CAC Minutes 11/09/2006 R
November 9, 2006
Naples, Florida, November 9, 2006
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Committee in and
for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date
at 1 :00 PM in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor
Collier County Government Center, Naples, Florida with the following
members present:
Chairman: Ron Pennington
Gerald Camiener
Murray Hendel- Excused
Heidi Kulpa
Ronald Minarcini
Anthony Pires
John Sorey III
Paul Sullivan
E. Glenn Tucker
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Project Manager
Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Coordinator
Collier County: November 9,2006
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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2006 - 1:00 P.M.
W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County
Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. Octob~r12,20Q6 - Regular Meeting Minutes
VI. Staff Reports
1. Re\LEmue ReR~rt - Gary McAlpin
2. Project StatJ,I!"-RepJ>rt - Gary McAlpin
VII. New Business
1. CenterColltr_ac::ti1lgC_Orporation -Approval ofR,FP #06-4003RArtific::iaJ RgefMitigatiQn
2. COastal P!anIlJng&Engineerillg -Artific::iaIReef Engilleeringsypport approval
3. MCiJ"CQ~ejlchVegetatiol'1 Control
4. Humiston &. M_Qore Engineers Change Order Approval
VIII. Old Business
1. Mar_c::_oSoutbBeac::n RenQurtshmentlCCixambCis pass Dredging
2. WiggjnsPass Update
3. Clampjls$ Bgacb PCirk Renourishment/Clam Pass Dredging
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. December 14, 2006 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any,
in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable.
For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 213-2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this
proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the
Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112,
(239) 774-8380.
Collier County: November 9, 2006
Public comments will be limited to 5 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time.
Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying
activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board
of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board
Minutes and Records Department.
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November 9,2006
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :02 PM.
II. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr. McAlpin added sub-item 5 under agenda item VII, New Business. Sub-item
5 is a recommendation to approve work orders for Coastal Planning and
Engineering to help with the ability to react to an emergency, and also to start
work on the ten-year permit application for the Clam Pass Project.
Mr. Sullivan moved to approve the agenda as amended. Second by Mr.
Camiener. Motion carried unanimously 8-0.
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. October 12, 2006 - Regular Meeting Minutes
Mr. McAlpin stated that there were a number of issues with the Minutes. He
asked for more time to correct them and suggested presenting them for
approval at the next meeting. The Committee agreed.
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin stated a new fiscal year started in October. During October,
$436,000 in TDC funds were received, which is $16,000 more that the amount
budgeted. As in the past, approximately 50% of October's revenue came from
Collier County, 25% from Naples and 25% from Marco Island. The full year
revenue budget for TDC funds is $13,600,000.
2. Project Status - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin discussed two documents requesting that the City of Naples and
the City of Marco Island close out projects as the fiscal year has closed, and
submit all invoices by the end of November. Parks and Recreation and the
other County services have been informed of this action, in an effort to avoid
having accounts that should be closed remain open as charging sources in the
new fiscal year.
Mr. Pennington noted that he has been pursuing the grant relative to Doctors
Pass, and he believes that is totally closed out.
VII. New Business
1. Center Contracting Corporation - Approval of RFP #06-4003R Artificial
Reef Mitigation Project
November 9, 2006
Mr. McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Recommend Approval of
RFP #06-4003R Artificial Reef Mitigation Project to Center Contracting
Corporation for total based bid amount of $998,898.00 (Project No. 905271)."
An artificial reef has to be built approximately one acre off the coast of Naples.
The site has been selected and Center Contracting submitted the only qualified
bid. Most of the work will be subcontracted to Gunderboom, a very
experienced marine contractor.
Mr. McAlpin added that there is $1 million in the budget for this project and
Center Contracting and Gunderboom are qualified contractors. There is a time
constraint, and he recommended approval of awarding the contract.
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the awarding of the contract. Second by Mr.
Pires. Motion carried unanimously 8-0.
2. Coastal Planning & Engineering - Artificial Reef Engineering support
Mr. McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Recommend Approval of
Work Order CP-FT-3902-07-01 under contract 06-3902 with Coastal Planning
& Engineering for scope of services to provide engineering support for
construction of the artificial reef offshore of Naples Beach for time and
material totaling $50,000 (Project 905271)."
This Work Order is to provide construction monitoring services and
engineering support for construction of the artificial reef offshore of Naples
Beach. The contractor will provide diving inspections of the reef during the
placement of boulders to make sure that work is done in compliance with all
plans and specifications.
Mr. Pires questioned the following wording under Scope of Services for this
item: "The services are hourly for a fee of $50,000 without contingency." He
suggested changing the wording to "for a fee not to exceed $50,000."
Mr. McAlpin responded that the suggested change will be made, and added
that all ofthe engineering contracts are for "time and material, not to exceed."
Mr. Pires moved to approve the awarding of the contract subject to the
inclusion of the language "not to exceed." Second by Mr. Sorey. Motion
carried unanimously 8-0.
3. Marco Beach Vegetation Control
Mr. McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Recommend Approval of
$30,000 for permit engineering and studies required to obtain a FDEP Coastal
Construction Control Line Permit to remove vegetation and restore beach
November 9, 2006
access in the area between the Tigertail beach access and the main Marco
Island beach."
Mr. McAlpin noted that in 1991 Sand Dollar Island was a true island and not
connected to the beach, and the residents of South Seas Condo had
unencumbered Gulf access. Over the years, Sand Dollar Island grew and
attached itself to the beach in front of South Seas Condo, replacing ocean front
beach with lagoon front beach that is rapidly being covered by vegetation. The
residents of Marco and Commissioner Fiala have asked that the vegetation be
removed, but only 15 feet of vegetation can be removed by FDEP permit (the
beach is 35 feet wide at present). The Coastal Control Line Permitting Section
of Beaches and Coastal Systems which has jurisdiction is opposed to the
vegetation removal and requires detailed information to consider issuing a
permit for the removal of all vegetation, including a physical survey, an
environmental study, and possibly a mitigation plan so that vegetation removed
is mitigated with vegetation elsewhere. $30,000 is being requested to obtain
the information required for the permit. Marco Island's Beach Committee, Mr.
Sullivan and staff from the City of Marco Island are all very supportive.
Mr. Tucker added that, as a City Council member, he has received a lot of
complaints about the vegetation.
Ms. Kulpa also added that the Friends of Tigertail are in total agreement with
the vegetation removal.
Mr. Sorey suggested considering getting some line of demarcation so that this
issue doesn't arise on other beaches, and that instead of the 15-foot rule,
negotiate an agreement to allow the removal of vegetation up to 100 feet.
Mr. McAlpin responded that he intends to start negotiations to permit
vegetation removal up to 100 feet on all beaches as a condition of the permit.
Mr. Pennington noted that Parks and Recreation is building a walkway from
Tigertail to the south end to provide access, and asked if vegetation removal
for that could be tied in with this proposal.
Mr. McAlpin responded that these vegetation removal efforts could be
coordinated with Parks and Recreation.
Mr. Pires moved to approve spending $30,000 for permit engineering and
studies. Second by Mr. Sorey. Motion carried unanimously 8-0.
4. Humiston Moore Engineers Change Order Approval
Mr. McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Recommend Approval of
Change Order 1 and 2 with Humiston & Moore Engineers to Work Order HM-
FT-3902-06-05 for $30,671.25 and Change Order 1 to Work Order HM-3271-
06-03 for $5,000 for a total of$35,671.25."
The first two items concern Wiggins Pass. One is for $15,000 for engineering
and permit requirements to get East Channel Dredging history that the DEP
has required. The second item, also for the East Channel, is the vibracore that
November 9, 2006
the DEP requires to assess sand gradation, to determine that it is beach quality
sand. Both items concern engineering to support the Wiggins Pass dredging.
The third item concerns Clam Pass, a change order for $5,000 to change the
entrance cut from a width of 30 feet to a width of 80 feet. This has been
discussed with Pelican Bay Services Division which has elected not to object
to the 80- foot wide cut.
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the changes in Work Orders. Second by Mr.
Tucker. Motion carried unanimously 8-0.
5. Coastal Planning & Engineering WO #CPE-FT-3902-07-02 and 07-03
Mr. McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Recommend Approval of
Work Orders under contract 06-3902 with Coastal Planning & Engineering,
CPE-FT-3902-07-02 for Clam Pass lO-year permit application (900281) in the
amount of$6,343.00; CPE-FT-3902-07-03 for Beach Renourishment and Reef
Mitigation Project Construction Management (905271) in the amount of
$8,657.00. Total for time and material not to exceed $15,000."
Mr. McAlpin stated that the first Work Order is to obtain preliminary dollars
to start work on the lO-year Clam Pass permitting. The Work Order is to
secure an extension on the sand source from Minerals Management Service,
and also extend the biological opinion, so that ifthere was ever a need to do
emergency dredging and emergency sand placement on the beaches, both the
sand source and the biological opinion would be in place. These are multi-year
tasks, and this activity needs to be started now.
Mr. Tucker moved to approve the Work Orders. Second by Mr. Sullivan.
Motion carried unanimously 8-0.
VIII. Old Business
1. Marco South Beach Renourishment/Caxambus Pass Dredging
Mr. McAlpin stated the contractor, Subaqueous, started dredging on time on
November 1st, but there have been five days of bad weather since then, and
their dredge cannot operate in rough seas. About 150 feet of beach has been
renourished from the 02 jetty and moving north and this will continue with
good weather. The objective is to finish by mid-December.
Laser grading the rest of the beach should take place in December.
2. Wiggins Pass Update
Mr. McAlpin stated that notice to proceed has been received for 50,000 cubic
yards, the exterior shoal that will be dredged. Permit modification has been
applied for and notice to proceed has been received for the dredging of the
12,000 cubic yard interior shoal. Issues and concerns ofthe State Park and
November 9,2006
concerned citizens from the surrounding communities have been resolved. It is
expected that dredging will start on the first of the year.
3. Clam Pass Beach Park Renourishment/Clam Pass Dredging
Mr. McAlpin stated that Pelican Bay Services Division has agreed on an 80
foot cut on the ebb tide shoal for the maintenance dredging. It is expected that
this work will start on the first of the year. The quantity has been revised to
18,500 cubic yards and a notice to proceed is pending the submission of a
quality control plan.
IX. Public Comments
Maura Kraus - Collier County Environmental Services Department _
reported that the second lowest turtle-nesting year occurred this year. Last year's
total of 444 nests was the lowest, and there were 561 nests this year. There were
9 disorientations, mostly on the Park Shore Beach, and that is attributed to losing
a lot of vegetation due to Hurricane Wilma. Environmental Services is working
on a $135,000 Hurricane Charley grant with the City of Naples to change some
beach access lights and to add some light screening vegetation at the Collier
County beach accesses.
Michael Bauer - City of Naples Natural Resources Manager - provided an
update on the dredging of Gordon River in Naples Bay. The regional office of the
Corps of Engineers has performed a preliminary survey that will be provided to
Dr. Bauer, and he will share that report with the Committee when he receives it.
He added that he is working with Councilman Sorey on obtaining Congressional
funding for this work.
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. December 14,2006 - 1 :00 PM - Government Center, Administration
Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the Chair at 2:05 PM.
Chairman Ron Pennington