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Collier County Clerk of Courts Expires 0(4a 2a 17 3299 Tarniami Trail E. (Clerk's Otf� Only) Suite 401, Bldg. F,4th Floor Naples,Florida 34112 COLLIER COUNTY LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Lobbyist Name GA Ze-W j3&lyIT-- ' Date J4 U Cy- 1 1 , a�` Business Name L 0 ti Cr (3 d L j $$ I,/ Business Address 3 I ( 5 IM 1'�(-AJ D r✓/p4 P [)J_. L DT1> City k)! 'eC. e State EL Zip Code 3 tf / Ofc- Business Telephonea329 fS `2070 Contact Person Lobbyist/Contact E-mail G-6 137I E.A. - /1-0 L (-044 NVotice for Lobbyists: The annual registration fee is$25.00 per Lobbyist,per Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-0S, Ordinance 2007-24 and Ordinance 2013-39. Payments made out to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwicht E. Brock, Clerk of Courts(ADDRESS ABOVE) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH CLIENT/ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1. Name t Tti p,:i PO tv.l. L2.Name -TAO TQM l Al 4- t-L Address ( 5 Not✓,4 A, dress LI Li ? Sei/, /410411 s6" 4- ,e City 110/}-p-.:p5 Zip Code 3/ 103' City Ain-PL Los Zip Code 3 '/U ?� 3.Name G'rk, iEYIz.E J 4.Name P'/J e 6-e C-&5f S L G c Address 6 6 && .p -', Address ,5/ '7 S ,y 2-se° ki City /\), Z- 5.__.Zip Code 31-/ /Oz5 City di e Zip Code 3 v l( (ATTACH ADDITIONAL.CLIENTSHEETS,IF NECESSARY) State of Florida / County of Collier `m'. [L' .40, i gist Signatur• / r I This registration was sI torn (or a firmed) ane subscri,ed before me this ; �c y of , 20\1P, by '-'t`*'� �F. f�►• 1 f', Personally Known BY ei • Produced ID Deptlileotary blies/► Type of ID Produced Revised:08/2014 f-G{..GIt.J1St VVI I vLLvv 8/11/2016 10:37:48 AM g..0,.......i.,..,,,,,, ,,‘\. a;fDwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court ci ti 0 o 0 T.1cii�. ff © _ _ . OR, Customer Deputy Clerk Clerk Office Location GARRETT F.X. BEYRENT BMR CASHIER Collier County Govt. Center LONG BOW LOBBY MinutesandRecords@CollierClerk.co Building F, 4th Floor 3115 MAGNOLIA POND DR m 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite NAPLES, FL 34116-8308 239-252-2646 401 P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST AMOUNT 1 BMR Lobbyist Registration $25.00 $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $25.00 Cash Tendered ($25.00) BALANCE DUE $0.00 • Note: Disclaimer: All transactions are subject to review/verification. The Clerk reserves the right to correct for clerical errors and to assess or refund charges as needed. gg[1[111®Tg[l®FaKo@OBM Page 1 of 1 Update I , Collier County Clerk of Courts 1 Tgilmie , ,, 3299 Tamiami Trail E. IJ ( T 0, C) e Only) Suite 401, Bldg. F, 4th Floor ' , :9 -, 1P‘' \-) Naples, Florida 34112 FILED #43 \\ COLLIER COUNTY LOBBYIST REGI"...RATION t.!-LA ------2011 JAN 25 PM(2: 38 Lobbyist Name Glitierze,1( 17=7..k._ prec-iki 7- Date l'--- 62—t 7 Cda.g0, COURTS , Business Name L.... P A) (5-- icl u) ...---.0 6. ES y RV , ____ Business Address 3 it -5 rvolo--4) 0 6774.- po/os> ()R./ vf City kjp.q-P4s State IF LA- Zip Code 3 4"/ //,6 7 6 Business Telephone P.:3 - 2-(1 S.— 0contact Person ; 3 7-4/3 17/-4 Lobbyist/Contact E-mail G-/ k- Beyr-p_a.Ai 7--- OA-C/—, c Cyl..,- Notice for Lobbyists: The annual registration fee is 525.00 per Lobbyist,per Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05, Ordinance 2007-24 and Ordinance 2013-39. Payments made out to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts(ADDRESS ABOVE) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH CUENT/ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1. Narne#MA6-A)0&/A-- PVA)P ii-L..13 5. 2. Name Te.„-rE c 0 IN) C , Address6/// 7 ..5 e 4 tivi- _,sto, A u Address 3j /Co 5AN5o01> City itm p c es p(Zip Code$Li /e) " .City Ithfr Ce_ P,ip Code3 zi 7 ois- 3. Narne Gli- Tr FA k 3.Ey --74. Name VO fa,4-10A-D6 / Nic Address 506' &OWO1it it 2/2 Address '' / i‘CIA E_ City ivApces- P4Zip Code3 Y / OS City j/0/ 1°1- L.ke___S Zip Code 3 '44-I,---- (ATTACH ADDITIONAL WENT SIIEETS,IF NECESSARY) • ( .5:e..Z.,..., 0 Fa e-ft_ s i I. State of Florida County of Collier 41116‘..• 1 tl iZirtilftai ame'7111P1 _.. ..... 7, —,,... Lobby Signature V This registration was sworn (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this day of 20 , by Personally Known BY: Produced ID Deputy Clerk/Notary Public Type of ID Produced Revised:08/2014 q ror Toy. co , ) Joc , 1Y-7 4 -/ ce )4- v 4 fK)" L`e s , F(__ 3 g i 0 _ &) I- -VT Frcor errrycs 506 - on'cA- izp /jpt-pLe c , r L 3j l C7 , 7) ivoi. xlin 1 ( ,/D--ti XJ vI r Er r-.� 5 D (o G-O rcL O i1 A, lz-o.4-_A 10(j -r-7-i- pa\ 1 - - , 5 P I' C e )3,16-L e /v L 0) 5 ,vL 11--- 5 0 c f/t. T---c__ c I A) c (I9 ( T- - m l i` , s (Jt T, e_ 5 A) f'PLvS, FC -3J-7/ / Lfci) E.- G- L-1 S C, D 4___O S r O C (--- T-4 bud S c7T7f /4-- v €_ &) , 1 ) eL e S e' rc. 1(__ N ii-P (. -e_ , (.-----c 3 q i 71-v---/4 VUte/ rump- 10 te/Ur 4' V i ) N APcs P r< 5 T" C /�-O rz c S ( /0C),U -- 0 Pio iu o wtri b4U P 6 ( 1) 91- L "In, -7'1-1--e IA3 s a s tee,/ ic-1 f e 7 / 7-1 tem( 't-- ) . W 1 n -r-c M P "Yr-c-/C 0 � vv/SPL� S l>)4�i cz, L,p i l F A- Lt ru G__ W f}--7e/t2 -S Pe V s_GC), , / COL& JeR 03 c. v.,,15. G i 1i A 1>v › /544)774- ig/`i 2-g A--T Pti v i i 9. ) .7-- A- Ivo PA, 6-(e. U(- RK)e ocS rvs7 7tluc, 2 ( D(se_ tmcAP / (o) 2 k) C( cj 1zoOlUey - w ,rte5n-c vv6_ G _o/l p ,c . i -7) ___ k je rcy r9Nc___ eLe_- tJI\ COLLI e (C (21'0Z-- y --ri__-1- fcc\-- r\> eeit›, ri7 1-4-n_r 13U i r 5 loo roc) TU 41-1 Ito po( 1 v)400/1 _ t R-e-M6.5,eve- 'nit" 5 i DSC.e R-et_ o ' * Update 11v-t4 kic(60-4 jkan0 ;60 Update