DASAB Minutes 01/21/2020lanuary 2l ,202O MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF COLLIERCOLTNTY DOMESTIC ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD Naples, Florida, January 21.,2020 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Domestic Animal Services Advisory Board in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 6:00 PM in REGULAR SESSION at Domestic Animal Services Training Room, Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Daniel Rheaume (Excused) VICE CHAIRMAN: Jim Rich SECRETARY: Sarah Baeckler-Davis Mary Baker Marjorie Bloom Dr. Michael Gordon Cpl. James A. Spartz (Left Early) ALSO PRESENT: Darcy Andrade, Director, DAS Kellie Carroll, Administrative Assistant, DAS Kevin Noell, Deputy County Attomey I. CaIl to Order Vice Chairman Jim Rich called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Attendance A quorum was established. III. Approval of Agenda Jim Rich made a motion to approve the agenda, there was a second and the molion passed 6-0. IV. Approval of Minutes I 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 40 Attachment: Animal Services Signed Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2020 (12787 : Animal Services Advisory Board - June 16, 2020) lmnry 2l,2O2O Marjorie Bloom made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 17, 2019 meeting, there was a second and the motion passed, 6-0. Marjorie Bloom made a motion to approve the minutes from the December il9, 2019 Workshop, there was a second and the motion passed. Tom Kepp stated that he would like additional time to review the proposed ordinance language and he asked if breeders and pet shops will be required to provide health certificates for their animals. He also asked if Animal Control Officers (ACOs) would still be on-call in the evenings, because he had seen something that says DAS doesn't have ACOs at night. Ms. Andrade advised the Board that ACOs are still on-call at night and still respond to the same types ofcalls they have always responded to while on-call. Mr. Kepp told the Board that he has heard a rumor that the Humane Society Naples is trying to take over the DAS veterinary clinic/services and asked the board if they were aware of that. Jim Rich advised Mr. Kepp that the Board didn't have information on that, but he could speak with Darcy Andrade or Humane Society Naples or that he could contact Jim Rich after the meeting to have the subject added to the next agenda. Mr. Kepp advised the Board that they should be sure to review the proposed language before the Board of County Commissioners voted on it. He told the Board that the County Attomey's Office and tlle Board of County Commissioners would likely change some ofthe language that the DASAB approves. Phyllis Estes spoke about the licensing program and advised that she was not happy that licenses are being sold through a third party. Ms. Estes stated that there were complaints at the last Volunteer Services for Animals (VSA) low cost shot clinic because people were unable to purchase licenses unless they paid with a credit card. Darcy Andrade advised that there were two DAS staff members at the last VSA shot clinic who sold licenses and that cash and credit card paymenls were accepted. The only change is that license t^gs are mailed out by the new vendor and not handed out at time of purchase. Dr. Gordon asked what happens when people have their animals vaccinated at a shot clinic but do not purchase a license and was advised by Ms. Andrade that tle new license vendor will follow up with those people to request that they purchase a license. Chuck Danielian asked about the ordinance language relaled to exercise and inquired about how that could be accomplished in an area that is a strip mall with no green space. Dn Gordon made a motion to close the public comments portion of the meeting, there was a second and the motion passed 6-0. 2 V. Public Comments 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 41 Attachment: Animal Services Signed Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2020 (12787 : Animal Services Advisory Board - June 16, 2020) lanu y 21,2020 VL Director's Report Darcy Andrade informed the Board that Domestic Animal Services has been named a finalist for the Florida Animal Control Association Agency of the Year Award and that Kathy Rheaume is a finalist for the Florida animal Control Associalion Volunteer of the year award. Ms. Andrade asked the Board if they were satisfied with the current meeting schedule ofthe third Tuesday ofthe month, every other month and the Board agreed that they were. Ms. Andrede mentioned that she would continue to reserve the room for the third Wednesday ofthe opposite month in case there was a need to hold an additional meeting during the year. VII. New Business A. Elect Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary Iim Rich made a motion to re-elect Dan Rheaumc as the Chair, there was a second and the motion passed, 6-0. Marjorie Bloom made a motion to re-elect Jim Rich as Vice Choir, there was a second and the motion passed, 6-0. Marjofie Bloom made a motion to elect Mary Baker as the Secretary, there was a second and the motion passed, 6-0. B. Standards of Care Regulatory Ordinance(s) Update Sarah Baeckler-Davis asked if there was any language missing from Chapter 14-39-4. Darcy Andrade read the relevant section and determined that no language was missing. Dr. Gordon asked if the language the Board asked Ms. Andrade to obtain from Miami-Dade regarding leasing was going to be used and the Board discussed the language. Sarah Baeckler-Dovis made a motion to add the language Jiom Miami-Dade related to leasing, there was a second and the motion passed, 6-0. Darcy Andrade advised that some language that was discussed during the December 19,2019 workshop was redrurdant and removed. Sarah Baeckler-Davis advised that she would like to see a clean copy ofthe proposed ordinance prior to voting. Jim Rich also requested a clean copy of the proposed ordinance. Ms. Baeckler-Davis expressed concems about the USDA breeder reports as it can be diffrcult to obtain copies of their reports and without them, she wondered how the County would be able to authenticate the information received fiom pet stores. She also asked if DAS should be charging additional fees for the enforcement ofnew 3 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 42 Attachment: Animal Services Signed Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2020 (12787 : Animal Services Advisory Board - June 16, 2020) latuary 2l,2O2O regulations or if the enforcement could be done within the current budget. Darcy Andrade advised that it could be done within the current budget when Field Operations is fully staffed. Cpl. SparE excused himself from the meeting at this time. Ms. Andrade reminded the Board that at the December Workshop, she had been asked to obtain exarnples of language regarding mandatory spay/neuter for pet stores. She advised the board that the only language she was able to find was from New York. The Board discussed the language and the time frame for spay/neuter. Ms. Baeckler-Davis advised that she was in favor of including the language but modifring the time frame to one year and the Board agreed with her. Jim Rich discussed charging a deposit on the pets pending sterilization surgery and Marjorie Bloom asked what would happen in the event of an'oops' litter. Kevin Noell advised that he didn't believe charging a deposit was a good idea as it would be impossible to track. Darcy Andrade asked Mr. Noell if that would be enforceable since Collier County does not have a mandatory spay/neuter law and he advised that it would be enforceable. Mr. Noell asked ifthe spay/neuter language was in the current draft and was advised that it was not. Ms. Baeckler-Davis stated that she was interested in limiting the breeding females. She stated that five is probably too low and asked the Board what they thought a good number might be. Dr. Gordon stated that he would rather see 20 breeding females in good conditions than hve in terrible conditions and that he was more concerned with the conditions than the numbers. Darcy Andrade showed photographic examples of the twelve-point font used for certificate of source in other counties and stated that all the examples would be in compliance. Jim Rich made a motion to approve the language with chdnges dpproved at this meeting, thzre was a second and the motion passed 4-1. YIII. Advisory Board Member Comments Dr. Gordon stated that each time he comes to Domestic Animal Services, he is impressed with the volunleers. Mary Beker asked if the board members could get clean copies of the proposed ordinance revision and was advised that it would be sent out to the Board as a one-way "o66rrnigation. Sarah Baeckler-Davis made a motion to adjourn, there was a second and the motion passed 5-0. 4 Mary Baker made a motion to include the spay/neuter language in the ordinance and to modify the language to change the time frame to one year, there was a second and the motion passed 5-0. 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 43 Attachment: Animal Services Signed Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2020 (12787 : Animal Services Advisory Board - June 16, 2020) lanrary 21, 2020 The next regularly scheduled Advisory Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Domestic Animal Training Room, Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida. There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was concluded at 7: l0 p.m. COI,I,IER MESTIC SERvICES ^C Vt,ct: - CK[(l These minutes approved by Board/Committee on amended _- AS ,.,^"so.,red ( //okr as 5 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 44 Attachment: Animal Services Signed Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2020 (12787 : Animal Services Advisory Board - June 16, 2020)