06/15/2020 Minutes The Quarry Community Development District
Inframark,Infrastructure Management Services
210 N.University Drive,Suite 702,Coral Springs,Florida 33071 Tel.(954)603-0033•Fax(954)345-1292
DATE: October 15, 2020
Mr. Derrick Johnssen
FROM: Alison Bruce
Recording Secretary
RE: Minutes of the June 15, 2020 Regular Meeting Approved at
the August 17, 2020 Meeting
Enclosed for your records is a copy of the minutes of the above referenced meeting of the The
Quarry Community Development District, which are to be kept on file for public access.
Cc: Mr. Wes Haber
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Quarry Community Development
District was held Monday June 15, 2020 at 1:01 p.m. via ZOOM pursuant to Executive Order 20-
69 and Section 120.54(5)(b)2, Florida Statutes.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Stanley T. Omland Chairman
Lloyd Schliep Vice-Chairman
Timothy B. Cantwell Assistant Secretary
William Flister Assistant Secretary
Rached Karanouh Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
Bob Koncar District Manager
Wes Haber District Counsel
Albert Lopez District Engineer
Justin Faircloth District Manager
Laura HBUA
Number of Residents
The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the June 15, 2020
Quarry Community Development District's Board of Supervisors Meeting.
• Mr. Koncar called the roll and a quorum was established.
• Mr. Omland requested any additions, deletions, or corrections to the agenda.
There being none,
On MOTION by Mr. Schliep seconded by Mr. Karanouh with all in
favor the meeting agenda was approved as presented. 4-0
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment on Agenda
• No public comments were received on the agenda.
June 15,2020 Quarry CDD
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Manager's Report
A. Update on Action Items on Meeting Notes
• Mr. Koncar indicated there were three follow-up items on this list. To date he has not
received comments from the Board members regarding the website. He indicated this
can be placed in the same category as the email since it deals with the website.
• He stated they followed-up on the pipe cleaning for Down to Earth. An email was sent to
Mr. Lopez and he is awaiting a response on that.
• The 2021 budget was submitted to the County and they have met that requirement.
• Mr. Omland added the following to Mr. Koncars' action list and questioned whether the
variance form had been placed on the website, Mr. Koncar confirmed it was posted to the
• Mr. Omland questioned about the pipe cleaning as he was uncertain what this was related
to, as he believes it is work which had been undertaken this past month and has been
completed and they will report on it later in the meeting.
• Mr. Cantwell added the QCA had added a request to inspect owners' property because of
erosion and noted some of this has been followed up on. He made the point to the QCA
when the request was originally sent out, it was only sent to the Board of Supervisors and
no one else. He tried to make it clear any request for maintenance review or homeowner
requests should go through Mr. Koncars' office.
• Mr. Omland agreed with what Mr. Cantwell stated. He indicated they all have roots in
the community, and they all hear from the community on things that are going on and
they get emails about it. However, from an ownership perspective, he does not mind
hearing about these things but as stated they are not the professionals responsible for
having any of the work done all this has to be done through Mr. Koncars' office who will
track it, work on it and communicate back to the Board on the status of the request.
Procedurally it always needs to end up at Mr. Koncars' office.
• Mr. Omland will communicate with the QCA and Debbie the process.
B. Approval of the Minutes
i. April 20, 2020
ii. May 18, 2020
June 15,2020 Quarry CDD
• Mr. Koncar asked if there were any deletions, corrections, or changes to the minutes.
There being none,
On MOTION by Mr. Cantwell seconded by Mr. Flint with all in favor
the minutes of meeting of April 20, 2020 and May 18, 2020 were
approved. 5-0
C. Acceptance of the Financial Report,April and May 2020 and Approval of the Check Register and
Invoices for April and May 2020
• Mr. Koncar presented the financial report for April and May 2020. Mr. Omland asked if there
were any questions or comments on the financials. There being none,
On MOTION by Mr. Karanouh seconded by Mr. Cantwell with all in
favor the financial report for April and May 2020 were accepted
and the check register and invoices for April and May were
approved. 5-0
• Mr. Koncar indicated a memo was sent to the Board as well as Mr. Haber which he would
like to discuss with the Board.
• Extensive discussion was had regarding increasing the fee of the contract in the amount
of$10,000 effective June 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020. In October starts the new
fiscal year and there is already a number in there for the management fee.
• The second part of the recommendation was to authorize the Chairman and Mr. Haber
to work with himself on signing a contract amendment to reflect the increase.
• The third part is, to establish an evaluation criterion for evaluating the performance of
the management company. A draft was provided to the Board to look at in terms of
evaluation criteria. Mr. Koncar is requesting action on the memo at todays' meeting.
• Further discussion was had, and the Board members provided their input.
• Mr. Cantwell stated he noted in the budget which they just approved the new number for
FY2021 was established at $57,000.
• Mr. Schliep shared the conversation he had with Mr. Koncar regarding this matter. He
indicated he appreciated the work Mr. Koncar has done for the District and wanted to
June 15,2020 Quarry CDD
make some clarification on this. Mr. Schliep provided an extensive overview of his
concerns about this matter and questioned how the scope of work changed from what
was originally discussed and agreed upon to bring Inframark on board as their
management company. Further discussion ensued on this matter.
• Mr. Schliep and Mr. Koncar discussed the fees and a detailed excel spread sheet was
provided to the Board from Mr. Koncar. For the betterment of Inframark, and for their
Board, Mr. Schliep feels there is a need for a project manager who can focus strictly on
District, save Inframark a tremendous amount of money and assist Mr. Koncar as he has
many more responsibilities other than just this District.
• He does have specific questions on the spreadsheet regarding the overhead items. Mr.
Koncar explained about the overhead cost and the items which have driven the cost
beyond what they originally anticipated. Discussion was had about the original concept
of transition Mr. Faircloth as the District Manager and Mr. Koncar did indicate this plan is
still in place.
• Mr. Schliep stated the approach which Mr. Koncar has taken was more of an accounting
side versus what he opened up with changes of the scope of work and he will consider
the additional money at least in his opinion for his vote that is what he would have to
hear more of the additional scope of work that they might have earned Inframark with
versus what was in the original agreement.
• Mr. Cantwell stated the scope has been expanded and is paraphrasing Mr. Koncars'
comments. He asked if they would agree with that or are they misinterpreting this.
• Mr. Koncar stated he would agree because it did take a lot of research to get document
together for FEMA and the Chairman can attest FEMA has asked for quite a bit of
additional documentation which took a bit of work from both the finance and recording
team as those items were not anticipated when they submitted a proposal for the
• The question was asked whether Inframark looked at the scope of work prior to
submitting a proposal. Mr. Koncar stated they were aware of what was going on in the
June 15,2020 Quarry CDD
• Mr. Schliep continued and stated his concerns on this matter as it relates to asking for an
extra $10,000 and then the separate issue about the contract and revising the contract
going forward.
• Mr. Cantwell stated they need to discuss and approve this as a Board.They do need to go
back and go to Mr. Schlieps' point when he has a retainer fee with clients the first year is
a killer and the hope is to pick up in the next five six seven eight-year relationship; he is
sure Mr. Haber can attest to the same thing from his experience.
• Mr. Omland asked if there were any Board comments, there being no additional, Mr.
Omland provided his thoughts on this matter and for the Board to summarize their views
on this since there is funding available to render the adjustment to the current contract
for the balance of this year if the Board chooses. He would advocate for the increase in
this contract to $57,000 which is budgeted for next year in the budget with a caveat that
they have a six month look back and evaluation and adjust it downward if need be and
they will see how the performance changes.
• Mr. Schliep stated Mr. Omland had answered his question getting back to his first point.
It is the unfortunate part of the Sunshine Laws he works a tremendous amount of hours
which they do not see with Bob and Wes so he appreciates this feedback because this is
the only time they could get it. He knows George put in 60 hours a week when he was
doing this project and in doing so, he was bringing Bob and Wes for their part in
supporting him in those hours. If he is understanding them correctly there has been an
increase in the scope of work at least a portion which could not have been foreseen. Mr.
Omland stated he wished he could state analytically and scientifically that that is
absolutely the case, he believes a measure of this to be true.
• Mr. Schliep stated this is a government entity and the government works differently but
he is going to make a recommendation based on his business when this happens, the first
thing he always hears from his customers is let split it. Mr. Koncar requested $10,000, he
would suggest $5,000 based on the additional scope and the cost measures which he
brought up earlier are really a part of the difference and this would be his
recommendation. Mr. Cantwell supports Mr. Schlieps' recommendation.
June 15,2020 Quarry CDD
• Mr. Flister stated there has been a lot happening this particular year and he thinks the
company has stepped up above and beyond at this stage of the game and what they are
asking for is not unreasonable. Regarding 2021 he thinks the figure in the budget is fine
with regards to the shortfall and covering the shortfall and is amicable to negotiating this
out and if$5,000 works, then fine
• Mr. Karanouh stated as far as the portion that is for this year there must be some
supporting in fairness if it is $10,000 or $5,000, he would like to see more concrete
information to guide him. He gets this year they had some additional work but as far as
going forward he knows they put the$57,000 in the budget, but what indications do they
have that next year they will have same additional workload that they did not anticipate
in this year's number he would like to know why going forward it would need to go up
from the original bid that they put in compared to what it is now.
• Mr. Omland asked Mr. Koncar if histake is as Mr. Karanouhs' logic, the current contract is
$46,000 if you had the $10,000 it would make it $56,000 and questioned if the scope of
service is equal to, less than, or greater than the scope of service which was performed
this last year.
• Mr. Koncar stated up to this point because they are adding Justin into the mix for some
additional follow up, he believes it would match because that is the plan going forward.
• Mr. Omland asked if $5,000 for this year to be an acceptable compromise from the
$10,000 he was asking for and if he can move the Board along for the $57,000 for next
year and the $5,000 stipend for this year; how would Inframark respond to that as an
offer. Mr. Koncar stated he believed they would accept that.
• Mr. Omland asked if there was a motion from the Board as to what they would want to
do with Inframark contract stipend adjustment for this year and for next year.
On MOTION by Mr. Schliep seconded by Mr. Cantwell with all in
favor for a stipend increase for this years' contract in the amount
of $5,000 for additional services rendered and authorizing Mr.
Omland to negotiate the contract with Mr. Koncar up to the
amount was approved. 5-0
June 15,2020 Quarry CDD
A. Attorney's Written Report
• Mr. Haber indicated his written report is included in the agenda package and he did not
have anything else to add to it but if the Board had any questions, he would be happy to
answer those.
• Mr. Omland asked if there were any questions from residents as it relates to the last two
items. Resident, Steve Santorra asked Mr. Koncar if there are areas of improvement
which they would look to as it relates to what has been performed this past year. Mr.
Omland responded and stated he has had conversations with Mr. Koncar over the past
year and there were issues which arose because of Mr. Koncars' role as a District Manager
and not the Project Manager on the accounting side of Phase II, Phase III project which
needed a lot of reworking. Remember as a consulting organization you render your
profits based on the number of hours spent on an account. One of the points of Bobs'
request has been the amount of hours spent not getting the job done and by increasing
their contract hours will fix, correct, and cover this CDD and this is why he has been
supportive of this increase because it will lessen his work which continues to be more
than he wishes.
A. Engineer's Written Report
• Mr. Lopez indicated his written report was included in the agenda package. He stated
there was no new projects going on. They are coming to an end with Phase II and III and
the Fieldstone lane work as well. There is nothing new to report this month.
A. FEMA Update
• Mr. Omland stated every month he provides a new report. This past month lots have
happened. 10 days ago FEMA requested more photographs and Supervisors Schliep and
Flister were instrumental in getting them more photos of the lake. They are currently
reviewing the application with the following items in agreement and disagreement but
agreed there is approximately 13,000 feet of shoreland which needs repair. In their view,
June 15,2020 Quarry CDD
it was 18-inches thick not 24 inches in its prior condition and based on the evidence
provided by Josh Evans Engineers' Report from 2011 to 2016 which states repairs were
done at 18 inches thick.
• Further discussion ensued on this matter.
• There being none the next item followed.
A. Update on CD101 Book
• Mr. Omland thanked Mr. Schliep for his comments and will add it to his comments and
forward it to Mr. Haber to complete the 101 Book. He indicated the importance of this
being completed as there are some issues which continue to evolve in the community and
need to be resolved in terms of maintenance obligations.
B. District Website—links & revisions update
• Mr. Koncar stated as mentioned earlier in the meeting, the form for variance is now
posted on the website. They can put any additional links on the website that the Board
is looking for if they could provide him any individual information that they would like to
see on there that may not be on there they can do that.
• Mr. Koncar suggested since all information is not posted on the website the Board might
be interested in having a Dropbox which he has done with other Boards. The other Board
requested various items and so what was done was to create the Dropbox and place items
such as three years of minutes, financials and other documents requested which is
accessible to all Board members and they can go in anytime and print the information,
but it is there for them and available whenever they need it.
C. Update on Bridge Coverage
• Discussed during the Chairman's report.
D. Resident Inquiry
June 15,2020 Quarry CDD
• Mr. Omland stated requests continue to come in and many of the Supervisors have been
contacted but as Mr. Cantwell mentioned earlier in the meeting these requests need to
go directly to Mr. Koncar so they can be managed internally by Inframark.
• There being none, the next agenda item followed.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Request/Report
A. Chairman's Report: Mr.Omland
o Mr. Omland reviewed his report with the Board. He met with representatives of Golf Club
and they are working on a continuation of the agreement which the Golf Club had with the
QCA for the balance of this year. The payment is$18,000 which is why they see on the dollar
amount on the revenue side of the budget. The Golf Club will continue to pay this for the
balance of the year.
o Discussion was had late last year with the Golf Club about the initiation of an assessment
methodology study which will occur as soon as possible to better distribute assessments
across the board in a more analytical scientific way. The Golf Club is anxious to see what
happens and we will work with them in the appropriate timetable.
o This past month, discussion was initiated on continuing services agreement with Down to
Earth. There were a number of things which were in the works that did not get executed.
Mr. Cingle presented this at the January meeting and the Board ratified it at the May
meeting to have the drainage work on holes 11 and 12. We initiated this and the work was
completed, Mr. Omland thanked Mr. Flister for his oversight on this. They have also added
a third component holes 11, 12,and 14 and for the Boards'edification. Discussion was asked
regarding proper protocol and Mr. Haber provided his input on this matter.
B. Lake&Preserve: Mr. Flister
o Mr. Flister reviewed what has occurred since the last meeting. He has met with CES a
number of times and they continue to do the cuttings and moving along the beach area and
will be hitting the area with herbicides. Once that is completed,they will hit the west shore,
the canals, and then will move up to the north. Further discussion was had regarding this
June 15,2020 Quarry CDD
C. Liaison:
o Mr. Cantwell discussed the amount of dues which is to be paid to the CDD which is a
total of $43,500 for next year. The next item discussed at this meeting was the South
Florida Water Management District right of way permits and bonding requirements for
those bridges and more clarification provided. Further discussion ensued regarding the
o Laura provided her input on this discussion.
• Lake Utilization:Mr. Schliep
o Mr. Schliep indicated there will be a meeting on Tuesday.
o Audience comments were received on Mr. Flisters' report.
Easement Request
A. New and Pending Approvals
• Laura stated there are two outstanding easement requests and questioned whether these
have been received. Mr. Faircloth indicated he had received copies of these requests and
will be forwarding them to Mr. Koncar for processing. However, Mr. Koncar suggested
going forward these requests should be sent to the Coral Springs office. He will provide
her the correct information, but it was also suggested to have these requests sent via
email as well.
• No comments were received.
• Mr. Omland requested if the Supervisors could get their reports in two Fridays before
their Monday meeting to ensure their reports will be included in the meeting book. One
week before the meeting the meeting book is posted on the website.
June 15,2020 Quarry CDD
• Their next meeting is August 17, 2020 it may be in person.Advance notice will be provided
whether it will be an in person or ZOOM meeting.
• Mr. Schliep reminded everyone there will not be a meeting in July.
There being no further business,
On MOTION by Mr. Schliep seconded by Mr. Cantwell with all in
favor the meeting adjourned.
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