESENT: John Harney, Habitat 1. CAt-t To ORDER steve Hruby called the meeting to order at g:31 a.m. He read the procedures to be followed. 2. RoLt CAt-r- CoMMtrrEE MEMBERS AND STAFF There were 9 active members present when the meeting started, either in person or through zooM, therefore a quorum was established. 3. APPROVAT OF AGENDA AND MINUTE a A motion was made to approve the agenda by Mary Waller and seconded by Denise Murphy. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0. 1.A.4 Packet Pg. 40 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - September 14, 2020 (14305 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - November 2, 2020) b A motion was made by Litha Berger to approve the minutes from the meeting on August 10 was seconded by Mary Waller. The motion was passed with a vote of 9-0. 4. INFoRMATToNAt trEMs AHAC ordinance changes for BCC approval. cormac reviewed the changes to the ordinance -one seat will be held by an elected official and 6 seats are outlined in the state statute. The triennial report has been changed to an annual report. collier cares update - cormac reviewed the allocations from the cAREs money. Themoneywas divided into different pots for non-profits, childcare, individual, business and foodbanks. we have 30-50 people working 12 hour days getting applications processed. There will be a report to the BCC on September 22 with an update. a b 5. PUBUC CoMMENT 6. DTSCUSSTON TTEMS 7. STAFF AND GENERAI" COMMUNICATIONS John Harney opened a discussion regarding zoning and planning regarding modifications for Rural Land stewardship Areas. He stated 2 villages have gone forward without any affordable housing included. cormac said that all villages must have a mix of pricing, incomes and styles, but ther; is nothing that states what those levels should be. we are suggesting that 2.s% of the acreage be set aside for affordable housing. This would equate to approximately 10 units per acre and Jbout L0% of all overall units. a Housing Trust Fund Subcommittee update - Mary waller stated the Trust Fund subcommittee has met and are putting together a rist of possibre sources for funding. They are arso setting up a meeting with Commissioners to try to get funds from private sources. Mary asked the land trust committee members to go the hearings to find out what is happening. The goal would beto write a n informed letter to the Bcc in support of the land trust. cormacwill draft a short andtothe point letter. steve Hrubywill contact other Boa rds th is week to get th e ir support. Litha Berger motioned to write the retter, Mary waler seconded, and the vote was 9-0 in favor. Thegroup asked if it would be possible to hold a joint workshop in January and invite Habitat, HELp and other non-profits. Project U pdates: Bembridge PUD -There has been a lot of neighborhood opposition to having affordable housing. steve Hruby suggested that AHAC members should go to the public meetings and show support for affordable housing and speak for themselves as well as the committee. our members should also get other organizations to attend and show support as weu, such as The chamber a nd the school Board. Cormacwill makesureall of the public meeting dates are sent out to AHAC members. b 2 1.A.4 Packet Pg. 41 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - September 14, 2020 (14305 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - November 2, 2020) a Golden Gate Golf course - There will be 100 senior affordable rental units and25oessential service personnel rentals. This is going to the Bcc in october to finalize the developer agreement. 8. ADJOURN There being no further business for the good of the county, Mary waller motioned to adjourn the meeting; Denise Murphy seconded, and the group agreed with a vote of g-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:47 a.m. NEXI MEETING: THE NEXT MEETING WILI. BE HELD OCTOBER 5, 2O2O AT 8:3OA.M. Location: Room 214, Health Building (Building H) located at 3339 Tamiami Trail East CorLtE CoMM UNTY HoUSING ADVIsoRY Steph n The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted" l_l OR "os amended" l_1. 2020, "os 3 I m; 1.A.4 Packet Pg. 42 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes (signed) - September 14, 2020 (14305 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - November 2, 2020)