DASAB Minutes 07/21/2020luly 2l.2O2O MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF COLLIER COUNTY DOMESTIC ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD Naples, Florida, luly 2l,2O2O LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Domestic Animal Services Advisory Board in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 6:00 PM in REGULAR SESSION at Domestic Animal Services Training Room, Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Daniel Rheaume VICE CHAIRMAN: Jim Rich SECRETARY: Mary Baker Sarah Baeckler-Davis Marjorie Bloom Dr. Michael Gordon Cpl. James A. Spartz ALSO PRESENT: Darcy Andrade, Director, DAS Kel I ie Carrol l, Administrative Assistant, DAS Steve Camell, Public Services Department Head I. Cell to Ordcr Cheirmen Deniel Rhceume called the meeting to order at 6:0O p.m. II. Attendence A quorum was establ ished. IlI. Approvel of Agende Mary Bahcr mode a molion to apptove lhe agenda, there was a second and lhe molion corried 7-0 IV. Approvel of Minutes 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 53 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - July 21, 2020 (13742 : Animal Services Advisory Board - September 30, 2020) luly 21,2020 Mory Bak* made a molion to approve lhe minules of the June 16, 2020 meeting' there was a second and the motion passed, 7-0. V. Public Comments Kelty Highhnd spoke about Petland and stated that she had pulled the public records and Petland had violations at their first inspection. She wanted to know if the Commissioners would be advised of the situation. Chuck Denielian del'erred his comments. Merio Velle spoke on behalf of the Humane Society Naples and stated that Senh Becckler-Davis has the full support ofthe Humane Society and that he wants to work collaboratively with DAS for the best interest of the animals. VI. Director's Report Drrcy Andrrdo stared that DAS has remained open through lhe COVID epidemic and has not modified its hours. She also advised that ACOs remain on the road. As of today, all services arc restorcd except for holds on friendly animals. Most ofthe friendly stray animals have been reunited with their owners prior to being picked up by ACOs. This policy does not apply to pr€gnant stray cats. Ms" Andnde encouraged everyone to check the DAS website regularly for updates. She also advised that staff are wearing masks in all common areas of the facility. Dercy thanked Merjorie Bloou, Srnh Breckler Drvis and Dr. Michrel Gordoa for their willingness to continue serving on the Board. Ms. Andrede advised that the Standards of Care Ordinance was postponed in April and May because of COVID and that DAS is looking to schedule the workshop in October. Ms. Andndc mentioned the Sunshine Law and reminded the Board not to have pre- or post-meeting discussions in order to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Drrcy advised that lhe previous Board meeting had become heated and apologized to Senh Brcckler-I)evis for not intervening. Du Rtcrume apologized for any hurt feelings that happened but stated that he received multiple emails on the subjea. tle also stated that Mery Beker summed it up at the last meeting. We just need to have a working relationship between DAS and HSN. Mr. Rheeume advised that he had spoken with Stcve Cernell and that Srrrh will abstain from voting when necessary.. Stcve Cernell advised Senh Beeckler-Drvic that DAS ard HSN are partners and are not in conflict. Dr. Gordon asked if the Trustees will be retuming to DAS. Ilarcy advised that she had anticipated the end ofJuly, but is now hoping for Augus! but she will be reviewing with the Sheriffs Department monthly. Ms. Andnde stated thal she is working on 2 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 54 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - July 21, 2020 (13742 : Animal Services Advisory Board - September 30, 2020) July 21. 2020 creative solutions during this time. Dr. Gordoo asked if that included owner surrenders and was advised that it does, and that DAS has been practicing managed admissions even before COVID with the goal being to keep anima.ls in the home. Merjorie Bloom asked if volunteers can clean kennels and Dercy explained that there are county policics that prcvent volunte€rs from performing the work ofpaid employees. VlI. New Business A. Working Group Steve Crrnell stated that DAS' high live release rate is because of lhrcy and the staff at DAS, along with rcscue groups including HSN and that HSN has resources to help DAS. He also stated that in the ft!ffe, DAS will have resources that HSN can use. Mr. Crrnell stated that the work groups will include four to five people from DAS including a Board member and the same would be true for IISN. Jim Ricb stated that he hoped that other rescue groups arc being included in the work group as they should have some input. Deniel Rheeume mentioned that last year, there was a discussion about a mobile vet clinic and Senh Breckler-Devis offered to partner with DAS and he advised that it might be a good starting point for the work group. B. Resolutions 2fi)G26 and 2(l{J7-54 Dercy Andrede advised that the Board of County Commissioners approved the Trust Fund to be used for DAS only, but she was interested in revising both Resolutions to include the ability to apply for grants and for the donation of property. Ms. Aadrede advised that DAS receives a lot of great donations that can't be used at the shelter and that ACOs are on the road trying to provide assistance to p€t owners. but they cannot give any donated items to them. lim Rich made a motion lo revise lhe longuage, lhere wos a secotd ord the motion wos approved 7-0. Merjorie Bloom asked about donations for the X-ray machine and was advised by Kellie Cerroll rhat the donalions just crossed the $27,000 mark. Der Rhceume asked if DAS has any upcoming events and was told my Ms. Andrede that COVID is making it difficult to hold any evenrs. 3 Jim Rich asked if DAS is doing in-house surgeries and was advised thar it is on a limited basis due to the lack of a Vet Tech. Merjorie Bloom asked how this affects the new facility for DAS. Mr. Ceroell replied that didn't know yet, but that it is somahing on the agenda. 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 55 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - July 21, 2020 (13742 : Animal Services Advisory Board - September 30, 2020) July 2l,2020 VIlt. Otd Business A. Shelter Update Drrcy Andnde advised the Board that a design firm will be voted on by the end of the month. Once that is done, a contract will be negotiated and then brought to the Board of County Commissioners lbr approval. Senh Beccklcr-Drvis asked what the Advisory Board's role is in this process. Dercy explained that the Board will receive representations and udates but will not have a role in determining where things will go. IX. Advisory Boerd Member Comments Srnh Breckler-Devis thanked Dercy Andrede and Steve Cernetl for their apologies and said that the previous meeting felt very combative. Ms. Beeckler-Davis also stated that HSN has already seen one puppy fr,om Petland that is sick and retbrred two others to DAS. Jrmcs Sprrtz mentioned that he missed a couple of meetings and that it was good to b€ back. Jim Rich stated that For the Love ofCats has had a great relationship with HSN for over 20 years but has been receiving a lot ofnegative information. Dan Rhcrume apologized for the disconnect at the last meeting but stated thal he was simply passing on information that he received fiom others and that he wants the best for the animals. Mary Beker advised that she believes that we need to work together and is looking forward to joint ventures. Merjorie Bloom staled that she hopes the Board of County Commissioners will hear about Petland. Derty Andnde stated that DAS received the fint complaint yesterday about purchasing a puppy. Sarah Baecklcr-Dovb made a motion to adjourn, there wa.:i o second and the motion passed 7-0. The nert regulerly scheduled Advisory Borrd Mecting will bc on Tucsdey, Septcmber 15,2020 rt 5:fi) p.D. ir the Domestic Animel Treining Room, Drvir Blvd., Nrples, Floridr. There being no further business for the good ofthe Couaty, the meeting wes concluded rt 6:56 p.m. ICCOLLIER COUNTY IX) 4 SERVICES 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 56 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - July 21, 2020 (13742 : Animal Services Advisory Board - September 30, 2020) )/+r85 F. R(q eLrimso@gc These minutes approved by Board/Committee on ?*/,- amended luly 21.202O its presented or as 5 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 57 Attachment: Animal Services Meeting Minutes (signed) - July 21, 2020 (13742 : Animal Services Advisory Board - September 30, 2020)