Bayshore Gateway CRA Minutes 07/09/20205.A.3
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA •Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
Agenda item 3a— July 9, 2020 Meeting Minutes
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory
Board was called to order by Chairman, Maurice Gutierrez at 6:00 p.m.
I. Roll Call. Advisory Board Members Present: Maurice Gutierrez, Dwight
Oakley; Steve Main, Al Schantzen, Camille Kielty, Karen Beatty, Steve Rigsbee
and Larry Ingram. Michael Sherman had an excused absence.
CRA Staff Present: Debrah Forester, CRA Director; Tami Scott, Project
Manager, Ellen Summers, Principal Redevelopment Specialist, and Shirley
Garcia, Operations Coordinator.
II. Adoption of Agenda: CRA Director Debrah Forester added 6g. Sabal Bay
Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM), Steve Main made a motion to adopt
the agenda as amended, Steve Rigsbee seconded the motion. Motion passed
III. Approval of Minutes: Camille Kielty made a motion to approve the minutes,
Steve Main seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. CommunityBusiness - Presentations
V. Old Business:
a. 2664 Francis Ave - Ms. Forester went over ROOF's proposal discussed at
the last meeting and the Executive Summary that was done when the
property was purchased, which included three potential uses for purchasing
the lot: stormwater, infill residential, or a park. Robert Wiley from the
Capital Project Planning Division provided an overview of the stormwater
needs and requested to maintain this lot for County stormwater needs. Wiley
noted additional land would also be needed and this would be a long-term
solution to stormwater and drainage improvements in the area by increasing
the size of the existing pond. Camille Kielty asked if there was an advantage
to look at a different lot to donate to the Capital Project Planning Division,
Mr. Wiley said there was very little vertical room in the Gateway Triangle
and it would be difficult to look at other options.
I. ROOF Project- Sheryl Sokup provided an overview of her proposal and
timeline. ROOF has received the full grant funding to build the home for
their clients with disabilities, but they need to site control within 90 days
of receipt of the funds. If they do not get the property now, they may not
have time to find another lot and they may lose the grant funds. Maurice
Gutierrez wanted to say that they did not realize at the last meeting that the
stormwater department could use the lot on Francis, but if the CRA could
assist with helping ROOF to purchase a lot he would like to go that
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
direction. Karen Beatty agreed they should try and assist the ROOF group
with some sort of funding to purchase a lot within the CRA District. Ms.
Sokup stated they did look up the flood zone and they were still willing to
do their due diligence on the property, but they cannot move forward
without a commitment on the land. She wanted to reiterate the great need
for housing for people with disabilities. If the Board was unable to provide
the land, Ms. Sokup requested the CRA consider some other type of
assistance to help them buy a property in the area which would be
1Q. Stormwater —Mr. Wiley went over some of the important reasons why
the CRA should transferring the Francis lot into the County Stormwaters
inventory which would allow as that division to start looking at a long-
range plan for that piece of property. Mr. Wiley read the minutes from the
last meeting and one of the discussions pertained to the FEMA Flood
Elevation on Francis Avenue. . Mr. Wiley explained the requirement to
build up on that lot if someone is interested in building a single-family
residence. The Flood Zone is Elevation 8, according to the NAVD, located
within a coastal surge zone, not just rainfall. The ground elevation is
about 4 '/2 ft right now and according to the Florida Building Code the
floor elevation needs to be about 9 feet. Therefore, the finished floor
would need to be raised about 4 '/2 ft plus 1 above the existing ground
level. Camille Kielty had asked if ROOF knew about that when they
submitted their proposal. Ms. Forester had asked if the maximum
allowable fill was 3 ft. and Mr. Wiley said if you met your maximum
allowable fill someone would have to do a stem wall to meet the standards.
Al Schantzen suggested that the Board consider selling it on the open
market to offset some of the money spent on this property. Mr. Schantzen
also asked who will star paying for the maintenance costs if the CRA
gives it to Stormwater.. Mr. Wiley stated if the CRA transferred the
property they would pick up the maintenance costs since Road
Maintenance maintains the stormwater pond right now and it is an
extension to the pond. Maurice Gutierrez mentioned that the Francis Ave
lot has always been low lying and prone to flooding for years and that may
be an issue to build on. Karen Beatty wanted to see if they could make a
motion to approve some sort of Grant to help ROOF purchase a property.
Maurice Gutierrez wanted some sort of language in the motion to assist
ROOF with purchasing property. Ms. Forester suggested making 2
separate motions on this item, one of which could be language related
providing grant assistance and the other related to the property. Ms.
Forester suggested that the Stormwater Subcommittee needs to meet again
and identify their priorities. Al Schantzen made a motion to give the
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
property to the Stormwater Department, set up a plan of action to expand
the pond and have them take maintenance responsibility of the property
and if they do not follow through it will revert back to the CRA prior to
the CRA sunsetting. Motion was seconded by Karen Beatty. Passed
Unanimously. Karen Beatty asked if there was a way to spread the word
around to ask for donations of land, or a reduction of price on any land
currently for sale to assist ROOF. Ms. Sokup said if that could be done,
they could provide some sort of tax assistance for donated property or
property sold for less than the market value. If necessary, Ms. Forester
said a special meeting could be held to assist ROOF and their project if a
recommendation from the Board was needed.
b. Public Arts Master Plan- Ms. Forester provided an update for the Arts
Master Plan: staff is working on a draft plan and will bring it back to the
Board at the October meeting. The percentage of the development and they
are looking at 2% of the cost and create a special fund in the budget for art.
C. Stormwater Update — Ms. Forester asked if Jeepers Drive is one of the
prioritized streets due to the flooding this year. Mr. Wiley went over Jeepers
Drive stormwater issues related to the small lots, old drainage and the
building of bigger houses. Mr. Wiley discussed incorporating drainage into
Lake Kelly on the 17 acre lot and start to address the issue now with
improving the pipes, before improvements on the 17 acres are started. If the
CRA Board makes these changes now it will improve all future
developments in the long run. Ms. Forester suggested the Stormwater
Subcommittee meet to determine an action plan and bring it back to the
Advisory Board for recommendation.
d. CRA Parking Lot- Tami Scott went over the bids they received, the lowest
was $480,000, the next was $519,000 and $550,000. The Purchasing
Department is working on the contract and staff is anticipating taking the
contract to the Board of County Commissioners in October.
e. Transit Survey Coasters — Fall Kick Off -- Ms. Forester reminded everyone
on the status of the coasters for the survey on the shuttle bus for Bayshore,
we should be sending it out in the fall.
f. Neighborhood Informational Meeting- Camden Landings NIM is on July
20 @ 5:30pm staff sent it out on an email blast list.
g. Neighborhood Informational Meeting — Sabal Bay NIM is on July 16 @
5:30pm. This was also sent out in the email blast.
VI. New Business-,
a. Regulatory Changes Updates — Laura DeJohn, Johnson Engineering -
Laura DeJohn was introduced and went over the proposed regulatory
changes being drafted and indicated staff is requesting feedback on the draft
changes. Tonight, the focus is on limiting the heavy commercial which is
mentioned in the Redevelopment Plan. Ms. DeJohn went over some of the
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Haldeman Creek MSTU
development criteria being proposed to assist in improving the visual
appearance of these uses. Maurice Gutierrez brought up an issue with the
marina on a residential street and how this will assist the neighborhood in
the future. Ms. DeJohn provided the section in the Redevelopment Plan that
called out how the LDC should be amended to limit heavy Commercial,
Manufacturing, Warehouse and Storage Facilities. The strategy is to limit the
heavier commercial uses in the triangle and residential streets through
development standards. Karen Beatty agreed that this is a great way to bring
in more mom and pop type of retail shops and stores and artists studios.
Maurice Gutierrez agreed this is the reason why they needed to purchase the
Del's property to ensure what will be built on that corner of Bayshore and
Thomasson Drive. There were some concerns raised regarding prohibiting
self -storage facilities. Ms. DeJohn will bring back a draft of the regulatory
changes when it's done with all the comments from the advisory board.
b. Gateway Triangle Neighborhood Focus- Ms. Forester reviewed the
attached map that reflects the neighborhood focus area. The area
boundaries are east of Commercial up to Airport Pulling Road between
Davis Blvd. and US41. Ms. Forester requested consensus from the Board to
move forward on the boundary and begin to work on a process similar to
the work that was completed for the Saba] Shores neighborhood initiative.
The advisory board agreed to have staff look at and focus on the proposed
area to address crime, lighting and any other outstanding issue that is in
need in the residential neighborhood.
VIII. Staff Report:
a. Project Manager Report: Tami Scott highlighted a few of the projects on
her report:
• Fire Suppression Phase II. The contractor almost done and wrapping up
the project.
• Fire Suppression Phase III. The stormwater department did not find that
much of an improvement to warrant doing any stormwater work so staff
met with the department and the costs didn't warrant any work to be
done but the fire suppression project will continue to go out to bid.
• Thomasson Drive - The project is on its gth week and has 365 days to
complete the project, but they anticipate finishing a little sooner. Phase
II of the Hamilton Ave improvement is getting ready to go out to bid.
b. Financial Report: Ms. Forester provided the current financial report.
c. Maintenance Report: Ms. Forester provided the current maintenance report.
IX. Other Ageney's:
a. Collier County Code Enforcement: Mr. Johnson attended if anyone had
any questions. Maurice Gutierrez had asked about a privacy fence going in
on a residential lot that the Marina is using for storing boats behind the home.
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Haldeman Creek MSTU
Mr. Johnson addressed using the lots as storage and they should not be using
the lots to store any boats on. Ms. Beatty asked about backyards with outside
storage and asked what could be done about it since it hurricane season is
coming up and it will be flying hazards, Mr. Johnson asked if someone could
turn the address in to Code and they will address the violation. Mr. Rigsbee
asked about the Hookah Lounge violations and Mr. Johnson said he has a
meeting with the owner on site and will walk the site and address all those
b. Collier County Sheriffs Office:
X. Communications and Correspondence:
XI. Public Comments:
XII. Staff Comments:
XIII. Advisory_Board General Communications: Al Schantzen mentioned the
2019 Annual Report, the 5 year plan and wants to make sure we can focus
and continue stay on tasks.
XIV. Next Meeting Date:
a. October 6, 2020 @ 6pm Location to be determined
XV. Adiournment — The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
Chairman Maurice Gutierrez
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