Agenda 10/13/2020 Item #16D 6 (FY20/21 State Aid to Libraries Grant #21-ST-08)10/13/2020
Recommendation to approve the “After-the-Fact” submittal of the FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries
Grant and authorize the Chairman to sign the grant agreement #21 -ST-08 required for the
submission of the grant application to the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and
Information Services for funding in the estimated amount of $157,981 and authorize the County
Manager or designee to sign all certifications.
OBJECTIVE: To obtain State Aid to Libraries Grant funds to support the Collier County Library
CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County Public Library (CCPL) qualifies for State Aid to Libraries under
Chapter 257 of the Florida Statutes. The Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information
Services administers this program. The Board of County Commissioners (Board) has approved
submission of the application for State Aid and associated agreements and documents for over three (3)
decades. The grant application requires the Board to sign the grant agreement #21 -ST-08 and associated
certifications in advance of the award. State Aid for FY21 was authorized by the 2020 Florida State
State Aid is available to Florida public library systems that qualify as a result of meeting minimum
requirements as stipulated in Chapter 257, Fla. Stat. and Chapter 1B-2, Florida Administrative Code. The
grant amount is calculated using a formula that considers : (1) the number of library systems in Florida
that qualify in a given year, (2) the total amount made available by the State Legislature to improve
library services within the State, and (3) the amount of local funds appropriated for the Library adjusted
by a factor of up to twenty-five (25) cents on the dollar. Funds are intended to supplement, rather than
replace, a local effort towards that end. State Aid may not be used for the purchase or construction of a
library building or library quarters. It may be used for operating and maintenance purposes, personnel,
materials, and equipment.
The grant application was announced on September 3, 2020, with a due date of October 1, 2020. Due to
the short turnaround, CMA #5330 authorizes the County Manager to approve the submittal of grant
applications followed by after-the-fact approval by the Board at the next available Board meeting. The
County Manager approved the submittal of the grant application on September 29, 2020.
When the final award is made, and the executed agreements are received, Budget Amendments will be
prepared and presented to the Board.
FISCAL IMPACT: The preliminary estimates show that Collier County Public Library should receive
$157,981 in State Aid funding. Upon notification of the grant award, the Board will be asked to accept the
award and approve the Budget Amendment to recognize grant revenue in Public Services Grant Fund
(709) and appropriate expenditures. There are no match requirements for this grant.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management impact associated with this
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved for form and legality and requires a majority vote
for Board action. - JAB
RECOMMENDATION: To approve the “After-the-Fact” submittal of the FY20-21 State Aid to
Libraries Grant and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement #21-ST-08 required for the submission
Packet Pg. 1849
of the grant application to the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services
for funding in the estimated amount of $157,981 and authorize the County Manager or designee to sign
all certifications.
Prepared By: Joshua Thomas, Operations Analyst, Community & Human Services Division
1. [linked] SALG 21-ST-08 ATF Application Packet (PDF)
3. Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (PDF)
Packet Pg. 1850
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.D.6
Doc ID: 13679
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the “After-the-Fact” submittal of the FY20-21 State
Aid to Libraries Grant and authorize the Chairman to sign the grant agreement #21-ST-08 required for the
submission of the grant application to the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and
Information Services for funding in the estimated amount of $157,981 and authorize the County Manager
or designee to sign all certifications.
Meeting Date: 10/13/2020
Prepared by:
Title: Grants Support Specialist – Community & Human Services
Name: Joshua Thomas
09/29/2020 4:02 PM
Submitted by:
Title: Division Director - Library – Library
Name: Tanya Williams
09/29/2020 4:02 PM
Approved By:
Community & Human Services Tami Bailey Additional Reviewer Completed 09/29/2020 4:06 PM
Community & Human Services Cormac Giblin Additional Reviewer Completed 09/29/2020 4:07 PM
Library Tanya Williams Additional Reviewer Completed 09/29/2020 4:17 PM
Community & Human Services Jose Alvarado Additional Reviewer Completed 09/29/2020 4:21 PM
Community & Human Services Mike Lalabachan Additional Reviewer Completed 09/29/2020 4:45 PM
Community & Human Services Kristi Sonntag Additional Reviewer Completed 09/29/2020 4:52 PM
Operations & Veteran Services Kimberley Grant Level 1 Reviewer Completed 09/30/2020 9:33 AM
Community & Human Services Maggie Lopez Additional Reviewer Completed 09/30/2020 4:05 PM
Public Services Department Todd Henry Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 10/01/2020 10:29 AM
Public Services Department Steve Carnell Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 10/01/2020 11:51 AM
Grants Valerie Fleming Level 2 Grants Review Completed 10/01/2020 3:17 PM
County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 10/05/2020 10:53 AM
Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 10/05/2020 11:03 AM
Grants Erica Robinson Additional Reviewer Completed 10/05/2020 11:16 AM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 10/05/2020 11:53 AM
Packet Pg. 1851
Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 10/05/2020 4:42 PM
County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 10/07/2020 11:27 AM
Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 10/13/2020 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 1852
State Aid to Librari es Grant
FY 2020-202L Ap p ! icatio n
Submitted by:
Public Services Department, Library Division
Tanya Williams, Division Director-Library
2385 Orange Blossom Drive
Naples, FL 34109
Ta nva.Wil I ia ms@col lie rcou ntvfl.sov
Grants Compliance Office
Therese Stanly, Grants Compliance
Therese.Sta n lev@col I iercou
Collier County Public Library
Project Title: State Aid to Ltbraries Grant
ProjectNumber: 21-ST-08
A. Applicant lnformation pasel or22
Applicant lnformation
a. Organization Name: Collier County Public Library O
b. FEID: 59-6000558
c. Phone number: 239.593.3511
d. Principal Address: 2385 Orange Blossom Drive Naples, 34109-8840
e. Mailing Address: 2385 Orange Blossom Drive Naples, 34109-8840
f. Website: www.colliergov.nevlibrary
g. Organization Type: County Government
h. Organization Category: Library
i. County: Collier
j. DUNS number: 076997790
k. Fiscal Year End Date: 09/30
'l . Applicant Director *
First Name
Last Name
tanya.williams@colliercountyfl .gov
2. Project Manager *
First Name
Last Name
239 .252 .4217
3. Choose Library Type: *
OSingle county library
OMunicipal library
OCounty participating in a Multlcounty library
OMulticounty library
4. ls the library in its first two years of operation?
B. Expenditure Report pase2ot22
The Expenditure Report provides details on library expenditures by funding source. The information assists both local
library personnel and Division staff in verifying the accuracy of the funds a library reports as expenditures qualifying for
match under Chaplet 257 , Florida Statutes. The total amount listed in the "Local" column is the amount used to calculate
the State Aid grant amounts. OHelp
Click Save to Update Totals
1. Expenditure Report -October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019 *
Expenditure Report -October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019
Expenditure Category Local State Federal Other Total
10 Personnel Services $5,492,106$5,492,106
30 Operating Expenses $2,'185,338s2,185,338
60 Capital Outlay (Non-Fixed)$1,067,375$871,678 $195,697
Other $0
Total for the operation & maintenance
of the library
$8,549,122 $195,697 $0 $8,744,819$o
60 Capital Outlay (Fixed, including
purchase or construction of a library
building or quarters)
lf any amounts are in the other column, please specify
Total Local Expenditures Submitted for the Operation and Maintenance of the Library:
Prior year's State Aid Certified Expenditure:
Percentage Difference:
2. Notes
lf your total expenditures have changed by more than 10% from last year, please explain in the Notes field. Please describe
the funds included in the "Other" Expendilures column in the Notes field, lf any.
C. Certification of Local Operating ExpenditUres page3or22
Certification of Local Operating Expenditures
We hereby certify that the following total funds from local sources were expended centrally during the fiscal year beginning
October 1 , 2018, and ending September 30, 2019, for the operation and maintenance of a library under the provisions
outlined in Chapler 257 .14 - 257 .25, Floida Statutes, and guidelines for the State Aid to Libraries Grant Program.
We further certify that the amount listed below does not include funds received from the federal government; funds received
from state government; or funds used for purchase or construction of a library building or library quarters. Such funds are
not eligib,e to be used as local match for State Aid applications under Chapter 257, F/orda Stalules, and guidelines for the
State Aid to Libraries Grant Program.
Total local funds expended centrally by the library for the operation and maintenance of a library between October
1,2018, and September 30, 2019 is 58,549,122
Download the Certification, obtain signatures and upload the signed form to this page.
There should be a total local funds expended amount on the form. lf not, complete the Expenditures Report first, before
downloading and signing the Certification.
The Certification Form should be signed by the Library's Single Administrative Head and the Library's Finance [.4anager.
,p Download Certification Form
1. Certification Form Upload *
2. Notes
Expenditure / Appropriation Report FY18
October l,201,8 to September 30, 2019
60 Captial Outlay (Fixed, including
purchase or construction of a
library building or q uarters)
10 Person nel Services s,492,1O5.69 0.00 0.00 so s5,492,105.69
30 Operating Expenses 2,185,338.14 (42s.e3)0.00 so
60 Capita I Outlay (Non-Fixed)a7\677.78 196,123.36 0.00 so st,067,8O1.L4
Other So So so so so
Total for the operation &
maintenance of the library s8,s49,L22 S19s,697 so So 58,744,8L9.o4
Fund 001
Personnel (500000-599999)
Fund Ctr / Comm ltem Adopted Budget
Amended Budget Actual
** Grand Total-FC/Cl* 156140 G GATE BRANCH LIB* 155100 LIBRARY ADMIN
97 ,700.00
t,257 ,9t7 .OO
343,487 .00
97 ,700.OO
7,67 2,t00.OO
Amended Budget Commitment
7,255,97 8.40
302,207 .94
37 ,395.52
Capital TOTAL
49,353.49 7,600,584.66
Operating (600000-699999)
Fund Ctr / Comm ltem
Capital (700000-799999)
Fund Ctr / Comm ltem
** Grand Total-Fc/cl* 156100 LIBRARY ADMIN
Adopted Budget
Adopted Budget Amended Bud Commitment Actual
Comm itment
Fund 129
Personnel (500000-599999)
lFund ctr / Comm ltem I Adopted Budget I Amended Budget I Commitment I Actual Iffi
l- rrur, LrB ADMrN GRANr I
53 3.95
Operating (600000-699999)
Fund Ctr / Gomm ltem
Capital (700000-799999)
lFund Ctr / Comm ltem I ldoptea Budget I Amended Budget I Commitment I Actual
** Grand Total-Fcrcl* 156112 LIB ADMIN GRANT
Personnel Operating Capita I TOTAL
39.00 20,084.98 7 ,320.60 27,444.58
I Adopted Budget I Amended Budget I Commitment I actuat I
I*' crand Total-Fc/cl I soo.oo I
l* ,rur, LrB ADM'N GRANr I roo.oo I
I ztz.ta I I
| , | ,o,oto.r, I
Fund 301
Operating (600000-699999)
Fund Ctr / Comm ltem I Adopted Budget I Amended Budget I commitment I Actual I
l- ts61.t4 LTBRARY cAPrrAL 30
Capital (700000-799999)
Fund Ctr / Comm ltem
Grand Total-FG/Cl
Ado Bud et Amended Bu Gommitment Actual
Operating Capital TOTAL
0.00 7,7LL.52 763,887.42 77L,598.94
Fund 355
Operating (600000-699999)
lf unO Ctr / Gomm ttem I Adopted Budget I AmenOed Budge! | Commitme4l Actual I
** Grand Total-FC/Cl* 156190 LIBRARY IMPACT FEE
Capital (700000-799999)
lf unO Ctr / Comm ltem
I Adopted Budget I Amendeg eudget I Commitment
** Grand Total-FC/Cl* 156190 LIBRARY IMPACT FEE
Personnel Operating Capital TOTAL
0.00 416.33 416.33
Fund 709
Operating (600000-699999)
lrunO Ctr / Comm ltem I Adopted Budget I Rmended BLL4gqt LC.rritr"rt I a"tr"l
r Grand Totat-FC/Gl
Capital (700000-799999)
lf unO Ctr / Comm ltem I Adopted Budget I Amen4gd Budget I Commitme
l. 1s611s LTBRARv GRANTS I I 3fl,7s7 s7
Personnel Operating Capital TOTAL
0.00 (425.93) L96,!23.36 L95,697 -43
Fund 709
Grand Total-FC/Cl* 1561-16 LIBRARY MATCHING F
Capital (700000-799999)
lf una Ctr / Comm ltem
Amended Gommitment Actual
I Adopted Budget I Amended Budget I Commitment lActuall
Fund Ctr / Comm ltem
** Grand Total-FC/Cl* 156116 LIBRARY MATCHING F
FY 2019
Fund 001
Fund 129
Fund 301
Fund 307
Fund 355
Fund 612
Fund 709
Fund 710
Personnel Operating Capital TOTAL
5,492,105.69 2,L94,972.27 1,067,901,.14 g,744,gLg.O4
5,492,105.69 2,L84,9L2.21 1,067,9OL.1.4 9,744,919.04
Personnel (500000-5999999)
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Designation of Single Library Administrative Uhit ease+or
Provide documents verifying designation of the single library administrative unit-
The single Iibrary administrative unit means an eligible political subdivision under Section 257 .17 , Florida Sfatufes, that is
designated by a county or municipality to be responsible for managing or coordinating free library service to its residents.
Documents to meet this requirement are rolled over from the previous year. The documents listed below are the documents
on file to meet this requirement. You can change the documents from the previous year by editing or deleting the
documents below, or check "No changes from previous year" if there are no changes needed. The attachments should
be in PDF, Word, or Excel format. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. OHelp
1. Designation of Single Library Administrative Unit *
lf information to meet this requirement is contained in another document use the "Notes" fleld to indicate where the
information is located.
A No changes from previous year
lnformation to meet this requirement is contained in another document. Use the "Notes" field to indicate where the
information is located.
2. Add Documentation
File TiIe Description Size Type View
(opens in
Designation of Single Library
Administrative Unit_1 957.pdf
3. Notes
'1957 Resolution Creating the Collier
County Public Library
View file
I, !'IILLIAI4 ,I. RBAGAN, CLerk of Courts In "end for the
Trventietl'r Judjcial Circuit-, CoIIier County, Floricia, do h'ereby
certify that the foregoinq is a true and correct copy of:
as l.t appears in Minute Book 44, Eraqe 417 under date of
Sept-embe r I7 , 19 57 .
t{ITNtrSS my hancl and the official seal of the Board of
County Commissioners of CoIIier County, Florida, this Rth day of
October, 1984
Clerk of Courts anri Clerk
Ex officio to soard of
County Commissioners
r.F mlraa. lh. Borrd of CoEt, Cel.alEn ra. lmlabad a cott ot aaabof lbr DaDlts Ettc.r. i..rd oa ou! lraal..l6a ot l!.x rltt.! Daaxl.r' tta.ul[tls of r.rl,rl pholoftrpir rad r[llrbl. rpa' ud ln tha rDrna. ot
DF!.rtr lt raa caDalar.Fd th.l !h. llllr rctUd Dot ooulltrt m wrauDlaobrtrEtlo to tb. publlc ll,ttrtr of HrlGrtla ad lt r.r on th.t tb.ttb DaEllr r.r !,aaua.
cartrl! locd tDta!.aBf. DEtloularl, tDa ot Blt talao Lnlt-Dnt Colpontlm. hrE lodlad rtarout Dactaata rit! tsaP.ct go gb 9l.G-atot t!.a. llll. rnd h.E ttrs.d th.t th.t lld Et r3.lE tb Pnbltc !cll..r
rhloh n llrrd. ?b.t tb.t th. llur rt !l.ll,y ob.clEt flrilrt. b.t.
rtrta! hrd hrbt3ullt u..d th.x p.ra.a b rItE t;]l3lt ,!I tb t h ottLFo glErlb ?u9oa rry llto JobroD Brr. tiry {'.. tLg fl-tu bo.tacu.!r,lt ilql: Jolnrca B.t Dlrt t!.t ib. Da.a{t 3o tb. l.rt to tb Bi! ltcao
P..r cb.nml la ,.r,' 3ottl, [rd d.lrytDS.
lD rl.r of ib. frct thrt th. P.ttlta ra!! tlauaat to Bood fatth. braaal
oR rp?Ilortloat Ed. ln rcod frllh. dlr Poalrlon ln !.qulFl,n, lb aDpllc.stlo lcots o of !h. ftlla ed rglrca lt br a bltd8. la rct tltona. A.
tru bodt 1r gtr. roy.BlD ba, of Ur uf {td totaFatad ttr tlr. nrlaly.lf.r of th. putllc I t..l thrl l3 tt $progtlrta g!.t I xola ftrr !mr rirL6.nt of touF f..l lart ltr lh. rtt t.. ls E ooraraGl rltb !1,
bottlnr tha! h.. t.t.n pt.o. ln llr rF. Ed ,ou oplaton .t !o tlr "alldlttot lha porltloa L.I.n bt th. DFoLatmta rll,l E. rporslrt.d. Aa llf, rora
l! app.Faatlt to ba I puhllc load lt rrt b. thrl tn cost, ylll conrlda!
l"!.lf !n . porl tlon lo ?rI. Patt rlth tlr P.Ellt . ln ot edlal rctr.a
loqd n.srr.r. YoU 6n!t ce lhl. gotrlbtlll, f. alao aollcr,t.d.
tou ylll urdrFrtmd ry po.tlton ta ur. uB3.r sd ry il.Gthtt laqultt to ,ou. Yout cop.FrClo rlll i.
linonly yorr,
S,/ P.ul D. T?osl.lColml , Cot?a ol En lmalaDlatrtot iaBln at2 lncl.lx!a., P.lrtt tro.Lga.. Porrlt [o.9E
ltt.r du conrtd.rrtlG of lll lcl!.r Egoar D!16 of i;bl.rlomn Jul rondrd
b, C6ltrtomr l@r .nd um Et 6rf,, carrlaa, lla Coslt Erlrc t.a batrstaa to
dc E lDt.atlntlon rrld ral a Fpcrl ca hr,r flnattlaa.
opil Etla of cili,.rlor mDd.d b, cctr.lor 'd.!Ilu rDd uro
Er. dul, cri.d, t!. rollilllf !..olu!la u .dogt at
RESoLrlTIorr COUril ills luElc LtBirxr
LElrS,Cb.Plat 15Or /tortrir SLtut r, 1o'r , prctldr. iD.t tbF !'rra
.l aolltt setl,tatc.rta ol ti. xttd contt.a ot tlt .SaL rf--
rrtrbltr-lr. oP.trt. .rid -ln!ll! f lF.a POI 13 llDr.!, . oF fr.. ltbr'.r,
r.rvlsa for !h.! oa8!t, aad
rESEAg. tt Fo.Fd of Cdlrlt Cctl..lilt of Colll.F Col]lr, flctiCa
h.r ..t up ln ur f95?-5E ttOFt ll'ilr lor .{ab rrrllrr 6o!ln .ot
utc uorooo. tlc glr Pr&m1 ocrtunt ?c lb ..l.blt-r-t,
oporrttoi 6d [t!3ce. ol r t!.. F$ll3 ltb!.rr.
llLt il."l !.
?tr Chrlm r.rd . l.!t t fra 3h. lll5tts oo.rt LLD R.llt'ord CcP.4t aa!..
Srgtdar f6. f9t? rtrlta8th.t tb. ltl.itlo cc..t Llm ccprry Llt ldl !6 -L
rrDllcrtt$ to ttr Ptortdr kll"ild sd Publto olllltl.a cGrlr.lE lot D.d.aloo to
rbud6!1on bull,dttg.t coFl8d. rlorto.. tb l.!t t r.a cd.t a fll.d.
?h. clitlm Frd . I.t3." ttc gtl lll.rttlo Ltn. ltrlln.l lre.ry tB.tbt
E3 !!., b.d r.c.trd ElttG orpc.ltlo to !b FtI or !.tltlcrd otio.tlta .,lr.? r..!
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uD r.ut!.a !o !.ld Blla lD r!.r.r. .r tD. !..r{ to bL . Fau! brtllr d tllt
Actr {7
Celar t 6.aar
coulttarD la
tsoto lo
E. Designation of a Governing Body pasesot22
Provide documents verifying designation of a governing body to administer free library service to residents of an eligible
political subdivision.
Documents to meet this requirement are rolled over from the previous year. The documents listed below are the documents
on file to meet this requirement. You can change the documents from the previous year by editing or deleting the
documents below or check "No changes from previous year" if there are no changes needed. The attachments should
be in PDF, Word, or Excel format. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. OHelp
2. Add Documentation
File Tltle Description Size Type View
(opens in
Ordinance 93-
3. Notes
Collier County Ordinance 93-86, Library Advisory
Board & Duties of Library Director
View file
1. Designation of a Governing Body *
@ No changes from previous year
lnformation to meet this requirement is contained in another document. Use the "Nolcs" field to indicate where the
information is located.
T-,l .,
QrroRrru, tttD RITLEa oF PRocEDtREi
- tl
I{HEREAS, the Board of County Cornrqissioners of Collier
County, Florida, established the CoIIier County Public L5.brary
and in September, 1957, the covernor of FlorLda appointed five
(5) individuals to serve as the first Library Advisory Boardl
WBEREAS, Chapter 7L-L4, Laws of Florida, provides that
members of the CoIIier County tibrary Advisory Board are to be
appointed by the Board of County Conmissioners; and
I{HEREAS, in January, 1973, the Board of county
conmissioners made its first appointments to the Library
Advisory Board; and
WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 86-41 established
standards for creation and review of County Boards including
the LLbrary Advisory Boardr' and
WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 88-71 confirmed the
creation of the Library Advisory Board and established terms
and conditions of membership on the Library Advisory Board; and
WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 92-44 amended
Collier County Ordinance No. 86-41i and
I{HEREAS, it is appropriate that CoIIier County Ordinance
No. 88-71 be amended in certain respects to be consistent with
County Ordinance No. 86-41, rs amended.
! -'B .5p
lt ol
I r-
a) The Library Advisory Board (herein trBoardtt) shall
consiat of f j,ve ( 5) Dembers r,h:i€h t''ho shall represent the fi've
jEL county ConmisEion Districts..
b) l,[eDbers of the I'*br€J31-Adv*€or:a Board shall be
appointed by and serve at ttre pleasure of the Board of county
Cornmlssioners. said members shall be perDanent residents and
el.ectors of collier county.
c) Appointnent of members to gC--g the ltib=arlr
ed-i€€r:a Board sha11 be by resolution of the Board of county
Coromissioners, which resolution shal1 set forth the date of
appointuent and the tern of office. @
pfegenElY ,erY+ng en
an *nsEff+eients nEaber of he bers €roa r,hieh to des+gnatse the
€llhe aoard of County
Counissioners shall request and accept appllcations fron the
general public to
serve as memlrers of to the L+b!ar1,-#ra+s6=y Board.
Tbe i+i+ia+ terDs of office of the r*bra.',j,-+ldY,i€e?:l Board
shall be as follows:
Eherea++er"- g) Each appointment or reappointrtent shal1
be for a tert! of four (4) years. A person shall' not be
considered. to have aerved a fuII tern of offlce unless that
person has served at least two (2) years. All terDs of office
---€ha'U expire on the 31tt day of Decehber-
tt.e renainder of the unexpired. ter:n of office'
c) Notwithstanding the above. an indl'vidual nav be
reappointed to the Board after a hiatus of at least two vears'
a+ l,tembers of the Board serve at the DleaEure of the Board
of countv commissioners and *any meDber of the t*brary-+d#i€,ory
Board Day be rerooved from office by a najorlty vote of the
Board of county coEmissioners. l'lembers shall attend aII
f tha rr^ir^ r}rd ,.l++aae t.a whlah *arr nrrr ha
appointed. Anv- Board member rtho is absent for more than
one-half of the Board's neetinqs I'n a qiven fiscal vear shall
be deemed to have tendered his or her res I'crnation fron the
Board. should anv Board nernber be absent froE tto 12)
consecutlve Board peetinos without a satisfactorv excuse
acceptable to the Board chairnan. the Board chairnan shall
and shall thereafter notifv. ln irritino. the AdDinistratlve
Assistant to the countv copulssion of the Board DeDber's
failure to attend without satisfactorv excuse. A nerAber of the
Board shall, be deemed absent fron a neetLno uhen he or she is
not present durinq at least 75* of the neetino. No Board
uember shall serve at anv meetino after his or her Dosition has
been declared vacant bv the conmissLon.
hI I€ any nesher ef the L
a g*ven yean, the E+brar'- rrdv+sery Beard sha+* dee+are the
r T-
b) The presence of three (3) or nore menbers shall
constitute a quorum of the krl4e++oo!Y Board necessary to
take action and transact business. In addition, an affirmative
vote of three (3) or more rnembers shall be necessary in order
to take official action, regardless of \dhether three (3) or
Dore Denbers of the t+ba=ar1r-,tdv+ssry Board are present at a
c) The lii+rarilF-+dy,i€r,qF Board shall, by na jorlty vote of
the entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for the
transaction of busLness and shall keep a record of meetlngs,
resolutions, findings and deteruinations.
Ilenbers of the !ibra=}qdv+€ef1. Board shall serve lrithout
conpensation, but shall be entitled to receive reinbursement
for expenses reasonably incurred in the perfornance of their
duties upon prior approvat of the Board of county
The functions, porrers and duties of the liJoraaf-*dtr+s€ry
Board shall be as follows:
eI Act on behalf of the Board of Countv conmissioners to
establish policies of the Librarv Deoartment includin<r, but not
lirnited to. policies relatincr to naterials acauisition and
circulation, co]lection developrnent. and eligribilitv of
i na i r-ri drr: l c €^' I i lr1.iP1' carrri r.liir 6>^h^eae 'r i ^rr +lr -+
directlv affects nenbers of the public must be reviewed and
approved for leqa1 sufficiencv bv the Countv Attornev's OffLce.
-.-- -,- -aI hI Act solely in an advisory capacity to the Board of
prograDs that will benefit the collier county Library system'
d) Rev+eH and reeer-end te Ghe ^oard ef eeun€y
lLL e) Ehe L+br;rlr +dv*s€ry '^ard nal' adept and aqnend as
appropriate ttre trcuideli.nes and By:Iawsrr €e that govern the
operati.on of the tisEar,+dv*s€rf Board, subject to final
approval by the Board of county coromissioners.
The duties: of the county Library Director or h'ie4{eslgnee
shall be:
a) Administer the activities of the E+brar1l-+d*isory
Board in accord.ance established poLicies of the Board of
county commissioners- and the giuidelines- and byalaws, and
policies adoPted bY the t+b+arF"jE+|r.i€6raF Board.
b) Prepare the annual budget in accordance_ with !E
Board,s budqetanr advice as soecified in Sectj.on seven,
Paragraph d b, above.
c) Provide periodic nritten reports to the Iri+raf,F
rd.ds€rf Board and the Public services Administrator on the
activities of the Cotlier county Library Systen and its
finances in accordance r.ith established gluidelines- bv-lalrs and
oolicies of the Board of county comroissioners er and the
al) Attend aU #i+rarlL'rdrri€€aF:r Board ueetings '
The *,ibrtilrlF+!d++so?? Board shall be reviewed once every
four (4) years e€mee&e+a(@ in accordance
uith the procedures outlined in ordinance No. 86-41.L as
b) The presence of three (3) or more nenbers shall
constitute a quoruD of the $ibrialy-*dv*€ery Board necessary to
take action and transact business. In addition, an affirmative
vote of three (3) or more [eubers shall be necessary in order
to take official action, regardless of whether three (3) or
Dore Denbers of the E+bra=Y-+dJ+eory Board are present at a
c) The t+blar1F+dv'i€€r1F Board ahall, by Eajorlty vote of
the entire membership, adopt rules of procedure for the
transaction of business and shall keep a record of meetlngs,
reEolutions, findings and deteroinations.
llembers of the &j5rarff+d++sert Board 5ha11 serve lrlthout
conpensation, but shall be entitted to receive reinburseEent
for expenses reasonably incurred in the perfornance of their
duties upon prior approval of the Board of county
The functions, pouers and duties of the !j5rari'lE.+d#i3of!F
Board shall be as follots:
4I Act on behalf of the Board of countv cotnmissioners to
establish oolicies of the Librarv Departurent Lncludino. but not
linited to, policles relatinq to materials accruisitl,on and
circutation, collection development. and elidibilitv of
i nA i r.ri drr: l q far '| 'i lrF.rar <anri I r.!r, hP.rir^a.l h^ l { ^u +h.+
directlv affects menbers of the public nust be reviewed and
anproved for 1eqal, sufficiencv bv the countv Attorney's office.
- ---- e)r bI Act solelv in an advisory capacity to the Board of
r r-
F. Verification of Governing Body Authority pase6or22
2. Add Documentation
3. Notes
lncluded in Section E. Designation of Governing Body
Provide documents that verify that the governing body of the library has the authority to set policy, adopt plans, adopt
budgets, employ the single administrative head, and enter into contracts on behalf of the library.
Documents to meet this requirement are rolled over from the previous year. The documents listed below are the documents
on file to meet this requirement. You can change the documents from the previous year by editing or deleting the
documents below, or check "No changes from previous year" if there are no changes needed. The attachments should
be in PDF, Word, or Excel format. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. loHelp
1 . Verification of Governing Body Authority *
A lncluded as a part of another section upload
lnformation to meet this requirement is contained in another document. Use the "Notes" field to indicate where the
information is located.
This section is for any interlocal agreements or contracts that are in place to establish lhe library.
lnclude all interlocal agreements or contracts among participating local governments, if two or more participating local
governments join to establish a consolidated library or public library cooperative, and other agreements with
nongovernmental entities that form the basis for the provision of free library service and outlining the decision making power
given to the library's governing body and the power retained by the participating local government.
lnterlocal agreements for services or reciprocal borrowing, not for the establishment of the library system, should be
submitted in the section "lnterlocal Agreements for Library Service".
Documents to meet this requirement are rolled over from the previous year. The documents listed below are the documents
on file to meet this requirement. You can change the documents from the previous year by editing or deleting the
documents below, or check "No changes from previous year" if there are no changes needed. The attachments should
be in PDF, Word, or Excel format. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. €)Help
'1. lnterlocal Agreements or Contracts to Establish the Library *
A Not applicable
lnformation to meet this requirement is contained in another document. Use the "Notes" field to indicate where the
information is located.
2. Add Documentation
3. Notes
G. lnterlocal Agreements or Contracts to Establish the
Libfary PaseT or22
H. Position Description of Single Administrative Heod p"g"e
of 22
Provide a current position descriplion of the Iibrary's single administrative head that has been adopled or approved by the
library's governing body.
Documents to meet this requirement are rolled over from the previous year. The documents listed below are the documents
on file to meet this requirement. You can change the documents from the previous year by editing or deleting the
documents below, or check "No changes from previous year" if there are no changes needed. The attachments should
be in PDE Word, or Excel format. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. OHelp
'1. Position Description of Single Administrative Head *
2. Add Documentation
File Title Description Size Type View
in new
SALG 21-ST-08 H Position Description Single
Admin Head Division Director Library.pdf
3. Notes
Division Director-Library
Classifl cation Speciflcations
View file
Bargaining Unit: General/Non-Union
7et Cmaat;y Class Code:
Revision Date: Oct 1,2018
$45.85 - $68.91 Hourly
G8.27:g 51512;69 B
$95,375.00 - $143,330.00 Annually
The purpose of this classification is to plan, organize, implement, and facilitate a high
quality library service for the citizens of Collier County. Employee in this classlfication
administers the divisional budgeu trains and supervises staff and volunteers; develops
long- and short-range goals; and represents the Library to all public groups.
Develops long- and short-range goals for the Library; develops action plans to reach goals;
ensures that all goals are met.
Develops and implements training programs that maximlze the staffs abilities; develops
and implements special training programs for senior staff members.
Supervises, directs, and evaluates assigned staff and volunteers, processing employee
concerns and problems, directing work, counseling, disciplining, and completing employee
performance appraisals; recruits and hires qualified applicants.
Develops and presents the Library budget; monitors the budget to ensure financial
integrity; monitors the spending programs; interacts directly with the Finance and Legal
Divisions; provides guarantees to the State and County that all budget expenditures are
legal and a pproved.
Accepts responsibility for the total Library Program.
Interacts with Library Advisory Board, members of the Friends of the Library organization,
and citizen qroups.
Represents the Library in all related actions before the Board of County Commissioners;
represents the Library to all public groups.
Writes and presents informational speeches; develops special programs that interact with
the local school system and other City and County agencies,
Develops and facilities surveys and other measurements that identify community needs and
user satisfaction.
Oversees the upkeep and maintenance of library buildings; directly supervises the design,
funding, and construction of new library buildings.
Ensures that the book collection meets all needs.
Investigates and selects new technology.
Attends professional workshops and County meetings; meets with the Department Head.
Operates a comDuter, printer, telephone, copier, facsimile machine, or other equipment as
necessary to complete essential functions. to include the use of word processing,
spreadsheet, database, or other system software.
Division Director -
Deals with problem patrons.
Checks to see if maintenance work on buildings has been done,
PerForms other related duties as required.
In the event of a declared state of emergency, employees in this classification may be called
to work during days or hours other than those for which they are regularly scheduled,
Data Utilization: Requires the ability to coordinate, manage, and/or correlate data. Includes
exercising judgment in determining time, place and/or sequence of operatlons, referencing
data analyses to determine necessity for revision of organizational components, and in the
formu lation of operational strategy.
Human Interaction: Requires the ability to function in a divisional director capacity for a
major organizational unit requiring signiflcant internal and external interaction.
ES u ip_rnCft._l'4eShj-nCry, Tools,_ald_l' Requires the ability to operate,
maneuver and/or control the actions of equipment, machinery tools, and/or materials used
in performing essential functions.
Verbal Ap-EjlUdC: Requires the ability to utilize a wide variety of reference, descriptive,
-rdvirry ari-di/-or de=ig-n dat an-d information. -Mathematical Ap-litudg: Requires the ability to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division; ability to calculate decimals and percentages; may include ability to perform
mathematical operations with fractions; may include ability to compute discount, interest,
profit and loss, ratio and proportion; may include ability to calculate surface areasr
volumes, weights, and measures.
Functional Reasoninq:Requires the ability to apply principles of influence systems, such as
motivation, incentive, and leadership, and to exercise independent judgment to apply facts
and principles for developing approaches and techniques to resolve problems.
Situational Reasoning: Requires the ability to exercise judgment, decisiveness and creativity
ln situations involving broader aspects of organizational programs and operations,
moderately unstable situations, or the direction, control and planning of an entire program
or set of programs.
Physjee_LAEj.Ily-: Tasks require the ability to exert light physical effort in sedentary to llght
work, but which may involve some lifting, carrying, pushing and/or pulling of objects and
materials of light weight (5-10 pounds). Tasks may involve extended periods of time at a
keyboard or work station.
Sensory-Relluirements: Some tasks require the abllity to perceive and discriminate visual
cues or signals. Some tasks require the ability to communicate orally.
Environmental Factors: Essential functions are regularly performed without exposure to
adverse environmental conditions.
IVlaster's degree in Library Science from a University accredited by the ALA; six years of
experience in library operations. budgeting. and employee supervision; or any equivalent
combination of education, training, and experience which provides the requisite knowledge,
skills, and abilities for this job. Fingerprinting required.
I. Certification of Credentials of Single Administrative
Head Paseeof22
The form certifies that the library's single library administrative head is employed by the single administrative unit; has
completed a library education program accredited by the American Library Association; and has at least two years of full-
time paid professional experience, after completing the library education program, in a public library that is open to the
public for a minimum of 40 hours per week.
Documents to meet this requirement are rolled over from the previous year. The documents listed below are the documents
on file to meet this requirement. You can change the documents from the previous year by editing or deleting the
documents below, or check "No changes from previous year" if there are no changes needed. The attachments should
be in PDE Word format. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. OHelp
lf the person certified as the Single Administrative Head has changed from the previous year, you will need to complete,
sign, and upload a new form to this page.
9 Download Certification Form
1. Certification of Credentials of Single Administrative Head *
Ql No charges from previoJS year
2. Add Documentation
File Title Description Size Type View (opens in new window)
Certification of Credentials_TWilliams.pdf
3. Notes
2139 [KB]View file
CertilicaUon of Crsdentals - Single Llbrary Admlnlsfatve Head
The Collier County Board of Countv Commissioners
governing body for the Collier Countv Public Librarv
hereby certifies that the incumbent single library administrative head,
Tanva R.Williams
(Name of incumbent)
Has completed a library education program accredited by the American Library
Association; and
Has at least two years full-time paid professional experienoe, after completing the
iiOr"ry education program, in a iublii library that is open to the public for a
minimum of 40 hours Per week.
na Fiala,rman
Ailest ch
signature onty.
Approved ar to form and legalltY:
Jennifer A. Bel
Assistant CountY.
State Aid to Libraries Grant Certification of Credentials, Form #DLIS/SAo3
Chapter 1 B-2.0 1 1 (2Xa), Florida Ad min istntiva Code, Effective 4'1 0-20'12 @
Prinlonpinkprpcr. Attechtooriginrldocumcnt ThccomplctcdroutingrliprrdoriginetdocuncntlrrctobcforwardcdtotheCountyAttorncyOlficc
rt thc time thc ltcm is plrced oo thi ogcnda. .{ll complcted routirg stipe rnd origincl docuacatr must br r.c.ivcd in tbc Coulty Altorncy Oflice no lrtcr
(hsn Mondrv prcccding thc Eoard mccliog' **NEw** RourrNG sLIp
Complctc routing lincs #l througfi #2 as appropriuc for additional signaturca,datcs, ordor information necdcd. If thc documcnt is alrcady complcte with the
of thc Chairman's linc lincs # t and forward to the Officc.
Normally the primary cont,rct is lhc pcrson who crcated/prcpucd the Exccutivc Summry. Primary conuct information is nccdcd in thc cvent onc of thc
nccd !o contact stafr fot
Name of Primary Staff
Contact / Departnent
Tanya Williams, Library Director Phonc Numbcr s93-35 l r
Agenda Date Item was
Approved by the BCC
vt0/t7 y'Agenda Item Number t6-D-tl./
T1'pe of Document
Cenifi cation of Credentials Number of Original
Documents Attached
PO number or account
number if document is
to be recorded
Initials DateRoute to Addressee(s) 0-ist in routins order)Oflice
y18lt7County Attorney Office JAB3. County Attomey Office
Dt t=..{\/{#/r\rt\rrBoard of County
4. BCC Offrce
YY$)l7t,<lClerk of Court's Office5. Minutes and Records
N/A (Not
Initial the Y
the Not Applicable column, whichever ises column or mark "N/A" in
JAB2.Does the documetrt need to be sent to anotber agency for
on an attached sheet.Addressthe Contact lnformation
JAB)Original document has been sigrediinitialed for legal sufficiency. (AIl documents to be
signed by the Chairman, with the exception of most letters,must be reviewed and sigted
by the Office of the County Attorney
JAB4All handrritten strike-through and revisions have been initialed by the County Attorney's
Office and all other parties except thq EAaqgtml4q and the Clerk to the Board
JAB5The Chairman's signature line date has been entered as the date ofBCC approval ofthe
document or the final negotiated contract date whichever is applicable
JAB"Sign here" tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's
and initials are
JAB7thisandanthedocumentcasesmostcontractsareroutingInoriginal(some exception),
withinTallahassee certatnaandvetoaredocumentssensititimeSomeforwardingrequire
the BCC's actions are nullified. Be aware of deadlincs!time
The document was approved by the BCC on lll0llT
meeting have been incorporated in the attached documcnL The County Attorney's
and all changes made during the
verslonthatattachedtheisdocumentthc approved byofInitialsattomey
ifOffice has reviewed the
I: Forms/CountyFormJBCCFormVOriginalDocumcnrsRoutingSlip wwsOriginal 9.03.04,Rcviscdt.25.05.Rcviscd224.05;Rcvissdll80ll2
docurnent original OK
Date:January 19,2017
To:Tanya Williams,
Collier County Public Library
From:Teresa Cannon, Deputy Clerk
Minutes & Records Department
Re:Certifi cation of Credentials
Attached for your records is a copy ofthe document as referenced above, (Item
#l6Dl) adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday, January
The original has been kept by the Minutes & Records DePartment as part of the
Board's Official Records.
Ifyou have any questions, please contact me at252-7240.
Thank you.
J. Schedule of Library Hours paseloot22
This section is to verify that at least one library, branch or member library is open to the public at least 40 hours per week.
Documents to meet this requirement are rolled over from the previous year. The documents listed below are the documents
on flle to meet this requirement. You can change the documents from the previous year by editing or deleting the
documents below, or check "No changes from previous year" if there are no changes needed. The attachments should
be in PDE Word, or Excel format. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. OHelp
1. Schedule of Library Hours *
2. Add Documentation
File 1'ltle Description Size Type View (opens in new window)
SALG 21-ST-08 J Library Hours.pdf Library Hours
3. Notes
106 [KB]View file
Collier County Public Library
Locations & Hours -
COVID-19 Response
All phone numbers are area code 239
East Naples
8787 TamiamiTrail East
Naples, FL 34113
Phone: 252-7140
Monday: 9a.m.-4p.m.
Tuesday: 9a.m.-4p.m.
Wednesday: 9a.m.-4p.m
Thursday: Closed
Friday: C/osed
Saturday: C/osed
Closed Sunday
Available Requesl
1266 Golden Gate Blvd., W
Naples, FL34120
Phone: 252-7109
Monday: 9a.m. -4p.m.
Tuesday: C/osed
Wednesday: 9a.m.-4p.m
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Clcsed Sunday
Curbside Available Requesf
Everglades City
102 Copeland Ave., N.
Everglades City, FL 34139
Phone: 695-251 1
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.- NOON,1 - 4:30 p.m
Golden Gate
2432 Lucerne Road
Naples, FL 34116
Phone: 2524542
Monday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
C/osed Sunday
Curbside Available Upon Request
2385 Orange Blossom Drive
Naples, FL 34109
Circulation: 252-7350
Reference: 252-7356
Children's: 252-7369
Ad m i n istratio n: 252-7 31 1
Monday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m
Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Closed Sunday
Curbside Pick-up fy'lon.-Sat.: 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
417 N. First St.
lnlrnci<alee, F.34,12
Phone: 252-7073
Monday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m
Thursday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 9a.m.-5p.m.
Saturday: Closed
C/osed Sunday
Curbside Reguesf
Marco Island
210 S. Heathwood Drive
Marco lsland, FL34145
Phone: 252-7064
Monday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m
Thursday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 9a.m.-5p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Closed Sunday
Naples Regional
650 CentralAve.
Naples, FL34102
Phone: 252-5135
Monday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m
Thursday: '10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Closed Sunday
Available Reguesf
m. - 10 a.m.
il I
L-.-L ,l
South Regional
8065 Lely Cultural Pkwy
Naples, FL 34113
Phone: 252-7542
Monday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 - 6 p.m.
Weonesday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Frrday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
C/osed Sunday
Mon.-Sat.:9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Var,c,erbilt Beach
78i; \,anderbilt Beach Rd
Nap:es, FL 34108
Phone: 252-7160
Monday: 9a.m.-4p.m.
Tuesclay: 9a.m.-4p.m.
Wed,resday: 9 a.i-n. -4 p.m
Thursclay: C/osed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: C/osed
C/osed Sunday
Curbside l,vailable Requesf
F fT
I"rr E
I Jt
K. LOng-Range PlOh easerroizz
A long-range plan outlines the library's operation and development over a three- to five-year period. The plan must be
adopted or approved by the Iibrary's governing body.
The Long-Range Plan on file must include the upcoming fiscal year.
Documents to meet this requirement are rolled over from the previous year. The documents listed below are the documents
on file to meet this requirement. You can change the documents from the previous year by editing or deleting the
documents below, or check "No changes from previous year" if there are no changes needed. The attachments should
be in PDF, Word, or Excel format. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. OHelp
1 , Long-Range Plan *
@ No changes from previous year
lnformation to meet this requirement is contained in another document. Use the "Notes" fleld to indicate where the
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2. Dates covered by the plan: *
3. Add Documentation
File Title Description Size Type View (opens in
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BCC Executive Summary_2018-2022 Strategic Plan_FY18
Annual Plan of Service.pdf
4. Notes
Document contains the following:
1 . BCC Executive Summary for 9/26117, ltem 16.D.28
2. Approved FY 20'18-2022 Strategic Plan
3. Approved FY 2018 Annual Plan of Service
View flle
Recommendation to approve the FY2017-2018 State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement,z0lS-z0?2
Strategic Plan, and 2017-2018 Annual Plan of Service, authorizing the Collier Coutrty Public
Library to apply for State Aid to Libraries h the €stimated amount of$221i236.
QEEIIL To receive State Aid to Libmries Grant funds in the estimated amount of $221,236
CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County Public Library qualifies for State Aid to Libraries under Chapter
257 of the Florida Statutes. The Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information
Services administer this program. The Grant Agreement, 2018-2022 Strategic plan, and the 2017-2018
Annual Plan of Service are required elements in order to receive State funding. The Board has approved
submission of the application for State Aid and associated contracts and documents for over three
decades. State Aid for FYl8 was authorized by the 2017 Florida State Legislature. The agreement serves
as an application for the grant as well as acceptance ofthe grant.
State Aid is available to Florida public library systems that qualifu as a result of meeting minimum
requirements as stipulated in Chaptet 257,Fla. Stat. and Chapter lB-2, Florida Adminis ative Code. The
grant amount is calculated using a formula that considers: (1) the amount of local funds appropriated for
the Library adjusted by a factor based on the amount of revenue one mill levy in the jurisdiction would
generate, (2) the number oflibrary systems in Floridathat qualiS in a given year, and (3) the total amount
made available by the State Legislatue to improve library services within the State. Funds are intended to
supplement, rather than replace, local effort towards that end.
Slate Aid may not be used to fund capital conshuction. It may be used for operating purposes, personnel,
materials, and equipment.
FISCAL IMPACT: Preliminary estimates show that Collier County Public Library should receive about
$221,236 in State Aid. Upon notification ofthe grant award, the Board will be asked to accept the gant
and approve the budget amendment to recognize the revenue and appropriate the expenditures. There is
no impact to the Ceneral Fund with this gant.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is approved as to
form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK
RTCOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the FY2017-2018 State Aid to
Libr.uies Grant Agreement, Technolory Plan, and Current Year Aotion Plan, authorizing the Collier
County Public Library to apply for State Aid to Libraries in the amount of$221,236.
Prepared By: Tanya Williams, Library Director, Library Division
1.2017-2018 State Aid Grant Agreement_CAO (PDF)
2. CCPL_Stmtegic Plxr 2018-2022(v2) (DOCD
3.FY18 CCPL Annual Plan ofService (DOC)
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.D.28
Doc ID: 3703
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the FY2017-2018 State Aid to Libraries Grant
Agreement, 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, and 2017-2018 Annual Plan of Service, authorizing the Collier
County Public Library to apply for State Aid to Libraries in the estimaled amoul:.t of $221,236.
Meeting Date: 0912612017
Submitted by:
Title: Assistant Division Director - Library - Library
Name: Tanya Williams
08/29/2017 11:29 AM
ApproYed By:
Operations & Veteran Services
Public SeMces Department
Public SeMces Deparlment
County Attomey's Offce
Ofllce of Management and Budget
County lt anage/s Offce
Board of County Commissioners
Tanya Wlliams
Sean Callahan
Todd Henry
Steve Camell
Kimberly Lingar
Jeffrey A l(aEkow
Valerie Fleming
Therese Stanley
Nick Casalanguida
MaryJo Brock
Addltional Reviewer
Additional Reviewer
Level I Divislon Reviewer
Level 2 Divlslon Administrator Review
Level 2 Grants Review
Level 3 County Attomeys Ofiice Review
Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review
Addltional Reviewer
Level 4 County Manager Review
Meeting Pending
completed 08/29/2017 11:41 AM
Completed 08/31/2017 12:13 PM
Completed 09/05/2017 8:59 AM
Completed 0g/16/2017 10:36 AM
Completed 09/18/2017 11:46AM
Completed 09/18/2017 12:49 PM
Completed 09118120172,32PM
Completed 09/19/2017 10:47 AM
Completed 09/19/2017 1:30 PM
0926/2017 9:00 AM
Prepared by:
Title: Administmtive Assistant - Library
Name: Karen Tibbetts
0812912017 1l:29 AM
Collier County Public Library
2018 - 2022 Strategic Plan
Collier County Public Library Division Overview
The Division provides library collections, services, and technologyto residents and visitors
within three regional libraries and seven branch libraries. During the 2015-2016 fisca! year, the
Collier County Public Library:
o Circulated 2,349,418 materials
o Served L,42L,64O people who visited our libraries
s Provided 2,430 programs to75,253 attendees
o Provided public internet access to 155,635 people
o Logged L26,OL9 wireless internet sessions
The 2015-2016 fiscal year saw the first increase in circulation since the recession.
Purpose of this Strategic Plan
Libraries are on the cusp of a great transformation. Changes in how people access and use
information, interact with one another and changes in the resources, tools and capabilities
needed to operate effectively in today's society require new approaches to library services and
resources. The library must evolve in ways that keep pace with this type of change, and the
diversity of library users ensuring all residents and visitors of Collier County have equal access
to the continuously evolving world of ideas.
Planning Process
The planning process rose out of the 2015 Board of County Commissioners Library Workshop.
The Library would embark on a community-wide assessment and use the results to help guide
the long term goals of the Library. The goal of the assessment was to gain as much insight from
the resident population, full-time and part-time, on the current library system. This included its
existing strengths, its weaknesses, and to understand how the library could better the
Stantec, lnc. was hired to conduct the community assessment and the initial kick-off started
with library staff in September 2016. After town hall meetings, focus groups, table top
discussions and one-on-one interviews with library patrons, a formal online survey was
developed. When the formal survey closed in March 2O77, a total of 1,885 surveys were
completed with over 3,500 written comments.
Appnoved hy t[ee BCC on 0912612017 Page 119
Keythemes emerged to guide the development ofthe 2018-2022 Collier County Public Library
Strategic PIan. Current and futures needs were recognized in these ten key recommendations
from the survey:
1. Staffing - direct correlation of staffing levels with circulation, visitation, and user
satisfaction. Focus on building professional staffwith a dedicated branch manager,
youth service librarian, increasing teen/young adult and public services librarians, Add
marketing and technology professionals.
2. Open Hours & Days-core level service and library should be open daily. Each library
should be open one day per weekend with larger locations open Saturday & Sunday.
(Evening hours, staffing levels, and evening programming are necessary to balance user
3. Computers & lnternet-many computer work areas and labs are retrofitted into
existing spaces, Dedicated private or enhanced semi-private labs at each library,
enhanced WiFi, and wireless services should be a goal.
4. Technology- library should be at the forefront of everything tech.
5. Hub Libraries-specific areas of concentration, expertise and programming.
5. Marketing-overall public relations, social media, community outreach, and internal
7. Quiet Space
8. Children to Young Adult-growth and expansion in materials, resources, programs, and
staff dedicated to these age groups.
9. Collections- meet per capita of 1.87
10. Programming Balance-absence of programming for tweens, teens, and young adult.
lVlajority of unique programs are geared toward an adult audience and of a leisure or
social basis. Most of the programs offered are unavailable to half the users. A shift in
programming to better balance adult programs with child, tween, teen, young adult,
and family audiences is needed. lncreased focus on partnerships and collaboration,
lnput from the community and library staff guided the development of the major components
ofthe strategic plan. The Library Advisory Board approvedthe CollierCounty PublicLibrary
2OL8-2022 Strategic Plan duringtheir regular meetinB on AuBust 23,2Ot7.
The Collier County Public Lifiary 20!8-2022 Strategic Plan is a guide that prioritizes the work of
Library Administration and staff. lt was developed with careful consideration of the feedback
received and the data studied. The plan is shaped with the understanding that change is
inevitable, and that our library services will adapt as warranted. At the same time, the Collier
County Public Library will maintain Collier County's Core Values,, measure all we do against our
mission, and remain focused on serving our community.
Approved hy the BCC on 09/2612017 Fage 219
Vision, Mission and Values
Through high quality public libraries residents and visitors will reach their potential and
communities will thrive.
To provide educational environments, facilitate community engagement and cultivate life-long
Honesty & lntegrity
We are responsible, truthful stewards of public resources and trust'
We champion free and open access to ideas, information and content. Public and virtual spaces
are available when needed by residents and visitors.
We provide library resources and services in accordance with the American Library Association
Code of Ethics.
We strive for continuous improvement in our online and print collections, resources, services,
programs, and facilities.
We provide reliable and consistent service to internal and external patrons both online and in
We honor diversity, individual perspectives, and the right to privacy and confidentiality.
We strive for excellence by continuing the professional development of library staff enhancing
their ability to provide exceptional customer service, plan for the future, and stay abreast of
leading technologies.
We carefully manage the services and resources entrusted to us through cost controls and best
value practices to provide the greatest returns on investment of staff and resources.
We seek out partnerships inside and outside the agency allocating collective resources and
services to further the Library's mission.
Self-lnitiating, Self-CorrectanB
We are proactive and quickly adapt resources and services to patron needs maintaining the
library's relevancy.
AppB'oved by the BCC on 0912612417 Page 319
Strategic Focus Areas
Collier County Public Libraries are open, accessible, and thriving spaces linking people to a
world of resources and services that enrich their lives.
L. Stimulate imagination through reading, viewing and listening.
2. Provide comfortable, safe and welcoming spaces for people of all ages, cultures and
backgrounds to connect with others and to engage in individual pursuits.
3. Customize hours, spaces, services and collections to meet community needs.
4. Build public awareness and engagement through strategic marketing.
Collier County Public Libraries contribute to the vitality and resiliency of our communities.
1,. Provide connection to the online world.
2. Emphasize 2Lst century literacies including information, finance, and health in library
3. Leverage partnerships to provide accessibility to new technology.
Collier County Public Libraries advance the educational priorities of our communities.
1. Support early learning to promote school readiness.
2. Provide resources and information needed for the academic success of students in
public, private, home schools, trade schools, and higher education.
3. Support personal growth and lifelong learning through high quality collections and
4. Help people develop information fluency skills to successfully search for, locate,
evaluate, and effectively use information to meet their needs.
Approved by the BCC on 09t26t2012 Page 419
Goals and Objectives
Collier County Public Libraries are open, accessible, and thriving spaces linking people to a
world of resources and services that enrich their lives.
Goal 1: Stimulate imagination through reading, viewing and listening.
Objective 1. lncrease the overallvisibility of the collection system-wide with an
emphasis on promotion through creative and intelligent displays.
Objective 2. Use available data analytics and collection analysis tools to assess the
relevance of library collections, programs and services to ensure appropriate annual allocation
of funds.
Objective 3. Develop the image of CCPL as a source of high quality, free programs,
services, and resources for the community.
Objective 4. lncrease county, state and community partnerships to expand the library's
image as a gateway to learning and knowledge.
Goal 2: Provide comfortable, safe and welcoming spaces for people of all ages, cultures and
backgrounds to connect with others and to engage in individual pursuits.
Objective 1.. Solicit patron and staff feedback to assess patron satisfaction and the
quality of the patron experience.
Obiective 2. Provide library services and programs that reflect the cultural diversity of
the community.
Objective 3. Develop a comprehensive stafftraining and professional development
program including regular communication with staff regarding information about library and
County initiatives, activities and events.
Objective 4. Use available data analytics to identify library facilities for the
development of quiet areas, reading rooms, makerspaces, and "hubs".
Goal 3: Customize hours, spaces, services and collections to meet community needs.
Objective 1. Apply data analytics, branch by branch, to ensure more relevant
collections, programs, services, hours, and space utilization.
Objective 2. Evaluate the condition of the collection and develop a comprehensive
collection development and management program.
Objective 3. Develop and implement new metrics by educating staff in measuring
outcomes increasing the library's ability to match community need to library service.
Goal 4: Build public awareness and engagement through strategic marketing.
Objective 1. Develop and implement comprehensive marketing plans to raise public
awareness of the resources and services improving library positioning in the community.
Af*npnovec{ hy the BCC on Ogl26l201Z Page 519
Objective 2. Develop and support community relations efforts through key partnerships
and strategically pursuing opportunities to promote the library at community events.
Objective 3. Utilize a variety of traditional marketing mediums and social media
platforms to target specific audiences and reach the broadest possible audiences.
Collier County Public Libraries contribute to the vitality and resiliency of our communities.
Goal 1: Provide connection to the online world.
Objective 1. Provide public use computers, printers, and scanners.
Objective 2. Provide high-speed and WiFi access to the lnternet with no unnecessary
restrictions or fees.
Objective 3. lmplement self-pay features of the self check-out machines.
Goal 2: Emphasize 21st century literacies including information, finance, and health in library
Objective 1. Provide library services, materials and programs to increase the digital
literacy of the community.
Objective 2. Develop programs and services to foster innovation and creativity to
support science, technology, engineering, arts and math (5.T.E.A.M.)skills.
Objective 3. Use available data analytics to determine appropriate resources needed at
each branch to help develop 21st century literacy skills.
Goal 3: Leverage partnerships to provide accessibility to new technology.
Objective L: Expand the library experience to include makerspaces, learning commons,
and non-traditional materials.
Objective 2: Use available data analytics to identify library facilities for the
development of "hub" technology libraries.
Approved hy the BCC on 0912612017 Page 619
Collier County Public Libraries advance the educational priorities of our communities.
Goal 1: support early learning to promote school readiness.
Objective 1. Provide parents and caregivers with quality story times, training and
materlals which encourage them to talk, sing, write, and play with their children.
Objective 2. Make accessible training for staffthat reinforces the librany's early learning
Objective 3, Provide easy access to early literacy materials, websites, information and
programs for parents and caregivers.
Objective 4. Continue to investigate and invest in technology, resources, and tools that
support early learn ing strategies.
Objective 5. Expand the library's outreach to childcare facilities serving at-risk and
underserved populations.
Goal 3: Support personal growth and lifelong learning throuth high quality collections and
Objective L. Collaborate with public, private, and nonprofit partners to promote
reading for pleasure, expand self-directed learning opportunities and provide a variety of
cultural experiences for all ages.
Objective 2. Develop and manage library print and online collections to reflect patron
Goal 4: lnstruct people on developing information fluency skills to successfully search for,
locate, evaluate, and effectively use information to meet their needs,
Objective 1. Develop and offer classes on how to navigate the lnternet and electronic
library resources, and to recognize authoritative sources.
Objective 2. Create online tutorials to help users navigate library technology, online
databases, and other e-resou rces.
Page 719
Goal 2: Provide resources and information needed for the academic success of students in
public, private, home schools, trade schools, and hlgher education.
Objective 1. Regularly attend community school events to promote library services and
gain insight into community needs.
Objective 2. Provide and promote onllne homework assistance.
Objective 3. Work with public and private school media specialists and classroom
teachers to foster a love of reading through book talks, class visits to the library, and creative
Appnoved hy tf,re BGC on 09/2612017
2OL8-2A22 Five Year Performance Measures
Collier County Public Libraries are open, accessible, and thriving spaces linking people to a
world of resources and services that enrich their lives.
e Master of Library Science degreed librarians at 9 out of L0 libraries.
e Minirnum of six days of library service at 9 out of 10 libraries with appropriate balance of
librarians and para-librarians to maintain high quality service.
c Technology "hubs" and quiet spaces at all libraries.
o State of the art lntegrated Library System (lLS)forcirculation and collection management.
c Print and e-book collections balanced to reflect patron demand.
o Cultural and educational learning balanced across all libraries and offerings balanced to
serve children through adults.
Collier County Public Libraries contribute to the vitality and resiliency of our communities.
" Fully developed partnerships and identified funding sources to ensure the library's status
of free access to cutting edge technology and AUIR Level of Serve Standard (LOSS) for
library materials.
o ldentified libraries for re-purposing to meet the ever changing and growing demands of
the communities served.
o Expanded partnership with Senior Resource Center to include technology outreach and
o Ensure continued patron access to current technology, and free and open access to ideas,
information and content.
s tnitiate a study to develop a 20 year master plan identifying areas for possible library
Collier County Public Libraries advance the educational priorities of our communities.
o Fully developed partnership with Collier County Public Schools.
c Partnerships with private schools, home schools, trade schools, and institutions of higher
ed ucation.
e Partnerships with daycare facilities serving at-risk and underserved populations.
o Expanded partnership, to include outreach, with the Naples and Immokalee Jail Centers.
Approvecl I,ry the BCC on 0912612017 PaEe 819
A Callto Action
The best strategic plans are dynamic, flexible tools for continuous improvement. With the
Library's mission as the primary foundation, its vision as the ideal, and the County's Core Values
as guides to decision making, the Collier County Public Library system will commit to a process
that ensures accountability, versatility, and rational decision-making. Seeking out the needs and
wants of Collier's residents and visitors through a community assessment was the first step. From
there it is the Library's responsibility to develop an appropriate strategy to address current needs
and plan for the future. The Library Advisory Board (LAB) and Public Services Department will
have the primary responsibility to monitor the plan's goals and objectives and assess overall
progress. Library staff will have the responsibility of overseeing implementation and consulting,
and working with groups directly involved or affected by decisions. Through the course of
implementation, new issues, challenges, and ideas will emerge. ln a cyclical process Library staff
and the LAB will measure progress, budget resources to maximize outcomes, and identify
potential new areas that require action. ln this way, both the strategic plan and annual plan of
service will be constantly reviewed, evaluated, and updated.
Approved by the BCC on 0912612017 Page 919
Addendum to the Collier County Public Library 2Ot8-2022 Strategic Plan
2017-20L8 Annual Plan of Service
Collier County Public Libraries are open, accessible, and thriving spaces linking people to a world of resources and servicesthat enrich their lives.
Goall: Stimulate nation readi viewing and listening.
Performance MeasuresCompletion DateDivision Objectives Action ltems
r.L 7A/Ou2O17
1.2 ot/3112018
1.1, 4-5 memberteam created.
1.2 Written protocol is accessible
on the Library's SharePoint site.
Objective 1. lncrease the overall
visibility of the collection system-
wide with an emphasis on
promotion through creative and
intelligent displays.
L.L Establish a self-directed team for display
1.2 Self-directed team develops system-wide
protocols to ensure best practices in display and
2.L 0410u2A78 2.1 Written phased funding plan
is developed to guide collection
development budget for the next
five years and made accessible on
the Library's SharePoint site.
2.1 Collection Development Team will work
directly with Director to establish multi-year
budgetary requirements to bring collection
inventory up to AUIR standards of 1.87 items
per capita by 2022.
Obiective 2. Use available data
analytics and collection analysis
tools to assess the relevance of
library collections, programs and
services to ensure appropriate
annual allocation of funds.
t.L osl3].lz0lg 3.1 Library will be regularly visible
through various multi-media
outlets, including newspapers,
radio, social media, etc.
3.1 Library Marketing Team will work with PSD
and CCR team members to develop a marketing
Objective 3. Develop the image of
CCPL as a source of high quality, free
programs, services, and resources
for the community.
4.1. O5/37/2OLB 4.1 Database ofcounty and
agency "experts" will be
generated for Library
programming and made
accessible on the Library's
SharePoint site.
Objective 4. lncrease county, state
and community partnerships to
expand the library's image as a
gateway to learning and knowledge
4.1 Marketing Librarian will reach out and
network with county and agency
Approved by the BCG on 0912612017 Page 1 of 10
Goal 2: Prouide comfortable, safe and welcoming spaces for people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds to €onnect with others and to entate
in individual rsuits.
Division ectives Action ltems Com etion DateI
Objective 1. Solicit patron and staff
feedback to assess patron
satisfaction and the quality of the
patron experience.
1.1 Establish AA/aC self-directed team.
1.2 Create monthly satisfaction survey
according to QA/QC directive using Qualtrics
1.3 OA/QC Team to work with lTto set-up
survey on iPads for in-house use.
Ferformance Measures
L.L t0/0tl2ol7
t.2 1t/01/2O17
L.3 Os/3u2078
1.1 4-5 member team created.
1.2 Standardized satisfaction
survey ready for use in November,
1.3 One iPad available for surveys
at each library.
Objective 2. Provide library services
and programs that reflect the
cultural diversity of the community.
2.1 Maintain quality public programming with
Friends partnerships and support.
2.2 Provide culturally diverse programming
through community partnerships.
2.3 Develop programming to target Millennials.
z.L 04/30/2018
2.2 O9/30/20L8
2.3 Oe/3O/2O18
2.1 Request new Friends funding
for FY19 during budget
2.2 A minimum of 12 culturally
diverse programs offered system-
wide throughout the year.
2.3 Develop and implement
Collier Con Event.
Objective 3. Develop a
comprehensive staff training and
professional development program
including regular communication
with staff regarding information
about library and County initiatives,
activities and events.
3.1 Establish a self-directed team to work with
the Director for creating a plan for training and
career progression.
3.2 Research and recommend mediums for the
re-establish the Library Staff Newsletter.
3.1 08/ou20L8
3.2 OLl)tlzOLg
3.1 Career progression plan for
librarian position created and
3.2 First newsletter published by
Approved by the BGG on 0912612A17 Page 2 of 10
Objective 4. Use available data
analytics to identify library facilities
for the development of quiet areas,
reading rooms, makerspaces, and
4.1 Establish a self-directed Design Team who
willwork with Facilities and the Library's Project
4.2 Design Team to research and provide a
recommendation whether the Library should
hire a design consultant.
services and collections to mrget_ggrymunity needs.
Action ltems
4.L 0u0u2078
4.2 O3l3L/2018
4.1 4-5 member team created.
4.2 Recommendation available
for FY19 budget development.
Goal 3: Customize hours,
Division Objectives Completion Date Perfonmance Measures
Objective 1. Apply data analytics,
branch by branch, to ensure more
relevant collections, programs,
services, hours, and space
Objective 2. Evaluate the condition
of the collection and develop a
com prehensive collection
development and management
1.1 Administrative Team will analyze
commu nity assessment recom mendations,
current data, and current public library trends
to establish a plan to restore Saturday hours to
the East Naples, Vanderbilt, Estates, and
lmmokalee libraries.
1.2 Branch managers will be restored to East
Naples, Estates, and lmmokalee libraries.
2.1 Collection Management Team will finalize a
revised system-wide Collection Management
2.1 04/0L/2018
I 7.L Ael3AlzO\\
t.2 L2/3r/2O17
1.1 lmmokalee Saturday hours
are restored. Hours at other
Iibraries are phased back in as
staffing resources and funding is
1.2 Branch managers are hired
for East Naples, Estates, and
2.1 Collection Management Policy
approved by the Library Advisory
3.L L2/O112077
3.2 otl3tlzoLs
3.1 Metrics and reporting
mechanisms established.
3.2 Staff are using the new
metrics and reporting
Objective 3. Develop and
implement new metrics by
educating staff in measuring
outcomes increasing the library's
ability to match community need to
library service.
3.1 Collection Management Team and
Marketing Team will identify metrics.
3.2 Staff will be trained on new metrics.
Goal4: Build blic awareness and
Completion Date Performance MeasuresDivision Objectives Action ltems
Approved by the BCC on 0S12612017 Page 3 of 10
Objective 1. Develop and
implement comprehensive
marl(eting plans to raise public
awareness of the resources and
services improving library
positioning in the community.
Objective 2. Develop and support
community relations efforts through
key partnerships and strategically
pu rsuing opportunities to promote
the library at community events.
1.1 Library will be regularly
visible through various
multi-media outlets,
including newspapers,
radio, social media, etc.
1.2 La unch of website redesign.
2,1 Roster of active, mutually
beneficial partnerships
2.2 Programming offered or
resou rces expanded for patrons
based on new partnerships.
3.1 Each library will identify 1-2
staff who will be responsible for
submitting information,
pictures, and video for
marketing distribution on a
weekly basis.
Objective 3. Utilize a variety of
traditional marketing mediums and
social media platforms to target
specific audiences and reach the
broadest possible audiences.
1.1 Library Marketing Team will work with PSD
and CCR team members to develop a
marketing plan.
1.2 Redesign library website to increase
visibility and ease of use.
2.1 Library Marketing Team will survcy and
access the Library's current partnerships.
2.2 Library Marketing Team will identify and
develop two new partnership opportunities.
3.L 77/oL/217
t.! os/3L/20L8
1.2 72/3t/2O77
2.1, 07/37/2078
2.2 09/30/2078
Collier County Public Librarles contribute to the vitality and resiliency of our communities.
Goal 1: Provide connection to the online world,
Division Objectives
Objective 1. Provide public use
computers, printers, and scanners.
Action ltems Completion Date Performance Measures
1.1 Maintain and enhance public accessibility to
computers, printers, and scanners.
1,.1, OUOL|2OLB 1.1 Add scanning capabilities to
Everglades Library.
Objective 2. Provide high-speed
and WiFi access to the lnternet with
no unnecessary restrictions or fees.
2.1 Maintain and enhance high-speed and WiFi
2.2 Printing and copying fees are appropriately
2.L O9/3o/2oL8
2.2 O9/3O/7O18
2.1 WiFi and Zscaler
confi gurations routinely
monitored to maintain
Approved by the BCC an 09ngl2g17 Page 4 of 10
3,1 Library Marketing Team and individual
libraries will provide regular material for
balanced between public demand and cost
3.1 Confirm PCI compliance ofselfcheck-out
3.2 Work with Procurement to establish
accountability and best practices for self-pay
with credit cards.
Objective 3. lmplement self-pay
features of the self check-out
Objective 1, Provide library services,
materials and programs to increase
the digital literacy ofthe
3.L O\/O1,/2O78
3.2 09/30/2018
consistent bandwidth and
patron access to website
2.2 Printing/copying fees match
public demand and provide best
3.1 Certification of compllance
is obtained.
3.2 Self-pay feature is enabled
for patron use at self check-out
1.1 lncrease online access by
2o/o over FY76 .2,373,69Ll'.
1.2 lncrease to a minimum of
24 programs per year.
Goal 2; Emphasize 2l't century literacies including information, finance, and health in library programs.
Division Objectives Action ltems Completion Date Performance Measures
t.t 09/30/7078
1,.2 O9/3O/2OL8
Objective 2. Develop programs and
services to foster innovation and
creativity to support science,
technology, engineering a rts and
math (S.T.E.A.M.) skills.
2.1 ldentify training opportunities for staffto
develop best practices in S.T.E.A.M.
2.2 lncrease S.T.E.A.M. based programming and
2.1, 09/30/2018
2.2 O9/3o/2o18
2.1 Staff will attend a minimum
of three weblnars, trainings, or
conference sessions.
2.2 S.T.E.A.M. based
programming increased to a
minimum of 12 programs per
year system-wide.
3.L OL/31/2OL8
3.2 O9/3O/2OL8
3.1 Minimum of 100 surveys
completed per library.
3.2 Provide a minimum of 36
programs per year across the
system addressing 21"t century
Objective 3. Use available data
analytics to determine appropriate
resources needed at each branch to
help develop 21n century literacy
3.1 Survey individual libraries to identify
needed technology, health and financial
3.2 Develop and provide appropriate 21st
century literacy programs.
Approved by the BCC on 09/26/2017 Page 5 of 10
1.1 lncrease patron usage of online resources.
1.2 Provide system-wide technology
programming and access to new technology
Goal 3: Leverage partnerships to a to new technol
Collier County Public Libraries advance the educational priorities of our communities.
Goal 1:early learn to school readiness.
Completion l):rte Performance Measures
L.L O9/30/2O]8
Division Obiectives
Objective 1: Expand the library
experience to include mal<erspaces,
learning commons, and non-
traditional materials.
1.1 Partner with the Southwest Florida Library
Networl<to have 3D printing, coding, and
robotics programs.
Action trtems
2.L A3BL/2A18
1.1 Provide a minimum of 12
programs system-wide per year
2.1 Recommendations available
for FY19 budget development.
Objective 2: Use available data
analytics to identify library facilities
for the development of "hub"
technology libraries.
2.L Self-directed Design Team will identify
libraries easily re-purposed as technology
Performance MeasuresCompletion DateDivision Objectives Action ltems
1.1 lncreased participation in
summer reading and
programmingby t0% over FYL7
1.2 Written system-wide early
literacy programming initiatives
accessible on the Library's
SharePoint site to govern
development of story times.
1..L 07/3L12018
L.2 AeB0/2AL8
1.1 Participate in the State Summer Reading
1.2 Youth Services Team will develop and
im plement system-wide early literacy
programming initiatives.
Objective 1. Provide parents and
caregivers with quality story times,
training and materials which
encourage them to talk, sing, write,
and play with their children.
2.1 Training budget for FY18 was
2.2 Youth Services staffwill share
training knowledge and best
2.L O4/OL/2OL7
2.2 O9/3O(2OL8
2,1 Budget and enable youth services staff to
attend training.
2.2 Ensure youth services staff share
knowledge learned and implement best
Objective 2. Make accessible
training for staff that reinforces the
library's early learning strategies.
Approved by the BCG on 0912612017 Page 6 of {0
Objective 3. Provide easy access to
early literacy m aterials, websites,
information and programs for
parents and caregivers.
practices in programming.
3.1 lnclude youth service page in website
3.2 Early literacy strategies are shared with
parents and caregivers during programs.
Objective 4. Continue to investigate
and invest in technology, resources,
and tools that support early learning
4.1 Youth Services Team will research and
recommend early literacy technology,
resources, and tools to expand the library's
practices learned during their
quarterly Youth Service Team
3.t L2l3L/2017
3.2 Oel31l2078
3.1 Highly visible, easily accessed
youth service page on library
3.2 Early literacy strategies are
made available as a handout.
4.L O3/31"12OL8 4.1 Recommendations available
for FY19 budget development.
Objective 5. Expand the library's
outreach to childcare facilities
serving at-risk and underserved
5.1 Youth Services staffto identify childcare
facilities serving at-risk and underserved
5.2 Youth Services staffto provide
recommendations on outreach opportunities
for FY18 within current budget and staffing
s.t LL/3O/2O17
s.2 t2/3t/2OL7
5.1 Childcare facility database
developed and maintained on the
Library's SharePoint site.
5.2 Minimum of 6 outreaches
conducted during FY18.
Goal 2: Provlde resources and information needed for the academic success of students In publlc, primte, home schools, trade gchools, and
Completion Date Performance MeasuresDivision Objectives Action ltems
Objective 1. Regularly attend
community school events to
promote library services and gain
insight into community needs.
1.1 Youth Services staff and branch managers
willattend Literacy Nights, open house, and
other school events.
L.L Os/3112Ot8 1.1 A minimum of 6 community
school events will be attended
during FY18.
Objective 2. Provide and promote 2.1 Subscribe to online homework assistance 2.L tolotlzoLT 2.1 Maintain subscription to
Approved by the BGC on 0912612017 Page 7 of 10
Objective 3. Work with public and
private school media specialists and
classroorn teachers to foster a love
2.2 Market access to BrainFuse through
community events, social media, and other
targeted mediums.
3.1 Participate in Collier County Public Schools
Media Specialist Staff Training Day.
3.2 Promote the 2018 Summer Reading
Program through outreaches to schools.
3.L O4/07/2OLS
3.2 Os/3u20L8
Goal 3: S rt personal h and lifelong learning hi ua collections and
Goal 4; lnstruct people on developing informatlon fluency skills to successfully search fot, locate, evaluate, and e{fectlvely usc information to
meet thelr oeeds.
2.2 Oe/3o/2}t8 BrainFuse.
2.2 BrainFuse promotions are
readily available.
3.1 CCPS Media Specialist Staff
Training Day is hosted at a
regional library.
3.2 Minimum of 12 school
outreaches to promote the 2018
Summer Reading Program.
Completion Date Performance MeasuresDivision Objectives
L.t o9/30/20L8 1.1 lncrease partnership
programs system-wide to include
a minimum of 36 for FY18.
Objective 1. Collaborate with
public, private, and nonprofit
partners to promote reading for
pleasure, expand self-directed
learning opportunities and provide a
variety of cultural experiences for all
1.1 Expand partnerships with Senior Resource
Center, NCH Healthcare, and Artis-Naples.
Action ltems
2.1 Collection Management Team will
implement approved Collection Management
2.L Oel3O/2O18 2.1 Regular patron feedback will
be collected, assessed, and
adjustments in print and online
development will reflect
community need.
Objective 2. Develop and manage
library print and online collections
to reflect patron demand.
Division Obiectives Action ltems Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Develop and offer
classes on how to navigate the
1.1 Public Service Librarians will develop and
implement appropriate technology training at
1,.L O9/3O/2OL8 L.L Minimum of 8 programs in
Approved by the BGC on 0912612017 Page I of 10
on line homework assistance.
lnternet and electronic library
resources, and to recognize
a uthoritative sou rces.
the Senior Resource Center.
2.L 0e/30/2AtB 2.1 Online tutorials for OverDrive,
Hoopla, cloudLibrary, and the
catalog are available via the
library's website through
Objective 2. Create online tutorials
to help users navigate library
technology, online databases, and
other e-resources.
2.1 Public Services Librarians willwork with the
Marketing Team to create and maintain online
tutorials for using OverDrive, cloudLibrary,
library catalog, Zinio, Hoopla, and other Library
online resources.
2Ot8-2O22 Five Year Performance Measures
collier county Public Librarles are open, accessible, and thriving spaces linking people to a world ofresources and servicesthat enrich their lives.. Master of tibraryScience degreed librarians at 9 out of l0libraries.. Minlmum of six days of library service at 9 out of 10 librarles with appropriate balance of librarians and para-librarians to malntaln hlgh
. TechnoloBy "hubs" and quietspaces at all libraries.. State ofthe art lntegrated Library System (lLS)for circulation and collection management.. Print and e-book collections balanced to reflect patron demand.. Cultural and educational learning balanced across all llbraries and offerings balanced to serve children through adults,
Collier County Public Llbraries contribute to the vitality and resilienry ofour communities.. Fully developed partnerships and identified funding sources to ensure the librany's status offree access to cutting edge technology and
AUIR Level ofServe Standard (LOSS) for library materials.
. Expanded partnership with senior Resource Centerto include technology outreach and programming.
. Ensure continued patron access to cu rrent technology, and free and open access to ideas, lnformation and content.. lnitiate a studyto develop a 20 year master plan identlfylng areas for possible library growth.
Apprwed by th. BCC on t0n$m17 Pege 9 of lO
Collier County Public Libraries advance the educational priorities of our communities.. Fully developed partnership with Collier County Public Schools.
o Partnerships with private schools, home schools, trade schools, and institutions of higher education.o Partnerships with daycare facilities serving at-risk and underserved populations.
o Expanded partnership, to include outreach, with the Naples and lmmokalee Jail Centers.
The best strategic plans are dynamlc, flexibte tools for continuous improvement. With the Library's misslon a5 the prlmary foundation, fu vision as
the ideal, and the County's Core Values as guides to decision makin& the Collier County Publlc Library system will commit to a process that ensures
accountability, versatility, and rational decision-making. Seeking out the needs and wants of Collie/s residents and visltors through a communlty
assessment was the first step. From there it ls the Librany's responslblllty to develop an appropriate strategy to address current needs and plan for
the future. The Library Advisory Board (LAB) and Publlc Services Department will have the primary responsiblllty to monitor the plan's goals and
obiedives and assess overall progress. Library staff will have the responsibility of overseeing implementatlon and consultin& and workint with
groups directly involved or affeded by decisions. Through the course of implementatlon, new lssues, challenges, and ldeas will emerge. ln a
cyclical process Library staff and the l-AB wlll measure progress, budget resources to maximize outcomes, and identlfy potential new areas that
require action. ln this way, both the strategic plan and annualplan of service willbe constantly reviewed, evaluated, and updated.
Approved by the BGG on 0912612017 Page 10 of 10
L. lnterlocal Agreements for Library Services page12or22
lf applicable, provide any interlocal agreements among libraries that outline service to residents in a county or municipality
that receives Operating Grants.
lnterlocal agreements for the establishment of the library system should be submitted in the section "lnterlocal
Agreements of Contracts to Establish the Library".
Documents to meet this requirement are rolled over from the previous year. The documents listed below are the documents
on file to meet this requirement. You can change the documents from the previous year by editing or deleting the
documents below, or check "No changes from previous year" if there are no changes needed. The attachments should
be in PDF, Word, or Excel format. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. OHelp
1. lnterlocal Agreements for Library Services *
g! Not applicable
lnformation to meet this requirement is contained in another document. Use the "Notes" field to indicate where the
information is located.
2. Add Documentation
3. Notes
N4. Verification of Reciprocal Borrowing pase,t3or22
This requirement only applies to a county and the independent municipal libraries within the same county that are applying
for State Aid.
lf the library is in a county where there are no independent municipal libraries in the same county, click "Not applicable".
Provide documents or library lending policies verifying that the library is providing reciprocal borrowing to residents of all
political subdivisions within the county that receive Operating Grants. Borrowing privileges must apply to all materials in a
fixed physical format that are eligible to be borrowed by residents of the political subdivision applying for the Operating
Grant. lnterlibrary loan does not meet this requirement.
Documents to meet this requirement are rolled over from the previous year. The documents listed below are the documents
on flle to meet this requirement. You can change the documents from the previous year by editing or deleting the
documents below, or check "No changes from previous year" if there are no changes needed. The attachments should
be in PDF, Word, or Excel format. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. OHelp
l. Verification of Reciprocal Borrowing "
gl Not applicable
lnformation to meet this requiremenl is contained in another document. Use the "Notes" field to indicate where the
information is located.
2. Add Documentation
3. Notes
N. Verification of Joint Planning pagel4or22
This requirement only applies to a county and the independent municipal libraries within the same county that are applying
for State Aid.
lf the library is in a county where there are no independent municipal libraries in the same county, click "Not applicable".
Provide documents verifying that the library has engaged in joint planning for the coordination of l,brary services within the
county that receives Operating Grants. The document must list all libraries participating in joint planning and outline areas
of cooperation and activities to be implemented among the county and the independent municipal libraries in the same
Documents to meet this requirement are submitted each year. @Help
1. Verification of Joint Planning *
A Not applicable
lnformation to meet this requirement is contained in another document. Use the "Notes" fleld to indicate where the
information is located.
2. Add Documentation
3. Notes
O. Grant Agreement (Due 1211) pase15ot22
The grant agreement is the applicant's official contract with the Department of State.
Download one grant agreement, obtain signatures on the left side of the agreement for the Chair of the Governing Body or
Chief Executive Officer and the Clerk or Chief Financial Officer. Do not use electronically generated signatures and do not
add any signatures on the right side of the signature page. Upload the entire signed grant agreement to this page.
After the agreement is executed by the Division, a signed agreement will be returned to the library.
The aftachments should be in PDF or Word format. @Help
.!, Download the Blank Grant Agreement
1 . Attachment *
Collier County Public Library
Collier County Board of CountS-Commissioners for and on behalf of Collier County
Public Library
This Agreement is by and between:he State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Lforary and Information
Services, hereinafter refen'ed to as the "Division," and the Collier County Board of County Commissionersfor and on
behalf of Collier County Public Library, hereurafter referred to as the "Grantee."
The Grantee has submitted an application and has met all eligfoility requirements and has been awarded a State Aid to
Libraries Grant (CSFA 45.030) by the Division in the amount specified on the "Fiscal Year 2020-21 State Aid to
Libraries Final Grants" document (which is incorporated as part of this Agreement and entitled Attachment B). The
Division has the authority to administer this grant in accordance with Section257, Florida Statutes. By reference, the
application and any approved revisions are hereby made a part of this agreement.
ln consideration of the mutml covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows:
1.Grant Purpose.This grant shall be used exclusively for the "State Aid to Libraries Grant," the public purpose
for which these funds were appropriated.
a) The Grantee shallperformthe following Scope of Work:
In accordance with Sections 257.17-257.18, Florida Statutes, the Grantee shall receive a grant amount
that is calculated and based upon local fimds expended during the second preceding fscal year for the
operation and maintenance of the library. For this grant, the local expenditures shall have been made
during the period October 1, 2018 - September 30,2019.
ln order to be eligfole to receive the grant funding, the Grantee shall manage or coordinate free library
service to the residents of its legal service area for the period October 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021.
The Grantee shall:
o Have a single administrative head employed firll time by the library's goveming body;
o Provide free library service, including loaning materials available for circulation free of charge and
providing reference and information services free of charge;
o Pror.ide access to materials, information and services for allresidents of the area served; and
o Have at least one library, branch library or member library open 40 hours or more each week
(excluding holidays; behveen Sunday through Saturday, on a schedule determined by the library
svstem) during the length of the agreement.
State Aid to Ubraries Crant Agreerrent (FormDIlS/SA02)
Chapter 182.01 l(2Xa), Flonda Adtinistrative Code. Effective 03-2020
Page: 1
b)The Grantee agrees to provide the following Deliverables related to the Scope of Work for paynents to
be awarded.
Payrrrfi 1, Defuerable/Iask 1
Payrcrr udl be an adrarce in the armrrfi of 50% of fte grart award fur t]rc perbd October 1 , 201 8 t]rougfr June 30, zDl . TI:r
Crrantee wit
o Have expended funds to provide free library service during the period October l, 2018 - September
o Provide an Expenditure Report and certification of Local Operating Expenditures for the period
October 1, 2018 - September 30,2019 only; and
" Provide the Certification of Credentials for the Single Administrative Head.
P ayrre* 2, Delir,erable/Task 2
Paynrrtr ur1lbe anadvarpe int}e arnlrfi of50% oft]e grarr award for t]re perbd October l, 2018 ttnouglrJrrrc 30,2021.Ty8
Grarree wil
o Provide documentation showing that at least one library, branch lib.ary or member lib.ary is open
40 hours or more each week (exctuding holidays; between Sunday through Saturday, on a schedule
determined by the library system) during the length of the agreement; and
o Provide a Certification of Hours, Free Lforary Service and Access to Materials.
c) Grant firnds shall be used for the operation and maintenance of the library. The allowable budget
categcries are: Personnel Services (salaries, wages, and related employee benefits provided for all
persons ernployed by the reporting entity whether on full-time, part-time, temporary, or seasonal basis);
Operating Expenses (expenditures for goods and services which primarily benefit the current period and
are not defined as personal services or capital outlays); Non-Fixed Capital Outlay (outlays for the
acquisition of or addition to fxed assets); and Other (other operating expenditure categories in the hbrary
Length of Agreement.This Agreement covers the period of October l, 2018 to June 30,2021, unless
terminated in accordance wrth the provisions of Section 28 of this Agreement. This period begins with the start
of the Grantee's second preceding fscal year (October 1, 2018) and concludes with the end of the State of
Florida's fiscal year (June 30, 2021).
E4pendirure or Gi'ant Funds. Grant funds will be used to reimburse a portion of local fi.rnds expended by the
Grantee dunng their second preceding lscal year (October l, 2018 - September 30, 2019) for the operation
and maintenance of a hbrary and shall not exceed the amount specified in Attachment B. No costs incurred
after the second prcceding fncal year shall be allowed unless specifically authorized by the Division.
Contract Admir,rsti'a-;ion. The pallies are legally bound by the requirements of this agreement. Each party's
conrract nxnager, inmed below, will be responsible for monitoring its performance under this Agreement and
will be the oirlciai sontact for each party. Any notice(s) or other commurications in regard to this agreement
shall be du'ected to or delivered to the other parfy's contract manager by utilizing the information below. Any
change in the contact information below should be submitted in writing to the contract manager within 10 days
State Aid to Libraies f.ra:: A.gre;i-.-:rt (,rrnDIJS/SA02)
Chapter 182.01l(2Xa), Florida Adrnastrative Code, Effective 03-2020
ofthe change.
For the Division of Library and Information Services:
Marian Deeney, Lfur-ary Program Administrator
Florida Departrnent of State
R.A. Gray Building
500 South Bionough Street
Tallahas s ee, FL 32399 -0250
Phone: 850.245.6620
Emait marian.
For the Grantee:
Tanya Williams
Collier County Public Library
2385 Orange Blossom Drive Naples Florida 34109-8840
Phone: 239.2523392
Email: tanya. williams @colliercountyfl. gov
Grant Payments. The total grant award shall not exceed the amount specified on the Fiscal Year 2020-21
State Aid to Libraries Final Grants document (Attachment B), which shall be paid by the Division in
consideration for the Grantees minimum performance as set forth by the terms and conditions of this
Ag-eement. Paynient will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
The grant pa)'ment schedule is outlined below:
a) The fu-st payment will be 50% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the
conrpletion of the Deliverables.
b) The second payment will be 50% of the grant award. Payment willbe made in accordance with the
completion of the Deliverables.
Electronic Fayrleilts. The Grantee can choose to use electronic funds transfer (EFT) to receive grant
payments. All grantees wishing to receive thet award through EFT must submit a Vendor Direct Deposit
Authorizatiolr fci-m iibmrnunter DFS-AI-26E, rev 612014), irrcorporated byrefererre, to the Florida Department of
Financiai S er vices. If EFT has already been set up for your organization, you do not need to submit another
authorzation form lnless you have changed bank accounts. To download this form visit The form also includes tools and information that
allow you to check on pal,rnents.
Florida S'abstit'"ite Form W-9. A completed Substitute Form W-9 is required from any entity that receives a
payinent ii'oin the Sate of Florida that rnay be subject to 1099 reporting. The Deparffnent of Financial Services
(DFS) must have rhr corect Taxpayer Identification Number (TII.I) and other related information in order to
report accurate t^x rifonnation to the lntemal Revenue Service (IRS). To register or access a Florida Substitute
FormW-9 vrsit Acopyof the Grantee's Florida Substifute FormW-9 must
State Aid to Libraries &ant Agrearrr"t GonlDUS/SA02)
Chapter lB2.0l l(2,1(a). Flo:ida Adrninistrative Code, Effective 03-2020
be submitteo b1'the Grantee to the Division before or with the executed AgreemenL
8. Financial Consequences. The Deparrment shall app$ the following fnancial consequences for failure to
perform the mnimum level of services required by this Agreement in accordance with Sections 215.971 and
287.058, F lorida Statutes:
The Depanment sha.ll require the return of the award in a prorated amount based upon the percentage of time
thal thc lttra';y f,il;., tc perform the mrnimum level of services. The prorated reduction will be in the same
percentag3 as th: p:;centage of time that the library was not providing minimum level of services.
Credit Line(s) to i^cknowledge Grant Funding. The Division requires public acknowledgement of State Aid
to Liorarics lirani ,,,ndng tbr activities and pubiications supported by grant funds. Any announcements,
informatir,il, 1re5r iJleases, pubLcations, brochures, videos, web pages, programs, etc. created as part of a
State Aid to Libraries Grant projecr must include an acknowledgment that State Aid to Libraries Grant flmds
were used to create them.
Use the toilor,-vrng text:
"This projecr has been funded under the provisions of the State Aid to Libraries Grant program, administered
by the Florida Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services."
10. Non-allowable Grant Expenditures. The Grantee agrees to expend all grant frrnds received under this
agreement solely for the purposes for which they were authorized and appropriated. Expenditures shall be in
compliance wrth the state guidelines for allowable project costs as outlined in the Department of Financial
Services' Reference Guide for State Expenditures (as ofJannry 2020), irrorporated by reftrerrce, which are available
online at
Grant fi:nds tnay not be used for the purchase or construction of a library building or library quarterc
11. Travel Expenses. The Grantee must pay any travel expenses, from grant or local matching funds, in
accordance to the provisions of Section 112.061, Florida Statutes.
12. Unobligated and Unearned Funds and Allowable Costs. ln accordance with Section?L5.9ll, Florida
Statutes, the Grantee shall refirnd to the State of Florida any balance of rurobligated funds which has been
adr,anced cr paid to the Grantee. In addition, funds paid in excess of the amount to which the recipient is
entitled under the tenrs and conditions of the agreement must be refunded to the state agency. Further, the
recipient may expend funds on$ for allowable costs resulting from obligations incurred during the specified
aglccnent Jer".or1. }.penditures of state financial assistance must be in compliance with the laws, rules and
regulations applicable to expenditures of State funds as outlined in the Departrnent of Financial Service's
Ret'erence Gr.ride for State Expenditures (as of January 2020)
incorp orzted by reference.
State Aid to Ubranes lira::t l-greer::lt Gon:rDUS/SAO2)
Chapter lB2.0i l(2{a). Florida Adn:inistrative Code, Effective 03-2020
13. RepaSrment. All relunds or repayments to be made to the Department under this agreement are to be made
payable to the ordei- of "Deparfment of State" and mailed directly to the following address: Florida Department
of State, Attention:Marian Deeney, Division of Lforary and Information Services, 500 South Bronough Street,
Mail Station +9D, Tallahassee, FL 32399. In accordance with Section 215 .34(2), Florida Statutes, if a check or
other draft is retumed to the Department for collection, Recipient shall pay to the Deparlment a service fee of
S15.00 or-live porc;nt (5%) of the face amount of the returned check or draft, whichever is greater.
14. Single Audit Aci;. Ee"cn Crantee, other than a Grantee that is a State agency, shall submit to an audit pursuant
to Secuo;i 2i).9 ,' , F lolcia Statutes. See Attacllnent A for additional information regarding this requirement. If a
Grantee rs noI isqu-'ed by law to conduct an audit in accordance with the Florida Single Audit Act because it
did rrot e,iper.d i,'. lu;sl 5750,000 in state f,rrancial assistance, it must submit a Financial Report on its operations
pulsuant to Secticn 218.39, Florida Stotutes within nine months of the close of its fiscal year.
15. Retentiou of Accc'uiang ltecords. Flrancial records, supporting docurnents, statistical records and all other
recorcis, nclucir,rg t .ecn'onic storage ruedia pertinent to the Project, shall be retained for a period of five (5)
fncal years aiter ;h; ciose out or''the grant and release of the audit. If any litigation or audit is initiated or claim
made betore die expration of the five-year period, the records shall be retained for five fucal years after the
Iitigation, au;it cr c.airl has been resolved.
16. Obligation to Provide State Access to Grant Records. The Grantee must make all grant records of
expenditures, copies of reports, books, and related documentation available to the Division or a duly authorized
representative of the State of Florida for hspection at reasonable times for the purpose of making audits,
exaiirinations, excelpts and tmnscnpts.
17. Obligarioa-;o Provide Public Access to Grant Records. The Division reserves the right to unilaterally
cancei tiiis Agreement ur the event that the Grantee refuses public access to all documents or other materials
made or received by the Grantee that are subject to the provisions of Chapter I 19, Florida Statutes, known as
the Florida Public Records Act. The Grantee must immediately contact the Division's Contract Manager for
assistance if it receives a public records request related to this Agreement.
18. Noncompliance. Any Grantee that is not fbllowing Florida statutes or rules, the terms of the grant agreement,
Florida Depailment of State policies and guidance, local policies, or other applicable law or that has not
submrtted requued reports or satisfied other administrative requirements for other Division of Library and
Infomration Services grants or grants from any other Office of Cultural, Historical and Information Programs
(OCHIP) Division will be in noncompliance status and subject to the OCHIP Grants Compliance Procedure.
OCFUP Divisions incl,-rde the Division of Cultural Affairs, the Division of Historical Resources, and the
Division of Library a:id Infonnation Services. Grant compliance issues must be resolved before a grarfi award
agreenent may be executed and befbre grant payments for any OCHIP gant may be released.
19. Accotinting Requii'ements. The Grantee must mainlain an accounting system that provides a complete record
of ihe ose oiali grant f;.inds as follows:
a) The accouirtir.g system must be able to specifically identifu and provide audit trafu that trace the receipt,
maintenance and expenditure of state funds;
State Aid to l-lbraries Crant Agreenrnt (9ormDUS/SA02)
Chapter lB2.01i(2Xa), Flonda Adminisuative Code, Effective 03-2020
b) Accounting records must adequately identify the sources and application of funds for all grant activities
and must classify and identifr grant funds by using the same budget categories that were approved in the
grant application. If Grantee's accounting system accumulates data in a different format than the one in
the grant appiication, subsidiary records must document and reconcile the amounts shown in the
Grantee's accounting records to those amounts reported to the Division;
c) An interest-bl'arrng checkins account or accounts in a state or federally chartered institution may be used
for revenues a,nd e>lpenses described in the Scope of Work and detailed in the Estimated Project Budget;
d) The name olthe account(s) must include the grant award number;
e) The Grantee's accounting records must have effective control over and accountability for all funds,
properiy and other assets; and
0 Accourtir,g ltcords must be supported by source documentation and be in suffrcient detail to allow for a
proper pre-ar:dit and post-audit (such as invoices, bills and canceled checks).
20. Availabiiiq, ,rf !ri-re furids- The State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this Agreement
are contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Florida Legislature. ln the event that the state funds upon
which ir-is ,\,1uur-r:-rt s rl.epencient er,' .,rdthdrawn, this Agreement will be automatically terminated and the
Divisicn s;all have uo f"idrer rrabrlity to the Gramee beyond those amounts already expended prior to the
terminaticn clate. termination will not affect the responsibility of the Grantee under this Agreement as to
those linris ; ::' . ., 11 i'isti:btued. in the event of a state revenue shortfall, the total grant may be reduced
21. Lobbying. I'he Grzulee wrll not use any grant fiurds for lobbying the state legislature, the state judicial branch
or any state agency.
22. lndepenuent Contractor Status of Grantee. The Grantee, if not a state agency, agrees that its offrcers,
agents ancl e,uployees, in performance of this Agreement, shall act in the capacity of independent contractors
ano nor as otiicers, agents or employees of the state. The Grantee is not entitled to accrue any benefits of state
employrient, including rettement benefits and any other rights or privileges connected with employment by the
State of Florida.
23. Grantee's Subconfractors.The Grantee shall be responsible for all work performed and all expenses incurred
in connection with this Agreement. The Grantee may subcontract, as necessary, to perform the services and to
provide commodities required by this Agreement. The Division shall not be liable to any subcontractor(s) for
any expenses or liabilities incurred under the Grantee's subcontract(s), and the Grantee shall be solely liable to
its subcontractor(s) for all expenses and liabilities incurred under its subcontract(s). The Gmntee must take the
necessely stcps to ensure that each of its subcontractors will be deemed to be independent contractors and will
not be coiisidered or pennitted to be agents, servants, joint venturers or partners of the Division.
24. Liability. The Divsion will not assume any liability for the acts, omissions to act or negligence of the Grantee,
its agents, servarts or employees; nor may the Grantee exclude liabilify for its own acts, omissions to act or
negligence to the Divisron.
State Aid to I-ftiraries Cr"ant Agreersnt (TormDUS/SA02)
Chapter lB2.0l i(2Xa), Florida Adurinistrative Code, Effective 03-2020
a)The Grantee shall be responsible for claims of any nature, including but not limited to injury, death and
property damage arisng out of activities related to this Agreement by the Grantee, its agents, servants,
employees and subcontractors. The Grantee shall indemnrfy and hold the Division harmless from any
and all claims of any nature and shall investigate all such claims at its own expense. If the Grantee is
govemed by Section '7 68.28, Florida Statutes, it shall only be obligated in accordance with this Section.
b) Nerther the slate nor any agency or subdivision of the state waives any defense of sovereign immunity or
increases the Un".rts of its liability by entering into this Agreement.
c) The Division shall not be liable for afforney fbes, interest, late charges or service fees, or cost of
collection related to this Agreement.
d) 'Ihe Graniee srrall be responsible tbr all work performed and all expenses incurred in connection with the
project. 'fne Grantee may subcontract as necessary to perform the services set forth in this Agreement,
ilciu,:ing dnrerjrE into subcontracts with vendors for services and commodities, provided that such
subconrract hrs been anproved n writing by the Department prior to its execution and provided that it is
unclerstoou by tire Grantee that the Department shall not be liable to the subcontractor for any expenses
or -ab,liti:,:; L:crir,-.'ed ri:rdcr tl.e subconfract and that the Grantee shallbe solely liable to the subcontractor
t'c,' :"11 :x::,.scs a,:Ld iiabilities rncured u:rder the subcontract.
25. Strict Compiiar:cc 'ritll La''ys. The Crantee shall perfom all acts required by this Agreement in strict
conforirirly r,i'itir all rpp.icable laws and regulations of the local state and federal law. For consequences of
noncoi-,-ip liai r, i, :,. i :i :: ;ion 1 8,,\onc o mp lianc e.
26. No Discrimin:rtion. 'iire Grantee may not discriminate against any employee employed under this Agreement
or agaiirs'" a;-, u1t,\,:ar,, tbr crnployrlent because of race, color, religion, gender, national orign, age, handicap,
pregnailc f o-i mi!^,.r,, s';atus. The Grantee shail insert a similar provision in all of its subcontracts for services
under tn: Aiic3i1,rfli.
27. Breac,r d j .,.i. r;-,erit. fhe Divisioa u'ill demand the return of grant firnds aheady received, will withhold
subseque,rr 1,-a)-r-e1its andiol will terminate this agreement if the Grantee improperly expends and manages grant
frurds; farls to prepare, preserve or surrender records required by this Agreement; or otherwise violates this
28. Termii^a,iol of Agreement. The Division will terminate or end this Agreement if the Grantee fails to fuIfilI its
obligatroiis liei'ein. In such event, the Drvsion will provide the Grantee a notice of its violation by letter and shall
give the Crantee fifieen (15) calendar days from the date of receipt to cure its violation. If the violation is not
cured within the stated period, the Division will terminate this Agreement. The notice of violation letter shall be
delivered to the Grantee's Contract Manager, personally, or mailed to his/her specified address by a method
that prorrices proof of receipt. In the event that the Division terminates this Agreement, the Grantee will be
compensated for any work completed in accordance with this Agreement prior to the notification of termination
if the Division deems this reasonable under the circumstances. Grant firnds previously advanced and not
expended on work completed in accordance with this Agreement shall be retumed to the Division, with interest,
within thrry (30) days after termination of this Agreement. The Division does not waive any of its rights to
additioiral Carnages if grant funds are retumed under this Section.
State Aid to Ubraries Cr"ant Agreerrrnt (FonnDLIS/SA02)
Chapter 1 82.01 1(2 [a), Florida adrrn s trative Code, Effective 03-2020
29. Preservation of Remedies. No delay or omission to exercise any right, power or remedy accruing to either
party upon breacl-r or violation by either parly under this Agreement shall impair any such right, power or
remedy of either party; nor shall such delay or omission be construed as a waiver of any such breach or default
or any sinilal breach or default.
30. Non-Assigrurent ;f r.greement. The Grantee may not assign, sublicense or otherwise transfer its rights,
duties or obiigz,lrons under ths Agreenient without the prior written consent of the Division, which shall not
Lrrrtrasorabi) be *,rhhed. The agreement transferee must demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the
projeot. lf ihe Divsion approves a transfer of the Grantee's obligations, the Grantee shall remain liable for all
work performed and aii expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement. In the event the Legislature
tra:.:;fcrs -1.e iigh:,, ,irr.ics ald obligations of the Division to another govemmental entity, purswmt to Section
20.05, Flt,;'irlt .(:!;;i:/te: -ri otiler,visJ, the rights, duties and obligations under this Agreement shallbe
trai-'-rfemcr ro the s..,'ce:ding gcver::ilental agency as if it was the original party to this Agreement.
31. Required Procui;crnent Procedures for Obtaining Goods and Services. The Grantee shall provide
maxilrrdin opoi- .lu^l,pci-:ioli when piocuring goods and services related to the grant-assisted project in
accordarr;e ,,,itir :r"'Ji,Jri 281 .J5i, I'loi ida Statutes.
a) Procu:'emenr of Goods and Sen ices Not Exceeding $35,000. The Grantee must use the applicable
itrc cur-el-nert,netho i descrfu ed trelow:
i. PurchrsesUpto52,500:Procurementofgoodsandserviceswhereindividualpurchasesdonot
erceed :12,500 do not require competition and may be conducted at the Grantee's discretion.
2. Purchases or Contract Amounts Between $2,500 and $35,000:Goods and services costing
beni een $2.500 and 5i35,000 require informal competition and may be procured by purchase order,
ii:lcellir.rce olvendoi'ploposals or other appropriate procuement document.
b) Procuremenr of Gooris and Services Exceeding $35,000. Goods and services costing over $35,000 may
be procurt:ci trv erther Formal Invitation to Bid, Request for Proposals or Invitation to Negotiate and may
be prcc-r-,-ri !i, p'-rrchase order. rcceptance of vendor proposals or other appropriate procurement
32. Conflicts oi in;.i'3it. 'l'he Crantee hereby ceftifies that it is cognzant of the prohfuition of conflicts of interest
describec ii., -ic;',.r-:s ,,2.3Ii uloug,r 1\2.326,Florida Statutes and affirms thatitwillnotenterinto or
maintail r b-..,,^e :. .,.r r.ircr ,viatroi,ship ileth aury eurployee of the Departrnent of State that would violate those
provisions. lne Crantee fuither agrees to seek authorization from the General Counsel for the Department of
State prior to entenng into any business or other relationship with a Department of State Employee to avoid a
potential violation of those statutes.
33. Bindhg .;i Successors. This Agreement shall bind the successors, assigns and legal representatives of the
Grantee ard of aly legal entrry that succeeds to the obligations of the Division of Lforary and Information
34. Employrnent of Unauthorized Aliens. The employment of unauthorzed aliens by the Grantee is considered a
vioiation of Section 27aA@) of the Immigration and Nationality Acl If the Grantee knowingly employs
State Aid to Libraries Gant Agreerent (FomrDUS/SA02)
Chapter lB2.0l i12)(a), Flo:rda .rdminrstratrve Code. Effective 03-2020
unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of this Agreement.
35. Severability. If any term or provision of the Agreernent is found to be illegal and unenforceable, the remainder
will remain in full force and effect, and such term or provision shall be deemed stricken.
36. Americans with Disabilities Act. All programs and facilities related to this Agreement must meet the
standards of Sections 553.501-553 .513, Florida Statutes and the Americans with Disabilities Act of
I99Lt (ada.sov (as ui.;a^ruarv 2020)). incomorated bv reference).
37. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed, performed and enforced in all respects in accordance
witli ihe iaws ano iulcs oiFiori<ia. Venue or location for any legal action a.isirg urder this Agreement will be in
Leon Ctiunry, Flolida.
State Aid to Lbraries Cr-ant AgreeErnt (FormDLIS/SA02)
Chapter lB2.0l 1(2[a), Florida Administrative Code. Effective 03-2020
38. Entire Agreement. The entire Agreement of the parties consists of the following documents
a) This Agreernent
b) Florida Single Audit Act Requirements (Attachment A)
c) Fiscal Year 2020-21 State Aid to Libraries Final Grants (Attachment B)
The Grantee hereby certifies that they have read this entire Agreement and will comply with all of its
Board of CoLlnry Corrnr issioners
Collier County Florida
BURT L. SAL'I.{DERS, Chainnan
Crystal K. Kinzel, Clerk
Deputy Clerk
Typed name and tirie
Department of State
Amy Johnson, Director
Division of Library and Information Services
Deoartment of State- State of Florida
Typed name and title
Approved as to form and legaliry
Typed name and title
State Aid to Libraries &ant Agreerent (FormDUS/SA02)
Chapter 1 82.0 1 1 {2{a), Florida Adnrinis trative Code, Effective 0}2020
Page: 10
The administration of r:scrrc:s awarded by the Department of State to the Grantee may be subject to audits and/or
monitoring by the Depaftment of State as descnbed in this Addendum to the Grant Award Agreement.
In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements, and
section 215.97, Florida S'tatutes (F.5.), as revised (see Audits below), monitoring procedures may include, but not
be limited to, on-site visits by Department of State staff, limited scope audits as defined by 2 CFR 2 $200.425, or
other prccecl,r:res. By entenng into this agreernent, the recipient agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitoring
procedures/processes deemed appropriate by the Deparlment of State. In the event the Department of State
determines that a linite,i scope audit of the recipient is appropriate, the recipient agrees to comply with any additional
instructions pro.;ided by rire Department of State staff to the recipient regarding such audit. The recipient further
agrees to comply and coope.rate with any inspections, reviews, investigations or audits deemed necessary by the
Chief Finalcial 3fficer (CFO) or Auditor General.
Part I: Federally Fulrled
This part is applicable if the recipient is a state or local govemment or a nonprofit organization as defined m2 CFR
$200.90, 3200.64, and {200.70.
1. A re,,:ipienr rf rtr expencls S750,000 or more in federal awards in its fscal year must have a single or program-
specfic auciit conducred ur accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements.
Exhibit 1 to this ai{€e-.nent lists the federal resources awarded through the Department of State by this
agre,rm3nt In deten',inirg the federal awards expended in its fucal year, the recipient shall consider all sowces
of federal awards, incrudtrg federal resources received from the Departrnent of State. The determination of
amc',m:s of fe-ler:.l r'','i,r-ds expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established by 2 CFR
200.5C2-503. An a-:,:i" cf the recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions of 2
CFR 20C.51u- wil1r,::e: rhe requiiernent of this Part.
2. For the audit require :r:er:ts acidressed in Part I, paragraph 1, the recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to
auditce res.ronsibilit:i:s as provided in 2 CFR 200.508-512.
3. A rccipirn. Aat e.':pl.Cs less thar: $750,000 in federal awards in its fscal year is not required to have an audit
conducred jn a;co;.c1:irce rvith the provisions of 2 CFR 200, subpart F - Audil Requirements. If the recipient
expenCs 1e:;s il:an 57-50.0C0 ir fbderal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in
acct :-dairc; -'r',-h th,, ^i-c', isiols cf 2 CFR 200, subpart F - Audit Requirements, the cost of the audit must be
State Aid to I ihriines Cranr Agre:r:.Ii {Firrlr'rDIIS/SAo2)
Chapter 182.01 1i2Xa). Floida Adniristrative Code, EEective 03-2020
Page: 1 I
paid from non-federal resources (i.e. the cost of such an audit must be paid from recipient resources obtained
from other than federal entities).
Part II: State Funded
This part is applicable rf the recipient is a nonstate entity as defined by section 215.97(2) F.S.
l. In the event that the recipient expends a total amount of state financial assistance equal to or in excess of
$750,000 in any fisca"l year of such recipient (for fscal years ending June 30, 2017 and thereafter), the recipient
must have a state single or project-specific audit for such fiscal year in accordance with Section?l5.97, F.S. ;
Rule Chapter 691-5 F.A.C., State Financial Assistance; and Chapters 10.550 (local govemmental entities) and
10.650 (nonprofrt and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. E)GIIBIT I to this agreement
indicates statc' frnancial assistance au,arded through the Department of State by this agreement. In determining
the state financial assistance expended in its fscal year, the recipient shall consider all sources of state fmancial
assistance, including state financial assistance received from the Departrnent of State, other state agencies, and
other nonslate entities. State financial assistance does not include federal direct or pass-through awards and
resolrc-'s received b1, a ,ron.tute entit)' for federal program matching requirements.
2. For thc arrdit reouirerrents addressed in Part iI, paragraph 1, the recipient shall ensure that the audit complies
withtherequirements of Section 215.97(8),F.S. This includes submissionof afinancialreporcingpackageas
defined by Section ?.15.97(2) F.S. , and Chapters 10.550 (local govemmental entities) and 10.650 (nonprofit and
for-profrt c:ganizatio:rs), Rules of the Auditor General.
3. If the recpient ex:e:,ds less than 5750,000 in state frnancial assistance in its fiscal year (for fiscal years ending
Jurre 30, 2017 rnC tl:ereafter). an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 215.97, F'.,S., is
not required. In the L*/en1j that the recipient expends less than $750,000 in state financial assistance in its fiscal
year and el:cts to hrr': an auCit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 215.97, F.S., the cost
of the audit must be paid from the nonstate entity's resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from
the recjcie:t's resi)r:r':es obtained flom cther than State entities).
The Intemet web address:s listed below rvill assist recipients in locating documents referenced in the text of this
agreement and the interprrtation of compliance issues.
State of Florida Department Financial Services (Chief Financial Officer)
htto //www. mvfl o rid ac fo. c o m/
State of Floricia Legislatuie (Statutes, Legisiation relating to the Florida Single Audit Act)
http ://www. leg. state.fl .us/
Part III: Report Submission
1. Copies ,.,lrep,r;1i;g ,,ackages fbr audits conducted in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Subpart F - Audit
Requilements, and rcquired by PART I of this agreement shall be submitted, when requiredby 2 CFR 200.512,
by or on behaif of the recipient directly to each of the following:
A. Tl:': 5,^pr1ir,-,:rii ,ti Staie at each of the following addresses:
Office of Inspector General
State Air" ..
Florida Deparlrnent of State
R. A. Gray Building, Room 1l4A
500 South Bronough St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
B. The FederalAudit Clearinghouse (FAC) as provided in 2 CFR 200.6 and section 200.512
The FAC's u,ebsite prides a data entry system and required forms for submiuing the single audit reporting
package. Updates to the location of the FAC and data entry system may be found at the OMB website.
2. Copies of financial reporling packages required by PART II of this agreement shall be submiued by or on behalf
of the recipient directly to each of the following:
A. The Deparrnent of State at each of the following addresses:
Offrce of lnspector General
Florida Deparbrent of State
R. A. Gray Building, Room 1l4A
500 South Bronough St.
Tallahas see. FL 32399 -0250
B. The Auditor Ceneral's Office at the following address:
Auditor General
r ocal Govemment Audits/342
Claude Pepper Building, Room 401
i t1 West Madison Street
Tallalias see, F lorida 32399 -l 450
3. Any reports, manasernent letter, or other information required to be submitted to the Departnent of State
pursuant to this agreement shall be submitted timely in accordance with 2 CFR 200.512, section 215.97 F.S. and
Chapters 10.550 (iola.l govemmental entities) and 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the
Auditor General, a,s applicable.
4. Recipients, when :ru1;:l:itturg financial reporling packages to the Department of State for audits done in
accordance u,ith I C5R 200, Subna,rt F - Audit Requirements or Chapters 10.550 (local govemmental entities)
and 10.650 (nonplcii a:rd fo:-profii organizations), Rules of the Auditor General should indicate the date that
the :eporti:rg packag: r",':s d:livered to the recipient in correspondence accompanying the reporting package.
Part IV: Record R-e ,.::irilon
1. The recrpient shail r,:-ai-'. :-ul'ficrent reco:'Cs demonstrating its compliance with the terms of the award(s) and this
agreement l:rr a p -;., J 1f fir't' yeais io.ri the date the audit report is issued, and shall allow the Department of
State, or its desigrree. the CFO, or Audrtor General access to such records upon request. The recipient shall
ensure :1ral lr:.1:t ,-'. 'r-r.',:. -racers are made available to the Department of State, or its designee, the CFO, or
Auditol General uDcr iequest for a period of at least three years from the date the audit report is issued, unless
extended ;n u.r'ji::r l. , rl:e D,:lartrnent of State.
,_: il.r:r:
Page: l3
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Florida Department of State, State Aid to Libraries;
CSFA Number. 45.030
Award Amount: See Attachment B.
The compliance reouirements of this state project may be found in Part Four (State Project Compliance
Requirements) of the State Projects Compliance Supplement located at https//
State Aid to Ubraries Crant Agreefirnr (FormDUS/SA02)
Chapter 182.01 l(2{a), Florida Adfinistrative Code, Effective 03-2020
Fiscal Year 2020-21State Aid to Libraries Final Grants
State Aid to Ubraries Crant Agreerant (FonnDUS/SA02)
Chapter 182.01 l(2Xa), Florida Adrnnistrative Code, Effective 03-2020
Page: 15
Division of Library and lnformation Services
FY 2O2O-27 Esti mated Grants
2020-21 Estimated Grants
Total Grant:
Operating and
Alachua $ 285,473 $$285,473
Baker $ 2,734 $ 41,229.02 a 43,963
Bay $ 42,473 $$42.473
Bradford $ 8,s37 $ 257,257.03 $265,794
$ 323,562 $$323,562
Broward $ 1,075,084 $a 1,075,084
Calhoun $ 6,s42 $ 199,157.73 a 205,699
Charlofte $ 90,605 o $90,605
Citrus $ 53,923 $$53,923
Clay $ 61,646 $$61,646
Collier $ 157,981 s $157,981
$ 14,903 $ 435,226.78 $450,130
DeSoto $ 3,756 $ 55,773.06 $59,529
Dixie $ 5,377 $ 163,311.84 s 168,689
Duval $ 582,094 $$582,094
Escambia $ 97,154 a a 97jU
Ftagler $ 19,782 $$19,782
Franklin $ 3,793 $ 56,103.93 U 59,897
Gadsden $ 10,168 $ 303,847.79 U 314,016
Gilcrhist $ 2,407 $ 36,385.17 $38.792
Glades $ 1,580 $ 23,942.85 a 25,522
Gulf $ 2,572 $ 38,264.07 $40,836
Hamilton $ 6,808 $ 205,770.00 $212,578
Hardee $ 3,428 $ 51,039.73 $54,468
Hendry $ 8,004 $ 118,174.08 $126,178
Hernando $ 41,577 $ 467,524.77 u 509,102
Highlands $ 10,994 $ 153,271 .03 u 164,265
Hillsborough $ 768,31s $$768,3 15
Holmes $ 2,340 $ 35,594.87 $37,935
lndian River $ 63,888 $Q 63,888
Jackson $ 6,774 $ 100,861 .58 $107,636
Jefferson $ 9,027 $ 273,798.94 $282,826
Lafayette $ 2,338 $ 71,346.43 $73,684
Lake $ 134,164 $$134,164
Lee $ 482,214 $$482,214
Leon $ 1 17,305 Q $117,305
Levy $ 5,33s $ 78,986.66 $84,322
Liberty $ 1,368 $ 20,869.10 $22,237
Madison $ 6,361 $ 192,608.58 $198,970
Manatee $ 122,360 $122,360$
Page 1 of 3
Division of Library and lnformation Services
FY 2O2O-2! Esti mated Grants
2020-21 Estimated Grants
Total Grant:
Operating and
Marion $ 96,004 $$96,004
Martin $ 76,244 $$76,244
Miami-Dade $ 1,250,560 o $1,250,560
Monroe $ 59,902 $$59,902
Nassau $ 24,937 $$24,937
Okaloosa $ 67,041 $$67,041
Okeechobee $ s,674 $ 83,903.23 $89,577
Orange $ 646,502 u $646,502
Osceola $ 124,417 b $124,417
Palm Beach $ 754,643 $$754,643
Pasco $ 121,160 u b 121,160
Pinellas $ s27,980 $u 527,980
$ 201,025 $$201,025
Putnam $ 7,492 $ 107,341.18 a 114,833
Saint Johns $ 104,481 $$104,481
Saint Lucie $ 84,824 $$84,824
Santa Rosa $ 33,873 $$33,873
Sarasota $ 217,830 $$217,830
Seminole $ 106,751 $$106,751
Sumter $ 47,538 $$47,538
Suwannee $ 21,293 s 467,524.77 $488,818
Taylor $ 3,759 $ 56.271.32 $60,030
Union $ 2,326 $ 71 ,018.87 $73,345
Volusia $ 284,589 a $284,589
Wakulla $ 5,938 $ 89,037.53 b 94,975
Walton $ 14,292 $$14,292
Washington $ 6,1ss $ 185,6s9.41 $191,812
Altamonte Springs $ 7,90s $7,905
Apalachicola $ 1,662 $1,662
Boynton Beach $ 44,853 $44,853
Delray Beach $ 40,710 u 40,710
Fort Myers Beach $ 17,473 s 17,473
Hialeah $ 28,015 $28,015
lndian Rocks Beach $$
Lake Park $ 4,583 $4,583
Lake Worth Beach $$
Lantana $ 3,314 $3,314
Maitland $ 13,299 13,299$
Page 2 of 3
Division of Library and lnformation Services
FY2020-21 Estimated Grants
2020-21 Estimated Grants
Total Grant:
Operating and
New Port Richey $ 16,462 16,462$
North Miami $ 18,s95 18,sgs$
$ 15,314 15,314$
North Palm Beach $ 14,364 14,364$
Oakland Park $ 12,720 12,720$
Palm Springs $ 12,451 12,451$
Riviera Beach $ 16,935 16,93s$
Sanibel $ 28,063 28,063$
West Palm Beach $ 78,992 78,992$
Wilton Manors $ 13,089 13,089$
48,306$Winter Park $ 48,306
$ 9,979,076 $ 4,441,'lo1 14,420,178$Subtotal
Heartland 450,000$
New River 327,087$
350,000$Northwest Regional
350,000$PAL Public Library Cooperative
Panhandle Public Library
350,000$Suwannee River Regional
368,043$Three Rivers Regional
350,000$Wilderness Coast
Subtotal 2,883,894$
Page 3 of3
North Miami Beach
P. Certification of Hours, Free Library Service and Access
to Material (Due 1211) Pase16or22
Certification of Hours, Free Library Service and Access to lvlaterials
This certification, provides certification from the applicant that the library:
. Provides free library service, including loaning materials available for circulation free of charge and providing
reference and information services free of charge;
. Provides access to materials, information and services for all residents of the area served; and
. Has at least one library, branch library or member library open 40 hours or more each week (excluding holidays;
between Sunday through Saturday, on a schedule determined by the library system)
Download the Certiflcation, obtain signatures and upload the signed form to this page. The form should be signed by the
Chair of the Library's Governing Body
.p Download Certification Form
1. Gertification of Hours, Free Library Service and Access to Materials Form Upload*
2. Notes
Certification of Horus, Flee Library Service and Access to Materials
The Collier Coutry Board of Courry Conanissioners, goveming body 6r tlre Collier Coury Publb Library hereby certifes that ttrc
following staterrnnts are ffue for ttre tinr period October 1 , 201 8 tlrougfr Jwre 30, 2021
o Provides free fibrary service, irrlding loaning rmterbls avaiable for circu]ation free ofclrarp ard providing re€rence ard
ffinrntion services free of charge;r Provides access to nnterials, infornatron ard services for all resderfrs ofthe area sened; ard. Has at bast one hbrary. brarrh lforary or nrrrber lbrary open 40 hours or rmre each week (exchding tnlidap; between Sr:nday
tlrougfu Saturday, ona schedule determirpd byt]r hbrary s]stem).
Crystal K. Kinzel. Cierk
Approvedasto form and legality
T1@ narradtide
Deputy Clerk
Page: 1
Q. Electronic Payments paselTor22
'1. Electronic Payments
This form must be completed annually and submitted directly to the Department of Financial Services so that your
organization can receive grant funds via electronic funds transfer (EFT). lf your organization has already submitted a form
to DFS in 2020, please check the box.
?Download Blank Vendor Direct Deposit Authorization (Pdf Format)
1 .1. @ Previously Submitted
R. Annual Plan of Service (Due 1211) pasellorz2
This component of the application is due by December l.
Following the October 1 deadline, your application will be returned to add the remaining components as needed
due December 1.
The Annual Plan of Service should include the goals, objectives, and activities that will be supported for the application
year. The Annual Plan of Service must be approved or adopted by the library's governing body.
Upload the Annual Plan of Service and evidence of adoption or approval to this application.
The attachments should be in PDF, Word, or Excel format. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. @
1. Annual Plan of Service *
lnformation to meet this requirement is contained in another document. Use the "Notes" field to indicate where the
information is Iocated.
2. Add Documentation
3. Notes
Addendum to the Collier County Public Library 2OL8-2O22 Strategic Plan
2O2O-2O21 Annual Plan of Service
Collier County Public Librdries are open, accessible, and thriving spaces linking people to a world of resources and services that enrich their lives.
Goal 1: Stimulate ation readi vlewl and lir
Division Obiectives Action ltems Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. lncrease the overall
visibility of the collection system-
wide with an emphasis on
promotion through creative and
intelligent displays.
1.1 Self-directed team maintains system-wide
protocols to ensure best practices in display and
l.L O9l3Ol2O2L
L.2 O9/3O|2O2L
1.1 Promotional materials are
reviewed in a timely manner
according to Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP).
1.1SOP is reviewed at least
annually and updated as needed.
Objective 2. Use available data
analytics and collection analysis
tools to assess the relevance of
library collections, programs and
services to ensure appropriate
annual allocation of funds.
2.1 Collection Development Team will work
directly with Director to establish multi-year
budgetary requirements to continue to increase
collection inventory up to AUIR standards of
1.87 items per capita..
2.L O9l3Ol2O27 2.1 Written phased funding plan
is developed to guide collection
development budget.
Objective 3. Develop the image of
CCPL as a source of high quality, free
programs, services, and resources
for the community.
3.1 Library Marketing Team will work with PSD
and CCR team members to annually review
Library marketing plan.
3.2 Library Marketing Team will identify,
purchase, and maintain an inventory of
appropriate promotional materials for outreach.
3.1 o6lot/2o21
3.2 O9l3Ol2O2L
3.1 Library will be regularly visible
through various multi-media
outlets, including newspapers,
radio, social media, etc.
3.2 Promotional materials
purchased and available for
Pag* 1 nf '10
Objective 4. lncrease county, state
and community partnerships to
expand the library's image as a
gateway to learning and knowledge.
4.1 Marketing Librarian will reach out and
network with county and agency
4.t o6/ou2021.4.1 Database of county and
agency "experts" and partnerships
will be generated for Library
programming and updated
regu larly.
Goal 2: Provide comfortable, safe and welcoming spaces for people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds to connect with others and to engage
in individual rsuits.
Division Objectives Action ltems Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Solicit patron and staff
feedback to assess patron
satisfaction and the quality of the
patron experience.
1.1 Expand Qualtrics surveys to include new
projects and initiatives.
1.2 QA/QC Team will analyze survey results and
provide feedback/direction to targeted staff.
L.L 09/30/2021
L.2 O9l3Ol2O2r
1.1 Surveyed 10% of population
base in FY21.
1.2 Corrective actions and
en hancements made based on
survey results.
Objective 2, Provide library services
and programs that reflect the
cultural diversity of the community.
2.1 Maintain quality public programming with
Friends pa rtnersh ip and support.
2.2 Provide culturally dlverse programming
through community partnersh ips.
2.3 Develop programming to target Millennials,
teens, and other identified underserved
popu lations.
2.L O4/O7/2O27
2.2 O9/3O/2O21
2.3 O9/3O/2O27
2.1 Request new Friends funding
for FY22 du ring budget
2.2 A minimum of 12 culturally
diverse programs offered system-
wide throughout the year.
2.3 Develop and implement a
minimum of 4 new programs.
Objective 3. Develop a
comprehensive staff training and
professional development program
including regular communication
with staff rega rding information
about library and County initiatives,
activities and events.
3,1 Self-directed team continues to work with
the Director to identify needed training and job
titles for career progression development.
3,2 Research and recommend mediums to re-
establish the Library Division Newsletter.
3.3 Self-directed team identifies acceptable
delivery method(s) in light of current pandemic
and plans next Annual Staff Training Day.
3.L O9/30/2O2r
3.2 06/01./202r
3.3 09l30/202L
3.1 ldentify possible job
classifications that would benefit
from career progression plans. 3.2
First division newsletter pu blished
by 06/0112027
3.3 Annual Staff Day developed
and held
Objective 4. Use available data
analytics to identify library facilities
for the development of quiet areas,
reading rooms, makerspaces, and
4.1 Complete a Library Master Plan study 4.L 0el30l202L 4.1 Hire a consultant to initiate
and conduct a master plan study
Goal 3: Customize hours,services and collections to meet community needs.
Division Objectives Action ltems Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Apply data analytics,
branch by branch, to ensure more
releva nt collections, programs,
services, hours, and space
1.1 Gather patron comments of expanded
service models developed in response to
pandemic through a Qualtrics customer
satisfaction survey.
1.2 Collection acquisitions balanced in
proportion to actual use.
L.L Osl3Ol2O2t
L.2 Osl3O/2O21
1.1 Library patrons surveyed.
1.2 Percentage of collection
expenditures is in line with
collection usage.
2.L O9/3O/2O22Objective 2. Evaluate the condition
of the collection and develop a
comprehensive collection
development and management
2.1 Collection Management Team will finalize a
revised system-wide Collection Management
2.1 Collection Management Policy
approved by the Library Advisory
Objective 3. Develop and
implement new metrics by
educating staff in measuring
outcomes increasing the library's
ability to match community need to
library service.
3.1 Collection Management Team and
Marketing Team will use metrics.
3.L 0610L/2O2O 3.1 Metrics and reporting
mechanisms are used by staff to
develop appropriate services and
acquire resources to meet
community needs.
Goal 4: Build ublic awareness and ment th st ic marketi
Collier County Public Libraries contribute to the vitality and resiliency of our communities.
Goal 1: Provide connection to the online world,
Division Objectives completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Develop and
implement comprehensive
marketing plans to raise public
awareness of the resources and
services improving library
positioning in the community.
1.1 Library Marketing Team will work with PSD
and CCR team members to annually review
Library marketing plan.
t.L o6/0u2022 1.1 Library will be regularly
vlsible through various multi-
media outlets, including
newspapers, radio, social media,
Objective 2, Develop and support
community relations efforts through
key partnerships and strategically
pursu ing opportunities to promote
the library at community events.
2.1 Library Marketing Team will identify and
develop two new partnership opportunities.
2.1 o9l3o/2021.2.1 Programming offered or
resou rces expanded for patrons
based on new partnerships.
Objective 3. Utilize a variety of
traditional marketing mediums and
social media platforms to target
specific audiences and reach the
broadest possible audiences.
3.1 Library Marketing Team and individual
libraries will provide regular materialfor
3.L 09/30/2021.3.1 Each library will submit
information, pictures, and video
for marketing distribution on a
weekly basis.
Division Objectives Action ltems Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Provide public use
computers, printers, and scanners.
1.1 Maintain and enhance public accessibility to
computers, printers, and scanners.
L.L O9/30/2O2L 1.1 ldentify vendor and replace
traditional copier/printers with
multi-f unction scanners/printers
for patron use.
Objective 2. Provide high-speed
and WiFi access to the lnternet with
2.1 Maintain and enhance high-speed and WiFi
2.L O9l3ol2o22
2.2 09/30/2022
2.1 WiFi and Zscaler
conflgurations routinely
Action ltems
no unnecessary restrictions or fees.2.2 Printing and copying fees are appropriately
balanced between public demand and cost
Objective 3. lmplement self-pay
features of the self check-out
3.1 Confirm PCI compliance of self check-out
3.2 Work with new OVS Fiscal Team to establish
accountability and best practices for self-pay
with credit cards.
3.L O3/OL/702L
3.2 O9/3o/2O21,
Goal 2: Em hasize 21st centu literacies includin information, finance, and health in libra ms.
Division Objectives Action ltems Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Provide library services,
materials and programs to increase
the digital literacy of the
1.1 lncrease patron usage of online resources
1.2 Provide system-wide technology
programming and access to new technology
L.L O9/3O/202L
L.2 09/30/7021
1.1 lncrease online access by
Io/o over FY!9 {2,425,5041.
1.2 Maintain a minimum of 20
programs per year system-wide.
Objective 2. Develop programs and
services to foster innovation and
creativity to support science,
technology, engineering, a rts and
math (S.T.E.A.M.) skills.
2.1 ldentify training opportunities for staff to
develop best practices in S.T.E.A.M.
2,2 lncrease S.T.E.A.M. based programming and
2.L O9/3O/2O2L
2.2 09/30/2021
2.1 Staff will attend a minimum
of three webinars, trainings, or
conference sessions.
2.2 Maintain S.T.E.A.M. based
programming at a minimum of
12 programs per year system-
Objective 3. Use available data
analytics to determine appropriate
resources needed at each branch to
help develop 21st century literacy
3.1 Survey individual libraries to ensure
technology, health and financial
information needs are being met.
3.2 Continue to develop and provide
appropriate 21st century literacy programs.
3.L O9/3Ol2O2r
3.2 O9/3O/2O2|
3.1 Minimum of 100 surveys
completed per libra ry.
3.2 Provide a minimum of 20
programs per year across the
system add ressing 2lst century
monitored to maintain
consistent bandwidth and
patron access to website
2.2 Printing/copying fees match
public demand and provide best
3.1 Certification of compliance
is obtained.
3.2 Self-pay feature is enabled
for patron use at self check-out
Goal 3:to access!to new
Collier County Public Libraries advance the educational priorities of our communities
Goal 1: Support early learning to promote school readiness.
Division Obiectives Action Items Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1: Expand the library
experience to include makerspaces,
learning commons, and non-
traditional materials.
1.1 Partner with the Southwest Florida Library
Network and Friends of the Library to have 3D
printing, coding, and robotics programs.
L.L O9l3Ol202L 1.1 Provide a minimum of 10
programs system-wide per year
Objective 2: Use available data
analytics to identify library facilities
for the development of "hub"
technology libraries.
2.1 Self-directed Design Team will work
through Master Plan Study process to identify
libraries easily re-purposed as technology
2.L O9/3O/2O2L 2.1 Recommendations available
f or FY22 budget development.
Division Objectives Action ltems Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Provide parents and
caregivers with quality story times,
training and materials which
encourage them to talk, sing, write,
and play with their children.
1.1 Participate in the State Summer Reading
1.2 Youth Services Team will develop and
implement system-wide early literacy
programming initiatives.
L.l Os/3OlzOzL
L.2 091L912O21,
1.1 lncreased participation in
summer reading and
programming by 10% over FY20
1.2 Summer Reading Program
expanded to include pre-literacy
PeeWee program for toddlers and
Objective 2. Make accessible
training for staff that reinforces the
libra ry's ea rly learning strategies.
2.1 Budget and enable youth services staff to
attend training.
2.2 Ensure youth services staff share
knowledge learned and implement best
practices in programming.
2.L 1O/OL|2O19
2.2 o9l3ol2o2L
2.1 Training budget for FY2l was
2.2 Youth Services staff will share
training knowledge and best
practices learned during their
quarterly Youth Service Team
Objective 3. Provide easy access to
early literacy materia ls, websites,
information and programs for
parents and ca regivers.
3.1 Maintain youth service page on website.
3.2 Early literacy strategies are shared with
parents and caregivers during programs.
3.L O9/3O|2O2L
3.2 O9/3O/2O2L
3.1 Highly visible, easily accessed
youth service page on library
3,2 Early literacy strategies are
made available as a handout.
Objective 4. Continue to investigate
and invest in technology, resources,
and tools that support early learning
4.1 Youth Services Team will research and
recommend early literacy technology,
resources, and tools to expand the library's
4.L OzlOu2OLt 4.1 Recommendations available
for FY22 budget development.
Objective 5. Expand the library's
outreach to childcare facilities
serving at-risk and underserved
popu lations.
5.1 Youth Services staff to regularly update and
maintain list of childcare facilities serving at-risk
and u nderserved populations.
5.2 Youth Services staff will work with
Marketing on outreach opportunities.
s.L o6/o1./202L
s.2 o9/30/202L
5.1 Childcare facility database
regu larly updated and maintained
5.2 Minimum of 10 outreaches
conducted du ringFY21.
Goal 2: Provide resources and information needed for the academic success of students in public, private, home schools, trade schools, and
higher education.
Division Objectives Action ltems Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Regularly attend
community school events to
promote library services and gain
insight into community needs.
1.1 Youth Services staff and branch managers
will attend Literacy Nights, open house, and
other school events.
L.L O9/3O/2O27 1.1 A minimum of 6 community
school events will be attended
during FY21.
Objective 2. Provide and promote
o n line homework assistance.
2,1 Market access to BrainFuse through
community events, social media, and other
targeted mediums.
2.L O9130/2O2L 2.1 BrainFuse promotions are
readily available. lncreased usage
by 5%.
Objective 3. Work with public and
private school media specialists and
classroom teachers to foster a love
of reading through book talks, class
3.1 Promote the 2021Summer Reading
Program through outreaches to schools and
3.1 o6/ou2o2L 3.1 Minimum of 10 school/parks
outreach activities to promote the
2021 Summer Reading Program.
visits to the library, and creative
Goal 3:and life learning thro collections and
Goal 4: lnstruct people on developlng lnformation fluency skllls to succegsfully search for, locate, evaluate, and effectlvely use lntormatlon to
mcet their ne€ds.
Completion Date Performance MeasuresDivision Objectives Action ltems
1.1 Maintain expand partnerships with United
Way and County agencies.
L.L O9/3O12O21,Objective 1. Collaborate with
public, private, and nonprofit
partners to promote reading for
pleasu re, expand self-directed
learning opportunities and provide a
variety of cultural experiences for all
2.1 Collection Management Team will
implement approved Collection Management
2.L 09/3O|2O2L 2.1 Regular patron feedback will
be collected, assessed, and
adjustments in print and online
development will reflect
community need.
Objective 2. Develop and manage
library print and online collections
to reflect patron demand.
Division Objectives Action ltems Completion Date Performance Measures
Objective 1. Develop and offer
classes on how to navigate the
lnternet and electronic library
resources, and to recognize
authoritative sou rces.
1.1 Public Service Librarians will develop and
implement appropriate technology training at
the Senior Resource Center.
L.L Oe/301202L 1.1 Minimum of 4 programs in
1.1 Further develop and maintain
partnership programs system-
wide for FY21-.
Objective 2. Create online tutorials
to help users navigate library
technology, online databases, and
other e-resources.
2.1 Public Services Librarians will work with the
Marketing Team to maintain online tutorials for
using OverDrive, cloudLibrary, library catalog,
Flipster, Hoopla, and other Library online
2.L 09l3Ol2O2L 2.1 Online tutorials for OverDrive,
Hoopla, cloudLibrary, and the
catalog are available via the
library's website.
20!8-2022 Five Year Performance Measures
Collier County Public Libraries are open, accessible, and thriving spaces linking people to a world of resources and services that enrich their lives.. Master of Library Science degreed librarians at 9 out of 10 libraries.
. Minimum of six days of library service at 9 out of 10 libraries with appropriate balance of librarians and para-librarians to maintain high
quality service,
. Technology "hubs" and quiet spaces at all libraries.
. State of the art lntegrated tibrary System (1l"5) for circulation and collection management.
. Print and e-book collections balanced to reflect patron demand.. cultural and educational learning balanced across all libraries and offerings balanced to serve children through adults.
Collier County Public Libraries contribute to the vitality and resiliency of our communities.. Fully developed partnerships and identified funding sources to ensure the librarys status of free access to cutting edge technology and
AUIR Levelof Serve standard (LOSS)for library materials.. ldentified libraries for re-purposing to meet the ever changing and growing demands ofthe communities served.
. Expanded partnership with Senior Resource Center to include technology outreach and programming,
. Ensure continued patron access to current technology, and free and open access to ideas, information and content.. lnitiate a study to develop a 20 year master plan identifying areas for possible librarygroMh.
Collier County Public Libraries advance the educational priorities of our communities.
o Fully developed partnership with Collier County Public Schools.
. Partnerships with private schools, home schools, trade schools, and institutions of higher education
o Partnerships with daycare facilities serving at-risk and underserved populations.
. Expanded partnership, to include outreach, with the Naples and lmmokalee Jail Centers.
The best strate8ic plans are dynamic, flexible tools for continuous improvement. With the tibrarys mission as the primary foundation, its vision as
the ideal, and the County's Core Values as guides to decision making, the Collier County Public Library system will commit to a process that ensures
accountability, versatility, and rational decision-making. Seekin8 out the needs and wants of Collier's residents and visitors through a community
assessment was th€ first step. From there it is the Library's responsibility to develop an appropriate strategy to address current needs and plan for
the future. The tibrary Advisory Board (tAB) and Public Services Oepartment will have the primary responsibility to monitor the plan's goals and
objectives and assess overall progress. Library staff will have the responsibility of overseeing implementation and consultin& and working with
groups directly involved or affected by decisions. Through the course of implementation, new issues, challenges, and ideas will emer8e. ln a
cyclical process Library staff and the IAB will measure progress, budget resources to maximize outcomes, and identify potential new areas that
require action. ln this way, both the strategic plan and annualplan ofservice willbe constantly reviewed, evaluated, and updated.
CrystalK. Kinzel, Clerk
Approved as to form and legality
Deputy Clerk
Typed name and title
S. Budget (Due 1211) Paselsor22
This component of the application is due by December L
Following the October 1 deadlins, your application will be returned to add the remaining components as needed
due Decembe l.
Add the budget document(s) as applicable for the year starting on October 1.
The budget must be adopted or approved by the library's governing body.
lf the budget document is a very large document, attach only the pages showing the library's budget.
The attachments should be in PDF, Word, or Excelformat. The description line should clearly describe the attachment. @
1. Budget *
lnformation to meet this requirement is contained in another document. Use the "Notes" fleld to indicate where the
information is located.
2. Add Documentation
3. Notes
T. Summary Financial Report Form (Due 1211) pase20ot22
This component of the application is due by December 1.
Following the October 1 deadline, your application will be returned to add the remaining components as needed
due December 1 .
Part A *
Part B *
3. Part C
U. Annual Statistical Report Form (Due 1211) pase21ot22
This component of the application is due by December 1.
Following the October 1 deadline, your application will be returned to add the remaining components as needed
due December 1.
1 . Annual Statistical Report Form *
This report solicits data on library actlvity during the previous fiscal year. The data is used for federal, state, and local
reporting and comparison purposes. Libraries must submit the form electronically on a separate reporting site. All libraries
are given a library identification number and password to access the reporting site. When the report has been submitted
electronically, click "Report submitted online" €)Help .
Link to online reporting site
2. Notes
V. Review and Submit p,g" 22or22
1. Review and Submit
D I hereby certify that I am authorized to submit this application on behalf of Collier County Public Library and that all
information indicated is true and accurate. I acknowledge that my electronic signature below shall have the same legal
effect as my witten signature. I am aware that making a false statement or representation to the Department of State
constitutes a third degree felony as provided for in s. 817.1 55, F.S., punishable as provided for by ss. 775.082,775.O83,
and 77 5.084.
1.1. Signature (Enter first and last name)
16.D.6.bPacket Pg. 1853Attachment: CM MEMO (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1854 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1855 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1856 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1857 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1858 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1859 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1860 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1861 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1862 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1863 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1864 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1865 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1866 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1867 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)
Packet Pg. 1868 Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (13679 : FY20-21 State Aid to Libraries Grant)