2017/2018 Collier County Clerk of Courts Expires v C216/?j
3299 Tamiami Trail E. (Clerk's trice Only)
Suite 401, Bldg. F,41h Floor
Naples, Florida 34112
Lobbyist Name Karen Bishop Date 10/6/2017
Business Name PMS, Inc. of Naples
Business Address 3125 54th Terrace S.W.
City Naples State FL Zip Code 34116
239-825-7230 Karen Bishop
Business Telephone Contact Person
Lobbyist/Contact E-mail karenbishop@pmsnaples.com
Notice for Lobbyists: The annual registration fee is 525.00 per Lobbyist,per Collier County Ordinance No.
2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05, Ordinance 2007-24 and Ordinance 2013-39.
Payments made out to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts(ADDRESS ABOVE)
1.Name 2.Name
Address Address
City Zip Code City Zip Code
3.Name 4. Name
Address Address
City Zip Code City Zip Code
State of Florida P.
County of Collier " ��o 1 •
obbyist Signature
This registration was sworn (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this CI-1h day of(Dty-a-er,
20 [7 , by C,Yt)fl
/Personally Known BY:; ` v
Produced ID P eputy Cler to ry Public
Type of ID Produced
QIM&,, Briana L. Berry
• 1 EXPIRES:March 19,2019 Revised:08/2014
mss, Tom. ollIevited
Project Management Services
Lobbyist Representation
Lodge/Abbott Investments Associates LLC
3400 E. Lafayette Trident-Kinsale L.L.C.
Detroit, Michigan 48207 3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Lodge/Abbott Associates LLC
3400 E. Lafayette Trident-Dunes L.L.C.
Detroit, Michigan 48207 3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Cocohatchee Partners, LTD
11125 Gulf Shore Drive Suite 301 Trident Properties Inc.
Naples, Florida 34108 3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Vanderbilt Partners, LTD.
3400 E. Lafayette Trident Hodings L.L.C.
Detroit, Michigan 48207 3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Trident Investments Mgmt Co., Inc.
3400 E. Lafayette Gulf View Town Homes
Detroit, Michigan 48207 6810 Pelican Bay Blvd.
Naples, FL 34108
Soave Management, Inc.
3400 E. Lafayette John A Pulling Jr. Trust
Detroit, Michigan 48207 5610 Yahl Street Unit 6
Naples, FL 34109
Soave Enterprises LLC
3400 E. Lafayette Cemex Industries, Inc.
Detroit, Michigan 48207 1425 E. Wiggins Pass Road
Naples, FL 34110
Trident Investments LLC
3400 E. Lafayette Ralph Abercia
Detroit, Michigan 48207 11999 Katy Freeway#480
Houston, TX 77079
Trident-Abbott Investments LLC
3400 E. Lafayette Private Development Corporation
Detroit, Michigan 48207 11125 Gulf Shore Drive Suite 301
Naples, Florida 34108
Vanderbilt Beach, L.L.C.
3400 E. Lafayette Gerald F. Griffin II
Detroit, Michigan 48207 525 Via Veneto
Naples, Florida 34108
3125 54`"Terrace SW,Naples,FL 34116/(239)825-7230/Fax (239)234-6096/Email:karenbishop@pmsnaples.com
MS, lox, ej 71,01,e4
Project Management Services
D.C. Kerckhoff Company
1901 Elsa Street
Naples, Fl 34109
The Glendale Group
1919 Trade Center Way, Suite#2
Naples, FL 34109
Rigby Enterprises, LLC.
Emilio Sanchez Vicario
4995 Airport Pulling Road N
Naples,FL 34105
PNF Enterprises, LLC.
5610 Yahi Street Unit 6
Naples, Fl 34109
Cirrus Pointe Partners, LLC.
516 Cooper Commerce Drive
Apopka, FL 32793
Macie Creek, Ltd.
3030 Hartley Road
Suite 310
Jacksonville, FL 32257
The Vestcor Companies, Inc.
3030 Hartley Road
Jacksonville, FL 32257
3125 54th Terrace SW,Naples,FL 34116/(239)825-7230/Fax (239)234-6096/Email:karenbishop@pmsnaples.com
Receipt# 007840573
10/13/2017 2:40:32 PM
0)tiA«y ter. Dwight E. Brock
Clerk of the Circuit Court
r� x
° TO, p
Customer Deputy Clerk Clerk Office Location
KAREN BISHOP BMR CASHIER Collier County Govt. Center
PMS, INC. OF NAPLES MinutesandRecords@CollierClerk.co Building F, 4th Floor
3125 54TH TER SW m 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite
NAPLES, FL 34116-8049 239-252-2646 401
P.O. Box 413044
Naples, Florida 34101-3044
1 Product
1 BMR Lobbyist Registration $25.00 $25.00
Check# 1095 ($25.00)
Disclaimer: All transactions are subject to review/verification. The Clerk reserves the right to correct for clerical errors and to
assess or refund charges as needed.
@0000@T@Q® ❑@Co [@ Page 1 of 1
Quarterly Update
Martha S. Vergara
From:Amanda Bishop <amandabishop.pmsnaples.com@outlook.com>
Sent:Thursday, January 11, 2018 2:25 PM
To:Martha S. Vergara
Subject:Lobbyist List Quarterly Update
Attachments:2018 Lobbyist List- January Update.pdf
No Changes have occurred
Thank you!
Amanda Bishop
PMS Inc. of Naples
3125 54th Terrace SW
Naples, FL 34116
239-287-0461 cell
PMS, Inc. of Naples
Project Management Services
3125 54th Terrace SW, Naples, FL 34116 / (239) 825-7230 / Fax (239) 234-6096 /Email: karenbishop@pmsnaples.com
Lobbyist Representation
Lodge/Abbott Investments Associates LLC
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Lodge/Abbott Associates LLC
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Cocohatchee Partners, LTD
11125 Gulf Shore Drive Suite 301
Naples, Florida 34108
Vanderbilt Partners, LTD.
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Trident Investments Mgmt Co., Inc.
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Soave Management, Inc.
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Soave Enterprises LLC
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Trident Investments LLC
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Trident-Abbott Investments LLC
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Vanderbilt Beach, L.L.C.
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Trident-Kinsale L.L.C.
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Trident-Dunes L.L.C.
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Trident Properties Inc.
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Trident Hodings L.L.C.
3400 E. Lafayette
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Gulf View Town Homes
6810 Pelican Bay Blvd.
Naples, FL 34108
John A Pulling Jr. Trust
5610 Yahl Street Unit 6
Naples, FL 34109
Cemex Industries, Inc.
1425 E. Wiggins Pass Road
Naples, FL 34110
Ralph Abercia
11999 Katy Freeway #480
Houston, TX 77079
Private Development Corporation
11125 Gulf Shore Drive Suite 301
Naples, Florida 34108
Gerald F. Griffin II
525 Via Veneto
Naples, Florida 34108
PMS, Inc. of Naples
Project Management Services
3125 54th Terrace SW, Naples, FL 34116 / (239) 825-7230 / Fax (239) 234-6096 /Email: karenbishop@pmsnaples.com
D.C. Kerckhoff Company
1901 Elsa Street
Naples, Fl 34109
The Glendale Group
1919 Trade Center Way, Suite #2
Naples, FL 34109
Rigby Enterprises, LLC.
Emilio Sanchez Vicario
4995 Airport Pulling Road N
Naples, FL 34105
PNF Enterprises, LLC.
5610 Yahl Street Unit 6
Naples, Fl 34109
Cirrus Pointe Partners, LLC.
516 Cooper Commerce Drive
Apopka, FL 32793
Macie Creek, Ltd.
3030 Hartley Road
Suite 310
Jacksonville, FL 32257
The Vestcor Companies, Inc.
3030 Hartley Road
Jacksonville, FL 32257
Quarterly Update
Martha S. Vergara
From:Karen Bishop <karenbishop@pmsnaples.com>
Sent:Monday, March 26, 2018 11:36 AM
To:Martha S. Vergara
Subject:RE: Quarterly Update - (April's) Reminder
Thank you for the reminder. I have No changes to my list.
Karen Bishop
PMS Inc. of Naples
3125 54th Terrace SW
Naples, FL 34116
239-825-7230 cell
From: Martha S. Vergara [mailto:Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com]
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 10:03 AM
To: 'anderson@abbinc.com' <anderson@abbinc.com>; 'chudson@afphq.org' <chudson@afphq.org>; 'lpiche@afphq.org'
<lpiche@afphq.org>; 'bcornell@audubonwe.org' <bcornell@audubonwe.org>; 'dpastor@napleslaw.com'
<dpastor@napleslaw.com>; 'tppagan@napleslaw.com' <tppagan@napleslaw.com>; 'ktaylor@cecifl.com'
<ktaylor@cecifl.com>; 'dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com' <dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com>; 'mjohnson@cyklawfirm.com'
<mjohnson@cyklawfirm.com>; 'kathy@cbia.net' <kathy@cbia.net>; 'susans@conservancy.org'
<susans@conservancy.org>; 'stephanie.wright@dplummer.com' <stephanie.wright@dplummer.com>;
'jeff@davidsonengineering.com' <jeff@davidsonengineering.com>; 'tocia@davidsonengineering.com'
<tocia@davidsonengineering.com>; 'don@dappalaw.com' <don@dappalaw.com>; 'jweverett@drhorton.com'
<jweverett@drhorton.com>; 'ellie@ekc-inc.com' <ellie@ekc-inc.com>; 'nancypayton@fwfonline.org'
<nancypayton@fwfonline.org>; 'lorraine@gsma.pro' <lorraine@gsma.pro>; 'kristi@napleschamber.org'
<kristi@napleschamber.org>; 'lautenschlagert@gtlaw.com' <lautenschlagert@gtlaw.com>; 'chris@haganeng.com'
<chris@haganeng.com>; 'jonthan@haganeng.com' <jonthan@haganeng.com>; 'jeff.wright@henlaw.com'
<jeff.wright@henlaw.com>; 'debrahogue@hmeng.com' <debrahogue@hmeng.com>; 'janna.lhota@hklaw.com'
<janna.lhota@hklaw.com>; 'ldejohn@johnsoneng.com' <ldejohn@johnsoneng.com>; 'pam@jrevansengineering.com'
<pam@jrevansengineering.com>; 'dkirby@kiterealty.com' <dkirby@kiterealty.com>; 'dhcox@gtcom.net'
<dhcox@gtcom.net>; 'drankin@sprintmail.com' <drankin@sprintmail.com>; 'mjahn@thelowmpowered.com'
<mjahn@thelowmpowered.com>; 'sbehn@llw-law.com' <sbehn@llw-law.com>; 'nlewis@llw-law.com' <nlewis@llw-
law.com>; 'gfxbeyrent@aol.com' <gfxbeyrent@aol.com>; 'tara/tedrow@lowndes-law.com' <tara/tedrow@lowndes-
law.com>; 'nancy.conicella@lowndes-law.com' <nancy.conicella@lowndes-law.com>; 'mcgeeassoc@aol.com'
<mcgeeassoc@aol.com>; 'marty@nabor.com' <marty@nabor.com>; 'jesse@nabor.com' <jesse@nabor.com>;
'jack@napleszoo.org' <jack@napleszoo.org>; 'renovateamerica@nmgovlaw.com' <renovateamerica@nmgovlaw.com>;
'musserjr@aol.com' <musserjr@aol.com>; 'jwestendorf@comcast.net' <jwestendorf@comcast.net>;
'lauras@passarella.net' <lauras@passarella.net>; 'pneale@patrickneale.com' <pneale@patrickneale.com>;
'stevehartsell@paveselaw.com' <stevehartsell@paveselaw.com>; 'kathleenberkey@paveselaw.com'
<kathleenberkey@paveselaw.com>; 'mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com'
<mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com>; Karen Bishop <karenbishop@pmsnaples.com>;
'jjanes@gradyminor.com' <jjanes@gradyminor.com>; 'dkomoroski@ralaw.com' <dkomoroski@ralaw.com>;
'tshatto@ralaw.com' <tshatto@ralaw.com>; 'ggrant@consult-rwa.com' <ggrant@consult-rwa.com>;
'karla.scott@stantec.com' <karla.scott@stantec.com>; 'sabina.hardy@stantec.com' <sabina.hardy@stantec.com>;
'doug@tllfirm.com' <doug@tllfirm.com>; 'sthompson@tllfirm.com' <sthompson@tllfirm.com>; 'mking@trebilcock.biz'
<mking@trebilcock.biz>; 'cthornton@swflalaw.com' <cthornton@swflalaw.com>; 'csmith@dexbender.com'
<csmith@dexbender.com>; 'apires@wpl-legal.com' <apires@wpl-legal.com>; 'mwoodward@wpl-legal.com'
<mwoodward@wpl-legal.com>; 'mflores@wpl-legal.com' <mflores@wpl-legal.com>
Subject: Quarterly Update - (April's) Reminder
Morning All,
Just a friendly reminder that the quarterly update is due next week on Monday, April 2nd.
All that is required for an update are any changes (additions or deletions from) to either your
client list or staff/Lobbyists.
We just need a quick e-mail saying either “No Changes” or listing the
changes to staff/Lobbyists or clients.
If you have any question feel free to call or e-mail any time.
Martha Vergara, BMR Senior Clerk
Minutes and Records Dept.
Clerk of the Circuit Court
& Value Adjustment Board
Office: (239) 252-7240
Fax: (239) 252-8408
E-mail: martha.vergara@collierclerk.com
Please visit us on the web at www.collierclerk.com
This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be
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Unless expressly stated, opinions in this message are those of the individual sender and not of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Collier County. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the Clerk's Office by emailing helpdesk@collierclerk.com quoting
the sender and delete the message and any attached documents. The Collier County Clerk's Office accepts no liability or responsibility for any
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Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records
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