Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 07/08/20204.A.3
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA •Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
Agenda Item 3a-July 8, 2020 Meeting Minutes
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by
Maurice Gutierrez at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom with staff located on the 3rd floor of the Administration
I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: George Douglas, Susan Crum, James
Bixler, Maurice Gutierrez, and Sandra Arafet. Robert Messmer had an excused
MSTU Staff Present: Debrah Forester, CRA Director; Tami Scott, Project Manager;
Ellen Summers, Principal Redevelopment Specialist; and Shirley Garcia, Operations
II. Adoption of Agenda: Ms. Forester made a few additions to the Agenda, under 7b.
Bayshore Renovation and under 10b 2 NIMs Meetings were added. George Douglas
made a motion to accept the Agenda as amended, second by Sandra Arafet. Motion
passed unanimously.
III. Adoption of Minutes: Meeting Minutes were presented. Sandra Arafet made a motion
to accept the minutes, George Douglas seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Landscape Report:
A. Update on Landscaping —Aaron Gross, Ground Zero Landscaping —Aaron
Gross gave his landscaping report, which indicated: the new pots on either side
of the planters on the bridge have irrigation hooked up now, and they have been
changing the trash bags consistently on Lunar St. There were a lot of sprinkler
heads that needed to be replaced, the continuing issues on the bridge planters
along the railing is too hot to handle flowers and keep vibrant, maybe some
artwork will be a better choice but if it's not bolted down it may get stolen. Weeks
Ave have had some viburnum shrubs crushed so those have been removed. Ms.
Forester asked about the planters and the plants not doing so well and if they
should consider another option for it. Mr. Gross said that if staff continues to
water them during the day that may help.
V. Community / Business Presentations
VI. Old Business:
A. Hamilton Drive Update- Ms. Forester introduced Barry Williams, Director from
Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Ayoub Al-Bahou and Michael Cherbini
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Project Managers overseeing the project. Mr. Cherbini updated the community
on the Hamilton project, It's a 2-lane road and is used as overflow parking for
Bayview Park. The goal of the project is to provide legal parking along Hamilton
Avenue. The current design includes 30 parking spaces on the east side of
Hamilton Avenue and a 5 ft. wide sidewalk on Danford that will connect into the
multi -use path on the west side of Hamilton Avenue which will be connected into
the sidewalk on Thomasson Drive. A resident on Danford asked if any
stormwater improvements would be included since there is an elevation issue in
the middle of the street that causes flooding. Mr. Cherbini responded that they
will be working with Stormwater Department and there will be appropriate
drainage with the improvement. Sandra Arafet noted that lighting along Danford
should be appropriate to the neighborhood because residents will not be happy if
the lights are too bright and shine into their homes. Maurice Gutierrez had asked
if there is a way to put a shield on the light fixture to assist with the issue. Norm
Trebilcock noted that the proposed light fixtures are made for residential streets
and usually does not have an offensive light that is bright enough to be offensive
in residential homes. CRA staff has requested that the plans include streetlight
consist with the fixtures that are part of the Thomasson Drive Project, Donna
McGinnis wanted to thank Collier County for reaching out and allowing the
Botanical Garden to collaborate with this project to use the restored lands in the
garden to improve the natural flow of the stormwater before it sheds into the bay.
B. North Bayshore Drive Renovation — Tami Scott updated the Committee on the
status of the contract with Mike McGee for the North Bayshore Drive Renovation
Project. The project was put on hold during COVID and now the contract has
expired. Ms. Scott suggested that the new scope use Concept A which maintains
the bike lane and is more economical. The Committee agreed to move forward
on Concept A. She will begin developing a new scope of work to complete the
C. Moorehead Manor Landscape easement agreement- Mire McGee- Tami
Scott gave an update on a landscape agreement with the MSTU and Moorehead
Manor. Moorhead Manor Association is requesting the MSTU enter into a
Landscape Easement Agreement. Mona Kato, representing the association
attended to discuss the project. The agreement would have the MSTU commit to
a life-long license agreement to provide irrigation, landscaping and maintenance
in the right of way of their proposed wall. Maurice Gutierrez asked if this is a
reverse on what has happened in the past where the MSTU has given up the right
of way area to the property owners to maintain and Tami Scott agreed and wanted
to clarify that the MSTU would have that ability to make improvements like
widen the sidewalk, add lighting and any other improvement without getting any
type of permission first, Mike McGee attended to explain the cost estimates for
the MSTU Committee to commit to share costs with Moorehead Manor. Debrah
Forester had asked how much was the total cost that the MSTU would spend to
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Haldeman Creek MSTU
enter into the license agreement, and Mona Kato stated the estimate at $52,000.
Sandra Arafet made a motion to approve the landscaping license agreement with
Moorehead Manor and support the amount of costs up to $55,000. George
Douglas second the motion. Passed unanimously.
D. Thomasson Drive Update-
i. American Flag Procedures- Ms. Scott updated the Committee on some
procedures for the American flag and what other MSTU's around the County do
to address when the flag's need to be half mask or full mask. Some of the MSTU's
have volunteers lower the flags and raise the flags when it is called for and had
asked if anyone knew of some organizations that would volunteer to do that.
George Douglas volunteered to be in charge of lowering and raising the flag when
called for and as an alternate Sandra Arafet volunteered her husband to cover in
George Douglas absence if needed.
E. Haldeman Creek Bridge Update — Tami Scott provided an update of the
painting of the bridge to improve the look and appeal, Maurice Gutierrez wanted
to say that he received more compliments than negatives for the bridge and at
least people have been talking about it and thanked Tami Scott for all her efforts.
F. Committee Appointment on July 14rh BCC Agenda — Ms, Forester wanted to
let everyone know that our new committee member Chad Wills is in attendance
and his appointment is on the BCC agenda for July 141h. After the Board approves
his application and he will be officially appointed to the MSTU Committee.
VII. New Business:
A. Christmas Decorations FY21 Discussion- Debrah Forester provided an
overview of past Christmas Decorations scope of services and requested the
Committee's input on holiday decorations for 2020. Jim Bixler talked about doing
something different this year, maybe some lights shining up on the royal palms,
changing up some of the colors so Bayshore stands out and has its own unique
style. Maurice Gutierrez asked if Jim Bixler wanted to take over and work with
staff to come up with a concept for the holiday and he agreed to. Mr. Bixler wanted
a concept to inspire some of the businesses to decorate their own buildings and
have a creative look for Bayshore nothing too fancy or expensive but unique.
Sandra Arafet wanted a Christmas Tree like we used to on Bayshore and Jim Bixler
said maybe putting some flamingos and decorate it, he just wanted to have
something so special that people would want to drive down Bayshore Drive to
look at it. Consensus was to have staff coordinate with Mr. Bixler and develop a
scope of work and seek bids for the decorations.
VIII. Staff Reports:
A. Project Manager Report: Tami Scott provided an update on a few of the
projects listed in her report. The Cell Tower is still on track to be decommissioned
and demolished by July 31. Fire Suppression II will be wrapped up in a couple of
weeks. Fire Suppression Phase III project staff was partnering with Stormwater
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Dept. and what percent would be an improvement and only 2% of improvement
so there is no benefit doing stormwater. CRA Parking lot has gone out to bid
again and received much better bids at a more reasonable cost. Sabal Bay's
expansion of Isles of Collier Preserve, south Bayshore Drive, and the Camden
Landing's neighborhood informational meetings are scheduled again staff has
sent out to everyone. The last item is Sun Belt and has gone through the site
development plan and close to approval.
B. Financials: The financial reports were presented with the Capital Projects in
Fund 160 and Fund 163 covers operating.
C. Maintenance report:_ The maintenance report was provided for review; Ms.
Forester informed the Committee that staff is preparing for Hurricane season and
has requested the trees be trimmed up along Bayshore Drive, so it is not a hazard
during strong winds. Ms. Forester mentioned that the alley off of Pine Street and
the concerns raised regarding the large pothole. Staff is working on partnering
with Road Maintenance to repair the alleyway.
IX. Correspondence and Communications:
A. Naples Botanical Garden Reopening — Donna McGinnis noted the opening was
good but one of her staff was diagnosed with COVID so they had to close down
again to get the whole Garden deep cleaned and will reopen again after the
B. Neighborhood Informational Meeting- Camden Landings NIM is on July 20 @
5:30pm staff sent it out on an email blast list.
C. Neighborhood Informational Meeting — Sabal Bay NIM is on July 16 @ 5:30pm.
This was also sent out in the email blast.
X. Public Comments: Al Schantzen talked about the flag in the roundabout and they may
want to reach out to the Marine Corps to volunteer to take care of the flag too.
XI. Staff Comments: Ms. Forester mentioned that the landscape agreement with Ground
Zero is expiring in November, so staff is doing a new scope to include Thomasson
Drive project, the parking Iot and some other items staff realized is needed every now
and again. Tami Scott noted some questions she has received about the demo that is
going on at Sabal Ct. and Bayshore Drive. Antonio Brown is clearing the site but he
has not submitted any application for a new development on the site as of today.
XII. Advisory Committee Comments. Maurice Gutierrez wanted to thank Chad Wills for
attending. George Douglas wanted to thank Tami Scott and Jim Bixler for their hard
work on the bridge.
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA •Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
XIII. Next Meeting Date:
A. October 7, 2020 @ 5pm location to be determined
XIV. Adiournment: 7:00 pm
Chairman Maurice Gutierrez
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