BCC Minutes 02/22/2007 W (w/Congressman Connie Mack)
February 22, 2007
Naples, Florida, February 22, 2007
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County
Commissioners and Congressman Connie Mack, having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 2:30 p.m. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building
"F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida with the following
members present:
CHAIRMAN: Commissioner Jim Coletta
Commissioner Fred Coyle
Commissioner Donna Fiala
Commissioner Frank Halas
Commissioner Tom Henning
Congressman Connie Mack
Jim Mudd, County Manager
Sue Filson, Executive Manager, BCC Office
Debbie Wight, Assistant to the County Manager
David Weigel, County Attorney
Co~! County
, ~ - -
Congressman Connie Mack
Board of County Commissioners
Roundtable Meeting
Thursday, February 22, 2007
2:30 to 3:30 p.m.
BCC Chambers
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Introductions
III. Fiscal Year 2008 Federal Agenda projects
. More equitable return of federal tax dollars to State of Florida
. Additional funding for transportation projects
IV. Overhaul Immigration Laws
. Prohibit automatic citizenship
. Strengthen borders
. Social Security
. Temporary work permits
V. Panther mitigation fees
VI. Florida Everglades restoration
VII. Lake Okeechobee and Caloosahatchee River cleanup
VIII. Closing Statements
IX. Adjournment
February 22,2007
I. The Workshop was called to order by Chairman Jim Coletta at 2:40 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
II. Commissioner Coletta turned meeting to Mr. Mudd for a brief summary of our
Legislative agenda. (See "Collier County, Florida Fiscal Year 2008 Federal
Agenda" sheet)
III. Mr. Mudd presented, via overhead projection, nine projects for 2008 and request
for funds for same in order of importance. Mr. Mudd proceeded to summarize the
nine projects. He also indicated that on February 28,2007, at 2 p.m.
representatives from Collier County were going to meet with Congressman Mack
to discuss these issues at great length.
Mr. Mudd turned the meeting back to Commissioner Coletta. Three
commissioners will not be attending meeting in Washington, D.C. next week.
Commissioner Coletta asked if those Commissioners wished to address any of
the issues on the agenda.
. Commissioner Coyle asked for guidance on how to solve some items that
are costing the County much money; i.e., in last four years, in excess of
$50,000,000 spent in building new jail facilities to house those arrested,
30% of those beds currently occupied by illegal aliens. By doing a better
job of controlling who gets into the state, they could reduce the cost to
taxpayers dramatically. There is a coalition of businesses in the State of
Florida forming to begin to try to do something locally and at the state
level. He asked how they can start meaningful immigration reform and
stop the gift of citizenship to those born in this country to illegal parents.
. Congressman Mack indicated that they were all hopeful that this could
have been completed last year; however Congress will debate this issue
again this year, so everyone needs to voice his/her opinion. With last
year's appropriations, a wall is being built on the Southern border, more
technology and patrols at the Northern border - but here is not enough
money to complete those projects. Regarding legal entry of people to the
U.S., they need to understand what the country's needs are and have a
system of legal measures put in place. Also help give employers the tools
they need, so they can go on web and access whether the contemplated
employee is legally or illegally in this country.
. Commissioner Coyle understood the difficulty of getting all to agree on
all aspects of illegal immigration, but wished to know if they could stop
the incentives for more people corning here illegally, one incentive being
the automatic citizenship to those born in this country of illegal parents.
February 22,2007
. Congressman Mack addressed the issue of automatic citizenship; it is
protected by the constitution. We would need a constitutional amendment
to change that.
. Commissioner Halas had two issues. One issue was The Everglades and
funding for its restoration. Federal government indicated it would assist in
funding, but most of the money has corne from taxpayers in Florida. The
Everglades, being one of our national treasures, Congress should step up
to the plate in taking care of this national treasure.
. Congressman Mack stated he serves on Water Resources Subcommittee
of Transportation. Since his first day in Congress, Connie Mack has had
the same argument that the federal government was to be a SO/50 partner
with the State of Florida. It has been the State of Florida which has paid
almost entirely for the restoration project to date. Congressman Mack
stated the appropriate bill would be passed by this Congress.
. Commissioner Halas presented second issue of U.S. Fish and Wildlife
putting major constraints on issues dealing with the panther habitat.
Commissioner Halas hoped that the federal government would participate
in purchasing rangeland for the panther to assist this treasured species.
. Congressman Mack asked Commissioner Halas ifhe was also speaking
of the mitigation issue when speaking about the panther. Commissioner
acknowledged in the affirmative. Congressman Mack will facilitate in
direct conversation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife.
. Commissioner Coletta added that U.S. Fish and Wildlife was an obstacle
in having a Polish company, which would have provided 300 jobs, from
establishing a business at Irnmokalee Airport. U.S. Fish and Wildlife also
assessed $5,000 per house on Habitat for Humanity Housing in
Immokalee, causing financial difficulty.
. Commissioner Fiala expressed concern over controversial issue of
$10,000 for each Cuban who participates in the wet foot/dry foot landing.
It acts as an incentive to escape and corne to the U.S.A.
. Congressman Mack noted that was something the Clinton administration
signed in. Not sure if President must change or an Act of Congress could
change; this issue to be looked at.
. Commissioner Fiala's second issue revolved around having read that
Congress was looking at providing social security to those who had not
contributed to social security funding.
February 22,2007
. Congressman Mack said that had been discussed in the Senate; but
Congress not likely to pass because the Republicans and Democrats both
oppose this.
. Commissioner Henning stated he knew that Congressman Mack
represented the feelings of SW Florida residents, and hoped that the
Congressman would continue to do so.
. Commissioner Halas addressed the "red tide" issue, hoped with the
restoration of the Florida Everglades, including Lake Okeechobee and the
Caloosahatchee, that the "red tide" would be cleared for the health of fish
and animals of the water, the economic affect of keeping tourists away,
and mainly for the health issues concerning residents of Florida.
. Congressman Mack spoke regarding strengthening the dike below Lake
Okeechobee to secure it so to keep more water from spilling to the East
and West Coasts. The lake must be taken care of for multiple reasons.
Many agencies, people involved; water clean-up to be addressed.
Public Comments
. Debbie Arnason, resident of Alva attended the meeting of Glades
County the evening of the 20th for Florida Power and Light. FPL has
planned the largest coal-fired energy plant in the United States in the heart
of The Everglades. The power plant would produce mercury and nitrous
oxide which feeds the "red tide" and red algae which would go right into
Lake Okeechobee and in turn throughout SW Florida. The plan to go
ahead with this project, while others are planning on spending monies to
clean up the "red tide" was questioned. Suggestion made for alternate
power source which would be less detrimental to the health of people in
Florida and to Florida's economy, and Florida's nature. Congressman
Mack's help was requested.
. Congressman Mack thanked Ms. Amason for sharing her concerns; this
issue was to be researched.
. Bruce Kennedy thanked Commissioners for having this event and
Congressman Mack for corning. According to yesterday's Daily News,
Collier County was awarded $50,000 in federal money for emergency
food and shelter, that a local board would determine how the funds would
be distributed. Another article stated that FEMA still retains 10,000
trailers in storage in Arkansas. Mr. Kennedy requested consideration to
have allotted money available for all residents of Collier County who are
displaced due to a natural disaster, also suggested Collier County purchase
a few of the FEMA trailers that are going unused for Collier County
residents who are displaced during disasters.
February 22,2007
. Commissioner Coletta spoke to the issue of funds for emergencies,
IHOPE organization, located in Irnmokalee; its' mission include all Collier
County residents.
. Congressman Mack advocated for a system of block grants, so the
decision how to spend be made closer to home.
. Commissioner Coletta suggested the local nonprofits know even more
first hand where to go and who needs assistance.
. Congressman Mack complimented Collier County Emergency Services;
telling people in Washington, D.C. that the local people took care of the
. Commissioner Coletta introduced Dan Summers, Director Emergency
. Commissioner Halas thanked Congressman Mack for getting FEMA to
help Collier County, stated that Collier County documented the losses and
that Collier County followed the rules and documentation.
. Ty Vigel gave silent applaud for Congressman Mack. The Republican
Congress did much to protect us from Islamic extremists. Mr. Vigel spent
12 years managing a homeowners association, homestead exemption, etc.
Mr. Vigel volunteered to work with congressman's staff members to
address suggestions for tax. Mr. Vigel also serves as Chair of National
Republican Hispanic Assembly, secretary ofREC here.
. Gary Price Naples City Council appreciated Congressman Mack's visit
today and looked forward to meeting with Congressman Mack next week.
Naples City and Collier County have combined their effort so to speak
with one voice.
. Congressman Mack introduced Kara Moore, District Director for
Congressman Connie Mack.
V. Closing Statements
Commissioner Halas looked forward to visiting with Congressman Mack
in Washington, D.C. and thanked Congressman for corning to Naples.
Commissioner Fiala stated being a fan of Congressman Mack and always
will be.
February 22,2007
Commissioner Coletta thanked Congressman Mack for taking time from
schedule to visit in Naples.
Congressman Mack stated with a chance to talk the opportunity to help
advance what is good for people in Collier County and overall SW Florida
has been presented. Both Ms. Moore and the Congressman were to be
available to the people.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting
was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:30 p.m.
Collier County Board of County Commissioners
Comnhssioner Jim Coletta, Chairman
These Minutes aPBPWed by the Board/Committee on
presented V or amended .
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