Backup Documents 06/23/2020 Item #11B (CARES Act Presentation)Local government Cares act funding
Board of County Commissioners
June 23, 2020
Sign funding agreement with Florida Division of Emergency Management for allocation of CARES Act funding
Authorize the County Manager or designee to execute sub-award agreements and payment requests and any necessary budget amendments
Authorize up to eight (8) temporary, full-time employees to administer the program
Provide necessary direction for distribution of funds
Summary of legislation
March 27, 2020 – CARES Act signed into law - $2.2 Trillion Aid Package
$290 billion – Direct payments to eligible taxpayers
$260 billion – Expanded unemployment insurance
$150 billion – State & local governments
$510 billion – Expanded liquidity lending for businesses/local government
$377 billion – New loans & grants for small businesses
$127 billion – Hospitals for lost revenue and other equipment
Collier county allocation
Under Governor’s plan, Counties receive 25% of allocation as a direct payment, remainder is reserved for requests for reimbursement
Collier County allocated $67,162,432
Direct payment: $16,790,608
Payments from the fund may be made available to cover costs that -
are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19;
were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020 (the date of enactment of the CARES Act) for the State or government, and;
3. were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020.
Eligible expenditures
Important notes on uses
Must be used on incurred expenses related to COVID-19 pandemic (3/1/20 – 12/30/20)
Can only be used to cover costs not accounted for in the latest budget
No duplication of benefits
County is responsible for determining eligible expenditures in line with Treasury guidance
Responsible for payment of funds or expenditures that are determined ineligible
Funds not used by December 30, 2020 will be returned
Funds not eligible to fill shortfalls on government revenues
Subject to all Federal Single Audit Act requirements
CRF Guidance
Expenditures paid for with payments from the Fund must be limited to those that are necessary due to the public health emergency. As such, unless the government were to determine that
providing assistance in the form of a stipend is an administrative necessity, the government should provide such assistance on a reimbursement basis to ensure as much as possible that
funds are used to cover only eligible expenses.
What might collier county need to fund?
Covid-19 eligible expenditures
Individual relief available
Business relief available
Potential community assistance programs
Once Board direction is provided, staff will develop plan with allocations
Application process for assistance and reimbursement implemented through online portal buildout, staff to coordinate communications plan
Staff will work with any necessary entities to develop fiscal procedures
Continually evaluate additional community needs for future assistance
Monthly reports to BCC / posted on County website
Development of assistance dashboard
Formal Expenditure Reports to FDEM
Develop further recommendations for data sharing
Lee county, fl
Orange County, florida
Pinellas County
$5,000 one-time grant for qualifying small businesses with a physical location in Pinellas County (1-25 employees)
Larger businesses, non-profits and home-based businesses are not eligible
Funds can only be used to reimburse the cost of business interruption caused by required closures provided those costs are not paid by insurance or by another federal program
No reimbursement is required – only businesses that have suffered more than $5k in economic injury since March
Individuals can be awarded one-time assistance based on specific documented needs that have accumulated during pandemic
Direct payments to landlord, mortgage lender or utility company
Palm beach restart business grant
$25,000 maximum award
Not a publicly traded company, not a not-for-profit, does not exceed $5 million in gross sales and receipts
Eligible Sectors: Agriculture, Child Care Centers, Gyms & Fitness Studios Hair Salons, Nail Salons, Barber Shops, Health Care Services & Medical Offices, Professional Service (Based
on NAICS Codes), Retail – Physical Brick/Mortar Store, Restaurants, Caterers, Bakeries
Eligible Uses: Salaries/Payroll, Inventories, Lease/Mortgage/Rent, Utilities, Expenses related to new safety provisions
Sign funding agreement with Florida Division of Emergency Management for allocation of CARES Act funding
Authorize the County Manager or designee to execute sub-award agreements and payment requests and any necessary budget amendments
Authorize up to eight (8) temporary, full-time employees to administer the program
Provide necessary direction for distribution of funds
Specific funding
$30.7 billion for Education Stabilization Fund
$13.2 billion for K-12 schools
PPP and Healthcare Enhancement Act (CARES 2)
Additional $75 billion in reimbursement for hospitals and healthcare providers
$25 billion for COVID-19 testing
Hillsborough county