2003/2004 County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated BY: PATRICIA M DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 4139137 DESCRIPTION ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- 25.00 NAME : PAYOR: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK PLM LOBBYIST REFNC: DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS Page 01 of 01 V#: 3154075 CHECf<: MC AMT PAID: TOTAL DUE: t+- 03~ 01/13/2004 25.00 25.00 AMOUNT 25.00 COLLIER,COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 H- 031bD H1\ru q 12DO~ NAME BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM ----- /;!v/()IlIV !./0?/OJcr DATE //;?h4 ....--- , /1U1Ji #1f/,,{&Ed1'6/117- /cJ bCJX 9229 IV~{.c/: rz 31/ u / . BUSINESS ADDRESS NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) Bt-iJ ill [J{.-(3 - At/i~ E: #('-'6 I IL:(' 8~J}b;J{e- /1IPL6; ~L(J . 1/LACr lJ~/ 1k~71f'T~ J LC, "~7/w:;. ff""liTM'::' INT. ;l/y~ ~t"J7~ {_ 1J..ft771v07IvG> (b,1J4IfJNt 71'6'7 AT~A~H ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAY BE NECESSARY IV ~ /:l;p6fEr .I /Jff-zt/lr ~,,',~ -;/ ,/ / '_J g;if'~~rx ~qp /Lobbyist Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing registration was Sworn to and sUbs<rrib~d, be, ore mean this the l~ day of ::::ra.r')~~ 2.co.I_, by \;'~_ L.' _~ " who is personally known to me 0:1: who has produced \\lCl.r-!;, 1\CQr6e. ~522-g12-b6-410~ as identification and who did take an oath. '. BY: 'd-mn Deputy Clerk/Notar Pub+ic Please Note. 1) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of October 1.t will result in the placement of this registrant on a Rstatus unknownR list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a RLobbyist Withdrawaln form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual Registration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22