AHAC Minutes 03/02/2020MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNW AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 2, 2020 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida LET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on thls date at 8:30 A.M. in a WOR(rNG 5E55roN in the Health Building 2"d Floor Conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Mary waller Litha Berger Justin Emens sheryl Soukup Jennifer Mitchell Christina Apostolidis Gary Hains John Cowan Resigned: Excused: Joe Schmitt Denise Murphy Steve Hruby ALSO PRESENT:Cormac Giblin, Mana8er, Housing & 6rant Development - CHS Kristi Sonntag, Director CHS Susan Golden, Sr. Grants coordinator - cHS Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS OTHERS PRESENT: George Danz; Katrina Lin, Clerks Office; Michael Puchalla, HELP; Ashley Jones, Salvation Army. 1, CaLrro ORDER ln the absence of Steve Hruby, Jennifer Mitchell motioned that Mary Waller act as Chair and run the meeting. Justin Emens seconded, and the group voted 8{ in favor. Mary called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. Litha Berger led in in the Pledge ofAllegiance, and Mary readthe procedures to be followed. 2. RoI.L CALL - CoMMTTTEE MCMBERS AND STAFF There were 8 active members present, therefore a quorum was established 3. APPRoVAL oF AGENDA AND MINUTE A motion was made to approve the agenda by John Cowan and seconded by Litha Berger. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. b. A motion was made by Gary Hains to approve the minutes from the meetinB of February 3, 2020 and seconded byJustin Emens. The motion was passed with a vote of8-0. 4. INFoRMATIoNAI, ITEMS Cormac Giblin reviewed the application cycle calendar and updated the group what has happened to date. On March 5h the RankinB and Review Committee will be meeting to see the presentations bythe individual applicants. There are requestsfor much more moneythan we have. The resutts will be reviewed at an upcoming meeting. b. MarketinB Update - Quest Communications has re-written the webpage for the housing team regarding those who need housing, those who provide housing and educational information. Phase ll will include direct ads on radio and W that point everyone to the website. We will continue to push out information to get out the good news about affordable housing. Affordable Housing is very important to us all. Phase lll asks for everyone to write letters to the editors, visit community forums being held at the libraries to give positive and correct information about affordable housing. John Harney would like to partner with Quest to ensure that they are stressing the importance for seniors and the disabled. The group discussed the recommendations of the AHAC and the Planning Commission regarding Rivergrass and their disappointment that the BCC approved the development as it was written. 5. PuBuc CoMMENT There were no registered speakers. 5. DTSCUSSTON TTEMS Local Housing Trust Fund Update: The subcommittee has met twice, and the next meeting will be held on March 10s. Their goal is to find consistent sources of revenue to fund the trust fund. Linkage feet a major source for many counties, was ruled out by the BCC. The group has looked at the programs for the counties of Orange, Miami and Hillsborough and is still working with staff to find more information. Mary asked for more members to become part of the subcommittee. The next meeting will be held on March a a c a 2 b. Recommend Draft of Board Policy for Public Benefits Regarding Future Comprehensive GroMh Management Plan Amendments -the AHAC feel there should be some sort of public benefrt if we are asked to rewrite code or a comprehensive plan. We should seek to include affordable units in every development. Sheryl Soukup motioned to write a letter to the BCC supporting these statements. Litha Berger seconded and the Sroup voted 8-0 in approval. Susan Golden will draft a memo and send a copy to the AHAC. The group also asked Susan to forward the memo to the Planning Commission. 7. STAFF AND GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS The review and ranking committee will meet on March 5, 2020 to see presentations from all Brant applicants. b. The plan for 1,800 housing units at Hyde Park Village is going to the Planning commission on Thursday, March 5s at 9:OO a.m. You are encouraged to attend, 8, ADJOURN There being no further business for the good of the County, Mary Waller motioned to adjourn the meeting; Justin Emens seconded, and the group agreed with a vote of 8-0. The meeting ad.iourned at 9:35 a.m. NEXf MEEflNG: THE NEXT MEEflNG wtu. BE HELD ApRrr 6, 2020 AT 8:30 A"M. Location: 5s Floor Training Room, Administration (Building F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East. OABI.E HOUSING ADVISORY CoMM Chairman a a The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted' I lOR"osomended' l l. 3 CouMrY h).2020,,,os loth at 2 p.m. in the CHS office. Jennifer Mitchell volunteered to become a member of the subcommittee. Jennifer suggested that we write a grant for the trust fund and park it with the Community Foundation. As they get donations, they can offer up our grant as a possibility. Susan will contact the Community foundation and invite them to a future meeting.