CAC Minutes 12/14/2006 R
December 14,2006
Naples, Florida, December 14, 2006
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Committee in and
for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date
at 1 :00 PM in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor
Collier County Government Center, Naples, Florida with the following
members present:
Chairman: Ron Pennington
Gerald Camiener
Murray Hendel - Excused
Heidi Kulpa
Ronald Minarcini
Anthony Pires
John Sorey III
Paul Sullivan
E. Glenn Tucker - Excused
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Project Manager
Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Collier County: December 14, 2006
Page 1 of2
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2006 - 1:00 P.M.
W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County
Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. October 12, 2 OJ>> 6 ~Regular Meeting Minutes
2. l'oIovember 9, 2006___Regular Me_eJ:Jn9_Mlmltes
VI. Staff Reports
1. Re~enue R~ort=-GarYM!::AIRII"I
2. Proie!::t_Status ReRQrt- Gary McAlpin
VII. New Business
1. t'tumlstol"l& MOQre C(LNo.l toW~.LOJi-03uMarco South
2. tt3lmjston&~Ooi~CO NO.2 toWO~6-03 Clam Pass
VIII. Old Business
1. Man:o southBeach_Renourlshm~mtLCiilxambi:lS P_ii1uDredging
2. Wiggins Pas~U~_~edging Upj:la_te
3. CIClmPiilSS Se~~bE'arI<RenQl.!fiShmel"ltJClam Pass Dredging
4. Artificial ReefJl'lfOfmationUpdate
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
1. County Staff Reorganization Discussion
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. January 11, 2007 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any,
in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable.
For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 213-2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this
proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the
Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112,
(239) 774-8380. aspx ?page= 163 2
December 14, 2006
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :00 PM.
II. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr. Minarcini moved to approve the agenda. Second by Mr. Pires. Motion
carried unanimously 6-0.
IV. Public Comments
Mr. Sullivan arrived at 1 :02 PM.
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. October 12, 2006 - Regular Meeting Minutes
Chairman Pennington noted the following correction to the October 12,2006
minutes on page 7, paragraph 4: Mr. Hendel moved the Contract be awarded
to Humiston and Moore Engineers should read Mr. Hendel moved to amend
the Halderman Creek contract with Energy Resources to dredge Clam Pass.
Mr. Pires moved to approve the minutes for October 12, 2006 as amended.
Second by Chairman Pennington. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
2. November 9, 2006 - Regular Meeting Minutes
Mr. Sorey noted the following error on page 4, line 9: but only 15 feet gf
vegetation can be removed by FDEP permit.
Chairman Pennington stated this should read but only 15 feet from vegetation
can be removed by FDEP permit.
Mr. McAlpin noted the following error on the bottom of page 5 under
Wiggins Pass Update: Permit modification has been applied for and notice to
proceed has been received should read has not been received.
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the minutes for November 9, 2006 as
amended. Second by Mr. Pires. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin made comments relative to revenues and expenses (Attached)
. Revenue collected for the first two months of the fiscal year is $45,220
above the amount budgeted.
. Total revenue for the full year continues to be projected as $13,600,000.
. There are Required Set Asides of $2,500,000.
December 14, 2006
. Discretionary funds to be received from TDC funds are in the range of
. November revenue came from Marco Island ($88,000), the City of Naples
($158,000), and the balance from Collier County.
. A review ofTDC Category "A" Beach Maintenance Projects indicates
fiscal year expenditures of $5,400,000 in total.
Mr. McAlpin reviewed projected current fiscal year revenues and
expendi tures:
$10,418,000 Carryforward at start of year
2,000,000 Additional FDEP cleanup contributions
2,000,000 From Beach Fund #195
$14,600,000 Total revenue
6,000,000 Project expenditures
$ 8,000,000 Balance
Mr. McAlpin noted that there may be some additional expenditures. He
suggested that near the end of the fiscal year, when actual revenues and costs
are better known, the Committee should look at retiring the debt on the Parking
Garage. The original amount of the debt was $5,000,000.
Mr. Sorey asked that the total amount of the debt that would need to be paid at
year-end be brought to the next Committee meeting.
2. Project Status - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin reviewed "TDC Category' A" Beach Maintenance Projects" in
conjunction with the prior section, "Revenue Report," as noted above.
VII. New Business
1. Humiston & Moore CO No.1 to WO 06-03 Marco South
Mr. McAlpin requested approval on a change order to an existing Humiston &
Moore work order for a not to exceed time and material price of $5,480. This
is to provide additional survey lines on the beach which is necessary because
DEP required six lines in addition to those in the original contract. The TDC
recommended approval of this item on November 2ih.
Mr. Sullivan moved to approve the Work Order modification. Second by
Mr. Pires. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
2. Humiston & Moore CO No.2 to WO 06-03 Clam Pass
Mr. McAlpin requested approval on a change order to an existing Humiston &
Moore work order for a not to exceed time and material price of$10,505. This
is for the completion of a customary pre-dredge survey by Humiston & Moore;
originally it was expected that this work would be done by Energy Resources.
Mr. Pires noted that the proposal of the subcontractor, Agnoli-Barber &
Brundage, limits their liability to the County to $8,000, the amount to be paid
December 14, 2006
to them for their work. He suggested working with the County Attorney's
office to remove that cap on liability.
Coleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney, stated that her understanding is
the contract is between Agnoli-Barber & Brundage and Humiston & Moore,
but she will look at this more closely with Mr. McAlpin.
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the Work Order modification. Second by
Mr. Camiener. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
VIII. Old Business
1. Marco South Beach Renourishment/Caxambus Pass Dredging
Mr. McAlpin provided the following information as of December 13th:
. 103,000 cubic yards have been placed on South Marco Beach, or 58% of
the 180,000 cubic yard project total.
. 1,825 lineal feet of the beach has been re-nourished, or 43% of the 4,380
lineal foot total beach length. 1,100 lineal feet of beach have been accepted.
. Pumping did not take place for 24 days, 22 due to weather and 2 due to
mechanical failures.
. Opening up the beach for the last southern-most 800 feet is to be done by
December 16th.
. Work is being done with DEP on a permit modification to the beach
. It is expected that this project will be completed between the middle and the
end of January, depending on the weather.
. The quality of the sand looks good.
2. Wiggins Pass Dredging Update
Mr. McAlpin provided the following update:
. The dredge from Caxambas Pass is being moved to Wiggins Pass in the
middle of January, allowing for more than enough time to dredge Wiggins
. The Notice to Proceed on the interior channel has not been received.
. Core samples have been sent to FDEP.
. The template was changed to accommodate the Delnor Wiggins State Park
where there were concerns that some of the areas to be dredged were
encroaching on some fish habitat. A meeting took place with the State
Snook Board which would like to see the channel dug deeper for Snook
habitat, and that will be incorporated into the modeling program moving
. Dredging should start at the beginning of February.
. A resolution for a lease required by the Delnor Wiggins State Park to
renourish the beach and to stage equipment there will be brought to the first
January Board of County Commissioners meeting.
3. Clam Pass Beach Park Renourishment/Clam Pass Dredging
Mr. McAlpin provided the following update:
December 14, 2006
. All of the permits for the Clam Pass dredging with the 80-foot wide cut
have been applied for and received.
. Notice to Proceed will be issued once the Quality Assurance/Quality
Control plan has been reviewed by FDEP.
. A preconstruction meeting is scheduled with Energy Resources on
December 18th.
. The dredge will be mobilized in January.
. A meeting is scheduled with the Pelican Bay Services Division Board and
Seagate. The main topic is a sea grass issue.
. One outstanding issue to be resolved with the Pelican Bay Services Division
Board is determining who will take the lead with the next ten year permit
and what will be included in that permit.
. Dredging should be finished by the beginning of sea turtle nesting season,
which is May 1 st.
Chairman Pennington noted that the interior is outside the scope of
responsibilities of the Coastal Advisory Committee.
Dr. David Buser made comments relative to the inlet. He has found DEP
correspondence from 1997 regarding Clam Bay restoration which states that
the dredge beach quality material must be placed on the adjacent down drift
beaches pursuant to Florida statute 161.142, supporting the applicability of the
statute to this particular inlet. He further stated that he is working with
someone from FWC on the markings for those channels. The Clam Bay
Restoration Management Plan states that the main channel will be marked with
U.S. Coast Guard approved navigation markers. That Plan also says that a sign
shall be strategically placed both at the entrance to Clam Pass and in the areas
around the boat ramp located in the southern end of outer Clam Bay. The main
channel, which may be part of the area to be dredged, will be marked in
accordance with requirements imposed by the U.S. Coast Guard to assure that
those who use the system clearly know where the channel is and the
prohibitions against operating their watercraft outside of it. The DEP permit
had additional language regarding this Committee that states that the idle speed
no wake markers and the tilt motor up to prevent prop damage markers will be
placed within the entrance to Clam Pass facing boaters entering the bay. That
language is also in the Corp permit. Additionally, the DEP permit and the
Corp permit state that to protect the significant natural resources and water
quality of the Clam Bay ecosystem, and to provide protection to the public
safety, there shall be an idle speed no wake restriction on authorized vessels
using the system as stipulated by County Ordinance 9616 which states that the
entire waterway is an idle speed waterway. Accordingly, this is not a Seagate
issue per se. It does affect Seagate, and public safety of boaters which is a
Seagate issue.
December 14, 2006
Chairman Pennington stated that Mr. McAlpin will assure that all
requirements of the Permits are carried out.
Mr. Pires asked if the terms and conditions of the referenced DEP permits and
Corp permits in the Pelican Bay Restoration Program were incorporated into
the existing permits that the County has received to dredge Clam Pass.
Mr. McAlpin responded that the existing permit to dredge Clam Pass is a
maintenance permit for flushing, and the DEP and Corp permits were
incorporated into it. Since this matter has been brought to the County's
attention, proactive work is being done with Seagate and the Pelican Bay
Services Division to identify the issues, address them, and resolve them,
whether they are Permit violations or not. Any issues that need to be addressed
are being addressed.
4. Artificial Reef Information Update
Mr. McAlpin provided the following update:
. At its December 1ih meeting, the Board of County Commissioners
approved awarding the contract to Center Construction.
. A Notice to Proceed for procurement of the limestone boulders will be
issued by January 1 st, followed by a Notice to Proceed for construction once
the required documentation is received and a pre-construction conference
has taken place.
. The target to construct the artificial reef is between March and June.
. A pre-construction meeting will be planned with the Corp as quickly as the
documentation can be pulled together from the contractor.
IX. Public Comments
John Domenie of Pelican Bay stated he agreed that certain comments made
about Pelican Bay do not directly concern this Committee. There is a marker at
the entrance of the Pass which states that the motor has to be tilted up, that boaters
are subject to fine, and it includes idle speed.
X. Announcements
1. County Staff Reorganization Discussion
Mr. McAlpin discussed a reorganization that County Manager Jim Mudd has
recommended that the Board of County Commissioners approve. The
reorganization establishes a Coastal Zone Management Section within the Public
Services Division. Under the reorganization, the following will report to Coastal
Zone Management:
. 3 Beach Re-nourishment positions currently in the Tourism Department
(including Mr. McAlpin)
. Beach raking
. Waterways Marking/Artificial Reef/Derelict Vessel functions currently in
Environmental Services
December 14, 2006
Mr. McAlpin noted the new structure will enable Coastal Zone Management to
deal with comments addressed by the CAC about channel markings, waterways
and maintenance of the coastal systems. This group will not have responsibility
for the sea turtle program.
Chairman Pennington added that going back to October 2004 there has been a
concern that no one in the County had overall responsibility for the Coastal area.
He discussed some of the history of the CAC's efforts to correct this situation,
and expressed pleasure with the reorganization. He also noted that some of the
responsibilities of the new Coastal Zone Management Section are beyond the area
of responsibility of the CAC, and asked if County Management felt that the scope
of responsibilities of the CAC should be comparable to those being assigned to
the Coastal Zone Management Section. He asked Mr. McAlpin to confer with the
County Manager in that regard and, if CAC responsibilities are to be changed, he
stated that the Ordinance that established the CAC should be amended to
formalize that.
Mr. McAlpin will bring the results of that discussion back to the next Coastal
Advisory Committee meeting.
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Camiener commented that six months after Hurricane Wilma there were a
lot of complaints about marine markers not being replaced and, with new sand
bars, markers not being replaced properly. He asked if all marine markers are
now back where they should be.
Chairman Pennington stated that all markers have been replaced in Doctors
Mr. McAlpin added that markers in other areas have been addressed by Doug
Suiter. He asked Capt. John Findley to talk about Wiggins Pass.
Capt. John Findley, Estuary Conservation Association, stated that all markers
were replaced in Wiggins Pass. He added he has spoken with Doug Suiter who
stated Wiggins Pass is now so shallow going across that there are no safe places
to place markers. With the dredging project there should be temporary markers
until completion of the project. At a recent Fish & Wildlife meeting in
November, all County facilities throughout Florida were encouraged to use gated
markers (marking both sides) throughout inlets. Wiggins Pass needs more
markers and more gates, especially inside the Pass.
Ms. Kulpa and Chairman Pennington would like to be notified of any meetings
concerning Wiggins Pass dredging as they would like to attend.
Mr. McAlpin stated that there will be weekly meetings and the entire community
will be notified.
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. January 11, 2007 - 1 :00 PM - Government Center, Administration
December 14, 2006
Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the Chair at 2:21 PM.
Chairman Ron Pennington