FOGG INVESTMENTS LLC Respondent Exhibitsvs. CODE ENFORCEMENT - COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Plaintiff, Case No. : C8LU20200000904 FOGC INVESTMENTS, LLC Respondent. RESPONDENT EXHIBITS FOR APPEARANCE BEFORE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE AUGUST 7,2020 Respondent represented by: Witnesses: Requested Action: Exhibit D: Composite Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibits for Consideration During Presentation at Hearing: Composite Exhibit A: Relevant Supplemental Exhibits provide to the Code Enfbrcement Board for a Hearing on March 27,2008. Exhibit B Collier County Ordinance 04-41, Section 2.03.01, including the applicable subsection 2 I . Composite Exhibit C Code Enforcement Case Numb ers: 2007 4077 6, CELU20 I 0001 7 427, CENA2o I I 00078 l, CETUzo 1200 I 48 I t, CELU20 I 90A12829 . Colleen J. MacAlister, Law Offices of Colleen J. MacAlister, P.A. Stanley Fogg, Jr Denial of violation of Collier County Ordinance 04-4 I , Section 2.02.03. CollierCounty Special Magistrate Rules and Regulations. Relevant Sections, Chapter 162, Florida Statutes Collier County Land Development Code: Sec 2-2026, 2-2428, 2-2029. Suhmiued to the Office olthe Special Magistrate this 3'd 2020 J. MacALISTER Bar No. 080471 I LAW OFFICES OF COLLEEN J. MacALISTER, P.A. 5061 Napoli Drive Naples, Florida 34103 Telephone: (239) 262-37 60 Facsimile: (239) 790-5779 Email: col leen@cjmaclaw.com Attorney for Respondent CODE ENFORCRMENT- COLLIER COTINTY, FLORIDA COT}E ENtrORCIM ENT BOARD BOARD OF COlNl'Y COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COIJNTY, IJLORIDA Plaintill. vS.(lase No.: CEI] 2007-l l5 Dcpt. Ca-se No.; 2007040776 l"(X;G JR.. S'|ANLEY antl,I'HHRESA M. I(csponelenls SUPPLEMENTAI, EXHIBITS FOR APPBARANCT, BEFONf, CODE ENtr'ORCEMENT BOARI) BY RESPONDtrNTS ON March 27,2(tat8 Rcspondcnt rcprcsented by: Collcen J. MacAlister. Law Ofl'iccs of Colleen J. MacAlistcr. P.A. Witnesses:Stanlcy Fogg, Jr Rcqucstcd Acliorr:Dcterminution of violation ol'Collicr Counfy Ordinancc 04-41, Scction 2.02.03 lbr salc of garden shcds. Ixhihits lirr Cjonsidcration During Presentation ol'1'cstimony at l.lcaring: (lonrpositc Exhibit A:Photographs of liogg Nur.scry antl Supply ()onrpany. l')lrotographs depict the Nurscry, acccss kl the property, various gardcn ntulcltcs. supplics antl gnruntl coverings availablc fi'rr purchase (including organic compost in several stagcs of rnulching), palm trcc nursery. pond, sifter lirr the organic compost, ancl lhe gardcn shcds l"or sale. Dxhibit I]Collier County Ordinuncc 04-41. Scctiotr 2.03.01 . including the applicnblc subseclion 2l. Exhihit Cl:()opy ol'lctlcr liont Ross Cochcnaur, l'lanning Manager, to the Rcspondcnts datcd Junc ?2,2007. and supporling tltc violation, Conrposilc Exhibit D: Copics of randorn sclcclion ol'a variety of shcds availablc in thc I EXHIBIT A -r i ,, Sutrmittecl to the Ollice ol'Code Enf,orcement ttus d- day ol'March,2008. J. MacALISTER []arNo.080471I generul categot-a of "garden shcds." Sanrpling shorvs the sizc-s o[ gardcn sheds arc approximarc to lhosc .sold by the Rcspondcnts al Fogg Nuniery and Supply (lompanl'. LAW OTFICES OF COLLEEN J. MTcALISTER, P.A. 5147 Castello Drive Naplcs, Florida 34103-[elephonc: {?39} ?62-3760 Facsimilc: (239) 790-5779 Attorney lbr Rcspondcnts w {& ffi @ fr,XF E -i !' * . !1. o.' } i.,i !,i.). . :-., : . r - . r^:r lvhl- :.''.' .:.;]lf*+#. ..r,"j .;,,Sf !,'r ,j. r. :J: ',.'}{ .!"1'..' li il :"1 1i.:. ..:.,r1 i' . ..gY Ar!\t ..,,." r ' ..: 'i i, II 1 ). $I ,.].i , ,;:,1 ',1? r' *s,-ililllr ,.ry L-1. I i t,, s r;: l.i t.--t"D'f;r-*';'t hr'i.'rf.r 't*. &'):' ' -!r. a.,. :..&:','.1. -a,I 1.3a* r '*n,f-"i;.n -f, '10 ,i?-rt'.-.r.t'j ,rt "- ,.I d' -.tt" F' I .li_. i .:i f,. ! ,t, .l . r'f 't 'i {rl 'i ri, r. .tr ",j. :."-:Yr -4: "l , :,,. I -'... #I't, ,dt'$ h.r ': -"- i;-'"!, ,._-rlr .. F '11[E ;,"il)',1; " Y': i "11'.s-'9'tq,:^.: a' i ,1 , !:1 '! .', ,., ,i 'I i : i i i * s -iI:. ' d fr*'t' .l .{. a + t & iG}',.t t.*?i.s :,.I tlhr#'$1,..$ . . r,r'{r ,!s:ff, lr"!?:'4ffi#rT d t , ',. ,i,t a :.i *'" tt. ', It ' , ..t'L- ?:..11 .,r.ili ' ",.'v,l',* 'i>,, 'tt. .t ;- .':k&., ri:e1* :. :{.Lr r ..Iql{!!' ,t'r I .?ti"",X#Xi ir I '1 ."rrI *,, ":* !t Dr r-l* , 4a :t:. ,' .f .r* r"!rr ' ,,:/-., iJ ! ?tr !!--ir1ffi : .r: ' :l ! I ,i. rl. !f ', q,, ., iI.'r , t*$ i':,.' .t, I I ! : , .f.Ili,'f, F:I,, t ,r.i . I r:.- | ',t i tt I i ,"h . .:.. r .t i ,l ' 'i" ,r. i 2 't i 1', d ! '"t'..1' ,I ! -q. I , "1* v. : ..,,}t]f. {{ itr )rt,+ ,.t. i: .l .tr: it -*r.,.-'l.it } I -'', '. 't: rl I iI,t 't.r:l /'/. ;,,\, .f -' )1. \-} t :i' ' Ji \ I ,4' . . j:'r : f dI '4 ',4, 1,. ] I I :-.'.1' r' 'lr t''iil 'i 'f.i I I :TL I. 't i "ir.t I ,t .1. t t ,":* A'; "7.rrl .tr i-L, ..5' .:. '',. l &$"" a ." i|'''' .{t,r .t- t .; ;;' ':' '. i " -1 i..:.: i '.', :: i\ t ir: { 1r I .r ,.r 1"_ l, j :i. ,ii'i . . j. . ttfl ." ,lt Collier County, FL Land Developrnent Code 2.03.01 - Agricultural Districts. A,Rural Agricultural District (A). The purpose and intent of the rural agricultural district (A) is to provide lands for agricultural, pastoral, and rural land uses by accommodating traditional agricultural, agricultural related activities and facilities, support facilities related to agricultural needs, and conservation uses. Uses that are generally considered compatible to agricultural uses that would not endanger or darnage the agricultural, environmental, potable water, or wildlife resources of the County, are permissible as conditional uses in the A district. The A district corresponds to and implements the Agricultural/Rural land use designation on the future land use map of the Collier County GMP, and in some instances, may occur in the designated urban area. The maximum density permissible in the rural agricultural district within the urban mixed use district shall be guided. in part, by the density rating system contained in the future land use element of the GMP. The maximum density permissible or permitted in A district shall not exceed the density permissible under the density rating system. The maximum density permissible in the A district within the agriculturallrural district of the future land use element of the Collier County GMP shall be consistent with and not exceed the density permissible or permitted under the agricultural/rural district of the future land use element. 1. The following subsections identify the uses that are perrnissible by right and the uses that are allowable as accessory or conditional uses in the rural agricultural district (A). a. Permitted uses. I. Single-family dwelling . 2, Agricultural activities, including, but not limited to: Crop raising; horticulture; fruit and nut production; forestry; groves; nurseries; ranching; beekeeping; poultry and egg production; milk production; livestock raising, and aquaculture for native species subject to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission permits. i. The following permitted uses shall only be allowed on parcels 20 acres in size or greater: a) dairying; b) ranching; c) poultry and egg production; d) milk production; EXHIBIT B about:blank I of 15 A3t2A,l2:40 PM Collier County. FL Land Development Codc e) livestock raising; and f) animal breeding, raising, training, stabling or kennelinE. ii. On parcels less than 20 acres in size, individual property owners are not precluded from the keeping of the following for personal use and not in association with a commercialagricultural activiry provided there are no open feed lots: a) Fowl or poultry, not to exceed 25 in total number; and b) Horses and livestock (except for hogs) not to exceed two such animals for each acre. i. Notwithstanding the above, hog(s) may be kept for a 16 week period in preparation for showing and sale at the annual Collier County Fair and/or the lmmokalee Livestock show. The following standards shall apply: a) One hog per child enrolled in a 4-H Youth Development Program, Collier County Fair Program or similar program is permitted. In no case shall there be more than 2 hogs per acre. b) Premises shall be fenced and maintained in a clean, healthful, and sanitary condition. c) Premises or roofed structure used for the sheltering, feeding, or confinement of such animals shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet from lot lines and a minimum of 100 feet from any dwelling unit on an adjacent parcel of land. d) Hog(s) shall not be returned to the property once removed for showing and/or sale. 3. Wholesale reptile breeding and raising (non-venomous), subject to the following standards: i. Minimum 20 acre parcelsize; ii, Any roofed structure used for the shelter and/or feeding of such reptiles shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any lot line . 4. Wildlife management, plant and wildlife conservancies, wildlife refuges and sanctuaries. 5, Conservation uses. aboul:blank 2 of l5 8/3/20. l2:40 PM Collier County, FL l-and Developrnent Code 6. Oil and gas exploration subject to state drilling permits and Collier County site development plan review procedures. 7. Family care facilities, subject tole$igrL5.Il504. 8. Communications towers up to specified height, subject to section 5.05.09. 9. Essential services , as set forth in section 2.01.03. 10. Schools, public, including " Educational plants." b. Accessoryuses. l. Uses and structur€s that are accessory and incidental to the uses permitted as of right in the A district. 2. Farm labor housing, subject to-ggglon 5.05O3. 3. Retail sale of fresh, unprocessed agricultural products , Brown primarily on the property and subject to a review of traffic circulation, parking, and safety concerns pursuant to the submission of a site improvement plan as provided for in;ge!9.0L0.0?-.8. 4. Packinghouse or similar agricultural processing of farm products produced on the property subject to the following restrictions: i. Agricultural packing, processing or similar facilities shall be located on a major or minor arterial street , or shall have access to an arterial street by a public street that does not abut propefties zoned RSF-1 thru RSF-6, RMF-6, RMF-I2, RMF-'|6, RT, VR, MH, TTRVC and PUD or are residentially used. ii. A buffer yard of not less than 150 feet in width shall be provided along each boundary of the site which abuts any residentially zoned or used property, and shall contain an Alternative B type buffer as defined within section 4.06.00. Such buffer and buffer yard shall be in lieu of front, side, or rear yards on that portion of the lot which abuts those districts and uses identified in subsection 2.03.01 A.1.b.3. i. above. iii. The facility shall emit no noxious, toxic, or corrosive dust, dirt, fumes, vapors, or gases which can cause damage to human health, to animals or vegetation, or to other forms of property beyond the lot line of the use creating the emission. iv. A site development plan shall be provided in accordance with about:blank 3 of 15 8l3l20,l2:40 PM Collier County, FL Land Development Code section 10.02.03. 5. Excavation and related processing and production subject to the following criteria: i. The activity is clearly incidentalto the agriculturaldevelopment of the property. ii. The affected area is within a surface water management system for agricultural use as permitted by the South Florida Water Management District (5FWMD). iii. The amount of excavated material removed from the site cannot exceed 4,000 cubic yards. Amounts in excess of 4,000 cubic yards shall require conditional use approval for earthmining, pursuant to the procedures and conditions set forth in LDc_se.ctiqn 10.0gJg and the Administrative Code. 6. Guesthouses, subject to section 5.03.03. 7. Private boathouses and docks on lake, canal or waterway lots, subject to_section 5.03.06. 8. Use of a mobile home as a temporary residence while a permanent single-family dwelling is being consructed, subject to the following: i. Receipt of a temporary use permit from the Development services Director, pursuant toSgg$gn-5.04.04 that allows for use of a mobile home whlle a permanent single-family dwelling is being built; ii" Assurance that the ternporary use permit for the mobile home will expire at the same time of the building permit for the single- family dwelling, or upon the completion of the single-family dwelling, whichever comes firsu iii. Proof that prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for the single-family dwelling, the mobile home is removed from the premises; and iv. The mobile home must be removed at the termination of the permitted period. 9. Use of a mobile home as a residence in conjunction with bona fide agricultural activities subject to the following: i. The applicant shall submit a completed application to the site about:blank 4ofl5 A3t2A.l2:4O PM Collier County. FL Land Dcvclopment Code development review director, or his designee, for approval of a temporary use permit to utilize a mobile home as a residen€e in conjunction with a bona fide commercial agricultural activity as described in subsection 2.03.01 A.1.2. lncluded with this application shall be a conceptual plot plan of the subject property depicting the location of the proposed mobile home; the distance of the proposed mobile home to all property lines and existing or proposed structures ; and, the location, acreage breakdown, type and any intended phasing plan for the bona fide agricultural activity. ii. The receipt of any and all local, state, and federal permits required for the agricultural use and/or to place the mobile home on the subject site including, but not limited to, an agricultural clearing permit, building permit(s), ST permits. and the like. iii. The use of the mobile home shall be permitted on a temporary basis only, not to exceed the duration of the bona fide commercial agricultural activity for which the mobile home is an accessory use. The initialtemporary use permit may be issued for a maximum of three years, and may, upon submission of a written request accompanied by the applicable fee, be renewed annually thereafter provided that there is continuing operation of the bona fide commercial agricultural activities. iv. The applicant utilizing, for the bona fide commercial agricultural activity, a tract of land a minimum of five acres in size. Any property lying within public road rights-of-way shall not be included in the minimum acreage calculations. v. A mobile home , for which a temporary use permit in conjunction with a bona fide commercial agriculturalactivity is requested, shall not be located closer than 100 feet from any county highway right-of-way line, 200 feet from any state highway right-of-way, or 500 feet from any federal highway right-of-way line. 10. Recreational facilities that serve as an integral part of a residential development and have been designated, reviewed and approved on a site development plan or subdivision master plan for that development. Recreationalfacilities may include but are not limited to about:blank 5of15 8/3/20, l2:40 PM Collier County, FL Land Development Codc golf course, clubhouse, community center building and tennis facilities, parks, playgrounds and playfields. c. Conditionaluses. The following uses are permitted as conditiona, uses in the rural agricultural district (A), subject to the standards and procedures established in LDCSgglign-!-0*08.00, and the Administrative Code. 1. Extraction or earthmining, and related processing and production not incidentalto the agriculturaldevelopment of the property. NOTE: "Extraction related processing and production" is not related to "Oil extraction and related processing" as defined in this Code. 2. Sawmills. 3. Zoo, aquarium, aviary botanical garden, or other similar uses. 4. Hunting cabins. 5. Aquaculture for nonnative or exotic specles, subject to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission permits. 6. Wholesale reptile breeding or raising (venomous) subject to the following standards; i. Minimum 20 acre parcel size. ii. Any roofed structure used for the shelter andlor feeding of such reptiles shall be located at a minimum of 100 feet away from any lot line. 7. Churches. 8. Private landing strips for general aviation, subject to any relevant state and federal regulations. 9. Cemeteries. 10. Schools, private. 1 1. Child care centers and adult day care centers . 12. Collection and transfer sites for resource recovery. 13. Communication towers above specified height, subject to section 5.05.09. 14. Social and fraternal organizations. 15. Veterinary clinic. 16. Group care facllities (category I and ll); care units ; nursing homes; assisted living facilities pursuant to 5 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.; about:blank 6 of 15 8/3/20. l2:40 PM Collier County, FL Land Development Code and continuing care retirement communities pursuant to 5 651 F.5. and ch. 4-193 F.A.C., all subject to section 5.05.04 when located within the Urban Designated Area on the Future Land Use Map to the Collier County Growth Management Plan. 17. Golf courses and/or golf driving ranges. 18. Oil and gas field development and production subject to state field development permits. 1.9. Sports instructionalschools and camps. 20. Sporting and recreational camps. 21. Retail plant nurseries subject to the following conditions: i. Retail sales shall be limited primarily to the sale of plants, decorative products such as mulch or stone, fertilizers, pesticides, and other products and tools accessory to or required for the planting or maintenance of said plants. ii. Additionally, the sale of fresh produce is permissible at retail plant nurseries as an incidental use of the property as a retail plant nursery. iii. The sale of large power equipment such as lawn mowers, tractors, and the like shall not be permitted in association with a retail plant nursery in the rural agricultural district. 22. Asphaltic and concrete batch making plants subject to the following conditions: i. Asphaltic or concrete batch making plants may be permitted within the area designated agricultural on the future land use map of the future land use element of the growth management plan. ii. The minimum site area shall not be less than ten acres. iii. Principal access shall be from a street designated collector or higher classification. iv. Raw materials storage, plant location and general operations around the plant shall not be located or conducted within 100 feet of any exterior boundary. v. The height of raw material storage facilities shall not exceed a height of fifty (50) feet. about:blank 7 of 15 8t3t20,12:40 PM Collier County, FL l-and Development Crxle vi, Hours of operation shall be limited to two (2) hours before sunrise to sunset. vii" The minimum setback from the principal road frontage shall be 150 feet for operational facilities and seventy-five (75) feet for supporting administrative offices and associated parking. viii. An earthen berm achieving a vertical height of eight feet or equivalent vegetative screen with eighry (801 percent opacity one (1) year after issuance of certificate of occupancy shall be constructed or created around the entire perimeter of the property. ix. The plant should not be located within the Greenline Area of Concern for the Florida State Park System as established by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP): within the Area of Critical State Concern as depicted on the Future Land Use Map GMP; within 1,000 feet of a natural reservation ; or within any County, State or federaljurisdictional wetland area. 23. Cultural, ecological, or recreational facilities that provide opportunities for educational experience, eco-tourism or agri-tourism and their related modes of transporting participants, viewers or patrons where applicable, subject to allapplicable federal, state and local permits. Tour operations, such as, but not limited to airboats, swamp buggies, horses and similar modes of transportation, shall be subject to the following criteria: i. Perrnits or letters of exemption from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the South Florida Water Management District shall be presented to the planning services director prior to site development plan approval. ii. The petitioner shall post the property along the entire property line with no trespassing signs approximately every 300 yards. iii. The petitioner shall utilize only trails identified and approved on the site development plan . Any existing trails shall be utilized before the establishment of new trails. iv. Motor vehicles shall be equipped with engines which include spark arrestors and mufflers designed to reduce noise. about:blank 8of15 8l3t20.l2:40 PM Collier County, FL Land Devclopment Code v. The maximum size of any vehicle, the number of vehicles, and the passenger capacity of any vehicle shall be determined by the board of zoning appeals during the conditional use process. vi. Motor vehicles shall be permitted to operate during daylight hours which means, one hour after sunrise to one hour before sunset. vii. Molestation of wildlife, including feeding, shall be prohibited. viii, Vehicles shall comply with state and United States Coast Guard regulations, if applicable. ix. The board of zoning appeals shall review such a conditional use for tour operataons, annually. lf during the review, at an advertised public hearing, it is determined by the board of zoning appeals that the tour operation is detrimental to the environment, and no adequate corrective action has been taken by the petitioner, the board of zoning appeals may rescind the conditional use. 24. Agriculturalactivities on parcels less than 20 acres in size: i. animal breeding, raising, training, stabling, or kenneling. ii. dairying; iii. livestockraising; iv, milk production; v. poultry and egg production; and vi. ranching. 25. The commercial production, raising or breeding of exotic animals, other than animals typically used for agricultural purposes or production, subject to the following standards: i. Minimum 20 acre parcel size. ii. Any roofed structure used for the shelter and/or feeding of such animals shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any lot line . 25. Essential services , as set forth in subsectionf,lQf;Q! G. 27. Model homes and model sales centers, subject to compliance with all other LDC requirements, to include but not limited to section 5.04.04. 28. Ancillary plants . about:blank 9of l5 8l3l?O.12:40 PM Collier County, FL Land Development Code d. Prohibited uses. 1. Owning, maintaining or operating any facility or part thereof for the following purposes is prohibited: a) Fighting or baiting any animal by the owner of such facility or any other person or entity, b) Raising any animal or animals intended to be ultimately used or used for fighting or baiting purposes. c) For purposes of this subsection, the term baiting is defined as set forth in 9 828.122(2)(a), F.S., as it may be amended from time to time. B. Estate Dastrict (E). The purpose and intent of the estates district (E) is to provide lands for low density residential development in a semi-rural to rural environment, with lirnited agricultural activities. ln addition to low density residential development wlth limited agriculturalactivities, the E district is also designed to accommodate as conditional uses , development that provides services for and is compatible with the low density residential, semi-rural and rural character of the E district. The E district corresponds to and implements the estates land use designation on the future land use map of the Collier County GMP, although, in limited instances, it may occur outside of the estates land use designation. The maximum density permissible in the E district shall be consistent with and not exceed the density permissible or permitted under the estates district of the future land use element of the Collier County GMP as provided under the Golden Gate Master Plan. 1. The following subsections identi$r the uses that are permissible by right and the uses that are allowable as accessory or conditional uses in the estates district (E). a. Permifted uses. 1. Single-familydwelling. 2. Family care facilities , subject tolgg!!. 3. Essential services , as set forth in section 2.01.03. 4. Educational plants , as an essential service . b- Accessory Uses. 1. Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to uses permitted as of right in the (E) district. 2. Fruits, vegetables, and nursery plants grown for both personal consumption and off-site retailsale, such as farmer's markets. Farm about:blank l0 of 15 8/3/10. l2:.lO PM Collier County. Fl- Land Dcvelopmcnt Code operations that grow fruits, vegetables, and nursery plants for off-site retail sale shall be subject to LDC_seg!ioO-5.0200, Home Occupations, as amended, and the following standards: i. Farm operations shall not occupy more than 50 percent of the lot. ii. Farm operations shall conform to minimum setbacks established in LDC sections ?.03.01 8.2 and 4.02.01 A. Table 2.1, however, no side, rear or front setbacks are required greater than 30 feet. iii. Vegetation removal for farm operations shall be subject to LDC section 3.05.05 F, as amended. 3. Keeping of fowl or poultry, not to exceed 25 in total number, provided such fowl or poultry are kept in an enclosure located a minimum of 30 feet from any lot line , and a minimum of 't00 feet from any residence on an adjacent parcel of land. 4. Keeping of horses and livestock (except for hogs), not to exceed two such animals for each acre, and with no open feedlots. Any roofed structure for the shelter and feeding of such animals shall be a minimum of 30 feet from any lot line and a minimum of '100 feet from any residence on an adjacent parcel of land. i. Notwithstanding the above, hog(s) may be kept for a 16 week period in preparation for showing and sale at the annual Collier County Fair and/or the lmmokalee Livestock show. The following standards shallapply: a) One hog per child enrolled in a 4-H Youth Development Program, Collier County Fair Program or similar program is permitted. ln no case shallthere be more than 2 hogs per acre. b) Premises shall be fenced and maintained in a clean, healthful, and sanitary condition. c) Premises or roofed structure used for the sheltering feeding, or confinement of such animals shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet from lot lines and a minimum of 100 feet from any dwelling unit on an adjacent parcel of land. d) Hog(s) shall not be returned to the property once removed for showing andlor sale. about:blank ll of 15 8l3l20.l2:zl0 PM Collier County, FL Land Development Codc 5. One guesthouse, subject tols!!eg!.030]. 6. Recreational facilities that serve as an integral part of a residential development and have been designated, reviewed and approved on a site development plan or preliminary subdivision plat for that development, Recreationalfacilities may include but are not limited to golf course, clubhouse, community center building and tennis facilities, parks, playgrounds and playfields. 7. Excavation and related processing and production subject to the following criteria: i. These activities are incidentalto the permitted used onsite. ii. The amount of excavated material to be removed from the site cannot exceed 4,000 cubic yards total. Amounts in excess of 4,000 cubic yards shall require conditional use approval for earth mining, pursuant to the procedures and conditions set forth in section 10.08.00. c. Conditionaluses. For Estates zoning within the Golden Gate Estates subdivision, the Golden Gate Area Master Plan in the GMP restricts the location of conditional uses . The following uses are permissible as conditional uses in the estates district (E), subject to the standards and procedures established in LDC section 10.08.00: 1. Churches. 2. Social and fraternal organizations. 3. Child care centers and adult day care centers . 4, Schools, private. 5. Group care facilities (category l); care units , subject to the provisions of subsection 2.03.01 B'3.f; nursing homes; assisted living facilities pursuant to S 400.402 F.S. and ch. 58A-5 F.A.C.; and continuing care retirement communities pursuant to 5 651 F.S. and ch. 4-193 F.A.C.; all subject to section 5.05.04. 6. Group care facilities (category ll) care units subject tolectlon 5.05.04 only when tenancy of the person or persons under care would not: i. Constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals; ii. Result in substantial physical damage to the property of others; or about:blank l2 of l5 8t3l20.l2:40 PM Collier County, FL Land Developmcnt Code iii. Result in the housing of individuals who are engaged in the current, illegal use of or addiction to a controlled substance, as defined in section 802 of title 21, U.S. Code. 7. Extraction or earthmining, and related processing and production not incidental to the development of the property subject to the following criterion and subsection 4.02.02 C. i. The site area shall not exceed 20 acres 8. Essential services, as set forth in subsection-L0lJl3 G. 9. Model homes and model sales centers, subject to compliance with all other LDC requirements, to include but not limited to section 5.04.04. 10. Ancillary plants. 1 l. Public schools without an agreement with Collier County, as described in LDC section 5.05.14. Additionalstandards in LDC section 5.05.'14 shallalso apply. d. Prohibited uses. 1. Owning, maintaining or operating any facility or part thereof for the following purposes is prohibited: i, Fighting or baiting any animal by the owner of such facility or any other person or entitY. ii. Raising any animal or animals intended to be ultimately used or used for fighting or baiting purposes. iii. For purposes of this subsection, the term baiting is defined as set fonh in F.S.5 828.122{21(a), as it may be amended from time to time. 2. Minimum yard Requirements. See subsection 4.02.01 A. Table 2.1 for the general requirements. The following are exceptions to those requirements: a. Conforming Corner lots . Conforming corner lots , in which only one full depth setback shall be required along the shofter lot line along the street. The setback along the longer lot line may be reduced to 37.5 feet, so long as no right-of-way or right-of-way easement is included within the reduced front yard . (See Exhibit A) ahout:hlank l3 of 15 tl/3/20. l2:40 PM Collier County, FL Land Development Code about:blank ESTATEST COilFORtlt{G CORNER LOr RO.\r{ P/L 75. * Emmpl€ - lot Yirth may vary, bul novcr lo38 lhrn 15O PIL 37.5. FRONT SETSACK REOUCEO AY 50j6 SIDEsETBAcK s . SETBACXS MEASUREO FROM R,O,W. LINE .WIOTH MEASURED BETW€EN PROP€RTY LINES P/L WIDTH* FULL FROiITsErE cx :2 xuj F/L R.O.W R.O.W R,O.W, LINE PROPERIY tIN€ b. Nonconforming Corner lots . Nonconforming corner lots of record, in which only one full depth setback shall be required along the shorter lot line along the street . The setback along the longer lot line may be reduced to 15 feet, so long as no right-of'way or right-of-way easement is included within the reduced front yard . (See Exhibit B) 14 of l5 8/3/20.12:40 PM Collier County. Fl- Land Development Code about:blank ESTATES: NON.COI{FORMIIIG CORi.IER LOT ao!t -.,.___,+.l.A l , r0s LOT WIOTH I I I I I Iv : : PIL I FULL FBONT SEIBACX P,L p,l, B.O \{ ROW SETBACKS MEASUREO FRO'T R O.!ry L|NE wIOTH UEASUBED EEIWEEN PBOPERTY Llr1lES NOW LINE PROPEBTY LINE c. Nonconforming through lots , i.e. double frontage lots , nonconforming lots of record with double road frontage , which are nonconforming due to inadequate lot depth, in which case, the front yard along the local road portion shall be computed at the rate of 15 percent of the depth of the lot , as measured from edge of the right-of-way . i. The nonconforming through lot utilizing the reduced frontage shall establish the lot frontage along the local road only. Reduced frontage along a collector or arterial roadway to serve such lots is prohibited. Front yards along the local road shall be developed with structures having an average front yard with a variation of not more than six feet; no building thereafter erected shall project beyond the average line so established. d. Nonconforming lots of record , which are nonconforming due to inadequate lot width , in which case the required side yard shall be computed at the rate of ten (10) percent of the width of the lot . (Ord. No, 06-63, $ 3.C; Ord. No. 07-67, I 3.C; Ord. No. 08-11, 5 3.D; Ord. No. 08-63, 5 3.C; Ord' No' 10-23,5 3.8; Ord. No. 12-38,5 3.8; Ord. No. 13-56,5 3.8;Ord. No. 14-40,5 2.A;Ord. No. 16-27,5 3.8) r5' r0,. LoT WIOTH ro," LoT WTDTH l5 of l5 8/l/2O. l2:40 PM 4 , Corfiplaint Status - CityVicw Portal https:l/cvportal.col liercountyfl .gov/CityViewWeblCodeEnforccmen... GMD Public Portal Complalnt Statu3 Oare:4125/2007 Notc: You (!n (olltptc rnd arpnnd in(,lvd$l *ct ont by dkking tlle har(br of t,r€ glim you wi3h to &llr95!/cxprnd. Complrlnt lntonnrtlon Case Numb€r: Status: Complaint Typc: Descriptlon: Loc.lity 6f Complaint: Fropony Owner's Full Name: 2007040776 C,osed tand Use ICC-DESC:DISPLAYING SHEDS OFF IMMOXALEE RO IN THE FRONr OF THE PROPERTY. THEY ARE NOI ALLOWEO TO DISPLAY ANTTHING, } ICC-DISP:CEE 2007-l r5l [AO-LOC:10270 IMMOI(ALEE RDIICC-1OCi10270 IMMOKAIEE RDI FOGG JR, STANLEY.& THERESA M Locatlont Locations: Address l0?20 Immoknlec RD NaQli:Jl Property 1906!cQo6 Fccr Plld Fcag Anount Pald Owlttg ortG Prld oGrc.lptlon Operauonal CoGs (cE8) 333 1.48 t331.48 Paid 05/09/2008 Op€ratlonal Costs 08107114- Forwarded lo Enance a H€mo to refund the operalional costs P&id bY Fo99's Nursery. Mrmo attached to cas€. CEB order was di3missed by the Ctrcuit Court. M599 Outst ndlng F.!r Amount Pald Owlng D.tr Plld OG.crlptlon No ou6tandin9 rees. Tot.l3i *33r.48 1331,48 to.0o Total Amouflt Payable Online: t0.00 tagaay Inapactlon IVISIT-NBR:9933831[nNAL-CONO: NONEI(REMARKS: STAN FOGG CAI LFD ME AT8'35 AM (C.PHONE 253.T276) ANO INFORI.TEO ME HE H-WAS SUEMI EXHIBIT C SchrdulcdlnspGcllonOutconra DrtG InipGctcd Closed 4l23t2AO7 04t?3t7007L.9..y lnttrGctlon Commefits:[VtSIT-NBR:99r750ltFliiAL-COND:itorlEllREMAnxS :OBS SHEDS FON SALE AT FOGGS NURSERY Ofl AGN ZONED PROPERTY. DIO EXTENSIV€ RESEAEC Oosed 517l2OO7 ostort2ooTLag.€, lnipcctlon Comments: Closed slty2007 [vIsrT_NBR:99r75r1[RftAL_CONO:NO$E]IREMAR(S:T,T tlR. FOGG ABOUT ZONIIIG VERIFICATION LET?ER, MR, TOGG SIATED '18 WILL SU8I.'TT LE 051 I l/2007 lof 3 L.g.cy lntoectlon Comments: Closed 7tLgt?0o7 07ltgl2oo7 8t3l20,l2:07 PM Coniplaint Stalus - CityView Portal Lcaacy ln3pcrtlon Lcg.cy lrgp€ctlor Lcglcy lnrpGctlon Lcracy ln3pcctlon n&In.pcctlon Lcgrcy Inrpcalon Pra haadng l.3pactlon , la-lnrpcctloa https;//cvportal.col I iercountyfl .govlCityViewWeb/CodeEnforcemen... Comments:lvlSIT-NAR:998l24llrlNAL-CONO:NONE]{REMARXS:12:05-12:28 - MS29 .- ON STTE SHEDS 51111 ON PROPERfi ANO ADVERTI5ED FOR SALE. M Clo*d t4122t2007 LOt2U2AO7 Comments:IVtSrT-ilBR: r007372llFINAL-CONO:NONE][REMAR.KS: 12:33-12 :40. MS29 .. ON SlrE SERVED !IR. FOGG TTONCE OF HCARING FOR 1U29107. AL Complete 121t212007 Comments:lVIStr-NBR: l016455llrINAI-COND:lIREMARxS: J PRESENTED CASE rO CEB. VIOIATION WAS FOUNO HE RESPONDENT MUST PAY 3331.48 IN OP€RATIONAL COSTS WTTHIN 30 DAYS, MUST NEMOVE SHEDS IN 90 OAYS ON PAY FINE OF '25O,OO PER DAY TILL ABATED. ALSO l',lUST NOTIFY COOE INVESTTGATOR WHEN THE VIOLATION lS AMTED WtTHtN 24 HOURS. R/C MARCH 28, 2008. - MS29 IUMLC Closed tZ.l20l2007 at 12:00 Ai1 1212012007 Comments:l2120/07...f,E€icved paprr work ,rom Mr. Fogg requesting a rehearing strtlng that the h€aring vlolated the respondents nght to due process and the boaldi order was contrary to the evidence. Nollrled Superyircr Otnttni,..R/C 02! 28107 Closed -1 . i 8128l/2007 |ou30lzooa Comments:lvtSlT_NBR: r002056llFINAL-COND:NONEIIREHARKS :9: 58- l0: 58 (60 MtN) MS29 -- wHrLE ON PATROL YESTERDAY OBSERVEO rHAr SHEOS ANE ST Violation(s) Found 01/30/2008 Comments:personal seruic€ of Notlce to determine motion of rehearing to stanlcy fo99 for 2l2Al08 Correcdong:escd&0-li Stttus: Oarc Status Chrngedl Comments: Prohlblted UsG Outgtandlng Must cease all _ use at any and all property othe{ than property zoned lor * use ai identitled in Ordloance 04-41, as amended, Section 2.04.03, Tables I and 2 At{D / OR Rcmove * from unimprcved prcperty and/or property r€gulaEd by an approved Slte Oevelopment Plan and the |nt€nded use in acco.dance with Section 10.O2,03(BX5) andlor int€nded allowable useg in 2.04.01, Tables I aod ? l l I Non-Compliant 2/28/2008 at l2:0O AM 03t07tzooa Cornrnents:motion tor re hearing granted at CEB. Non-Compliant 5l 1612oo7 03/ l 1/2008 Comments:IVISIT_NBR:9t393r lIFTNAL-COND:NONEIIREMARkS: l55UFD NOV TO MR TOGG TO REMOVE SHEOS BY 7.19.07. MR FOGG STATEO HE APPLIEO FOR --"r Complete 03/ r r/2008 Comments:3/26/08, afildavit ot servitc ,nade and notice of hearing htnded to .gnus brown ln thc fo99 offlce. she g.ve it to Mr. Fogg. (l ,rso left a phone message on Mr. Foggs phone letttng him know I dropped the NOH of0Also whlle on site obserued that the sheds and 5i9n for tedg shcd was ramovcd. Plctur€s taken and placed in 9 drive. 3/l8l?008 at 03/ 1912008lI:00 AM Comments: obGined t gubPocn! tor hearing from Jean to give to Ross' Filled out a .mdavit ot aarvlcr.. New heiring set for Harci 27, ZAO8. 1129/2008 at 12:O0 AM 2 of 3 Rr-ln.pactlon Complcte 3l27l2OOA d. 12:00 AM o312712408 8t3t20,12:07 PM rr/29/2007 at lU:00 Ail I lnltlrl Inip.c$on r' Complete Compliant 3/26/?008 at 12:O0 AM o4t09lzaoaPo3t Hcr.lng nc-lnrpGcllon Comments:3/?6/08 on sit. observed that the shed3 and sign for teds shed was removed. plctune3 taken and glaced in 9 drlv€. aflidavit ot comgliance nlled out, 3lz7noAA at l2:O0 AM os/28/2O08CompllootRc-lr3pectlon Commentg:eror Con.plaint Status - CityView Portal https://cvportal.col liercountyll.gov/C ityViewWeb/Code llnforcemcn... CEB hearlng took place today. The board found that a violation doeg exist. A fee of 1331.48 w.s tnturred for the operational costs of thls prosecution, fhe violation ol tbe sheds being reiloved was abated. cJc m,s29 CommentS: 3 of 3 8/3/20. l2:07 PM I*_ - 1 CoiiLqs.r,.rrcr Report Title: Code Case Details Dare. 5fZSf202O 2:50:28 PM CaselJumber CELU20100017427 Case Number:cELU2010fi117427 Case Type:Land Use Prionty:Normal lnspeclor:SusanaCapasso Jurisdiclron Colller County Code Enforcemant Orrgin Anonymous Complainl Delail Description Weekend- veg. BEING SOLO AT PROPEHTY AND DID NOT GROW THE PRODUCT. Location Commenls Foggs Nursery - 10270|MMOK, RD (2 Ml EAST OF Ssl) -WEEKEND-- Stalus:Closed Oate & Time Enlered.8/2A2O1O 12:59:02 PM Entered By:KlmberlyBrandes Case Disposilion:Unfounded 10270lmmokalee BD Naplee, FL eropcrry I t soeooooe Property JH, STANLEY & THERESA M Business Management & Budget Office 1 Code Case Details Execution Dale 512912020 2:50:28 PM Oesc Aaslgned Bequlred Comploted Outcome Comments Verity Complainant KimberlyBran dos u23m10 8P3t2010 Complels CE Statl Beview SusanaCapas so 8r23P:Ofi 8t24t2010 Complele SUSANA, PLEASE ASSIGN TO WEEKEND STAFF, THANKS. /KB 8l23l1} - Assigned to weakend stall (Woldon Walker & Jim Kincaid) for Saturday, 8/28. #sc46 Initial lnspection WeldonWalker 812812010 8t28t2010 No Violation (s) Found Weekend activity: Sat, Augusl 28lh - Plsase check and address; note your lindings and aciions taken in CV #SC46 08/28/2O10 On sile observed veg.and some lruil prosent! Spoke with property who has 8ov€ral licences which appears to supporl business.. He staled that he has been in busness lor year doing ttle same business.. He look me lo where le gro$rs his vegtable.. No violalion lound!!! ww88 Enter Caso Disposition SusanaCapas SO 8t28m10 881€010 Complete Verity Conditions & Clos€ Cas€SusanaGapas so 813112010 8l3rt2010 Complele Uen Search/Payotl Bequesl lazarachavez 7n9m14 7t29t2014 Complele LIEN SEARCH COMPLETEO FOB Arlene Sanchez tor Gray Robinson, P.A. Lien Search/Payotl Bequesl anisleysanrom an 1012712014 fiP7nO14 Complele Vlolatlon Deocdptlon Status Entercd Correc{ed Amount Commentr Tllla Faason Feault Compllane Flne/Day Condlllon Business Management & Budget Otfice 2 oare; 5t29no20 2:46:11 PM CaseNurnber CENAZOIl00078l1 Statrrs lCtosed Dare & Trme Enrered 16fi012}11 2;41:57 PM Er)lereo BV lwebAnonymousUser Case D,sposrr,on lNo Vlolatlon aoor'*tfi OiiO lmmokalee RD E"p-rrl-roooooo,t Case Nurnber CENA2011000781 1 Case Type Nuisance Abatement Priorrly:Normal lnspeclorl chrlstopherambach Colller County Code Enforcement 0rigin Publlc Portal oelail Descriplion dumplng horllcultural materla! on slte. property doaa not carry a condltlonal use permitFOLlO #OOI90600006 AND FOLIO #00T91881701 ARE PARCELS UTILIZED BY FOGG'S NURSERY ON CR 846 EAST OF CR 951. FOGG ILLEGALLY OBTAINED A PERMIT TO STORE AND PROCESS HOHTICULTURAL WASTER ON HtS 2 PROPERTIES. FOGG OID NOT INDICATE TO DEP THAT HE HAS NOT OETAINED A "CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT" FORM COLLIER COUNTY TO UNDERTAKE THAT ACTION. ALL AG PROPEBTIES ARE REOUIRED TO GET A CONDITIONAL USE PERIT'IT FOB THIS TYPE LAND USE. FOGG IS ILLEGAL. Localion Commenls:back of property (CORRECT FOLIO 190600@6) Properly FOGG JB, STANLEY & THERESA ['l Busrness Manaqemenl & Budget Ofltce Coll'er;gri,.rrrt Fleport Title: Code Case Details Jurisdiction 1 Code Case Details Execution Date 512912020 2:46:1't PM tlesc A.sslgnod Fequlrod Comptsiled Outcoma Comments Verily Complainanl webAnonymo usUser 5/101201'l 6i/1&e01 1 Complete lnspection 6t131201 1 6/15/201 t lncompl6le On sile lobserved, kom lmmokalee FlO, whal appeared to be a very large pile o, vegilalive debris located al the very rear ol lhis parcel. While taking photos I observed a large earth mover working with lhe vegilative debris. I spoke with o$rner Stanley Fogg and asked about lhe operation in the rear. He stated he processes the old vegilalive debris and lums into organic mulch lor usa on his farmed goods on the prop€rty and also as an organic mulch for sa[e. He said he has been running lhis operalion lor several yoars and believes he is allowed to do so. He said he has a bonilied AG use and exemplion for the properly in question and referred to the Righl lo Farm act and lhat it is a working farm. He said he is checked regularily by the Department o, Environmenlal Protaclion and also the Fire Deparlmonl. I oxplained vyill be researching lurlher and }vould conlact him next week to provide an updalo lo my research. Business cards exchanged. Pholos laken and downloaded.l researched ZLTB- AR-11874 zoning letter and lound lhat lo be with regard lo lhe sale of pretabricaled sheds. I also had lo order kom Archive SlP99-26 as isn't available in Sire and should expect it delivered to Records Oepl by next Tuesday. I will update the case and lollow up nsxt week. I cant lind any oth6r rocords lor lhe use being allowed at lhis properly , however have more research to do- Update Picture(s)christopheram bach 61151201 1 6t1512011 Compl€le Busrness Managemenl & Budget Ollice 2 christopheram bach Code Case Details Execution oate 512912020 2:46:11 PM Dosc Aerlgned Roqulred Comploted Oulcome Commgntl lnitial lnspeclion bach 6n3m11 il24m11 lncomplete Reviewed lhe Curenl SIP S9-26 for Fogg's Nursery and ,ind nolhing wilh regard lo a condilional use or specilics on lhe SIP itself tor lhe processing o, malerlal. This does not maan it's not allowed to exisl. I lonrvarded a requosl via email wilh all resea.ch and questions specirically lor Zoning review to C Perez Supervisor. I will update lhose lindings when I receive inlormation back. (emall attached below) lcris, Lecoived a complaint aboul Fogg's Nursery located al 10270 lmmokaleo 8D was dumping horticullural malerial on site and processing the matorial wilhoul a condilional usa associated wilh this type ol acllvity. I made a sile visil and observed a large pile ol horlicultural debris being processed by machinsry in the very rear ol the property. I met wilh Stanley Fogg and explained lhe reason lor lhe visit. Ho slaled he has boen producing organlc malerial lhis way lor several y6sr3 now and uses lhe product on his own organic planlings and also s€lls lo lhe public. He also said he has routino Inspections from DEP and lhe Fire Deparlmont and all records are currenl. I explainod I will need to research his SIP (99- 26) for a condilional use ass@ialed wilh the property and will get back wilh him. My research shows no condilional use is associaled wilh this paroGl tor lho processing of such malorial. Funhermora lhs area being ulilized on the SIP shows it to bo a wooded area. Mr. Fogg has lhres aclive Business Tax Receipls/Occupalional Licensos and are as tollows: Retail Sales, Grading servrce, wholesale nursery and lawn care. I'm hoping you can give ma some insighl as to whelher or nol Mr. Fogg needs a cordilional use for lhe property or would lhis type ol operslion be allowed keeping in mind il i3 zoned AG and is an aclive whole$alo nursery? lnilial l*speclion Follolv-up christopheram bach 7fiUn11 7mno11 Incomplele lle not heard word back lrom zoning at this point in timo. lwill lollow up wilh Suporvisor Perez upon her rslum n6xl vyeek. lnilial lnspectlon Follow-up chrislopheram bach 7p.6m1'.l 8t2t2011 lncomplete Ssnt rollow up 6mail lo Cristina P lor an updale lrom zoning this moming. lnitial lnspeclion Follow-up chrislopheram bach g5ln11 8t11t20't'l lncrmplele 8-1 1-201 1 lV€ not heard hack from Zoning to date, I will meel wilh supervisor to address. lnilial lnspoction Follow.up chrislopheram bach 8/11/201 r u30t2011 lncomplete 8-30-l'l Spoko wilh Supervisor Perez who advised she is in conlact wilh Ray Bellows and some more SDP information is noeded lo make a dolermination. Supervisor advised a recheck be sel lor Sepl. 6th for an updale. Business Managemenl & Budget Ollice 3 Code Case Delails Execution Dala 512912020 2:46:11 PM llesc Aselgned Fequhed Gomple[ed Outcome Commerle lnilial lnspeclion Follow-up cfiristopheram bach 9nm11 9/16/201 'l lncomplele Met wilh Supervisor Perez on g-7-1 l. she advised she was working with Ray Bellows who neadgd lo look into a tew more things and would gel wilh her on his findings. lnilial lnsp€ction Follow-up chrislopheram bach 9n3t&11 10m2s1l lncomplele spoke wilh suporvisor on 10"5-l 1 " She will optain updale lrom building and inlorm me so I may update lhis cas€. lnilial lnspection Follow-up christopheram bach 10/t02011 10t24m11 lncomplete wailing tor update. lnilial lnspection Follow-up christopheram bach 1AE4EO11 11fi,f2011 lncomdete 11-2-11 I mst with C Perez and all documenlation was galhered and sent to Ray Bellows al his requosl, Oelermination was .eturn€d wilh more spocific queslions thal need lo be answered with regard lo area where lhe processing is b6ing conducted, wh€re lho agricullural debris is comming lrom spocilically and a lew queslions aboul lha layoul of lhe parcel in qurstion and moro specilics as lo lhe lypes ol business bein0 conductod kom lhe propetty. lvs galhered all questions lo be posed with Supervisor Perez and will mako a sito visil satly noxl w6ek to me€t wilh Mr. Fogg. lwill update my supervisor snd Bay BBllows accordingly. Initial lnspection Follow-up chrislopherarn bach I 1/10t201 1 11t148011 lncomplele On sits and spoke wilh otrnsrs son Brandon who slaled his lalher was not at the business at the momenl and asked he take a message. I asked he have his father conlac{ me to set up a shorl me€ting lo go over lhe zoning depl. lindings. lnitial lnspection Follow-up chrislopherarn bach fin4m11 I in8ra011 lncomplele I will recheck wilh prop€tly owner atter lhe holiday. lnitial lnspection Fotlow-up christopheram bach 11r28r811 1il6m11 Incomplele Re check lo meel with owner scheduled for December 8lh 201 I. lnilial lnspeclion Follow-up christopheram bach 12,12.m11 1A12m11 Incomplete Meeting has been sol wilh Stanley Fogg lor Friday Dec.16lh. lo discuss th€ complainl and obtain more detailod inlorrnaiion about the typo ol businoss. elc. I will update accordingly. lnitial lnspection Follow-up christopheram bach 1A16r&11 1416P:011 lncompl€te meeling sel for today the l6th...l will update accordingly. lnitial lnspection Follow-up christopheram bach 1?,16n011 1211612011 Violation(s) Found Violalion cootirmed by Flay Belows Zoning and Planning Manager, I will issue Nolice of Violatlori loday December 20th 201 I. Record Violalions christopheram bach 'tzt16t2011 12/16nO11 Complele Addressing Review webAnonymo usUser 1U16t201'.|6/13/201 1 Complete Attach Piclurs(s)chri$topheram bach 1U16t2411 1?/16t2011 Complele Generate Nolice of Violation chrislopheram bach 12120E.411 1?,19E.011 Complele Business Management I Budget Office 4 Code Case Details Execution Dale 512912020 2:46:1't PM Desc Asslgned Bequlrod Complet€d Outcome CommonlS CE Mailing KimbedyBran des 12mm11 '12t20t201'l Complole please mail cert and rsg. NOV MAIL REGULAR/CEFTIFIED# 701O 27800001 8020 8493 CASE' CENA20110007811 CA-59 NOV Fogg Jr, Slanley & Therssa M 6151 Everetl St. Napl€s, FL 34112 CE Statl Review KimberlyBran des 12121t2011 1?/21P:O11 Compl6te AOM atlach./kb CENA201 1000781 1 12201 lAOM.pdf CE Stalf Beview KimberlyBran des 1110n412 1110t?012 ComplBte lzn7hl Rwd gcnov & attach.I$ CENA201 1000781 I 122711gcnov.pdf Re-lnspeclion christopheram bach 1r21nA1?ult2012 Non- Compliant 2-1-12 lnformation has been sent lo Bay Bellows. Awaiting dk€clion on lhis case. Re-lnspection chrislopheram bach at5no12 2n7m12 Non- Complianl Awaiting update by Zoning Manager and Sup€rvisor lor caso. Re-lnspeclion christopheram bach 3€,m12 u$no12 Non- Complianl no delermination lrom zoning to date. Moniloring tor updales and case will be updated accordingly. Re-lnspection chrislopheram bach 3t30t2012 415t2012 Non- Complianl awailing lindings lrom zoning. Re-lnspeclion chrislopheram bach 4t17t2012 4n9PA12 Non- Complianl No updates from zoning as of yet. Supervisor Perez spoke wilh Mr. Fogg al lhe Homeowners Associalion msoting on 4-18- 2012 to actuis€ him ol lhe condilional use process and we were wailing on linal word lrom Zoning and will upda16 him actordingly, Re-lnspeclion chrislopheram bach 5a,m12 5n412012 Non- Complianl No updates from Zoning lo dale. Moniloring. Re-lnspeclion christopheram bach 5t29t2012 5t31t2012 Non- Complianl No word on next step at lhis point as far as zoning requiremenls. Fle-lnspeclion chrislopheram bach 6n12012 6n12012 Non- Complianl No Zoning updales lo dale, Re-lnsp€ciion christopheram bach 6r22m12 7t2t2012 Non- Compliant No word back to dats from Zoning. lwill put oul a shorl RC dale so I may discuss lrilh New Supervisor lor noxl courge o, aclion on lhis case" Re-lnspeclion chrislopheram bach 78,m12 v13t2At2 Non- Compliant continue to monilor lor Zoning Delermination. Re-lnspeclion christopheram bach 7p6m12 787D01?Complianl I mel wilh J Lelerneau afld C Perez lo discuss Ray Bellows delermination lhat would allow lhe existence ol lho operalion within the 20% allowable use. At this time lhe operalion app€ars lo nol be erceeding that percentage and no violation exists. Per J Lalernaau case lo be closed. Follow up lo Mr. Fogg was made by J Leleameau. Case lo be closed as no violation- Generale Compliance Lettor chrislopheram bach 7ft7tn12 7E7pAe Cor$plelo Enl€r Casa Disposition chrislopheram bach 7/27t20'.t2 7r27m12 Complele CE Mailing christopheram bach 7t27P:012 7r27EOtz Complole Verity Conditions & Close Case lelourneauj 7t27t2012 7r27r2A12 Complete Business Management & Budget Oflice 5 Code Gase Details Execulion Dale 512912020 2:46:11 PM Oesc Aealgned Bequlred Complded Outeome Comments Lian Search/Payoll Hequesl lazarachavez 729t2014 7n9DO14 Complete LIEN SEAHCH COMPLETEO FOR Arlene Sancher lor Gray Robinson, P.A. Lien Search/Payoft Hequesl anisleysanrom an 10t27t2014 10127t2014 Complete Ylolatlon Deecrlptlon Status Entrad CorBctod Amounl Comilents Land Use - Generally Conecled 1416m11 7n7EO12 So Accumulalion ol Liltsr Conecled 1U16m11 7t27t20',t2 s0 ntle Reason Feult Compllance Flne/Day Condltlon Business Management & Eudget Oflice 6 Cor*plaint Status - CityView Porral https:/icvponal.coll iercountyfl .gov/CityVicwWeb/CodcEnltrrcenten ".. GMD Public Portal Complaint Status D.re: l0/l/1012 Not€; You can colllgk lnd expand rrdlvlduil *ctroG by clicting lh€ h.ldef ot the tcttton you wish to collap*/exprnd, Complalnt lntor'ttatlon Case Number: Status: Complaint Typc: Des(rrption: Localily of Complaint: Proprrty Owner's Full Nam€: CETU2o1200l.r8t I ClGed Temporsry t nd U5€ .unning retall sal6 to the publk on ag:oned Propetty without (onditional use pertnit. piiblic at risk 10270 immok.l€€ rd rO6G .lR, STANLEY & THERESA M Locatlonc '. Locations: Prop€rty 140600006 Address I {l:70 lnlrnr)knl|f RD Inipcctlon3 Out6mG Date ln3pccted Inltlel Inspcctlon No Vlolation(s) Found L0t02t?.0rz Commcnts:Research conducted and reads as follows:: 1) Colller county Business Taf, Receipvoccupational Lic€nses an file' r. r9l1064- Lawn l.lalntenance b. *953072- Wholesale buslness c,r001548 Retnil Sales. All business Tax ReceiPts/Ocrupational Licens€s are up to date and hrve gone through the roning approval process to conduat busi^ess/sales at this location as an allowdble ue .ssociated with the roning disttict afi, nu6erY oPerdtion designauon for this property, No conditionrl us€ is ne€ded for the type of business operatlon, curantly present at this prop€rty. Pleas€ refer to conditional uie v3. allowtble use associated with this pror€rty under prevlous carc , C8NA20110007811 that ds.ls with the mulching operataon (separate issue) that has been closed as no violation was found Stitus. Furtier rasearch Shows temporary sales for Fireworks and BBQ sales etc. approved on a temporary usa basis allowed to exist a5 this k rn allowable 1Jse associated with the businats at thit Iropcdy p€r the Zonlng Ofticaal. ,he Temporary Us€ Pennits have sp€ctnc dates of sale aoln|here from three to slx monl,l incretftents. llrose permlts are as follows' Pt2010000637. PL2o10q01483, ft.20110000759, P120110001422, PL2012O00889 and pL2Of2OOOf27a belng the most recent approvdl for retail saleS ot thir nature and ls valid through l2l0ll20l2. No violation is obseryed dnd thii €as€ will be closcd as unfounded. Schadul€d t0lUzolz al l2:00 AM I of I fi/3/20, l2:02 PM In3pGCtlolr cdii{ergounet Report Title: Code Case Details Dale. 5f29fZA2O 1:40:53 PM CaseNurnLrer: C8LU201900t2829 Case Number c8LU20190012829 Case Type Land Use Priority Normal lnspector:PaulaGuy Jurisdiction:Colller County Coda Enforcement 0rgin:Complalnt Delail Descripti0n:Foggs nursery runnlng a salvage yard at nursary localion Localion Comments:10270 lmmokalee Rd 00190600006 Stalus Closed Date & Time Entered:fingn0lg 4:08:20 PM Enlered By:PaulaGuy Case Dispositron:Unlounded Adcjressl 1 0270 lmmokslee RD, Naples eroperty I t soeooooe P'"p-11y o;;;r.[r-ees TNvESTMENTS LLc Business Management & Budget Ollice 1 Code Case Details Execution Dale 512912020 1:40:53 PM Dgec Aoslgned Hequlrcd Completed Oulcoma Cgmments Verify Complainanl PaulaGuy 10r23r2019 10123n019 Verilied CE Slsfl Heview PaulaGuy 10x23t2019 1012312019 Complets Complaint received lony Migliotti 23S-253- r282 PGf29 lnilial lnspection PaulaGuy 10n8p:019 10n88419 No Violation (s) Found Onsite visit did nol observe any salvage yard debris s€e imagas. GuyPaula 10EgnO19 12:09 PM Enter Case Disposition PaulaGuy 10128/2019 10t288A19 Complele Atlach Piclure(s)PaulaGuy 10/28/2019 10f28t2019 Compl€le CE Case Besearch PaulaGuy 1088t2019 1012812019 Complete Previous case hislory of numerous violalions. Needs lurlher research lo local€ sile devolopmenl plan. no plan localed Sire or City view or CD Plus. research old code cases lor more information PG#29 GuyPaula 10P.U2019 12:08 PM lnilial lnspeclion Follow-up PaulaGuy 1061/2019 11t1t2019 No Violalion (s! Found (conlacl property owner. CP79) Localsd contacl numb€r 239-352-81 81 Slan Fogg relurned my call 239'465-3257 I advised of complainl lor lho nursory running a salvage yard. he conlirmed he only has agricullural materials on lhe property and doos nol collecl or salvage any types of melals or debris which was also my observation whi,e onsite for initiat inspection. GuyPaula 1110112019 4:10 PM Enter Case Disposilion p€rezcristina 11,4m19 1 r/1512019 Complete Verify Conditions & Cbse Case perezcrislina 1 1/1512019 'rr/158019 Complete Vlolallon llescrlptlon Status Entered Conoctod Amount Comments Tlde Reaaon B6sull Compllance Fine/Day Condhlon Business Managemeni & Budget Otlice 2 COLLIER COUNTY SPECIAL MAGISTRATq RULES AND REGULATIONS ARTICLE T Name The name of this Governing Authority shall be the Collier County Special Magistrate. ARTICLE II Jurisdiction The Special Magistrate has jurisdiction over those matters which are set lbrth in all ordinances of Collier County, Florida. ARTICLE III Meetins Requirements Secrion l. Regular Meetings. Regulnr meetings ofthe Special Magistrate shall be held at least once monthly, and as required, in the Collier County Commission Chambcrs, and/or at other times and places as needed, and determined by the Special Magistrale, The Chambers will be open to the public at 8:15 a.m. Pre-hearing confercnce proceedings willbegin at 8:30 a.m. with hearings commencing at 9:00 a.m. Section 2. Records. All records of regular and special meetings or hearing shall be open to the public. Section 3. Procedure. Parliamentary procedure in Special Magistrate meetings shallbc governed by the Rules and Regulations contained herein. ARTICLE IY Order of Business Section l. as follows: The Order of Business to be fiollowed at meetings ofthe Special Magistrate is CALI- TO ORDER-Special Magistrate Brenda Garretson presiding Hearing Rules and Regulations I. A. EXHIBIT D I II. APPROVAL OF AOENDA III, APPROVAL OF MINUTES N. MOTIONS A. Motions for Continuance B. Motions for Extension of Time V. STIPULATTONS VI. PUBLIC HEARTNCS VII. NEW BUSTNESS A. Motions for Reduction/Abatement of Fines B. Motions for tmposition of Fines and Lien VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. Motions to Amend Previously Issued Order B. Motions to Rescind Previously Issued Order Ix. CONSENT AGENDA A. Request to Forward Cases to County Attorney's Oflice as Referenced in Submitted Executive Summary B. Request for Special Magistrate to Impose Nuisance Abatement l,iens on Cases Referenced in Submitted Executive Summary X. REPORTS XI. NEXT MEETING DATE XII. ADJOURNMENT Section 2. The order of business may be amended, supplemented or suspended by decision of the Special Magistrate, ARTICLE V lnitiation of Actions before the Special Maeisuare Section I. Actions before the Special Magistratc shall be initiated by tho filing of a document with the Office of the Special Magistrate by a Code Enforcement lnvestigator, Sherifls Deputy, Domestic Animal Scrviccs Ofliccr, or other County Offrcial with ths polvcrs to issuc 2 citations, which document shall include a statement of the facts and circumstances of the alleged violation and shall identiS the code or ordinance that has been violated. This charging document may take the form of a Notice of Violation orof a citation. The Special Magistrate may also initiate action based on evidence presented at a hearing. Section 2. If the action is initiated pursuant to &e issuance of a citation, the alleged violator may pay a fine in the amount sct forth on the citation and/or correct thc violation, or may requost a hearing before thc Special Magistrate. Sqption 3. The OfIice of the Special Magistrate shall assign B case number to each case and schedule a hearing. Section 4. The Office ofthe Special Magistrate shall send out a Notice of Hearing along with a copy of the Rules and Regulations to the alleged violator by either certified mail, return receipt requested, hand dclivery upon a party, posting on the properg and at the courthousc, or in any manner authonzed as provided by the Ordinance establishing the Special Magistrate. The Office of the Special Magistrate shall provide Notice to the issuing officer and thc alleged violator as hercin provided at least len (10) days prior to the hearing at which the alleged violator's case will be presented to the Special Magistrate. Section 5. The Notice of Hearing shall inform the alleged violator that he or she is permitted to provide an answer/response packet of information to the Office of the Special Magistrate for distribution to the Special Magistrate at the Hearing. In order to have the information submitted to the Special Magistrate, the alleged violator shall submit three (3) copies of his or her information the Office of the Special Magistrate three (3) business days prior to the scheduled hearing. Section 6. At the discretion of the Special Magistrate, the timelines set forth in this Article can be abbreviated or set aside by the Spccial Magistrate to address the alleged violation in order to avoid damage to the health, safety and welfare of the cilizens of Collier County, Florida, or in the interest ofjustice. ARTICLE VI Pre-heqfin g Prqqsdgres Section l. Pre-hearing conference between parties. The RespondenU alleged violator and Code Enforcement Investigator or other issuing officer are required to have a pre-hearing conference prior to the scheduled hearing. At the pre-hearing conference the following may occur: a. The RespondenU alleged violator may be asked if he/she wishes lo contcst the violation(s). If so, the case shall proceed on the agenda as stated in Adcle IV. b. In lieu of a hearing, the parties may stipulate to an agreed Order by signing a writtcn Stipulation, subject to the approval of the Special Magistrate. 3 c, If proceeding to hearing, the parties may stipulate to any facts, exhibits or other evidence to be introduced into the record, which are not in dispute. d. The names and addresses of witnesses to be called may be exchanged. Any facts or evidence stipulated to shall be prescnted to the Special Magistrate along with any pre-hearing packets, agreements or stipulations either party intends to provide to the Special Magistrate. Section 2. Pre-hearing Motions. Any motion for any rcason to be filed by the Rcspondent/alleged violator or the lssuing Officer shall be delivered to the Offrce of the Special Magistrate and thc opposing party, or their counsel, if applicable, at least five (5) business days prior to the hearing. The person filing the motion shall provide the Oflice of the Special Magistrate with three (3) copies of thc motion. ll'he Sccretary to the Special Magistrate will then distribute the motions to the Special Magistrate at the hearing. The Special Magistrate may waive the requirements set forth in the paragraph under exccptional circumstances. ARTICLE VII I{earinss Section l. Due Process. Formal rules of evidence shall not apply, but fundamental due process shall be observed. The Special Magistrate is without jurisdiction to hear any ststement, argurnent or evidence allcging that any provision of the county's ordinances is unenforceable due to eonflict with the Constitutions of the United States or State of Florida, Florida Statutes, administrative agency regulations, other county ordinances, or court decisions. Section 2. Procedures. The following procedures will be observed at hearings before the Special Magistrate: a. Where notice of hearing has been provided in accordance with Florida Statutes, Section 16?,12, and Collier County Ordinance # 2007 44, as amended, a hearing may proceed in the absence of thc Respondentlalleged violator. b. The Special Magistrate shall announce the case before hearing testimony. c. Thc RespondenValleged violator shall state hiVher full legal name, mailing address and physical residence. d. If the Respondent/alleged violator is not present and is represented by a person other thalr an attomey, the Respondent/alleged violator shall provide to the Special Magistrate proof that the individual appearing has permission to represent him/her at the hearing. e. Presentations of a case may be limited to tcn (10) minutes per party, including testimony of all witnesses. If the Respondent/alleged violator believes that additional time is required, he/she shall notifo the Secretary to the Special Magistrate prior to the scheduled hearing. f. In those cases initiated by citation in which the Respondent/alleged violator had requested the hearing, the Respondent/nlleged violator shall proceed first with thc presentaiion of his4rer evidence in opposition to the facts alleged in the citation. g. In those cases initiated by a Notice of Violation, the County shall proceed first with the presentation of its evidence to prove that a violation has occurred. h. Any evidence which is sought to be introduced by a party during the parry's presentation is admitted at the discretion of the Special Magistrate and may be objected to by the opposing side. If neccssary the Special Magistrate may grant a recess or continuance to examine said evidcnce. i. All persons testiffing before the Special Magistrate shall do so under sworn oarh. j. Each side may be permitted to make brief opening statements, il rcquested. Tlre County shall present its case and Respondent/allcged violator shall present hislher case in the order outlined herein above at Article VII, Paragraphs f. and g. Both parties shall have an opportunity ro cross-examine any person testiling for the opposing party. k. Any person who can provide relevant evidence regarding an alleged violation, and wishes to testify, should notiff the Secretary of the Special Magistrate prior to commencement of the public hearing. Testimony may be limited to no more than five (5) minutes unlcss extended by the Special Magistrate. l, The Special Magistrate may question any witness (es) or call any witness (es) as necessary. m, The right of the parties to prcsent rebuttal evidence is discretionary with the Special Magistrate. n. Upon completion of all the evidence, each side may be permitted to make brief closing arguments and the Special Magistratc shall close the hearing. o. The Special Magistrate shall dctermine whether the County has proven by competent substantial evidence that a violation has occurred. If the determination is made that a violation has occuned, the Special Magistrate shall then decide what corrective action and potential fines shall be appropriate. Ifthc Special Magistrate does not find that a violation has occurred, the charge shalt be dismissed. p. The Special Magistrate, upon finding a Respondent in violation. shall issue an oral Order to Comply. setting a date certain for compliance. The Order shall contain Findings of Facr and Conclusions of Law and state the corrective action ordered by the Special Magistrate, and the deadline datc for compliance. The Special Magistrate may inctude in such Order a fine &mount which will begin to accrue in the event of non-compliance by the date set for compliance. In determining the amount of the fine, if any, the Special Magistrate shall consider the following factors: I ) The gravity of the violation; 2) Any potential health, safety and welfare issues; 5 3) Any actions taken by the violator to correct the violation; 4) Any previous violations committed by the violator; and 5) Any other relevant factors. Such fine shalt not exceed One Thousand Dollars (S I,000.00) for each day the violation continues past the specified compliance date and Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for repeat violations for each day the violation continues past the specified compliance date. In addition, the Respondent/violator may be ordered to pay any operational and/or administrative costs incuned by the County. Said Order shall be reduced to writing and mailed to the Respondenr/violaror within tcn (10) days. q. In the event the violation is a violation described in Section 162.06(4), Fla. Srat., the Special Magistrate shall notiff the local governing body, which may make all reasonable repairs required to bring the property into compliance and charge the violator the reasonable costs of repairs along with the fine and any operational or administrative costs. r. A party may move for a rehearing of the Special Magistrate Order, based only on the ground that the decision was contrary to the evidence or that the hearing involved an error on a ruling of law, which was fundamental to the decision of the Special Magistrate. The written Motion for Rehearing shall specify the precise reasons thereof. A Motion for Rehearing shall be in writing and sent 1o the Oflice of the Special Magistrate within ten ( I 0) days of the date the Order is rece ived by the party, but in no event more than twenty (20) days from the date of mailing of the Order. The Order of the Special Magistrate shall be stayed and the time for taking an appeal tolled until the Motion for Rehearing has been disposed of and the decision received by the parties; provided, however, that in no event shall the Ordcr be stayed for a period longerthan twenty (20) days hom the date of the mailing of the rehearing decision. s. The Special Magistmte shall make a determination as to whether or not to rehear the matter and the decision shall be announced at a public meeting, reduced to uriting and rnailed to the interested parties within t 0 days after the decision is made. If the Special Magistrate determines that a rehearing will be granted, &e Special Magisrate may: ( I ) Schedule a hearing where the parties will be given the opportunity of presenting evidence or argument limited by the Special magistrate to the specific reasons for which the rehearing was granted; or (2) Modiff or revsrse its prior Order, without receiving further evidence, providing that the change is bascd on a finding that thc prior decision of the Special Magistrate resulted from a ruling on a question of law which the Special Magistrate has been informed was an eroneous ruling. t. Any aggrieved party may appeal a final Order ofthe Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appeated. An appeal shall not be a hearing de novo (a new hearing), but shall be limited to appellate reviewof the record created. Filing nn Appeal will not automatically stay the Special Magistrate's Order. A written Motion for Stay must be submitted to the Special Magistrate with a copy to the opposing parry. The parry filing rhe appeal will be responsible for obtaining and paying for the transcript of the proceedings. 6 ARTICLE VIII Reduction or Abatement of Fines Prior to Imposition of Fine Section l. A motion for Reduction or Abatement of Fines shall be in the fon'n of a written request. The Motion should contain the following information: &. Name, and address of named Respondent; b. Names of all owners of the property which is the subject of the violation; c. Physical address ofsubject property; d. Nature of violation; e. Description of abatement of violation and date of abatement; f. Mitigating factors that Respondent believes warrants a reduction or abatement of fines; g, Any other factors the Respondent may wish to have considered by the Special Magistrate h. Signature of Respondent; and i. All supporting docurnentation ln the event the abatement could not be accomplished, the violation was not complctely abated, or the violation was not abated in a timcly manner in accordance with thc Ordcr of the Special Magistrate, the Respondent shall include in the Motion for Reduction/Abatement of Fines a detailed description of the efforts undertaken for abatement, the details of any diligent attempt to abate the violation, an explanation as to why the violation was not timely abated or cannot be abated, and supporting documenlation of the contents of the Motion. The Respondent should provide the Oflice ofthe Special Magistmte three (3) copies of the Motion for Reduction/Abatement of Fines, attaching all supporting documentation. A Motion for Reduction/Abatement of Fines may be made after a violation had been abated. Under no circurnstances may a Motion for Reduction/Abatement of Fines be made after the Special Magistrate has authorized foreclosure by the County Attorney's Office. Section 2. Upon proper filing of a Motion for Reduction/Abatement of Fines, the Officc of the Special Magistrate shall set the Motion on the next available agcnda ofthe Spccial Magistrate. The feilure of the Respondent to comply with the requirements set forth above may be grounds for dismissal of the Motion by the Special Magistrate. Such dismissal shall be without prejudice ro the Respondent to {ile another request in accordance with these Rules. Section 3. Upon the proper filing of a Motion for Reduction/Abatemenr of Fines, the Special Magistrate may consider the following factors: a. The gravity of the violation; b. Actions taken by the Respondent to correct the violation; 7 c. Whether there werc previous violations cornmitted by the violator; d. The cost upon the violator to correct the violation; e. The reasonable time necessary to corect the violation; f. The value of the real estate compared to the amount of the fine4ien; g. Any hardship the fine/lien would cause on the Rcspondent; h. The time and cost incurred by Codc Enforcement to have the violation corected; i. Any other equitable factors which would make the requested mitigation appropriate. S€ction 4. The Respondent shall have the burden of proof to show why a fine/lien should be reduced or abated. Thc hearing shall be conducted according to Article VII of these Rules, where applicable. Section 5. The Special Magistrate will not rc-hear a motion for reduction of fines oncc a decision has been reached on a previous motion for reduction of fines. Section 6. The Special Magistrate's decision to grant or deny mitigation of an Order lrnposing Fineilien shall be reduced to writing and a sertified copy ofan Order imposing a fine shall be recorded in the public records and thereafter shall constitute a lien against the land on which the violation exists and upon any other real property or personal property owned by the violator in Collier County, Florida. Any aggrieved party may appeal a final Order of the Special Magistrate to the Circuit Court within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Order appealed. An appeal shall not bc a hearing de novo (a new hearing), but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created. Filing an Appeal will not automatically stay the Special Magistrate's Order. A written Motion for Stay must be submitted to the Special Magisrate with a copy to the opposing party. The party filing the appeal will be responsible for obtaining and paying for the transcript of the proceedings. SRTICLE IX Imposition of Fines Section L Upon the date for compliance in a written Ordcr of the Special Magistrate, the Code Enforcement lnvestigator shall make a re-inspection to determine compliance or non- compliance with the Order of the Special Magistrate. Section 2. The Code Enforcement Investigator shall file an Aflidavit of Compliance or Non-Compliance with the Secretary to lhe Special Magistrate. A copy of said Affidavit may be sent to the violator by regular U.S. mail and recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Section 3. Upon a Motion for Imposition of Fines being filed by the County, the Oflice of the Special Magistrate shall set the Motion for hearing belbre the Special Magistrate with proper notice to the Respondent/violator.Any pending Motion for Abatement/Reduction of Fines shall be set on the same date for hearing of the County's Motion, when received in a timely manner. This hearing shall not be a trial de novo or a new hearing on the original case. The County may present evidence of the period of non-compliance, the amount of daily fines and the total amount of fine requested to be imposed, as well as any operational costs incurred or to be imposed. Respondent may be given the opportunity to present any written Motion for AbatcmcnUReduction of Fines and any testimony in support thereof. RespondenUviolator may also, at the discrelion of the Special Magistrate, be given the opportunity to present testimony regarding efforts made toward compliance and abatement, which may be considered as mitigating circumstances. In rebuttal, the County may be given the opportunity to present testi mony regardin g aggravsti ng circumstanccs. Section 4. The Special Magistrate shall determine the amount of fines as applicable to be imposed. In detennining the amount of the {ines, if any, the Special Magistrate shall consider the lollowing factors: a) The gravity of the violation; b) Any actions taken by the violator to corrcct the violation c) Any previous violations committed by the RespondenUviolator; and d) Any other relevant factors The daily fine amount to be assessed upon non-compliance shall be as designated in the Order of the Special Magistrate in which Respondent was ordered to comply. In addition, the Respondent/violator may bc ordered to pay any operational and/or administrative costs incurred. In the event the violation(s) haVtrave not bcen abated at the time of the hearing on the Motion for Imposition of fines, the Spccial Magistrate may dctcrmine if daily {ines shall continue to accruc or if a stay is appropriate, The Special Magistrate's determination to impose operational costs and/or fines shall be reduced to writing and a copy of the Order Imposing Fine/Lien shall be mailed to the violator by regular U.S. mail or served upon the violator as specified by the Ordinance. Section 5. A certified copy of an Ordcr of Imposition of Fines shall be recorded in the public records of Collier County, Florida, and therealler shall constitute a lien against the land on which the violation exists and upon any other real property or personal property owned by the violator and located in Collier County, Florida. Upon pctition to the Circuit Court, such Order may be enforced in the same manner as a court judgment by the Sheriffs of the State, including levy against personal property, but shall not be deemed to be a court judgment except for enforcemcnt purposes. In the event the violation(s) haslhave not been abated at the time of the hearing on the Motion for Imposition of Fines, the Special Magistrate may determine if daily fines shall continue to accrue or if a stay is appropriate. A fine imposed pursuant to the party shall continue to accrue until the violator comes into compliance or until judgment is rendered in a suit to foreclose on a lien filed pursuant to the ordinance, whichever comes first. After ninety (90) days from the filing of any such lien, which remains unpaid, the Special Magistrate rnay authorize the attomey representing the Board of County Commissioners to forcclose on the lien. No lien created pursuant to this ordinance may be foreclosed on real property, which is homestead under Section 4, Article X of the Florida Constitution. Sectio;t 6. No lien imposed pursuanl to this article shall continue for a period longer than twenty (20) years after the cedfied copy of an Order of Imposition of Fine/Lien has been 9 rccorded, unless within that time an action to foreclose on the lien is commenced in a court of competent jurisdiction. In an action to foreclose on a lien, the prevailing party is entitled to recover all costs, including a reasonable attorney's fee, incurred by that party in the foreclosure action. ARTICLE X MiscelLaneous Section l. These Rules and Regulations may be revised and adopted consistent with state statutes and county ordinances during a regular meeting. Section 2. The Special Magistrate shall not knowingly discuss any case with any alleged violator or with any other interested pa4y prior to the final resolution of the case. Section 3. In the event a violation is occurring on property under multiple ownership and/or in which there is a tenant and there is the potential that the other property owner(s)' or tenant(s)' interest will be affected by the Special Magistrate's decision, the Code Enforcement Investigator may include the property owner and/or tenant as Respondent to the case. Section 4. lntervention by non-parties may be permitted ifthe non-parry has been found by the Special Magistrate to be a person affected by the outcome of the case. Section 5, The Special Magistrate has discretion to ask for periodic reports from County staff as to the status of cases. Sectiqn 6. In the event of a conflict between these Rules and Regulations and the provisions of any ordinance(s) or statute(s) applicable to the Special Magistrate, the provisions of the ordinance(s) or statute(s) shall prevail. Section 7. Any case in which there has been a hearing by the Special Magistrate prior to the adoption of these Rules and Regulations shall be govemed by the previously adopted rules and regulations in effect at the time of the hearing. r. THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS, As Amended, ARE HEREBY APPROVED this}t-, Oay or Nrahrrb,tr ,2016. COLLIf,R COUNTY SPECIAL MAGISTRATE C. Garetson Special Magistrate l0 . Statutes & Constitution :View Starules : Online Sunshine http://www.leg.state.ll.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_S... Select Year: 2019 t Go The zorg Florida Statutes Title Xl Chapter 162 View Entire COUNTY ORGANIZATION AND COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL CODE @reI INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS ENFoRCEMENT 162.03 Applicability.- (1) Each county or municipatity may, at its option, create or abotish by ordinance [oca[ governrnent code enforcement boards as provided herein. (2) A charter county, a noncharter county, or a municipatity may, by ordinance, adopt an atternate code enforcernent system that gives code enforcement boards or special magistrates designaied by the [oca[ governing body, or both, the authority to hotd hearings and assess fines against viotators of the respective county or municipat codes and ordinances. A speciat magistrate shatt have the same stat$ as an enforcement board under this chapter. References in this chapter to an enforcement board, except in s. 162.05, shalt include a special magistrate if the context permits. History,-ss. 1,2, ch.80-300; s.3, ch. 82-37; s.2, ch.86-201; s. 1, ch.87-129; s.2, ch. 89-268; s. 2, ch. 99.360; s. 63, ch. 2004.1 1. Note,-- Former s. 166.051. Copyright o 1995-2020 The Ftorida Legislature . Privacy_$lgggg! . Contact Us lofl EXHIBIT E 8l3l20.l2:20 PM ' Statutes & Constitution :View Sratutes : Online Sunshine http://www.leg.state.fl .us/statutes/index.cfm?App-mode=Display_S.. Setect Year: 2019 H Go The zorg Florida Statutes Titte Xl Chaplger!62 View Entire COUNTY ORGANIZATION AND COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL CODE Chapteg INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS ENFoRCEMENT 162.03 Local government code enforcement boards; organization.* (1) The locat governing body may appoint one or more code enforcement boards and [ega[ counsel for the enforcement boards. The tocat governing body of a county or a municipatity that has a population of less than 5,000 persons may appoint five-member or seven-member code enforcement boards. The tocat governing body of a county or a municipatity that has a poputation equal to or greater than 5,000 persons must appoint seven-member code enforcement boards. The tocat governing body may appoint up to two atternate members for each code enforcement board to serve on the board in the absence of board members. (2\ Members of the enforcement boards shalt be residents of the municipatity, in the case of municipal enfcrcement boards, or residents of the county, in the case of county enforcement boards. Appointments shatt be made in accordance with appticabte law and ordinances on the basis of experience or interest in the subject matter jurisdiction of the respective code enforcement board, in the sote discretion of the locat governing body. The membership of each enforcement board shall, whenever possible, inctude an architect, a businessperson, an engineer, a general contractor, a subcontractor, and a reattor. (3Xa) The initiat appointments to a seven-member code enforcement board shatt be as fottows: 1. Two members appointed for a term of I year each. 2. Three members appointed for a term of 2 years each. 3. Two members appointed for a term of 3 years each. (b) The initiat appointments to a five-member code enforcement board shatt be as fottows: 1. one member appointed for a term of 1 year. 7.. Two members appointed for a term of 2 years each. 3. Two rnembers appointed for a term of 3 years each. Thereafter, any appointment shatl be made for a term of 3 years. (c) The [ocat governing body of a county or a municipatity that has a population of less than 5,000 persons may reduce a seven'member code enforcement board to five members upon the simuttaneous expiration of the terms of office of two members of the board. (d) A member may be reappointed upon approvat of the [ocat governing body. (e) An appointment to fitt any vacancy on an enforcement board shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of office. lf any member faits to attend two of three successive meetings without cause and without prior approvat of the chair, the enforcement board shatt declare the member's office vacant, and the local governing body sha[[ promptty filt such vacancy' (f) The rnembers shatt serve in accordance with ordinances of the [oca[ governing body and may be suspended and removed for cause as provided in such ordinances for removal of members of boards. lof 2 &|YZA.l2:21 PM .Slatutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine http://www.leg.state.fl .us/slatutes/i ndex.cfm?App-mode=Display-S... (4) The members of an enforcement board shatl elect a chair, who shatt be a votinE member, from among the members of the board. The presence of four or more members shatt constitute a quorum of any seven-member enforcement board, and the presence of three or more members shatl constitute a quorum of any five-member enforcement board. Members shatl serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for such travet, mileage, and per diem expenses as may be authorized by the [oca[ governing body or as are otherwise provided by taw. {5} The tocal governing body attorney shatt either be counset to an enforcement board or shall represent the municipality or county by presenting cases before the enforcement board, but in no case shatt the locat governing body attorney serve in both capacities. History. 5. 1, ch. 60.300; s. 5, ch, 82-17; s. 4, ch. 86'201; s. Z, ch. 87-129; s. {, ch. 89-268; s. l, ch. 94'291; s. 144'l ' ch. 95-147. Note. Former s. 166.055. Copyright o 1995.2020 The Florida Legislature . Privacy-5!g!Cgg!! . Contact Us 2ot2 813/30.12:21 PM Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine The eorg Florida Statutes http;/lwwrv.leg.state.ri.us/statutes/index.cfm?App-mode=Display_.S... Select Year: ?019 E*BY Go Tirte xl View Entire ChapterCOUNTY ORGANIZATION AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS 162.06 Enforcementprocedure.- t1 ) lt shatt be the duty of the code inspector to initiate enforcement proceedings of the various codes; however, no member of a board shatl have the power to initiate such enforcement proceedings. (2', Except as provided in subsections (3) and (4), if a viotation of the codes is found, the code inspector shatl notify the violator and give him or her a reasonable time to correct the viotation. Shoutd the viotation continue beyond the time specified for correction, the code inspector shatt notify an enforcement board and request a hearing. The code enforcement board, through its clericat staff, shatl schedute a hearing, and written notice of such hearing shatt be hand delivered or maited as provided in s. 167.12 ro said viotator. At the option of the code enforcement board, notice may additionalty be served by pubtication or posting as provided in s. 162.12. lf the viotation is corrected and then recurs or if the viotation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the code inspector, the case may be presented to the enforcement board even if the viotation has been corrected prior to the board hearing, and the notice sha[[ so state. (3) lf a repeat viotation is found, the code inspector shatt notify the viotator but is not required to gfve the violator a reasonable time to correct the viotation. The code inspector, upon notifying the viotator of a repeat violation, shatt notify an enforcement board and request a hearing. The code enforcement board, through its ctericat staff, shatl schedute a hearing and shall provide notice pursuant to s. !!!!]. The case may be presented to the enforcement board even if the repeat violation has been corrected prior to the board hearing, and the notice shatt so state. lf the repeat viotation has been corrected, the code enforcement board retains the right to schedute a hearing to determine costs and impose the payment of reasonabte enforcement fees upon the repeat violator. The repeat viotator may choose to waive his or her rights to this hearing and pay said costs as determined by the code enforcement board. (4) lf the code inspector has reason to believe a viotation or the condition causing the viotation presents a serious threat to the pubtic heatth, safety, and wetfare or if the viotation is irreparabte or irreyers'ible in nature, the code inspector shatt make a reasonabte effor! to notify the viotator and may immediatety notify the enforcement board and request a hearing. (5) lf the owner of property that is subject to an enforcement proceeding before an enforcement board, special magistrate, or court transfers ownership of such property between the time the initial pteading was served and the time of the hearing, such owner shatl: (a) Disclose, in writing, the existence and the nature of the proceeding to the prospective transferee. (b) Deliver to the prospective transferee a copy of the pteadings, notices, and other materiats retating to the code enforcement proceeding received by the transferor' (c) Disclose, in writing, to the prospective transferee that the new owner witt be responsible for compliance with the appticabte code and with orders issued in the code enforcement proceeding. Chap;191_11i2 COUNW OR MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT I of 2 8/3/20. l2:21 PM Statutcs & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine hnp://www.leg.stalc.fl.us/stalutcs/i ndcx.cfm?App-mode=Display*S... (d) File a notice with the code enforcement officiat of the transfer of the property, with the identity and address of the new owner and copies of the disctosures made to the new owner, within 5 days after the date of the transfer. A faiture to make the disctosures described in paragraphs ta), (b), and (c) before the transfer creates a rebuttable presumption of fraud, lf the property is transferred before the hearing, the proceeding shalt not be dismissed, but the new owner shatt be provided a reasonable period of time to correct the violation before the hearing is hetd. Hiitory" -s. '1. ch. 80-300; s. 5, ch. 86-201; s. 1, ch. 87-391; s. 5, ch. 89-268; s. 2, ch. 94-291; s. 1442, ch.95-1471 s. 2, ch. 96-385: s. 4, ch. 99-160; s.64, ch. 2004-11. Note. Former s. 166.056. Copyright $ 1995-2020 lhe Florida Legislature . Privacy-5!g!gg!g!! . Contact Us 2of2 8ll/20. l2:21 PM Statutes & Constitution :Vierv Statttcs : Online Sunshine http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App-mode=Display_S.. Select Year: 2019 8T Go The zorg Florida Statutes Titte Xl Chap;lgLlga View Entire COUNTY ORGANIZATION AND COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL CODE Chaptel INTERGOVERNMENTAL RTLATIONS ENFSRCEMENT 162,41 Conduct of hearing.* (1) Upon request of the code inspector, or at such other times as may be necessary, the chair of an enforcement board may catl a hearing of an enforcement board; a hearing atso may be catled by written notice signed by at teast three members of a seven.member enforcement board or signed by at [east two members of a five-member enforcement board, Minutes shatt be kept of att hearings by each enforcement board, and a( hearings and proceedings shatt be open to the pubtic. The locat governing body shatt provide clericai and administrative personnet as may be reasonabty required by each enforcement board for the proper performance of its duties. (2) Each case before an enforcement board shatt be presented by the local governing body attorney or by a member of the administrative staff of the local governing body. lf the [ocal governing body prevaits in prosecuting a case before the enforcement board, it shatt be entitled to recover atl costs incurred in prosecuting the case before the board and such costs may be inctuded in the lien authorized under s. 162.0e{3). (3) An enforcement board shatl proceed to hear the cases on the agenda for that day. Atl testimony shatt be under oath and shatl be recorded. The enforcement board shatl take testimony from the code inspector and atteged violator. Formal rules of evidence shalt not appty, but fundamental due process shatl be observed and shall govern the proceedings. t4) At the conctusion of the hearing, the enforcement board shall issue findings of fact, based on evidence of record and concturions of law, and shatt issue an order affording the proper retief consistent with powers granted herein. The finding shalt be by motion approved by a majority of those rnembers present and voting, except that at least four members of a seven-member enforcement board, or three members of a five-member enforcement board, must vote in order for the action to be officiat. The order may inctude a notice that it must be comptied with by a specified date and that a fine may be imposed and, under the conditions specified in s. 162.09(1), the cost of repairs may be inciuded along with the fine if the order is not comptied with by said date. A certified copy of such order may be recorded in the pubtic records of the county and shall constitute notice to any subsequent purchasers, Successors in interest, or assigns if the viotation concerns reat property, and the findings therein shatt be binding upon the violator and, if the viotation concerns reat property, any subsequent purchasers, successors in interest, or assigns. lf an order is recorded in the pubtic records pursuant to this subsection and the order is complied with by the date specified in the order, the enforcement board shalt issue an order acknowtedging comptiance that shatl be recorded in the pubtic records. A hearing is not required to issue such an order acknowtedging comptiance. Hlrtory. s. l, ch.8O-300i s.6, ch.82-37: s.44, ch. 83'2.171 s' 6, ch' 86'?0ll s' 6, ch.89-?68;5. l, ch.94"291; s. 1443' ch, 95-147; s. Z, ch. 95.297. lof 2 8Bl2A.12:22?M Statutes & Constitution :Vicw Statutcs : Online Sunshine l{ote. --Former s. 166.057. http://www"leg.state.fl .us/slat utes/index.cfm?App-mode=Display-S copyright 0 1995-2020 The Rorida Legislature . EdyggyllgIgegll . contact us 2of2 8/3/20.12:22PM Statutes & Constitution :View Statulcs : Onlinc Sunshine http://www.leg.state.ll.us/statutcs/indcx,cl m?App-mode=Display*S... Select Year: 2o1g Go The zorg Florida Statutes Titte Xl Chapjerloe View Entire COUNTY ORGANIZATION AND COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL CODE Chagg INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS ENFoRCEMENT 152.08 Powers of enforcement boards,-Each enforcement board shatl have the power to: (1 ) Adopt rutes for the conduct of its hearings. (2) Subpoena atteged violators and witnesses to its hearings. Subpoenas may be served by the sheriff of the county or potice department of the municipatity. (3) Subpoena evidence to its hearings. (4) Take testimony under oath. (5) lssue orders having the force of taw to command whatever steps are necessary to bring a violation into compliance. Hirtory..*s. 1, ch. 80-300: s. 7, ch. 82-37: s. 7. ch. 86'201; s. 7' €h' 89-268. Note.- Former s. 166.058. Copyright o 1995-2020 The Florida Legislature . Privacy-$9,!94991 . Contact Us lofl 8t3t20.12:22PM g Ct)ilier County. FL Code of Ordinances Sec. 2-2025. - Enforcement procedures. Matters brought to the Enforcement Board not sitting as a Nuisance Abatement Board, or to the Special Magistrate, shall be scheduled on the applicable agenda consistent with the following procedures: (1) Alleged violations of any code or ordinance may be filed with the Code Enforcement Department by citizens or those administrative officials who have the responsibility of enforcing the various codes and ordinances in force in Collier County. (2) lf a violation(s) of a code or ordinance is believed to exist, the Code Enforcement Officer shall provide notice and specify a reasonable time to correct the violation(s). Notice shall be given in writing and shall specifiT the alleged violation, the required corrective action and the time period for correction. (3) Should any violation continue beyond the time specified for correction, the Secretary to the Enforcement Board or Special Magistrate shall give notice to the Violator that a hearing will be conducted concerning the alleged violation(s) as noticed. The notice shall state the time and place of the hearing, as well as the violation(s)which are alleged to exist. (4) lf the violation is corrected and then reoccurs, or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction in the notice, the Code Enforcement Officer may either issue a citation or schedule the case for hearing, and the notice of hearing shallso state. lf the Code Enforcement Officer initiates the hearing process, the case may be brought for hearing even if the violation has been corrected prior to hearing, and the notice of hearing shall so state. (5) lf the code Enforcement officer has reason to believe a violation or the condition causing the violation presents a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare or if the violation is irreparable or irreversible in nature, the Code Enforcement Officer shall make a reasonable effort to notii/ the Violator and may immediately notiry the Enforcement Board or Special Magistrate and request a hearing. Under such circumstances, the Code Enforcement Officer shall not be required to adhere to the notice and time requirements as set forth above. (6) lf a repeat violation is found, the Code Enforcement Officer shall notify the Violator but is not required to give the Violator reasonable time to correct the EXHIBIT F about:blank I of6 8t3/2O,12:25 PM Collier County. FL Code of Ordinanccs violation. The Code Enforcement Officer, upon notif,/ing the Violator of a repeat violation, may request a hearing. The Code Enforcement Department shall give notice to the Violator as set forth in this Ordinance. The case may be brought for hearing even if the repeat violation has been corrected prior to hearing, and the notice of hearing shall so state, (7) lf the owner of property which is subject to an Enforcement Board or Special Magistrate proceeding transfers ownership of such property between the time the notice of violation was served and the time of the hearing, such owner shall: a. Disclose, in writing, the existence and the nature of the proceeding to the prospective transferee; b. Deliver to the prospective transferee a copy of the notices and other materials relating to the code enforcernent proceeding received by the Violator/transferor; c. Disclose, in writing, to the prospective transferee that the new owner will be responsible for compliance with the applicable code and with orders issued in the Enforcement Board or Special Magistrate proceeding; and d. File a notice with the Code Enforcement Department of the transfer of the property, with the identity and address of the new owner and copies of the disclosures made to the new owner, within five days after the date of the transfer. A failure to make the disclosure described above and before the transfer creates a rebuttable presumption of fraud. lf the property is transferred before the hearing, the hearing shall not be dismissed, but the new owner shall be provided a reasonable period of time to correct the violation before the hearing is held. (Ord. No.2010-04,51) Sec. 2-2028. - Subpoena procedures for Enforcement Board, Nuisance Abatement Board, and Special Magistrate. (a) Every subpoena for testimony before an Enforcement Board, Nuisance Abatement Board or Special Magistrate shall be approved in advance of issuance by the Enforcement Board, Nuisance Abatement Board or Special Magistrate, respectively. Each subpoena shall state the name of the Enforcement Board, the title of the action, about:blank 2 of 6 813/20, l2:25 PM C0{lier County. FL Code of Ordinances the case number of the action, the name and address of the person to whom the subpoena is issued, and the time, place and location of the hearing at which the person is directed to appear, and shall be prepared by the party requesting issuance. (b) A subpoena for production of documentary evidence may also be issued to command the person to whom it is directed to produce the books, papers, documents or tangible items designated therein. The Enforcement Board, upon motion made timely and in any event at or before the time specified in the subpoena for compliance therewith, may: {1} quash or modify the subpoena if it is unreasonable or oppressive; or (2) condition denial of the motion upon the advancement by the person on whose behalf the subpoena is issued of the reasonable cost of producing the requested books, papers, documents or tangible items. (c) A subpoena may be served by any person authorized by law to serve process or by any other person who is not a party to the action and who is not less than 18 years of age. Proof of such service shall be made by affidavit of the person making service if not served by an officer authorized by law to do so. Proof of service shall be filed with the Secretary of the Enforcement Board. The party at whose request the service is made shall make payment of any service fee, (d) Persons subpoenaed shall be entitled to a witness fee and mileage compensation as provided for in F.S. 5 92.142. The cost of the witness fee and mileage compensation shall be borne by the party at whose request the subpoena is issued and shall be paid to the witness at or before the time of service of the subpoena. (Ord. No.2010-04, S 1) Sec. 2-2029. - Conduct of hearing. ta) Hearings relating to violations of local codes and ordinances shall be conducted in the following manner whether being held by the Code Enforcement Board, Nuisance Abatement Board or Special Magistrate: (1) Upon request of the Code Enforcement Officer, or at such times as may be necessary, a hearing before the Enforcement Board or Special Magistrate may be convened. (21 All hearings shall be open to the public and any person whose interests may be affected by the matter before the Enforcement goard shall be given an opportunity to be heard. Official minutes of all hearings shall be kept. about:blank I of 6 813/20,13:25 PM C0llicr County, FL Codc olOrdinances (3) Hearings may be informal and need not be conduded in accordance with the technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses. They shall, however, be conducted in accordance with accepted parliamentary procedures relative to motions, votes and decisions. Fundamental due process shall be observed and shall govern all hearings. (4) At the hearing, the burden of proof shall be upon the Prosecutor to show by a preponderance of the evidence that a violation(s) does exist and that the Violator committed, or was responsible for maintaining or allowing the violation to continue. (5) Where notice of the hearing has been provided to the Violator as provided for herein, a hearing may be conducted and an order rendered even in the absence of the Violator. (6) All testimony shall be under oath and shall be recorded by a certified court reporter and/or a recording instrument. The Violator may cause the proceedings to be recorded by an independent certified court reporter. (71 All relevant evidence shall be admitted if, in the opinion of the Enforcement Board or Special Magistrate, it is the type of evidence upon which reasonable persons would normally rely in the conduct of business affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law or statutory rule which might make such evidence inadmissible over objection in civil actions. Any part of the evidence may be received in written form. (8) Hearsay evidence may be accepted for the purpose of supplementing or explaining any direct evidence, but such hearsay evidence shall not in and of itself be considered sufficient to support a finding or decision. (9) Each party to the hearing shall have the right to call and examine witnesses, introduce exhibits, cross-examine opposing witnesses, impeach witnesses and rebut evidence. The Violator may be represented by legal counsel at all hearings. (10) At the conclusion of the hearing, an Order shall be issued. Orders shall be based on competent and substantial evidence entered into the record, and must be based on a preponderance of the evidence. The decision shall then be sent, by regular First Class United States Mail, to the Violator in the form of a written Order including findings of fact and conclusions of law based on evidence of record. about:tllank 4 of6 8t3t20,l2:25 PM C'ollier County, FL Code of Ordinanccs (11) Should an Enforcement Board or Special Magistrate be unable to issue a decision immediately following any hearing because of questions of law or other matters of such nature that a decision cannot be immediately made, the Enforcement Board may withhold issuing its decision until a subsequent meeting, and the Special Magistrate may withhold issuing his or her decision for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days. ln such a case, further discussion of the pending matter and all deliberations relating thereto by members of an Enforcement Board shall occur at a public meeting of the Enforcement Board. The Enforcement Board or Special Magistrate shall thereafter issue its decision pursuant to subsection (aX10) of this Section. (12) A certified copy of such order may be recorded in the public records of Collier County and shall constitute notice to any subsequent purchasers, successors in interest, or assigns as the violation(s) concern(s) real property, and the findings therein shall be binding upon the Violator and, if the violation(s) concern(s) real property, any subsequent purchasers, successors in interest, or assigns. (13) lf Collier County prevails in prosecuting a case before the Enforcement Board or Special Magistrate, it shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred in prosecuting the case, including costs incurred by the County in enforcing its codes and ordinances, and all costs of repairs incurred by the County. Whether and to what extent such costs are imposed shall be within the discretion of the Enforcement Board or Special Magistrate, but shall not exceed the costs incurred. (b) SpecialAdditional Rules for Nuisance Abatement Board. The Collier County Code Enforcement Department shall present cases before the Nuisance Abatement Board. The Collier County Sheriff's Office shall only be responsible for receiving and investigating complaints, sharing said investigative information with the Code Enforcement Department, notirying the Code Enforcement Department of the need to schedule hearings, assisting Code Enforcement Department staff in serving any notices required under this Ordinance, and making available investigative witnesses at Nuisance Abatement Board hearings. Where appropriate, the public may be given an opportunity to present oral or written communications, in which event all parties shall be given an opportunity to cross-examine, challenge, or rebut said material. After considering all evidence, the Nuisance Abatement Board may declare the place or premises to be a public nuisance, as defined by applicable County ordinances and Florida Statutes, and may enter an order immediately prohibiting: ab<lut:blank 5 of6 8/3t20.12:2,5 PM iollier County, FL Codc of 0rclinances (Ord. No. 2010-04, 5 1) about:blank (1) The maintaining of a nuisance; (2) The operating or maintaining of the place or premises, including the closure of the place or premises or any part thereof; (3) The conduct, operation or maintenance of any business or activity on the premises which is conducive to such nuisance. An Order entered under subsection (b) shall expire after one year or at such earlier time as stated in the Order. The Nuisance Abatement Board may retain jurisdiction to rnodifu its Orders prior to the expiration of said Orders. The Nuisance Abatement Board or any other authorized person, may bring a complaint under F.5. E 60.05, seeking a permanent injunrtion against any public nuisance, of6 813120, l2;25 PM