PTO Bulletin 20-10Property Tax Oversight Bulletin: PTO 20-10 To: Property Appraisers, Tax Collectors, Value Adjustment Board Attorneys, Clerks and Administrators, Clerks of the Court, Boards of County Commissioners, Taxing Authorities , and Interested Parties From: Property Tax Oversight Program Date: July 7, 2020 Bulletin: PTO 20-10 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PROPERTY TAX INFORMATIONAL BULLETIN Exemption, Veteran and Veteran Surviving Spouse Property Acquired Between January 1 and November 1 The 2020 Legislature enacted Chapter 2020-140, Laws of Florida, (CS/CS/HB 1249), effective July 1, 2020. This new law provides additional provisions applicable to the veteran’s exemption. The law created section 196.081(1)(b), F.S., to provide that a veteran or veteran’s surviving spouse may receive a prorated refund of property taxes paid on property on which legal or beneficial title is acquired between January 1 and November 1. The additional requirements for the refund are that the veteran or veteran’s surviving spouse: • receives an exemption under section 196.081, F.S., on a property for the tax year, and • applies for and receives an exemption on the acquired property in the next tax year under section 196.081, F.S. The refund is prorated as of the date of transfer. If the property appraiser determines the veteran or spouse is entitled to an exemption under section 196.081, F.S., on the newly acquired property, the law provides for the property appraiser to make entries on the tax roll necessary to allow the prorated refund of taxes for the previous tax year. The full text of the law changes is available at http://laws.flrules.org/2020/140 . The Department of Revenue has provided this bulletin for your general information. Please distribute to your staff who may be affected by the changes in the law. If you have questions about its contents, please send them to DORPTO@floridarevenue.com.