Immokalee CRA Minutes 06/24/2020Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Place to Call Home!
Joint Meeting of the Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee and the Community
Redevelopment Agency Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board on June 24, 2020. The Advisory
board members, staff, and public appeared virtually and in person.
Hybrid Remote Public Meeting
South Immokalee Park
418 School Drive
Immokalee, FL 34142
Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by Bernardo Barnhart, MSTU Chair at 9:04 A.M. Dr. Frank Nappo will
chair CRA items and Bernardo Barnhart will chair MSTU items.
Moment of Silent.
Bernardo Barnhart led a moment of silence.
Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum.
Christie Betancourt opened roll call. A quorum was announced for the MSTU board and the CRA board.
MSTU Advisory Committee Members Present:
Andrea Halman, Bernardo Barnhart, Peter Johnson, and Cherryle Thomas (9:18 a.m.)
MSTU Advisory Committee Members Absent/Excused:
Norma Garcia.
CRA Advisory Committee Members Present:
Frank Nappo, Patricia "Anne" Goodnight, Andrea Halman, Francisco "Frank" Leon, Edward "Ski"
Olesky, Yvar Pierre, and Estil Null (9:30 a.m.).
CRA Advisory Committee Members Absent/Excused:
Mark Lemke, and Michael "Mike" Facundo.
Others Present:
William "Bill" McDaniel, Fred Richards, Lupita Vazquez Reyes, Christin Plummer, Omar DeLeon,
Victoria Peters, Juanita Martinez, Mark Beland, Silvia Puente, Maria Baca, Isrrael Pena, Pete Cade, Maria
Espinoza, Jessica Sidney, Elizabeth Flores, Yesenia Romero, Maria Cardenas, George Smith, Mary
Martinez, Sarah Catala, Magdalena Bustamante, Lisa Loren, Hilda Bustamante, Tomas Soliz, Sonia
Reyna, Elva Santos, Alberto Estrada, Misty Smith, Eric Ortman, Megan Greer, Valentina Ortiz, Abel
Jaimes, and Dottie Cook.
Staff: Debrah Forester, Christie Betancourt, and Monica Acosta.
All board members introduced themselves to the members of the public.
Approval of Agenda.
Staff presented the agenda to the board for approval. Agenda was approved as presented.
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve agenda as presented. Mr. Peter Johnson
seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous roll call vote. 3-0.
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Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Place to Call Home!
CRA Action:
Action: Ms. Anne Goodnight made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Mr. Frank Leon
seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous roll call vote. 6-0.
F. Approval of Consent A - eg nda.
1. Minutes
i. Joint CRA & MSTU Special Meeting for February 13, 2020 (Enclosure 1)
ii. CRA Advisory Board Meeting for February 19, 2020 (Enclosure 2)
iii. MSTU Advisory Committee Meeting for February 26, 2020 (Enclosure 3)
2. Operations Manager Report (Enclosure 4)
3. Budget Reports (Enclosure 5)
Staff presented the board with the Joint CRA & MSTU February 13, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes, the
February 19, 2020 CRA Advisory Board Meeting Minutes, the February 26, 2020 MSTU Meeting
Minutes, the Operations Manager's Report, and the Budget Reports.
A minor correction was made to the February 26, 2020 MSTU Meeting minutes. Norma Garcia was
present and Cherryle Thomas was absent.
MSTUAction: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda with a minor
correction. Mr. Peter Johnson seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous roll call vote. 3-0.
CRA Action: M
Action: Mr. Frank Leon made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda with a minor correction. o
Ms. Andrea Halman seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous roll call vote. 6-0. N
G. Announcements. "'
1. Meeting Calendar (Enclosure 6)
Staff reviewed the calendar with the board. Staff recommends moving the August CRA meeting to y
the CareerSource SWFL center instead of the Immokalee Pioneer Museum. Due to COVID-19 the °'
CareerSource conference room is still closed. If it doesn't open by the August meeting staff will 5
look for an alternate meeting site. Staff also said that boards are not scheduled to meet in July and a,
will only schedule a special meeting if needed. r
MSTUAction: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve the Calendar with suggested staff a
changes. Mr. Peter Johnson seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous roll call vote. 3-0. v
CRA Action: E
Action: Ms. Anne Goodnight made a motion to approve the Calendar with suggested staff changes. u
Mr. Ski Olesky seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous roll call vote. 6-0. a
2. Revamped Website —
Staff invites all to visit the revamped Immokalee CRA website.
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I The Place to Call Horne!
H. New Business.
1. Redevelopment Plan Update
Staff provided board with an update on the Redevelopment Plan for Immokalee. The plan was
created in 2000 and a map of the Immokalee area was updated in 2019. Staff would like to hire
Johnson Engineering to assist with the plan rewrite. Staff will focus on the language and Johnson
Engineering will focus on the maps, tables, Sidewalk plan, and a Capital Improvement Plan.
Ms. Lupita Vazquez -Reyes addressed the boards with concerns of follow up after projects are done.
She has utilized 311 in the past and the issues of sand and trash left behind after a project was
completed were not addressed. Her question being who do residents need to contact. She also feels
that Facebook is a good platform to use to reach most residents. Another one of her concerns is for
the immigrant population and housing for them.
Mr. Issrael Pena Jr addressed the boards with concerns of residents being able to reach out to the
right boards for issues that arise. He feels that there is a need for more outreach in different
languages as well as different platforms so that all residents know what is going on in the
Mr. George Smith addressed the boards with concerns for residents that, like him, are in a
wheelchair. He feels that there are a lot of obstacles for people in wheelchairs like businesses with
no ramp, sidewalks that are not complete, or not wide enough.
Dr. Frank Nappo, CRA board Chair, encouraged the public to participate in helping with the
Redevelopment plan moving forward.
After public comments board agreed to fund up to $75,000 to update the plan.
CRA Action:
Action: Ms. Anne Goodnight made a motion to approve up to $75,000 to rewrite the Immokalee
Redevelopment Plan. Mr. Ski Olesky seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous roll call vote. 7-0.
2. First Street Corridor Improvements (Enclosure 7)
Staff provided board with a copy of Grady Minor's proposal for professional services for the First
Street Corridor in the MSTU area. Staff reviewed the outline of each task that would provide future
street lighting and pedestrian safety improvements along South First Street (from Main Street to
Seminole Crossing Trail) in Immokalee. The work under this includes feasibility studies and
conceptual plans for the purpose of relocating existing decorative light poles, considering the future
street lighting and pedestrian safety improvements.
Additionally, this Proposal includes reviewing and providing recommendations for the location of
new pedestrian crosswalks and the location of new landscape and hardscape elements, for areas in
need of improvements, considering the future street lighting and pedestrian safety improvements.
Estimated project costs and long-term maintenance costs will be included with the feasibility
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I The Place to Call Home!
Staff recommends that the board approve modifying the current purchase order to include this work
totally $49,704.00. After much discussion board agreed to modify Grady Minor's PO to include
proposal cost.
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve Grady Minor's proposal of $49,704.00 for
Professional Services for the First Street Corridor area. Mr. Peter Johnson seconded the motion and it
passed by unanimous roll call vote. 4-0.
I. CRA & MSTU Old Business.
1. Project Manager Report (Enclosure 8)
Staff reviewed Project Manager report with board and members of the public.
2. CDBG Sidewalk Project
i. Carver & South 5ih Street
Staff provided board with a brief project history. The CRA received a total of $676,365 of
HUD funding allocation for CDBG projects.
The project will allow the CRA to complete sidewalk improvements along a portion of Carver
Street & South 5'h Street. The CRA has allocated $160,000 of match funds for this project.
In June 2020, through a competitive bid process the CRA received six proposals for the
construction of the sidewalks. The lowest bid came in at $821,756. Construction is expected
to be completed in December 2020. Total project cost is estimated at $998,405. The CRA
will need to allocate $75,000 from the CRA budget to pay for CEI services.
a. CEI services
Staff recommends that the CRA allocate up to $75,000 for the CEI services.
Ms. Debrah Forester, CRA Director, explained to the public that the funds for CEI
services are for an inspector to be on site during the construction phase of the contract
to assure that we stay on task, within budget, and on schedule.
Ms. Maria Baca through chat asked board who decided on this location to be worked
Ms. Lupita Vazquez -Reyes through chat asked what specifically was being voted on,
is the funding for sidewalk improvement and drainage, and is there a separate budget
for maintenance. Ms. Vazquez -Reyes also addressed the boards about Immokalee not
being equally represented by Board of County Commissioners, not having
Immokalee's best interest. She also feels that our boards should put pressure on
Commissioner McDaniel to let him know that our boards have the backing of the
community to get things done.
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Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Place to Call Home!
CRA Action:
Mr. Issrael Pena Jr through chat asked if this projects location is near the Seminole
Casino. He also addressed the boards about working together with the boards to help
get the information out to others as to how as a community we can all work together to
get things done better and more efficiently. He feels social media is the way to get the
information to the residents.
Ms. Maria Espinoza addressed the boards with concerns on how to engage more of the
public to show support for the boards and the community. She would be open to help
find solutions to engage more people with community involvement.
Ms. Maria Cardenas addressed the boards. She is open to use her organization "The
Grassroots Movement," to get community involvement and get information out to all
Mr. Omar DeLeon, Transit Manager for CAT, addressed the boards. He would like to
know if there is a complete list of agencies and organizations in Immokalee. This list
would help when addressing areas and getting resident input.
After public comments board agreed to fund up to $75,000 for CEI services.
Action: Ms. Anne Goodnight made a motion to approve up to $75,000 for Construction Engineering
Inspection (CEI) services for the CDBG Immokalee Sidewalk Project along Carver and South 51h Street.
Mr. Estill Null seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous roll call vote. 7-0.
ii. CDBG Grant Status- West Eustis Avenue
Staff provided board and members of the public updates on the West Eustis sidewalk Project.
On February 6, 2020 the CRA applied for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
for the construction of sidewalks along Eustis Avenue. Project area is about .3 mile of a mile
along one side of Eustis Avenue. The total cost for the project (design and construction) is
estimated at $380,000. Staff were informed that they were not awarded the requested grant
amount. The MSTU (Fund 162) will design the project in FY20, anticipated cost is $60,000.
3. Welcome Signs — (Enclosure 9)
The MSTU Chair, Bernardo Barnhart suggested that the board consider increasing the board size.
Staff will bring this item back for action at a future meeting. He also thanked staff for putting this
item on the agenda and providing the history behind the project. He expressed wanting to hear from
the public about the Welcome Sign.
Staff provided board and public a brief history and project updates of all three welcome signs.
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Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Place to Call Home!
Christie Betancourt read Enclosure 9 to the board and public. She said that Immokalee's welcome
signs, the decorative light poles, banners, and landscaping along First Street, Main Street and SR29
are the responsibility of the Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU.
The MSTU was established in 1985 to beautify and improve the public right of way. The MSTU
Advisory Board, appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, provides representation of the
Immokalee Community. The five -member volunteer advisory board provides input and
recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on the use of the funds raised by
the MSTU. The Advisory Board develops an annual work plan and budget that is approved by the
BCC. The MSTU Advisory Board holds monthly public meeting seeking public input on the current
and future work plans and projects. In 2011, the Community Redevelopment Agency was
designated to administer and manage the Immokalee MSTU.
In 2012, the Advisory Board identified a need to replace the two existing welcome signs (First
Street and SR29/New Market) that had been installed. Due to budget constraints the welcome signs
were not added to the annual work plan.
As you may recall, the sign at First Street was damaged during Hurricane Irma. The Advisory
Board also recommended that a third sign be installed on SR29 near Farm Workers Village. In
2017, a contract was approved to design and permit the sign. In 2019 a contractor was hired to
build the new sign on First Street and reface the sign at SR 29/New Market. The third sign is
currently on hold.
The conceptual design for the signs were reviewed and discussed at several MSTU Advisory Board
meetings prior to final design approval. Status of the new welcome signs and input on the design
were part of the meeting agenda for the past three years. In 2009, the Immokalee Local
Redevelopment Advisory Board, selected the new Immokalee 21" Century logo. The MSTU
purchased banners in 2015 which are displayed on the decorative light poles during the year. The
decision to use the new logo was to provide a consistent brand for the community. The color of the
bird of paradise is intended to symbolize the different facets of Immokalee and the curved lines
represent the outreach and growth that is expected in Immokalee.
The sign on SR29 and New Market Road will be refurbished with a total cost of $16,900. The sign
on South lst Street and East Eustis Avenue is a complete rebuild, design cost $11,030, construction
cost $31,915, landscaping and electrical cost $29,505, with a total cost of $72,450. The sign at Farm
Workers Village entrance (Panther Crossing) on SR29 will be a new build, design cost $10,892.25,
construction estimate $30,000 (budgeted for FY2021), landscaping and electrical estimate $15,000
(budgeted for FY 2021), with a total estimated cost of $55,892.25.
Board Chair, Bernardo Barnhart asked the board for their comments first.
Board Member, Andrea Halman said she likes the bird of paradise and feels that Immokalee is not
represented by the cornucopia alone as not everyone that lives in Immokalee now is part of the
farming community.
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Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Place to Call Home!
Board Member, Cherryle Thomas said she agreed with Ms. Andrea Halman, she also reached out
to Mr. Dorin Oxender with iTECH about having some renderings done for possible change to the
Board Member, Peter Johnson said he was interested in hearing from the public.
MSTU Chair, Bernardo Barnhart asked the public for their comments.
Mr. Issrael Pena Jr. addressed the boards, his feeling of this sign is that he has been stripped of his
identity, heritage, and culture by losing the image of the Cornucopia. The current design does not
have meaning to anyone. Social media has shown that there are artists willing to put their time in
to design something new. He would also like to have a timeline and a person of contact on the
matter of local artists wanting to submit their rendering so that he can post on Facebook.
Ms. Lupita Vazquez -Reyes addressed the boards, her feeling is that the bird of paradise does not
represent the community. She has seen the bird of paradise in the medians in Naples, but Immokalee
is not worthy of expensive landscaping to include the bird of paradise in the median or even around
the new sign. She feels that if you must explain what the sign means then you have lost the meaning
behind it. She agreed with Mr. Issrael Pena Jr. that there are residents in the community willing to
help with a new design. She also felt a need to inform all the participants that the Immokalee CRA
isn't just about the welcoming signs but also help for the community and its beautification for local
businesses and redevelopment in our community.
Ms. Misty Smith addressed the boards, her feeling on the sign is that it is very plain and basic. She M
feels that working with iTECH and local artists is a good idea.
Ms. Juanita Martinez addressed the boards, she feels that the bird of paradise does not represent the N
community of Immokalee but feels that getting more public input and community support so N
residents can be heard is very important. She also wanted clarification on who could vote and the c
make-up of the board members that would vote.
Mr. Francisco Leon, CRA board member, addressed the board. He expressed that because he is not c
from Immokalee, the Cornucopia sign had to be explained to him also. From his perspective, he
respects that there are a lot of people that are from the farming community but there are also more
people coming are not from the farming community. He feels the sign has served a greater purpose
because more people have become involved in the community. He also feels that a compromise can c"
be reached by utilizing the awaking of the community.
Ms. Maria Espinoza addressed the board and agreed with Mr. Francisco Leon that her generation
has learned so much from this issue. She has seen various mock-ups of what a new sign could look E
like though social media. She suggested an "open -call" for local artists to turn in designs/murals 5
and suggestions to submit to the boards for consideration. She also wanted clarification on who a
would oversee getting submission for artwork and what the deadline would be.
Ms. Maria Cardenas addressed the board and asked if a time frame will be given as to when a
decision would be made on any revision on the sign.
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Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Place to Call Home!
Ms. Yvar Pierre, CRA board member, addressed the board. She asked about the landscaping and
the funding that it would take to modify the sign. If funds go towards the sign, then that would take
away funds from other projects that are needed. She also wanted to know what permits or
compliance would need to be done in order to modify the sign.
Ms. Elva Santos addressed the board and agreed with modification of the sign but thinks the sign
colors need to be changed and the word "Welcome" needs to be added.
Mr. Tomas Soliz through chat expressed that he wanted to see the original sign back or a sign that
really represented Immokalee. He also addressed the board; he feels that the sign needs to be redone
and represent the community better.
Ms. Jessica Sidney through chat expressed that she was not a fan of the bird of paradise but is up
for having both the bird of paradise and cornucopia.
Mr. George Smith through chat expressed that the Facebook Immokalee group didn't like the bird
of paradise.
Ms. Magdalena Bustamante through chat expressed that she didn't want the bird of paradise.
Ms. Maria Baca through chat expressed that Immokalee is known for agriculture and Lake Trafford.
Ms. Yesenia Romero through chat expressed that she did not like the bird of paradise, and she felt
that something else needed to be added to represent the Immokalee people/community.
Mr. Alberto Estrada through chat expressed that the open call should be to all local artists. He also
felt that progression is needed, and he would like to move past the cornucopia and farming.
Ms. Hilda Bustamante through chat expressed that she agreed to use Immokalee artists.
Mr. Estil Null, CRA board member, through chat expressed that the public should know that only
40% of the people in Immokalee pay into the CRA MSTU funds.
Ms. Debrah Forester suggested that the committee consider reaching out to United Arts Council
who is recognized by the State of Florida as the Collier County designated Art Agency to conduct
the "Call for Artist" and assist with reviewing the proposals to bring back to the full Advisory Board
to review.
After public comments board recommended to modify the current design of the welcome signs.
Board also agreed to have the United Arts Council take the lead on getting local artist involved with
the design of the new sign. Staff will present the design at the August 26, 2020 MSTU Meeting.
Action: Ms. Cherryle Thomas made a motion to have staff work with the community to modify the
welcome sign design. Ms. Andrea Halman seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous roll call vote.
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Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Place to Call Home!
Action: Ms. Cherryle Thomas made a motion to have the United Arts Council gather the local artist
to design the Welcome Signs. Ms. Andrea Halman seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous roll
call vote. 4-0.
4. Main Street Improvements
FDOT Project #439002-1 Pedestrian Safety Improvements
Staff provided board and public with an update on the Main Street FDOT project. The MSTU
provided an advance deposit of $125,342 to FDOT for installation of holiday attachments on
30 light poles and all efforts associated with adding the attachments, including banner arms,
GFCI outlets, additional conductors, mobilization and maintenance of traffic at SR29 from 1st
Street North to 9tn Street North in Immokalee.
Project Updates:
Staff is participating in biweekly progress meetings and is coordinating with FDOT, County
staff, and Wright Construction on field issues. Staff is also coordinating the relocation of the
Blue Light poles in the project area.
Staff reported that at one of the progress meeting an issue arose regarding replacing the
stamped concrete areas that will be modified with regular concrete. After discussion with
FDOT and Wright Construction is was announced that the CRA would have to pay the cost
difference if they wanted to replace the area with stamped concrete.
Staff recommends board approve the funding of stamp concrete versus the regular concrete o
that is shown on the plans. After much discussion the CRA board agreed to fund the stamped o
concrete up to $60,000 and the MSTU board agreed to take on the maintenance.
CRA Action:
Action: Ms. Anne Goodnight made a motion to approve up to $60,000 to fund the extra cost to install y
stamped concrete in the FDOT project area. Mr. Ski Olesky seconded the motion and it passed by
unanimous roll call vote. 7-0. 5
MSTUAction: r
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve that the MSTU take on the maintenance
once the stamped concrete is installed. Ms. Cherryle Thomas seconded the motion and it passed by <
unanimous roll call vote. 4-0. v
5. Contractor Reports E
i. A & M Property Maintenance (Enclosure 10)
a. Maintenance Report & Schedule a
Staff provided boards with updates on the upcoming maintenance schedule and
reviewed maintenance reports for March - June.
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Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
I The Place to Call Home!
Staff is continuing cleanup efforts with our Maintenance Contractor, Waste
Connections and our Community Taskforce to keep Immokalee clean. Areas of
concern have been the 9th Street property and portions of Main Street in the bulbout
6. TIGER Grant — Immokalee Complete Street
Staff provided board and public a brief update on the TIGER Grant. The designibuild portion of
this project is set to start Early 2021 and construction is set to be completed December 2023.
7. Code Enforcement (Enclosure 11)
Chris Ambach provided staff with a copy of the code cases from April 22°d — May 20th. Staff
reported that code enforcement continue to work on the removal of dilapidated homes.
8. FDOT updates
Victoria Peters, FDOT District 1 Community Liaison provided updates on local FDOT projects. A
traffic analysis study was done in January for the intersection of SR29 and Westclox Street. FDOT
will be moving forward in working with the county to decide how to best deal with that area. A
copy of the report will be provided to the CRA once completed.
A Road Safety Audit was done last November for SR29 (15th Street) and Immokalee Drive because
of the findings blank out signs have been installed in that area to ensure pedestrian safety. Ms.
Peters also provided updates on the roundabout on SR29 and Gator Slough and other projects within
that area.
9. Office of Business & Economic Development (OBED)
No updates.
10. Immokalee Culinary Accelerator
No updates
11. Other Agencies
Staff asked any other community organization if they had any community updates.
Immokalee Library
Silvia Puente, Library Program Specialist provided updates on the Immokalee Library. The library
is currently closed but is offering curb side services Monday — Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The library is providing virtual programming for story time every day at 10 a.m. through Facebook
on the Collier County website. They are also providing other virtual programs through the county
website. They are projecting to have every library open in Collier County by the end September.
Collier Area Transit (CAT), Public Transit & Neighborhood and Enhancement (PTNE)
Omar Deleon, PTNE Manager provided updates on the Collier Area Transit (CAT). CAT have all
of their area busses continuing to work and have waived all fares.
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I The Place to Call Home!
They added three more busses to comply with social distancing for the direct Immokalee to Naples
stop. He mentioned the contact less payment app.
Mr. Deleon said they are moving forward with the projects they currently have underway in
Immokalee and are slated to be completed by the end of October. These include bus stop
improvements for ADA accessibility to include boarding and lighting pads to be installed at the bus
stops. Bus shelters and benches will be addressed as well. They have 40 bus stops that will be
worked on.
He also said they are working on the Transit Development Plan; this plan will identify existing
routes and what routes would be needed moving forward. A route connecting with Lee Tran has
been identified as a need.
CareerSource SWFL
Yvar Pierre, Career Development Representative provided updates on the CareerSource SWFL
services located at 750 South 5th Street. The CareerSource Center is open to the public but by
appointment only. You can call or setup an appointment online. They are not the unemployment
office, but they are assisting with password resets.
Citizens Comments.
No additional Citizens Comments
Next Meeting Date. The next CRA meeting will be on August 19, 2020 @ 9:00 A.M.
location to be determined.
The next MSTU meeting will be on August 26, 2020 @8:30 A.M
location to be determined.
Adjournment. Meeting Adjourned @ 12:40 P.M.
* Zoom Meeting chat is attached to the minutes for the record.
Packet Pg. 2508
7/1 0
Joint CRA MSTU Zoom Chat
June 24, 2020
090550 mAbrea H.lman: is ree mm. li-I,commenh
om iiam c ome.remin a rybtly to mute
. ueze am happy to be a pan of engaging the community
(PR.26 12 111 Lupitb Vazquez rayes:lvb u D-9-]392
092]5] m ism m v n rwebnaerabi930,byeeverybtly
. Oa Fank you Lup t. vazquez
' 09:40:0] om —1 ena.1 -..nd th.l.
09:45:55 m ue e e .1s y eel.
. Lupltb Vazquez reyes: regvemenescw
1 09:46'0a2 R.m v n snth area area?
/ V
.who Oed onrMs st Browort on3
09.55.02 From Lupltb a voieo'ona so, iz it 821ktor only masouthgtleiis that what is being
09.SS.d9 From IllV^zquaz ewers. th NnI ing for_^Im{wer moinfenonced ewalkantl dra age. but
. Ill Vazquez reyezew M1as the maintenance rasponsiblliry or budget
0958:43 I —el Pbn.. u.
. ways wonder lorwnbI nbs being apNove we tlon't zee the lull results.
10:52:00 From Jessica Sibey:Honesfly.l'mnofafabf1-lmebiN oftlradlse.I'm upfar Fbving both. The symbolism ofa
o itNlnass of Immokalee shoal n'f be lost In my opinion.
105234 From Georgesmith:l' ril bitof the facebak lmmokaleegroup. No one likes the bird. People were making Jun
105426 rom a bona ut—A,bimI MO not want the bird Of paradill gg—l— is wbt put Immokalee on the map.
10:55:59 From Ablix. ewers.I I-il,a meeM1 g om ll O0la 11:30 antl will jump bck Cn at I I
.56 02 1— Ycorla eers: Tank you,
10.56.13 Fmm Vicfona Peters. is ono (FDOT)
.bI3 07 1— —1 let.. wi Iibl too
0.SB.11 Fmm Mana ea sta eveFicles qr the mallet 0..athe lgkeoke iraffortl. Eventl g ffib band—ic l All sae out of
10.59.16 Fmm Yesenia Roma pie/communifyof lmmokblae.I
pill-1lly don t think 1t I— o edb bld one dam like a r« our sign.
I100:3] Fmm Yesenia Romero erso a
. rom tombs a. anee th.anginal sign ore newsign Thal Really Represents Immokalee Florida
11.113 From Ismael Pe ant antl alsoa big project. It isbrirslimp—ion for visitors.businesses.
11. rom omgs Sdiz:welcomeublmmokbbeisveryimponbm.I,b,
11... From Lupltb Vazquez reyes: llbIkin Immokalee it's sometimes ebry tO-1 ourselves lnto'hlnking change is
ngW way of a bird of paradise or just statements lhar we are moving into the 21
1—:31S Fmm Isrtael P-b 7hbN bb,pbe compan'sonsfIM1ave them antl they are on the% page..a11 vobmeersmal sharetl
n.nag From 1-1Pena:tne bompbapiq bgnt be remrearo rvatwe aneAagn nemggegnd ne imo bur name,lwpma
. From __b sml a todo
Iit211 tanner resegrbn.
h: min was me dgn Mr. Nemandez and some pr my dgrsmgre: bathe up with From rtebF
11.1301 From Lugra vazquez eyrsa ohink bbb.—the contract M1az already been dl there is only room to
adjust and redesign through the .—I contract bId winner
1.t311 — is—Pbna. a eyou—to ralklwice2
. From Isrrge Pbn.. otchgl
I1654 From ombs Solibz: yes cM1bnge the sign
rom Anne Gb.dnighl: no next M..,, in August
y77 2 Fb, lsnaeena.we eve mmoaee resitlents thafare a11,
rom Lupi'a vazquezre :: no meeing in July
rom sore annoza Clof the ca aas eca meeting there coultl ba one,bu'i'hbsn'tbeendecided
rom Wprta vazquez reyes Yyes111tech 1, 21 sl1cenNry progress
11.19D5 From :rrgel Pbn.: refer grnnn I. necna
1.1106 1,, Nbenoeshada:fioultl be open ro gllorlocg110111
1 n.l9.le From 1-11enb: 1 second Mb.o
. s, thank you Ill.
I012:59 11 n n, m 1,111, let,. —1_ en
. b: please tlont spbm me. t
mm 11,: Fi plg,
11111 - bwla chat an fa zo 1111New om111111
IOVI7.34 From Marla Bata. mna9dw,e are foelo omgkM1emetlia moore M1�s betwsealot of people are at
10:15:35 From George Smlth:Yo, hn ve t'pget beHer putting mat In on social metlla.Thaf's where everyone
. we Fgve q new generation In Immokalee it's time to uu social metlia
10.19.2, From Mana 1,1,
ig%wFatweNbe —fi— ks g gwupinlmmakalee.
rom more e no —1—obiPn' elyj:m oea common
I0222] rm ni a'Omar,pleberaue your M1antl and they will call on you
zrw w rhgl you want I. speak
10.27.28 kom Marla Baca ideo W Marla Cartlenbs. Now they can see There is more people ready to Mppod tloes
e /bulzjnesses/o s Ithose The' wisF to be 10.33.29 From Isrtbel Pe nglbeedob d help backcup lufure N,M,,,/pmjeclsjl. I wv sentl wM1o�I M1ave to Christie and
up.lf that Is ok3
10:35:29 r m ni will be helpful antl we willforwartl la Omar
et rid of 1ne bkd, and make the font more gppegling.lflooks toe plain
10.49.49 From 1-1 Pe o:'fOpeebl�cmp enh ar.. Qrrecwdzenl M1e you want or do not wont the drtl p tined
10.5009 From Ismael Pena. I it. no' want the bled of paradise. I will add a public comment'o d—d.
n.g3.x From I:Rbe1 Pe bmpbA:ons.I hgoe them bna they are on me FB pbge...d1 yownreersmbr
. . om setae ena. napes 1111 onao ev piers. blrtlsrcbebches, sunsets.
.Nb. om area P.I.: golden gate wllh then black bears because or theirenvlronman'
11 A5:12 kom Isrtgel Pena:I will also drgX comments made on Fe offering resources for MSN aCRA to be in contact
11 A6.25 Ft— babel Pe :TFere a212— 1.l on the community made petition that agree wish public
p . rom mac ena. areveeen't right now,tbl—rrlm''me
11:0]32 From 1-11Pena:Wwillhom p11aup end by lolIb Ang up wflh my M-1 for confbch antl resources.
1I:O7:46 Fmm Isrtael Pena: I'M move 1. pbMpone this (if I had the power)
11:07:56 min Imad Pena: too a ze ourcOmmuniry. now having some answers.
11:0]:56 From Geog,i Smi aloirryof mbbly Dee i t—r,bk-1 I
changing I- uch 1-1—
NIM bMl n. Na one es f of brOnepo
11:�26 min var ierte fo Monica AcoslajPrlvafelyj: How do you raise yourkhantld
1-27 min a a ue rees.a bib of paradise isa verygeneralimage lhaf coultl mebnalof of things
. om mac en th. a nosco japplbusej
. min .coca cash. var, en ohnrou M1overyou All— the rare hnnd apdans
. am srtae ena. owoa hepeople, ifspotlighib civic enga r-
11.10.1I Frain 9 Iona Busfaman utopia manor N—fpomdise...1M1e
. Hilda Busrgm h. agree to use Immokalee guilt
I z0:1m �nae �a.:oeav�e erg. ena �nnmmambmounma bin nor lam maer�gn
. dnight gxp.dbl meeting would neetl a quomm but coultl be requested
11:21 D1 From Lupitq vazquez ey �kI thil thgmw 1A.-Id I—I,,—ibri- iliry fa l;eh ommunirywe xFoultl bcer
panfoll n woW�sp H u reOibilnyco m y u ove
. Lupltb Vazquez reyes: I think Christ epsaltletbtlmwa1 only$1500kmore for changes
11:22:21 From Il lq Vazquez byb,:: the m patllazpect would be by the community for the communiryand could be
11.23.19 From Ismael Pe r-gh cortbndcontrbctstloes not erase or resolvathe offense to the communiryantl
. e P11p, 1-1 That only 1111 the people In Immokalee pay into the crb 111,
12327 co Nbel Fbi..v et
. ggd.1— 3sbmgn ee 11 will g,-,p my minutes
. o . I agree he can speak another 3 minutes l can't speak live
11.24.51 From Hill Bust—hh,ml will gi rhy minutes to jugMra
Packet Pg. 2509 1
7/1 0
.A52 will give up my minutes
1:23:18 Z1. o os aa. wi r rani on. Juanita
. . h.ling voofas ui hp.d.11, l real Itif d!
1129.19 Fom 1w 11 Pe .9th me ,S giaeyoomYmniacpeoplessfake-holds, Juanita? Juanita eon you bones up
11:31 9 om n111 n an a If n 'rmnio r c 9 ItM1 g
. wy Ch-ti
11:31:59 nn rt n . 'Redelmoairy
sign" . a: that makes ooze modilic`1ion.
om xi wi motlify.
II Sit'3 From yesenia Romero: Cam ugtbInoct IS ve the bird there and jusiatltlamumol byalocal%necM1 anise In
11:3a32 From Joanna Mgrfinro lira unity flaming FoppeninD?
c-ii-nterenis sTh'p community Fas al ys acketl
v vement but to tlizregartl they hocking to me.wa
11:3a:3a 1, 1-1 In,,RFD6IGH
11.35.12 From Lupta Vazquzrayers'Mamoi°n1-11gn.11 slk, Itill, eows orstot—I.thecoezlign not nacass.m7ust sp.hd mare
11.35.36 From Mana Baca. WM1an first saw 1M1e sign It ramintletlme of M1ammockz. Dltl not seaabirtl of porotlize.
. om shoe end. wile Ois announcement dd. on the CRA In any lal
om srt.a en.:organivng sulxnlxlons
. om sm'a en.. At or sign daslgn?
.Sa:21 om Isn`el Peen.: Thank yo -na Bpnoz`
11.5e.57 Rom Lup1. Vazquez ey as trying 10 type that wheys going on Immokaiee Is. good Initial E.—Ior
many here In Immokaiee.
. rom Israel era. yS, you—, far bnnging up fne p.n.bout compliance
. om srt.e era. call this zoom —I passed on CRA? or is it for internal?
1156:5) om --pin-
11 57 11 min DebmM1 Forester Tto Monica AcosfalPnva elyl: M1assespo en on this mofwn.
om Lupt' Vazquez ,ayes: it Is' unique need vary speallc I. the progrex community
ISS3 23 Fom up aVazque ey munirywifh limitedaccesst.y thand
I2S6;46 m -rhea os .. r. en'ucrtlzen commen�will bet ken alter other agencies are done
F 123— om kneel Pen':. route bstFart Myers t_ould help bmilesnlmmokalee seeking wort ether, as well.
. om 1s 1 fth...11.t en kid, gangto college(BW or FGcu)
12:Sit . Fom L,ibdvazque ey `lied be how J. we work with su nding—ties io
123356 m Israel Pena: yes connect curt p ofion neetls
12. ttl27 Fom Isrtae ena.h`ffic wool an issue, lM1ot ion us mutes o on Tine parsbps
12Ag.35 Rom Luplavazquez ey
k`lied be bravebwygnat mostlmmok`Iee revdents Fave purcFavng powerin
e Cwnry and Hendry...somehmes more 1M1an Collier
. om -.I P.h..s th.. I...'LUGIt'?pleasesh—hereortallowupwltbme:i
121:11 Fom Omar De keon:rdlow®ntlecat on socigl meainfobeaproaafewith CAT
. om li—I Piih.. ank you, omorl
12:62:35 Fom Israel Pena. wait
. nlnez:TF.nky.u, Mrs. Tnom's, we near you, we see you.
' .35:53 roLupfa Vazquez.- : Ma evpa µns-I is only d.. to fne conked olreatlyenferetlinfo
6:12 m
. w era y d1Iq
.. rom nn Fipn. If m—ciIu I.—rd H open bon n9,ewn won oe
I you'ren1 arrently speaking please mWe
. . oEspinom E'cM1 public comment you con talk once
II— m Alberto esnada: it looks like l'm dtiving intop prison or government bu11ding-1,
11 SE 27 From"it'B`a:IDe money_`swell spend Like Mr.Leo soian got not oMylne commonityottenaon bin
Doom am mes. We are here we are listening ontl we can see. sorry was not
a9 ng.
% min srt a ono.
. Anita Marlinez5 Y.... Romero gave up Ferlime that no one look.
aro. sna emytlme
1122:56 Fmm Lupna Vazquez reyes emWeif not spe`dn9 currenflyplease
/ Il:aq:a9 From Wplfp Vgzquez reyes-lnq M1lorsPr kingofatlh,,f.a,.,f, dd,e Halmanb,ingpg.insfred,sg.l.,guag,
I I:— Fmm Magdalena Bustam 1. b al.l' agree l.em feeling thl same wayth _we weren't ere efore but
I:a]50 Fmm Mpna Epin—: I have a ques�ionab 1the ad council n anyone is willing to yield their time
II So:51 From Albertoeshadp Vwill the adisWgivenoanyspe�ca'b.,iw,to�Norwill'fheyjusiceafwhafeverfhey
11 SI:ao From lsrtpel Penp:we neetla tlrawn wtcM1ain of command gntl llowof information
. Fom Isn'el Pena:_e are in agreement
om Lupita Vazquez reyes: Than , oleo gyn ti-
12ti2 From ma.
Ge SmifM1: ywirewelcomel��
93:IA rom capita Vazquez reyes: mute please It not spooking
1295:12 From Mana Baca,Th u o ou fime,I o e ecan see more. Hove a eel rest of the a
12V12.32 Fom Marla Espinoz''ForCRA outreacM1 gntl p.d maybe glvIt talks at the high school in weal stutllas
an be a big beep.wpFrom what I gather, lbe CRA and MTSU is hunroted
beta se of political Folds qnd low funding, They need suppM qnd educating the
Flnec�ivil and politc.l wppon n, Sit th.11�needeE wltnin ar2electioncycles can
1203.15 Fmm Lupifa Vazquez reyes: Seemslikeourcounty soot h`1d M1edtheirM1andsnlacnnnoaebborby
owingus to navel I,g' MSN...It's hunroting tonavetotlo all tM1e
botwark. bat not Holding egaal power In oar cpanry qp eminent
rom era Espnoz.:1'green
12U9:21 From Maria Fspino=a: Letsconnecf3M Wpifa
. h. L,p.lVazuez reyes: here is my number 23-39J392
12.22.37 Fmm Jesaca Si anywM1ere
n eew eo ew ocoultln t makan to diiii, p to date by this l.tert
12: 1 From Jessica 111: 1111M1is be available?
. om one : �nozo. :slog reeoraaawnmomtl be panda on mevwebma or me connry wabme
is:28:29 Fom Mnnar o=a.wedngvebnrkwnere a.«nyb«ce:,nnanyone �asnmebart
. . om wpm reye:: Md. Parer,1-l: very 2bt iih ryrbinking to-waemngnogeewnr
12ao:11 Fom Jessica 3idney:lf}robd like to make g9uick ank fo add if fo WM1aYS Going on lmmokglee on Fgcebook
Packet Pg. 2510 2
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
i The Place to Call Home !
Certification of Minutes Approval Form
Prepared by:
n t
Christie Betancourt, Operations Manager
Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency
Approved by:
Dr. Frank Nappo, Chairman
The Minutes for the June 24, 2020 Joint CRA Advisory Board and MSTU Advisory
Committee Meeting were approved with minor changes by the CRA Advisory Board on
August 19, 2020 as presented.
* The next meeting will be a CRA Advisory Board meeting and will be held on September 16,
2020, at 9:00 A,M., location to be determined.
All meetings will be publicly noticed in the W. Harmon Turner Building (Building F), posted at
the Immokalee Public Library and provided to the County Public Information Department for
distribution. Please call Christie Betancourt, at 239-867-0028 for additional information. In
accordance with the American with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in
any of these proceedings should contact Christie Betancourt, Operations Manager, at least 48
hours before the meeting. The public should be advised that members of the CRA Advisory
Board are also members of the other Boards and Committees, including, but not limited to:
Immokalee MSTU Board, Immokalee Fire Commission, and the Collier County Housing
Authority; etc. In this regard, matters corning before the Advisory Board may come before one
or more of the referenced Board and Committees from time to time.
Packet Pg. 2511