PBSD MSTBU Minutes 09/10/202031.A.3
SEPTEMBER 1.0, 2020
The Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Thursday, September 10, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. at
the Board of County Commissioners Chambers, third floor, Collier County Government Center,
3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida 34112.
In attendance were:
Pelican Bay Services Division Board
Michael Fogg, Chairman
Joe Chicurel, Vice -Chairman
Tom Cravens (absent)
Jacob Damouni (absent)
Nick Fabregas
Pelican Bay Services Division Staff
Neil Dorrill, Administrator
Chad Coleman, Operations Manager
Darren Duprey, Assoc. Project Manager
Also Present
Tom Barber, Agnoli, Barber.& Brundage
Peter Griffith (absent)
Denise McLaughlin
Susan O'Brien
Scott Streckenbein (by telephone)
Rick Swider
Michael Weir
Karin Herrmann, Operations Analyst
Lisa Jacob, Project Manager
Barbara Shea, Administrative Assistant
Jim Carr, Agnoli, Barber & Brundage
Mohamed Dabees, Humiston & Moore
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Agenda approval
4. Approval of 08/12/20 Regular Session meeting minutes
5. Audience Comments
6. Administrator's report
a. New staff position
b. SunTrust office space update
c. August financial report
d. Army Corps of Engineers Report (Dr. Dabees)
7. Committee reports
a. Budget
b. Ad Hoc Strategic Planning
c. Clam Bay
d. Landscape & Safety
e. Water Management
i. Lake bank remediation update on Lake 2-9
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
September 10, 2020
ii. Review of ABB Oakmont Lake proposal
iii. Update on ABB's estimates on next 2 potential lakes in Bridgeway
iv. Drainage pipes and stormwater easement management options
S. Chairman's report
9. Old business
10. New business
11. Adjournment
Mr. Cravens, Mr. Damouni, and Mr. Griffith were absent and a quorum was established
Dr. Chicurel motioned, Mr. Fabregas seconded to approve the agenda as
presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Dr. Chicurel motioned, Ms. O'Brien seconded to approve the 08/12/2020 regular N
session meetine minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. c
Our Environmental Consultant, Dr, Mohamed Dabees, provided a presentation on his
executive summary discussing his impressions and recommendations on the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) Collier County Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study, which
identifies a potential 50-year federal project to manage coastal storm risk in Collier County. Highlights
of his presentation included:
• The proposed plan recommends varying levels of protective measures along six defined areas
of coastal Collier County. Recommendations for Areas 1 and 3 include beach berm and dune
nourishment, construction of surge barriers with sector gates at Wiggins Pass and Doctors Pass,
two jetties and concrete structures in the dune system at Wiggins Pass, a Bonita Beach Road
floodwall and surge barrier, a Seagate Drive floodwall and gate, and a Tamiami Trail floodwall
and surge barrier.
Area 2, which includes Pelican Bay, Clam Pass Park, Naples Cay, and part of Seagate is not a
candidate for the same level of protection as Areas 1 and 3. Dr. Dabees suggested reasons
being (1) most of Pelican Bay development is set back from the beach (east of the Clam Bay
estuary), (2) Pelican Bay beaches are private, and (3) structures cannot be inserted into the
Clam Bay natural preserve.
The goal of the USACE feasibility study was to define actionable projects for which federal
funding may be appropriated to in the future.
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
September 10, 2020
• Dr. Dabees expressed concerns over how the future completion of these suggested projects in
Areas 1 and 3 may affect the Clam Bay system. It is critical that the Clam Pass inlet remains
stable and open.
• Dr. Dabees emphasized the importance for the PBSD Board to provide feedback to the USACE
by the Sept. 14 public comment deadline and suggested that the County is copied on a PBSD
response submitted to the USACE.
Ms. O'Brien motioned, Dr. Chicurel seconded to direct staff to submit public
comments to the Army Corps of Engineers by their deadline on Monday (Sept.
14) and that the letter be signed by Mr. Fogg, our PBSD Chair. The motion
carried unanimously.
Mr. Fogg commented that Dr. Gandolfo, PBF Board Chair, will submit a separate response to
the USACE on behalf of the PBF.
Ms. O'Brien suggested that in light of our increased staff, one employee is assigned to oversee
Coastal Zone issues.
Mr. Dorrill reported that our new Associate Project Manager, Darren Duprey, was introduced
at last week's Landscape & Safety Committee meeting. He commented that at next month's board
meeting, he will provide the work plan for FY2021. Tentatively, Mr. Duprey's responsibilities will
include the sidewalk project (lead project manager), the proposed 4-way stop at Hammock Oak Dr.
and PB Blvd., the request for flashing warning lights at the San Marino crosswalk, parabolic mirrors,
and other traffic/safety projects. Ms. Jacob's responsibilities will include Clam Bay, the new
Operations Facility project, the second phase of the community sign replacement project (the first
phase included only those signs which were damaged by Hurricane Irma and FEMA reimbursement
eligible), the Lake 2-9 lake bank remediation project, the Dorchester conveyance swale, the beach
dune swale, and other water management drainage projects. Mr. Coleman will oversee the day-to-day
operations including the four divisions on the operations side which include, (1) landscape
maintenance, (2) irrigation, (3) electrical, and (4) beach maintenance.
Mr. Dorrill provided a blank lease agreement form provided by the American National
Insurance Company, the current owner of the SunTrust Building, which was added to the record. He
commented that based on recent negotiations, the rent for the first -floor office space will be
$25.75/square foot plus approximately $14/square foot for CAM (common area maintenance). This
space will be shared with the PBF at almost a 50/50 split. This lease agreement form has been provided
to the County's Real Property Division for review. Mr. Dorrill commented that he will provide an
estimate of the total annual rent at next month's board meeting. Mr. Coleman commented that the
total annual rent is estimated at $125,000, with a proposed term of seven years and a maximum 3%
rate increase. Mr. Dorrill also shared, (1) the configured first -floor space includes two large
conference rooms which will be available to both parties, (2) the final lease agreement will be provided
to the board at the October board meeting, (3) BCC approval is ultimately required, and (4) a floor
plan of the space will be e-mailed to the board, this afternoon, for review.
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
September 10, 2020
Mr. Dorrill reviewed the eleven -month financial statements and highlighted several items
including a current PBSD cash balance of approximately $9.4 million. Mr. Fogg noted that the year-
end cai y-forward amount appears to be close to our budgeted forecast. He noted that adjustments
have been made to the "commitment column" which only affect the variance column.
Mr. Fogg commented that a Budget Committee meeting has been scheduled for Oct. 12 to
discuss (1) 9/30/2020 financial statements, and (2) financing options for our planned projects. He
noted that our FY2021 budget was approved by the BCC at the County's Budget Hearing last week.
Mr. Fogg reported that staff is in the process of assessing the life expectancy of our street light poles.
Mr. Fogg reported that the PBF Board has approved our conceptual plans for the replacement 0.
of our Operations Building. Board members praised Mr. Kitchen (of the PBF Design Review
Committee) in working with the PBSD and County staff to finalize these plans. Mr. Fogg commented
that the next phase is for the County to select an architect for the project.
Mr. Dorrill commented that he continues to work on obtaining a resolution from the County to N
memorialize our interest in the Operations site. He noted that Deputy County Manager Nick N
Casalanguida has expressed support for such a resolution, while County Manager Ochs recently has
questioned why such a resolution is needed. Ms. O'Brien requested that the draft resolution is Q
provided to the board for review, prior to its being submitted to the BCC for approval. N
Ms. O'Brien provided her September 2020 Clam Bay update in the agenda packet. She
highlighted, (1) PBSD's use of Roundup in Clam Bay (a natural preserve area) while Ms. Danette
Kinaszezuk, Collier County's Pollution Control Manager, does not recommend Roundup and would
prefer hand pulling the weeds wherever possible, and (2) Coastal Zone Management's preliminary
plans for boater safety signage in Clam Bay do not include all the signs for which Clam Bay is eligible
per FL statute, as illustrated on an exhibit (included in the agenda packet) prepared by our consultant
Mr. Tim Hall and approved by the PBSD Board in 2014. Ms. O'Brien suggested that the PBSD works
with the PBF and Coastal Zone Management (CZM) to agree on the signs that should be placed in
Clam Bay. Ultimately, CZM must obtain PBF approval for the signs.
Mr. Dorrill responded that Roundup is the world's most recognized herbicide and is EPA
approved. Mr. Dorrill commented that Mr. Gary McAlpin, CZM Manager, is retiring in 90 days. He
noted that Mr. McAlpin's replacement is aware of the boater safety sign inconsistencies and is aware
that PBF approval is required. Mr. Dorrill stated that he will set up a meeting with the new CZM
Manager, Ms. O'Brien, and staff to discuss this issue.
Dr. Chicurel reported that the Landscape & Safety Committee met on Sept. 2, and the following
items were discussed.
1. Ms. McLaughlin encouraged everyone to review Dr. Dabees' video and the Army Corps of
Engineers Coastal Storm Management Risk Study Report.
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
September 10, 2020
2. The committee, staff, and our civil engineer discussed aspects of the proposed sidewalk
replacement project. Mr. Carr, our civil engineer, provided an updated cost breakdown of
$5,514,092 for the entire project. (Mr. Dorrill Confirmed that landscape restoration is included
in this total cost estimate.) Updated and detailed plans for Phase I were distributed. Timelines
remain the same. A sample tree evaluation by Mr. Orlikoff was presented and a more thorough
evaluation was planned. Hardwood trees were evaluated onsite for tree health, longevity
potential, disease, and strategies to allow the project and trees to co -exist in health and
harmony. Various construction and resident communication concerns were discussed.
3. Line of sight issues and solutions were discussed including landscape removal, better
landscape maintenance and trimming, and traffic mirrors.
4. Crosswalk signage, request for flashing warning lights at the San Marino crosswalk to the
berm, and establishing a 4-way stop at the intersection of Hammock Oak/The Crescent/Pelican
Bay Blvd. were all discussed.
5. Iguana sightings on the southern banks of Oakmont Lake were presented. Some proactive plan
needs to be instituted either by the PBSD and/or a joint effort with the PBF to eradicate, as
much as possible, the threat imposed by these invasive creatures. They are known to burrow,
destroy, and undermine lake banks, spread salmonella, and defoliate landscapes.
6. Mr. Griffith and Mr. Mumm will review and evaluate cul-de-sac needs for trees and report
back to the committee.
Dr. Chicurel reported that on Sept. 3 he met with Mr. Orlikoff and staff to evaluate the health
and longevity of trees in the Phase I area, to determine strategies to enable trees and the new sidewalk
to co -exist. Dr. Chicurel also commented that Phase I construction plans will be provided on the PBF
website. He noted that the PBSD is not responsible for the sidewalks on Vanderbilt Beach Road and
Seagate Drive. Ms. Jacob reported that the 09/09/2020 PBSD e-blast included a link to the
construction plans.
Mr. Dorrill commented that staff will contact potential iguana trappers to discuss our options.
Ms. O'Brien suggested that we provide the trappers' contact information to the Waterford Assoc. Mr.
Streckenbein requested an update on the cane toad invasion. Dr. Chicurel responded that based on
conversations with the PBF, this issue is being left up to individual PB homeowners associations.
Mr. Dorrill commented that he has reviewed the engineers' field notes for our Lake 2-9 project
and noted that subsurface obstructions were encountered during construction which caused three
sections of the seawall to be slightly askew. He noted that the worst section at the south end of the
project was reworked by the contractor, at no additional cost to us. Mr. Dorrill stated that sheet pile
material would not be used in future seawall projects. He commented that he would make the field
notes available to the board. Mr. Dorrill noted that we could evaluate a claim against our civil
engineer; a claim against the contractor would not be appropriate as the contractor followed the plans.
Ms. O'Brien commented that she reviewed the field notes which indicated that the contractor
straightened the sections which were requested by staff, but that staff did not request that all askew
sections be straightened. She suggested that staff could have discussed a change order (for additional
section straightening work) with the contractor.
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
September 10, 2020
Mr. Fogg commented that the Lake 2-9 final product is structurally sound and the residents are
pleased with the project. He also suggested that when we chose the "sheet pile" seawall for the project
that we were not aware/warned of the potential risk of using this material.
Ms. McLaughlin commented that we should not have an expectation of perfection of the angles
within the seawall, but we do expect sufficient integrity of the wall.
Ms. McLaughlin described the deficiencies of the lake bank of Lake 4-1 (Oakmont Lake)
which include (1) steep lake bank slopes, (2) exposed irrigation pipes, (3) exposed old Geotubing, and
(4) significant erosion near the pathway. She noted that we have different remediation options as well
as options on whether to address the whole lake, half of the lake, or patches of the lake. She y
emphasized that this lake is a very visible and utilized part of the community. m
Our ABB consultant, Mr. Tom Barber, commented that lake bank escarpments are more
concerning than slopes; there are drop-offs of 30 inches in some areas of this lake. His remediation 2
recommendations include (1) re -grading of the lake bank, covered by sod, and adding littoral plants, a
(2) installing Geoweb, covered by sod, and adding littoral plants, or (3) installing rip -rap along the
lake banks; however, SFWMD only allows rip -rap to be installed on a maximum. of 40% of the o
perimeter of the lake bank. He noted that there is not enough historical data on Geoweb to be able to
provide a life expectancy for this material. Board discussion ensued on these options as well as N
whether the project should include the entire lake's perimeter. N
Ms. O'Brien suggested that 8 out of 42 sections (or 19%) of the lake bank are less than where
they should be. She noted that the path is the responsibility of the PBF. She distributed a document a
(to the board) written by County Attorney Klatzkow, expressing his opinion on the Oakmont Lake y
pathway in 2015 (which was added to the record). Ms. O'Brien suggested that if we have blue tilapia
in this lake that these fish will have an adverse effect on littoral plants.
Ms. O'Brien commented that per our SFWMD permit, we are not responsible for lake bank
escarpments. She provided copies (to the board) of the permit for Basin 4 in which Oakmont Lake is
located (which was added to the record). She also suggested that we explore the possibility of raising c
the lake's water level to reduce the escarpment. a
Mr. Streckenbein commented that his homeowners association (Valencia) used rip -rap for their a
lake remediation project with good results.
Mr. Fogg commented on an email from PBF President Jim Hoppensteadt to PBSD staff which
discussed concerns related to the lake at the PBF Community Center including (1) lake bank erosion,
(2) overgrown, tired landscaping around the lake, (3) drainage issues, and (4) inconsistent, scraggly
littoral plantings around the lake. Mr. Barber commented that he has observed escarpments of
approximately 10 inches around this lake. Ms. McLaughlin suggested that staff follow up with Mr.
Mr. Fogg commented that a policy decision must be made by the board on whether to borrow
the money to finance a package of 101ake bank remediation projects and incur financing costs, or to
increase the budget by approximately $1 million each year (an increase in the assessment of $130 -
$150) which would provide funding for one or two lake bank projects each year. Ms. ' O'Brien
commented that Mr. Mark English, PBPOA President, continues to be an advocate in favor of long-
term financing for lake bank remediation.
Ms. McLaughlin concluded that we need to evaluate the options discussed and determine
whether it is possible to raise the water level in the lake. There was no board consensus on whether it
is imperative that the Lake 4-1 project include the entire lake.
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board. Regular Session
September 10, 2020
Mr. Barber commented that the next two lakes on the prioritized list of lake bank remediation
projects are Lakes 1-3 and 1-6. He commented that he will provide estimated costs for lake bank
remediation of these two lakes at the next meeting. He expects the estimates to be substantially lower
than the Oakmont Lake remediation estimates.
Ms. Jacob reported that in the next fiscal year, staff is planning to utilize (piggyback) a Broward
College contract to hire a contractor to begin videoing drainage pipes in the south end of Pelican Bay.
Mr. Duprey will assist in assessing the condition and life expectancy of the pipes. Mr. Fogg suggested
that Ms. McLaughlin meets with Ms. Jacob and Mr. Duprey to discuss an appropriate proactive plan
for the pipe assessment. Mr. Dorrill commented that in general, the life expectancy of a concrete -
enforced pipe is 50 years. He also noted that we have an inventory of all the pipes in Pelican Bay,
including lengths and diameters.
Mr. Dorrill asked Ms. O'Brien to briefly identify several documents which she distributed to
board members at this meeting and asked whether copies were made available for the record. Ms.
O'Brien identified these documents as (1) Mr. Klatzkow's opinion on the pathway at Oakmont Lake N
that he wrote in 2015 at our request, and (2) SFWMD permit for Basin 4 in which Oakmont Lake is N
located. She confirmed that she provided copies of these documents to Ms. Shea for the record. o
Mr. Fogg reported on a change to the Water Management Committee. Mr. Damouni has agreed
to step down from the committee (as he has numerous work commitments) and Ms. O'Brien has agreed
to join the committee.
Mr. Fogg reported that the "three -board monthly meetings" will resume starting next week.
Mr. Fogg reported that he has discussed a future joint PBSD/PBF meeting with PBF Chair
John Gandolfo; suggested dates are Jan. 18 or 25. Mr. Fogg asked that board members provide
suggested agenda items for this joint meeting. Mr. Fogg also reported that he has had discussions with
Dr. Gandolfo regarding "candidate forums" for this year's PBSD election cycle. Five PBSD Board
member terms expire on 03/31/2021. Ms. O'Brien suggested that we include an article on our 2021
election in the PB Post sometime soon.
Ms. O'Brien commented that although Mr. Fogg has previously requested that staff provide
updates to the board on significant PBSD activities and/or unusual events, this has not happened. Mr.
Fogg agreed that such a process would be helpful and suggested that Mr. Dorrill might include this
information in his Administrator's Report. Ms. O'Brien and Ms. McLaughlin noted that residents
often ask questions on various PBSD community activities and that it would be helpful to have relevant
information to provide to them..
Ms. O'Brien commented that earlier in this meeting, Mr. Dorrill made a comment that she was
misrepresenting something, and he is entitled to his opinion, and then he went on to say, "and that is
typical of her." She commented that she would like to go on the record as objecting to this comment.
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
September 10, 2020
Mr. Dorrill commented that at last week's County Budget Hearing, a new resident to Pelican
Bay expressed his concerns with "ambient noise" in Pelican Bay (one of our responsibilities included
in our Ordinance).
II The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m. 11
Michael Fogg,
Minutes approved
as presented OR " as amended ON U J date
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