CAC Meeting Notice 06/11/2020 Collier County Government Communication & Customer Relations Division 3299 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 102 Naples, Florida 34112-5746 colliercountyfl.gov twitter.com/CollierPIO facebook.com/CollierGov youtube.com/CollierGov June 2, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Notice of Public Meeting Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee Collier County, Florida Thursday, June 11, 2020 3 p.m. Notice is hereby given that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee will meet at 3 p.m., Thursday, June 11, in the Board of County Commissioners Chambers, Collier County Government Center, 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Naples, Florida 34112. The following website provides information on this committee: colliergov.net/Index.aspx?page=1263. Two or more members of the Board of County Commissioners, City of Naples City Council, City of Marco Island City Council, Tourist Development Council and the Pelican Bay Services Division may be present and participate at the meeting. The subject matter of this meeting may be an item for discussion and action at future meetings of these boards, councils or agencies. All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak. All registered public speakers will be limited to three minutes unless permission for additional time is granted by the chairman. Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners, an advisory board or quasi-judicial board), register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or other reasonable accommodations to participate in this proceeding, should contact the Collier County Facilities Management Division located at 3335 Tamiami Trail E., Naples, Florida 34112 or 239-252-8380 as soon as possible, but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event. Such reasonable accommodations will be provided at no cost to the individual. For more information call Gary McAlpin at 239-252-5342. ### 8.A.1 Packet Pg. 208 Attachment: 06-11-2020 CAC Public Notice (12805 : Coastal Advisory Committee June 11, 2020)