MINUTES OF February 9, 2004
MEMBERS Dennis Vasey Robin Doyle Jim Peterka
PRESENT: Bill West
ABSENT: Raymond Rewis Steve Price
STAFF: Gene Schmidt Bob Tweedie John Kirchner
Debi Mueller Bob Titus
PUBLIC: Elinor Krier Greg Shepard Winona Stone
Tammie Nemecek Patrick Lee MikeTaylor
Carol Glassman Stan Vaugn Fred Thomas, Jr.
Bob Murray Loretta Murray Hank Nold
John Swayze Jorge Sanchez Fernando Sanchez
Orlando Sanchez
Meeting called to order at 1:05 p.m. and quorum was present.
1. Award Presentation
Mr. Vasey recognized Mr. Robert P. Murray for his contribution to the Centennial
Celebration held at the Marco Island Executive Airport on December 17, 2003.
Agenda changes: Add Item 2. Funding to complete powder coating conversion under
Capital Improvements. Add Ellie Krier as additional item before B.1. Move items
B.6 and B.7 before B.1.
Mr. Doyle questioned whether a report would be given regarding talks with Naples Airport
Authority and construction of hangars in both Immokalee and Everglades. Mr. Schmidt
replied that those items would be covered in his report.
Mr. Doyle moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Mr. Vasey seconded the
motion. Motion passed unanimously.
1. Ellie Krier
Ms. Ellie Krier representing the Collings Foundation requested a waiver of the
Application fee to conduct Aeronautical activities for a visit by a B-24 and B-25 at the
Immokalee Airport on February 23rd and 24th, and the Marco Island Executive Airport
on February 25th, 26th, and 27th.
Recommendation: That the waiver be granted.
Discussion: Mr. Doyle asked if there was any cost to the Airports. Mr. Kirchner
replied that there would not be any cost involved. Ms. Krier also indicated that a
certificate of insurance adding the Authority as a named insured would be issued.
Mr. Vasey moved for approval of the recommendation. Mr. Doyle seconded
the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
7. Sanchez Brothers Corporation d.b.a. S.B. Pallets
Mr. Fernando Sanchez, Mr. Orlando Sanchez, and Mr. Jorge Sanchez made a
presentation to the board introducing their company, S. B. Pallets. A brief history of
the Company and their current operations was given. They are interested in leasing an
area at the Immokalee Airport for the purposes of using the location as a transfer station
only. No manufacturing would be done at the Immokalee location. Mr. Schmidt
requested that the Board authorize the staff to negotiate a lease with S.B. Pallets.
Recommendation: Authorize staff to negotiate a lease with S.B. Pallets
Discussion: Mr. West asked where this operation would be located on the Airport.
Mr. Kirchner replied that they would be located where Sienna Marble and Tile was
supposed to locate on the southeast sector of the airport. It will be approximately
1.5 acres. The parcel currently has an old trailer and a small building on it. S.B.
Pallets has agreed to remove the trailer and make the necessary repairs to the
building, at no cost to the Authority. Mr. Doyle asked what size the parcel is. Mr.
Kirchner replied that it is less than 1.5 acres, with options to expand to
approximately 5 acres. Ms. Tammie Nemecek asked if their future operation would
be expanded to include manufacturing. Mr. Sanchez replied that it might if the
business grows as expected. Ms. Nemecek then asked how many jobs would be
created by this location. Mr. Sanchez replied that to start there would be 3.
Mr. Doyle moved for approval of the recommendation. Mr. Peterka seconded
the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
8. Immokalee Regional Airport Air Show Committee
Mr. Patrick Lee presented the Board with a proposal to do an Air Show at the
Immokalee Regional Airport for late winter or early spring 2005. They want to make
this air show a first class event, similar to the Fort Lauderdale Air & Sea Show. They
have talked to Air Boss Consulting International. The principle there is Wayne Boggs,
who has an extensive background of being air boss at several shows throughout the
United States. Mr. Lee requested the Board’s approval to move forward with this air
show. There are many unknowns at this point, however, before anything else can be
done, they need Board approval. One of the first steps will be to come up with a title
sponsor for this event. It was also suggested to Mr. Lee that they have the consulting
firm of AB&CI do a presentation for the Board of County Commissioners. The
consulting company will require a fee. Mr. Lee is requesting that the Board authorize
an expenditure not to exceed $1,000.00 for this purpose.
Recommendation: Authorize the committee to proceed with the planning of the
air show.
Mr. Vasey moved for approval of the recommendation. Mr. Doyle seconded
the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Recommendation: Authorize the reimbursement of up to $1,000.00 for
expenditures for presentation to the Board of County Commissioners, with the
understanding that any excess funds from the show will be refunded.
Discussion: Mr. West wholeheartedly approves of the Air Show, however,
questioned the availability of funds. Mr. Titus said that we can reimburse
expenses up to $1,000.00 and he would also suggest that if there are any excess
funds from the sale of tickets, the Authority be refunded those expenses. Mr.
Vasey then suggested that the presentation by AB & CI be done in conjunction
with the workshop scheduled for May 2004.
Mr. Vasey moved for approval of the recommendation. Mr. West seconded
the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
9. Hornet Flight Training
Mr. Lee of Hornet Flight Training requested approval to begin operating as a sub-
contractor for the purpose of offering glider training at the Immokalee Tradeport. They
have a glider in place and a tow plane in place and feel they have a tremendous
customer base. Mr. John Swayze will be working with Hornet using an L113 glider.
The glider will be equipped with a radio.
Recommendation: Authorize staff to allow the operation.
Discussion: Mr. Peterka questioned whether this activity falls within the confines
of the present lease, and the necessity of a hold harmless agreement. Mr. Kirchner
will explore the current lease. Mr. Lee said that Mr. Swayze would carry the
insurance, listing Hornet Flight Training, Collier County Airport Authority and the
Board of County Commissioners as additional insured’s. Mr. Palmer would like to
review the lease and any agreement proposed for the operation of glider training.
Mr. Vasey moved for approval of the recommendation. Mr. West seconded
the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
6. South Florida Defense Antiquities Museum, Inc.
Mr. Stan Vaughn and Greg Shepard requested approval to pursue a lease of one half of
the cargo facility until a permanent tenant can be found. Mr. Kirchner indicated the
Authority has received an application to conduct aeronautical activities, which included
plans to build a building on lease spots A-8 and A-9 just north of the cargo facility,
from South Florida Defense Antiquities Museum, Inc. They are requesting approval
to build a building between 14,400 square feet and 45,000 square feet, depending on
donations, in addition to leasing one half of the cargo facility.
Recommendation: Authorize staff to negotiate the lease for lots A-8 and A-9 and
allow the lease of on half of the cargo facility.
Mr. Doyle moved for approval of the recommendation. Mr. Vasey seconded
the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Discussion: Mr. Peterka commented that we should take a look at the plans
involved and make sure we have the right of refusal and or working with you guys
in order to keep the Florida Tradeport in the design that we are looking at. We
should make sure that their plans dove tail with the master plan.
2. Safire Aviation – Update
Ms. Nemecek updated the Board regarding Safire Aviation. EDC is planning on going
back to the Board of County Commissioners on March 9, 2004 to get them to approve
the two final resolutions for the QTI match as well as the brownfield area designation.
Those two resolutions then need approval from the State. County manager Jim Mudd
and Gene can then work with Safire to start contract negotiations for the infrastructure.
There have been some concerns as to whether or not due diligence has been done with
Safire because of the amount of incentives offered. The groups that met with Safire
are satisfied that Safire can perform, also the incentives are performance based. Every
precaution is being put in place to make sure the County is not at risk. We should know
within the next two weeks if we are on the short list. The final decision should come
sometime around the end of March.
3. Skytruck – Update
EDC toured the planes at the WWII center. The tour went well and the participants
enjoyed Immokalee tremendously. They are meeting with other representatives and
other locations. EDC is currently trying to find someone to build a building for them.
Skytruck is moving along, however, a decision is not expected for another six months.
Ms. Nemecek feels more comfortable that they may choose Immokalee over the other
locations they are looking at. She feels that the incentives a community can offer will
play a key role in their decision.
Mr. Doyle commended the work of EDC and our staff for how quickly they have
brought this together and how well they have worked together. The County staff was
also incredibly helpful. Everyone performed admirable in a very short time, and that
is something that hasn’t happened before. Mr. Vasey added that the decision to bring
Florida Tradeport and then the decision by EDC to staff with a full time employee has
certainly added to our understanding of the marketing issues.
Ms Nemecek added that the marketing plan involving the little crates focused on cargo
operations has been on hold for the last two months due to the effort put into the Safire
proposal. Duane will be working on this marketing campaign again. Ms. Nemecek
would like to get to the point of having a national marketing plan in place. She
estimates the cost of such a plan to be $200,000.00. From EDC prospective, they will
look at funding, however, she needs direction from the Authority. How would the
Authority like to see EDC operating in relation to a marketing plan?
Recommendation: That we authorize our staff and the EDC to go ahead and design a
marketing campaign for the next year and come back to the Board with proposals to
include budgeting so that we have it in time to discuss it with the Board of County
Commissioners at the May workshop. Mr. Titus suggested that preliminary numbers
be given to us as soon as possible, because we will be doing the budget for 2005 before
the May workshop.
Mr. Doyle moved for approval of the recommendation. Mr. Vasey seconded the
motion. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Florida Architectural Products – Update
Mr. Kirchner reported that during negotiations of the lease the cost of changing the
powder coating system to a wet system and tenant improvements would cost $21,000.
These things were covered under obligations of the Authority in the lease. Once design
work began for the changes, it became apparent that the cost would be greater than
anticipated. The shortfall is $13,000.00.
Recommendation: Authorize budget amendment for 13,000.00 plus 10% contingency
with the understanding that any of the contingencies not used would be returned, nor
will the scope of the project be expanded to consume the contingency.
Mr. Doyle moved for approval of the recommendation. Mr. West seconded the
motion. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Ordinance 2004-03
Mr. Palmer reported that the changes were exactly no more, no less than discussed
previously. Mr. Vasey pointed out that under the new ordinance we could be approved
for a grant, and then have the commissioners say no. Mr. Vasey suggested that as a
matter of practice, that every time we have an issue we want to pursue, we present it to
the Board of County Commissioners and if they want to discuss it and not carry it as a
consent agenda item, we have a place on the agenda where it can be discussed in a
public forum.
1. FAA grant funding to rehabilitate Runway 09-27 at Immokalee Regional Airport
Mr. Vasey reported that after a discussion with Luc Carrier, it was determined that we
would like to pursue funding to rehabilitate Runway 09-27 at Immokalee Regional
Airport. His reason for bringing it up today is to begin the process of informing the
Board of County Commissioners on our intentions. Mr. Peterka pointed out that before
the FAA will entertain the rehabilitation, they would need the latest inspection, and
pavement condition index for that runway. Mr. Kirchner reported that an inspection
was done 2 years ago. Mr. Vasey requested that staff look at what issues need to be
taken at Immokalee and what priorities we should be looking at. If rehabilitation is
not, then we should be prepared at the May workshop to discuss alternatives for the
next 5, 10 years. Mr. Peterka questioned whether or not the Authority had the option
of approving the individual who did the runway survey work within our contract with
Hole Montes. He pointed out that Hole Montes may not have the expertise to complete
such a survey. Mr. Vasey asked Mr. Peterka if he would be willing to review the Hole
Montes contract. Mr. Peterka replied that he would be happy to review the contract
and report back to the Board.
1. Immokalee Regional Raceway
Mr. Hester, Mr. Kirchner, Mr. Schmidt, and Mr. Vasey met with the County
planner. Mr. Kirchner reported that Mr. Hester can get a temporary permit, and
one was issued on February 6, 2004. Mr. Hester has not given us any information
regarding the improvements he plans.
III. Approval of Agenda
A. Approval of consent agenda
Mr. Doyle moved to approve the consent agenda. Mr. West seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
II. Executive Director’s Report
Mr. Schmidt reported that we are in the process of replacing the Administrative Assistant.
Discussions with Mr. Soliday have not gone very far, and the Naples Airport Authority
board appears to have lost interest. Mr. Vasey reported that lease processing information
has gone out to a party interested in building T-Hangars in Immokalee. Mr. Vasey also
reported on various projects at the Everglades Airpark, which may be a mute point if the
Airpark is turned over to Everglades City.
Meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
Prepared By:____________________________
Debi Mueller, Office Manager