MINUTES OF April 12, 2004
MEMBERS Dennis Vasey Steve Price Robin Doyle
PRESENT: Bill West Raymond Rewis
ABSENT: Jim Peterka
STAFF: John Kirchner Bob Titus Debi Mueller
Bob Tweedie Gene Schmidt Joan Greco
PUBLIC: Tammie Nemecek Michael Watkins Laura Layden
Carol Glassman Mike Taylor
Meeting called to order at 1:05 p.m. and quorum was present.
Mr. Schmidt passed out information on the upcoming April 17, 2004 Safety Seminar at Immokalee
Airport. Mr. Schmidt asked Mr. Kirchner to discuss what was happening in Immokalee. Mr.
Kirchner said they were finishing up the Incubator Support Facility project. It should be finished
tomorrow and a Certificate of Occupancy issued. He should be able to be in business within the
next week. Mr. Kirchner was obtaining three quotes for the security fencing repair for the Cargo
Ms. Nemecek wanted to know if the FIS building was ready to go once the fence was fixed. Mr.
Kirchner said it was. Mr. Tweedie stated Customs would have an interest in cargo coming in and
would have to dictate what had to be done in the building to accommodate them. Mr. Vasey
wanted to know what is the biggest function we could support? Mr. Tweedie stated a cargo
operator with nothing but a flight crew on board would be able to clear. Mr. Vasey asked that if
we funded for the biggest thing we can do will everything else fit inside of that? Mr. Tweedie
replied we could but it would be a very significant commitment as you would need a bonded
warehouse for the cargo. Mr. Titus asked that if they had someone coming in to let us know so we
can start the funding for their requirements.
Agenda changes: Move A.3 below Consent Agenda to B4.
Mr. Price moved to approve agenda as amended. Mr. Doyle seconded the motion. Motion
passed unanimously.
1. Safire Lease
Ms. Nemecek discussed that with the ten year free rent they would create and maintain jobs
in the area as part of the agreement. The EDC would not be involved in the drafting of the
lease. The Airport Authority would have to initiate writing the lease.
Recommendation: We need to have a formal motion to instruct staff to take entire
package to the FAA and ask if they approve the land rent waiver.
Mr. Price placed a motion to move forward. Mr. Vasey seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
Discussion: Mr. Titus stated the FAA would like to be involved in the process. As soon
as we have the lease we should send it for approval. Mr. Doyle stated we have to interest
the FAA in the airport operations. Therefore, we need to know what the company thinks
their level of airport operations would be. We can present that business in a positive light
to the FAA. Mr. Schmidt felt we would have some problems with the FAA due to the
revenue diversion issue. Mr. Price stated that once the buildings were up they would
become property of the land owner which is the Airport Authority and the FAA would like
that. If they default on their lease we still have the structures.
2. Preliminary FY 05 Budget
Mr. Titus stated that he together with Debi Mueller, Bob Tweedie and John Kirchner put
the budget together.
Recommendation: That a Budget Sub-Committee be appointed to review the proposed
Discussion: The numbers are preliminary until the Airport Authority approves them. They
need to be final by June or July when the County Commissioners receive it. They are
taking more time to do the budget until the May meeting. Mr. West wanted to know about
the copier. Mr. Titus replied it was never in the budget for Immokalee. Mr. Titus stated
we are 30% over budget in Marco Jet fuel due to a large influx of development in the area.
Mr. Tweedie said there will be a large mitigation project for the taxiway going on in the
next 9 to 10 months which was in the budget. Mr. Vasey wanted to make sure we had
enough money in the budget for the vegetation management for all the airports and Bob
Tweedie replied yes. Mr. Vasey formed a budget sub-committee to meet on the
Wednesday, April 28, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. at Marco Island Executive Airport.
Mr. Vasey made a motion to table the budget approval until next month’s meeting. Mr.
Price seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Executive Director Selection Committee Report
Mr. Price stated they received 23 applications in response to the advertising and chose 8.
The plan of action proposed was they would accept additional applications but had a cutoff
time of 30 days from the last advertisement. Then follow up with the first group and ask
them to refine their resume and specifically address what their involvements were in a
number of criteria to substantiate that. Criteria being supervision of airports, grant writing,
involvement in projects, how they were involved in financing and development of airport
assets. A letter from a person involved in that project would be requested. Review that
data and make telephone interviews to pare it down. Bring in 3 or 4 finalists and meet with
the Airport Authority, County Commissioners office and someone from the County
Managers office to choose the most capable.
Recommendation: Approve the Selection Committee’s time table.
Discussion: Mr. Price wants responses from the Authority members within 48 hours as
to criteria they would like in the letter we are sending to the first cut. Mr. Vasey wanted to
know when the letter would go out. Mr. Price is trying for next week. Mr. Vasey stated
letters should be sent out by return receipt. Mr. Doyle suggested giving the candidates two
weeks (post marked) from the time the letter is received till it is returned. The personal
interviews should be the entire Airport Authority Board, County Commissioners and the
County Manager. Mr. Vasey said once we make a choice then submit the information to
the Commissioners for approval of the release of the final letter. Mr. Price said they would
get the County Managers office involved and finalize compensation issues ahead of time.
Mr. Vasey made a motion to accept the plan put forth by the Chairman of the Executive
Director Selection Committee. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Hole Montes Work Order for Marco Vegetation Management Program
Mr. Price made a motion to approve the work order and Mr. Vasey seconded the motion.
Mr. Doyle abstained. Motion passed.
1. Sale of Authority Plane
Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Tweedie took the plane for an appraisal in Ft. Lauderdale. It was
appraised at $98,650. The highest bid received was $51,000 from County purchasing. It is
unacceptable. Bob Tweedie said we can wait until the prices for used aircraft goes back up,
place it on a future county circuit surplus auction or have a special auction. Mr. Titus said
we paid $67,000 for it and put in $30,000 of equipment. Mr. Doyle said to tell the County
we reject all bids and put it out for bid again and the Authority take the responsibility for
getting the bid advertised.
Recommendation: Go ahead with the bid process as prescribed.
1. 2004 Airport Authority Ordinance
Mr. Vasey said we need to review Administrative Code against the Airport Authority
Ordinance and make sure it complies.
Recommendation: Mr. Vasey will work on this and report at the next meeting.
2 . Parks and Recreation
Mr. Vasey met with John Dunnick, Commissioner Coletta and Marla Ramsey and drew
up a temporary lease for use of the land at no cost to the County. The Airport Authority
would always be able to take over the use of that land at any time. Mr. Price suggested
that twelve months was all they could use it and then a rolling 90 days thereafter.
Recommendation: Have Mr. Schmidt tell them the lease agreement was added to the May
meeting for further discussion.
3. Rent for Florida Architectural Inc.
Mr. Kirchner said the tenant was not permitted to occupy the building until scheduled
improvements are finished so prorating the rent would be fair.
Recommendation: Mr. Vasey made a motion to prorate tenants rent from date of
occupancy pending DCA approval.
Mr. Price seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
Prepared By:____________________________
Joan Greco, Administrative Assistant