PBSD MSTBU Minutes 07/08/202030.A.3
JULY S, 2020
The Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. at the
Fifth Floor Training Room, Building F, Collier County Government Center, 3299 Tamiami Trail
East, Naples, Florida 34108.
In attendance were:
Pelican Bay Services Division Board
Michael Fogg, Chairman
Joe Chicurel, Vice -Chairman
Tom Cravens (absent)
Jacob Damouni (absent)
Nick Fabregas (absent)
Pelican Bay Services Division Staff
Neil Dorrill, Administrator
Chad Coleman, Operations Manager
Peter Griffith (absent)
Denise McLaughlin
Susan O'Brien
Scott Streckenbein (absent)
Rick Swider
Michael Weir
Karin Herrmann, Operations Analyst
Lisa Jacob, Project Manager (by telephone)
Barbara Shea, Administrative Assistant
Also Present Jim Carr, Agnoli, Barber & Brundage
Dayne Atkinson, County Public Utilities Dan Rodriguez, County Public Utilities
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Agenda approval
4. Approval of 06/10/20 Regular Session meeting minutes
5. Audience Comments
6. Chairman's Comments
7. Administrator's Report
a. Lake 2-9
b. Dune Swale
c. FY 2021 Budget
d. SunTrust Lease
e. Monthly Financial Statement
f. Staff Hiring (add -on)
8. Committee Reports
a. Ad -Hoe Strategic Planning Committee
i. *Presentation and approval of conceptual site plan and renderings for
maintenance operations facility
ii, *Approval to procure architectural and engineering services
b. Landscape & Safety Committee
i. *Sidewalks Phase I Proposed Timeline
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Pelican Bay Services Division. Board Regular Session
July 8, 2020
c. Water Management Committee
d. Clam Bay
9. Financing for long-term capital projects
10. Old Business
a. PBSD Website (add -on)
b. Joint PBSD/PBF Meeting (add -on)
11. New Business
12. Adjournment
Mr. Cravens, Mr, Damouni, Mr. Fabregas, Mr. Griffith, and Mr. Streckenbein were absent and
a quorum was established
1 Dr. Chicurel motioned, Ms. McLaughlin seconded to approve the agenda as I�
amended. The motion carried unanimously.
IMs. McLaughlin motioned, Dr. Chicurel seconded to approve the 06/10/2020I
regular session meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Ms. O'Brien requested that "Part-time Administrator Position" be included on a future PBSD
Board agenda. It was recommended by the Budget Committee to be included on the March PBSD
Board agenda. However, this topic has not been a discussion item on a PBSD Board agenda going
forward from March 2020.
Dr. Joseph Doyle and Ms. Sandra Doyle provided comments via e-mail, as they were unable
to attend the meeting. These comments were added to the record and read by Mr. Fogg. The email
had two areas of concern, (1) the reason for the recent replacement of sod on Gulf Park Drive, and (2)
the possibility of designing a less expensive, simpler structure for the replacement maintenance
building and consideration to obtain a token "99-year lease" for our property interest in the new
building. Mr. Fogg commented that these issues would be addressed later on in the meeting.
Mr. Fogg reported that the PBSD Office has re -opened after being closed for two weeks due
to a Covid-19 exposure.
Mr. Fogg commented that the new list of PBSD committees with board member assignments
was included in the agenda packet. He noted one change to this list: Ms. McLaughlin will continue
as a member of the Clam. Bay Committee, and she will no longer serve on the Ad Hoc Strategic
Planning Committee.
LAKE 2-9
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
July 8, 2020
Mr. Dorrill provided an overall update and photos of our Lake 2-9 lake bank restoration project.
He noted that two out of three phases of the project are complete. Mr. Swider commented that some
of the wall sections are not "perfectly straight." Mr. Jim Carr, our AB&B civiI engineer, commented
that he has discussed this issue with the project's structural engineer (sub -contractor) who stated that
there are no structural deficiencies. Mr. Dorrill commented that he will confirm that the contractor
will provide a one-year warranty for the project. Ms. O'Brien commented that residents are concerned
about the alignment of the wall.
Mr. Dorrill provided an overall update and photos of our dune swale project. This area, which
is west of Bay Colony, had not been maintained over the last 25-30 years. He noted that the initial
clearing is complete. He reported that Ms. Jacob is reaching out to our environmental consultants, to
obtain an opinion on installing salt -tolerant grass in the newly graded areas.
Our proposed FY2021 PBSD budget was reviewed and approved by the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) at the June budget hearings. The BCC will adopt our budget at the first of their
two public hearings in September.
Mr. Dorrill commented that a PBSD lease for a larger space on the first floor of the SunTrust
building is still under negotiation. Ms. O'Brien commented that at a recent two-day PBF June
workshop, some Audit and Budget Committee and PBF Board members expressed significant
pushback on the concept of the PBF leasing office space, not on PBF property. Mr. Hoppensteadt, via
telephone, commented that the PBF is looking at the price of other office space and is reviewing
whether the quoted terms of the SunTrust space is competitive in the marketplace. He noted the value
of the PBSD and PBF sharing space, as well as the benefit of first floor space. Mr. Hoppensteadt
commented that he will follow up with Lisa Warren, PBF Covenants Director, to determine whether
she has received and reviewed the recently revised schematic floor plan of the SunTrust first floor
The PBSD Board had not reviewed the June financial statements, as the packet was posted on
July 1, prior to receiving the statements from the Clerk of Court's Office. As a result, Mr. Fogg
suggested that Mr. Dorrill comment on the June financial statements at the next board meeting.
Mr. Dorrill introduced our new Operations Analyst, Karin Herrmann, and provided a summary
of her work experience. He also reported that we have received 11 applications for the Associate
Project Manager position and staff will be going forward with the interview process. Mr. Fogg
requested that information on the finalists is shared with the PBSD Board.
Mr. Fogg provided an overview of the proposed replacement of the PBSD Operations building
project. He noted that (1) the PBSD has no plans to expand operations in the future, (2) the PBF has
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
July 8, 2020
no plans for any activities on the site, and (3) the County Public Utilities Dept. (PUD) has an interest
in additional storage space on the site, to be used to store emergency generators. A summary of the
space requirements, site plans, elevations, and project timeline were provided in the agenda packet.
Mr. Dorrill commented that the next step would be to obtain conceptual plan approval by the
PBF Design Review Committee, followed by approval of the PBF Board. Mr. Fogg commented that
subsequent to obtaining these approvals, the development of detailed project drawings would be
contracted out at an approximate cost of $150,000.
Mr. Dorrill reported that there will be no cost sharing with the County on this project, as no
Public Utilities employees will be housed in the new replacement building. Mr. Dan Rodriguez, PUD
Deputy Dept. Head, confirmed that the PUD will not occupy the building, and only has an interest in
storage area for emergency generators.
Mr. Dorrill reported that our property interest in our replacement building will be memorialized
by a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Ms. O'Brien suggested that the resolution be
provided to the board for review, prior to construction of the new building.
Ms. McLaughlin suggested that we consider the possibility of generating solar power, during
the roof design phase of the replacement building. Mr. Dorrill responded that this issue would be
Dr. Chicurel motioned, Ms. McLaughlin seconded to approve the conceptual
renderings and the site plan presented and a contingency to spend $150,000 for
detailed drawings and design if approved by the Foundation. The motion carried
5-1, with Ms. O'Brien dissentin .
Dr. Chicurel reported that sod has been replaced along Gulf Park Drive. Invasive grasses had
invaded the existing sod. Mr. Dorrill noted that the PBSD has an ongoing annual sod replacement
program in place. Ms. O'Brien commented that in FY2020, we have spent approximately $98,000 on
sod replacement, while the budget is $60,000. Mr. Fogg and Ms. O'Brien suggested that staff
communicate work projects such as these to the board on a regular basis. Mr. Fogg requested that Dr.
Chicurel provide a refresher on current PBSD landscaping guidelines to the board at a future board
Dr. Chicurel reported that our pilot tree planting project (31 trees) has been completed. PBSD
staff worked with Crown Colony residents to select the types of trees planted near their property. Ms.
O'Brien requested that staff provide a summary of the project to the board.
Mr. Carr gave a brief update on our sidewalk replacement project, including an updated
timeline. Dr. Chicurel commented that PBF board member Trent Waterhouse recently suggested that
we consider using pavers instead of "mats" to meet ADA requirements where sidewalks tweet each
Mr. Carr reported that a notice to proceed was issued on May 13 for the design and permitting
phase of the sidewalk project. About 40% of this phase is complete. The current timeline shows
contractor selection and BCC award, at the earliest, to be completed in early summer 2021. He noted
that if the project were completed in two phases, then Phase 1 (Green Tree Dr.) construction could
begin Feb./March 2021. Mr. Carr estimated that the entire project will take two years to complete.
He estimated that the cost of Phase 1 is approximately $630,000 and the additional cost to complete
the project in two phases instead of one (additional mobilization costs) is approximately $100,000.
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
July 8, 2020
The total estimated project cost is $6 million. Splitting the project into two phases may result in two
separate contractors for each phase.
Dr. Chicurel suggested that work on the project could continue through season, by completing
work on "side streets" during season. Ms. O'Brien suggested that a timeline of the areas to be
completed over the two-year construction period be provided to the board. Dr. Chicurel suggested
that we proceed with Phase 1 (go with the two -phased approach), as the design work is complete for
this area, and funds are available in the FY2021 budget.
Mr. DorrilI commented that for projects under $750,000, we will be able to solicit bids for the
project from the County's prequalified contractors. This would be our next step, if we were to go
forward with the two -phased approach.
Mr. Carr will proceed to work on the permitting requirements for Phase 1, while continuing to
work on the design work for the entire project.
Dr. Chicurel will prepare an update on the sidewalk project for the community.
Ms. O'Brien motioned, Mr. Fogg seconded to move ahead with the construction
drawings, permitting, procurement, and construction plans for the Green Tree
section of the neighborhood. The motion carried unanimous) .
Ms. McLaughlin suggested that we go forward with the design phase of the lake bank
remediation project of Lake 4-1 (Oakmont), at an estimated cost of $150,000 - $200,000. Ms. O'Brien
suggested a board discussion of remediation options and goals before moving forward with Lake 4-1.
She noted that recently the estimated cost of remediation of Lake 4-1 has doubled. Mr. Dorrill noted
that Lake 4-1 is ranked 41 on the list of lakes, prepared by ABB, ranked in order of critically eroded
lake banks. Mr. Fogg suggested that we need to look at the lake bank of Lake 4-1 in more detail, as
some sections are critically eroded while other sections are not. Dr. Chicurel agreed and noted that
the sections along the PBF path are critically eroded, while sections along the Green Tree side (with
private homes) look stable. Ms. O'Brien questioned what the engineering proposal would be for the
east side only of Lake 4-1, Ms. McLaughlin suggested that we obtain a separate proposal for each
side of this lake. Mr. Fogg suggested that we need a better understanding of the lake banks of Lake
4-1 and the remediation options available to us. Ms. O'Brien commented that she does not support
the approval of $200,000 for the engineering phase for the entire lake.
Mr. Swider pointed out the value of the Administrator putting forth a plan to the board for each
proposed project. In conclusion, Ms. McLaughlin commented that she would work with Mr. Carr and
Ms. Jacob on details and options for Lake 4-1 lake bank remediation and bring back a new
recommendation to the board at a future meeting.
Ms. McLaughlin commented that our current drainage pipe strategy is to address drainage pipe
failures as they arise. She suggested that staff provide a presentation on this issue for board discussion.
Mr. Dorrill commented that subsequent to a recent drainage pipe failure, a structural analysis of the
pipe was performed which indicated that this 30-year old pipe was in relatively good condition. He
noted that Pelican Bay has six drainage basins and that we have GIS maps of all the conveyance pipes
within these basins.
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Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session
July 8, 2020
Ms. O'Brien reported that in late April, the mouth of Clam Pass was mechanically dredged (a
dredging event). PBSD paid for this dredging event, rather than requesting Tourist Development
Funds (the customary past practice). The PBSD Board and the Board of County Commissioners did
not approve the event. Ms. O'Brien commented that although Dr. Dabees recently commented that
Sections "A" & "B" were dredged, the FDEP approved work only in Section "A." Mr. Dorrill
commented that this was a maintenance event, not a dredging event, and was coordinated with the
PBSD Chairman. He noted that the PBSD has a maintenance permit.
Ms. O'Brien provided the results of the County's annual beach width survey (received on June
4) which shows seven out of eleven sections of Pelican Bay beach are less than the 100-foot standard.
She noted that no County truck haul project is planned for this year, and no County beach resiliency
project is expected any sooner than 2025.
Mr. Fogg provided a list of major capital projects, with corresponding estimated funding
requirements, possible funding sources, and expected timeframes, included in the agenda packet for
board members' review.
Mr. DorriIl directed Ms. Jacob to explore our website options with the County IT Dept. He
commented that we need to know County policy in regards to an independent website for a County
division before we explore other website host services.
Mr. Fogg commented that he has discussed holding a future joint PBSD/PBF meeting with
PBF Board Chairman John Gandolfo. They tentatively agreed to schedule a joint meeting for next
Spring, and focus would be on PBSD and PBF projects.
Mr. Fogg reminded the board of our next meeting on August 12, hopefully to be held in the
BCC Chambers. He noted that our November board meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 10,
instead of Nov. It, which is a holiday. Mr. Fogg commented that he will follow up with Mr.
Hoppensteadt to explore and discuss the possibility of holding PBSD committee meetings in the PBF
Community Center.
The meetine was adjourned at 3:49 D.M.
Michael Fogg,
Minutes approved
is amended ON ),IQ 0 W ] date
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