2019/2020 Collier County Clerk of Courts Expires 3299 Tamiami Trail E. (Clerk's ffice only) Suite 401,Bldg. F, 4th Floor Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name Noel J. Davies, Esq. Date 10/01/2019 Business Name Quarles & Brady, LLP Business Address 1395 Panther Lane, Suite 300 Cid Naples State FL Zip Code 34109 Business Telephone 239-434-4937 Contact Person Noel J. Davies Lobbyist E-mail noel.davies@quarles.com Notice for Lobbyists: The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, per Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, and amended by Ordinance 2004-05, Ordinance 2007-24 and Ordinance 2013-39. Please make payment(s) to: Collier County Clerk of Courts & Comptroller. (Mail to the address listed at the top of the form) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH CLIENT/ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1. Name See attached List 2. Name Address Address City/State Zip City/State Zip 3. Name 4. Name Address Address City/State Zip City/State Zip (ATTACH ADDITIONAL CLIENT SHEETS,IF NECESSARY) State of Florida County of Collier 'byist Signature i Thisr gistratig4av n was sworn (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this / day of ) , 20 /t1 by /V Mi., NV/C:3 I i Personally Known B _. %.A4. Produced ID Deputy Clerk/Nth ry Public 6— Type of ID ProducedSTACIE glOLZ •,,. MY COMISSION#Ot3 296171 ' .�,,;'Pd.' EXPIRES:January Revised:08/2019 'tgi!`a' Bonded Thru Nolaty Public Underwrites Noel J. Davies, Esq., Quarles & Brady LLP Persons/Entities Represented (Updated October 1, 2019) 1. Immokalee Square, LLC Antonio B. Brown, President, Manager 2055 Trade Center Way Naples, FL 34109 2. Land America, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company c/o Alejandro Zurita 101 Pineapple Grove, 2nd Floor Delray Beach, FL 33444 3. 5135 Developers, LLC, a Florida limited liability company Laura K. Pugliese, Manager 101 Puglieses Way, 2nd Floor Delray Beach, FL 33444 QB\59687979.1 Ql.Lf7r[e �B�LLP 1395 Panther Lane Attorneys at Law in v Suite 300 Chicago Naples,FL 34109 Indianapolis 239.262.5959 Madison Fax 239.434.4999 Milwaukee www.quarles.com Minneapolis Naples Phoenix Scottsdale Tampa Tucson Washington,D.C. Writer's Direct Dial: (239)434-4937 E-Mail: Noel.Davies@quarles.com October 1, 2019 VIA UPS OVERNIGHT Collier County Clerk of Courts Attn: Martha Vergara Suite 401, Bldg. F, 4th Floor 3299 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Re: 2019 Lobbyist Registration Form Dear Martha: In follow-up to our email, enclosed please find the original executed Lobbyist Registration Form for Noel J. Davies, Esq., with attached list. Also enclosed is our check in the amount of $25.00 representing the registration fee. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, QUARLFt S & BRADY,LLP / , Noel J. Davies NJD/sls Enclosures Receipt# 008123814 10/2/2019 11:34:07 AM /6�,-�R,,°N�r Crystal K. Kinzel / `_ Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller op6 ER THF CIRIv�C O D p Y� [X g ' ' , Customer Deputy Clerk Clerk Office Location NOEL J. DAVIES, ESQ. BMR CASHIER Collier County Govt. Center QUARLES & BRADY, LLC MinutesandRecords@CollierClerk.co Building F, 4th Floor 1395 PANTHER LN STE 300 m 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite NAPLES, FL 34109-7875 239-252-2646 401 P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST AMOUNT 1 BMR Lobbyist Registration $25.00 $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $25.00 Check# 823680 ($25.00) BALANCE DUE $0.00 Note: Disclaimer: All transactions are subject to review/verification. The Clerk reserves the right to correct for clerical errors and to assess or refund charges as needed. @0][1[1@113a@ @C Page 1 of 1 Lobbyist Registration Quarterly Update 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Davies, Noel J. <Noel.Davies@quarles.com> Sent:Monday, December 30, 2019 10:26 AM To:Martha S. Vergara Cc:Louise, Catherine; Stolz, Stacie L. Subject:RE: Lobbyist Update for the 2nd quarter (January) [QBLLP-ACTIVE.FID39114972] External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message. No changes.  Thank you, Martha.  I hope you had a nice holiday.    Noel    Noel J. Davies / Attorney Noel.Davies@quarles.com / LinkedIn BIO vCard Quarles & Brady LLP 1395 Panther Lane, Suite 300 / Naples, FL 34109‐7874 Office 239‐434‐4937 / Cell 239‐216‐2792 / quarles.com Assistant Stacie Stolz 239‐659‐5002 From: Martha S. Vergara <Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com>   Sent: Monday, December 30, 2019 10:09 AM  To: 'mark@adamczyklawfirm.com' <mark@adamczyklawfirm.com>; 'anderson@abbinc.com' <anderson@abbinc.com>;  'jen.hobgood@aspca.org' <jen.hobgood@aspca.org>; 'bcornell@audubonwe.org' <bcornell@audubonwe.org>;  'ktaylor@cecifl.com' <ktaylor@cecifl.com>; 'ryovanovich@cyklawfirm.com' <ryovanovich@cyklawfirm.com>;  'dpassidomo@cyklawfirm.com' <dpassidomo@cyklawfirm.com>; 'andreaf@conservancy.org'  <andreaf@conservancy.org>; 'tocia@davidsonengineering.com' <tocia@davidsonengineering.com>;  'dmartohuelaw@outlook.com' <dmartohuelaw@outlook.com>; 'ellie@ekc‐inc.com' <ellie@ekc‐inc.com>;  'meredithb@fwfonline.org' <meredithb@fwfonline.org>; 'tina@gsma.pro' <tina@gsma.pro>; 'jmbswte@msn.com'  <jmbswte@msn.com>; 'chris@haganeng.com' <chris@haganeng.com>; 'jeff.wright@henlaw.com'  <jeff.wright@henlaw.com>; 'dudley.goodlette@henlaw.com' <dudley.goodlette@henlaw.com>;  'debrahogue@hmeng.com' <debrahogue@hmeng.com>; 'janna.lhota@hklaw.com' <janna.lhota@hklaw.com>;  'dan@isaacsongroup.com' <dan@isaacsongroup.com>; 'dkirby@kiterealty.com' <dkirby@kiterealty.com>;  'planaslaw@gmail.com' <planaslaw@gmail.com>; 'sgraley@thelawmpowered.com' <sgraley@thelawmpowered.com>;  'danielle@nabor.com' <danielle@nabor.com>; 'marty@nabor.com' <marty@nabor.com>;  'amanda@napleschamber.org' <amanda@napleschamber.org>; 'michael@napleschamber.org'  <michael@napleschamber.org>; 'catherine@naplespathways.org' <catherine@naplespathways.org>;  'mfrankenberger@hrs‐environmental.com' <mfrankenberger@hrs‐environmental.com>; 'pneale@patrickneale.com'  <pneale@patrickneale.com>; 'nealemontgomery@paveselaw.com' <nealemontgomery@paveselaw.com>;  'stevenhartsell@paveselaw.com' <stevenhartsell@paveselaw.com>; 'mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com'  <mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com>; 'jjanes@gradyminor.com' <jjanes@gradyminor.com>; Stolz, Stacie L.  (NAP x4002) <Stacie.Stolz@quarles.com>; 'roger@attyrogerrice.com' <roger@attyrogerrice.com>;  'mortega@ralaw.com' <mortega@ralaw.com>; 'tdeastman@ralaw.com' <tdeastman@ralaw.com>;  2 'robrien@ralaw.com' <robrien@ralaw.com>; 'kgallander@consult‐rwa.com' <kgallander@consult‐rwa.com>;  'karla.scott@stantec.com' <karla.scott@stantec.com>; 'jjensen@humanesociety.org' <jjensen@humanesociety.org>;  'terry@tmstrategicconsulting.com' <terry@tmstrategicconsulting.com>; 'mking@trebilcock.biz' <mking@trebilcock.biz>;  'cthornton@swflalaw.com' <cthornton@swflalaw.com>; 'amanda@thanaples.com' <amanda@thanaples.com>;  'jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com' <jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com>;  'alexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com' <alexis.crespo@waldropengineering.com>; 'wlbarton39@gmail.com'  <wlbarton39@gmail.com>; 'lbrakefield@wpl‐legal.com' <lbrakefield@wpl‐legal.com>; 'apires@wpl‐legal.com'  <apires@wpl‐legal.com>; 'zlombardo@wpl‐legal.com' <zlombardo@wpl‐legal.com>  Subject: Lobbyist Update for the 2nd quarter (January)    Good Morning All,     FYI this is just a friendly reminder that updates are due on January 2.  I will be out of the office until Tuesday January 7th.  Updates can be sent and they will be processed with the date received on the e‐mail.    Please remember that for updates only and e‐mail is required stating any changes to either  the lobbyists in your company/firm for client list.  Just list any additions or deletions in an e‐mail.    If you have no changes, simply state “No Changes” in an e‐mail is all that’s required.     Thanks and Happy New Year,      Martha Vergara  BMR & VAB Senior Deputy Clerk   Office: 239‐252‐7240  Fax:      239‐252‐8408    E‐mail:  martha.vergara@CollierClerk.com   Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court  & Comptroller of Collier County  3329 Tamiami Trail E, Suite #401  Naples, FL 34112   www.CollierClerk.com [collierclerk.com]        Please visit us on the web at www.collierclerk.com This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or take any action induced by or in reliance on information contained in this message. Unless expressly stated, opinions in this message are those of the individual sender and not of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the Clerk's Office by emailing helpdesk@collierclerk.com quoting the sender and delete the message and any attached documents. The Collier County Clerk's Office accepts no liability or responsibility for any onward transmission or use of emails and attachments having left the CollierClerk.com domain. Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. 3 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged. They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the transmission from your system. Lobbyist Registration Quarterly Update 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Louise, Catherine <Catherine.Louise@quarles.com> Sent:Wednesday, April 1, 2020 2:06 PM To:Martha S. Vergara Cc:Davies, Noel J. Subject:Lobbyist Update for April 1, 2020 [QBLLP-ACTIVE.FID40426759] Attachments:Collier County Lobbyist List 04 01 2020.pdf External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message. Martha, attached is the updated list for Noel Davies, Esquire, for the quarter ending March 31, 2020.  Please contact me if you have any questions.  Catherine    Catherine Louise / Paralegal Catherine.Louise@quarles.com / LinkedIn Quarles & Brady LLP 1395 Panther Lane, Suite 300 / Naples, FL 34109‐7874 Office 239‐434‐4906 / quarles.com VISIT our COVID‐19: Guidance for Clients page for the latest updates from Q&B attorneys CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged. They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the transmission from your system. Lobbyist Registration Quarterly Update 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Louise, Catherine <Catherine.Louise@quarles.com> Sent:Wednesday, July 1, 2020 1:09 PM To:Martha S. Vergara Cc:Davies, Noel J. Subject:Collier County Quarterly Lobbyist Report for JULY 1 [QBLLP-ACTIVE.FID40426759] Attachments:Collier County Lobbyist List 07 01 2020.pdf Importance:High External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message. Martha, attached is the updated list for Noel Davies, Esquire, for the quarter ending June 30, 2020. Please contact me if you have any questions. Catherine Catherine Louise / Paralegal Catherine.Louise@quarles.com / LinkedIn Quarles & Brady LLP 1395 Panther Lane, Suite 300 / Naples, FL 34109-7874 Office 239-434-4906 / quarles.com VISIT our COVID-19: Guidance for Clients page for the latest updates from Q&B attorneys CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged. They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the transmission from your system.