CEPM20190008606 StipulationBOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSS:ONERS Co∥ier County,FloHda Pet忙 ioner, VS Arthur Nichols&Ste∥a Nichols RespOndent(S),STIPULAT:ONrAGREEMENT ♯′0Case No CEPM20190008606 Beforeme,theundersigned,?atl',d BCOslCV,onOenafofArthurNichotsandSteilaNichots,entersinto this Stipulation and Agreement with Collier Count! as to the resolution of Notices of Violation in reference (case) number CEPM201 90008606 dated the 16th day of December, 2019. This agreement is subject to the approval of the Code Enforcement Board. lf it is not approved, the case may be heard on the scheduled Hearing date, therefore it is strongly recommended that the respondent or representative attend the Hearing. ln consideration of the disposition and resolution of the matters outlined in said Notice(s) of Violation for which a hearing is currently scheduled for July 23'd, 2020; lo promote efficiency in the administration of the code enforcement process; and to obtain a quick and expeditious resolutron of the matters outlined therein the parties hereto agree as follows.1) The violations noted in the referenced Notice of Violation are accurate and I stipulate to their existence, and that I have been properly notified pursuant to Florida Statute 162. THEREFORE, it is agreed between the parties that the Respondent shall; 1) Pay operational costs in the amount of $59.28 incurred in the prosecution of this case within 30 days of this hearing. 2) Abate all violations by: By chemically treating the pool water, killing the algae growth, and maintaining the filtration system to keep the pool water clean and providing bi-weekly treatments OR Obtaining all required Collier County building permits; inspections; and certificates of completion/occupancy for the conversion of the pool to a pond within 60 days of this hearing or a fine of $250.00 will be imposed for each day the violation continues.3) Respondent must notify Code Enforcement within 24 hours of abatement of the violation and request the lnvestigator perform a site inspection to confirm compliance. (24 hours notice shall be by phone or far and made duang ihe workweek lf lhe violation is abated 24 hours prior to a Salu.day, Sunday or legal holiday, then lhe notification musl be made on lhe next day that ls not a Saturday. Sunday or legal hotlday ) 4) That if the Respondent fails to abate the violation the County may abate the violation using any method to bring the violation into compliance and may use the assistance of the Collier County Sheriffs Office to enforce the provisions of this agreement and all costs of abatement shall be assessed to the property owner. fRepiesentative (, Supervisor ichael Ossorio, Director 7‐21-20 Date REV 3‐2946