CEPM20190008606 Authorization Letter#2D
I, ArthurNichols, appoint David J. Beasley as my Agent attorney-in-fact ("Agent") to exercise the powers
and discretions described below:
.blA mmIAL: to appear on my behalf before the Board of Commissioners, Collier County, Florida, for the
CodL pnforcement Hearing and to speak on my behalf.
This power of attorney is effective immediately and will continue until it is revoked by a written notice. This
power of attomey shall be construed as a general durable power of attorney and shall continue to be effective
even if I become Disabled, incapacitated, or incompetent.
Signed this 16th day ofJuly,2020
On the date written above, the principal declared to me in my presence that this instrument is his general
durable power of attorney and that the principal had willingly signed or directed another to sign for the
principal, and that the principal executed it as the principal's free and voluntary act for the purposes
therein expressed.
Signature of Witness #l
Signature of Witness #2