CAC Minutes 02/08/2007 R February 8, 2007 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, February 8, 2007 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1 :00 p.m., in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Center, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: Chairman: Ron Pennington Gerald Camiener Murray H. Hendel Heidi Kulpa Ronald Minarcini Anthony Pires John Sorey, III Paul Sullivan E. Glenn Tucker ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Tourism Tax Coordinator Page 1 Collier County: February 8, 2007 Page 1 0[2 February 8, 2007 MEETING AGENDA & NOTICE MEETING AGENDA&. NOTICE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2007 - 1:00 P.M. W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples) I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Changes and Approval of Agenda IV. Public Comments V. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. Januaru1.,2QOZ VI. Staff Reports 1. Revenue Report ~_Git!'l'-&AIRlD 2. project StitJ:us ReAQtl:_-,,",~_McAlpin 3. Parldn9-Garage PayoffOj)~ionsnming 4. Coastal Zo_ne Mal'l~gement~ept. OrSClnJ;l:ation Information 5. Gordon River Pass_~__USACE_Upd~le 6. Parking EIi-9ibllitLRe_~lutiQn.._ Secreta[y,_Mike~ole 7. Red Tide Warning Beach Signs VII. New Business VIII. Old Business 1. Mar~o South Beach Re..I'Ioruist1!lle-.nt/Ca~jlmbas Pa$~LDredging 2. Wiggins Pass Dredging Update 3. Clam Pass BeachPark RenQurishmenJ:LClam~a$~Dredgil"!g 4. ArtificiaLReeiInformation~Rdate IX. Public Comments X. Announcements 1. A~visoryBoard Parkil19 XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location 1. March 8, 2007 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor XIII. Adjournment http://www.colliergov.net/index.aspx?page=1711 2/212007 February 8, 2007 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1:00 PM. II. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. III. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Sorey moved to approve the agenda with the addition of the following: Staff Reports, #2, Project Status, Page 3 was added; a handout was added to #3, Parking Garage Payoff Options Timing. Second by Mr. Pires. Motion carried unanimously 9-0. IV. Public comments None V. Approval of CAC Minutes - January 11, 2007 Page 3, #2, second paragraph, second line, should read".. .the last twenty years, enables City and County residents. . ." Mr. Hendel moved to approve the minutes of January 11, 2007 as amended. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Motion carried unanimously 9-0. VI. Staff Reports 1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin Mr. McAlpin noted the following: · Revenue collected for the month of January was $1,056,702.00, which was $47,000.00 over what was budgeted · Cumulative total of$2,957,000.00, $164,000.00 over what was projected Mr. Hendel stated that the variance was impressive $164,000.00 preliminary to heavy season is terrific, projections for year were grossly understated, and budget was low. Mr. McAlpin stated that changes can be made throughout the year. Office of Budget would like to put funds into reserve and budget can be addressed at that time. · City of Naples contributes $771,453.00, 26% of total revenue . Marco contributed $492,950.00 . Collier County contributed $1,661,723.00 2. Project Status Report - Gary McAlpin Mr. McAlpin presented a report, FY2006/2007 TDC Category "A" Beach Maintenance Projects (see attached) Page 2 February 8,2007 . Budget has been exceeded on Wiggins Pass . Clam Pass is over budget . DEP payoff will be more than anticipated . Budget reflects additions to projects as they occur, entire scope of project is not known at once . Artificial reef is committed but no money has been spent yet · Beach renourishment will be closed out at the end of the year 3. Parking Garage Payoff Options Timing - Gary McAlpin Mr. McAlpin discussed Payoff of Vanderbilt Beach Parking Garage Commercial Paper Loan (see attached) · Recommendation was made to payoff loan early in order to save interest 4. Coastal Zone Management Department Organization Information Mr. McAlpin discussed "Executive Summary, Notification of Coastal Zone Management Department and Staff' (see attached) · Coastal Zone Management Department has been relocated 5. Gordon River Pass - USACE Mr. McAlpin provided an update on Gordon River Pass (see attached) . 3.3 million dollars is being requested to go to the City of Naples · Only 3.04 million dollars of federal funds have been authorized for the dredging of channel · Collier County and City of Naples are working together to get more federal funding · Gordon River Pass does not meet criteria for use of tourist tax funds 6. Parking Eligibility Resolution - Secretary, Mike Sole Mr. McAlpin discussed the parking eligibility resolution. (See attached) . City and County Managers have met and project is moving along quickly · There will be one policy Countywide and the City of Naples' policy will complement it . County will take the lead in issuing stickers 7. Red Tide Warning Beach Signs Mr. McAlpin discussed policy regarding warning signs on the beach for red tide. . There is currently no formal policy · Red tide warning system is being worked on and more information will be available at the next meeting · There is a charting program determining when dangerous levels are present VII. New Business None Page 3 February 8,2007 VIII. Old Business 1. Marco South Beach Re-nourishment/Caxambas Pass Dredging Mr. McAlpin stated the following: . Project is completed . Southern portion of beach was widened, laser graded portion of beach . Waiting for City of Marco to indicate what they want to do regarding re- positioning of channel markers 2. Wiggins Pass Dredging Update - (see attached) . Wiggins Pass should be done by the end of the next week 3. Clam Pass Beach Park Renourishment/Clam Pass Dredging . 80 foot wide channel was cut last week . Project will take until about April 1 to complete . Sand looks good . Material needs to be monitored in order to assure no organics are contained 4. Artificial Reef Information Update . Artificial reef project is moving forward quickly . Drop tests have been done on boulders; 1,500 three-ton boulders will be hand placed on reef . Project will be inspected by DEP at least two or three times during construction . Dune plantings will be started the last week of February or first week of March. Should be well into or completed by next meeting IX. Public Comments See below. X. Announcements 1. Advisory Board Parking Advisory Board should now park in the parking garage. XI. Committee Member Discussion Ms. Kulpa commented she is very pleased with dredging. Captain John Finley, ECA, commented on dredging at Wiggins Pass. Mr. Hendel commented on reorganization, commending Mr. McAlpin and staff. Mr. McAlpin commented on survey of area in front of South Seas Towers, still within nine-month period. XII. Next Meeting Datel Location 1. March 8, 2007 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor Page 4 February 8,2007 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 2:01 p.m. ***** COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman Ron Pennington These Minutes approved by the Board/Committee on presented or as amended_ , as Page 5