Present: Dennis Vasey Stephen Price Byron Meade
Jim Peterka
Staff: John Kirchner Gene Schmidt Bob Titus
Debra Harnaga Joan Greco
Public: Winona Stone John Henderson Carol Glassman
Luc Carriere Patrick Lee Tom Palmer
Monty Gedys
Meeting called to order at 1:10 p.m. and quorum was present.
Dennis Vasey said our overhead needs to be reduced. The Executive Director and his assistant
could write the grants thus eliminating a need for a grants writer position. Revenue from the
sale of our plane should be included in the ’05 budget. He then proceeded to go through each
item on the budget sub-committee sheets one at a time.
Dennis Vasey stated the fuel sales were understated and there was a 20% increase in ’04
over ’03 and the program added 10% in ’05. Bob Titus was called upon to explain how
the figures were arrived at. Bob Titus said there was no intention to underestimate the
revenues to get more money contrary to what the Chairman said. We use a software that
averages out the figures but we had 25-30% more in fuel sales and the software figured it
to be a fluke. We figured it very conservatively with the gallons for 2005 being the same
as 2004.
A motion was made by Dennis Vasey to adjust the $66,000. Dennis Vasey said yes
and those not in favor were: Stephen Price, Byron Meade, and Jim Peterka.
Dennis Vasey spoke about eliminating the grant writer position citing with the
elimination of one airport there would be less to do thus this position cannot be justified.
Byron Meade asked how sure were we of getting rid of that airport. Dennis Vasey said
he could just about guarantee it. Tom Palmer said the conveyance of the airport will take
place at the start of the next fiscal year. Jim Peterka stated the workload for Everglades
was minimal now and thought the Immokalee airport would more than even up by the
requirements there. Steven Price said we had nothing to market when John Drury was
here so he could write for grants but now the executive director has a greater
Dennis Vasey said anyone in favor of removing this position say yes to which he was
the only one and Stephen Price, Byron Meade and Jim Peterka said no.
Dennis Vasey stated the next issue was selling the airplane for $80,000. Bob Titus said it was in
the original budget but not the forecast budget. Winona Stone recommended to put it into the
2005 budget.
Dennis Vasey asked all in favor as we did in the 2003 budget and reflecting in the 2005
budget for $80,000. All were in favor.
Dennis Vasey wants to reduce marketing in Immokalee by $10,000 due to EDC doing the
marketing. Gene Schmidt wanted to maintain marketing for the airside of Immokalee not
just the Tradeport information which is what EDC would be promoting.
Dennis Vasey proposed all in favor of reducing the Immokalee budget by $10,000 say yes.
Dennis Vasey voted yes and Stephen Price, Byron Meade and Jim Peterka voted no.
Dennis Vasey proposed to eliminate the courtesy car for $27,000 and arrange to have a rental car
business. He feels we should get a contract with a car agency at a fleet rate or reduced rate
fee for this purpose. Bob Tweedie said the car at Marco was acquired under our budget and
the one at Immokalee was given to us by the Air Force at no charge. Byron Meade said we
will need a car once Ave Maria University takes off. Stephen Price said to give Immokalee
the van at Marco and budget for a new vehicle at Marco. Next budget put in for a new
vehicle for Immokalee.
Stephen Price motioned to keep one car in the budget this year and another next year. Jim
Peterka seconded the motion. Dennis Vasey voted no and Stephen Price, Byron Meade
and Jim Peterka voted yes.
Dennis Vasey talked about eliminating an airport manager position. With Everglades Airpark
transition there will be less for him to do so therefore he is not needed.
Dennis Vasey had a recommendation to eliminate an airport manager position. Dennis
Vasey voted yes and Stephen price, Byron Meade and Jim Peterka voted no.
Dennis Vasey said that out of a possible $441,000 we managed to save $115,000.
Jim Peterka motioned for staff to submit to the board a timeline for the budget cycle
evaluation starting next fiscal year. Dennis Vasey seconded it.
All were in favor.
Stephen Price told the board about the 30 candidates that sent in applications and
narrowed it down to 4 at our last meeting. Human Resources is now assisting us with the
interviews. At the next meeting we will do telephone interviews and narrow it down
further for the final interview. We need to contact the County Manager and County
Commissioners to see at what point they will become involved in the selection. The
group we have chosen all have masters in aviation management.
Gene Schmidt discussed the Immokalee Runway Extension. The letter that was sent to the
Commissioners was reiterated. The main idea is to get the runway in shape for future tenants
and customers now. Dennis Vasey said money for repairs should be put into the 2005 budget.
Current maintenance, runway rehab, runway extension, land acquisition and habitat or
species study are all part of this project. Luc Carriere said they submitted the permit to the
State and the Army Corp of Engineers and they have been very favorable to the Airport
Authority. They will advertise the Public Notice very soon.
Gene Schmidt discussed the grant writer’s position. The paper is attached with the
information he provided.
John Kirchner spoke about the Ian Groom Memorial and the resolution the board made
for him.
Stephen Price moved to approve the consent agenda subject to being able to raise
questions at the next meeting once they have had a chance to read it. It was seconded
by Dennis Vasey. All were in favor.
B1. Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Program
Monty Gedys from Hole Montes spoke about the DBE program. She put together a
construction goal for this project. Since this was our first Federal Grant we came up with
4.18%. Bob Titus put an add in the paper for public comment. August 9, 2004 would be
the official approval as to the goals we established.
Luc Carriere spoke about the Everglades Airpark taxiway design to connect the ramp to
the north turnout. The south taxiway is designed already. We are permitting and in the
process of bidding on the north one which is due July 14, 2004 and that will be presented
at our board meeting in August to accept the grant from the FAA and the successful
bidder. Construction should start in September. In Immokalee permits were submitted
and working with the Corp to get the Public Notice out. The taxiway will be out to bid
this fall and get a grant from the FAA. On Marco they got the permit from the State for
the taxiway. Waiting for the Corp permit but it is taking awhile. Completed the design
for the mitigation program and need the permit before we can get the grant for this
project. The mangrove tree clearing is 50% done to get the permits.
B2. Administrative Code
Dennis Vasey brought up the Administrative Code. He wanted to move it until next board
meeting in August.
B3. Hornet Aviation
Patrick Lee discussed the air show they want to have in Immokalee in 2005. He wanted
to make sure the $1,000 for the presentation was still available and $25,000 in seed
money. Dennis Vasey said the $1,000 was approved in this year’s budget for the
presentation. Patrick Lee stated that next time they would not ask the county for money
but divide up the profits so they have seed money. Stephen price said Gene should speak
with the County Managers office to start the process of the air show. Patrick Lee said
time is of the essence to get the show in to action.
E. New Business
Gene Schmidt and Bob Tweedie spoke about our fuel quality assurance program. Bob
Tweedie said we have certificates and have been praised about our safety. Dennis Vasey
said there had been some questions in a letter from Naples Airport Authority on our
handling of fuel and wanted to clear the air.
F. Public Comment
G. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.