CAC Minutes 01/11/2007 W
January 11, 2007
Naples, Florida, January 11, 2007
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Clam Bay
Permit Issues Work Group held a workshop in Collier County
Pollution Control Conference Room B, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail,
Building H, 3rd Floor, Naples, Florida, on this date, with the
following parties present:
Kyle Lukasz
Barbara Smith
Jim Burke
Dan Spainier
Timothy Hall
John Domenie
Mike Bauer
David Buser
Dave Tomasko
Doug Finlay
ALSO PRESENT: Heidi Ashton -Assistant County Attorney
Mac Hatcher - Environmental Services
Gary McAlpin- Coastal Project Manager
January 11,2007
1. 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Sea Grass Discussion with PBS&J (Dave Tomasko - Tampa, and Don Beis -
Mr. McAlpin introduced the participants.
Mr. Tomasko, PBS&J, gave a Power-Point presentation regarding Clam Bay.
(See attached)
. Outer Clam Bay is connected to the Gulf of Mexico via Clam Pass
. Ebb tidal shoal has increased coverage over past 50 years
. Seagate Drive severed tidal flow between Doctors and Clam Passes
. Need areal photo to determine loss of sea grasses
. Change in species can indicate problem
. Correct targets need to be determined so correct action can be taken
. Florida has no water clarity target
. Need to set water quality goals for Clam Bay
. State standards are not recommended, may be either too stringent or
not stringent enough
. Need to determine what is reducing water clarity
. Level of detail needed will control amount of time and resources
. It's likely there are many non-point sources
. Success or failure depends on site selection, selection of species, care
in planting, adequate monitoring
. Transplanting grass only works where negative conditions have been
. Transplanting is not effective where no grass previously existed as
conditions were never conducive to growth
. Where scarring exists, repair must be done to re-grow grass
. Level of detail will determine quantity of resources to be used
(Short recess)
Scientist's background, work history and successful restoration projects
worked on:
Mr. Tomasko stated he has been with PBS&J one year; was Manager of the
environmental section of Southwest Florida Water Management District; is
experienced in watershed restoration; is experienced in restoration of rivers
and lakes and working on restoration plans for Peace Creek, Highlands
County, Sarasota Bay. Mr. Tomasko did Ph.D. on sea grass in lower Tampa
Bay, worked on sea grass issues in the Philippines and works with
governmental entities to come up with water quality goals for impaired waters
January 11, 2007
Phases of this Work Assignment
. Diagnostic
. Mitigation
. Monitoring
Requirements of the Work and Deliverables
. Depends on data sources available
. Mangroves and sea grasses can co-exist
. Make estimates on what is needed to achieve goals
Timing and Costs
Mr. Tomasko explained that timing and costs will depend on what is asked for.
Timothy Hall, Turrell and Associates discussed available data regarding biological
. There are nine sea grass transects set up between Bay and Pass
. There has been a decline in sea grasses from 1994 to today
. Levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, total dissolved solids, salinity and
dissolved oxidants have been taken to determine water quality
Mr. McAlpin suggested putting all of the data into one database.
. Mr. Buser will analyze data
. Mr. McAlpin will coordinate data
. Mr. Tomasko will be asked in writing to come back and tell us what
happened, what caused it, how to re-establish sea grass beds, and give
us a time frame and cost.
o Time frame will be four months
o Within next week, need estimate of cost to get four month plan
o Need to consider impact on mangroves
o Storm water drainage will be difficult and expensive to fix
(Doug Finlay, Mike Bauer, Dave Tomasko and Mac Hatcher left the workshop at 11 :30
2. 11 :30 to 12:00
Channel Marker Discussion Based On Recent Discussions With FWS And
USCG With Collier County/PBSD And City Of Naples/Seagate only
. Need permit for private aides to navigation
. Unpermitted signs are illegal
. Need to apply for permit for private aids to navigation
January 11, 2007
. Need 2 by 4 sign that says "Caution Clam Bay Channel above
mean high water"
. Clam Pass through Clam Bay is area involved
. Locations will be reviewed with Tara Alford
. Gary Linton at DEP will be worked with to set up aquatic preserve
. Markers will be in Clam Bay
There being no further business for the good of the County, the workshop
adjourned at 11 :45 a.m.